Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-04-20, Page 7— - - - - - - - - - - - — — - - - - - - - - - - t NEWS. 11; A f Aft"APH P IDO YEARS OF' S VINGIANKS. RICES- -OF FARM: -PRODUCTS .4 - T 't t HIM f FROM; AL THE, GLOBE IN A D 109L DEFOE'VIJ GE STE D TIA J '.19 9�., ID - -------- FROM THE LE DING OF S . . Jt Has St ood-­tlid, Tedof T1 ea -W �ile Others� IIAVE�CENTRES AMERICA . . . . Barled, in, the Aglips ,of Infe rjority., Nm!'arly. For i444 e he WoilA. $260JQQQ �'J)eposited 141 quantAty, or 3 EA In: 'QqqeraJ,. X.eforo T-ourl' 11 ritish. Post Office Savi 6 Xank. anil'i k Pro uce'at _4 onto broA41., Uocft!l (or 6ye: k.444 pprp Fqr R,F1PqV;q.,P01=*A A'can oquals 20:16 For -W-Y_4 _pxQu41 y oipen-Your first and J� cc"w .0 PaCRAO W, ADA tdrio may The .On Government vi 1. at 'the near, ngs; un wo, e0t, b4nk you do not think- of f11,0b- BREA $inlu. CIO"% i, UJW 4��V A;,B,;0L Drai Over 21VU1104 0 old, _e bdild ­toustodi�l institution, for Insom. C rtis.oej� Yet, Daniel Defoe _fo, April the care of,tho in n in overn cilt. ,ill not PAY. for diedging done,'without 4uthority,by . Who, at 14mo, wrte thi i�,, was, the.firpt td suggest #6 pstab- h hine'd .6f, A : 'Aniti6ti6iis. lis hi- 1. 110 ter, per cen Vat t 90 &.- 35 e '19ain;'to'b t(? $3.4Q At 0 alio4_ a flours patentsr, $5,40:; second- i� - F R- C 'the boggi Qp�pAny a hida N, B 'Sir� Alan, �Aylesworth a P, 01 - A %, excellent fell!_on t nued o deaf ears,, arid'peopl, con i keep i�ij littlo jq�: their ., - he �was' st0kingo,pittil, -I long after I pAtents, AnUstrong, $4 Toropto._'_ I N�Ah- aftoba What_Xo.' ern, 97c c _h ,a , Adrec NY �s dry, Bayo . .. .. 4 pr s, er retire Sid '- hi'' d t mi,n4tiqq, W 'fe, the -dead. In, f ac it Was ip�� � pung,; *ick;.. Germany, thatt- tb� rst.4v- hip bank w harted, a w years,, ateya44o for . as in,1166j' ind at 1, ih-jr, solely pQr,ts;, No. .2 h' NOrt ern 9 casrh,� d �.93&, May, deii 4�2 very, B Y.Ports ritavic, -'W_ea­ N red and R-I�N.G I R T C7 Xpern ay op 000 h 'Meii -Ma -Q, doubty -Judge -to 11' tv�Aigate' 4i the u9i) df servants * was;"opened 4n whi t6 t ex, -M marsh And ArIge agains 4YO -TreasuVer Price. n connecdo, I n 'City - -s Swzrt The fanie"�f these.places spread' B -Maltipg clualiti 0a: to, 6 s*b,' and'feed 53 to .0 UITS"i A Xurdock Of. vxf-, pleaded -to h d Abroad, and . other banki were starte n variflp- Parts Of ­ the- 'I Qits'�Outirjo, 32 to 33c, out-�, Y2 side, And 34 to, 053/2c,' on track To.- Tol M. ion Co u' every- -de�p�cir- ni�, hi lav, S 'ider anal pr- UArnp, endeavor. to,preServe o F IqlUt es� of f�ig er 7_1N theft and was -remanded to tlig- X.5ta. Q olit, 1._6_nt,-.bu - II =tj i lidy of, ed: be- It no itiktif a:brigl� ',hl 'No 3 46c Bay'ports. luiv e.0 St o p��g �, :2wtij� -yell IQ' .jeUitu-. a Wakef,tel 'Id 6 I . ,,Q.r' I., g �a -, 'Proporty- rk threatens ta as� amery 'A -despatch from V D 't,q - tiou:as lies in his power., na rep Me,, opened, a bank of t th efW igliteenth cen" the 