Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-04-20, Page 51W :ro nt Wastem, customo,r�oo­ipti, Calga�y gain 75, 3 lool Teache -goat A e WESTERNZANAD alA rig on" the, por cent, for, tbe'year 1910 over 1909. A which ba4 he,pn� 09, r. past 10tor Our,ran-of Wingham At* V nee' 0, P""P*lo:—NPW W011, College, aNpt �B WIVEG, April: 17, 1911. aster here, —A Thatlkq jq,fpth�qp, IJIV4 LO� rA i O' comwoll"A - : Uqbort Trolosven go4 sompWhat Mr., J. vmber of' ti"ho 'TO general thto , ­ � I 4hout. the ROW AichibtiO4, v t :Igo West" wourid, up, in. ,';L . fiqwitQ!�n,r, PrQViqcjA1 4 o hiro, whileaSsistirig to,,. gialatUf @r for - PeAce -Father Wortiscy Wed.. eq., Ltd J which, driveaby 4 qtro%, 1p.4 madej uthusiasc.- id regard Olin Kilpatrick's barn on 'Wednes. -ir - —, 11 Aeac -sa _u�._ . _ I . t. _,-f & �.r - ­ have Awn- hi.ug,� ,-t hQo -With- healthy.'- -kidneys -on bad briaVl in to,the resources; of Edr ontari'll t- wards of thlit y4ro,during M46, laq P`Y as. e.,e,,, stri; Ing dA kne weather rea gpod chance to, live ]Qogi but we a k W h Will a that ba ip� oon be —4 Prevailed up t -ad ermi-'Symon ?I twenty-five of wlivh I hay.e. suffered, On a PO ' le, �1110, hipterlgid,'bas ob6i' p_ kidneys, afflevold 4ge-Wjt4.,9rqfkt� 4is'w seriously with -8tqOiah- Irotible-i - i di aroun air, a berbUfact, the. 4tqr we* -4o. ity'Counell-to pave A. �p d- i�ht go Am, 01 from the orcomforts. The back 4999;wa bont gestion and. dyspepsia. tX1001brit, tbingor the, copri We'noticeiff f 4,40ty 0ropt with asphalt' to, rs-"Jame,41 nary has be far I wouldge mporaryrelief friDni some .Oihod for ''.rent. Here I have tpied many v�medies.,. -Ke and Ple, ruptmatism i ­cAroniq, ye' under a, wintry coiting f4r be. brought fro te is M qmo of the great do . d - f t When _K o r t h -- qQ u i a t rV h, hed. yet the old. trouble woulgi is a good' chance for;so you do.,riny painti.aff.inside lio.o1relilient, or noss q!i4eritily Wit _T; 7q— -d—,w-i t I —I f - t b e i p aq q 0#ly tiii­ beitter'be, sure of best' res 0 by 4 riovee , L 6 4, fa b6ttar. asphalt, to, lip qse4, -will be,. brought, ral. -knowx Mllo ironic dyspepti The early. ng and 'the b i n. vo I u. nt4ry ell ix V118h �m -madi u ingr M,- P, ro , t L ire hings lip neighbdihood of Fort Xe�, Last year I 1*4 Of selleir4 =.thd West, have, - pro-. pasfitiigeo of,, the lip m �Ujnd tq 'Murrayi.,300, l6s t north o. 'fession, feeliiig-t r and, cleaner and have a more F1 Abandon my pro hat fn ,A1' WALL eAled #less. than'snost Paints. Andyeiticando cla(*4 A.: '.rush: - of usine,64 that is a the AthabascaRiver-at a; cost. as mw. my.condition .1 c6uld neither do justic o0d COLORS-�Uphid 0 11 r - , , . I I 9 . LUC1KNOV SCHOOL REPORT lob with lose M -L Psiht thin with other -aic Jost the ikinj t`08 yself 9 Sp ad Mr. Corn- readmessier, covers more surface, and Iiinuitie d" 4� 01 carry 4`0t -the "Few blk�mqsmiont by ,to m .r to the many pupils under k1nds., n:4�r ihii-West, 9 at t� six cents 4 poun bccaus a special ingredient laits'about1twico bank clear rigs ay charge. A friend suggeste(Ir d and, 1089,0i to me styles offtencitdecor- inroased'fogr, Milliqq s idea is 0 f6rce attention to, the at-. I try Father, Morricy's, N is long. .10 ay ing I's a. report of the 0 Fort ation. Artistic, sea. !eep at IV Tablets; did so,' o. 6 The ft)llow ioraad exteripewor and have Pul)lic 8 _Aollars tot, the'Weekudinj'Aptil l2th 'great, r000urces of thQ., $6rtl oma_Y.