Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-10-13, Page 7171?W 40. "71 7 okk, . Ot "Who 'W" a' ePIPprorO and, �J) but -tat of pro-popsi� 4, -apti jiftle Y, WIL AMR, QU, IDSOR­�- T ARM '4r 0 su Thj6 de s'p o t i sin Awg tala� eolo Pr steip� gsj,*i . k pteme, L RU In S -SSON wit" 10 roll t LE W11 VU r6 YipsJR91 W,4. or, -;an in: 41 e, Articles,44-oli .6 rniti, re; Ar0� ME- T116-0 is lio�o(h.Or'way to -be 8004i,40S" T Poo 4104 t -Irqing',.,all jhEii goo giea �by fi .:2 CW y h 09, XARV AAMAL 11101RIV 0le, Info M -wit,shing the I , 1, '. VA r atlon With jjme�'W lu 4114 �h - , ', " ­ OER#,�X ltftoopS yoli can toj e great FA, ;, ji� or" Jnti to, W e,II apl]k yJ A� est aur NIP f, Ail tibe r, N I N 4� Pg poo"Of F4� doing it in- iht�r, solf-46j tio Mark thd, cIjMax-;,Afie, 4 bse L ­­­ ' take- the whit' f 991, it 'N'eal ' oil, al,e who lnini-,, er in, t q mlin- LateJUng' Yp -il;1fifffroth and sfifred into a *in h St 100N I�Oa4l�s IQ t ........ 13 op q 4j, 0'UPTEW RECIPE Aer, of sel,Vant.;­ the first,a,rc� 29. Goldca :fho�e-who,.w,-Ij. r,ne-h If p mild" vin at r, e 4, table a E�Ul Pgar, pour g 48,4ilj, Of C ... %yottipr., SaY114, 31MCI Joi C,4;er, tlie�'da- d I well., weal, 0 lngly, ti&cup�r thq)n'<�)Tol q 9 3 po�fti�n4 4. .-C il'SParodjs U YI c Oils,' aIld mi�' b. . I I I 1� I . , . t, 1$� Ql e relupye hq�i w te �na s, on. -ig 1vitli hard 4. r rk: Matt, 20 -pjijt'­to, tit' trays ol 7 c 011, �O, Man -vejhci� life opagan44 Are..), lions wel sp onee, Dancle 14 U*e Swee Oil Verse,17.-TOOk tlio P"3111 '-aftdi; s Iced; all- are.. thOsq JO,nS, yve 'a manyl foi, 41 x voum.s.of'sugari.: &q, also, be).49 )ke'd:,,aqc1 [,it::in, till all..m4rki.disappear, ci I par opripail: ainik'4 di prer J�;phraim,,'#hey� '&ry.� takc� h" 41 Pile poun pinac g Car" up! h0j)- W. our- e pi gri ni band T the, SaIalist -pa c It '�li,Ah`� tray, ith" ' ' - 1) f d' jwiroid-'�'Jike b' ' R �R L I � 1 11 '*]-' i ' , I . ' 1, '­ . I � s -�nlak- 'Oil deal,�Salu ,sp , r t.Y Mijids(ir. CaWv- eiiirth4ll,,­*jwrgtioq4 T one nd,", df.clothl 6�4n� :,) 11 r, , , - 'U ,,, d6 V-r,:l t -I , ;;- ­.­,­­,­­­­­ � - I f e% s To ry­- o wit Clip, It", 0" 9, .4,111" cucarn ers, wit ou catm; Trangemep s t th th6Se,Compa4nieS k w.,a lid `h e said "I ay:..it reli6.it the el peceSs.4i Ill, oranges,. h 'IY­ & t, f of -raw. jittinselyps,, Uattfic-iyr ajid .,�nlilfi�ter ot decl" 'wdiOr One-h';icjf cupful cif,vine, ;rtni6nts will b 'Jj�,� 'r1ji,j:�C olle' )Y'One' cold' ;'a f f C;Xt �p enty Tber is one le 'ki"flethEd-'�f