56Y,6, qrozito freight. ` ',.on ------- . ..... III6 proi[Iortions" of'th6-4ide�­ r , t, - f'' n par men -p Mari 6,'Xrahco�,says;4 , , GREAT BRITAil�, el, -of * , .. . �. q.. t - tsi eas-Xo,.:� 2, at'80 to,.'816 i4e. A do II ronI b spAtm .Ottawa .94Y§: *g -Absorbed by �rq spr6a& disoi&.rs in the charaPhAe Vh� "ch'ampagne" riotsi'which be' A' t t is­r�cts, four AIn. -ihifi de . Par ment. on Tuesday, -_ ...Itkry� r Exeter, The tib�rAl Member fo� 6e, b S was, A .81 AD" Thi Acess irom 'y,.�ars I Buckw1ieAt-­Xo.'l AV49 tobo� . side - - -, - .'out- e following are extracts fiqia a Fq�tern communiti6a rapidly and rT.' . 11 t . I. . telegram Ir ye,% a Ago.._ which rg ted in the. Proclamation of were. continued,� on Wednesay., b England has- een unseate�( . 1. . . .. n40creaka �ining, and f0i ir lit6r sl�e Its g9ppL. Y fi6eivi B ran-Manit6bas $23 in bags. II4 )dr. Bruce Wal-' Real'esf4te; Val a in f es.1'. I ad ker, Coniniissioner.of- Innnicr es.. a, Wine. cellars.. areL deg . troy eing, Ilar4s in Several 'towns - have bedu e Kpavings 1 o anyobb'* we hei bank., 'At Arst'Glia. w44 Tbii;.nto Ontario �t o: thp�:Superintepoent of Manitoba: ha ad ve d *inaterialz demoUshed, -and. u order is, . spreading in ndieda -of.. hou� 'the 'dis �UNMDATATRS`- s1s ted'by- six,gentl6men, who. act e4 4.5 t6 $25 $2 0 I .Vanck h igratin at-Oftawa-,:� ly dL uring, Mm this M911th! Tbo i vogpq! I ., . . sands' of b6ttleq. of,'champague de- spite presence'' of - troops I01 called ou order.. DuT- to preserve A �otto -h s. beeb:. cleaving house. a established in New York.. as 'trustees but .,'as � business in -m r' credsed, s the numbe * o_ trus COV19TIR UPE. . . "Se6dink -is general this week in we Iof'the stern lands, in the t 1roukh�.ut' the, wh I OLe ' 'of western Provinces r6fig from, two to thie 'At D ;i� ,kin' ing the progcoss of the* advance they e houses ver4 ymns an ievoluitbndry - --h d and 66:�str�ets go tteir- sang r ,GEN1ERAL.-.:,. - ! �did. t Interest. at.,the -rate, of- 5 per p sums o one cent: was -allowed n/'* f' A I S ys, $5 to $6; Bildinsi ..pp. eq� �p $4 to a .$3.50 $460 ';,- No. 2' sorted,., daiad& �fh e Aced' bed. is d th� ,,of rs: per �,Aere coh4ition, .'while he moist ure 'is March ..wrecked., ed with- broken bottle And a. mi 'This -the' 8 X_ 'Wavdd red.'staxidards. c 1 0 10O.W4 le d d wi- h ffl- rouxe MU * ark ne-t tr Bas 14'ef's of, 660 IN 4�vev x- _c " ated -in *the, presence, o av Oye:rj , r , ovgided the. mon- pound and -w- v �cy,-;�wi7asi—rnio�,-,-w-itbd-r-a'w--i-L- unde' e e �0,.Per. bartti., -B I eans�- ar..Jot.s, $L75 here abu. ndafit. every '.".';F I v-e� s p eeial, have� pass4A' veTseas- F re-thausan& -o ih-kough-Einerson-during 'mosf d which they -affirin. ha's 'abandoned hag. be , en impe. ed. 'the se.r in.Corfi. mon mal o grants, of itin from Engilrid, tiia-Vell 1, Ing yiA. waga a,na Wlnn'i�' "g,Jhence At Ven'tuil the 'rioters ifesitrci� t 'they' deQJArWL ed 'thii o, ruix Aviator P' Prie� the' kqyrp. ..