Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-10-20, Page 3WR "`7 77777T "7177", IF— 7 F 7. :A. -7 7 p, 444: 6 4, try. PQ ]K in �ts bliowing 1!7, 0 t Lv s son lFill C, Y04 may .%,5;Ivt��9.1tr"6utdod4 a lit f 4�- N 1, W Eevora imoom'stio -110� 'NiiKe A ill" PM 0?4 . I .. ­ VeAji —itiffil-lati, J4,JE6�fiq I A T 6' ;OR I Aj� '$io x�� ww" X1, FJJBF a Rc the e AM suil e v YN G 13 P,L& 'k, rotindled a't-,ope:eIl14, "d It ?44ryjage Feast., W4 vix� it liest Omi SfA4, 6t lo" I; poll) 0: at ly 0' C '04 0 J& 0*4-to tber'liepp w folkIN 0 JeAq hitr W4 v, Al -Jntv� the em W of: Ile a!ppo, -9! Joe Is, tiling 4� 01" W11*46 to d 7,;1, 'par 4�,": -7T �`Pp 46. 4 otk"J JiLall.�- IN 'Pqe 'rolled tho -go�- at' —loight"J e- ist' :,� A I -�Q�iyiifg;6-Xtr- ad' --0-' ­-illt JW- Papl, Intok' thi b6��:;40, it 40 Al, PP P 7, ae�_ 1p -0 )J(i Ji s AT 'two 'alid than;'tbe Plants, J. S,on, 4,87 MA ers. 11.-�,Thyope Qu�,'�3 9's- -7- Wilt ler 'than Y i 1PX8 FOR 811:N1QA- Z "I h pt, It 5tApd,,., W jo ug, the U` 'S ef#i rh report V PWPe$ 49, )lot P e, ,ald T, t W #t mos�icoyjcr O'Wlng'�lu1gXC' lentE4 Two Y, lip, 4- f '9- riveii , biltOttii, 1) yo� . , , , , "' , , 1 a ;e `e,§Us':,gerls volle'.3,C)p in): 1�' `� '�� - i find,'.4jffi'0jjli . ''r� , ; 4 "q,6'JhC: eo�miis p hi -I ;CUps 0 flOq JQ d n*k"X i Ci4ng4vhi1C he was,jpreglthing to thre� 9111 .­ r,,ryr i§ �' $,. "I .": , , � I to be Siye �to P� t X '' 1-1 " 4,; �qjjl! '* V T oW. CoLul�"-bybWnie �Jp­ -eicc�- (I I I 4e, p, Micapin at, near -did, es"s' OnSWer it lip _J' lwl- , � "" I � 1 11 ­ ­ t4q.,'o,lk -es- or ov 8iii th II:ir ir power It is-,, 17hree,,, t -hf� -xinty- jf PC ­eI)j. -1 i(�­ Rml- 'I ff 'd1d YAr, Y, tile Urs ig "'' 4�� -A b ete woly� Wh ANi 4- -94-10 ,r him,Jntei, t lic witii- reo, iwitli tlie Jitfl'ie stop:Iig� AA �vrip tilitipuili, J�li �ko 4gs To pgr,L"'�d­ *lip- ivhite- �fl' C'64ii ove- e . vi, vite .9rUll)i4--% reCe VC b tut iif thi-skill �o.fl�� gra iam" but 44r­"-Wbtu, 14v i "* f 'r ­ ''' � Ill., ��i ­ Y' 'Pix-er! t � 'I �` � I e mem, ial's"knoiyn to. I TI bf e'� It i tv ii�6r§ prove. equa loll,, a, tilo 11 o -j1-1----- " , 4__ -1- 'j-. _.W r was't. 16 JeSU 5 n it h dIs r -bathipg at. "Arbr6 t b, AIJ s s t rg t Jv, C-11 11010 t;"- We' Whi16 11' bire d,44 Of 'the transfigor 4hen Add. �jiyixlt -of' boilinEA", J4 Jon ;YC1 Pa3,­ 11 , 4Va COT I YeIllir 14 'Allis� he boil tror h' t:� 'times %gyre��t & Elpina, 1V.a Ria, a,, tealclier,:at Cher'- Pon s rain the, last, ' ;11 . � ' � . ., It y lilt ny Cip esfilli to tiq,, "pp e, iquid: an, 1,6 Bileadi�S ee, �,Yyll nil pff fit 11t*oUtide'iniJn' d I re: ma V f rom �Cy warS­,carrje, :boiling `Viitov�rr�L as en"'r,"eitilo e, SO" �,I�wd,2& Je �"OeCPL -Arel­ want anti Justy'a, to� an Fhpuld, .;m,,e exe�rdsvr JQr ivoness,T, ruestion T -11 Nate 4.1,-- 'g 1)6il'; -tJ -t*'- did, 'e"­t­ f � "'A , ' , , r' ­­ f A roltv In ed xer r ow can we Cis§cD 'AD excl, T A e ur "eni -a i6t �-brea 'asic Im. return �ageii to ISA;lg" 4c�Specjall So rL 'Ha�J)Sa s, I&L Xho fiermall -it-h "the, intiiloductibn of' h, Il" Itilt-,ri4',cco' fire., "fl.l 'TV b me quan , " " , u t�!," d vi,r� hangJqr'r the 4vnip 44 titly,: ligar ais pleast' when there i f hi o Ie ilbelryt, '600, ulairly vvei�N; 't JIeii�hipg, iii If Q a, V..,,d A jill all ',one i40'r elp. 'ge" k E f ' t: '�Tl iK11 AN atr i'e'- 110. rp 640. reat 'I t MaT or lngL�Ao,.; a for,: �,bat,`purpo yli�:a 'it �J. erL,.-,vrit- Qi'teen'stoivp� from AM 1hel Pqg ree Qr­ qUr yonlis, kipgdoin' son, T&,i�16 ' . �! ed'; �A,vie;! �Yi 'h6t, Je �04e' to, fji�nt%th�e, Coln e". 151lips, my ­r 4`2 - jo, a 0" if it P. the J n g'� 'W 11 DO t d" 'foe outi; liyes;j tit" 'Lei 'Ile 0 iWvar rest. until,tb�et.di yiLg qllaptif�, nyilkcr.' 0,P4.JRr,Cl , , ,I'll " ; e 'r be, C(`)A8Jdek,0 e- F;P( th ...... d bread �r,io,4 Cl'wm ip,dl6r. e4' b t Pl,em­ of ight ditth 0 b ��'Ing* to urn'L t lite, d- B�f, V t oilgh'L r "signers M'll '�Pirft mof irile'reli� C t L' t.le 'Higfig an. co fig P 5 11 '' 1, '1 , �pr ', . I I AA it Row Al t ei YC� lit I e,4,C ..4at lotir are. -inc tides- tti -.fieitlties� �aric: aVeiebme­ .!I'll jM­ ', ' r , 0 � tter. ptre, L App L) xq­b read "V�il J�,(, I" h` e-VIIIA151-110t. ar U-Velq t. a spaqeWiW-ffiIF o— e en.7- B noulicemen oLU -h 4& c J- Jk Fis lv$-Ane A and 'a&I -IMPALED ptyw b4rge7 UrIng,puIp tay�'J' ltlic,h oF -iii�k o g a sieve PT iat- 4-1—t I is. onc,.o am t e vat ­ it re. - "y the is also ithe4. imin'g,tioil.. of ;X, al F gx AC, t�tRi C& p t' u h gar, J --spicos, o -as e. t"houglils W�' id 't t , 't pg fill erlDQ§ILq W ,Sy 477 ipp- i4rit� ":'W yruy 01118 up a Ill ea. �-&A ru—bar-1-Two, !Mm :it -�-- ---Y-tj�eM ­­­ --'i'-. --. priti'L SujiTfil Oita ar-1. q1tilivrigh s.,A s6 iir iv Aid-Je sllltl"�Lrw��hi i j.ic e t tllip�q Jt;6li'­­ll,­"A A be''furt v Ill - 4 4k; �Ct 6f,ConC<fliCl;,grg Jet punci I r� i-tb v t. ti 1.il �tbe� it aepit lViia, ques ions J -V�eigh aboll p0UD&. this- wagons, were bea� ed for'11 ord's later teac t-111,8,' pli 0-0 it. 'vviii our; L' by; 6ine.s dii t6 f ColqjU 'su 0 U4 1 ul " ?. ,­ 4140ij yet—"'Thi -the �pulp. bee bring: suppi es back to' , I . ­ " .1 L . A MV,IVU, pow�vr� A,da, fi�el stan �ii i4i1ii rh s t rringL. It sic a. Qriu v more, in it e YfJL 0 -in" preserving At i, 'tit ne -ai�k 7. Ifow,'did J h f a:n we be PrQl;Pds gr4n'nlated. sugar" four'146� sor ed' erVJPJV some ,do pdjaiiis were. vwy R o M Ml� lip of e , a ie� y what- 14'essoh, d0cb th e- ra ])it o�`apd­ 1) p be ss of 0 on-- ebbtyiCilled. r 4�rreet y�­: "'T he PA 0 troublesolbo In :ihose� days, apd,7,these sc� h ve "6e Then -strain, and .�Cld 4�1146 art, �of qu t 'Ho e, W o e lengibeeir:,qlles on M616� sliC4e'd nis;, wi��t s t ble pnropfie6: I 46L 1�;' I 'Ibt3 ter h' Co spend. pair pf" ne: h, 1 XN; not Y wo Ctu'arl't of WO ClUtfitS. a 16g raicl'. w pang t t 'Tit Ways., equIpeo'. Cluier o t for ix 'to t f` & r li,oroughly let., water, or eter e I AA One E le"', oh C, Cup 'U� i if -IS 6f, �117f , , tit l" r 171 0 'r' the'. p, ad,&,;s,�iga- t6­L r les K, 0 e th', WhgonS th 't f th arl, and 'need for,- a6h�� baskeit:,�- of, Lin e tice als a tiac "N W14 fol 1 7 AV bh� di V "the canto -with I --What'puabl' di In le, morning P aliants, elf, slo r9nged,1 Sliga i"; �e f -p ace w I C) f?, Jest 0 w r In& a circle, and�, everybody' but io Jesus emylis �ai Cord 0 1;) grapes is 1�u cie 41, il�:Rl, . 11 l'sr at) P '' t reL mpressr 'Waln- - I" tile relatioin, A patri,6tism' i 11" di I type -0cord "for'Her shire f� I menlialf, 'or it is . iscip es Tel . til, jar A police.i 6K _uJ,jpr very,�,siwee ILI 111 4J largp, sj,rup ifs thiok; ass, ligion 7, Wha.0 colif ict is �die story of,the-Italibrits? IN'lliat. is, 64 by 8uperin- f r , 'I ag been 'esta ish e wlff'be-, "ir t, N th e meaning 0 Dr- �( �Cl­ b y 4% Co -�of-'�ottbuwoodg��,about,i,-iii iarter, o a- e.poeilit Rc.yil:Jlds e- puriiii I'll' -k� an( by ya�'qrjp­� eilppe ra�n C 7 *46 :tlf the , I r gl'* ­wAgIftlipilcferred CUSSee tile" � I : ', r' I A'full' that, the r' , r JLJ�Ts'.�WL CCIP, or. lCeg, fillip 7 What' of Mite JPU ayniala-d 'Tr,k 'aiBI lQar Wl 0, e -y runr 0 How'did the, prinxitii�e-churc -Cov�elli the -,Para IC-' Diin UL ods alinioured,deciEp Vapp e;- a e aid 'there, IJ6. 6 What her­resulf'�,of- puty -chief; Con Sta bl,�, inny;l rh all r . has, top'' -: w'l'� " I.' d- ILI fleip -at e'd A&` hge' fiIille 611! zed' bknyself� le all I t in ak.e� -e.V.Pjr0siJ-eg'�,Ld ed f 7- -es jS-J�­ k Xie'ejj, p.1 hee-,At nfiL iC s come e J, I is the,,t*,ofdld;, fixithful riervi�e W h b,' __tbot lCi rom on ­1 e-�;stlove ­­ h-- -kbt, tt� Cl"W down'; the- funife ps nwr!glit,,was- - auper- 1xigi--j ml bottle- 'tied esired Ityr4h�)is it_ Vilai'r -Neltherthe-cani�-nor-Mai -What - of: lit in a pool p ace;, M I ttipir-ol? dixes ,p t lgbt Willesden iv in ith xtpilgh,� water to cover.' dikuilb!1ed ng her In 13 0 p F, e, paraill 0. the �irgi h,r_,_ -'vice.you will.'i-ersier,? orkbouse,. who' 'was, �.-iapish before i(ha "d teil,'Itlit.il qllitA3r Soft" 'ress them 4nd *eepis� good f6i; year t charg ler 'La -St Judgment; JVUnk' at .'thc. o'ex-istence.' the -neit ni6ping, while' Wal What Place did the telppW have 6d - �Nvitb, Lein Si -,`et G r e -rip e 4 right the religious Ji re.' Of 'the h f �People 0 -Why.- 'did lem s 'i �p rOIt' ir R,( )Iander. Now, out byla I ell' thii �story? local -police 6otift 'i4id: be had madbr �iyyp� e Was qAting Con eL. ground -.with his f -15,; � r � . ­ 4 1 1 L' " ', " - st, sign Of' :6ar� fill �Y,� Till 6fl , "M 'a eet', at, sew� it t) i e. I -uart, of gr4pe�",'L.�.3ya la.e I I Why'-� - Wlt, -bribe the -i4 iiid to. refo ­ kulith r ��ag­ ib'e'6 on ackto,a:�tree, rinking-bis, D.,es L up is -min re d was Abe. plan. 'Jtkd:g L � , I I. il*a' a rip, was, en.., _jilyjarroW;�, 60 4e lba I ri ge -overcom e 'burne ly rye f -the,-'­L,.one'4alitint.-�; PA nm�a h6, iDe& PJC"J'CI'm­tb�­:�,t in C -tei,ed-his-necic-a"he-rfg'ut;-ux, the. welcomed the -parable," of, sing fo r' -4he-­T-ighieQUs-?­ -How niiyy�' 'ilk. I as,,i 1 e Micorklillllg Ili at �gar� leL -e 1 in a J. -tJUgUiar'rJ'6Jja illid was'driVen 'with's'lleli: mf! the w -as-,tbe,`- -Boving(lor',-near.. ckness the last; iii-ag nt 7' WhAt al 'or In life rit'i _kS Then " I 7fite-0: _Ctly,­a -1t P ". .. -6-1� .- t,�' L tlf' will, kles pale�-�the- viaim brthe,: -mar -of -Chriskian-di 'i A' had koltg U nl-vi In e r e ea I 7C b M -.5 7 neb ..7 S t ..F.- � � I I.- , A- .. r .. 11. UVICAMUXU ageL ine., 0 Ve IV vill '.h in �'�Cyu� e 0, U01yos 7 sira th,r gar an -Alartn- _ - re�su " - d +lxej:uice��- ffir,407 HQL tfie xJ ic: P� hd6Av&s .,.to lip, miles1r,ont' osporf,to B piving. "L as been- - JualILN� oo� e . . fai llfu lr�ser fil th ee I III rig c e vice 1, su'r i e'd J - n ­ar its -ising -Ltinib; ;-6v ", -. , likcfuta. ..-J'heLlif pi ;ly 7sh61 vviiiigbt­� ns 'VV wit i �'.Cgg­�on( --- L J" S' -,of Villega P, ktu ... 9 --------- --- --- -so sftll' . 11 , I . � I I � one,Alas� a, jar 0,� Vic 11 wine dead Walirwriglit,wits �n %­ �� 49!Linisp, �J Jesus s tI s? �. 'What did v PC4,Cef" ell -a- n4,�- Lf -11b ­ to', �h it re�.Otk,,' I �,A­ yie­­:Ptx� vicklmil) ne, C.17- is - ­­ . % ­ r , - iff:rock'.-`, ay. pickles then t1i bak6L kil O*hL "ISCIP7 411 if f tit pretty .-n�te u the.,egLite6nth es e v -,ell ent'-46r r, les'? Nvberti,did'ihey� jo fi, f VpSt'alld op'6---J�hat. is- I . , - - - of of, EPI �e -Pr Ili hi v 'V 'all are, iised., D41 age -�lose to tie point mininalles entered, into a Admiral. . t 011bui -in,vessels and so�6ii :itnd 6 iT feat ij.,ca PL acl t y r �c� escent$,. 'communion i What'did' h' )nval then 96iftly drew Wa i ot OP. �ptkr bf 111u, Over 4,11.. :'Covcri �rul. jteclPe,;­t he,, oge p�rl t e, �Rrwty 9f i dVugs, tloaluls// IoHfish�tFlcOtj, die`Kii'ser bbn;J,er weigtic-offid 'less- import onJ C /:Iin(jL an T s66ohd iS, feorlwd rd, tuatil diouip UD. may. W-Uth .1 'S her d .. 'L I . beli�f . I . . P tied' 'th dicarnehts,, Asl Aue',Mu with �veigb e yueO -Vo the- Biitislrl� A or t Cown wi. German recipe I me :be getiu in my Al e s1iid. with.�bnfidoh., b as 1. irletixxx, sitifficile&blit litt 00nee -in Jesus'?,- "WhAt qUell 'us!" of his� h iilid, m IV- ic.' Igo iesys as Wh lw- y t h 1'... i Men, t1witi, was ell exile ve. PYM ir Adrpiraltv', and -J— _0 ilp­vvas. Y""' "What ell Y iii;d put on to c il� lift -1-6. entir I iso r Bg say to Pete r ? lov it 'at c did. Jesim, ver -Ailgeics-Tinles 0 1 a ve: bbaigo . o 'd ;4�,Jbllk�mcdlil - ­ ;­..", I 1—— 11.1 rxia�i-d -Ca iel LeBsOnl ly—In6 I ransngur P lit ;fg - ,gppe A �- 10It%, si d" -�6f, �h, �sbn'; I b0 'YT17-717c=U�'1w. btluul LAJ �L.A�L Its . nyotians;;a6 hen 'J 0 9 Went, a i .. I ., L -r ,, 1 7. �J Er`�w U UA� cupful,of sugar, ono sL a. ­kj, Flus-; pnp W a ri, the What' eav�- i W1. I 15olp,e� grapes re'L4-1 �-iig Treated. Accgildinalki h did ducip ies do!? ire' � ' I " S' I d4dd on July t ly 1.6 )06PNI lof' floUr tabl&, I u I( ns Mate, to ner�- performances. 'a. �.fliari. othc�rs.� min I Ilt(j 'd'? .-As & 'S 85.: 5. he In -e,"po r it" 'it 66onin �f zrit&"it,64 .-t ic ncien J;re ature.-And was" 11 7 the la'�10 f , ..Ski m-niffig, when, ii e0 ssa IT, V 6 apse his disciples awoke did-.1",eter I uc6�d* to tile old -,play, .,:i.Bird 111. al Cilge.,�� 77'!: intr99, tt eL: J'' - .1"'; 11 -1 ­ .111 1.''. �­J ­Uau�­pitlyckpd�t-�hree sa, but v Lf� 41), zetyloyei!W -W ftatrAi ey�� ear -1110 y - S I: -rom Tfft pleee 'Or lit It fe'rif In o )(Afles On e--halL lot, sllval-ai­dn e:- i;, 9 v 1) a _w, L f�r. �ith in oUtL &ot­6fL t X Pi6its -sin's boq lend,, edium W )YPev ., I �!, i 17- e and"'sOure �1ftff' �7, 9 in e same yeat-, "Thib S n ne in --jp, bri ' . . I A Zed. �i :,yl c NVISS Ale 11 uciiinbeks f klregs� e Tu t b i it 6�. iVas next JnIst4l ed i �t -drenbhd -for years, been :i'ceusioiatie(iAll, moufitaih�9%-AA7h ed'Uid �n'ot S-. d k y Pa fni -i s '6ften but, th 'ninc'�da :Then r6move till oa .�4 in. f Changed _0 f kLADS rii�eedti iles­heal,-�him,? A'� Farnous�.O p4li_ ileasur Gicm�' da. resh water. inty'fou'r L� . & Y the, Ave l is 1 , -o al I ciuis� �f, T Ili. S1, IES new ownell., ad ppL- Forg'iy'e- st rly-7`18 d,J ro e tg.),- alx� I iten in,,, 190 e in Opal 1b hi b ly Itive, of Cwc I ng,� unless h. LessbA lr.� A Les l5op 8alad'.­ Take d 'T Q toill's'- in! harves:­and scra e Y­14.yde�-, ­­ - 6 1 �.M-J ­ f , '­ - lr-11"­­­�' "&7LU­---­­a- ­tbat-w 711 P j17DJI: -Mid"diff �'mkide ie-�,ste or - - -pee -tAierp - P-, fieZIii, -th&-Admir 1111111 J]" L 1 Ug' 'V It -Rouinn. �seuatcir. TNonftls. I b Y- -Qf, U1,7011 it n e fl�� a oom ef,i xi� s 'f6il ­ !.j7. Jrge pre of nowersi NVI a I' " Y Triii k ill 4. layer. of then thordugfily elxill"� J�hem.- ctly n t e, aa baO,, It i Is i p le s, t A e.f, at Ao4.k I �,% I I I In 1:46. tillunivirate. Its Q count, youl, 'd "Wha t; did' fU -the� 'stcm- -end found' Ize equaled, that YCJ-U will - �ne r,,, e 4h, the cbjl 9 - 1) * .­a�&7�:th�-' ' -n In' ybt its, i� f nought -o a.L'tll(, ( flxln� 4 0 Is, inixture f the dile, ��&tqrbi n 01 d A-1 "--, j1L nd had forthwitht instititited 0,rciciped- say Of t 6 kn er-­ l �AF�� �­ tQ_ J'p. CLPLP'�1Jx' IEMLs� - " ' ' �f, _q6_E. ' ' I ` ­ -1 S All":tfl cl�,io �w f We.L' and c 'ith th -kiiyg-� .6�., PQ I , 1, e I -b# t 'a, ii'�' hili'li, ill tit finely ininced rtte- eigner, while m iessoii aid Al Isix Ina ., 1: w ularvel. among of Collie. bailange powdei hit Confl py, H d D -a tittle Are IlSed,: 0 scot free. t ANTliat st'66- -did* It les all''the pick till witill I �Re. 9 IIIII.&h. nl&) exhaustive trial L �',I 1� � y society.. I." f A ourr ide s b ie 'ith equa p r S' 0 'Too rna'ny.' tell, co or vy, -fie:.toniato is p,a, s, � fS tha I forni b especiall 1v h ell it was nowu'that the: T radish I ced 15 like way -Until I' d ..horse mayonna sp,,. The,.efilf(I father atillpalled,ligainst the theiii? To'. whom �Aid �Jesu. 11 Illopellall n : ia§:.4ny If centtuxc6 and to s goldsiniths Ia. t1liltiney'. ChIiihgc ifil tion,� Us L Z: qit�Jwvui, Jvl,�L! -.1- - . - 7 .111, 1- � lii ­. , .--J,- �J't S � L -h A -%vitly. notaADU ftIlLd wate c I 'Va 119 e: S011111 unt comb tine a re' ok 'tridahl is-plac Jvar'n ifil6i� tllis_L?.' f 4rie,. sadly. mixe.d they " iony made gvertures to Nonius or its revenue� i half s�o 11 :,1 'xi ay I I . . 'ot dn1-N7.- had been iried I;My ItA Clear,. Fill:,racl of , . I I I - $ e'l I t -' - L "'L\ 104�r.,cpqt to-,reduce�`tl P!l fh Slice cite nin Ji �iirit.ly�,, - so ed �id ra�sins �and -,s 1� T4 sa Led he �-J.