Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-06-01, Page 2A 7 4 ..................... M. 101. np r, i 11... I s I.. 7 r N J& ....... . . . . . ... AOF 10ARR VL; INBSTS A X -S. A U wrl eensto Hat A ''I. ad, -- 1704110A Lift iR9 6-t K W004 any oxm4issu 941IM LE. for use ;n t.04 ok ihe i�, quaptity Some 1— lsolls,�41111jile I 9 6 cmov 444 Fu'r.1,04CA 4,00 Paint# aes bor, where she was aucliorta At Fo� Do' t The, 0144a, n, e, e edge of the eastern b4nk.' The A44P. equ44 W-4 paich frprif itteenstow rd Vi Ste4M.Or th A who nuinbe�ed 758, f Ll PTO N ,qjw '4T4vAerW11,' r. pqiop pa4sepgerpl, ,and IV I -en .truelc on A rock At Sinks rime, a run ' 0. -e appear.$ on Vtdxiesday during A fogt as oro, OPIXI A for "his: life., t.hei. A w qWqkly la d 'a$ K).110 Oitil),e 4itfor tho p The, EA wwpagsing Tht, ve withiil'A ile 014 L . I wotition the Home fficer OVER 2 MILLIOM PACKPtCES SOLD WEFY%L�f OLL"T e koirii Togo now resting at'� anchor close',to th, whielt, was_ws� -mar , 4� Who 0 ten rpW , 0 in off'.0 Irish. ciontingon to ops.Sen- tesiti thei bili 1 b with, 20.;Ifeeib f ges,., when Daunt Itop light upon tillb ,k -Ar, 4pr) Agddy, says cau fw h �D f and b so -of the� tr wa4r ei Im, compartmot. No loomd up 416* , 09 -Y the vqs*e, s way could be stovn one the Stea porwas hurt. ;gtnk k, - The, pas- When.*tb6ie iq, -dou. t 4 00 �YAS 0 N� Th§. first'that yras�, k)aown of Oie pd the.btg Ship !Z b bout any it lunchpon.4t th ojfe,',s. death, the pbst-morteva, e, RAN heoidept-was ,wh A �hb engerlit were. er linej passed aminatiQu Is the s f, t Wp in soxv st, , Yngloclir -�of COkk tim4 of arj*d qu�ckl DQa tbe',Ippolein. TbwWdy Roche int, " the head P Oy it, -e ship I�TES TIDBITS. rep, et. u on derck. T1 4APA U C hly -or y-_ ung on thp To s for a oh' ,The fo' art 1, t r op harbor, v mead#rc W f PRICES. 0 'dq4pAtch join, Mon 1 ci 107;� A,, tieA. 9ayj,: deep in e. water; h F: ... FARM, �TROR tchos, igh:'ifi­tbe adr, and' a� Filet of Raw as., scra "IN A ly hi Id. off- into 4e�,p wate. hales Sea would be lik6 Er. Xicho (Uegt*en thir ter sl'*., rjsb,, W THN 01,00, �was.. . , - -.h stat�, P -gs z djLAn�, -Trunk Rail, 'to with. large Apeture in S ri If l to:oa�dsd, 'd *AY on'Thufsr I the loard. It -�'otbekWlle healthy� pols�.'� she had &'dAngeirous in oqkinglist, d 9 oa 1;6pasts. dy System,:p4soe rough the- One of. the . ',E ,Lt the'body-4s 't 46, r' poll �and,'t reatened I s a s h fini I,— Art Inior . .... ay�Tnigh"t his h6md. in, p6hit si. forep ot. d'' h rroir re 'IV An of Japan is' 4 filtr of raV TRA D E CE N RE$ OF' on Is. - liatural Y: qusp�.00 .f served, with ',-4oy �iud C h.and certaip. other p4rts-Aro he 1�molro� And, t. AMERICA. then �pl iYorAd Cliatlei -t, the age'of 79. He. 'of free. bo,&rd Ab tho,)inor. CApi Potter Athe Grand'water iiul�q cated. what a 'his officers however, were p Ash stoma �ouj, eugi.peor�, before, h monts'. This, dish, though. highly re- 4cid lil glhss J ars,. ;A) pro r fifty' na r had �t -elose"the bulkhed,-and heoommexided'by both Japan.6ge and to! this. analyst. Trurik. *as,: built,* and for ove r pw escape t eXuliArder. and sent b fr 0111 disaster ight. c6m, r sh o -water w fined to the. 