Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-10-20, Page 8MW Ir . . . . . . . . .... iwis, .01 Awo -WIPP, u n3 LAcl; now on 0URW "kik ob �'Iarge, I09&of K0.044'. ave h" so'at pregi U e4ved, okh q ai dr, Week When Thomas t 00 to'B" QPQ e be I t*h owW th am- !*rtil-E6 a farm� 0 pro r the: Ve o�4 c �d of g* 'OR, E N Tey al tsl rice paid re tislug, to.., uY, Or y The, p ae4d 010. 0 91�alats. of tlie,fte, i4y. -grAm. x6ceived hore will 1"b $nore _ Cell", C 4�k h9ttl blilldin lfwo. t6. threO or e Oas fr6lri'. the, e evatc,". 4014 c &; a large bri4stablIQ; W -or so o. h f thbji' oney- adles Co t we �onl�, new Ade Chira-- th Fall A �A the hotel furnishing Dr. 'thos. n1; A 0911 visiting. Y 'Dnda here f�n Ack, W, Si4PS 4; MA d A fid- tbe- --price'r4g. 0 Q and arg said to, hv, 44 tind 46 e ofthe furnishings. of, the,; :RqviT Tatlier ch b 'hip; 9 to have�cost abo Thomaq for days" issat cotits �we a'6: size Ivis �tatqd: that i.Ae, hero. r-, epdoyj 4, oha o to, -fit fro -and hq Fisojk,tb6 0 pri. ort,',,pAid 0 '�IMi$$, John last, week,fdr- Brown Uity. Ct It I , 'h _C .... .. onvo re s, P wi, 666 for, tfi4 pr6bert� few, yev4 0tigilln ' ­ e ago 614 o0,2,000. het Richard"Ha a T aton attended -thef mi, 66. -t '18 Y64 4 7t Oct e ue, to UP Ellie e ilien B.. 8tot -The low �ike'At,;yihiqh th wee h griidliat waBinocUd 4wil, w4s� notd, Fur h Y" W.. 9 W 0 , et. rived home 64,-SaturOay evenlig. - Pi r Ladies',`,�Fur rkce ent*.wner o I � L . - [,p t GIM Spe ble iid mon� is In ou V -�6, I "' 'S' Ltlfetli , itie4i "Of 6rnpetkibn at the. iaspent a,*,, A* 014 Mkbard.Fjula' It h f ha herd is, nothi he"M ' Swiziii Vi W&B, keen ary fiie114: on 04_vallj� at 0 Of, J[Ur6 OIE spT bes iddor,,,an, be nk'N ih tlli3u lie gotors,, at, de 'ght .4, I , I I. ; , 'Hu h, ;C t' rTbut&- qua ity.-Ag 'priCes ISN!. d" iqxc pac bus onven, ion. Ow my ff n VQ U it generaly.. expeefid saf - day 1. and, I F6 a a n,4 'd y dfthe pa�t we0kV vould, Qt.bo abo llhilft,� r w*uffs with- ruffis- and. o Mat4,;tlL.', t he d04 -C 'th ey -7 -44 fl�or J aj,'., to -1a U 2 q ',a�d AhO theby d nih6',�illage is divided' 794cy 6,7 0 ile at, 5.. cents. 7 a] ion, via ite& 4 'pi cents... i r d. aqlaity nete af 20,5 �Yqtos, to ppa, Jbe, r6qiii t ed thi6e,,aths mstioriV, id Mrs. avid Anderibii 4 Zi e S, hang VICIUIty't 6 PA s or .'-2$0.*. n kg�'tbeS6iiliel is'enabl9d, b C01 to thi -fliths ag000t nieans� o In �,-3 rd f f ree scarcely t and and, A Spic in, renini ts of T *e tj lap' 'Tie" which, is, e look cgement d.'.:make and Ruth, of' DAnj;&n-.' ed of. oest -. c' otau- in- WM� o 4aug4 of Stoth 60'*ad 75 cents,,, Pane ing,: Rate' ........ ........ y was -not decided picib6bly the I as,, to, 7AY IoCglp&i$e� It' �ioi th4 s. yet non, *ere guests Mrs. 3L War. 