= el Alm, ­W, 1111111 a. man 1 s- A Jlit; 'IMM' 1Q,ftailt-1 to ��­el,. lit; ligion -6 W- al.. I __ to_ M: p,0,e.stro3 f -rjxsjrle� l ANTh-a"e"t-did, Jesus iwl id, n'. ic #ba, v s tb,' en Sala&- e,co. C in ars" -U al: lit, 'of 1-�­rn­o' , 'It . . C OAV 0 many", t 4wo' Clips eTY, a -C­�'!,J�:­J"��I� ger S or.encli;.buttereili), . .... Vyl� %!H1 t'i . t'' , to*LC . I 'Als-11- y - P�4), eopatra, bty� the Avle 'a' arflie eel, i-64n&ixr�- Jorii�salepi� -after oui� 1 a st, J,U ALIA11 I 'lleno, tvle�l' to �Prpfli$po to '0-illt IV�tli L it and. f0r fear cl-o' k- _ I it. ­­ diz -lie--miNKI i ire a pla PAL Alake, al-slyrit:l-, f-o"'ne-,,qu AOXED S­oL­LUyS­-Case:�-l-JJ" �tofd--by�: �Ie wmly- wl t no I re is- . ..... Jeglp k. h6 t to at f evel-3. sbilght. sitfety in fligh ur. a inft!r I it 'it's odge:,is tOwArq, yo, .1s force. a, SNN, 6hildre ni 1. He ­did­ll;vtea�ch� il.:Poriaw� :in p e,-, I J,: Jbi CO' c I(X 0 1116,10Y 10tat did w I ge . 1* Vox 14 abJ.1:, I., I! At An't I�,lpp r," goo� lo c'.* Ilere� history ld�es all traee -of ittis f fl, k �ftn4' -0. raiti n J �Jcd th ndarni �'wbo rp�poi-vi. . he say about, the ge Co a1ion. 'b;et-wee "'Ind a�% e 1 1, e se r .11 s ey si. eXsel'--fu! U g­0Id-LiIJ,q--- cA­-V­oUiJgL abC -of -11W v -bloving--ski n _-gri s J-4�.Sul man­­fr.hffgfCTv ova1r, m -to�iiily "Ktraight, nario-iv pat I., t: tan experin tIJ45" fli 6-4�xtu ivi�­6-vv-'! .1 tilat SWIS's I�t L Je X nl.txy�: a ot. jilt t off: What d It Is The A�401­cej er.y.;.1 add-'salt,,L pe-pp'c d- -'ap r e 'it f, , 'f 1, 6, b' f ;�Itq e . to f se* �I­ rina c or an I till C, Ore. Y it le s 'f , . I ., _c nin In( ave pipes in�, - . 'i iL �ily V are pi'ayini-f6i, a lviir�: r! f, file N ­:" i i h oil and 8 a "Ilins 1041- Own g in. the Ally, a R, w Al'� Wit Les'son VIL-­11te Ldbore't At.a Wedding reakfaist. J?e", V46 IN. -IT in J. 60P. as',tdi al gt.,.fot6lgners­.' (."s lote''NO10 ll.aVe- PI'anted ell -it'll the ol lin oat: at- b'D ina-A !d nd', garnish v­1,ne3)at&-,­--AAJxat rvipark- of`Pet .1 11 Inalse resslll� 7to I A) n e ii.' A,;ftor 4 Inar I alorr fin 'w 04 bri s ecid s: ou f-1-41 ev d _rt;­J�_X1 I'l fly 1,4_ q or,"s rJP5 if- VIE!', fast,.towhrd,tbc C C. Stet tlllal�i 7, io e tile 5" PC -a 11, yii4j'alf! an Al L� ig(�rlp- hic i a young of o lie -�y`qftS,117estbuates- III, - h A gotilptanik-sald= 0 -Ty 'JTC y F406-iml a All 7 2- k- -- a oz (?Ln, con;i4a,%le,� 4enl-k-p­ots�� -:in'd�p14.�A-keli Ased f4 ili�,v�avid, dllie,ilfl q'- 'fell '!`Udles. �afid,-Acntiinyctv W I T ali I,' )nge6 ONl.ideLp a i"ll .I. h n't" e. to llth,,`whe�li y'Oit think- ihe�. str( f �p �of the fea--' f�poyd­ 'atC LIUM E 11 pr�po�ic.if.,toi tr 41iiart--� —-11 11-71,-- ' N . I % 'S � 6 f­'t-11'e­-1.�t 1-a 6_1 e'L, ._'I i$,t" willell., he Si; i -;h- A w or 1�;. w on it 'VC,I)re ILI te ioU er e- run - stall ng., case ' Utht: �VVUV' V s se opLf,. Tfile 4 T,.Iie-dbLo-it�.-.