'detec �ies has, ..bef- '19yed, y that The �vatert u f as d6n AS, ilized ce, an, - orwa n . 0 1 1 n, ar ces _o co�npany lvQ)2, par me _1 c. 'C 'by Grak 0 V1 -ANADA9 kl; confiii.64 cers were, y JORSSli o d. 66 ­bust of adV ow �eir the and the:-* W es� on twelv* #dt 1-3 Ofikir Prod' 1he in6uih.�.;xnd. hroat, ia i in, be syitbnl And bad riev6r bid- an to,'the forw . ho.td tho passengers of. th al And - anip will a 4 Ard eating btack,sfaino',� But Abb effects - o _04�W d --Wfib'- thds- rin'kV2 den- The capiainw,b ---his Idamag,.l -tho,m w. S,, -40 _,!QA d -rought. n e. nia Stratfod arid'Fort trit' d'' ' *I �Afely'ifito the inixer'hA I,b d.- udd.ha§,Iheen, appoin�t­ as ar I I MI.. e vessel S oar To however' of Oteir eating'Uv� oy- S LIKE T11�08E OF DISEASI� "th, it �jccuj,e, td�, t_h.ej4, a:;d, it mo b R�use's -'Point nd al R�view,- a -the frel L. pito oil rs- i to'be made, m, $AidQr 0 y a. iays the� Orieni ihii khaft ��tlp� T ovii, Springs. H�e had be-�onor -ol driv-. 5' 0., seco a. itts, C6 kit VOX16L L is. at oa Ln ing the: engine -V Jeait Alle-ilalyst begins his examina, 'Sco arace than the, e Eir 96, tioll -by' making a f Mrhich 'first," brought e ej a n tThe— 'P th na bl' 93 C(brews boiling,, filtering,: and Departme ng Edwaxd,. 2 0,-9 2 ublid. Wor" nt, Ki f OJ 0-: 0 4-0 .1 be equ�ll' iigta. e�An llj'r,teild6rs%for iv,�rk in Wales, into Xoni eat—No. 2. rod.'85 t Ca 01. t niAriti6u& .014 - I I distillin'i the marder h -e igJnveW- St.,,JQhn barbor,-approx-iniating fiv4D It is'likely thii%v ite; 4t 86% outsid6. Me ery'fe* E�Iglish' Brie U4 ing thi, ariey r rees gating. He uses, diii q ti dollars., GIRL -BUR ID ininal. peple'kn-ow that tile 'fisller� folk Qats—Ontafio' irades, -37 1,2'to 38% oot6 yajious."age a IASI," as th�y ire call- 8�TEAR-OLD Fidet", for, N.o. 2. and at 3.9 1.2 to 40c on ee I De�ce ula ibh'L UaiM' alon ngigoers, have b" 11.18ent,.out.to ndants.: of z6unt'.� M g the )evonshire coast Are AC- rack, Iroroijto .- No -2'IV C, oats, 396�!�vndTdd --Wbich� se�arate- the or vi- complet t e na, Str�etjojj ay ports. the surwy f d to eat laver, an Ui � e cloyssts, of . poisons.' This wbrk' of- Corn—No. 5 �Americati yellow 56 to, om WintitipegAd onge, -seaweed and- 96, thin. 'it -very odd s6 l,.2, V �orts t t k days of --con* anii labor to �t -A ell 4 4 es st ',gabla �canal -fr, th Coul Uld nege-sho use �cer- ices-, xc;untains - by Peas tawa e, o ini'the"t" ing- accor A. espatch from hue pr sic S�askatchewap ver.. tain sedweeds, ar.tiOesoi diet. Buck.wbeiii--Ndthing: 6fforing. -rig to the kind Of Pbi.�on In.a:1ze'near Fort Coulon- As an I . I . .. . .. I 'IS TopOr ini says'. ied that, the t e M Que.; A despatc4' froln I ivally Sent to -8%eria for 20 yea Fer�s, burdock fil. bag 'for , t m,�, bingL much.eA - I, A Beri .... $ Q:ronto� ' - the t - Lei I ins anc QV Con awhi _y_d_s,14ortp 22 to .