Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-02-23, Page 40.
te Q 1.7
Thp, swkm,
nne, x,
114 t ", rrr i Coe
'U" b I e c h,,
7 1 D "11 4�
i4- p"Voudn; ilio TA*, . co M W, viduAls,
thoir e
Situation., eA11)1QM,0,, "n othi
_e4, 4
apf, loo V.
IP90AC-01 But I's
froredvu., * r,� .
0 aqlx hp,
0 F
7 i, � j �
-f trado, 1-0
m Fitmv*. I* no _0
q fte
__P, PC,
21� bw
ep'6 PAUFAI olitcome,* WA 01ii 01
A- nor th -of t.rAer, Owing to! the. gi�rike
10 al,
ID. i Thojre4b�t mbor ofst kdr4 ou t
tt�ncj PabliWer.
4 AN 0 commercQ Our:best advertisement is t eTl' k. jt$�K
o, e a. 0 and' ).0 tor
ne ti;A
ndvordAUK AOP0,7.7Le&p4
.4, �Utly other "orm, the� s. esti atO. jkt three
'el al Aidvertl ients..Oc per npOri
3c no bf! for first i Wr
gue I The b
0 ml 10 do�&iv T yrpjv rsonar
'q people know; ki
with t
the victory is won. A will. #kQ A lot �f "Th e ployem
paid o
Ad -ertisement,* in, tho IoW In v Pov,
that: V1104
4 SUbOe JnSd
MAO llonked to k"p the people i iv* '0., ato
, ow cAIA�i to p&4 q pet
-R- ow to, for *It. jtil�S" �t e det
la-V'e'r Ck
line in uoas tb0y� are� d, while.
proper�,y an 9
egitlar a4vertiri* ther Or*
-ontract *at@ contribut&I to H
made kpiwn n:- appil-
IrA strike are out f
6 Supportof� the o
I Lt
d OUJ(1 clia1wes of
adviolsetnents., niust,be 77777
The garment v�qr .9 con4titi
in tho, prititers' hanop
�; ..,: � . "r 1 e ma
igglot arejnor
�4, method. of IVjoing Aa
., of w90, V 'a in vif not. Veq,*q, se therril e
M da,. a-tty us" prove-
o-thiiin are, Po .1 1 '. T
a sac
ar I
an example o our w eat
heChildren -'411 Work in,
4*0.w We wi 'a O't
uld o�ce, he ad-
givell the
Vantag :ao. thatogel
D_*Y1 '"Pf 'M would:
THURS 23 th6r. X (kt th e the.
aopA, Are
4�1e, tho, onip!oyees being
wor$ Ima,914
lie, aul
T 'dor z 'at uns
147, 411 Uir' line
bugddl4toget �-nn no
to have b"1111 founde&
iO7 opt4s_ref0rl]�. Con mm, �qr con I ton
seems well I L E
role Be 'aaen Ce
"Fia1fiers an lie f 7
the ingle-
Af Oil lPrQ_
seCUrIUg,mUmCIPa re
hea gent I iveolie-that .,is zit
v," ' That, *,a
D .4vO
4t, e
d A' palt of m6V inte b I pga
t the 'A"41�.edall taxes oxx UA_ an
andLiS published'qu con w . with, and bi other la;boi
fU L A -,,of- -Mon-
ma"er in:th� interests of t
It is '$Upp)i4 we, UnL erataUCI," USIUMi concentrating L eO Upon
City of just, -r-hildre%,but funds and en�r
gy na, y JIS vpluos alone. The
T t6� %, larqe humber 0 papers throughout wem roturpe
Oth of" a aeV)Sit� the bay, JW�ed �OnL .
the. e At the mUn'
'Proy !,5 AN D, 5
ountry, ftnA ihere al� 6rs
orders a d.
to �ork reprdlds4 df, the strike. brd I ers and,
'.to J,6fioW.- 'Meyam, icips fi
. 1, elebtion.
