Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-05-11, Page 4• w
u rc as. �Bicycle
e . � _ou u . e �� slo '
ou ;know for a fact that t: is the ve y
�� OiS
best that e�, possibly ; lu
a canT
lis money y Pa � ....x.. t
old xlot::1�e , „. „t else. .and beax'
X �
7the''Hyslop ,_name:. Your asurance,
--21-years-of-absolute-reliability, ,_ 'and -a,-
res `onsibilit behind it that :eliminates
every pclssible-'risl «-,Hyslop liicyeles,
a. i e ed-:. -i e, h greatest a
l�f?tn� tQgM1I_.�� ..._...
.our t o foal. -round efficiency at apopular
o... #' i n y -
price, and are built on `lines of absolute
thoroughness.. n
Send' . at . once for illustrated Folder,.
and see the surprising valus' we have
-- to ..o a before. Investing in. a wheel ..of
any sort«
Shuterand Victoria :St=. TORONTO
t!cintow *atilt
Weis, Thur 4ay Morning,at.
• know,
iaRo , Ont.,
SVBSCxttrEI0N PRICit--$1 �5 per annum
d n advance, n
><# Pod. i ad ,Ace, �I,QQ- per Minn=
A1L U S;'sn cOptione;$'1.5Q •per>Snnum
' ,trimly in advance.
H Advertising' Rate�g.*�-I egul- ;end -other
,c astral advertisement£• ;8c; ; per nonpariel
line for first insertion,._, 3c, per line for
each subsequent: insertion,
R A�..D"_,.; 7�R�.'aNztIi•....,..,.-7-..:...,.:...x
Editor and ,PublisherY
, Advertisements. in the local: columns
are charged 7c per line :for first insertion;.
and $c: per line• for each subsequent in.
sertion, regular advertiser's Sc per, line.
Co .. poli.
Contract made known..on a
cation. .
All.hend•, set display' advertisements'
and changes, of :adve tisements mast •be
in -the printers'' handa not later that
6' p.m. on , Monday 'of 'the week for,
which. intended.
THt R I ABY„ A . MAX. 11, 1911
" ' We have carload of the best Cleveland
oiled 0
- -. coiled.: ;wire.. POULTRY NETTING
m two to sixfeet in heiht. WIRE GATES we. ' have .. them
Always on•'hand-We.handle. Durham' cement,
the best On the 'Market.
• Roofing. season'will,soon be on
aro d..� oofiy„
11,•w-Paroidnos . proven itselfto be
the'beat reedit roofing ori the market;' : It is made 'by manufacturers.
rho hive .a.:,httndred yeare'_ex' ,fence ...::Irmakes-_a. _roof_..that.°.:.wi11_
t tny, owing for ° i sir4anov ndlposittvol l,not :.le,.k,--
It made in one'ain two1
>is •r�
,Ynts,;Yarnshesµp Ana;
e`carry art
as, we
floors nils
'rite TnomikiE J 4 Me Ice..
The negotiations,., between the rebel': t.
leaders and„ the government" of Mexico
Wed to lelad' to a permanent Understand
big, rm tile. stru le, broke out fiercer-
ihan:.ever Iv the ,end of aist week. The
old p resident evi. entl has discovered
P, d y
that' there '•is truth publie sentiment
+I►ga lst him,islatest,'niove.'is a'state-
merit that he wilt resign a is: soon as "peace
is restored,. The rebels are not disposed
to take, tb ofi'er in good faith, for, since
the. failure of the. ,.peace: ►ilk:10 tions,
they appear tobe' inspiitied• with •new
vigor 'end are concentrating their. .floor
In the direction of the, capital. city, ft
may be expected; however, that the part-
: ies to the quarrel having once discussed'
terms of'settlement=their will presently
be. able to get together again, .and that
:we, shall hear•. of •a settleinent. in the
near future; It is likely that the: teals
of settlement will include the retirement.
of the old here• ofnian), insurrections.
In his day .President biaz wast"a good
man f or Mexico; 'but under; his: rule: the
PeoP-let •
have made .more progrees,.thati- he
'has;; lie grew old and+conservative while
the nation,' constantly renewed, kept
A WAY OUT Young and. progressive" Diai was not
always behind,his time. Indeed. it is a.•
factiof • reat`intere thaiit`in' h s out
4i . � t y. h
iter was the movingirit and :the ill..