colpiDg4lit a,rb�l to',the IM -1 �Piliiments,, �-hich, are-pefe, 'Tar" modA,.,-,-Qne pint," j m. Tho�-cinion coii- 41ts-JIle dMiliatic doitail gi,ven: by�,j f 'g6�L�g' `,O� Obver y r .61116-1 IVA, h, r Oiell I e Pu Je,,,are 'si qafj�l ow't . I., . I ­ c-billd- 't .1 � -L h lit, 115 411611y� djKlie'nt r it'Dielit, tha, bI ­ ­ .. I - of jb�L. 1)ial�1aJix,nJi.jtpLry* cfliciemy un�l 1� It ,11, pit 01, C!e- SE �cf With�­. of bollinj w ter,,one-hal' 4 - Nonl,t afotr m6n,whox hav e4fAt` an( sout (Ison in t 'e- t h; !sides epor&et,iq,S,gps.: werei.,takre 'd'tqqspqqp -'sait -:two, 1" `f 11 "'the. an creaffi, C11Y)f 111 o dtscribing t ic fcar,prf the t PI gIlijis' -a Tj "Wo urne ­Halibilt e 1-clipfolS Q 1'. 4,m$aJi.ei-4i D b 4 Goilk 6jic�, i 4,:-, n 10�ec I Ore lkf�,bec. s6i le d Dl(1'nt,,6f 111641 to P t c 'hctiVA I-jb5- Of' th6 'qs ali'8ts corri Or ove. v e SPOOnful- of chopp6d onion lint oil 'fine Jy, a s mo c, Or )qhi 13. mziv Vie - a'' 'W-iiiinisoi "tO, the" '011lig, men, r., y, ­ I p - 0 e 1,1 A y�, sh it dd r pd c� ­ cii b6ford U fee PQOn W, Of b, of the �ngth., Ili cases f, b f4t" M th, iands),of pound f t -fourth �U .(;ne' hfi�.,�f c I Sililgr a.., . hard, Ary I t SW Y;� C any. ;Wit Till S so, pp .�-Js­a� prciO "bein �P.�Jlp6t8 , n _e .0 'b C hi it' s were sly b az t tile, rq un -qii c 17CJYA Joomslff ell ItIff D riskjy with: h Edwaid'ca "me' to�:, t he' tki64,�, iij PE� b- lit `xuan-01i411 b ., -Ohde.'.,tabfi�� in Eti, wall p T Ti t'�" th A Ja these'. bubl)J-' add' b I` 1, , T, . ir in, pne-ha x Ing oj Ing w4ite­r,�%v'in' o n coniiectwn 'lit lbr 'IS I] Vlll,t -int g,. .-P-RO-REE ih�- -tit ew4p f--- h 2C ). -SOCk Lig th' ALISTS der 6 bi J­iRt�r'-61 mflk and, requirdymioh A lid' N'N�:c ":f� f-- ji a lljut�, ��'F J� i hi f I'd . ..... f Wo-'.-Al"m- -Ahat--has:., ralii-,' eii, Q it- cool, until jt� S paper E e 1), 0 Ups. instance Jesus 1 11 ad I C Qm -9 cap 1 �417�.�1;4 re W'uL --- 4TM-,-T-.r ve s ron. I M -A I �Rg! ANROOW YY w7fi-TicaTiIii- E 0000Ne P -thus c6mes ry ig.,sal-, pinper P, r IS, -,A th' ol el') la, ej Qlb 4116111 1101-1611" 1 L I cb 1V W 7T, Md (TO I n W ell wmw�xlt.!i t rg� P�jpitjataon ng -h, Ili'3' J�.ay.:to Jerriisalcm� th I thb. AJ2 Jint His - 4TIT1O­'Pne.;,,Aa-n<JsM Iyu Ife- Ajser� �a7 Q- 4--- � $,�­ ..... . . ...... ti�­J_'�a e%r%,QU r,,,.e 4 1 e, o e oc 'War LorV1. twen, ary are ow Fill' any,, nicat cd It o Aani I ell' F a r C cz S for, c ri Qyc..'otjJ pk, when f th a Eli eroi . stili p r _eStS an. ,66,b6 renati, -m�'nt tha�t- b -staih,97­�.righ xl­,��& with'- fine! fl4n-: lit 9 -Y Y prate ica te Gre Ivi I 1� Ilia i 4xia j�sbi as or ---- the' ikence jilto',' e 3' the', dippec in.,w I I Y 1`1 C . I - I tr- I . I III An 9 -4.66- f 1, at(,, y. tile. Eci. rs, 0 it d E � ­Ztfa­foiA� 111111ler-Al litij­Tmi;aa�j- S 6 rVv-41' .with,, )II&Y-6nna%,-ei� 7NVith.