Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-10-13, Page 8, _Tr "W RU.1177-T-7 7 77M 1 7'r-Tt" I 7 '00 .......... ....... ... 1k T, e "Oft 4k A, `AS MIR k 40 7-0.0. , .0 toil VW S olled! ''Of F W- Sit it:, I I: Lot !,Rorko tQ Daii _Op. loth" ^4010609t PQ 4io raria, ao 0 -no* ngloridl Aawto!4 rlottim wa 'op4o ,,ve R0 # P , M �Xy4D 1 . � I - powe 13 ' ' . V ado C�jrtjlaent Of o= �tlote_ -i � . toeop 11, Irt on , aston'of� Fr;kAcs'l'I' T rnbujj,.�, 0 t., t 20 U w- ar OP" Wall c�rtafi:iiy w4p, a. heoft. -4 'or &94 21' to, 22 New G<6_1's, f P! 941 koment# 10 M4 probablyl4q. beat %Oqt in lj� :qt,* havefu# rCrej ­ d,,. X f4jj a t 0axog, 'Perba ugeri V00to 0. We V of !r6t for *b9irt 0, -wh4 p _d -of Clubbin tat yet 0_ e_ _0 the wiLy 'or Meni q _q.s w 0 A'r 41, 1 it io, on Tuesday. Ifay 9, 1814-.;- . t., - t4e, z*a4em outo Live,* ��_*8 fj an4: Unoerwear or L,,44 ...0 il4req.. No b t offered, bia1w, ilocali �Oapor- ()a s �0 The gol �k.ina- ca,n� be prpc L S� ods . I - ­ , ! SPIC _49vp pease, f tb h Ae ;our a or t ep ance: ioeU� earlier are: reft are. for "Only, ige C t P , 1�itinel t;6. Alew, tqh� t x --ye# Our- MI ', in this -is e y,,RL IDY , r line arge. i;m -v;kL U�4 fhat, ;a,��erql at 51 e x . . . n 9 or 4dies.* U4 --p-orters sing 'to. ,buy dirty I rS yeariand with it. for 'the wd sie-the: latesi Stylli,� AM6 , p olo .4stj. red_Buxqpq.and1heev6nta len from, the -010901K, Cos for .9th Of time" the FAMIly, Heral Of whi Y r I threq� or, I f th ;reat -die "Coitts 'Yo. It 'i xcept(q I valuc�4 -at and "We4ty. fill laivold- here w 1:_ jt anAQuA one o. ._W`bQ from the largeot.44. .'bqst 'Aily of, MO eni biso., YR geuW el per bV14A C, bopter. .0 Tho. headline pear94 -over AdJOU less ove': rg inL pape.9, Al' quoted Ap' Inta ffiti'wee -som .11 nes - an —the twQ,f6r -of closely -and, -badlY.' s* Coats e 6w specia ..ia,,S.izes., JJaQ e, Skirts rint 2" '44 all 46 4lt $j2 C ada� A. di� 0 L 0 ed in4ttqr, in� the �isu of A' bl' k 4 is,,good an tr -rig t C h In childrOn"O' n cely QX4 Onaplixte, The style, rice tg;.' �L�Oiijuoeuieijt left, FAb4 Q le t c ha oat$. we ve si7 in 4. to �1� and Kisses landed, at tbq Bay of t ua an. .4, 46j� .),are On the A �be 14 1. years'of age., h. f Hk �Vjswlsd� 118 and C. h I 0,#qoPS"&t rjYO The phenQ.ra of, th s*aide AM eTj 'gaii, his March, to prOgrOm OrWest, caqA4 I SL. School spe4b.,t he ur. qu�b .1apsed: before,41i butluipeOsique yrith the -here." I tte a'd ,Du prices. at W,$'of these t Is, e kreat future -of' 'that, countri.1 Thie� r6inendok Ouryg4ogppo Q; 4L. published *4*0alasda. Fair on: rj ab. there 4,noLt on FQ a afornoon-, in,. How �00 . $7o' 6�la Furs at';j jediuin pri ce P the, let by the (lies Toronto Gill6be'bf Qct 7, .91.0 � abow d wireless telegraph the e ev ening; Nj�6n, ow. ti�bm6ri4ous is-. the, increase in. e t te r tb a a, Mink Mrmot; our., s 0 tr�eilt 'th worl .: since d tho", distant, days. Q�jq L 4, 1 WL "t C40A a d -a n e ave:rd4n W Tlire,5hiii h6ord�er,6f the L a, nd, fte*re,tr4yeled by, gs41Xpg, ii e' d* ' - & b is-'--yaried h e Ut oing -y e The. voij&e! �c6ajai ........ te an. pt 0 is gran er h , ojeq ry good- ge cowe le b tk,-, h, splay, 1. is., $easnji W �,., ' 4 1 files of 0 r'di n d w muffs �vith yfs and' �t oatand'barley "W specially th( iiingL the W F -Avha� may-. be- dailled the hopes PrIZOT. angalinon air or ff, s% t-o'match,'from, Q.- Apr -the.Unit.e.4- Otatles, -Vikited.l.t4teiL Ora _y jh E_� jjose.- n, and- - pq--­Wa5 -still raging - h not ing -W'tb ub e-:' pfaefica y one t IYattlelfield 6a �tbe fact --that- wo Is I ve -w.--gr ibbe� --W-,- B, RtQthrs a sAhe.-guest of -'Mr. -as con endb- " I 'kni'lee'S. at-, t 25 C le, Al S, w -y'jast. universalen�pite. 1sistie-ofterissue"o Ag" L Itith Un b6 Isaa6.Andre $#U _y rapidj� deMo, _r. told. wealth, an B �d.A . t911.8 'Silit 4"p'903 b' T ..ran ect from Ili —dur�n Vance r '�2�5CI the- old - ewsPai s ecia In remnants of"Tow'149' 3 yar s, 6 ih oia �at- that t1zne_.. a. Ito, sel reekly figures thus ucqou o A e 'the year 1814 - con- 7,the ad' p sho, Wing a . arge ge rapl Belfait' Of,. the struggles Of in lationi. creikse in the 114P 4ccourk ul oUS Sty es f I. va qua Oon pnce -ti4euttil . I e Iry o L lownls'ap l3kitish titops 4. cities'L an4dian, wilderness. . ... . Spec. it ;alule', S i year is Th" :u. s 59. ta �:v Athlsrfojj, etty IR, M. --wbovra, an, 'iSLVeU,rft;kd6-V1th fine ..q tri casm- P6 hjjtjIe8L an&, b a i trimmigs in with �er,L jV ­ ' ili azy PM110110 provinpes are. at ing' 4benticst, all, _* , I mmings, ts _T le as§6rtMeqt Of d Fali.ty apeut the wf3ek id, _A 6ther ra t rack!r. UCIng bAs. been d6d to' ibis eek. e aqd, is"; a 'genuine. sn, P the -iA fe New, vee the world. Thew 6bat p. od Ila aestAt in Old �.World and, . I Pve -of -Gorri .'-is:. visiting-, -Appearin side on the paps rythin�ll e as, 'IS th g side by� of that ground' which w pric Aqk 'to k th s me�. her parents for a fe,04ya, old-tiMe'newspa, tb e RteSt'L of per. bring. Urs MqQ of ay� a more - once considered as'little better than 'Ai to. the readerL'6f'to4 Hs;rriot& jionie' el.h,� aL d OfJco and - sno.w,� is Marvellous i of the, -Br -wning 'of Gu ace, vivid 4ealizatiol and,Mrs. 0.' re irato,,and 1wespe P. in.* -eke 2 _M� er. and -in han, o c ap rs At uo.�, timle during -7- 4 A gle Britafia;-- was', then. a. re�el�lti6n .15, e. .. ... .... . 8 AUtoL Collars at. 8 -50 naing- - , f6,it . _,iii tore- and Mi linery epadment close ai Yntb - jav6rable on _two, �separa.Wl� of. the the .61S L to W -toj�y. treating did. at, much, attention wi are glad'to know. t H. Mo 9.00l, are'attrac in o nc� L Affs. g; on e same it 'wars earned rQ 'Uton Wild .-is a - ]is$ inA� -wi 4 i-Ahe southern part idel distant Of'" theL price, y Most recovered wo e- student readt of-A-l'berta- g6'lower than '6 above xe �h . 4u s .4 ­ 77 ]ff wais in different r. an rs. 01!110� Uin have. ccounts of these whiiis''brdid�lry pbrts­ are to return Milaiiked.l t6ts -';O'fW carn '--on'LdunE hsl _nj�,_ vercoat, all ..ed, L' The .,an M p genet y -different, : oorka.. arria' 0 is in q,oder- isoin tint ' ' I ' 11% IL in a seas apapr,.-sho*s� -low,, they,:,tw ere. See _qr._new,,,, told w "Okel'um ekeessil 3 warin. at, va W -M np IC.M: r "of thi 'in 'BI ancy Twer. 5 a *orld's, story the, - verc parts e $1 gRE R �MEN, ARE FEM Iiia. A-Uon fo�the Sliuiig -th --h-" tin "woven 017, Mon s as dhij;Iter: of. Eriitain'it national. life.' "00' NH -a.