-PA-RiSHIOXERS., VO QV Ho ney-ExtrabU A in iiIi$;: 10 to dring 'the Winnipeg . u Pe arrived , in Pao Un by Grand Tr k Several Jarge ine presses, and,the Qbvernmeilt'il. '6-su t o w cted a f - h kerg in- 'trip from- LolinL to' France, 290 A liotti, the- _Same..'iii0e` th 4W. V., Ile per 'L b'wholes' al,., lb com first :.three 'a -to' onton, day�,- of thi� e oarivying 0 wp, ver" '.'Th' Can Northern Rail- �'v;nd b of t wore, fo rge the � ste Y'L 6 e ma vQoPS re'ed to- cha ps take.0 e,. c� in fiXed-bayppets before- -the mob, could Sevier �Oades. of wiii' �Th' It mil n�lano without a es,,. n a mo stop. o ver, .Buck- seph"Sibith,.. of Wefido ing"Inshire,., r r1V I ar ga -$2 �t� -$2.50 perdozen;.No6 9 tomb L wholesalej $2 pe. e adian soa@ immigr�a htg a' .1arge num-- W-a�. is,4allibg fv,,tenderv�4-or 4lie''ber bf"re'patrial ;ed Fie an4d I iC4 1. . - be is reached' the tol .0 Ay at persed. had ; - bus�iI rs, n Cb-peratin with an6t,her 4, th -make il, 'SORE , te'llink, go'called aft6r the -sug-,. ge n of own-p6diti' a, writer bl6fftftanl w D VW go : -d hay --=X .4t. to. $13 Bale n'trAck iind at $10,50� I X , 2 ici . . r $61e,50 11 ' '� 1 .6 e moun ain.:secL- lans.--froin th�, X6 t W Englihd'sta ea.� ..tionti�n'in B'riti iun �'The -Grand 'T - k run ac Le. io, P it, olu n-1 the___JA ;F 142,1Tr--�-7­a­nd VIA to nd S UY 1U#j I nea x&y L Well ung 6 --VY17c�hia-id 'r'eae" n An4ere from, Damery- with'the I ntlo�, O" 'to Venuifil,. wher, V meat. Em yec� to'�be V'accinated',;, AA n s siv-ings. ar that titlei This o bt�at O S a:r 10 '96 t 95c pe, pe 1, � -_ ­_ tin en mi in ma g fifte fi. lY*..Of. & new in I& 0. *&strc ernay wine celo destroyed, the huge Wine: pres _s etaUh,6iigAnd_troo -obps.��w -had -hiirriedlV been. 1 -bich -ar _�_Sev p�hd*'e T�r cli-fro .,'Oitawa, -,siay - A.Lid6spat in 6n.over, was f6i the -use of- -4an .. ... . . . ' . : 1 arishiontrs iiidLtfie'Rev-11r�_ r ba ..:an W.,; Br un i� o P, . - .. .1 .1 . w k - osesi "During ffi-6 jear �niclifig Arch,' -nipeg.city L .3lSt7_Ia§ 3;8& ng, p e rm P ied it Ep6rnay aild -despat, hargpd and be�n- e6neenti ched't6 Vohtujl,. c 4. - t- Ot Itil nT-Se -1 S e a d Some th hundred. em- ree-or fb u Ployies o f. � the�.- -0overninent. -",who ' ' ith -and hig,asii8taitts. iiii,cibrtook to. retufri.411 oey eceiv od d' U44 - ., f.,entered 'altry eshle.. prices. 0. d — ClAeils, to. Cafiada' roin the d Vancolf, a gary uringL er. 2,853 8tAt,6S., Oi this.-num'b Karch re the m< -,p* _b _ur 11,vicinitk. Th6 tro4i, re, a plisheA. th bia 6irc", he - . .- building; v�ill either inate I., I . - f he -summer, With, a :,bonus. of, one= i rbss ul .15 '16c:pei IV. 1fowil, 1 1 to 13c per t�b..;. .; -L ­ l -tffr qpftxks� . . 7 "The the' vapcing -maOicstants. anA ,their p cluaranfi�4 b he pr 7 third-, oUthis, gum, at. h. t -Such, f avoabe e4noitions- tukkeys; 1-9 p - lb -1 J of,Ap, !.,of thi work- o reebristretin - tile oner g - r& f s�ttleis!. stock: and effect.