-sevencolors (6iiater k %�yodursblc-canbi U4, loll 11 all kinds, 'Sold, oily in tins-fulFaiessure.. r.rp Cbntin t' N o Yr the,: co, t se�thclo, with the result phool arid Dade by lw9crialVirniah4 Color Co., Lintited, w i a ike, ptilatc4 �& of 1w continued to. u and eventually to induce , he Clas-es ney Pills, bri�g, 0 I the term, March and April, 4 709 trans- thAtf my stpinach trQ ured-my �rnoqb. to, take Oteps to, provide uble,.isr'C Jr year, � I . �­., 4, ' a 8 3 200 4ott indigestioi a" gonq and I a PrAn ejr-in order an _qilla� t. eso' ;w. strepgth to as I ever*djd.. rilted, jand at t' nt t d Canad At Em ive4k (I kid T qijeici ities t old bAO44 . d fee jr:iierit. o perm; .8 ii�t a entere �s w" arson, ia �greab-rfsourc is, tq 'Pods relief to one-, - I''lloys'. . .11hey I have, thanks,to, the Tabl�tk., beeli Cla8%A-ov6r -aich. -They broukht. ria -6 homesteild[L a -banish backache and '66umati vail, ntinue ininypr6fission, and d able to -by_M-VRD S Ap feel that I 'am once moire enjoying. my ion entris flii, ;t 'th t­.6f­$.q60;V0o were .,723. oin -Class men led A Sdid, SUTHERLAND er 60%'Fifla're a Kidn-y Pills; 6 f k WOK AV 190*6 to th ma. a at t a Re I-- re-ulate t P Mpt k id, am able to ul:id 0 at A -6iue Hat land. qMce cl�ri 'the.. 11scal Booth W. af giv 1 are, or sic, fifty-four' pupils u nder itily a . ter &'�upild nampi n is� lat-ge .9 u-na in edsh. . C year -of 1910, *hie took -up, alto�', kidneys in old *r .r_ Y6ir'sGratefully young i6d are gua nr;�Qf -4ub T6 E'1� A . ow. rush from Gieil ihigi 14,ev Iiy d. jdcts in which, 5,680 'adires. anteed by tIT.,propriQtors, The. R, .T 1,07. (��i;,,ned) NA ST x;,.4y. 4.r,. -pirofl' made egs tftan,40�, , gures thquoaiids: wing, 14D -obAngw: o im 1W e nI I I - ev e'rywh6re 506. box. 6e trial MigSLChtystal, aim. �iiveiited standil f -1me an -3,000 in increi6e io ti, .12th show an r ii� v�oekr.'e di Sold ing who lik bank a oaring.. R6oth Co. outorpo Wirmilogand Ltd,' '--Fort Olit� 'A I lig 0 pupils ir 'IS F, E ch�rs the- ly TRm'.doing 1heir best'work, or'reat one d,kty on the, 14th: This is it record, arcb� ��i f . . r.. 4.6f nearly, thnee _requesL Sold and guaran, lv,cl�Ssq 0 is not available. - .enjoying. life,_by fol! A Single -day, in. the hi tory "of the :ov Y6 1. . L , 4.toinKlitroilblv? sor the twine woqk-', last, 4r.. In, Armstr Lucknow by ong. ),on are you 43 cannot do beftir: than OONp N VATION 0 A $ES- 'S she did�-take ather, Mom''scy's, 0 Table ' acl when dissolv a ry ary ixon. .10 se Pas F, I X6. i x Tablet A�- 0) dy�. Snor Pat od in H u the stomach,. will digest ir4 -pounds, of Alial 'flo, '­fijod pe __'D�nal&' McIntosh Yo'r floors the -time matter how 4ne- a nee, need' re. ch may be weak, your� stoma Iyott, to. get. No-*i%'Tabets.