OharAc its C 'was admitte&
nally defeat"
g We aver a, mliq, rger. s oc o
"k e1eqtotq'�h6 quostiolL h 1a)' r pubtf roar
we --nee big
'total. Vote questio was 6nly
o4. t 'd h to' inee
Ola sti:i& we -win the t on, . by ave stock� eavy in o
jivea.striiiht'discoupt, preVenting ra . ciLti e
per�cen t of the Vote C. m
e eciprio'city�,a otfor Ayl, ,
seventy t
"Pfirliam6ut; �of th (Daily -8 t e- inarty NY.
f i6ent.on 'opv� p*-�hase niade. he &niand's� of th ho have a�ted in
r Y exemp tit
enj vote gal
wthe U:n6d igi�ates. ]BY'. the -favor Of'
Ride money,. :pce. with
Cos a o r
'SUch is Was do,
hozqn�.yedtkthe, 0 mlon
We are �.y
convince the-, tbai r- needs
expended 'Upply
-the - r . f�� it �49!t th virai uro,
t�, t�ey. hope d't ,s
Improvements-' from takatiou,:,'
b I the dn6
NG9At d
9 _pc17 r -maintenanpe, and. $125
of th !ud"_ date 'Or. �e notbingof
an�uv r
t een500 on 6natructi6n 6
procity agreebAen *W
X . ;Ofithe 'T 1W7
It th, ev
I emoluments of the
rdin 911! t
acco �41hontoq Vice re
-AN prove p
sa __Co oe- or
Vun�_tb vrfik'b-,has�-be�
spired batrel salt,
-as e, -how.ever� 4-Rideati-IF-all line Of. flo and feed' a
_A 4.1
a Arles
-fid Sl id, U1
e�powers, are,appearingla the., ft spair-
kic! ln�.plain',_ ail StAineric n
ion -rea I J!t JumbLo a'Coal Oil. Hig�_.
I artiq `��are paria
�-a-WrPlPi`14 e o pe4nu bu. m ii,
genu manol, Rt eae 'US 0
b half 'est pnke's,' i& for,, of beantiffil Last
littini: mUnicipalities hroghoutthat
ments �wheix, �.year-iv -cos
T t, the :�GpverhWentr-' a lit
-th7ey 4,
COU yj d
1 be.r -h M-
in re e public '&e,'._to_ exempt irilji,�i� ,no 89
S V D, S n
that ies ot -appro, $43,000,if vr thL the ratep4yera ve. qee,,an
emures 0 f
I d b i).'
e Iis as ug y., an
are loss 16rt"a nt
tee on are prepared toak in er: th 'Ind'
n oftr stoc S. e
stem the o*p1ling'tide� of,ppin n incre es., ...........
i6ii. favo�_ �itS "coat, of JiVi,
I v, �
e, ee
OU Wlilr:,fi 'if k bf' b66i AeLoi'- Over huided munICIpa L ever. -,And a,
* " ; 'the, -.ANK
�h 9 P 11 So, Coine
t'a&`� Here s6e
or an
Ong au
,U �dvantage 1take v -de 1k oideitiMor,
:S -to-o"Ahe7 pulent
nG' ]66*N PAI S
fal. IeS CX��
thatould I)e , munlelpa BE
''R _tUre tie
impmyente, 0.1 'n
�y an ne :,em ti -from taxati n
lop 'ronipt. n77
as f t W-1hat i;�omatn.-at sometime, or other
'It is Using the money, that, oe ience those dreadful
Pn�miei Whitney,� or, some
inith' 8�`_no exp -Or
throU unjUSt 'I ble roason, has takeu� , sta t
awa, -it, took from 'th
g� -earl. g,
I q - U 3
U t
it thi "th� piei��i�r is�
n lir
own pain had set, .
ib fhat th
befuddle their m;T, L I
can old thtim wheret6y are and
j- straighten,
-AMR P more; a in days gon V
I _ , �6 a 4 1 �Ar he a v y b wr h ig-- d
TH I HOE �fo. as bo. liow, 'Provincial a6ross rny back.,aad jdea�.. :X IV"
revenUe.will' be seured� b&� municipal t� �nJJ616 to stoo,
ys ve Dy t,
h )erteci-iight. .6 decide t X
the ,70t-1116 al
-bgu�Ar n �ftequeit_sccret
c a of, freedom.