% Brd�doii -the Insane", SL W' S discovered- on thor,lii le 'that 'Peveux, :Iianducive t o thrift ar Su.W.. t ess. 11 L � !;i � . -a ga way in, tl is :buri�i Psethe.'. te f i6h:wa9:burii n;,.A Qirnrirr LXNT...' -RUIRGLAR. TUIPBUILDING P We46e sda y Mrs �a. be oftarwo�rn Ill im en living: da'v�,evein�ng,,' I Ahidh was,. the time ap.�oin tW f t, the receiving .9 Mo -E)CAL-I)A.1RY�M-A.RX9 T North Portil, :destined.- 6-Sas=m.' part"bf last w r �-has� commenc�_.,_ .1. :--The,-con r kat�hewan xid Mbert&4 , New.: gi�t_ as, een . e I't . .. . ........ iilpkii3r -'at ace OLO 6�0r:_�_V e, 'ca '..D airy. ­ptfnts� I9­t0_1_2Qcj� :tldf-s. w 'a:- _trh"n1_t ' c ' IlArbor "Nota Nibutr'eal Hotel' . . - ":, -1 ... , �akeln' to� Prter"a rsla:IIJ Suffering', sinalli r. LAI' ff immed� )OX. D t 0 th -r s )n y savings. 0 �Place k' ei aned f 3 tI quot� C In erior,'I( rearnery . at §7Lt6� -26- _Ib:�Ior rolls. 24 per 2 .1 andi Ap�ril at.th ' e av, March IN cos one and h il * t alf million, dol, erage ate ;of fifteb.n,, huindrd. ars 'h rom,- Montreal $a es giom Ha fax, N ova dospate yp: ,A, d patch iatebr notified -the.',he'ads' of -the ter. �all, -.however the Rev. :'H." ton-24ywe to Iiis And 2�Y2 to. 23c, , Ver a- --c arter�,, has h' A, the 1'eaily*,ofi �ed.a �DtiLrLAn' _._QJ F Ruth�Oekl, Duhafiies- .. fqk separator j)rintg. r -Wind r:Hof __Qk)MPAPyL '*it -.a, obm of so 0. Wed by way of the fir e es- CAPItal'--of $10,000,000 -for 1P_ nesday ap Th e Lo . ceupan of bufldiiig,plint on, Sydney' Harbo c' e, a bf Toro 9 y:tb - Nellatt . III -7-pronto awak�46d,b 43 Sir Henry id er be vacein ated W.OUL Or 4u&iantifi�d­ -'The �biildin g �!a§, t6roughl� fiimiga�ed.. 'The major- i# in. hi era ly rQoognized - - as� S 1TC-- IS gan �iho'fatllerpf sAviigs�'bai:Iks) a "they t L un" 6rStOO an are, a prese �d t A n managed,.. --� : - - Ift PPT-,.doz16m--- he 6se rgb,; �.14e, alid at P.:L rough �shee ft6m, 45. t67 sn?-t. worth ucli. nd ring lambs in $4.1" $9 tw�_ b.ughea "Of.. it fro hive -he h e n,,,: t '10 �y - mani.-was noise, crawled 6utof,bed And Made 'Li Gibsonj- of.th�-,,.' ciple-workin .'the�, b---. ld*--- h- y. -S Abinitted-t6 1�q ing. ave a rp 'ished cottage a -U CT HOG pR()D 'S,. co-dut.-Governor: UE6 Uf th-6in lot 0 ? OR\ is -way -it I 31 e g4r. s 01Iag-.-.E,llis ,cL,( room was.,gocided Sqo.t i`of theTiirv- hen the 'land,; Alex. Graq e raocilia ion Ech e-'o�hes will pr6ably 46 so,�at once., ny- *1 1� u ed'�­ay Aill-be Seen byL t.; cuii6Iis Long clear 11 11 Raeoh- to. y2q ;ness.pork �4 en gbiffi� 6d '0- ALE FO.R.'OLD -AV.4TC11 Wv-.-w- e new'. Oft �y S t Velijb, was in Ay -i a a ft a OXIi b ank' bu&Tinj Company nd. ;ht4*he, spied a �ourigjnan b a, -re t e,inco�- yeais 'of !fkgeL, holding -a ie A. C oss ;of Sydney a Volyer r -visit that btiC. tb,6 who its or- . stit ;ion: has� IonjL tgro n. ui .pe lb*.,,, in. ei ELSO 16ts,; r to $20. 50 d 'short' cut. 29.50. to. Gold in L ' Ca Only—' j,' 'the se fe Pao, -of. idea tba tof'courie it muit F11! b ­P�rtonde of t 6 peis T ow- pora ors.