-to.lit�a,,.i�n.,t.t.i�e j"t re7' AcIr, -giveft by,, th&: P with� saiI6 i'(Y. 101 eper Is no Pa ra� asses ab'd rise up. lit""t as, el d's 5 +16 n it, -,Y' , I ­­­­­ . " -i--Zlye' ,h�.'somewhat­be- tired Ili it �l i jio.i it, rg,� "foxi'a I Ili e xi� 6 -9 000 tells _t t 1"Cothin oIle It h1l 11 d" g6t -jars ry pure lja�mlg. a it� 0- t" bc --d rf4n'. by, 4,8, at a laundry B 8 IN' I FE". Oil r sip id, 41d wild6rc -so. 50LI, I ' L"Jl(JSe.­'&J V I I Jl'olpip, �A, wall Ich �.vll dO not 0 Ile se Blo so '.\+eax,'ii)g e- "Now," -sidd the youtug, s�' "pe,91111"61 J,helt garic (,m, tae I goe4 ;i mail' qncd 'of 12 I� 6.6ts Ill's NA -01t. to. ill'� -ikot8�1 le, Iiitt IQ.r 6rualn -stati(ling-.1or it, fe t1146 fil-ull Will.. r, 7. q� J (I 't, e T1 I c- il, -I'; ai, I I -1 14 0114c� thpir ter., I'l I - Bud, out whci,his. beeh ,It,: th lirtiter rUn in -i cAt'ib,.101d h 7aW hi-`s� itllisc�jpl tile --'On - : w- -J-jft­­­ 1-11 1 1 g1l 4'e -t-1 live, in 1�13 I'M lms 'plillibli ­tIle, t � Z io; ideal', life niiwt�t 'o , ­ j'� If A al_,xp AN'llat" OAVlL X§ CX I.'a L -7 Tilt t 1, 0,14, (lup" liich 'gk-'ts -the ill I were o Jerus, e al, f I I e. - ijlit li�� 'haq",5A-tl tq 1` bp �X pod de. �j) 1146,11iour', -ontc� they filip6aelli .'ffolo NV e Nv w Ili 1, herwise -is u. sted,.'- "9 NV�) t hc thkill- bll� it, < I-, at, rig fildile livalt Ili` if Nvcy aug it 'qitaran- -Iiage (JarnS, -to, 111lit.ate f 'o C, lopp s:, < C!IY fA I)tist. Alo'p:-Takd Old st'6c disciples di nkhig aboUt IV I*) ii t blaek! Come ask ? t i -I I e` : 'tile Wai*�'Of 'CiviWOd Bi-otherii e( N�. Russia d d h6t,break i'ili to ltull Nil OpeL eV 61w, ttla- "alld'L favor did ', S41 P§ ii'c c AV a vs "f(jflt'� J(%1.)J,Ilg t0a Jh,;v'iSC '1140, incill, still' 1, 1"oll, ype4n 1"', tj I i 8,� it fito �' C, fri y;' L tj t6ry ilitt, 'coulpartiv 4, i 1.0 it P 0 C) )ell IsCiples, whCh his P -a,nie' "k-, I—. I,,?, �ylidt (.fid j e 1,1,;, nuric, a arp)tj nis it) JIJ68�ing :to trileL ge, 14r "M I accol tod libil, li'A S I 11. iat, cii-1 y?,alion.,does- not Ad �`Ol ii'l -N, 1! 0 1). qw(01� of bnl�'ing, lJOW61, �140l� .-it hao v(.Air -niopsfick,. it bec tie N' ,dair ef)leff see rl) I S ill l" 8.� J)Ilt't lei s �a gol. SO AIR f tvI I 1 1)) e il vi, hav"e Veep, flie, ili-st, titi'estjibfis ti'(1 ljo��L ik6 fov, tw,ellt, 'ailti lbt� lialik 116 !pi,obaJ)lY WouldrIxi L� J)'L-;-' AV'orth. �0 tor 0 c again, 11%; Jfijii no Nvila''t ii*nr� IN ernnient, A - e. .11 fit, �on , k -- :,s day., 7,�li0i�n .1 Josils, perforyp.;�Rt, Jekic)i6 bout 861�. It itrile e :j n g', j p. wits -Jr -uled amid iiiitir'y' up§ iii do -e ship, i Is lit L�,�bwl JL �Jestlr _ i s, t , . . le ApIli .6fiee" an( c :1 Wo Clips isf.bnttei Ile rea Dtoh-- . ........ led jt.� 4y 1�11, 7: 4 T C NN'llat offeCt di�R 114c: 1 so 'it vblimi, in, o, ,nce� (5f, t'h4e jillitiltiOn' is 11 ill zo, It of ine'vou I 3� it, 'lilt OF I � 1. <ing "6, 1 1"t. it 11tt of �ithe, totintr 'r jroa.N, tITeL -,11(1: . t 0 beg i ( Ig , Ill IIJII( 011 0Jl0�­(JIi#t.vr elipq L :. , ' " '­ in,, I - '411., -or "Tlie, iiian yoll savi, uto ,I) i"'a Lt t.o of 'the ihd.men�luive uppll'itho' t) (i t e v Ill 'i�"3 T(ill, Hankoil 6f lind fa06(')it,, 'le"ll-ned fl. 011 1�t I , -lilt I f.'ell 1) of: c6rIl- I ithvays lot" , ing it hit, tllcolvoii�III it 1.1 d 0 Za�elle o lit it L 7 ANt it Nvub, ille 011 Cary e'.C60ptiou, 'of tho gi .1 TAIdt l,%, 1� lia, );o�ivift k" llits Io 'w 11 i t e; jItSt' "0"1 i"' Uf;*'L and n rica, ij�l J.o.aspo( 11 ,1 0 Nw, 'i.