- for, the^ ews jhreeZ -Th6� news.. cornle,_by t 'fi n Bulgaria. - iss n 64,1,ak6n PSI ion- in- of dbout,200( t OL . n It, took inofith ff.L� ipe o':.thq Cro v's ot --of-Mioleoi has inemas, �T� A4 oafte Riack Swavis _jd ed sin6eL 19061roninxill4ge, way oNew '.York, :,.fro]rji ap mosep pres pe C 'P led b ' 6ng nipdr y 1-3, 0 In ;biian '-TheL chester, ,France, arriv rum hethings�,',thgt had peanxt p6mmonvealth e ..:great ei%wenf' 'and "building'' penpi g_ wor, tid�pgs pf, th, ass d bee modern tizneis,-�. 'be h Mi the Of H lense "Ping ures ear out, on in the same..pr6portioiL h & r Wrench 1 0 0., p on A�rfl 27,,,mL schooner w of. �0ni;0rij t e nl� tos known Vp �to the To ones Wom. -New, -k'the ne*s Th&* 10. not kaflaii slav*ho W, n treet jqai� re Aupj, a 'neceswy, -not t Wu not th Society� will: hol' n Most- reliable' inV�bZdaiit sourep of- i6& -15u—siness_ b6twie-n This Lidi�i Bendfit I odt'�ef'.whldh. he A lot dthti being­'� New wk- bows -1: the mines on the outskirta to the of tirgets his" own y nd46r-the-pex 111-7 -11406t, 7-i' _'annual k,,.o '91 c -of-t& 4e Ti dential s6lation -,to the South, Th 1:j hi h )ple t 1, -from, 330ope e rge: law CroV be r newsp�apers 1hat 6n el f 6thbridge E16raid reports!, tlThit. known. The rew men of *ftilt to h. PA -71 bj I��Md 'ove elein e'rqPnXr Y, are.Monly or 10"%U ion, 19, on. -bei Xehdbnq� -4uft0M d, o E b I r e Ir h K]ERE an CertWn. tl r 'D full.' Nsipooleoi 4i. -for [1�&­ address Wlialej, -B. te Th6L 11ev, 13:" mpos ",that -a dble-yto -to--the whether T �-Fiench-pebpl, Prive 67:7za0d--�anqther 4 t th us .ftj , , r, The. imkn7, lnndo�wner� 6 -cit 's ould, 1pe'rate its-, Own sys- '"Gulf ...both dated. Of,;. av-about­(jjje IT010 si gned- N. 0 )a ps, 'led Z:30 iniher afternoon; iAd:r,7;00jji the] t t ''t public own th trand,: the In or -,.no oth fiie C e .Y ..y o u r �,qh or e; populal our �,c op- -railwa*:*i i istalled,at -the 'eal PftSftntr r and Wah1t6d Mw 'po' o Marsha exercising the rli -'P�or"Y anA born itM pe the e U, QpssionW of!', her, -'Wr-'are, sure r na Of-ai ajZir-Goier _to est) 6p,;&Ftunitv are"con67 0 D Rre thrifty. and' distriq. e s AL an wx your U3 .011CL 1. , Tb wear All' this newq, I le a ent,to 'tAke6rdersfor b hiesti your edA6 see' Anna:. Stewart has j'aSt a 'large. tent w1th very-plal f6e&." ',Tb' uter'miouth 6. no energetic e,arq.L ':r & pst trite W ds � 'L � kth, nuipely A, s. qU And e a �neeps... prin, 1j�orn e il. ord�4 r thid -efit ill' e I fficien't Power H6ufj' in -�'eonnlk_ -out again aftO... her kec ges of t pal -7, 1---U-r.-a;ud-M-M-Itobt.-W-Obbter,-a-nd- Mr. to�ab6ut-thrk e are au 600 ackes und er- out �wtth It iv ion. we gn, r-! -and X apir," 6-�Partie 'r siftk in good ndition', rj.. as;�'.Mebstei, also Mrs. T, inl&dern ndwsp hisid t suglep. oil the er cult be, iavirtlte& -Butry thbridgo real -e '_�otr - Ante6 to delive miscellaneous Dewq'r ulir-' seaftw.. CP niong e a in O�a to h 'We ug 8 ­�_,,_-­ 111 -w -even of welVio do tbAt-thl- - - 9 n- an w o ca.& 4 and 4 to &niritet..grade. Iiwinof Lucknow u: yicififty,; spent day. with St. foi t iinA, _,,­ood mofiley in e aring-.Agtoe attractiv6' ge6t aopied"frowt4er to. vest 61a bis lots On Ing h slefti]n th6jinme, lobom'upon ere is j PrIes o, or,a h "Ahe: ute. 1uslit" four4earslw kiyp the city it chancerr Wi�11Iwknown.-tIdji.able firmrat- this:,, time nMo.'-.OneL mati-stretched 'out on -the 1I#ond6n Ohio ents, 1i of, eY, IRstablish d over 30 year. er to �e e_ek_�as bedu­ %ord__We_4 Mve uider. condftlonq��ot d -e: X. and A s., Peter- 0- lar I' gton is spoke divided into 9, irt Uld dlse 'frontage 8bll" r rned- -to. Ah ' B Ali �_ fr�m. 01,6, wbkh Corrunande f Bel th'. lue�ry 0 et $1$00. h!). BrItish or CWM' ier home it 'Westfield nother'gikes n (it , of aii Pelha -heart of 't Miss.Lillian Cla k ls�b at" fie toleratel UL�_MaV Y Y.O. terest6d. In* out tomwi—es.' P to t hwa I lat distlict. Choice linginees lots,,are. a eek-, et notwithstabding'theit in 'fro 0 :1 mission,. and 4aah'y offidiars *.hj)r. selling.At.;1000. 7W t_ 41wegn of" the'simp1dat z n hero 00. :1 yester4ay ordered' to�'bej)ixt in a1*4 Quite. q; feW, - - , - I I 00 Pei'. foot..- as a e e le 66h A] f.rlv b, in In have, �b_ av they., Teat=e6CxiR__it 6h 9KO-W An on to th1L day eVqnlngi ir for tfi 12 4 and, lies Notice is heieby giv orldeted to -repair e AdMir 9 list. figures;. kna. 6 an account eir the� W be Ncld', litirsuat to - his is a bu�y sdaWn with the farmers .,Ar bress 4s. ordered inAlie. rt, of optimism 6, in :th6 -East',mst take .76�breoFeA they, are.fiii from the#� ario. jZther laborlBM TJ t w V te ist Act,' by" Hnor, tti donLand in --cu ing caused among I dge,of ad..thekm..-;.ire--(ii�h6r--�-thi�shing- tti th W t wd� ha it the'CbliutY Coiirt of. t#e somean pres jiu e. . es -I e of the fleet." corn, raising root§;._9r, fall plol g�iug'. !�yerwor�dd if not uii4irjald, hy, the f Hr andjjjs;_ -4-s�ark-of-progressiveness. �10111t' Hying I I a affit- arob-o at. he AgricultnraI1,Hall, in Q An the news L of o 0 'L ut e a nun *611;. -relate U the: village of Dit delohlbors 4gannon, on Thnrbday a u n- -g -an A�oni on Or'Ra' &y :mento ' -.events transpiring Rum take ddvan licei*tY..i the 13th- dev'-Of-oet6ber,'at "the 'holij. 'of e'otim tOL er took in the Fail air -the Mo- 'birth-il t t D jht; and' qpppr,uni Y'Iq Y` us in lf *qk endl e� LO�O,ei and.- in �the for" lid6rfi, to op le the iedefit Wag the- adveftidernefits _p _tW . beat and i, 7 k switus 'In. Bulgaria. j im determine the seveial /eomplaiii - rains ha 414 do with home -affairs. Ong of. kre b t, 'The ��apple-phckdra are busy at Mr. 'K. t1jeger is, 6f '1�n.tej�st to:any It "an- 'bY a I errors,an oMm,SiiOnqr,W :kd !breign,binkerfu Soda *hp d he' ral ro noui ears pos- in. _. 14iSt, llif'thli, Municipality- of West': -1 was inhat could- be Aegir - i, _ 'Rith jAell nOW Ie oilt W ce Ll S vote Canier6n's, who- -i�ill r' zo ::had titided for many yem.:. le". jA7 y . . eali . . o sale "TWO Look Aftcr the Vichadc session , Of., plaini . of doubted aid. some sum, wt of his -oich 4. fieW avi I it * g 52'. atl't a hAnd country. not. wanosh. f0f.. 19io kbri end 'on 'May Ist, Is%; positor;-Mr .81 hether -'thlir vl�lere fifty A11 pergoiis. tisine h yev, Lhain 'to Oan, w 11�en In 'an held --m 'hk _aU er in e ader-, an-eihj)h*-teufl(-_1eiw_f rOM4- �of­the-firm-of said 6urt are-' uired OS Seafo�h lix. -to-atteniL. his house Late— in the kteAk� d" I _­ L ­ _� f MOW' said thhe'aud. plke.