- The' colnpany carry 'ing ti� hi' s�n nami3L of'..th s ,L'ands, succeeded -in: on- bu I e Shipbuiloinj id in an 'gi-applin# with' tb,6 btirilar ". and British Canadiv­ SO U TH E R N. T OU'LT A B 0 -.--:-igir4l- Hifilding$-AffloWn 004 �,nd -Haity' I ­humbi-6 h6xq.e. - ----- as6 'AS Usually' t)ib' -c ith� new b -Sav'ings sunsaw 'rolls �$20 d �c;&. Hams- iht to me ium. 1 L hddvy, 12 to l3c' rc�ll� ll� to 12 X42 C Value : hee-bec' 's .. e i8J ith i'd ' au L a er -Pat -much, or: it, "There ,is, no'. maike.t f!Dr. 4eco 94)Y it's. pr �Ig nd handl 6 'remarked ajewbl- I cuni4ersbrae And he just dc watch,�§,. ­'-%T�reging ltn-to- _ob - _6ek Tile -t e o -D hi. h 'two 'h* . rsons Injure I - d ank di not F out A , , - itiqoeed-,*�t1i; , , , b breakfast. aconijoy, to`17c.; -. - "'Now'that'may sti hen ler. mai we U-1 -O' V like -yo,'.. �s .1 ' - famous 9 IP tpat-4.,of th6' b6rii managed,to get Sydriopy .$A -'the -an& wb the bu'IId1ng..e4()iicei)as' wenti6nd re o"Id of the r�.vi en a A from L wo t 'A. I ery st�uggle. The parisl­WaS a y poor oner, An A ! people� Wer ' e SUSP �'ic�- -t6 - - , - , Y Lafd-Tier'ce,%,. Ile; tifbs,,� 113/4c; e6nSde�, '' Ai4n good ini h.e cail le it for y mg:� What Ave old jold he h 'watch, costs. IN iew,'. )J :ht it -AS a -is api- tO jet quit. exbjte& , w er .T.fiong".the greatest' in, An- -rilh'for. ib� "window; ihe:-woild. -in _MA&L with 'They Kiinsas,, says '- � toinado 4hi& 'his rity.-athalf-past - I �,Ve th T hey feare thf- e .go!�, Ous. esigns. on' had tbine, d their P fact th Qu ge, dati; �t iN "be. y 't-thor' gh.. With- S merely as an, acooming .on 'gold. Ao Win -fired at. himij i0videntlk - offett., are �now Init -Sidney-'-prbp�6S.iLfioLfi�--and-lh6r P O-IJeW_Lon'e..th,6, parson AW A T MONT )�,AL, A, that� w make 'Ve .t at 0 watch or: �de�c t�' e n ide� t.6 jet only-', -thin alue -fm* the re, escqpe I his exi ht6t' �oubi of.' iheir fi it' he left. "not the; glig -cl 'him: The� Police 'Suc- starting th'er 1 Short t his, cap behin . 1. I . 1. . . I �ded, Aracing the..,.m An aSj f ar- -.ui Ofollars'. Id wo ith� of damage C 0 a ings !aAd g r Ps-'. H' -it- .. th as, as- Pigeon.'egg ?� e gelVe OP inity of th, III j. Of port' aviing. 'But -Mr, Duncan *as not east Y ko Ilt,rea April. 18. �Oats-�-Ca nk-' dia#-�Wp!��F No. 2.,36ytt o 399,.qa�. If's s a rue ur old:wa'edIf M�A follis decide to� Ylo is the, Id, that is o in'the c6sie. k�e'p their' old waidbes I � A.Y.-W.-C-1 aveLT- in S ��)lQpe!th. 11�1 St. d I ehL b 3-th hey --in L West. a.btountain stret��by a tral Pri. tically ruine'l every green Plise ­b�oke'ouf_. dihte an( Ilii;ici - � I I I .. . �_­ - . - Z t No., I fee ei ore; ex ra it I I lz.