P m
taryleader ina movement that over-•
threw a despotism'" mores crushing thar>�
the one that 'has: developed under his.
own: system and that .he is fighting • to
maintain,':': He will pass, as Santa Anna
pas deg b fore' him d new and. better
order will be ushered in.
we -require- that_allthings- be mysterious-,
an unexplora e' hat`lati ahs sea be-
infinitely wild, • unsurveyed and ' un
fathomed because unfathomable. ;. We
can never :have enough of : Naturo..._ . We
must be refreshed by'the sight of inex-._
austible vigor; vast and Titanic features;.
the sea -coast.'' with its: wrecks, the wild=
sen'ses-wit -�itelivin iii&d:;:
h g n ecayin-gtrees
the thunder cloud,;and the. rain which
lasts three_wgeks and produces ,freshets.;
We'need to witness our owil'limits trans=
greased, and .some -life pasturing .freely
where we ` never `;.wander"—Thoreau
\Walden _
w 't_ '
d ho
. w ur
parhrnentarana at' Ottawa were going
to spend the summer in fighting; out ' a'
dead lode—"the Opposition stubbornly
obstructing the course of business with
a; view to defeating thereciprOeity agree-
• meat; and the . Government' supporters
-as-rsiubbo uiy-holding-out i. fort: Sir
.Wilfred had announced his: readiness to
forego his trip to: England rather than.'
give up: the fight at home on condition's-
that .meant the• -abandonment -
.. . , _of -: �hs-
his -
policy. Po y. • ��
A way out of, the difficulty has been
fennel that will 'give' the statesmen a
breathing Spell and permit the , Premier;
to attend the Coronation and the.
Aerial Conference. Parliament is toed-:
jenny oil-- :May 23, and. will ' not-n-eet''
again until , towards` the ...end •of July.,:
Inthe.interval.Sir Wilfred will .attend;
,; of the Western
"Tlus ie'a wlse'Ingve ;'on the`�part °of;
the Opposition • leader."' The_ object, of.
course, is to ascertain .as far as.. possible
the prevailing opinion of 'the West on'
the.reeiprocr ity'agreement. • ' If; ..til the:
e mirse of this tour, the western• .farmers,
convince Mr.. Borden that,' .at the'.' next
till Belief these: If you bave.any, painting to do, call on,
've a•' ati e oflors choose from that is n-
8t youra g co to u
yyour f urniture woodwork, �linoleume,, varnished or .paint-
i �re-touching,''we can' give du. ei actl what' you re uire. .
::The=se rt- wee in = peon, and --1 -:is-art-�
... alta . a! t
.�' P g Po
�541e doubtedly a great boon to the' housewife on
sweeping slay, as;<'dll that'elettd ofzdiist`that•Otlierwiso "would.rise dna
settle on curtain,;furniture etc ;is kept -to the' floor and gets out 'of
the room "'..It will' also keep away that; dreaded Buffalo Moth.
rou needa new range -call and, examine: the •Imperial
Oxford the .Queen o£ all Ranges.,
COAL OIL -12 and; 14 cents' per gallon -CASH.•
J1UNk:eth.,ean •S
Scranton _Coal, uiham Cement, 'Paroicj Roofing'
,THE' TIME. • Is-
To buy your Oxfords and StrWSlippers.
Kid, Tan and Chocolate Oxfords, also
• the best is good enough here.
A3WORD TO 'FARMERS:, ur heavy.
- money can buy. Prices. from $1.5o up to.
$4.00 give us a chanae plesse you.,
REPAIR4:77Our repair' departinent has now
fie Scarcer Yet ,
In discusSing the dear*. at -tea' biters
. for the schools, Tbelitnes'representa-
tive learned fyoni Inspector, Bald 'that
ittert 4, the' opportunities of; -keepiug.
those chers they 'have end of angag-
ing a soon as possible. . The' inspector
6th Of ere were six teachers
Who *ould leaving,. Some, of cents°,
yvetil.4 "go to normal, but ot,hers were
election, they will be a considerable.
factor; and that they'"in s ,nbueine i
now as well as when they visited.Ottawa
last winter, we may expect that .On they:
reassembling of Parliament.; there will;
be a sudden' collapse of: the - obstruction,.'
and the reciprocity bill be alloyed to go
through in short order. On' the other
hand cif ,:Mr. Borden concludes • that Ms
present course has`a .considerable` bak-
ing among the :westerners, the present"
Course will likely be continued, and the'
fight may drag on for' months.