�vfll enable paiating�U.s Out, painting and.': u so your -a A � y a Ma,L In C:�Adda �Treleavefb J ille� �ourishment, out of food lid.' a# cla, build up 'your strength, ��);ile th - tosb,. Xa�garet. Smihi Mildred Spence,' ti_diios�_ batd-- oAcer- 1'00,,: peF.; sto it) Orlibarri, Clarence - inac , �hus relieved, recovers its Tig0j. I Ponce, night and weats. . e' .1rou. Pute. It, looks --better. la'sts, 50C. a bor at Mr dealer's orfrow tho' BUD -lik )Vi 1-:­Fatirer-o-Morrisc 10edicine-eo __Kar_Y_­Haqketb,--A y d'b eiiyer� than 'NURD OC 9;4tr I-, Que. _RusselL, Reid, Violet, a can an e. convinced -L longer. arl(t is ch M6rrisda, Aitcbesoq, of -its,superior any ot ev paint on'the mar- juidities 'and C09sw 1),�. Plevela, d h J* jeh eSS ket. .r. n in color. Fat] er rnscy's RP Form 11; --- modies, W.. S A Webier, E.. ilson. R ET - ARM KLYL,.--�-,` S ORE W -E A:, ' W.-Anderion WE''E, T STRONG B: C.'Trbleav 0 00 n, _n.& IS:. -DP ' arnish,'StEd s ook, (1), As Spil. 9 ...... iidldr. ecQrcjtiv me C: ='Ms.1rwin, rt,"I (2) C -pr— 1 -me Just tha thing -for Ca:m t pp e.e 'REPO ON CROPS AND SOC We hay.6 ld.Lfurnit r bri un Sri tt hlills6fi, (3)� -MdQa i latesi or up 0 .1 3'� ana u a.. We The, Con8as .9 e .,Statistics -Office Issues, tQday Try e Wobster, a - bulletin oil er4s� and live stock O �Of 'iel tliat, ut* -liLy 89.66d'bush-� gn - an d -t T h-e-af _yq Greet, v a cl all hei , e Were- nierd ant- A. Mitchell, (3)j It,' rria 'C d 4q(i hat -'al n I. S -2,OOQ bush o� 22 6 e6fit bf the .04 _W whioleNvere yet.111.1armer T� �66q_ _Mci V.-Va L-ints-- he ds so n e n, -spring _U yJariders it, the' ar� arm `B it ht W et-�V-Oaw - � L I - ' - iouse, ime Pi6vinceg'O that date *a,5468,000. r, Lino enup.y64 risr i en up,yoqr of gi;nng: it ai coat fL.. o Our; pain "IVI139 I CO wiI onger' It will. last'lon ok S L kat6h*ap. 1patptSon ay qr� ger a Ith - e , A Witchell !a, -F. uson' A.,r� efii by wil -the,or he, .#Ay nt ea n, I bughels in Quebec 477�000- ,bilshels', 'in ano 6,002,000 itoba, SAW 10, Jpq L 5 OOOL, bushpls� Ai-tho,-u.iYie-ddte:-last es.. a.. ig in X' 1�' o-va strpets this r, ter, an ye a4 loaksr'-%etber 'beit 6r.. 1 al nstofi -A _Hu J i p 6se tti' Lindleu-nip'..q, 0i the�.duanfliy'in han' n 1 Canada. Stau&r, M.Joh -an .28 a zip�,,. �M! o .166744000 S, 6en.t o the lls a -Of which 59 868 900 I M.I.Mccltire...' ind 0 of & bushbls lVitzell cent W 13 o I �crop" Dra -eries ki b'ushels,` 9 e r orlas �o nitur& Va nisji, lo Or' 5:8,7, was -o H_ Blalc merchantable qQ U j4,., L M It as -so f L in rie, ", tjilent o W P of 6hald' Oats, which r -gave. a �'i P,.' Cook 'Jr. Ca 11 1446,09Q bu� s,'' �Vxq 7 inei-ebantable ce our stol6k. r as an, to ie extent of X '1618 'OF ntity in hand re- H 7M,000 busl *3.wper qen ,all t je qu R Sua d t S Armstrong, W. J. otter me OVID.Ces,there was the resu t thii . ave' g#eatly increased our sf'o(�k and- q PC I . - ' ; - ­ I s -an B icrues r 'd ­ ' 'L I "' . . )_4 :V t vt- A�t e d '6ts kro k S he, p -and. ha bu�hels:or 3� y g;1$W,t ..eman Car at the _'ei d .1-27,587,000 E S reases W1 e. e .6 9E -busbels,� fii:'Quebee' -Potteri S. M lizie, .1 E ES0,:b ranges of sfites ind �ilalitie of e1a -kin '2,'00 lished.:J`868 s. th' tteri,. in' the' ds carrie .17,447�000.,Lbuqhels .1 .50,74 A M. * wq� q#ote so e of Hortiii...L.,-Greer .;ind*.iii.th'e:X6itfi'%,i��t'Piovince.s:'ex�ius'- q:=i Autberford,� P. Fiplayvon; �ve 6f BfitiSh'Cblunibia. 