�.exy - -6 _e t pl .P IVA o- e c6miAg1L1n* he t' k'us -hat can dispro4p. th§rh At.' P W blo Q HAT, PIN CQSf,$ 014LAN 'YE. iii. the, city and htindxds of,.windows id residences S' res, i,'at lefttii he;,-uvercar q e P. ti rejudice e p4orsuade� the.poOpl' -35y C. -W i.to-- 4 No plocAl �v�hite�4,3�6 t 36y2 -c w 11 - for �th.eir old w�cfdh e.w a ow should* they, decide b'�Y: a, new -0 - - , V , , '4-- ovian"Irissillo, Gatentati At a ot sheds and,outhouses we re loir�r- I'd ifid'..f6lepho ' u fid ne�- -i6res blown it b -to -�lace'l their money in .;k s yong locks k 866ired-by three' 06 w "ite 35 to,35y,c No. o. 3. 16cal h II oLea w 34 to 34y one. They. seeni surp' wheii vised *6 tell- tljdm� a. we wo -cf-Mit HOLD). d* thi t 4 - , 1, 0TjA 'ton dispatch from Ordaha, Neb- it ..from' ity And froth Platte County In*- JW.d: 4� 149 Min, in, feiont gentl, on ­pa,4icfit-&f­ firsti; $6,30,; 800. "Win' 'str'' 4h thatL:th 'watch,,'outsi�.d'e,��i:'.thLit is' n�A C ntre�,Qucbcd. - e tj agate-, P. Henry eppe� -w dicaie� tbat,greatd amage be dish6ncg�t 0 Ipe6plel thougl t P f p, j,4 ong ter .w leat 'at-6nts,.' ..50; valneless to, -118., .,Coy,ered by tbc*�-Se e9patch Edmonton; A ras'ka,, sa ys- A d from I t: 06 Vhion Stationjbst a to f arm buildings .-Afid crops. The Q_ 1itt surely rpe� ou, ..A q,�Ps we bv;], $+ u,.. - , -",.Pil�d",.�&,-i.�,--:,tl.�IP'P-*'Dite'rs-,�o-Or- W-grEht atr es wii fting-tb 3ffL- in,,con .*5 - . T day WI 'it' At A Ing sikty,hoqse� wene blu,,&q so the began to', v�ithd Ipg�, raw - -­ __ it -places d oats�Per barr I $4,15. RbIle. -1 ii� h -nt The* .part's can' be'llse6over again tl h in by" the. way in ybih, ir cen y -is s ow fiioiA6Ii 4E4sappearkd �ixteen,montbs Piq O�fi u- e. 5o,., bne month affer it 1ad'be -eh 'morning,;- and dame. near'- ]losing his ife-'­. ickots -at - ,ufe, *ivn and thirty perpOnq in, rr, "y rom :1 S, hiding e- - I hd -iiTo -f Und4ut. it -in`iheban�.. b...; - -, ., b, g'46f 90 -1 s n-Ameri- a M -ill- . -the ' v L can q G b- 'sold 'Qv. an O� 'land of feibd by eBritish over er gahij-, ut - .,been tAge . a lied 'f -so -)-it a b 'h a ment,h" brought,liera express. rom,, He was punching, L reeol Ahejgat6, wen a-lashioIia Ito- ��oman,push6 . TWO NO- . . 11 . .. WN . t '-de- tLe J'S -en 6 ear %iiitob-a 21 to.'.$23.., ,J) ie �i- id a .7 is that 6f'tho estate, dRy father 'Rev.. 1). Brill; 4 he r w ay-tbeo h Coroiiittion to the anI61111 t JQf 0�0-Llyie" 7 �0ntqo�L$204 o_rts,,_,3 a,,q i-- , Tfibtne�� in., 11111- sty nsfintlS' _les; -in watches. 'hre-`�o -A ", . IO�its I' AL�Djfgp& ro hu _P t, ievued 'Qu6- tha� the dog1&4 tarne up�, 'A­de8�atch,1r'om h s Sh inereas,64 while aftekkrds. 9 .­ $25' �Mogil e.,�_$2 5_�* _I 7. Jo. 1( . N ina, 61 � many years, .ago- i7a-M-caMeTimige , 1VbPt1-. ic, a-pparentlyhavi.Ag found its his, 6y� ragging across his. way back10 its 61A ��Iiome, ; two. tdmple,'f6re­an ugly. gash. Th.0 Otta-wd. says -.l June rd,,th birthdo, lbf-his.9-ai- Y 'King pe I e bank, And at, oPJ6.,"fl,OCkc 'r ti ;�­ -the, 6i d nf the fourth yea je 4 7,-Wasteinis, 11% to 1 Bkitte Ch6ices.t;­25,to 25I.c.: secons, a tlfc prese'nt, flat' ine. in othe five-sfxths of' the' tew votrue 'Watclids bough have' to" Wei.ir. S I A tho -�,ay. across the con' 'ye.