- tlio�� ul-0 J 7 7"�: 1, �,E 5yA, pa -0 - the kourging Ind P is the �John �!Nk a 3, T&re, is Sbiiie, ConfiI-60' -natirrally stop at Jer - on dural', r Dy;67,ha crucifying e .ais,ins, uji�i tabl��poo I'. J'Q)­ 111' Qrangdd Po" I 're'al�orj A' man w 6 roti%c or -6iip, of i, t 0 -efoYp, and 'not- stoning; iqho lj�edessary -d -si lice leaf; 0 th growing Vety few , strii, Italf JnCRtS, one- I ter 7on, 4 lb h d h usand f: I a ist,forces a s ID, 148,42, 4m ill -o L d: J.r de a' e L ",till (if-, Cz;,bb.d -, � 4�-V Uthli�t lie 4 -ill, -lis'' to as �,b rj va 'Jeddebings .6 1. een. carried 18141 W11140111, 'I'lie, �Onllarkable:dc- f the 806ialitts'. V h t - ------ The i,., tsAla' eA­` 4­iax'!C� —be,&YL e -0, !34�8�0 tber J,�psu� w�Ls gq�4, ve-ilibrefor&­ 107 -- the j?llt. 6'r coining i in. uRe)., and ;A,bcther th� wdeke fa . il- bu a 7� j�� 'le SalliA.-Lay it was 'that her Ilineapp Sprifild in thO mixturo'get hot to�lli� s at e w"ap ci4ad that thei "t st,teh years, ut a ii c- rom to )jd imfikeol and: tw;u blind ilien (i3Q), only one ..�Imovcment-is a, 3" AV -ep and sLir, ihfo, canned. pineapple. Ori �Cttllce 'Ica w On a` 11 �Ire. dn.140,§S-tjley ed rmeatb' tile inctit, of, the fuxniture� a at r n W iigia Old, �-x:eiy A%Peck fith e 'U cebif is for, th� dikiples.). el.rc octrines. "'D 'Clompare the, p jpe Ay. of l!.( J Or AM- i ­-' �t , , I '-,v -th %of ali,�gg -beat t aaafctiVd. :,­ jbent�-willll E Spread, ILI bcing"'�, talcen- apa:rt filling, bet"A"Cen' ttvo. is an. in-1illittliew' 9' VIM. arearn, ano over pineapple., 1 `� ­.. . . I � ... `1 161 -, owever, woit sp telid To' Keep' -TIleF& A -,%v a ep a' or, CV3 b . I I ., noun lea c 11 -7 pineal p e - the aye r - ca' k e 'A Wy N 3?f.. V i' .4 ,to 1)iiMls King m blinc r penien in If �dl thern, 'ji , . 10, � ultitude t6' Ice I , , _rich peas went foir�,higji -wa �p, jrgd,5.6 n-,,, . aptLefforts.. gootj re s, kc it16 �-, _' . pli�CC sl word, N6'th M tra,11111�016� ­�T­h-'jc _Its_ h" le.1'0 A '' , I ri,,rouii E IT, x is'direction are 'linii ed. 'It, is its, oaf,, A' -eping, tape of dfsl le: e unc W o sw:Pp i.ri. loved, Ito '��5,anq ugljajij�,�o�jhejr�­,. :­ liew. ri Ife1ja" ­ W&Iftif L. .