Inn icipAl purposes
n the kidnbVs'4nd'j at one- oui,' it!
u . As
a4verill'sement, is: published.
the'L morning -7 0 bil. . . , ;' I ';
T� _QA eAlT '1i angu 'y
j:� d
haw6 may- - rep THE,,P!;AG
1 r, criti6se t e
f h
ibr. better would hdve: to
Ur.o.� _in 5.oc patk and 'rift e is
th0. r stun
P. w
'PRINTING o�niing, �ti ..Ze do - difin;-,it would not 6ve been inserW. k A Ur H'' e� Pou t �y. :anas�ea.
I * Va do expre",-rd iuI tA and' without that
anthoritatively, . repor4d: that
�raq of T5�000_ Iiesp avq7 Per-
Upwo Nod
t dw!q bh h
6t We aid n in h M, A�g- I had.
hetiWitiv, biU Aim.
pat y, w
.within, t) Louse
lahed won -2 5 4) S Pasoi;,, an
rq to- -
ed, azi U
I . �0;
bub6nieplagae. Ther', ar
eA y, nl ers or
'be ibetter tban moms n6ounary d to 'fid' d dt a . Vbry learned B M.
a7: 7 Ing-ri I Further, PeculiaPly nW s an st.oc
'6W 4h
16 not t9n AUVA vA�ve �Ii&euii
a and
laiir in, th
Con- e
t' f, this, f as P Sprin-gb..'r -gii scarc n&
her Ca�_ death Is'as'eirtibr to. gopeans
-vitfAdIc d-Auded
1 -25 Europeank- b6m-:-*hieb I-,
ta V Q.
mn, riners, w rea e- n:. AM
soon oui tef.
�qns Sti Lila
AIR :b� f6edin' th h'
�o -natives. - U, tit, e6l, Y,91:
t�� : P - ore. than
it points bn ail.. d id ifie lo94 so
ng qeq 'and .
00 23 and this is. abo _ne ..: - .1. a ew
S19� . . I . . . . -.-: 11
ut the rate y
and, N York 'markets
UW amoilg- e na Ives.'
gt� 'd� f t
goo' gggly an . I]I, r. " )
uin, lambs, ho th t, nd- strong -I- r6w a
Can W2, city mark6 n
Uii Sociii- to,
Kid&* ilTs - O�re a
adi ts; a d- the fact, us o e it; one pligues.
y or
h- t t t passed
feel� iiatefu
d my 15 e4
D, 30 without being disturbed Pil
f6l -better a
C ep,of death r
This terrible swe
all-Iines- flucef I both
ineas 0 nes
will beenough for them Theyknows' I!l I WOme n Ma woitid khok 1 fb k
th3 by -gone ceAtu These
U 0�'tookju6r of_the"_0nder__
.00---:iu--1oC Atio a -
*6 POP4
it $7 , .. f' L . � ; je-t
Was: Jm� 8
Buffalo, ib 'ful 'p TI grft 3
htey.Ar6 -itatute
h 416_i
Fiovi oiA which
the 'T tidn
_dro _Market. b -c x,
W'hi�h All dtuggi
or poato6aid,ft'oru Tno T1 �oqth Co,
av i st6ck 'a
it r6ULonabl�. pric es Ltd W6ld and g'aar. 7. .
(;, , , 'i 8,W.
We e hi 1 9:. Fort ]&n6,Lol
h es, th6.� to Iqj�vt� fd: 6Q' Thi� p1tigne,iii Chi�ai h6wov6ro leac
Look at sooie "of the stuff 'that is it!