�_ ih' Ho. e kin an tel rh the� liife fruit fal "mes o .Mo &kt' aL JU gd­ 0-of-October�-&, -1- �jr - - on: Je` 4 Ore; tin :W o wi 1910. W into it,., I -4-Nle*& of, Hs jjsj fi�dfe. Df"the 2nd' Battalion asof W�St WdVjancah TownshLipi ....... ofiruit at the, Seifoith; fair week k' y s6M Re n"f 'The�:abl0e.; 'a, Say t wingh9, and wm.. old, by� a t t w ere year accompanied �16rhe base, wil public .-tuction, Fatiltit -oft Both 'Wil art were s k kin , & of; hopliew,Toni is sign y -Ad w q, Ifte was , mild and Moe Auc ion- Sale_r' by her 6 of api) es 0Ujr _S my *cDonald, 'on Thlb. notice 'of *sale Oil a ljajj�,B d, T esda'' ut of -thi� h, bdt-� it, ft I.e6untu iovi thou% urns an r', eC "Executors to the lait -will and iesta-,� go out this U. 0 .out 6iaika!61A-d�eer has bee 10. i ture'gayp and 6 went instructe4 by the e I me�at of the. late J.61infunm. failure tio the fro ow b er *to tot r c t u ion, Abb the cold t weatlek. Is lawy him to draw. -Op & reticle, to iell by, V4b A cti we Mri, w *s h dee.d of separagon fioni ib.exaspev. One mile eaSjL Lucknov�,, on Fridau age a In Mo&. rMbeliever in te oi6hard a 6n0Y­ AtInig bett I er half,- 21st,,:1910; dtl'oIclock, the -follow. Marri Yv a he- 4, 66 list an"A h, Vell," mid ih* er btses, .-cat 1. thought. " t -t-Mo waii)l -niak&:16r. the.farmer,�,An sy, t e of described i Wedding- that Occurred d�j ot'ja,� distant %4en a Zee 't s n fully,. -Ij��ihaps'tfierp in faults jDA p- er e roo ntly -in t1je following. an- ppl6 buyers .6 both oliles." d-' 2 grbod Mar notlook, at tin orchard hat has,not. es,. suppose - in f6fii' I been pruq�d I HOL'' a red to W111 �and the, trees - sproyed. Black. Make, 3 Yliais old, 4 JAI g l�j ri rlghtr. 'IS rse, , years Sp�c -in -announce the ry �Ou ga� as ted the &htly- old,, 3 4eolts. 0 U. r*' Sab�11*4,ay s..are. p ov I . marnA -mon-tate that iI r We.6kr 6r 1.�ear oldI. ?Fftekhig Colts* As PrOvificial, anager I I r XCa-nee-powrpe, tWO of ollent- � One - has -a. -htlmp 4 her b" w two- (tbe�man who walks,in,the�da on '6 work on afi drcha d' and a 'warj. on her neeli. "at, foot- systemati Cows iii,wf", I Cow.with calf t)hat py PTO- -calf; 4 one-�war-�Old� Heifers; 1 Bull calf atid-44half years'. agd ar Ware miss M x0ake. it the bigg�itmo 1 Pry Covi, 2, Two-year-old. Ri Ulboessful. bevoid all K66J]k 6-Kaona-tow-ni w W, I 1, dre 0 e -lady *ho is fond of bacoh) h' an llrq�. .16Ive a 14!rk. at. $8, per 4eekL atirl wh (th N y Cgerer on a, '10 Awes.. dr nekt o., is Ano ne. wais a farmet Is sofij 23. years of ter �of - the ' UT BeAv'qr 'Tail, This fatmf I§o reg, &ud'.�oj this 6o Toil. bld','I Grade t)aIt age�1.4nd without. Pull. �. D acres, Sig aja -the eveM Q e season, 'bot1f:.th6 T ipr is -in orchard and they are A mbiiths�ic �U e j Inl L n o e e s r r 0 --­b6ifl?!h'es an( wo yiar�o faithful 9;1 mdnths!� ir 1!!Iqg 14Ir you#g�people hioving in ther,-beht­zo� - i, - ' ­ 4- .1 Teii&&:20* more , A. t e, sprin pe pen� off cash ciety. The bide000rn looked 04 ry or Mr.L Shadft& Rive -t who Went to,- the L sorvi-zes to his d6iil�pany tnade'� Wt haAdsbAi6 it( I They prune their hard heavely in 1 Weat 06L (OW in s, Hudson Bay blankdt� differendii, �Cjraoed &rtfatietilly, �0,�bk Maich:- ag,the pruning'gi vles, th� fruit a oni a - ago re urned OR L 61URANCIti One ehouilder:! ST. The., didere'nde between the big leggings -9f �whita,;itrouA Wnged Wfth,, bettl liberally 'B*k thin ks. there js nor is, Audtioneer4 Joil#: v6RV meii and. the the, little hien ther ice .0 Qr, cofor. Theyalso spriLy Placis like, the West h it Th red a breech�r cloW'R, fine an . t 1$ Prevents Wormy rui py SUCcesful and: the Andy Culbert a,4Theo, nauccessful-' cloth beadi;A ihotiiisbina, -and nothingf, i6nure the land heivily in � the win'teri Gauley 'For S le, a is Only a differ. pridg n e and LO Reg, S, op, ace of, 1rdifillig more' Thli bride was A pleture hi 8 and'60in E -till the end' of -July their booths on Dungaitinon. 6u thouwid Shnwl of I green. Monii6nitie, print &dt.jVt the 'land -with * plough- and ai Frida, last and -did gr lads 0 We- havd,traij�formed t on north'side Of, GoLugh'. .0 . t C of IW16 hi ito, tilk men. ' V* 'A '.96od St-� 102',�pa ti ularg apply to, en it y 'Voti"ay study partly atr ho&e 'Ifteifallo,#ing r ' siness. J. laj�AXU skiit With yellow spots, edged w'ta bit If it I baby 'ribbon (couldn't 'say slow 'pt6jotL, . ish it college', a oovqr crop, Wiss Margaret Xilpatri of Marnot," Owns but ire �a6hion not Way,, they F4 11EW"hoine'.he' 011 tutdgy, 1�61_11 'a­drW=ketY, and a lovely bodi able, bloer, 'and L plough � this down next vl6itcdat Sa itil to ken't n 0 6easoni -thfig,'gUting the. neAt 'of'' the AndSunday of,lak Vvd6kI­ acres -iti 'th6 Tftu�hip of with t wee ......... ................... Mrs.. Robt. BeT tWawiinosh. *.as for rent apply t 'tgl�d� th effe6 11 this' drop. � ThL L.L. of 0. .Watch 'for ci No. 1c was lovely, iertilizing'qualit' v created t4eir ''thre& -years, iround here on Monday last putting� up Geo, A; have had farm only Write, for pard6ulars p6s whelte. - I 1 .1 b strong ho #tW but h4vi 0 VeAping a,.great sale bills for hdi sale in -the geir future.. e 3qlQre to the all'invited 'Durnin took Ofte. An u the future tioni. their, tre0s.. - 0 I L . I . 1 11, r AM ing-supplet at, the brAidt:I15 H wigwam;, cattle td the F air on Priday' 01.116Y W�nte4 will fece I've livd'poiftlir ye it spreadl. e delicacies of' BorthiL. ha kleto ;V4 , I teq'i at ark 1 Meat, hun t t XpFess 0 Ca b -4r f R81ge , or lonRay last uck I h . . .1 1 1 Irq�jqt.P�L i., 0 L . $Z' , g, Get, married Z;Z ak #­� , Ong, 'C 4 lsfthn& -roast do M us 'where 66 inten --..ibg' 0,66ite in CC jn4iny good thingg. W-6 jam tte book-eoping'L ild 6 poull( Afit 6 r6fd U#. TAU*L14 pr.lklel g . i -ad&& gethtt te 1WA I 0aburg wad pt6fty: qifito- et btforat ;W Wag th jwew prtoeelI W db N Priday -v, r re Wr ;h. 6,00ry bod b", at.thj§ jho� D) u h - _w -7 -111111 14YO1110 'V-' doeo eat