'of 0111-15 4, U Offefedy ai -duld-oce t -,this atIltningstift: as for opera up� . L - -t �ed' -Id:t�i , ,, at `uel_�­to_ in Kiekle� N 'home Yrom sortinent,o,hts 'jo "' ' Mr. � illl� itern of. Hif6king. 2, fi gk- the�h6t&-hi seyi Or- x e -Sonti �y ge, se�.,them 20 up en f sh Y, inGuelp111 wheie he ryth cont - , ; P: Ye Ing., All scribers the bal6ice of the �d knee and we are, sorry dep'ahin' ha's bOeri adde to,, op:for vNiseas tid e Ue'rnij- andpgign§.,, a cen S., aBerlin YQ;l a3' ar,giawithit for �Iifp gaih6, 'He S to Bay. nptjhioroving�as. zapigy era w he' Id" f th'-F, mil ..th late fiho, of, distillers and rew his i 0 'W inaily friends would- -Vish*1 Overalis-� SQU W ose a the -P p, T1 InTir a bad' --paper P. and Millinery �D etment eld 5 which-wa4ftetically all nA.1' iri d ooil. the property.,, He. is. left vitU T ry Kin bag h little.: ',His 100i'L however, In6t.. 6ntire� 'due ioAlfe n'o-'Iicense law. In, Fe rw' sy iarmdri around the commi�slcnera deptivedhim. L too proi .. . .... .... -with -t dr rt 'they, repo Clothitig I , , , . L . 1� h th ',property since and ina.12 Ids" Mitirla Udefises rethlued� to -occupy e a- Isood. average 'itas, in. fact; een standing 181suer cf My0. r s. 9 uTIM .�roilnd, d again. Whas et w�t tp(Ait� extra., p; ues .111 the 6nt'farjo d -C 116th 7 un r - you. purpose aftimilifig �our ed - r. 0 n Ist. .'. Spend us th ei Xelvi is. erm. 7 Ouse. 'e$t1j of mon s wiv. ub a in is n are the ga _Mieg L,,-j;i�tiyAweAdi ig was quietly, 40, �:Xiv �f Tees h' 'ent -We, s arq'ne�#teri�lgeach, *4�ek a 0 Ord,: Aft la Y1 - h avelkhee depikrtineuXs- �The. Epw6rffi at ",Thorndile Firm";-'ifie'� reii' Mae a as ann n issue6 Oh denee'!Of Mf;. an"ra., J.- City Uy.' 'COMM R, hen their -daughter- MlirgA& I , LIZ Helen§1 am lasurs a ,was month` xoiiovnng,prc odist S 'di .."IPAC D Mr.�Fiudlay: lived 04, the� fa -adiy; ;Obtpb�er 13th; -visited Old, friends -at, Lines *M! 4kowinw Seeds- in -,Dan th Thui )gram in th� Meih 0 -a is. spen Ing: 'arriage Mre' W, a 4 THJ�X04 0 A united t ndkk� ening Mrs,, R. Kw, _0ur home,:.here. no*: ccupied Mr.' W&I Al contseef. art tiracticaL 'and el&st son of elighteal nce :an e expe mr.�,-graduates:-; se ereneY erelv en- givddi' e in "It offidit w Q.w PO4L, c aA u : ; % ­ rer ra. it'-,, has'; be Saturdiy, 'Albert h. 11011i fro Baniff oil, aenfbdr6d by ininy old settle a The b e a Bum er.T r Ing wa r or :they spen 1., Xxiiitz P6rt -Ae iiAke-pg Mr'J and -lei iftit, ... a� 'Jiliu-Jidiiie—edU urnisih. a very-bi vith Irish lace* and seed: pe arIsZ was un� anr 0 6veiybody im. the, Bliffeir w I dXffP:t -Albe't ayT�,enjqy - t ie-. hi e set or urs, newilig ;h litt--to inatth an& wearing a Q, 't t t burgast.week 'Jr.,' has added an Ufs. ATch. Robinson -of -H Mr.. Johm-9 ni Pow I , t. L -ethe-profit,of,-oni)�of-tbe-'mo ­. :�, I EINTU the privel6ge -ge-hUmbe -from- ere- oy-e­4 xdbllentat6ries that it is. w 0 con.,, on'SUTIday W -her -m o the r. -M& I a s; CA TUO, Magna 1LE noon an evening to -listen to'.' d e ,x r alvin Chfirch,, loth �w 6tory hav6 e after S. M., W6103 hedlheie,- and have not rea the MOL 'GE: th INES Trail r, who prose M An) e- is" OR on, y LOCAL AND GENERAL ea-mee ing Von dvaniag6 6f alf there i's in it, with addressed' 4, thing from. tb, 0 h h eArA selections, without t e . ..... . nighT' est t f pmichis ion - t e �6cated "in Tordixtb, 6&rs,:b koyi who ba, .:retuined th f _: Iling on "Oil 8 re 'Of. t, �,ffiducemnts; or yo n men D. &'weo dri wish to qdalify, M. theB6'da;ya.