A couple .of weeks ago 'the Canadian
Minister of Railways. and Canalslet the
coptraeto:f building ,a,ateel. bridge across
the St. Lawrence. River net,:far ,from
Quebec City. This is the 'new.'Quebec
Bridge, "new" because itis to take the
place Of the one that, on August .29;
1907, while in :course" of ,erection, col-
lapsed and, fell into the river's :carrying
aibout 60 meti:vvith it. "'"
In some respects this: new bridge is 11
the greatest structure of the • kind ever
designed, the centrespanbeing. 90 feet
longer---thau c that=of "tired 8 rei'
t °`Foith
i idge in 'Scotland, which, up :to the.;
present, 'holds the record. This centre
span'is ,1800 feet long; the same as 'the
span of .toe bridge that: fell; but the'
design .is changtcd, with a view to greater
feet shorter, and the anchor -arms are.
longer,in proportion, to the total length.
The total length of the steel framework
is 3,238 feet; at the king -poster it is 310
feet high, while. at the;lowest_parts_,it;is_
70 feet in height. The cantilever arms.
and' the.suspended•span are to be made
of nickel steel, the remainder of ',carbon
'The floor of the' bridge will be ;150
abOvd' the watet of the' ,which,
there, is 209 feet the centre.
, Thid great bridge is on the- Transcon,
tlie St. Lawrence Itiimii;but, 'of course,
other roads will have the privelege ef
enough to accontodate ttwo railroad
, The contract for the steel work '14.8
St, "LawrenCe: Bridge Conipany-.-itt,
tender of $8,650,000: This,. with the
the tOtal cost Up to i4Vinit•-.$1t,006,000,,
ready foQraftle by 1916.
weat,—Nrt Elgin
"Our village hfe�would stagnate
were not for the' unexplored meadows
which surround it. We need. the .tonic
"Of wildness,,—to. wad•e .. sometimes in
marshes where the bittern and :the-
meadow; hen ,lurk, and hear the booming'
of .the: snipe.;,, smell thea whispering.
sedg where only some wilder and more
solitary foal builds her' 'nest,: and the
`miiik crawls with its belly close .to 'the,
ground At'the same time that we areearnest to explore and learn all things,
Of Kidney Disease; Aided, by rather
, MorriscXrad
r bl is .o of .the. Mo. xis'-
ItiidneY"t ou_ e _ne .
tressing ailments of mankind. -and leads;
:to backache and rheumatism. This is
because, of the' importance of The work
�done-by the kidneys,,... -,work. -which must
proceeds normally to •Insure• good health.
A very large proportion of civilized
people have some form of kidneytrouble,
inetimes nrithout-•kno�. illg'-t i:tt- trheir
malady is of that nature. Many obscure.;
pains. can often be traced • .to. diseased
kidne s, `. •
These organs pre the -filters of the lion.;'
Their function is to strain out of the Blood
and eliminate through the bladder the
worn out tissue and other. impurities
gathered by the blood in its course:
When the kidneys• become congestea •
and_sluggish, these impurities, including
the irritating and poisonons,iirlc acld; are
not entirely removed from the blood.
The -result is that the uric acid- is deposit-
ed in the joints and tissues, causing the
„agonies of rheumatism and: • frequently
affecting ;the liver and other organs:
Father Morrisc q,,; the faniojis priest-
pliysician of Bartibogue, N.B., after much
research , compounded' a ' remedy which;
worked hand in, hand withNature,''' ••klis
doctrine, justified by .thousands of cures,
was that. the iieed is .not a patchwork
relief, but a. treatment that will enable
the forces of. Nature,. working. through.
the:. kidneys, to accomplisli.. their intend
ed work. .
His famous prescription, No. 7, assists.
the kidneys to'work„va orously and -
inate the harmful uric acid' from the -
whole system:, In the form pf tablets
Nn� is easy to take,:'and will effect.ctire,
where; other ..remedies have failed. 'Do:
not:, trifle with kidney disease, but take
No, ' 7 Tablets, the treatment ;that has
proved so successful with other,'sufferers.
50c a box, at .your. druggist's or from.
Father • Morriscy Medicine co.,
Montreal,' Que. , 98
�-h. r' r i r: -May = tba
A full -stook -mammoth Alsik A'lfalt¢a Cloyer •
. 1 y � t � .
hand, Cal and in ' t .o r.
and C is Tim th Seed on n
lto . e _.o •, Y . ,, : , . l and epee . u_
stock and et our rices before .purchasin T s '
GarioW100 s--a-nd Dutch Sed ;Onions
TBuy `early and make sure of your supply, „
A line. of fresh G Focer elw ton ".and.
e$ . ay _ . h
Fl. ur` '. Bran,�o Chop,Barrel,
Sh its • ''Oats
Salt and Coal. Oil.
kinds :,.Qf Traduce. Wanted;
And „.son Block•
-il l
P.._ol..e ?;
Father Morriscy's Remedies
craehlir „ ,
nowt . The • leading mercantile;
houses' Of Canadaandthe United
Ste,rtes-recognize our -:efficiency
The- Spotton
Business Coll •
We sell_ their full line u line ' of .s ;cin " goods : consisting./Of"
P �',.
Drag, and *Disc .Harrows, Spring= Tooth ,Cultivators,'
Spring Tooth Seeders, Hoe' :and' Disc Drills `Steel
P g n s , Rollers . _._,
We have „a:, ood qu' �1 of
g Government! Standard •
es, ,.. Ar ►r; Re A-ls m o•
`�` i , m ani ` ucercie•
Have given thousands of young
people a' good` start in: life. We
can assist you. s'
uir" ome Study
Offer .,unexcelled . • ad vantages to
those •wlio'cannot'", attend. college._
Full' particulars upon'` inquiry:
Jaynes Curwen died...on -.Wednesday
last :at the ripe age_of_78 years:: The
funeral took .plaee on Saturday after-..
• Jesse Mountain moved his house
hold effects .to - Godorich .this':.week,
wh•ere be-and•his family will reside.' :
• ¥re and; Mrs. Beling;e havei taken.
•up residence in Thos.. Smilie's°house in
-the' village...' We welcome Mrs. Ben.
inger. to our midst. Congratulations
The many friends of Edwardur.
•ni'` .b
n,. who has ` been' home for some
time owing to sickness,, will be,glad to,.
hear he has abOnt 'He re-
turned to:the Toronto University last`
The RiVer Valley Creamery has'
!_ftgaik.eommenees:Fopenitionr. the
season.- .Last -we-eV-nos, Ellisitt,- the'
146,1' painter, applied paint ta ' the
churris,...ete4:, 'men. With,: their. team's,
',11n -Jesse -Grey -who recur,' it -they
'Posed of his farm on the-• 4th', eon. ef
Ashfield to W. .11, • Maize, has pur-
Clinton, on the 9theon; of Goderich
.township Mr, Grey will mace. te.
-hienewzliirm in a few:. much to
e regret of hie neighbora.
' it is with deep regret we learn, that
:Mr. E. S. Mitchell, Who has been the
efficient manager ofthe,F.terling
here for nearly a yeo, about to
leave us, he receiving nOtice to that
The managees chair is 'no* filled by
Our readers . Mr. AnclreW Porter of
hats returned Einth his iiinher
'three Weeks adinsting metiers in eon,
nection With his milt About a month
ago, milting, operations, ceasted down
'the lumberjacks of 'that part of , the
eotintry and the Men • he sent cloWn'
wOrking smoothly again. Mr..
Allen 'states it ie difficnit to. engege
GEO.` SPOTTON, President.
.)s. x
EDU -C ,..
.• ATIO111.
such as you• may, obtain under '.
the very best conditions at The
Central. Business College of Tor-
onto,''is a' sure passport'to, •sue,
cess.. Thousands have proved
it. Why not investigate it for
yourself? Our free catalogue
explains...- Write:for;'ri --
• W. H..Siaw, Principal.
Yonge and Gerrard Sts.; Toronto:
Spring House Cleaning discovers some
roe ms tnat need fresh . wall pa
peC : We would
ask your in, ec '
hon ; of our new :._ . : ; .P - desi�'ns., A
Jarge_ stock . of- -ood-- atterns- to-•-cho � s
g• P o e from:
at; 'cutprices� ' '
t0 clear.Oiit.
-,You :can secure
some excellent `.
vahtes... NOW.
to those who Wish to •get the
heat, '111anyi students :,from the
diStant -provinces and the- United -7-
' $tates attend the
: Cor 'VOnge and Alexander Sts.
' This school 'has -a inttiotiaT, rep-
utation for high grade work.
Graduates 'readily get good pos-
itions. ()Pen entire , year. Miter
-tical. The teaching ts done. by
'seven' experlenced itiStrktofe and'
we place graduates in god Onsit,
ions. Some of last year's studenta '
are now earning 41,000 per annuni„
of better. Stuflents are entering
each week. This is 'a good tithe
' for Yotrto enter: .Writc for our
free catalogue at 011iC; •
nbleached Unexcelle
lways Unifor
Our best adveitismeni is. the F,lour itself,,
„jorAve.t6 k
are more in demand than ever before.
, Their quality sell them, everyWhere.''
Try- a sack, and let us prove it.
We want your wheat,atid ail of it.