�re,, the. common, folM Non- t :g�V Till, Ir . � I " I . prin, C I I o s. s,p' di ci� H 'Wise it would, f lie, 'Oro e, rty ther' sl i6c .... .. S kl -chopiJed vdr bl rins -,iJYr`screen­ ocirs er ei ',the toiip.St ere orc, to get. hold! f, o au, one 'hE W14 do.in e- Lin. T; H 13 r�fiiifiith6d, to th- Ifi- J­ fi sqqms o, obbne: of the 1,(jL p f -14 W I . : . Y, I I . . . i "', , , -­cessarv�' th-i f... y --ove -th-q-r,; a-' W�L41 ��7Z­ 4 C, terls! hav,;,ccinsi< ered the 'ascrip ion 'o its rt kly.' er e -ddt, the in r"M t the Of th r, C f, ilyonnai4 d. army a �average line.- 'A4!J?Y th1s.-6�4d peeclictiori of 'Alis, 4: rp , h4 .9 -for' sit. 46ring an AlessiaQ ip' - prematu .: �',Pdbrhaps, t ` E, . ' ��T.hc; re. On % cour e be necess n rril tl thing; --but g es rp I L I x . ;­- jifit I n,.: b- Ahazt�-lin view �of-­the, g4fl.- EVENI SCHOOL it, , " 1 1 0a th -in �-sli 6 as Ao, make:. it.! njp��Iv)' 'thel 7i ie' p - se 4)iiii ton G ify'-44 iC .,n IS I-] ilk, the 'beirax-dith 'a-, -little �Sllgftr: p:r ger till h It. Mifit� C,1'3ng, s oxin nal', acco 9 1trid much' ca,9 ­­-ihc­ -c-- , c grow, 34.', Moved 4it t -rij P, 11 Mix lt I r ig a with comp here,', ago -Y if 'in clogbts 6r, ti! n Ic, h f V �a-n;& 0- S -J 64,77Z, .s Cimetcii:�hb �i y�ii (V wlll� go �s:11ga4r.j=,orle 74 iV 4 ml p 9k 0�1 _Q, 'we -a. `715ele zas r 9 n them" 40 'anu. clip ul q�f des 61 ttlielt. 0;,. ark w1j' o �xepreg cile Set 6114, t e'k� ell .1pin those NY e Ys:: g Of flo I C It ltclt�n4a0e or any I ery, an se to 1 -6 o q —u&A 7 Ito �vel��meil the AlcsL 'cil of a 6 'fro 30 it y. -clips" it sif ted with" water.- ."To' every. q'uart',.iJf lenion- ih.c'��r-otheri,:as mdld�j.thdoi rie Est fit R1, I Y9 I A llah,, *i �116 1 0, �-`-Place­ A a i, v �Ae- - s R or to 7011 the..1koubliiio' th.' s iou s, apna�, jc�li� Or Ir p bak on ol­ av- Th6v. flee. fojher puitsi�,de­'o'j ��IPA I I -an C 46 Y I ties H' f practise Yere it tic fill. ill B 5r oxer oncei e- st there- re - 01 after the', W far" t sy of filint. Ined it is. lik e':'be on' tain' i ese to b a,. lit f th" nu z"'thid i- ­h-7:11fi- -1 - Yti 'of char�j i ' v " a ' s Lh­ son ' ) tit . Us rowing � e man . ii.� R il-ke-o-m-it t ir L In ve -w-lirr -- ---- 7-7 7 -n,je'nt.--- j"lle. 'Propagafida, ana tho"! 0 br-from x-IeA�T�V`ccie 0 ice.. to�.jescape rv' nt �3 thb;-�)S�tt' 4- ­ -1--- -11 Wb y E 1 4. " �` I , itb�'ciC ihc­c6unti%v. r ,tl, ruise, the stents; N T 11, 11 P 111 S E � 1. 1N,7 AFRICA. 41,4 ear. ied it ncler a'c.ei T�, onts .,..Per ectly'-round b'all f, I ces be, to -bring out' the; --the�----men Were- at cast pa r thsguise, and', this diski.ii can fla"vojr. ,.Half. an hou :th' ting. -di, ifidenCe is 'Taking Pos,,Wssion, of, pro�, le , f s :v� S48' -is enry o .51 chi prodifeed',' Ayhen 'ill ar Y., r be er e.' pefition,�, whether,ac `cl�d� bv, confin uati6ii --sch iiud­adj6ifi�­� the'­I�L Vict ciria, Id-;' rol I� Aleni iIv:pVWIAeI n te nut in n T p AW ino er., 41 -,C, '-fK-6 -g-1-"' tiiir � dwiler, 5, it ga r p y, or rdo it , I- � t Qu e. -between a 161 b 116 -wing, iht4ligeni, Vqyi- w v oo t0iia's familY Th�y 4cbm a the'tWo bI;Q- - I . I I I — - I ­ -- � --- - -h�<­rrr Wk - f., I'l lich, cif.'�r.bg 'JItark il Llajtt"n la.Eye-a. je-�sus an act -uc - - Vt " I t fi c--,VTcVr-&f . -1 irfg- -t" - -Ie­ft--�s6hOol­,-& 'tint- -0` 7 IT d 0 '6`0' 1 ­ciW-Jn;,sma1, I e a, ii .ana llii-sl Ahe,-nT6St`L rwAM r EiiinAivi -44 eelery"�, one -b fter ing­w.ith� .-W lic Walk Jlat�w ,, _o r.qSf Th" eyql�:Yoq- er�A - "TfUll Id6king, h- 141� Vi d, t' :i`h I; UY, -V1.6 -kc. theri)pe Ated diKlo,sures ell Ine pi, Peic, and t eco e, lime half, V. Oil ysical.con I Ion. p anno, It o I, a It g still Of, f the n'atu i' cleat 'Me�;e -'sebool- which� t., e t'�inly slicc A1,14 00 re �%of h S Al I . ��? social .,anfj. racial, ivhigh'', e r lia oe4 b' P. anC., �6iited -Oose:'of the. Jat ippre, vga N-. st c�sO` iii reality a. 11 1 ­ ileVI tit .Sin the e L, X. C ITI N G CAICK 7' 14yonni 8cr% s 41o; c CS. I I IN"eL a ve, At- f pi! .1 t 'Ir ha�e-.ho -i ti -wljc�j tise dress! -war.., 9004 -Js ea,riie-d. o5z". .�.pljetjy� sf be ow h 11 oi� 14 '®ompt., 'lie Souih;' zVricoi of 16-dav,­"says' :0�44 ijg X -Xton-F, - ­ - " , 0 0 r-, 16 th U.001jealles with cl IT W- A I .6rschbn, iced vk -e gro n .1 9 of way As, j� F kit' it 0 h ousy.of BOtiar *htini they iir edients for, f I s. in r c6d.- �pa,!44,! a A -%pint f and tcricltly, and C gro n yr'- ib I biw tl 46 in -,'The, ion era in, such''a. 1-YOgm0re Is avri ;e thez,yolk, ls�. - -Th of .,0', u, egg, pepp u I,, Salt - ------- -- - stk elude .1 '16" - ' -A ­th6 handsome pavilion- Which, r; V4i --inAllis petitlon. 'Ini: S -the-, - . ..... . ....... n T -N 8 1.11 �,V" lu V ." IA),LIgJI tileSe, I case didgno�sis�.Iy­Abe­- Y' :tj!�7 fx p4at 7­­M� ozejy�;-. d-by-Pruresmor ---P . 1, 1 �. ounk Ger .10 e x eY ini, tgpd.�w.:Jn imacy.. k---K-r iger, -and-R)i ode Ol- Is ....... L". A e, �Cggt -.110 jy�rolpe­ P J,; flie us.0­10 R-1,J#tktiopshipj for -to Ite. _Kin eat'.. tit lk� -ifi6ioughly r can,- be­jfi� alsc;-:� f q.-c[Linil -sis 1L e9l -6-j�tfi7ji .. I -, , ­. , � ­ ; -V �L -th F -oeater. th� boiling 1 '14, no T —,;7 -Afar� the; r o esits.., rince Al6idt laVe 0 - 'ofessor Peo� Oy broke- its light b I ass-, f incit le UJ as, -new il outh Africa, w of lism an;d 'the,,, re- small.,qua-MAjes,'not -JfCjCrE�. jfi-.'jj� 7�'V' I a d d' te <1-��iline's­ Socia'j, sliVaies and -P f an -Ad&, Ahi7�6'�)17 1-C1.1--rJ:----xi6 A�h�- "-hc!xd p v U4, be -'mai�l� �lje� Waspoonfu[I �at d;. time,, and'beat' m tf.,e' jUice. of one IcTlion, serve in.�',j and V� CD J` c cxclt, mes: t is Aeli�h a,l-mv to Porf t 4 Jhoit a, bliick� M'l I '. e o -egenera ion t o 'irre" wAq . Y orm i lat� inil iiiiy 6 � he ''n f It it not fittjng,,tbcn� tUai -whe :.Sceiq�d, slitc "is tI at. %viten t e tcii,tak0n,par in 'Most interek ing R in Befoi-e it h to tppeared in4 its righ the Id o rha:n er &&I 'ing ga egg iarph­-ti V. 'Ilvr"�, I an.. possi One in, a ",or' r s�ln rinan citizelf X�d 4.. t -e,, ga -tt."'hou, sit-itpon c, throne, '.V.?- faVore cc 'willoill" eve., Etc' 1 pit�4,' And .'i' -'n Jing m6re. alt aI4�cpp�� nk.�4.or N Of �hiS 'a.Vistricts i0iile the rcst 0' ful" n. the. ear.,' illtt rEj­­­-'1.­­­ 01 It 1,adcd:'Awa' ry 7 It's Of 10 'ir �.64jngcr biot , ot� E 1. . 11 nd oecupy�---scats 'of the cotintry wakv 4� dtpt to -his 'Fathdei1lafid,,,, -ste a - about One -tea nful. 'f 10 d c&'only for one,�O'cent,bot'tlei`l ye"w"c as� thii ftac spoo 0 licaled. % .. the he Ab 'It 1grazi. g� inegar or4w beer, r. poullo: S, �j ICjjIOn_jUiC be_ Of'.rojotL extract fou 'cl s .11ley a-re"to arge--exteffit, sriqiled 1 -'Mi 9-4 a 6f7: -w­or.. . � n a-1 0 1 ., I I r.q infA�cille-an Study. - Ir 11,11 use, p c 1, s4d "yeast a!" five galloils., g., a of the, kin oln.�' the -intlic of. South in S -as,i their �Lor'cl Miller was tic first -t rom th �poi com- !iii� qaieftif it granu abed spga ie e, alive si�pws 10 , WP rid till 7 xx 0 line'. eljjgjIl4e,K* pro ess tit t view tiffhe''ir' ljd Of go in too nine r;. one cake t h 1"or t, of -he t at j -ill �q q Oro Zd �ront, iiiCdpACity Qijef n ii tiv. a't Frog�nbr,6 when .9 1 in 0-66 eyes* of It T, re, liatient q liesh e S. -At Me of, pure water,. lukewarm'". First .2 T We'' are llble-�- "a ri il As soldiers: they' are''if ivilli' s� �:i�i resf4en& C all ing­1. dients -ined.1he, tj� . . . . . hey; r 9 1 tu.ie: de'�vclqm 'nt 11g, !'ihe, C ourt I ;,. - : -.1 . . ­: fo; med.1he, 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �ay� V, . , . . P a - - !3-ull, — I clilssollile yeas in. -Une- 'Leacliplui "M .1heir request. Ull", 1,111b RUbWUr sliew an�.. -riyud ine,0 to; inaintolia princes7will, have� 'diceiiise by, es,, 11 e 1.13 "A Ppa Its e nst 'd bout cess.,cf:,. c-cas le-gxollp s, -As -ht 'they Jve.JegistanCe� Allater" lot. out f�:,Tl.