* il MO Umg-�' RROGRkM women. who, odon� it R.I.VoCid TAb, PAS' S Artesian well ur )*cdli�t, TX WE�EKS.'. We have been­� Aeon, --Tb4 Piiak Lady,�­Mrs J. G.- Ander. pr6m�tly for assured, �psitibiis' azine aguo Opt% y western�, in,,, everi Ar Ariv�' rig reet A in BuWness offiuc';�s at faj�: silo Mr.-Thoi. Plilllips.p4,rehased from P.' kiih the peeihLPt'ce.s certain articlei, and find, i# -Xdse-and- thrdAt- be at the C in 1 )jj�onof Marnocli, ii�ry ti I�F cata, 9911S. e t;4�. for gystelo 6 it( v ourse ves and, o�Fe, i iost, entertaining table of Cofitei", tIAt Vi know,. ising, o o M." 116uge no -on Ahe fo lowing..., IM 'Pro, Ary arinj� Ass MrPealce', Sr.,, is. viiititigt preisent W H. ncipal twenty ceni'miagnme -XcQuii�e And e, C6 fi�Vanta�'dof` 66 low-�rices th Watsons, *ayi yGuge cat hiii -Can�&ev'ro6zU 'Ap4bylt T Toronto. s�JQW.: 0 ewtoo. St prop, Mrs. D. eity fitf.ed, 'failing' eyesight, W) ,T th( Remeiiibor,,the� s doials are all _ne)Lgoods - drid ordeed leT-tele -pentmare-busy-putting- e-ji* ..of- G- phone rs. x Miss Ferguson of Toronto, #ill.�.give up t e wire to� St.'Relens andth6 Oth-.Tbon. a I lly 0�0.,' Bi buying in' ]a! a on! the'si& roads -the, ;6� rge. quantities 'Ett' Johiist ne r pr e, hnd by.so doin S Edi 'fi6e' illu-Iiiiated. Health. Talk e !in in every IMPQ STEP. b .1i ni�c� lowe, ic th .6 able, to U, vening Love o.. M' :and, Mii. John Durnin ostarff e 1W ve ai spentL particula I It rpriew Utfl, FIRST UAW Freenian. edue�'; then, on'FridAy evening 8, oclo`ck, Uce id 'i" a ve r ering.., we are able. to,mak Specia;ls wortli is to decide to:Lget.,a business Betin'kt'o, Por on'' Sunday.atj, t Albert. W, 8 i -inT the- Council. Cbau�6r of - ibe � Carti. a (s.). work, L themextis wh the w ea.m. es r itl6k. "e" ­ ­ ing. in la4ce Qc� it. 09.ew o-areacquainted with . Y 1­tW'Bli"k6�1 A0 UifefM r f e 'Sail6r' -Mission oii d: B t4�irLe Farm, to,.] enti.,., jUSQ and curelp.. The interest 6 gried,sidl n y. ear y a -b w popular ac the,' Presby mAing a list:p :fbktysii specials.to 'first,' nig t, a ay '&m' the -work done in all vi je a. I L"' 'ted to :At in I me' -Miss Olive Gardnet. Church here. 200 acres f n the wnsfilpi 6�f Kiftl6is im ly Ever', body is,dordia Ij Friday 'evening, 'in r this si _y io nd -this-tailk 4-Vingham-- 'for-rent4ppi e*pFy ek in. the y r __ta ta off�� every 'stdpI6 articlo.in shop ans that we Inv nk;�ffer Peo. A, Siddsal, Luckiiow.,� 'to Som6one ervice A"`iior6e-beIoYjgiUg �r=4d at�'tbe, Ths ug son die-secom concession 'the English Church 404',by wilte, thse jpecial�closel d' to,-., y- and �the,., Popp, see blng­ Y,yola.,areto-Un sp Urt in, the Prisbyteri Choir &ruislfi. d ian 0 Bp�etbing you fequ�*rei,.- SAOw"."tauirer and Campbell Atr N'tice Re Dogs. on Tub -St., Helens -I T A on .-Ill..order to protect.'