Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-04-13, Page 2v
7: 1,
h Tip
a rc�ly to'hor anxiousCqUe'PtIou, *It 113 ES OF 1' Pi g S., A RM
had Wrned-4.1 RRIER
ion jain towaid the e "0
no , , mpty P
THE S U, AY 110Y F 11 LATION OF 1'.
tomb..', On o word was,, sufficient. to.
tilat -a-foe'. B-Ov. lip
TIOU '8T#,Xsn6 ---r-ov-4T. if �P,.
'ho .as
�'�444t S Ll T J)A
Only one Voice could AV I L BEa OUP C A E ,
pron..,oun(ie it -'with 'i,50 ncvor;to�bo-
P,� Her anaw4
.ton. - -t
AA� 60ij pqnv9j moro of reveren
11 P
-And "L _� Z
-YA __4W_4
t it'liiejally� M at
d t W bould ba worclMeAcher. No. bub t
igares tot 4,1111t
ijp for 14 x1pg,. AS. #_cuts#e
Slalad.�Remove'Alie, hells hi, W the to, a well-,6our Riitisli, b ip 'book h- een is, r tArip4 good- W as rets. of atAtei. 'egg's 4§. so, b�i a, big hteL
ap4:'Par *,with bouafor -holp,. see at Wg,. b, VO A b
ns to', q, Srve-li—T, o7,yomexi.ba4 re*oic� ed giviDg, v tol, staf$stica, for he ,prayers'
so ry tidiiiga 'of., warla,; vipiorioa. mAcl. de-, Oil Vie Strand about- tioliteen,
the Libra', -principal* loreigii VPUr -the
feats be ,ng 1�09. d 144
mal� 'pd,'ofeacl ago, an � 41114040
eg Lvat to, ton Yo be, a6 �Vpwin the, o
luto� bisc,114D and in q'ick h' have on 8 1
U r� rj4 ii.ear Approach .V
wioe in ere would ew
isennlgiing'to latioiA* rticul- igeon's wings,
4 d ay otisri td. to W th oste-Irylinost old 1and
'QUt'ajm4j,tq t6 baie, b -pQpjj
h ir, hawere- yon tw.41ve 'o g Go pa
, hA
for. good' t IA _ q . int Cy
L ry emba M th' had ' � larly They the 6 *
o to leave t 'MPo�a I , th the, yolks 'BY end 0 e British "Museum the "'t...
biscuit are soft .-�doug almost o pre- t '�l library� nh had time on the Sabbath t follQwing totai �'�opiilgtio.�,
-whole a �.of' the land of the P
prixa. Snd a quick turies before Chrlst:'Ov'
w, 000, Turn, the Petals. wii_ sinny- prdietp.d.
bAt wit in 4
y, little. :haadli4g, c6untyies, na to , d
m -W �a to. z aie apices .6iotmentA, Po' the eeach egg. si which.. cojitains,:,. roughly .-a 4, wa ,of the
feath, ne
ii�ge" - that' 00, 4
pvon� Itnot q,,. owed.t�o to at, the. bo,' ..G[eriaan)r
gn lily. Ro hen, the thepe�. they r a At, I a a 14 't
4pen Ag iscri�t 4 'pbou �,ejAixig 'tips in khb' ffiqo. b4ch!9red
other, n., pifi they, will lighter 01� iiAn ' iaM tO'. the tAistant
k iv y es dog, 3.,,OOQ,', Printed books-,'and,.,mWe�,
aIta Y, d Dlatives� of the vietorti. �vy or -hotol would:
e� v.olk w#h'.a fork. I
than 4 friend 1:
s n p a. --The. h ;ardi num� 04�1,6,00 �-q 488,
I Nation li ies, not too -4on, 0ey �fagJ whom; m, I t 34 270,000
onS, ,a e
the has td"AAd th t'
Are,�d close' tgdther. , . . ca,r�io� jige citho� has!bappene- otel
t * , h , " I . i - Spain .-Aear Q00t aCris 4. let 'had cast bers,.the.rdore, it,iS Ahtqto4quarter , not "d the two a:n 452 OW- very, bx&n6iye,. aomq�
�halj.6�v Seyen evila� h' pro, t, be
uce Uav _PrP.Ad, 'Q� 9 , , ,, cro 'were
ki E- cqni- ';" 11 " Sy
po�nds floui -,aoo. opr ut and h
1 6 9 punce. o ment .19 tiog'as in -ad 000 t
erve wi t w9mon ujn: d "piripe'less tregs- ". P. st . ey Aab dish pf clor, glass. th ofied 'by' Marki wbOPe;' �fo Netherlands h t
nee.( coji,, .4 tmo e remarl
.on. -Pu )g1mixed is, iiMic�ted by John In'',the e Po rtugal. Urea xi4f of- ihose ih� andel 16uto.;
a44 ad and butter pr�,se, a
minut�.. T h the bi'gesi�
of butter, foiir ii;, cheradpr- 584,.OQQ
..nekt tverw firt,rAo nrces -47 00 irds., weio 5 trained -all Alow
oe 6i,brOwn Sugaivrj*fourOun . 0, IQ,' �i n be:7
em 0 �i i wed
L Lon' Axiaw$phep.—Mash the Istic 04,Joho"to p4ss over' what'li tt- S
t -to tioll They. &nsist. Q_ Irl 04ML BY boilW,,ego, aild redeivid a-Mple a and inforcommunic4tio e §feni. wi be prwAised, It
ogf or two ouilices' Deinmaik
hard n Urnes o, oporap, twqnty--one Of ora- 2,692,000
yolks, 0 five d already -4 1 on] R -and it's
mix'e.4,' h 'two -eggs,, -two 'a d-ockyardo! was'maintAilio .-.bedro of' c1tpped e e to, 2 870-066 e
f roru the. qtl of bdesand seT�e,44.t�aa,,
Dfj-. oye
teaspoon salt� one, teaspoon. :ring ou in s,rong. IS., Of miscellaneous -sacr-01 will have a large..
to . I t . "157,079 000 A foiK years Agp the Taparieple
Le.4 boW MIX' av&, oitted- or, Sol music .,and eloew of cantatas, and a
1 the east, h ni�Wbat sligh sa0�08). ted
-Chopped I' pId.-grted rind' thQ,,spx
p�s e UTPOse bere seems. th6s. �-Handef jjroinis�-a' to,
I.. to be to 1�e- United Kingdom (June 30,
ATO eyl 'And ajoAppo ir t6jether His q'rn%6& 411 "POssibl roof g r t -tan
ix in 6, n'b 61 one emon, ske �sh 6IN gvr-fino snf, 9ki T1
t t
IJU j4st
w# a- wooden spoon until'both are' ihr at
-0 lone intq.promin. 4ucath 1;1 0 in' formation,
-y4th' thri b f I -45� 006, GO
Ard�roomsi, lib, I f t
ta loSpQQpp d emon s,.d tside 'p
ence, ; . I U AgeoA, bi.
I Chyistpphf�r Smith, his� faithful r
lig(dd i 'heat the mA it ripts:to,John vee4ing a4d.'purchas4 a iar in ac.
S" 4tupon of whole. the countiie
wheat bread and fancy -mix At with� "the nuff4or of birds,,'f Efig- -every
I kewarm,; -the Europe t e,. following Agu
an.liens h rcs are
2 Simon Petcr�'-The -tomb was, in am is, but'aftetw.drd propos-'
k I th middle .bf I 'the Although, '10 .,Italy MODERN
fingers. Fix with, narrow, cross, and giveo a c
Yea ma e a well in li h f ii'iers. ONVENIENCTIL
Aour,.'tfien gtadually'str
ag sum y in iving
Eihap'po or rden,',e ther d a -of mone l'
T tes
$016w, tibbon., ase ap ielongs. tlxe� credit 'of h, first iilkt'etc. stirrin' n am oldi4 Ah qI009 . �Q:� inWhaf the 'D,, e4or of the bui
heig I too h- .49 905 000
Ia - milIg hat tha.."-Iatijit�-- Ing.
Soup. -L -Cook thre�� Md that Pete we've'r, earnest y .... ...... 9- ook ].I e� As n9t, 'oen quite
y Wit e. w'ooden spoon over of: -%,v 'but 'frow. A-hiiit'c OPP
to be presu r and,the !-894'006 Pi 'ipAftots,ufiti1tend sSthrbugh h th Ai 6htin. geons S in
or.. Pro pthr. 'disciplo (Iblip) 7ere in the 'for th-,o',fulfilmont of the rlo�, g
F nce,.,, ern Mr.