-Wa-s_ badly mutilated and tile esty Ge6rke)'aiid June �2nd, getibi 6A for . a, thausan& y.eft�-s­agcr I.opk old sints applied purch�%sei 6ent., - will, trav61-to'Edmon ti to jigbt' ddstroyed.'Tlie �oli�e"tried to qo� k,6* by ex n fifid, the Woman,, b t. faited, -MO C2. Coiohati6n Da�j as s6ttfto:hy:.� -legal Mid in Can- �ouiids in Mr. Du rical" s fam0. spread... from 'one end' of. the ,o 4 yl AT S XHJ�E May fiil6 move bt�.t tho� ca n horney estate, w ibh -in- n I ot.be. '�f Thornay, the Son no ago . n St ntin�ted tee. that he to have ndr ­bf country, to the otbor-hu e-1 cople from Engla�d'writiiig sk ie manage Is-; in S him ,how, a 11, titu- D Buftal o, A rIF 1 S -Wb ea t--tq. pri store, C, mode 1'4 0i'the 'Most ferM'tracts o no de- eoitntry in, England�, and farming L sOn the a6t�' AnallY to �11Y­Ii;ery re I e for o6nd, h mun rative. his- birth - in� 0 tion, go. he obli ed 9 -- 'wri e . e.xp aii his .04 .1-B I !"nd tho, - wailts - a, i4tch -%v,,oiild �p: , light AM' rich, vrod­ mail. 110; ry . gtcU`­df a4he ing to Ifie precedent got, Ili th.e late �eign, King Ed- it panip 'efliods. 'A�d, fro6i;tlis llnlie onwards No yell.0 NY 54 _8C 4- vellow'."50c; X6, 8 ebrn, 5 � to 52) yj c X o i 4,eorn4 89y,'to -60�1c, all- oii'�raqk thl-Oligly f rhic --on it are . oing Iwel rather buy'alll�e_,V oilt'.'of the latest thQ' a rs 8 than b�ty Old witli.' A t --ont� ttine thd whole district' lay t� was offteidlly ingg. )atks grow ili Tlllm� e but Man an -MOV6M,en-6 ii I, i�At under, 6' soAl y, -years a8Q Op* L pottatioji E]ltorpri8.0.'t M V ifist cefebrated* 0 c d n Vi' toIfili D;q �da gfiddtlAily bei now there are consic er billcd, - ats�Nci, 2,white, 861,2'e' 0 X<).\ 3 /35c. st, i�o fill t d the �iand fr�nt be.pur neOL 0 d Nia' MIS t, gara LOU oil, of -on Xovembbr 8th; O�, 1h tho kipgd the 1, 200 I In epogi ors aino �illgs of the ' untirig whit6, linneapolis, pri 8. the Waves 'and.to-day -it ds, a Stan Ito _AVttitJt_ ayi_ 'L old' smilin�'4nd fer,ti Aqtrict ovef "a THE AtStRIAN STATE.0OACR nearly.,$2�0,000,000--; The, Post to' " L As ot Office Bank start- Siingg May, 94 3 Jul,y,- 93 eptein . St ike �11 �Itcll to, id of ilmy r get A milh6n ijounds have' been. ex- wl 'e icy think -9 "h ek"s' vk pohded'on, theL land, And eIN A despatch f rom Loh4on, `On�., which Alin to, b�ffng .'str6e .,wa owns the, 086 beautiful Ataic, coach in, ex- g a 0overn- ed, itittit i861, but b ein it I S fibw easily., �h' 46 ber, 89 1-8c. c - No., -1 Nrthqn, 97y, t6 ' iand'At0tri'4, it as nbNv zoid will All OW him. - ay Xileolni I Cent it dir- And, Irddials, tinder ono,management, iedtok of th L, LO 7'Aun Rail- W1 10A. this iq'L d6n 0 the disttic e 11 ep9o, says the London Chionicle. I proportions Are. Perfect and"the fiiinf� concern e largest -of all., -,- And that is why y6u should think - toc: .2 Northern,'94 � OGYjc; 98yc) % ... 