.o Rocks it,' aday if, v�aa iioppe wJthout 64 the must Le & Mrs 'oAnders- 7'khoiNjhat our -facilities are; absoi, gtdait'dlffio ... ulty' ni"ear the Cain House., -an OR.,: ibit We *ss'born a M Prank who ho -SaturdaV at e The: -whether li or ui 'to, prohi lately first-class and. th thbs; 'Ole an Monday o hism -to' Aph�' comes uedessa�y I Out r rs unting or �A thues dogs,; ic.kneas lot,; f, attend are sure to be' ikhl.*.: f old: the S�. 0 'Oar -Oft-thev-day, ',oil. ON our sati utred crqssing.vu. notiCe'..to. ''thmt-. Co IngT.. Y We hereby, give LT Ri 9 O -M-1 i I tions. death. of Sit John. A4 McDonaldj and &other to eff becaw rorA- ffespondbnt.,� and ail -&g -owners oi spitanien or. ge T -P . ... Write. for CM -iii later his b4d have re- nanied bj a sfiedi=,!� h a d ce giaduit�s- eaiily. get. posi, seemsrTnearly As ipry -its Miller Ali 'ASL did that .&m6us'. politici -Lilliba bI96m9-,' and'the cor --'oftr Ah6ia e sted to _the:, 6iL - 4munify di turd emscl*0 accor u lyi e ne '*isheii'for' thei uture ppi- (Signed) Greer Bros. govern th t e. W J ELLIOTT,, Pr A lUihiltbh� r ar sat its beat 1p Polic�e bj&iii F ce -Cor. Vouge and cm,'Sts. e4 sentenced a youth to timo wont s iie Trout Cre4.Vpran, h si and prosp at, he:Oior 15d or two 6r'950 en Y., Calvin orse. I uld Judging by the turn-40ut at in jail abusing a h yolf for u if I' OCM%on Chrch; E. WawAtiosh oil t e 'AN A MARRIAOE.�, before pass. of their anniversary last Saliba* thet,e *arm plac I e, in the lidarto, Now could", said the rhigiotmte AR' ES haveo eredthe-lash' sstill- be WAnted rd MERICAN Jo L 11is woeship b6lieves 00 ntence. Ielens-peoole'for th6ir form. of the St. I ne 14�- There,xma maiden beauti that the only, 65ective. w4:%to, deal #or LIA&IJOWL an a maid.-' e., woman s6id D.ilivery Pho' $2, 5 er pastor;. for, as on d urtounding.. d and Clutii with -0106.0 �;fio ari cruel - 0 1 finlina 8L -9t, Helena must, havo beei ler6ill hd Winter montas in 46h*igetiq on Oun ul" oage y g it - W have. the fd tunst" 'Those who'att��ded 'Were well repat stock. 1 Jler-m6tbOr ebose her husband, abT �elagheA. Vu r nt to tak orders the sta, utes L o no g'rap Ww"Oft4*0 she. took bim�­fdr his gold. ely. t d t t thitt' for their drive- on that. beautiful aftei- - they 600 tcres , under ca powet.� hoom aut deliverstockinjood con Won idnot li,�e &'weo Win, Will Twet mini nbict grade., We; 4*n �xhow Clodd people '.'hear.- the � seqULel itivAti,ti. we d It ' w" e'' 'of Mitchell, 'met ve ifibehWa, of the St.. Holeli As I?rdvincial Iq.�nager now,'two accep the inVit& 'She q now rich divqe�e, s9arceiy hardwafd with,3a, p6coliar aceldont 1.�o Rifle/ Association ted t t it; good.mon�j in eeOresetit-ng. clerk at $8., pet week, and �vho. a 'M6trqe0 tion of.1 for 4. a we 16, 8t,'Au hii,­tJutw-- t gu8tine Club sh6b to, n Itit the laitei's range on Sa�'tur&i UstAbliolled'over 30 years! W -------- - - era while t his work o :a�fe, and without pull., Ix f.. The aNrnoop 0 q, tfia -farm Of r,, i Olin Orcenwo'd in. ill'ond :'of. ',Our "I for pleasurd, and good 666ting, "aM Nurtwiry Coe.: &to new "REALIEDUCED, OTTES triiftingL 1h departm tfils and t To branches and two year's faithful LpgAn,,arld in letting tfiem, down a most enjoyable,time was spen, routo, Ont. S�rvi eg to his conipany i!