Tb� Maple'' he Unco. Cioss us that w4en. conditions fftvok� the rikee UCk-
Leaf Raizer ross, Cu CU, S this advertisement: Aro,,to d that 'Iinteed. by, JI (Urnel; ArmAtrng, L
gualra ed) elait&tions- W,
Cut Savi. Th. Ct6iii Orbss re are ten American farnierifor every 18 as lial�lo " ever the.o6 Y'. 0
It':jil'i rnottejr.ot I io and pre.;
Canadian farmer, and 14vith
d AxeMandl6s' o -,en -9011 uripg, thc� :,Saw An rocity In D
recip farm pr UC6,-,the ten
earl� part ibhina'the
s '11, crowd, - the
Sets Saw Jointer's atid. files..of the. be t qua, it "erIcan farmers Wi
pebpJ6 would ilot t 0' pe,
utifortuiaw cousbil" arTT Ou er
in his own
CangAiin farwer� pretty blosq
e- a of'. the'L deid
that -bea�ity?--Why- -td-erematioii of th ie L
MAdi. J rn all for U
An�t a 3
- I
while owing to the. It6ten Ctin(fitioii of )is season in -the- Tudhbpe, -
-owing. to the -old patterns All having been destroy'.
ten :the #build, bu&l was I
this Canadian' famer has met the, T. C06� r'l in
ttin American farmerai.,And ti e0A J&, cd rein ep f L
tes Y�' about, in Use
�Stock. Feeder!�'. 5 d TO 1009 roin whiqh-%. they., were unable
result. was tkat the
to any� eutterordem -a
0 rorn a over L
th ' usand other'fatmers f the houses And out of; d6orps polo"ilhing year, ago.
.6 free markets
ille ��rth, OU ih r -
'the �air� and spieading the chad U" ei 06n-
en s- '-pool and London, and, he' wasA� croW-&,
t 110W tj
diti Us since been improve tan i
10 IbS. "SaItt f�r 2 dents io lbs. Sulphur' fdr,2� C ti
ed Ilen 'are S- A 8 K'A TCREW A N
on D r." Scott' der the direction of *missionaries, a n
s Stck P6od'5o ts, pk
to Crowd him in a ome
9. :gpn; bi III' , in�aiket, Un deadUT
lbs It, 136�re �,S cefi*tgi *hdin he" . is nearest and fifatL 06 �ihe other Buiopoauti the 'VI
LOW, MONIS MTES "emated. te, r S
61=41� " Protection to - the Ott hA§
9, fithiet never As any.t ing elae'. tfiau�' A-' . L. i
gr dholera, 9
stock- or 14.111es :.
ivilk livestock *ad withoil 'livestock
and stage of oivi PIY,L of
sham. What Be
ia' theL ftoe Of & t& . tiff we ha�0 a-96od Otis sloikhs o
11 hand.
irAtioli., -when the, popu4tion,. shoalk Ott
U wil I tsa;nitary, conditions bW the filedie
a, r ind
n '13t 4 try work. Tbjq6 ;109bg at; espbeially
oa L 1 ,
-the -Whev _I
cotok. AV
2 o - be Woss n
oyc' wenio ugaevolo,,A, Te foit. UrlDnid noted for atitying 6ri. tjj� wh0n fie' -I
second hand porld.. a C Will li e%6t4iJ(d
growers of tfibse countries ot6r sleighij will, cut 0-1r. Av, Y load6d, I wh I be
jr nges in rs c , . I I I .
t -dondltioti at rea.Whable. pilcm itantii of Xortherh Chi",
in -the -free marketq of -the. worldl
advance yon, tho Thriih tol ;It
hoVe not, yet A be a AW.W1 st;l AtA 6U ing,
is rming caxn�aign repyesenti 0 Talrest S1, fo
L16A d
�*it#oh stage eefers
tie 'a pail In
.4 f pt�otkjo&, 4, ter OW', L On PIO04
both sides 6f, t L i'd
line. , T6Y
sen6ioihi Cart
lm� I represents sue that for the -put four, mofttha"Itv,pro inopeg gad, est.
F U, An I iam Pain"
caogti if ill airetly injure th REW
Lucknow btftiri6. t The'gioat strik6 -61 arifietitwotlidra
Undbi A "kh4le, AN D
xford 11anges t
grelli 40h
V , �110614
. . . . . . . . . . .