62;413-000'bush- A. BugaEss, Teach I at. Potges okers' Excursion . 4..- it; i 13-& 6 ia" P t I I �:. L W09 e YY P S'izei -9 fti to els. year. t .6' quantity' g-fe .AXA(1-_NSTER-V-e retty'04ttbrn J2 to 10 rices 8302.56 Ill the preeeding' h 0. Sr., 11. �$42 0 fil li,4�d* out,of a harvost of 1353�466,000 estettrn was nne I M.' T BRU. 3ELS-Viiiiety 6f 'patterns and shada$, 63me with medallion dontires,, slips; '8 -ft. 3 in. x. I 0 ft. ccr�eg releavarl,_ -9 a totol. of. U 1 ,gliter, K. 8te6l -T, ilt n C OM a ideluding* * certaiii points on Grand 6 in -prices p a, K ft. er,ceit--; --a�-& t6ord , b 'b h g�&rSv are Trunk-PacifleRaIlway,L May 2a l6th,­' Ign 0 -an' 7 t 0 or� 90.8.6' .'Nix�n I 1) Y. er,004 -000ig.o,� 6 d - I -190 0 Obushels, ouglas, M." -1-A-PESTAY-Very,prefity a d ' arge range, -of. shades, sizeA 9'ft;-x-'V. fi.,'D A. k 1-29 ft., -.101 k, ,of the fo 6?'' as X g�est� r -in sisterj'Mrs.'�W.'. 30ti '121t. an A01eet 6 in x'13, n �itcheson. in r 1antable pats, A i; Juhe I 3tb', 27th; July. 1 Ith -25tb� d ft. 6 i ;,prLees raqge.in oe. various qualities frorn. $7.DO up to Stotheri. -Augast Sth 22nd- S `818.00' The barley.iield of I Henderson 910`wras .45 147 L I W. A_ `Bfftt6r) -W ipeg� an ire. ur - I Lifin", d b n, $3&90" a ke zip -7 --of Wrb AIX-Thege'are reversible: rugs 04 jLv;e,, .006 busholA,__and__6Ltbis INGR ­40�,ft. 6 i -x,- irwin. 00. ____ groil n . ke's, c Ed' nto d retur $tl. _­;_,__,_, - and -HMA ` - vas in hand at the end (if INt , l. .35 ru'L E. I n 4 krell - Raebu Mo On an Tick- in. k. 13 ft.' 64ri 14pices rang -29--pei -ceat -N-ne, --mer- !on Sunday moriiing�St�-in tb6-Abs I -e i,good--f6r--60---days.- Propottionatd­ 0 �000bu. rat t �1 points in Alitnit6bai ppto� 150 A - chailtable yield-wa IS :60,5,060 bashe )f-.o4r past4.- 4AP NESK-These s 41 ps, o principp Arorn6de from matting in" very nidb' 6signs;. ind'are very 's6rvicqable -,for' bed rooms'. Or 91.9'3'p r cent. .. The'ba 111 iss A�Iroa Alton . of t Sii;ka;tcb6waii -An s0. e iley, "drop of., �B. Blair, R_Mitcr1oll,.'3uBeg_ d Alb6tta. Home', Inak n a.ve iuita 1Z .9 ble, oor-coverink-atI4 low price.' 1906 'was, `b5t .198 060 bushels -And , the the guest of �relafives in Mai�� 4wo si in, an� �e' kers. excursion. tickets will I b lby, R, A16xauder, A. - Alt6ib.. H e- . % .1 t ., . . I M .' ' a §9 are , - ­­ '_,a L - -1 i. Y'' -ows - 'K ates tu dird �quaatitp P-,.end4 f M 'h ale.oTbertirin, oil -Tho stycar�a8 63�617;00, bus Is 29.81. en c mPsoni Bailie'8tothers' is q6ndina' his the, N6rtllorh �Na:Vig 0 iiatle quantity n- -un er-t ei-parer��I� illu�trated liter- per, T ' McDougall� V. -Hedipy,,.Q. ation C m 'ar cent. le iAfierc , as, bushels or rodf. y, Grand Teuilk A-e'n*'t atuie from an ion. T 92.87 per cent. Ontatio'g. crop last �Year S. TV10rall 1. rwin, Tr�- daughter Or'itddress'A.'-X­Dqe,,' Di'strict Phis, Un �Pe! rh pms 20;727,000 buslitils, -&ad. that of. the, 1eaven, 0 DO,: ,,*We. keep -on'llind"ail ltssorted� stack of Wool,. abirip and� Brussels 611MAS with: , Mrsi Wra.� Bla6 per.,yao, 'f 6 A at 011t &-are-*isitiffg- ends -at- -twood- --enge� _go __�_TPront� provinces Hti§toni, G., xc'� ranging fir 6 16c. t� $1.00. prices Ojai) -Liel bushels. 'pogue. The merchantable yield of c ra ''last C:-Joha T S -n6l 0 eltm year Was 6,1L 6t_ cent f. the, w4,61e. fcrbn. buckwheat _( �Omr I -imporb us, and an ­J�aTotbfiq m4 e.. w 8r: Pt. 11" Y, !tAu A—,", AL—V a potatoop. or lurnips an ot ei Acaste nd Can -id: %11 indkos �b idths in #qqk_a_tp.Mm -k--afid-J.2-feet-with o lqs as clov r-88 72- e w &-niceL--v.ariet.y.-ofL��block-a ad__A L-1 a i e'SaMe file chooe f - rom an ' d, a, range of prices to choose from'45m to 6 5e, lva Jo n Oro -96rri- Pape6e.fitage, of the crops year. --The,qu4lIt- son. -hand �Jarr *9tuarb,Ahna' ities Of these erop�'6n at the end' C: �Harry of 14 S h A0jo L, oariy:the�same in boili cloth' -ffistrong, JaIli6 AL lbo� Oil years e, c ept.that the supply�of p6tatoes this year-iS 10,000,000�bus-fiels less and Jr. Pt: M- V liel-filliall 'to -be -those-i S-4 iesup yo iay and cloV&­1J_9:f000 aused is bordering & Rugsi and Art $qgarts'and'. I 1 1.41� 11 an rds. widthi in ,ne'at* doit. ns arid d, 2 ton. �.lnorc, .. . .. . . IN, ­ .,, 'L I , " , . I I;. & -Eldon Johnstoi, raniklin -c orings at 3064' per iquare yard.' TI 0 le pet, cent concli ion, ot ive, stwkA Basso,, U a onde[gon, John Sulith, ns range.% to the' Sallie C:��AlOgaret Potter, tind!sqy aoil t �m Up both 7years� -btit- iS,L flgure%fOjL HiLro d 'Agr :7-- higher this yeari. For the pe L a- C Ur t ad- Dr Ons ,9il and 1,910 11O.V86s respective,ye4rs I ve lafg Curta"ins, in ­Whke and -ha are,,V 7 to 93.0, niileh eo%vs 9.7.20 to, .W era e Pat les in ace, In iher cattle 190.87, to 9930i� she, At-Alarjprle Illigbea, ep Awo nes, price in stoZ 0 -00) 'I-25) I -A �-00 0) 43, pid mvine 94.39, -to 92.77.' to, .59 cm '75) 5) 2,66i 3#0 5)...-3 - 5 9.3.71 to 91 ston) Jean 8 indle These pr'oporti6ns are doqeiy inaintsdued' 4-'00 an 5.66 per �aiT7 B: A, ini red, Elliott, Hanna Blitz-', throughout all the provindos,,,. they' de, Stein. ch. 26 ana 6te the: e0ndition of 'live st6ck as'. ie- 0r,.Jack ef.airl,� Rlioda HOW d, lthy ond thridy state. ,Y g%rds a he, 18 20 -yd. Awhibald Blpe, Chid Offl A. btia�t Burn� Thos and 50c. per yard. B:- e ia urdie Lrewe anj orna uIrp A athan Mendel 'on,- Xathl n Hill, s eo 4iftcla�s rOftd8'bUf'P or Calh;. P 'L NAID lma Blak 1101a: Blair.,' S(jhn Curtail 6f Ua ti T COUPIpLof TRADE,&RK weeks ai his'llome hero A: illio Liweenbe Otp) W, Mia.4 Marib, Durnin -MANITOBA, HAR D lhrB" W'p8lo ton, Myrtle- aY14, spe Shackleton are inding, yHJjS �w p d4. Ekater., vaca IOA "IVO JT r"Cion in.'Stewart; and..86n of Luoknow. -a b\r 0 .4. h1altladso Mary Mcl!� ni 9,,SMITII Teacher T Oil putting- IN roof back on John, by FIZANK TA E, LUCknow, k 7