%de . t . lit' ove a , arning needle which. Thetesultwas, out of a ible 360 uranged to all wheels dirutby 61"Le�dik� :'4�pirs at Little they dr d' poss customers all Intermediate A Pa.� -he�differdnce betwe�a th bi ;,w�As in his ddiit iilt46 his breast. , A, '500 -yard range, St.. flelefiii made 'Auc'tion"Sal�', �"n o cu� -T at the e g- bout half an 'inch of the . needle' was 90A and St,- Augustine 07,"being'6 plan T& Can bffer niea and the the little" tnet,,- the, broken W al�d &I though - it� has been Theitudersigned ituct stlecesful 'and, the jority for St. Helena- of 97. James ioneek has boed eg r ence of tiainfilg: prob for the th k6it'more sub �ed for 4 hi� - AlcAl adviser it Putdiii ai -medallist Instructed by the owu6jo Uri Petet T6r.,�, 50 We always baeroom .16 only a - diffek, wi iet�de; to, sell by ' Vublie Auction, about and -welcome -every now reAdet, We have transformed , thousands bits noty(A Leen It ted. -6 BdIls eyes:,and an inneri or 2 out 15f er vifluod molbe r one tulle �aot of Lucknow, - bli 'Pridayj 6f out ever of little:men into'big men. :,; I �You 14'* ­ '11t I a- ­ ­ -,-. ­ Therd iw a­­,movbWedf,- -on' may a u. r par y at ome -the ollow. f Slop .0 les.. r�aaiog centele�'. wiA,'Aecond, h. iivo bulIgL, o'c ocki Val e h6tses,, cattle and - and finisivat college, literary 80cl6ty 'for the (3cl cerndn6 woar� �y 'rgs ze.& -Or 97, The'St. Aelens'Club'd& As�a sp "61 -T`o n outer ore VaU Term opens Aug. 20. g winter, I Success � attend � it', r $2$ Broatigament, able to'ogor Thd'-Weekly, Si every rinenibet th be. out for 9 Dr&d Mares; supposed in t6al,* J The toiVn is tead� an �t et" Vrith out: own h ti& oil Saturday.afternooh, as, arr , ange- Illack Uhre, 3 years old; 1 Hot$ 4 ia:is; ail and ElilPite AlOng to'hear In'soffie such publile way- from n ilidir an- 6ld-.. 3 pqltd, 1 year old; 9 $tltkj� to claw *heels v;AI be alt' hwo togetb r -ivom, now ` wits,will'the 'b6L nj&de &j Ilits surpris ftiud In first, W- te�ror pirticuMirg n '&at help kall, reitoration *of theirrpumAty# We have U cen ts or feom th� rnaiiy bright ati'd busy minds that litia-1 -supper 6hoot. 2 Cows in calf; 1 -Cow with cidUat 106t. s mdy A6tirish he'M What, f�rm its oxercill 1 Dl�r Cow- 2 'Tvo,year-old Heifers, !1 ilk* 6 money 'WINGHAM; call L ;.Vone'-ye (144elferd�' 1 Dial 6ilf, ivet offeted in k a, rare ds Would,, take hits not yevbeed' defin, t r a' 0' 0 portunity XHU 011 itfior rate P - Fo Service 8 "tog ld, Grade Calt, IQ Uwet, decided; but auspicaq. are BoAr IL MuprTn walluing) Ancr, reu 'to I i at'lot 22,L Con I ffth4la" Automoblite and !7x, nlosa a large Ili: oted, 60714wpot cent, off f gebm to afford 'Oebufiar &( istu Bicycles TUFAUSTO"GHT yout, own di4,;xot all(] ihe - bo- it Tchile $1.00 at time ed, berkshire of nalGF.O. SPOT*roff, P both thq, trained atil, the untrain ieMtij with prielego.61 i4t%unill - ff, U an Wde� Among Our, possib vo.office of this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .