Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-04-06, Page 8Th L1Y0XNQ1W �'$BAUM. qrod,,y,: .40M Otho IPT .7 -PAT"NAsugs Pogo# BUSIN00440- PROF0010NAL W1100ford wpm" Wop,�,'Ird"Wr �SN'T erp i� .0 qt;o othe wo0dwppk ,,ut, Chaa! 0,140 IOU- �h . bp ' wollington lReaderoop" D, eb, your 'hou�,e tbat. would look, IiIiito bette oliCitor, 4C,0!ky4ey #Oef ay Al -fill, - ry elm :up W411. 10 - � Q Jauml),or fro' hero attelodo Th,py, rep I , 'P Opt. Y;Nj 01 _hv Molsons k oy say U Qf,'at.4 ;9git 0 OLL ,—Jklyllt� Block P,00ow Oat, aqie� �10_dgiqo Vlenagban, Tho Wig.. 0 A"qve -v .4ne.8 ea.. fri 041. in loq1ii; 0 ev? We Forvea, Pon., Aevd, 'sl'40bn few At work of week, M�' _0_0rW "Or qd$ J4bn M6Tood John 11hkett, Ma Kiplioni Sowcl o1z,,QQN' ORY tog PaInt. W John XeKO Colors Mfg, $0, cjq,�r LUCkti:)W, De ;izie, Ponald. 'At nii ntqj' Xincaiditfo. 'amid. to, : , It I t Rod, Ross% For%* 409m. t 4nes - , . . I I o� V 4 X M� '' e�.pvery,Tuesdsy, bils. home h Tho, oss ffi , Pqripg ,Q rouRb painting., 4UQk1fi0W 9 ID ited, Uichaiit C rters, John .,McRurney best of all - itretoles,4091 bal�4 of Week 011 , work'dQne in qoltl� rslw �,d -a gi *tjk C -ills, ebates -�Ou "Ust" 9, if t w and. §fYlish aacing, w reasgoptia. Dbpisrtn�.eot . on esP4 a, fino dliplA of yap friondaneir Alveroda!e on Wi4fits- Wm" valgWor Pan' MoKi nectiott WI . onvey prign. John. lising.. '. 1597� W � .,., . , . 1. i Wins Will bq, attended. to by Mr, J 'D* eKippon, Th , W J ve-re propexxt, refIS990 In eAgqew,. under my soperviojou D J 09 . bite, , 6bn 'No aran� a, Voi�,641 (.;let- �y ID -0arratli riorlLUS49. Soldonlyinilaii ran Avi, ! I .. I �Rectjo;l- III te'* Made by Impedil au4 nal Stripes, Thee, Henry .U.s Ia$, P414ni.as, ,anoy. qf T'onet-., o, no PR�; U44 T9040 josipoji AGNI�w, Notary I`gblic, 'IQ 4'ohost out 'SPIUNO, 0041 PRJL Sro mi0lonor Ono 4y#nqek,. Inkray 'We ipusi %ergbsi� Angugt NoTh0ab; Me 'ce wnjl� OU4 ceilings Brojc Fire,' Acc.4ent,. Plato� I You, our nice M 0 ap'And Rajah Tolift W&ll,osdVh,Hai Wq1tiodep. San;tar er,' '14ife, ge r. do"ble, �viqh�Iplp Q14sO and _g Weather Insurance. Nquoy sea Thompson, f i silks, UP Wni. ma- p Colors, oee -our range of. i 'V 0 =170000 M and Pherson, Ed. Hodgins- Wm-'Stattioks,� oNow. ms4 Trininlih&L to P' O INS RAN -Pinnell�-W' erey �Pn 111le D tch Win," Cox:,:.� 1D.avil scotti Herbert d Qisha,' -y by U C 1K, o.or M J' 11MV 11 Th o n 'W -ti. 4dve -fteti. vlepaittuefits;,., Agency for the ifferept lines, Ed Quest; -N n fIqttalityr ind First !Ace &,,.d _44ras, a, Jak ltI6 iako, Ed, fl�a , ison, Mont $PRIN0. TOR APR .3rd ljq.TH� $0oRTnAND IL aine o4raii The only Ud 104 'London Mutui We 411 tcottese; are thqeonjKh' and prac 11 �E Th' k Wheat 1 on a the 'a Madras Citr- o:,y 'is: 7t tical., Th,;i tet kcUinA; to, don ePe -Stanley,, 30 W our pn�7.es -7- -,Our 14�& Curtain .... tistructors qb(l k w a on ve !,uo nt� ats s,ay ttre. viarypretty, in 4 d,,6x- we..p1a%* graduates in good posit-,, n Ins i all John Sut 60L�nd,. Tboj. Reno, lug n IP41 b ear I's 3' 11 Rob* Philli ' J� 'Barley. 9'(0 ;Ire. est a#d in value, '$e6 QUO. Speci4l i6fis, Some bf,last V studmts di 6 1, Alex. N-2, 0 --sells Fire, An lit, -and-, Fidelity -are- drew� or. 'Inc WE Buttdr._ 17 ing Canadian -companies, ]per pair C, S. $I.OQI dud 02.2.4� better, gil ' fdti, a.� Wraith..' examider Sts.. .,E6,g,9': �'Mut I us 108 It -and, 16 he 14ondo Als�o Reid son for you, to en, of' Aescriiptio'n` boggili ptheV e Write ue Livo Ifoxi . ;.., , "i . , I. t'. , to j*e, 'Tortoxt ONT� .6 25 taU free o e At once,. 0 . 11 -'Alex.., - ;;,, I I � - - tL L " . I �50 per'.prde. TOo6. 'Malcolm, -Th 9. Whitep, 4kt c 0 ept.. sold: or A� . , I �Ii I " eichaugedr Money loaned oil, "N enry, rC A*.,MAC - - ]D- , "attictly in.alfI)epart"' D cLACL a. estate at :lowest ments. No$IA. IN THU,: N 4 e. e Henderson, Alex, UR Box 3 Kiicardin extension., Val -9 Sheep Killed -by ogs: Embroideries. W% uators'A 'D p am BPI. 0. Mr, Andrew, or er, w o h4a boon -�'�Cxo A. fft,�Af TON D. P t :'�PUrces. J Lai Kit longh H kid. kradu4tei readily get 0 It psitins.. . 1) en,en ire _N C 'k - ' Unter*no* 'tie itor Y. o 11 q I NTIST, -1. "h ihe Goderich., Ee6d Mt -14 Rjirial To ro6d' CatiLlop -frkei anagqr oin.2'Johi e C Kenliedyi'. 6 co:.1 sinke.it.i orgiaiiintion, A owe on. Office­A11i BloCkj Luicknowi the ostate'of Mhq 13 rIng, f6rcod'0 -retire, on-iteet "Al' ho& used. ou W. L L will' be. 03RO. 0.,.Vqr, OTT geen unt, of OU_r _#ore Rtial daifity, Embroi ery moderi -mei ate of the --V age. of Lucknow 'Yo,wit tee 'urnished.' L ma is Wa te K -01Y. ma is. 0*.tr4qting: by the mullph worn! this seasoit for nice dresses With �his iq'q�:innued trouble , w iti� he, C e, and ouiIiy of Bette v r. F 'E �and: Waists., Wo, lare� -&owing'. apm. d b ...... the tit simp r lest and,safeit rt! it n-4. ow-dee' od�thab-t e --Orange the t t Ing' NoTica is 'hereby 'given p:ursuant to ]LAW alk wilt, o oderfich: uminium, plates non breaka it ve-The origina aEmbroide , :th4 -staute- in thWbelitif d in- G teetb.9- year I intention - w'a Aors, andotherst-having-c ainfir-against ce e ion tistate;qf,theijftl ME. Ing on or isbipitit. theAzth'day all, *beat is rpporte. S - . V g16, fauiik of timinodation n AND' A in-:,exctillent 11911 acCL JOHN SUTHERL A any* Pat!-.: ane, Bck*er in Fixoter, ut I b 6 b W IDEA. PATT At 10c a4l(Ign r th h the plan �vas.chitiige&,ini.. `Avbo,diea ); are., hereh. G .1, owin A!ieet7 Fre of�N 'ember equired ,,ha both Northern and Soilthet I 4 Pe in' that 7illaI6, beita h iffiit on orbef6ie the 27th- day - df ..'A having..c9me roug e 4,ypo -paid Or to leli*,er ou. altiarn' favor.qttho oo n re a 1:6 3601 at,* pre Sh I "t� to# .P P rat, S, 616- ' -There- MARINE t soli,ei or for, the W d Aecetis!&. the -i n6ts -with -QuElLp Ataidto a b -of P e -hii --West- eomihission exectitrices of 1116� 'T by, which' winter- well. sy� tign earn a li ad e, S' acreii ai H T, he fianiand stirliame-9,,addresseg, fa[Lwh In.scme par Hur6nLLWi et bei* on F AN st iy& a a r i wkV, A il PA 8 raitiers�� _7 ��4ies_areLt eo,,A.- S -Id d mlarsAwwrinng-of their cla 4. r to'cdn4ider��lie pliciations fo itsn n character of." last re ap '7, .9 ad t if el e es I Lons a"" nt e secure t 0096MM t &A � p In Mato. W Are nice, colo ls'are-. an riceer., I thisv;oul I%Ve cO at 11. t, U go QU rest e d them,'all, Yv.eri e by 6' t d 0 n' I b b 6ney to to tope ere. n, on first an&� seco srud�. 4 .11 1� er, Croft& 'itI'no mired b a t--attile eS- -at(] FM _0 iis &W ere' tgagea.;,�on-_J n=pXopexty- --o. 4ndlo ce --Andf lter,Ttalc"o t tit ji." t t n 'had, -t on account : said. 27th, dii V his'pitbiijig.of tbo'Cout _y. of single and"joint notes... Sale note' I bran,3h we to. lent Silo I -W ich a 'Fire insurance tit all its :Said execn�n e ofcashed.,. an as6a to. 0 '.ttlsid. 9 �cb w in, hive remove the two murder c the'assets of the siiii . nion 's to. 4 �tintitltid thereto; having,. ren this v 'i0strUction' 'd 'tw cases' ndi 'iduat Ais:expbeted IhA;' thesb� o the pitities anger., 09VICS HOURS: 10 a. In. ,Ed. rd�o to. eS iM 'how much w com rat on the. a' ly'to the" It t ate 9 U, 'Mr -'.:thLn, &Ve� votice; all the said With. 'land, was bjokoli re Urdine',will be charged the mur- shalI' h d etkeoutrtcps� will be liAbli for the new 91, , IETIES. d zzie. nderson,. and �,Geo. 'part thereof so L di tri 'for seeding U& voting,- tit tha, are or A `$0C said Asseti 6r: aAY,, Ca with thoL killing of his. six, 'very Vanstone, buted t6ily peisou-.of �Oersoiiq .4-whoie. it4" have r -especially-4i eir.e_en� _y.ear�old_aon.,:_2he �UCKV 1-� 'V- - 'blitel - L, . bilitee ion wi day new dis icts iave een rqug p .. evelopmentain c -h d 'the, 1ndej)endent, Order W ro 't-Dat6& -at T tri eb f F LU. the plow., Estimates of in. r poite ucknow this 4th. nmifessibil of Jiirdine,� but' it Q . oresters under e thet)ddfellows, Hall 6�oded,tbI,apiting that:there'wa§ a Ii�A. D., WNGHAM' on tthi - Ia. f. rossed iicieap to -be -i it- Tuesda. 7- of eack-mouth at 7 30 som r -th exe teice 8U$JNE!9$- COLLEGE. wheat.are from'� 10 tt, -50 !)or cen 6 zonfessitln' oU­ e.,s6 2? -4- 14' o'clo.&. Visitipgbrew ;to Out thren, are � cordially,. ited to atted IaOi, �A-POTT911, HUcip we I arth Sale it.*- Increase F' �Uctloa: -R�7 Of Fartii.'!Vtoge `,-.fij,tfie y � I - -,-: 'G Mo proc E LS A N K 6, V; iT L! !�R�TZD '18W red for, 00 ed atues ? T. SeRUIE;i Rep,.SeC;�_.,:' P , fit ..Wing aq, sale tion'. on P al po;.. :he'.XWteeuth diky, of April. 1911' h .1 iii the Villaie of Lick'� Mc afty"s Hot M.. tut�, of a (From- the,- ' P - -eveq -Thurs TIC -r....J.,T��Ifennox�-ha�s,,bougbt�7the 000, $4 kwp- at tltre�;olc G. R C.: Canadia (:e 'B xi� H holeei ne-ir y vit MortgAge whfch::,�vilf� be" 4 ) - - night on or. before ar�, far values'in New Brusil OOAOOO a: ce 40, iabre W itain ttheL Sale. the Junction,: This is cons der�e 'of roci�rodity are Making d t prod ed d' a Advocates io*an re in full moon,inthe Masonic in Canada-,, and A�,��is Corr t L the I folloy pro - a ran p farm, with good bdildings� '' 4 stitom ts. the effect tliat-the adoo. 'Hall, Illivelo& Street e Trh:y. good en an to LtieknoW. -in -.,the,W 'r d. reciproci y w W� e' PnciolXities'in d"terly heprice-0i4it:144-344-000 ft- ill -i-M-166diAtely— j[6 -wilsbio of Greend&. �The -adiari - firm ohn McKenzieV Yo_vrl� ill b noted'tbat'thb increaso'of an "RINd'8US1 ESS TRANSACTED. wild for some ime increase tW value of C. q roietm�enta :i farm islties�-ia'con4jer�bly greater in D* R;, McIntosh, are to on C -S T r y,.a ut 45 lauds 25 pbe Iristoad, 34, 11anip. T.T itchrad, J. W. this prVe bo .'acres 'under: Mai r m I. v cha�ge of the': Salvation cent. 6e �more ebee, than, in ine E N dutbared. 'Frame' work le y of L liast uaki�g wild guesses let . us 'get iit hire and Vermont, Q th6 improve-. S 'DE P cultivistioll,% baiaw.6 ift on Uoii& Bic., of dof_'Igbo� at- arm� Abe'.fiots t newfiel it dwelling, bsen and g"raii -f��p r4ciprocl. v -,ne-- be -,in,-O(ibarjjha_ ed, metit ha:is- been grea r n' 146CICNOW140i)d -allo,*,ed-At-hig--Iiest-'cijrreiit-raieI small-orcliard terest, th AThib6d States I�ot 'G Allot 2S, To* gotiatiohi began, e. ev h at-, n 'Gov'eirtment, has ad, a �rqp�tt. prep -shi f-Greinock_-Thti-Jollowing m;. Witter, about a year., �0' C C� .. P a In itho- fa e of such facts bow foolish cry Friday evening -proyemets are said to be . on this ' pro� raeoved w ith his,'family to reiide in ed. y experts showi the cornpara itis to in'dulgd'in r"ms 'of at 8' oclock;in their hall, Campbell St. H SM acres, under ;cultivation,' ed -,farm tive va no pe- acre of: im prbv L ' I -N perty, about 10 A-11 brethren co Orettirn,,io mak ' e ' anadian rdial invited, saddtn increase 4in C farm . . .1 .. .. - Neble Grand�A. ARRo halatice. timbered, slash ayd pasture, -900 and 1910 in vaA0111% v t alue3 its a su c root ire It.of,re ip MCC blis home. bore. lit ra 6*n . on the day 'of, left on Tuegdav of"last - wee . k to -visit rovitices d joini-id, -This"' to lid Me; - -arid- Mrs ells d childrow, n t land,. no buildings.' d 4—W cent'. 61 th� -�n the Patiadi III, )er L pure se OVIBUME Vice. G in; �c'y.--D. R&Tnitsom money to'be paid d Rec. S 'H"' BOYD October 1, 1890, to Ayg4st. 'sale —W _'An:d_ - ort - in 1910, "urerl: -Ross-.-- - 27, _ 18 9.; �n i fe -d=S fa i -a -C -u- _T a 1-A s p the' -value o iml Illown at the sale. f i proved farin lands atoms 0. ars.spp! to ells tvas.amopg the sufferfirs by - the per y '1% ineraid 67,Pet-.eenib in -Maine, 3 dutv on I cbhts pet bush� �Aeis , el. C 0 J Leonakd, Solicitors, Chisholm Bloc* fire and he- is taking, From Aujust. 27,4 894, : to J Illy OURT SHURWOOD No. Sop cent -in New Hai�pafiirej-33 pet ent For further parti�ul )&tie 36 Toronto-Stree 18-9 7-, a 81 per 24' t irty per cent _ t ts-ever.i-last,-MondayL.-Of--,..--- pr 18 t -Toronio-­­-,.,- I pregen vacation while in ��olii, .1 con :in 60L i George A,' Siddall Uiq..,. of bui8iness is, being', I tnQiith in Oddiellows, HaU. ;Visi a$., 6,' Pitt in. sh!Lpe Co 13-4- . , ' ' t " ;1 1 - runs 7rehreli art X4:UCkn' �c4iw, 120i t in.Neiv B. ad; valoreni,;equivalont to a: little over, c ow,�.Ont'_ , rdially invited per con bL again. WN. -ton cents Per SPI i .70 per cent' it' ard bushel. n July 24 IPrince Efiw' -1897-,- the- specifib-duty oftb� IY.L coU& rin irch, 26th, ::there P s G' g. nQueb6c,-43. pe nIa oce;� -Y We..haft -o, Print h a- --fia stock EAR-OLD-GIR& "Wingliamix- been 0 nz.,,� a passed.aw"r utM. n& n6s --for .,Sp spi Ig1kP)­77 r n Ye rey,'an UP 'XIDNEY T90. BM _W ­J H --- ornei o n. per cent. am -dia'd n tI f' 21- 0& Shirting nim-- -'G--," d ns- are q or ine, a 9. ae s hite�-Cotto WR aw �s, D U ant th in am 01 pipr7 ti6il Perlo 0 W., o. IR; 1ludim6%, still i old prices as,long the n Mr�' I Mrs, llawthorhib and their Saska hewain. an 5 per deiit.' Id -naturally beL co'nside meets second selling a sio&' on, ha d ill, -won Monday of each'motith 'it L'' 8LO'cldek, in,oddfellows Hall. w ay o uy now aames St., er 'ill p t b tWd children eame. eas uring' 'the Ia ions in prices, but for out -Poses o it m 1, Alex. Moore, of J 'h u The great 'ififluik of Aettleis -Ili CUIP _J, MCljIAIt1UD. past win and renfod 'a o se in iarisi�nvlb` Will be fair to take tife Ma9ter Workmau� xfotd, N: S., says: 111166th's' tior 01 town"in breff,y6arg tending to'spend a short time kib proviiIiis to thb reduction R. UtiInvosAi ur I e aughte 'Ch Pills cured o �* bal d Manitoba, Saskatchiciviri'and erta t -:In--�four-yard'-w-ide-.Lin.oleum� we have. OL Very large' n in-Ontirio. . Air. HimItborne returned, .,accounts 'for 'the .,rapid - increase. in 0fthe duty, 'the three years. -during Riecording-Secly,-61ti. POftitEit - bino age six vears;.of many sympto Treasur6r.—A. kosll� 13.12, 9 d S.; cehir, o ills a feW­Weeks ig6;arid-Mrs. Hawthorne farm values h vinces;,-but which the low duty prevailed arld 'the t ni- in att6ras.-At., cent a:n esq,' -91 in t 6ae pro me okidr)eywo;kn' te ten expectoil , io., follow as, extia- Iflot' -three ye Omplained child th� -d 014natioil of. the Ars, after the, ty of what is du sorti back, -the . kidne"y' of a 4ecretions Notice to Cred-itois soon. as tho rigors of.winter were over ordinkryintroase in- farrn. . values in thirty cbnt.q per,bushel Wits restoro�.' sqU'!r'!5L Yaro. and we 'Stifiday the 1piovin�,ei of Call., Accordfin44 bo'� reports' of the - United' IN THE SURROGATF, COURt op re frotitient it'ilcontrollabloi- -She-too'kili -iind-'dn TfIX, especially itt, night, Ite awf4ach wa bla6k and, fg:wn -at - S .5 '41 'rest. A telegram Courrr op nu ben eWrii MIX t summoned Mr. a an 'he ffi'prices.of barley. averagec 44,26, 0 is values. in _-Agri�culkpeq the 9VIO c e es 1sabella"McKeftio' Td camed her. to h froquent. headaches Scotia increase 'per ' eni. while' ffir late of the vill�ge 'So'r'n vy. �knd brow' arivp'd'ori onday evening�s train -s. M F i'6 ` adies 5�uitsin bl,�ck 'na n, hi I far values' Ii ff neighbori'lig stato cents pet, bual el during .1,892, 1.893 of tottoknow in afiii the least ex - The deceased a, daloghter' of Maine on1viiiaroaged:67 'pqr cent.1 and 1894 6ndee'a 8pbeiflo duty, of the Count� of Bruce, specia in Fancy Worsted for s Suits, niade-to- ertion wdul .. yraq, of ;the, Idow, &tire late Mrs. Ingram, a former'i,esid6nt of "Y do b0ily the great increase of thirty 1895'' Decessed. h n cents: 6r buillel. In er. had ' iiigham, and, wa, in her 39th. year, :value,. !V�he Marit, 1806 and 1801,L u,pder a dutyof about veu pur;�aut to W lint, Provinces is: NOTICS is berebygi - the Revised Statutes of Ontari 89 tried 'many rem. te'' t nab 7, d u'e, 6o. -the establishment of manufAct- ten con .4 perb -1. el'. the arm Pece ut r and Eg s taken as Cash. dies,-but'sibedid, Chapter 129, slid thereto HQ11ow urinvindtist'He,;in',rodefit.vpar�SL The- averngbdU.53, -while, for. 1898, 1899 thst411 crMitora 4nd otherr having �Jaimq ag n o in proveq, lishilleotef teat, ir6n' and, steet, and4900, un&r a speci - duty 14 of es tab' tth fate of, -the said Isabella Finally we learn, lidustriesin thirty qoAts. Igot �bushel the priebs 9 - zie,,who,diedonorabout the 241h. on."Mao a YI`ep­ Whb -1W 'Di IA ed ".6f ''B" r. utioniied tiondittiong throagh;ub' all averApr] 40,8 &itts. per bushel. Thus day of, nuary, A, D 1911,. are required Miley Pills and laid tip for the past week with La tt. � oil ;tli'day of Ag, I'M or he fe the is to be is"'aill P1 inces. A pro 'C anad '61 9 1911, tose -to deliver. SPRING MIL,LJNE.RY 'the three oV4 fitable instead of the ifarni�orge in r�cilred,, it be Grip around P x pe, is 6-Linarket, It c for art ificeAsed pri6e ftl� the birlby he, sent to W� C honi as' been eeated, by Post prepaid bt Woo( '14ittle the ex. , In, short ime she as well and do onn ki or W. 1. es -e., Billi6 MacKenzie hikd a, 11 The'w''arm We4ther.is corning-, Don't Wait ill everyone everything the farmor4roduce. These 'to the Vnited Stgtes iis a' result of the ecZra of the Id state*, It to not, now c0niplain about her back,. t6 bee on 'NorldayI&A in the � afternoon. industries -have been equally ben�ficiai redue6d 8utyL the price cattle d6wni, in Malcpnlson S 'to a t -,wants their-; P 4iiss'Younig.` has' 'a -�ery.. kidney., se norin to the &hL Saesimit of S' rin'g onaet. 6retions have beegme a Xr.'"Willie MacIntyi.0 166 for the erffi 'As tb6oteel hid thei lainti, I L I re of the a' nei and silo plays aroundqhe .]�,ouae with en. raw t large 'assortriient , of' trimniea hats 'to chooset. 1 fro' -totithei-Istof A' iVe wish trieg-itraloeat;bdin No . Scotia the t YI- by ver e e Pet he con Ve a -1w a'! by fe 0 rney.., Visifthe !s1tJI6wt-r66ffi whether you,want to buy: or not. ys re �him a sa, i u inguenee-itin'the price 'of farm liiiida Sion that if as "a ros4l t of . reciproc. rt er takt not thit gifief $at 06 ri,,an 'byl�rgo quantities of Canadian r. last menti comm6rid Booth"A Xidney t, bate kee tori Booth's'Xidney Pills carry,a gu Mr. and'Mr& ri And Miso has, been most �marke&`in that pro I tied date the al a.gd i4tlt,) Vnited proceed to the. 8 . etA ",c I Mary Cea entSitipday with the� vinco, but Prinoe'2dward Island arid[ leyl wheat arid 0 the dike if: the a that it, yda derive no ben New Brunswi prollabib, that tie ledfiere.� Mrs. A. Caesar; dk have been greatly States, itis 'inoie bile, 'titceasee'amotig the par yq r tholldy Will he rdt1r!(1M_ tliin to, Its. r viiig -re only, i *hi 1­#fh 0 the aims of 'development Inoti, r coll Will 0QM6doWnL thn of St., A Can �p I oases of the kidneys -.,a:nd ')')Ikd er., (JUILArOXIII e W e as a 0 an 0 Per us at t, 'tt 6 ft Wodn 'WOUld like to ptodur les '40clai to anotliq 1i winter ersoik. Sold by all drugg!48, 50c.. box, or' 'NOTY,-AnyOnt�,Who got% o dA the 211th of ;wch T19 MW 6 'big ee ive Pea paid tromithe k T. 'Boo mciprooky which have 4ppoar6d in this -paper �should send t th o yo Isguer f Mgirriage Licenses Xatd Ma:cXofIJ,L i t I 1 1- guar, 181 'of �ditor �6f,lrho Canadian Clel ury djtytof'Mjr�fi 1911 t4., forb 1�rie,��Ont,� liy 16 v Ilig me and �Adress to bite, chi SbAd and t is' 'tie, MontroaJi an - p P omsbx N azi 4 a am hlet containing th qck %yt 448 neat Wlinwhuroh at A fag 080 Articles' 'And P, othet'valitablo information Will be mailed ft�e'of-chArg� olic forftid: n*etut Or* A4