The Citizen, 2017-03-23, Page 3Dressed for the occasion
The Blyth Legion Branch 420 Ladies Auxiliary held a
special St. Patrick's Day lunch last week and some people
were more in the spirit than others, like Linda Brak, who
dressed to the nines for the Irish holiday. (Denny Scott photo)
Carter takes top shoot spot
From Marilyn's Desk
By Marilyn
Only one birthday this week, so
happy birthday to Paul Popp, who
celebrates his birthday on March 28.
Shoot results from Tuesday March
14 were: first Dorothy Carter,
second Ethel Walker and third Janis
Vodden. The person with the most
shoots was a tie this week between
Elsie Carter and Diane Clark. The
next shoot party will be on March 28
at 1 p.m. at Trinity Anglican Church
Hall. Shoot is played on the second
and fourth Tuesdays of the month.
Come out and enjoy the fun and
fellowship. If you don't know how
to play shoot, there are lots of
helpers to assist you.
Greeting at Blyth United Church
on the fourth Sunday of Lent were
Deb Hakkers and Marilyn Craig;
ushering were Karen Glousher,
Arletta Hallahan and Lavern Clark.
Marilyn Scott was organist and
Katie Dockstader was choir director
while Fred Hakkers ran the Power
Karen Glousher welcomed
everyone to church on such a
beautiful morning. Karen drew
everyone's attention to the
announcements printed in the
bulletin. Special attention that the
Sunday school are hosting a lunch
after the service next Sunday. She
also mentioned that the ladies will
be making pies. If you wish to order
call Donna Moore at 519-523-9855
and she will gladly put your name on
the list.
She reminded everyone of the
Walk Through Holy Week on
Sunday April 9 beginning at 6:30
Council supports veterans event
By Denny Scott
The Citizen
Members of the Dutch -Canadians
Remember as One group have
received the support of North Huron
Council in their bid to host a special
service remembering veterans in
Goderich later this year.
Jim Rutledge and Patrick Nagle
presented to North Huron Council
during its Monday night meeting and
said that, 12 years ago, a celebration
in Goderich attracted the attention of
the nation as it was one of the largest
celebrations across Canada to
honour veterans.
"Following that year, I wanted to
know about the men from Huron
County who didn't come home from
both world wars," Rutledge said. "I
went to libraries and the museum to
find the books and there wasn't
taken by Citizen
photographers are
available to purchase.
4x6 - $4.00
5x7 - $5.00
8x10 - $8.00
Phone to order -
or 519-887-9114
Rutledge said that led him to
create a book with the information
he was looking for. The book, The
Men of Huron: A Book of Honour
and Remembrance, 1939-1946, was
published in 2009 and features the
stories of 204 men from Huron
County that didn't come home from
World War II.
Rutledge is currently working on a
companion piece to the book that
will look at Huron County soldiers
felled in World War I which, thus far,
consists of more than 500 entries.
He said that spirit of remembering
and honouring the fallen soldiers of
Canada was exemplified by Princess
Margriet, known as the Canadian
Princess, during a trip to the
Netherlands that he took.
"I noticed two things [during the
trip], how much she cares for our
veterans... and the bond she has with
the school youth," he said.
The experience led to the creation
of the Dutch -Canadians Remember
as One group looking to host a
Continued on page 16
The 1st 2017 tax installment for the Township of North Huron is
due on Monday, March 27, 2017. Interest at 1 1/4% per month, or
any part thereof will be charged on unpaid accounts as of March
28, 2017 and the first day of each month thereafter.
NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties and have not
received a tax bill should contact the Municipal Office. Failure to
receive a tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility
for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment.
Please contact the Treasury Department in regards to the various
payment options available. Pre -authorized payment sign-up
forms are available at or at the Town Hall.
Donna White
Director of Finance
Township of North Huron
p.m., starting at the Huron Chapel in
Auburn and ending at Trinity
Anglican Church. Each church will
have a 15 minute service. The walk
will take you from Palm Sunday to
the crucifixion.
The choir and congregation sang
"Happy Birthday" to Fred Meier.
Mary Lou and John Stewart lit the
Lenten Candles on the altar table.
The opening hymn was "Spirit Open
My Heart" followed by the prayer of
Rev. Clark invited everyone to
greet one another. The next hymn
"Jesus Christ is Waiting" was sung.
The children went downstairs with
Mary Ross for their time of
fellowship. The scripture reading
was from Luke 19:1-10, the story of
Zacchaeus wanting to see Jesus and
Jesus tells him to come down out of
the tree for He was going to stay at
his house. The choir sang the anthem
"Jesus, Tempted in the Desert."
Rev. Clark's message to the
congregation was "Your Money or
Your Life." In the scripture reading
this morning Jesus tells Zacchaeus
that he is coming to stay at his
house. Zacchaeus was one of the
head tax collectors and was not well
liked. He was a rich man and had
cheated many people on their taxes.
Zacchaeus had seen the way Jesus
treated the other tax collectors and
wanted to be treated like them.
Zacchaeus was a short man so he
had to climb a tree in order to see
Jesus. Zacchaeus humbled himself
by climbing the tree in order to see
Jesus. The lepers had been healed
body and soul and they like
Zacchaeus saw Jesus the way He
Jesus shows us through the
scriptures that God can strengthen us
if we allow Him to do so. Wealth is
not evil but it is the way we use the
wealth. With wealth comes choice.
We have a choice to use our wealth
and to share it. If you have money in
your pocket, money in the bank and
money in your wallet you are in 8
per cent of the wealthiest people in
the world. Take a look through your
bank account and just see how much
money you spend on others.
Zacchaeus accepted the changes
and gave half of his wealth to the
poor and gives back the money he
cheated people in their taxes.
Zacchaeus wanted to make it right.
If the worst of sinners can change
then we can change too. We have
compassion for those who are
different and Jesus helps us to see
this. Jesus helps us see the capacity
to change.
The next hymn "Pass Me Not, 0
Gentle Saviour" was sung followed
by the receiving of the offering, the
offertory response "Grant Us God
the Grace," the offertory prayer, the
prayers for the people, silent prayers
and the singing of the Lord's Prayer.
The last hymn "Great is Thy
Faithfulness" was followed by the
benediction and the singing of the
response "0 Jesus, I Have
Everyone was invited for coffee
and treats and to enjoy one another's
Spring Cleaning
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
Father knows best!
(Charles Spurgeon)
"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The
LORD gave and the LORD has taken away --may the name of the LORD
be praised!" Job 1:21
"Shall we accept good from God --and not trouble?" Job 2:10
Let the Lord do as He wills to us! He will never be unkind to us! He has
always been our friend --He will never be our foe!
He will never put us into the furnace --unless He means to purge the dross
out of us. Nor will there be one degree more heat in that furnace than is
absolutely necessary -there will always be mercy to balance the misery -
and strength supplied to support the burden to be borne.
Oh, children of God, your Father knows best! Leave everything in His
hands and be at peace --for all is well.
"I was silent; I would not open my mouth -for You are the one who has
done this!" Psalm 39:9
"He is the LORD; let him do what is good in His eyes!" 1 Samuel 3:18
"Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on
the vines; even though the olive crop fails and the fields lie empty and
barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are
empty -yet I will rejoice in the LORD! I will be joyful in the God of my
salvation!" Habakkuk 3:17-18
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956