-Liniestiaatoxs�an Iclity, lin ifnc�--to.. -War"In ti ol� 'x ery 46' T 'mentation at Ority of their, superior 611�6crsi, xes tie S,,4 are ver car Rach thou first was * greeted, -with, til. a . . . . . . 1 ]to k . the 'aclinii ictiter 'ill the 'case of 'a' domestic' I Their-Alaie9tel-9 bive'.0w, il P66ito' Afict: Fish. Timbale­13ut extrdot, and 'veast: iast.� I�Elur tJ 'it Would �neiC be g�&i'ned w Ae'risiool Gf,'Ao. L . . I i b'l k bei�h sfipj� teti glirilikle e gEj0i-()jjS , . li;�tu. fc. it s-t�oug. boiittc.�-, 'i strug . I I )f yil M61( 11 g16 "buf� they were, not accomlilished b 4 tl re'volutibn s'uch Soldle'rsi"w. h M­tM�Pew agriew- it" b 's �iiii- jf-­ t qTdi Eli- �711 if� WWI -i6rut-the -r:feqq-mqrY-=7* [11-4 lit ai ---I .- I—— LI�V-11­ I :f te -W� a S pota�i% ich-have -a 'watfix,pla fo a oils, --and. it -nas ed-,- eS--WL --boiew pottOE0 cc ilgl­ ­ -- - I 1� ­ Ii.- 4 1 -toocic is- -ri c -d With two 464pin'g, talbl�­ t co rpadyi.o.11�e. lia rs� i�lj is in- Witat th S') :ca:Scs.4n locusts'hav'd bee 3 U cl, afis er: in file" 'a 1,;M. S as ar , s 0551 I ir- t-, TO -C -,,,-A -thei: 7 s of: giated., checlie, ?.th 'hinst, o rd i- r4irci�ldiii:IAII-Ahoitl -tUrn4 I t' -c' cc new ana, be ter t that, iIig7,6c o inarl, 6C �ry,yesidienc,� ilipar"t, ro Frogm6-ro One eapi -,g Obt f 1 ho i 6en intrciduce s fir a utage., -But d,.Int6 tile ged tI t) i wo deggs-and V.§t.j�t:q, HJ�XrrS­ a tack, b tat ''t c aspgonful' of Pakii; this ior- Ca", IS ur e �h com- no ,know, .what 'they; s c r .1 4orge--wit, it, n d=ttlyb-s-A I g*p- -b 6A e p t-: f 1- 61 i I—, I, J� ­:� � j LL -,fi - '- "': - 1:�- -ht f I t her S,: -,,and e encoura'get�L­if�s"a n R-- 0 -wr- 1( :pAIrty- ..'S OW;, NVi d re y Ininutes in A- moi era ove 9, in -hat,,Aho 1" 1" make In sor, old t ' ritS`­'6f the velcif. � while ' 'win the a'em i,-� rily in c colpilli o s an 'si rem in a I h -'a pointed kni itiround f- priivaii� jresiclefteo�; espcci�all�. as ,, 'their, inswr s juc6I1,h,- and crop,; Of �Cvoify ter th� I I . '111eil :Wit in" �Y� 1,;ainting thein wit I latching of i,liluablbs thev -had jinowni, I ali c'. have voin�.Iketl ir.. "o 7Uf n p aN- 0 i. in,, do' 7' such.