$Z3, bgs Ili-, B -,h -Q- s -'-in bage,. T r ct. t t asb�irg,, Pa", -ai�d- . -coMp ier t' &f -e _tban inin ven ion a ti n, M 'to o �occupied 6y two sntar Im 0, .0 fa Eliiabieth - Peter III.,. ded -t Griiad Trunk -men, xianied qsiafes if Ill r defenant in A- sixtt iw, whioh $2 Q pay 116 `reiii'st0ement er t 4e enjoyed_. by is'mixed. �diugfiter of the f<)xm'er,., agwe, three 000' 00 is, t suake-.-' Tile, �-O RY PRODUCE, court. while d ?0 eat 'powe P Russian "if, disti o ars Lu 6 r at. ry Z he. silk, w6rm� the, ch alis� of t, With aci .an gaxsj p � I . . . .1 �. �sw 7 shed.� -fire� had. mp.loyluent'- ay� w'hb t. th 6 _The gpb�l, headw disco sold AIT In t it 'Field A the ra L-8 ". , I . I a ex er4w-; an -a 41� put: Lulualup� ..UL VU0 GRI VLU Burkhaid 'Christoph'- -',iroll- rtiei to -Munhicb, s: go ap n are Aure' to.:sho dozen pe $1 7& to save, meNtIlic one. -Ili this, in - pi 3sibilitigs, p ds�M'Add a numC 0 Small c'hilrft Zi Iii Chifia. anq J ozen. ng �Sav tw, Munnich� 'upon v oe I. . . . . . - - __ _ I . 11� .`uiry the, f ese rr4d VECStL %6at_a�ops- nn _i7e� btaine possession §9 to 'Sio 110 0006etions, caeh� -of, which wa aji t 0Y L I ..Ar -ot 14 a lnner.in IxonOr ..or OV 61 b9Y s rescued by Ugen�,xn r f 'the iesta-tres lisli, an nilc' d frbgs'-ippis, aes Ill r urn, ntia;e 't(- reach the or. child..: LL A f4CAun J:.1 n, e' tle �sd the- ance for,thb -Priassian 'Crown. cat 'I Preinie' ill" 4ssian !Alli -oth which a ec per of 'd -*I a ices V iku d gg-race'i' now that they fia..th al Ai6ed mentiorled abiov�-.;, - Sh�, S n 14, h 'W' j n f, acrieties a ultr r I d, 15 0 c per ep, a .,* mo ion regard-, Her cha ema-i eallin chickens. 6 per ib. I r bic the� creatio a - , , .: . ` 'Aydrochloric" wci Is e access eir e U of, e 111 vl�" of the Empr g im�erial 'the� ri�lins aftei the firwe% . ; eis 'Of Are ab.le'to. r e th tsoup, edib e� nest tilh id. bh I Iver caus-ea. by lightni4g... oppe ill. Edidb6th,00f an&'*4s, sen� ineage.:,. Th�y intp­ tio-. -s eure� e re fanied, carefullS,;.dr 4& ggs a ar 'io AL 'DATAY .".51RKETS tlez� to._ e -ex 44tgld.. Hewas-- iLe ourts. luxuries,-..: the last 'Itam'': of which _niercuj�y,.Lor ead S.�) Lg� poNV2 E E� MET DEATH 17N tor--r-rbalky. prints 17. to. I c, ffiterf6r- equa to: -the; A.rdngett Crea Z. to M per lb for� 'der,141ormed. If- not iing. appens, wery -h e, en r�-ov -th _tjis�!Lx:ij�y -aigain.-with '-dth -.,has u corfditionaV ly-,, resigne I , - a,n of -for-separatot printe- PQe er or, -tahi',itoups of m4als.. CL. gen s-f6i cei neryes.. se lots to 19o' p�r dozeii,, 'Earth and' -2" to. lZa in a; jobbi Aces a c Thebutl6ok-in'Portuga becolil-, C ' as I I , liff. way' At laSt'he not li;tnge, aixd overnmen r' is -a ter tioal. fkoin -Sault., Ste. ay Eie.et a X Vom Ajftgr.Y, --h ft morp cri onno One.Sayed Fatfi6r knows 'that'tli' j,)�ison L Ojlt.I SAYS Ok b.olon io� one -'of -thre 'four.. AS A,+ despatch. h sa f rom c aar� 10 We.mj 1-2, per 11: Lodoii says; 0 Dv.e. by. his Mirici SENTEN-16 9ERMONS.: Louis .. inie, A 'N 6 m6at to Th )f__Wory,� __OV er It"e-A HO.G.P, DUCTS 94 RICOT,:,$ATIN� ' , .