91- No. 8 wbpat4 /4 ------- . V�� . - fbrc,jt-l1ttle 1110 - watch for the hol tftto-growing is p r- 'del" Po throf the, of tll� gold. a6h ba 04, 'can Iidg,04� Which are., I.10 --a1richd by vXdJalg ivill y serve L , Il . of the mplildinks and cAjV- I of ings 'to exquisi e. onOur - ? I A ll, A:(Aobinson CM6861` ii d -1) III U m6hey it! Defoe when t �t'l�ate W,b"OI $22,, Flou 2: $C451o,� $4.15; -do., .Seconds, $4m 11 S the grvateqt ind 119try on,',66 OA the 16- toe get iorney maaf- T1 �f qllcli 'fk 'afoh'ib the 66iltry th gavNihe tst� d'efinitc,stae- have Such lines con ucted, �, These mergor' which .&,nd- the'. 8troct railwttyz .,brought in Went rogardid ith 4�11 the led wi 1696.1 nd is sllqt� ell ves. which - distinguish, Uuis bb was flo first t6"Au the, benk, Molt 9- -e- t - to� $4.65.;, first @dars, $2,.95 setpilas,' t"8-60. esta-bo diMtictq. Duke of Tledford has rc� -over . may pe will gl.thelr p9wok' ff an A,c,ia! 3 manage oln' tor tAr urniture, straight .lines g Such, � .0, updf ul , in stitifflon, rlb4419a we might. still �be.hldihg .'$1'95 L ­ 0 'Oct apl)licadolls, .hem which b boll '11t, Ve J g �Bedf('i 'fare men t to i tile, 'London Strdat Rail- company. W. it Cbwpany: Mr. Kent The Morgei) It 4 utvancis 0 efu II Y avoided. The. aro with nymphs in our 9hillitigs ap L pe , nee in . old stock 'ing,,,gor oas In the I, IVE STIO Isnil 11.1o��,. u1i eoiintry ,%4 from Ashire 11 holdings, mos&.- bran<1 watch. Tf ha d'u. t given qI ell On. the wia f t 'on Md -been, giv ening - . nt nopti he motroine � the stv ebong. Indeed, the. tA'pril'Tt-Choicd 0 we�lcfy ittft& , r '6' Nveo �,ajv T iitiv ly about t0i, Th purchase tio n the .sbrco,railway. This'li, as 'not whiell, 8U:rtea in Toronto duringthovl .. 1 in custodian s those �rivilqged .1. � 4� - : , . broughi"ay Ood, 6 to 631,P; fair'_ , price i's t hlaw iwltor� ; aft fix(d 'up- a'S'Yo�, b f4o%v days. -It will give the I e will likdly n pmvercompan'iog bollind which,ar' he, Said be 0osct "'O e -AU* ;hey a to c re the, IN r 11 on thb WHAT I)ID HE Ea "4� 3�,-g6dd, 5,yg to 5% t 0 0: 4CO a 'lower gr to 13 "o; Ila, the des v(,ars, aind,16alis. lip L'o $,).boo on the qm�j terula Are > '41f' 'y mr, XC416 (lid hot. OrJC eft1jit lists � I .. id will tnAblp t t aata� dorinit'dl y 00 to? tbdly VOVOZ, il Imof -a poitin o Lange: the people along AMM1081011 1110,8% Which, will ba fh�Alw' 1* wji4 built his stabs I t, Is , a '61114 fit, bell 6-� c O'� It ao lrn'ore. e6mfc;rfablo c (, i n 00 . l3eitiqll State� �bll; being �0 perflapS r dtvff �_teydq, - , ir`amp sivibli boup 4s,youft nevr tAsted d bulls at*from, 4 to o' P61 Hogs 5collcd it further ile� 0 line' of per Jba %S'L . I $12 and' tho,.,Iow� I.9 III SoM4� rr min with it, bdlj�djbin hi�'owu - lend Ile, . I I . it � and.6 t6 A.jmvell 'hold ton lio, but he gai-t, The Movement hereL Is 01)(, f ore,,AW. I � 1.� I I �.ung upon NMI,alanoe. tq)ringg; 'c� . beforc," . L I I.. , , tromt that 'down to, $9 each 6L '01� . I -1 . , V I. one 'O th Flat, Folt tho Ight N�,as will iiasg f6ir. it to L L.I t