%' tile' what TJ fted States bf Aiiii s ci f v� ]�"Ol' flit' 'JJLl�jjIJ-ei'JJA. 'in' sti*11611ay., 11 a' 1"a s O's did Ile do? NVhat (lid 3Qt /ff � j� - a Peter of Ausgi. I i I it 41 Ic al"I" How I , �( a, ri arille It'll el Iligav, 6n� �11 y4ill , '010''PlItIllf I say, t6 lli'' Its a t, ell1i of -it 10 1 a -fl I ­­ �� 1) i!,l I v: JO,ii( ('i"j It d'� � " idl( , �, ;I cain C.1 lw� 'ratnent, ley Ida critic It, Is* U 'C', 14 limg, MILOA, -oil i f;.. tx� bappell,e,( t , ovtii*� 11 1 1 to ("q, oil MaJ& it, ly '18T , , b "0 t, 111"If A know ;6fi wo il �fico,iifti6r�i of (lie li-OvId -�Jjl t (I 1� 11 tyt� I L Ili t I 4CLJ"N� 1`9 110' fllJ'J[gJI �d t, Jr odlltniislm� pit tti` Y* e! vul&-t Z'l I A' "I L' 1 into it a it: Whaf till virl", i t fprfil 'A"Id '\\!i t- 't I C. "t I I re c (I and '6A, , " l', � , , ti I Ila 14 il thel-i liang, d' '.4 uniphal entry Xer, ; lei it 11 ve the \6s'k, N6111. plit)HO H(Iimllc,� f ---------- Bringing Do�wh t.6 Aver,agc g) -1-11 �ft it J1 0 111" t I I I q i I it i,,t. -r spl'lylg� It hook , ` I ..: a i <.I , "T � L;, s, 'Frol� in" A)sef, it : I lie "nij4W'? re f ­­ - , , , I " I " `­ J ly knoNvii UIRC d ij li C. -4f'P[�t­� ­ 11'.. - ' -4) lul�pv( N TOCOM JQ -!!17 "§L," f�lw I an kf,t�­a nAiclaverage, utu ad, s, i V81, I L I I I _ Iis yI (i t, .4,o dva "o I d4he lfto�(" Y 'It qili(c 'hot, to clililare" ""'Do Nivi tit it, V ott C it d 'D "ll �Sslty I c cotd Illilk gi I I atin'to Ril"'t idnil iM4tth� 611, Ow D, , orin t'rly''Oo hard Jig, tli'Q. CLIllijill A" J`j' 1L ft (J t� lle'l."S l) 1, 0 1) C"A t J t, 11)1(0� w.14(i, "Clill'i V 0 Y1* Ine, xietixl�"yl 1i" !jT­0 I 1' 0 'he o bad tbatypW,�c ptl)lod tb;� nvor sldp Tiliol6li'll�v C Jnlpi�o",os Illo I Olt 0111 )1011. C6 1 1114. b V'dif 011'A lo . . 1� I t ti;l 0 , fil-L& Ill Q;I Is, "lls, 10 Co Do Iu� sil al� Avidl I'Vilom did lie, "e. dcoWn' so I Oil: Iii, n ow, bly, de-II:l"', "slild 111"; wiiapped Nk e I �tj n M in I, �s Ill a vs iak ill 11 t1w, 661sldc I"6'I'd ill" ll,'Lf t1l gtolwaoll, lk, 'not, at -ted llvoli . I)V 'I (alk, 'there'.1, Who 'i, ekrup�tc<t'bi� f I f 114il q e 1" Wife" 611 Nis S It. it, lo, I I I I .11ONV, did illoy h6,pe�, Ile :��,oulkf 'r- 4 11111. It,( liat eon4li f lut If ho"I", 110t W-1 fl I I) "r C., 1111 o it ick' C`- III,, To 7 otiollg t;o, :it , 11 t e v ill , 1�,* . . , 'r I v f", t J).Cil f �i(iij i,) III o "'t�ff t sill, ew)d Nlbllv�fviiitlb, pl� 1 �Hoiv did, lie u thowtthicill. pi�w� 1)an ioid nve,,�'into I l -All Vol, fill's jioli r I loilli tak letyl. real Post Jon Y 116 iliti:ia.bl e, (166.4 lie sai" (11"It her''We iii - 0 1) 0, il�� lly ep Il(' i Al C'uel Z6 `0 10!ay pa. i 1' 1 "' I I . , it" �' TI f. iiCil "Illb. lvo 'irtilic,111 of"� (Imi 60,il- lilivid fly its, )y q f Cl. di fivill, C1, --f -in all -tl1Js`,-w-4-)­)�ld it Ili,, a 0 --ude*of ufll�i, f 'r, oonifort., attit 1611T, Ilk 'i 0! AJ,6"anl�i. eu r d d the J Ma ag A r J