t . : , -, ., ; I p . 11:.* . .. �G -� atL` er. well ho. -top of the bowl with,'4 piece Of Liany; Rua
sia Dezi- Col A "ttwo 6gg �olks
rm place S GREAT CITIE'S -to", ta e- a v
be disti impress v
it it, in, d wa' city., �a -k not a Salmon it, may be
an& 'add i'.cupful paper nd-,jL kpt h' rd , .4 VORL.D" Mal low k
They have Uken away'the L6rd-7 Smith accPted-the cb.mpoger�g,pro�- it will litly
'a. at- the- he *arld'q a
Stir fou' for half aii hour or, -until the top, h4e f
The 1�6pulation of i o son ing, news
tho Ir t
o fL
aT'iiot �Seen. hie wa r- an ingone
ng, " 'the attervould have b me iritbY64
_�oups bt boili te a, teat cit;ea Be jmje as r6s.o 'theL:-flour in re ice y w convince parisons with the. fig- ME.
doiie level 6 poon!`Of ls h' ' tor be- -to. niyer* the-, old world. neijhb*b�hb6d which
e 'was the U sity of Oxford. '$mith UM, IN WAR'TI
aa pih,,c o salti.twb� ge, bowl, 'rub� the, buttdr SO 4 q by the way, offer lieaAehind Regent, street: 4iid Pic_�
h f into a, lai -Wil to -make any.: h 'iefused an r for ;vhich at, the. iaafsc nsug' Franco-GCr-
-then add tb� 604- It wai djin the'
1ai-bl f oystor�'oekt red-ariek, the er d thei
il, i�tq - it' 1 61) was' �Xv
o,spqpris o t14111I for %herself'. fhe :of 92,000, made F ead circus. it' w"ithin"a e* w,
P Y. wafthat -pigeons.
Ped 'peej,:Cleane. /an4 sugai�, *L U'' (1900). ..-....3,&7,1600 man -prove
Ing alid�.'scrve hof.� bm, bi 'th ekn U if car�� 86,c w� lk f-' yet..a 'cluie,
`-n the 'first. eq., e New fo�ri it, as.: 'overjiment. letter on a O.epl,9 orsp' e" y.wAS Gre,%V for t d ith M kris'(1606) siglit'of the dto'6;,r6lled awa t
IWhbn'the. wh at hto,.G1eorgp.III a gra. 2,763 000 small 'Uphil . Of ' ev -go
B' Onp jtftnibdiat�6 idence, th titud _tJ4 Z. ` *' "''
titud or a, i4ve
bowl is veady 1 -n 2'186 000' rs., When. Paris wat
hat !I,, -the or T,6kio' (1908
light.br6wn- sugar, one tablespoon:-' f Jesus ha<l ii&,his UdY to, the King for continuing Peft- 0 b -'hardly be n bei �6f
w 2 04 004��;, thp nemY and: all the rdina
ouith begin mica 0 ''the 'v4ejk,Int.or0StI1T li' ed t6�ina�L
r or,lard one� pilit Of 'too some other p ac.- nt 00 ha I -of h
.a on httd'bit-eir
soble, �ingrodkjitk. Q , c nne a communication wi
RU :1099). 'off thoL
Pastry, Hbur th utter, and- ekelt;6me, 01, .1 a .1 .tLt *e tQ,be dem 9h 0 room'",
nt -by D6W.Ag4Br UtL'
d sWA dlum ht
th, the fin-,
these followbro O'j Segus 6s W&6 Used by special
sugar to1 .,6utside 'world ;w�i.e
'from e - scon -the hand
�Vh Adel of f Dr the fitel,� and
sPhil 44 iii ho"rities was di�
Fit p h 1's, mIxf,illig and. �taz -on
hav7fo com4e7d4DW
�:jrdjj blit hi
to 0 13�;p
4 eMgL a. y wor S Pub Is 46a 039;000,
0 sex.vice At-arst th,6L gges ion
!D�g , , 6
giadu- John, opnger, man WO j in We, g9in
mo, get Ing RU 1.1 Ha del S 97) the streets which, are
"t. �Qe othe prat b
rman n 'Buenos, Ayres (1005) .1 026,000- was f iWid -Ut4 ti a il-
P a ak �4 did on 1, O'U.!
d ght, he Mix Ure "e d ' fistrat� lie , qr,,, ye rki, b
e! until �the- 4f3_Of-__t1Ie ant
of to$ Iniony. "j "ry - sWrt CVkA- AALZ �A%Mjfl
:dough c&n, be ' t" aid.. sto6�ing Aild lobk� limes of virgmal'I'music. whiefi. �Ee_- h In
fspulled -right' 0 of the ed nnd time birds
som g In: st In le longi6d to Benj�min a bdr of Usl W ------
os I
the bow in, a tbitc, ropy 4 mass. - �M. L : i-espeal
ti temper. 6f -a t46 ght-;
mas ed,'p'o ato,, well -seasi fry �ie_gtavv_t"Lpopu ations in 'were to 40ying _nei
Yk in o Vt
D6dj _t Pi awh W,
e dmifk LUMILI
isseg-non'd hIli b d' -ity -almost hourly..
e h of t e eSiqge (. obaJ y con ig ho -t -f Xc- h' the-. ID b hi h
the ieti ars, 1899. to f
en town in P sitejias'pi
Id 4, R I ' 1 1. . q, a te t C. sevepteent, 4Q D.uring, the SouthL ar, w it in. the .6 goiv the bo'', 1, �Pui tdils.' .,.The. ,que b a ap( en� rks'out as -1611 a' great at h been
tt' h emqve I in e -tomb ig cen ur e j��- .. many eases mu I've
e .11 11, .10 yea a.
43r,4E cracks,; it -wi du
waym p at
I nt I the a rface. is cov- e teri �at once (Ugrge. White - was be- ;,b
t,'-bt exatly lik-e.'feTestin and, F, , "'
Indr r when. Ot
QUg t tup.;.
mW e qep, epression I in -marked, cou-tras. W ysmith,-.4*10W Pige" tel" who di`4� 'Ph f n tig OM 4,16L6,00'0' eagute :!a ai
glis fanciers,
0.. rg;inj f ompo t -k' d 'd, pro-: Aisciple
n one The r.; :ther'no, ho w -i
n -a 0 51.4 o6o ofis. 6 ongi b -six�ahu lio�s�
edl' -a� half Germ,"Y b-1
the arrepresal e antas e 'or a
h; .:ed for Charleaj. by16hn-- Cboper,
ing SWOD A ekga -takeirin,
bak' h -d
and was*
or, eag -provedlor
- rarice l,yalki- a Vir F eak @3 - a � _W 'hAvj ia
,4 to -hol&o e's n o.
tc!a. flo rl:
dsI take, e, .28,614,000 n �ng.system.
of loya, t� was wag at a ue* he� ga_ apt to an-: o-tippi be
'U 21212,00__ MOWe Vi I comp e
o ed'46ggs, Over t e tops, to, his known a's Coperariot,"T
Stinshine: Cream.—'_Rab:,:On�,
nited ,t
-hL Sic ng apan,
I ce �0 fo The the -- master�_o MIA. �W -W -conveying mes etothe U Into a syitem, has
s=alla ils, Pu . t, these 11 apart, �6. The ly! es ... . d the
4), -apricots 'throug ve info* we 04 000 der -in a es."
the, InS. '' With- -a1mife cut or minuteness� of 1-des'digilatiOn b6re:.,is Lawes said!one OfAher
r)tL one f, dta impressive,., ji; seems inm 3u- a a i o e' A at Durban
k the 'shap -,a cross.. on tb to. b 6 r b 0 mus1c.:IS * , j . . 1 1.
The rganizai n ..posts
-in an y
or n Qses. erra
*bey ever- att e 'them'T"
at -Wind-
signs o 'Do
eapin in" t* f n in I asked h tilf ld' ook _'HOW 46 --the and phe-ha U g tab eipborau a ely'Aone by oh.& AheL reg,41atio
b. '.'Flac in �he lilaTary- f Iilitir�; puip
6 �ise, for - . . . L � 1, cha'X-,
ed 0 the ins, in -a sisting t at�
fA i olve , gel;a�tj' n and:bneL::puPfU1 o'nipt to c�'ad
w6rm� blce. -for th-67buns I a of' izi extreme y** practic of Whippe& cream, one-half Cupful "th
P _n_Md ='iOu
ap_. I diti� , he
ak� them indicates defillciation. The: i6r Tfilk.not: onlo contains coin TO PROLOXG t
-0 ment ofis-! es,
�61d, Wat& gur ii�06 inidividu- twenty, - 1* h plie "But Waonly Of miiiutds. Th�en b'
which had -been. bou d Positions . y
h in i:j k" o -Eng is Govbrn d
'a �quick L oven,for � about, half an An
Turn' 6A .,on �Pet A 'ce t As aliulb'they.fali -in *Iih, tho'.Sys
ye Ajoe, &. - �
our'. This quan I y in Y h §ixteetth` b b __ 11 h
lily Bat,
tit hak
garnish ith Ab6ut around the1caA .of Jsus', had been, �p pry U 40py )Iatriap
ow owers. , t U 1.4 -
-vin oming,- own -19 a 'tain Xowls�. I at�'of'. thb.:hom on- once.
tw on m , ium.!sized buns', folded,itnd: ]al In a place Hobry 0 �L [Iesi.i Fresh ir.. mb
ld ed' o 4oz od" : , . . I.. . 1 6 1 n be ing clubs plao
' i, l snful 'of whipp cke'am, ting "And,you.. find the. s�ivantsjust-:
coming on
on o ;o e o t. premn, Id -by, itself thejoisurely', later' period,mexiti f' 4 �i,-th
their birds'in case o he -1
fl, ah st,�befojw Z v -age.
Mo JLU . .1 reaily--th-obi-ige��i--�wheri.th4oyL.-'h��'...
manner.,o a, p.ers n c anging is of the' v h th. e State and'
too' e -1 -rat ebfidition..neces-�. disposition of th
h 'a' servingi sonatas for-, vi -On. -,and., forte
4d on
sary --.foi-- --th
h same-� protedti ' o''n
lip 18., lie sa;w). a h iff6rded th�ir pige6ns,a'
u a 'clot o' h hi I Poser small: bunch of. rhubarb into mall tarch Making nd' bollcved�Wh;it w It I glands (chief aiiiorig, thein bping. t e I$: . 1. 8 S. seem';
Wind box ,,a 61.10Tbe rbpoit-of presented to.queen,"Ch r tie 4n 'prop rty of ihe.-G6 'The servahts.them'Avei f tO
good,,, tarch,-(nvor did -he oli th�i�ojd�., the, adrenals, the hich. -.are 'the v�
bits 'Cook In a,,stone crock with pancreas, w e� .1 on
Sider the,
r), ers cup- n, -the n -offidial system'd. Success nom
re,..are nd"t e e
no C�Pfui Of sugar and -half I; con o . n 'oreedity. is d'. 00sup., . MA 0 _r�:L:_ Sal -
46' -bulk threequar�f _Thww_hy_fbis car of aptograpn. , e, vind,th !hey - bear a
told at e- r` iix v�ith Starch,- thrce�- Position of the e h 14 is A -eii
n exact 7n&nv,-,V aining rk a of one.
6118. Marriage -is Oil in gaidthey prefei ar
a rs PlatwjyL; no. human. hand re� InscrV. quatt", ou�ri one -'half' cupfitl watt�r valuiLli. e aid- In trap O'L
xihgL an ain at of
0,' -half' easpo n ul,�Of I rugg -e-, ag ri- 0
T4 r. ' d,`Agc-' If ihem sho 11
jh4' collection the' full.,of.water. Make a: dough qu fte' tea!I�ttk wafer a bad The t.'USt'0oS L Of 'th 44the -iegul
d' moyWAhe body 8f .-'the Lord c - wil . I place at Or or wage t:,� the u 'fain earning
-on, epnitantly while mi t I uld ray. in. o a. -p
Sa t, One that h 6r the. PS. . .
f Vate, loft.
0 ' f wprespn pin 9. oom. married life the, wait4r who�6p6Ws 6' t"
two, t y or. yvas n y. one Zondusion t, * js one 'of best
o sugar easpogn gal- :M�
abi6sbbon , . " . I ne' iv
-res-u-r- y ped
_On_tbe,_gQmp1e n o,; be M an le ho�m. �reof the Qpm-'
urred--a--mirac e--a 0. a 2ng, pow er, and mil U�, to the words oiitague Pkbe - it olcl -age, sari the. oth6r liand it is ..n.
toinake rection.. -�M wil G
a soft -dough. Laty on a -greased shaved be added Ibe' .,;para n should t a bo V: th6
while boiling,., Whil� th6'statch 'is t a,apbcially� con . structed
n �boi -epj roqm,t, -where 'if will be av*lalable to maiviagog i' he,.,.'�ures� me h5 of d6ath.-of g�houdi3,keeper-
king tin and bake i z1ot o4on. Of uA�ollt lis, rising, had put 14, 6 �itively 'certain h un appy
pol 'A Manchester fiimbf.mill -owneii, are. qpic�,I�' bringing a U
inu a.
reason t at ntj- mii te When --co . -reported'. adeath
)king -p ir�'a.-blu'eing. "ter'to.� -n6ineaning-.foz� then!,- and -the - ----- I �, tadd:whe'� &OM. -the . 'tureiL I *hich'he had quoted ' dto4ehis, un er t 6 donditions.wblo, astning I a onooming. ytd sit Stan 9 or
--sePatrate-in Parts: (upper, And-- igCOU' W . liid . his 'T6' avoid�ptt6mAtttro old- age ae to an- 0 nor apply to valuable price-, ne. gah
one start t inner -ing the necessity of. b1i -rising fro from. iii
�ifhout cutting; spte44 with y d'e a'th .'we' havo,�.-to fb'llow Ihes6, Inh r rs. 'high-cless *,hotel comforts n<
I 'ih ,
than thb,other.fZ-i Aicles-neediiig th&_ _aoa )�_had:I,�,been rece d _Acpartinents'of- printed books 'an earl' A mati�
e ubar 019 4r oiher� for 'over 'ten yea burir ' 9
h rh b satic %Place 'together, 90. in d
th ru e:s: are i g,�t,4,-rcmain in. oar
but a. d�ull,'ir&� n� -tb MbAe ove'ri -2
W6ar, travel ed over.
aPork Tender1oiri.z:r-.Sb1e.ct _'thick:
po 9iiod it has
vessels with dloifis to...keep out the now 611 was Zeii Even th6ug 01
proy e,. as, ma-ce -no reve on
p see- in IA s ca t ree. cire Ood, in
tondrloins: and on -
t e t yrdl
pAn,.wi a le bAbon fat or�but- id gent -the messages by wire w Ul
4'rop4 W -�sure ;to . 8 It has"b6efi said iha 64�'no
60i, ih� t bei �h olf to them, they. afe, cOnvint-
litt t r
'b 1 1 , cost 41 KITS mlt?
il y'our starch. and, without seeking., furtbor, h 'hd;' '.e*r , een.
Spo 'reuilon. whic oil
Ildve in readiness the sweet .. I t e f&- much, ir�dat- '-be- ave
they pigeons
ta�le linen, depart' 'qtfi6tly 'to tlieii' :own, -Tiiade *hich,wftld' not; h of jn�it alters the
id linen artiol�i, ave. -some Are hot en-
so pa I . A4ew use n aifm
r*. inen wais a f') M—e.- .1 L I.'
duct] laz
tatoe ar�d' &ndL-,'parb*jl.4o _ed- 7�.-e lt
dreaAef h or a. to
and 'place. them, atound the meat. T1&i__ but
�11- -7
'�AL 'AA spoon� arge. quantities, k� with gXp t ndg. A- a IWIM11 6f mi _-_a rapee
_a, ble anip]
41— — � ` feyv
13 alto iit - - 0 hot,- ove. n . to r�- .. ae��A aothitig. -Y-q:A
e latC.1
'basting ffo4uchtly with.'ho, ey,wi ays, fir -con d Que8 Mar
water' _fi -r _14-dz"bt- �s 'PSI. a bird', belonging -to.: th
th *6il I acroplane$ r6j . .1 1 .
�aUtoniob�L various agp King an n
ounil "n�4---ioodto.- George y.
a 'have.- een- 1.8 is ozr,,,An -Jobir -me Or-, eye �Bsi PO: e, ajm�D!St
-i-rowliwen: -on -pron a- Trap
- e I n the -
Well and- a I n as c now; T tel I ' ' li. Y &t� pig-. -,out,
1yateri aridjppilLor: ---- Season- -a— b , Wr' -glaiias, n -especial] "tinW'
-a t&- -es�ribe+o*-thelr fai wa� f( 4 wrge',
when ddno make - a gravy iii the an of fas On. C
to tel6graphyarld ep only
B as much. as . possible' in the Op-. won tho nation il rice from e rwick; rUs1 with "milk :ins of 'water and wrong si� e - rat. uh.. starch vos-; �in the, resurrection was iifwde jim- t v L
Wli-k-fio' * L ' " �. � 4iot-'st * pregna thicker ur, Boil five minm
nC 0
bi en ir pi pe Ia y in -blildw- at*,
Yer col
al. e3q �vhi
eces-Z 7xind "a
Vtes and then pour around -the *�ry, WaSstmi-aiiik hvfinar r
hwa. ."seeMe I
mad mw buttoRs 6n:'to save fin er nails tho:, Comb— le wo diaciples had )rain vo'r. takikig;dite to- bieathe,d6gply. and� ha 'Stan a -in Ili ke
me e eords,bf the
e 'L C, e y imS$e L. t ER0 tr pa5t.
r 'ad, Porox 11 d hein in the. streets of'the, e e o an ticles� i Take a, bath. dai y, an in b ces ever,ac King Edw'iid and Queen Alexah-
gulkrly� , .1 . I, I 'lub- 4s one� of the than for
frorn.briiiscai" come and gon6y and S*h�: hAA ANE C E g is hing'
Chicken Dumplings,L., V tE �j
ar' Hi
'Year,old fowl if �6ssiW. au -
Cut UP do.' Wef,tw6 cloths; place* One,be- city. On WI rac,
but -
"When I order -Poultry from YOU' dition OncO:a�,week..- o� every two, - edain connttti 6th it es.. The dis' kept an. ektonsive "fle'
as.. for boiling. Put'OleittY -6f weAS':take, a Turkish 0
4th" and one On top and ate aiii said the ma wlio.q* arr'ls :v
ter -jr, If-yow havc,'�ft; ;bhiekcfi,- be 6 .�jcar ' .,h Two ag n U . e rallS.-,, dopendilargely on -in tho �mews
m in - fifteen lai,to, L desciribei thbi -ifh * I which the. 9pace 'to' w b�th
i�--exact posture-, 'd'
hater: dtgrocb�., it h Al h Strong Wi behind,,,, a speed 'of 1,
greast, int.9 a h ou ro tand t
4) inutes, LL6t to those aeroplan'e Wear pdr6uiAathiiig light )ia.t,. n
oll each Piece of 6icken in well' -is and position.., To azeribe� this L ap' is fAirl. L ablo' nuitiber of ."State b L ays are -
Is' - ij�'the Atp., chickens." "Wb9t, kind do you and low, shoesi y 00111-
jvng a Ibeing in�Aalled' for , his Majepty*
salwd flour. and: put in r I 6aSte I r I 'L n 0 Pear ' ance of..the fn ointli#6 lymrndp- ji : I me a. miptif
&rly to bed',and rise eirl V.,hethej return to.
C, all, Y_ _uqe: -with - carriage
ViIng .'Grass Stains 'The Ort ..that ax horses- for rather-Irat-oven, Br -own, C1LU14jjA0Wf fano, Sloep,in -a very- dirk -very qpiet, wetting iub the' stain with molags4!6 ancl -in d b means of ght or
vision is -to- overloo�',thc n,
t pe
and then cover'well a - nd waAln, the -usual. *ay.- Tj at Mary was iii lib state of wQo. . o- Instinct, is a dispated p6int; but, a5t
room, an twith
witii boiling water, Put -oyi 'roaster. herarid do -not albe� lo&i tban"SIX, or,
to bi �,.ol6re(l miLierfal. such, as would make.,it, Yisio ilr� , I ., . Icing ad llfe'iaits the bi-rd-will. seek
lid AII4, cook two, To _.n iit ore'than'7- 1-9 himis.
TAKE in 0 al. 'She was' wcoping.�. $]to belibV-� Mr�NDIXG A.MIS 0 .. I e oving Ive ono'c6niplete day 9 teat in A QUEE N AT HOUE.
v ako n W 'the
Plate tablespoonfql f, $ill 2a A wltho�Utye� , d,
ed her Lord"i body had, b-6en take e n reA Ing or.
m-h4lf 'teds in a: citrit timegi 'di ng po* r sift Cover with'ti' ju' 61,� IG thotigh a.wi of
dole,' moisten with alco6l, away, And she over* elmed I the', juendlog t DA t)o aing teaspoon a ing n men .Lko, wri I d I ald,
g wIV jo jou AA that,. child?.` Avoid mental distur�gjiees�. 'or y re woman, *it
In 'an addregg befre'' the Society ut being in an�, sense a b
eadd do� teaspoonful butter hin hnj ho I Id 'ove"t -sni'll luestdci
wet the A tion -to perfo`rm thosb last- kindly
w6rk well 'into flour;' add 'enough Bible teacher was vorii�s.
natinj lible in - funnel ise in lit'. ddad "body adbqe ie�ajjjg* a�out husibafi�linen-- sewing tempttrate, in the tise'.6f alco, offic�s� upon t hoots ib ji�', ing ah4 prbfio.-kht in Italian$.
Trottor said- 7e man -und French, pling t
hi hicken nm4lk to in� Ice a soft do'gh. RemoVe with a little &n A, -P. th t as0r t-co4�-rcd' ammofi;it .,Aholand also the Use of coffee
the on-ly . pra-etial �prbd n of harp� and-, being
latter, .Xo,.v drop into'tho'broth tj 'to show any. us- and 6.t.
roam 'o Tartar for usi—I hitx-grief ahe fai
the ar e with the' rust stmin. foi- to i,
sh,ment he great knitter "4-Ltfie ffl(�st oonfill.6f, dough at A time. CoVer at the �ttscnco-af these Many Man grasps.. on oppott- ALVbid.01a�6g.,tUt,ard
about An. hour i, thrp� gal.lons *6f angelic messengers, aiid. even'taktg n*ty to Make A foclL Of h' 16 . cially b is acquainted.ha$L be I ved by. Tit�edlcwomaji in fai'�Ily;
tiL wand cook Inoven ab( ImSlf. CS
wenyy steam, and badly-ven'
SaYA,thb (jirPs Own Mr. the exorrimeiit'room
itpling�q will be light- iter, fgranted that they. and th
Mi V+ a' ])tit aly to Consider the stlent. man and the the "Itine- Of-ilie Brightrjn-Rai way, Itj�.don hot—
q* ke, Aindjificy to roinforco 0 s-tarfar.'The gno;� inatincti� h for beinReplad:'6r
how. ie As, . ing thr�, ra�,% froitk Od n toodt may
Sjain W ti-b.nS Of"Lth P Osin the gar��,, me ebap -ed byjaige. of
a m was somet ' , r ' is f. h ton
li for Iodine St' ins defier—Tht hin �Thb x At from th4�_ Sere
yd. ldt
old. Su P b ' b stiyed'at. q6tintry, hopf,eq
AIN 4b 'fig bco JVP
g him, to
BIS UIT9 D BUXS. I about. th6ir vork. y. means bf, en,. 'The re%Jiltink light',gi h"' $q the Imly �n-. waffing woftld.�`(
tr the,A&I'll cbrnstareb, ce,tib b I eorrespbning organs dktift-� bring mittter,of b�lrsc her
no quarto flour:, one Cov r n OdV i i4t tLj.
ibloL �nd IMPO
of, gal t two tea, wct. in cold w LtCr Or milk� I et it stg
tu A b -dinwn� and
-teas 60 fit e bqjra-hge� Sulde',-40rAngd 4de can aiii 8 t, of co rs fr,.
level Ip 9 11
t"or faade to 'Serve as & MI aihe She, nonfulS of 01 �st delici-' plitation of 'this precept must am un I,, disappearst 6ble for.his most iii6matt friends ary. 'dua
ous idtink Sot lunchoons ,I -on y 'ways be adapted to the indivi sCrr.4r.-fI t
tyro !4 (about one to identify blnv� 'It wag. the
ilk and W00t, �hiAo fW ?�.jj timer be 8 —British al 16urnal,
�bolvi, bitt th re, witi. abotit, lt-a�m itlekit
7 given a
W611k or, J� An. Jjob.,tV "On,&grape, together Vioxi our, a tf ant] tie n, worry more Rub in th poWors, tbAt'wad4At e8 rayp T' w6rhillar 'simT6 face- am '11 aj �vm:e ille.*..''
ro t,pr, &
n untIT it I# 11Y6s,j ihey not, only hsi'bvery-t altbg�thm, 'difforpht (Matt. 2&.' 17; nnd Ii. with. the fi gerg, wb.rki inar JuSt ' as 'th the r 'rho t@ " to. *O"j. J%&)-�t r'th t, wo 'en' Mark 141. 12;,L tility s4�asonal3le trui me Mtn k
g .,ror lom MAY. h, 0� �n
well blended A m it 1. ., . ... �
tpe JLh
,Ore P in n.
n Ab
mb f
tb o
bUtL thay� Go' SVC , I . I' ' - 6
_t� to' a 840 It dough *iL 1� drink't _sip, e', inilk th wo- ;Join, 21; - 0 r e roya cAIi o.
in. licit, t hAt 8"itabla Ia. A ry �She 14<1 tot ivalted,tok
66 04 wou w woro,