- , �. ­_ —,-- -.1, an -instanci� his search shows that twentV- vre. years in al,:7, - t h ".froML , tt age jh I. le espg e -A despatch 0 dis *ithin u 'the poison, is either,ars in, o kwa I ipe 4 9,zo; d nic,-ji r cs_9� _0 70. L a the as c ef -pickled rb gi -w oil ell ine on 'It *AE thAt cut, 123; 'learned'on ednes h '� onferrtA the,�Alb' f King G6 as Birij WaS. L —Lijht t miumi He b orgelisjhlrd Court Thursday. Iffe Haniii oo`nxediuxa 15c, do., hea ri, Ing for a the GoveirnMent has uxider-congid- Medal of, thI6. gecoind clais on', A -now -to' at Your b6di" __116_ �� b airi -sr me.- strong the j'a _tjon.:�of' 2, A-9 i 0 onra and finds -the -pow e th Ilant'As. thti Others. blast: when .,A:portion of 4�arth And, -,*aii6n' Vitable h sbized a templei of God.—Sa'Jnt'J 'I bacon '16'th, 176'; ba0s,: is: t,6,1 a! s Bia Pau d r in a aV7 inei rial Fitzgei Ill, lilad bull, -b�, the hni':aind: saved 1704- between the 1 149 'inspector re -cries London., sAyst he 'e; �b AdLa rd,�- 14p- Tjercqs, 10c; -t 9 10, a carried': him-- of t inj.�Gorie?'s"ithird Court- held, on -NOW CER gave way and. -with and- the-otherk�menibex-s ustihat -the'r'e�-ir; -a od it., H4'was about'the chest Moun L ted. Police /Whr6- r67:` Q- od nea private d TAIj�.OF'ARS. ell gored by-theLaniinal. bor in-: Wednesday night, was similar in cently peri4�,ed oil the patrol ,S 'AT fI03% TREAL. u w- eing is� spy, pal. rib were bro ijild he o.r hanging,'. 'on -"his w esi e.s -rt er!wn Dawson.' w1h6o climb"ed 'A' -e,have. in our min s a-ci Wq9tern, No. 2j .41 41 14�; car' lots brilliahee to Ki�n 'd. ttho i"i-ha&-p Vo Maebb, ine it� The g appear 'here.' T ;'moVeiE up er. Way at g a narr)w guttO ce a Wo. I feed 40 I -t to' 40 344, a t Veyood all'dubt A re�ort, r4iceWe I 4&g 8 he first Len inboi;� k' -9�� Of P far 064 �h Vr 3 .,40 to 40'14c, X6. 2 locat *bite' of'an e Brit-. s ,ground an resbudd, n6*led jh� t Ix or'' even mpn hhd been. jWinoto .,;v .11 t 012 the of s'is Navy, w R6'the.! Queefi 'Wot n_ - feeling R our 39 1-2 to -39 .3-4c 39 te fdmoua.special !test f�r the,ar"senic' e a of - It a Mori ment to tell 6. The GW! is n .39 3': Wal white, 4'110�al­white, 38 to 30 .. I* ed. tho, ini'll, an,vi ;i?1.0 th The' his receiv�6d a: �'earts asHis work's are efore. our `knowii. As Iloinsch's, and'this he thb, d6a& heroes in anwe,�. Ap is apricot �iatip with A Twhite kill syum I, . Spri n k r a tents, fi'rst s, 'go. I;f!- . itob. de Saint-Piorre, 35A- db'�; -amond.. 94-80, Wirlter 6f 6e -ent7 e Po strong p satn traM_,ejjjb' ideredi_W d 'iyhexic I Ther �rri­-t ve­tegt-tube-� 0�*�&i�nin 'miy, be As6d to e re , . , . .-Ii iries. : A ro it Ard f r40M. rig is If p(i �'Gp e'dft tbi toria but it,i Y straight'rollers, pmio'6 do., 60 in' bals, VM- to, S.Z. RoUed.bats-Per bar who... is a- WIS.-fizLE arone , T=TEEN Di. is mew with hy;drochic4ic. Acid. ..A e lly.­ Wi�ed Among . the �66 Temains no other sourde than Aliii 'sister �qif�_the.l te:-Cicil: Cliaice th .gpnera . . - .,_ . ­ L I . . - I I rL roppe trel S 5S b. f -lbs tor sm.'all pidde of dopperis d' d a in ray, of C I 10110ii vo is asked brutil, tyxiiin6uj fpice.L Duty.ne .0 oaviat6�killed_retenily, appeared, in Mr. j e Itatt ", eialg hiare that it anyI ELL DEAD-. ant. 1 .31 "U I G R AN'T 61c' I the liquid warmed. Arsgt. —Maziini. ran, 'Ontario, M, Manitoba, in- r b copper are;- madly'i�--.lovo, _�ra d a Pla t4e,.- SjIff6A'SCVefe' *6uld- like o ide jud one so, SZ3; bortr ofr;D* ar iamenvit will )3e ;fo r issues from, t"t. J)6: m6ilrW]ig' jotied 7, 'fj �'of .. a memorial, on by -8231. t,Wotnan Ex.oirod at 'h gelf-controlj-� �Tr,#sh, 'OL I- each -otll�r d' I .,an every s4oL N61 It 14 '21. f--2 ina tube,fl No co 41- di=ond'Ltia-ra. A '-&sOateh , from Carleton the� Domijiibn Government pr;6bab t F I oron er ,a§te,, equit t P_ ames- r io that -ijere is �1 q, -o -ly- at the Mounted. Police�- per S it abo . . :. . ; 1. ut, miles rom V,�.�PL.dfrina.; 'A, d 'p God; at lea -A speak dis, es ith. b 0111 eiec. says. y -L' a _B% rug - ere coat third-diass in 'Mrs.- 8arah T W33, ,fine cows, r.- k rjA 1710 -TED TATES X.J -is tak<�ri, ot, wa God is with. e finn, av M So. Tb, 'a c2opper: thee within thte. , fLeir- 11114d'.0 -to-ethi� when a, r, on e. s R yal-. 1` 36 Wbeat, r o. IF" say,- ue USP. 1,1" Dismounte.4 to 1Exk4yre:Co�AhjpV,-of L il'* that the, piiest sitiSi n& in. glass, tube. Mi. Rat6ii bas P -pp e in, 9 after mb 99 14e X*, i Nt-.kiern 'd AVAjA- -W -44c, F, 'r. *L NN- e re gration shedsjust Jhirouv: jrfom,]� btdiour ark .5 %5&0, o. e. '34 ars, be leads us:j�, 04� is lif) froML n S2 L �Ys' �ie, frojn� n, �'vessel -on nesd&3,,,, A -h-out N;o_ 3 y.iiwl 2 tZ is, to, the A', deipatch to n(r6 n S0 Russia yelit :Away an g000l Man wit Seneta". 94 s f6ilud, clinging in drYsta, k�jj I is I I .. - tiAt *ere �A. 114t rio quite afteradon,at ft-ve u'clock., e ..was. 62", g ass�'- Thi.�- test is 1,28 i"611soni UillQd. Whit the ilot.v what %c. Bran, 3214* to M While' Du*ek!ri, Adu setiou�sI;, As nea-rik 'All were first-, ..g<.)Ijlgl,to.MeetL a faikily-nia' t6r.'of th6'lat6 Sir Jos. Dureeft,.' it --more th�tn on6i Intitd-rot- ifillch tows art, iL _uat :b the*s inVor6into. He Ing i y de�Ark 4 0 f Zly -to n e t at, suppo. 77 - - ----- Word --has reach'da., her h ral. i:F, in :Youjw, a SaV9 e "I hej­ horse' :bolte4 onMg Ill..% state, az�,l *ba It i's e s� to n Ana ys t. a, gen .41� hor, situated VeAth 4 -of. Orosd Ltj�lqj U, be.' n irm3l, God is in the� W,10 X- orrb. 6" to �-task,is not all -he �-a, 'sustained Kin- rlge�, whoi, wia' 'a' pa50- e --an rellgib, are,_ SkU -i - has eem bxer a4 f -Ru Asia� GEST gi n is -xio eundred and Reli� on 'horlseback -a6 the -ed aviJitanche. One h neithe'r -is an TY7�1& t d, of ffi,� b acitfitT taiffl d 0 0 recall ire ver 017�igjl p i ob instance f this. inay"b n ur h6i. in _7_Biitai.n's,jCraek Dreadnovighti 'the f6od.nor the of bu enqu Mou ted'-azii SoliCit of,any sbri. js-�nh fu�r�jot tie; h' i;m- corrosvi ?,to: p 6igoning� T byls�Oldimj jxWAlia'at "a espa rom it 410X;S�J4 ll;f T i1L A -d'' London saysi,� (tt Ri V A.K: I B I _N GREECE. uspen, - .% EiRT DonaW. 1.2 :"-rgc'6rf ' ' ' fi'. I , I �. � S-ritish Pri4 received a - isCr in the - �S.Se, :, .!, ", s- : if U ST 'NOT AY OVERIONDl). f-miz � & , /) � �awdl, 1� We caimqt Ut ftllzu�ty� 1: Aialey. of and. he' that 9 1110. ".,God ilstt'! AoUS� Conirnong.on mi6t,66k the butitle of a u ro-,- ny Ilouse-5 lato'r& ai�jej JnL a Corowiti6o- A Aiiiknoon- when., the. Ri'ht., Ron. �1;14_'VA .. - . � .,!W, . . L 11 1 -red -fo - A­zgail a � W 4 F 31 9 hi ibe tib� repa .0 ld McK�nna*...First 1ord ,of mi IL044 A de -pal Pays- f.xFolort Th6sailor's mixture wits nnal�sqd A� troin Atlien-s' a A in'.re� A desj�,aich from age Tro 5. s, tcladod tay�t, oecurrd -rat a.question, that,64� Vnited S contain c And * fo UD' d t 60osive sub, limatb. The dnalyA Thea 16 Notice vas gizen In t6 tise Of 1.deura.- eir -one o Aattjeshjp-De3a*;ire: wwill'-. be, t. 15., ip,at the Ci6r4aiYi.on nairii quan i lea preseni, n IS'e, ov!o Conlimblisort Wednesdd� fhat �)Jr Joy Vp V�v aured tl ttodoe Ld �06' larg-eWsh d lye' jyj t1je o tI J�IlPj'�,Ilf�t, 4(ljf filly th At, its 1.4n gt rt, ved and a .16rg�, rerje w- - suipa avla rs MM flyihg over 1"Ondo i;ned. V 6j, YJ .41,!. grains o_gn ounce o.. JI kluiing CbtoilaLion,week. Th hl �I� she �blp, th6 N70�tuze. If liq id jytl� wh4i Aratijbit:eb ind,fiftedw, c' the nt�i Aeid Club.hds alnad� giveid n i de. io qua �4.bng- vnne 0 _n 'to the 8'a,m fi so r fliesvetthe A D I 'ON HA ded. Thi r n j!,,. su RGL D t,M be ij�lmv tj�on, was taken btLiase of e citydurfng this p�eriod I f)). 46Y f that any rnembe of apro dubs, who E. 0 C' A, i clothes with a �,danjer 'f Ino o . tile t 'd, of n t ots., A P p PRIN GRIL14 V e , Wh st e of �the gri Vpablic squ CODO, Hi hnd Otit -in :a 9 .6c ati t3 th pwll ofUlle live, d'wator� With the aiJ of 'the A car S �,f 4 eXPdft'4 as t, (liflon -B WT Yield -at 200,0001 0100 It R-lif d And. n 00 ot pain't br, ir. 04 ath from Halifick, IN. k ly ivalh 61 t, A, desp �A Aospoa W I. V�Uat� vx �,,p DP 011 o official,. atnoxincenitnt 1 hoi,� teb fri *1 I ell A�cejiAinj to It r. W ill made ­but I is. pre y w f -thatL �tht b�,qia for a 'settl��: -and A knc�wn + U, 0 ill hut; - h tke IL CoAl r 001Y tile bare of' 14, mt of t 6 Springbil minerg". P jh' P, Nir ter n is uril Rix,l, the"residenc4a f L 4tirike'has, beei6eaAed. It 40 Ve n r, novot, 46' to oth hot -Sykes, werp detstood to be toffipr6mf b�t jolew -Ir A 00, ''tit Olff 411 ifi b I With Ito, given 'sai< J'J�j "X 4A, 101.41INH, fj, i n t the -bl6o& of; &te Sit 1, 'r the resul t Is, and f, th, ont the aivar4 of the-, bti�bejs, to tjjj�,, ,piiintings 6 tr'ol� that'of P) (Pti 010 mammal., — ----- eb %-altw�o crop Pr'aifie I iy* ono.kind'of ''a' h 'L t 0 is A man , it "torL..-b- : piet nds. e�l y1­1"Ildft� "it �ng ti�atdjoni, in in,, ng K'_ unn )y 0 it wid. too, ge MI, will, ap�irlldtnAte �ivo h,undqed rpil- wera ftv(,rxt46 tie* r it, ued gto��wo:ntgy t tnorithso' )Vby�o said th .... .... ..