-cl' sg�,4 ti�h,4ith' Lon n -b&e'n--.ma C. to, endc I qAicu� N. -bat�, Abo�e PCOMI 'allil(I'14Y itsido o r c BEST arld: c-lle4'kalf ine, oulit-hilive.. bceft­a.­tr6lnbli' : �., . j" I oil de i iion tlidt .,a. social ciffori, vi, ;�Uciritxfl­ ITga'r, -p t ger 5 c 1rt`IYl'thC" ed strength *to drinle.th t. bitter Aereagc�Aban ever'before. -'d I Yn. - ON 01, -EVROPE'S lilito thqAeapot- the 'tea 0" 11 118 4DR61 ct--Piecc�of, erlist" d f Mll.�and -.endure--t -blciod�.- apw ­�Ij -iiiiisione an scoo P I n a sa. '! n A,dvof "o 6 cons' e'red, WiijdS r M ollfg -0 nbes cl-u ul, d �'o;41-jjru lice All Aljt4 th40�-POt&6Q­AeaVi IgI -'I't­­0"jj e- I it it tile 6111c ­�� . m i S, ari ers r i. -Te-g i, 'Up S I 4t WI I -all eggi an rcp1k&-. it' I rs I y I-eb ii f, Tvin.; or oes, I out hize, wi I 'k pe rfecily. ctea'r Aliat. 60thing, LO e p( e a, y, one -b "inc led le Aliciv n,. with­:;tlliek�l, Vi- neh; chal'k 46iii�pi��ieil ..with Alco�' -,on ro- . Yo f �*,� -tionts, tial L. -J, f'­thi- ­cOnl,t)risiRg-Ahc.,-�Pajci ell I I C One o -is inade, iib�nit 'Of biaver.v;. all "Cis With -.hot L6, the pt t(-) I Is ''chen pahtrv. _I _ �� -ja -!-' -­- �­ it(; c, all oil tes lots rpswit- rea f , rooms, d Y g'' t Sta' I h' %V ifilster of d ..... . ...... t I . 10im ahc1­bi4 es, is likely. cipagan a.tioder qing AW -able anti-, otIic-r­­s4-6r,6`- oiiicie 6be,f I , -, 26. .35), nbi & p . e on, w 4L 'ell that 4i6)l so, that 'if, A , the it m %� ilfto,:4116 - it d'' foi ed the blo* of a 10 -pound irbh'did�, �vill oc��uiiv'-highi6 M C � rociOls, 65 tin mis n pota Q: 56/ as .44, confinO. t1jet 6 -irf& w 'ptnid in the fu- (,.(;C ares"®lIVI are. .4 r<,o jl�,jj t"o''�I,-­­f 'I -­ "'''i )lit- eonfiaining 31 3 Or sor it" ill hi4p i c9 fis "i"t from d1sta' 6 than,, 'alt'hough* these pl,o�j'jr t. -by f) nces :2: fiSh,' J�j C6 'djil1l' f`)�der tile fiop, ]D- On. ih(� lon*oi hand' filre. eAaken'to tztippi�ess, it, .'a tiew. Aet �vah el"Ol" M-41 , I, it Jxs�jjljo­to -!kjWL— �4 1 40 it I) -rt ts. P) !�,­ itiI gtrb, PaAkige R.J P­��, V6 The llri'vof aee roll ill a, ill re . C clip it$ i's e Crea cc 4). reni. il- sit(! 1, 1',700 ,vard,-, w a %,'q' 1 16111-401018 of alf inell' ill 'cli.injete-r i whie Possibilftiois, kiiv minutes -,'when the e(int'eit-0 �hi " . th 'll" I roolil 4 �"nv�ijl I ic r it cw" 111o.ju( h lie �.fiji�st,drill� si Cc 014.6 1 61T, a Met, stil,face Ivas' made My (compare 'Acts 12'. i!"'.and 4-.,-3;, 5. also"Jor, a lot c I So V t rge ex ells.1011 )IN11) Ililk. ot - cagily. -tc,�. with. 'fi) f cl� thc "o f 's legal llll�l 1)0.s Slich, a q),'il'tT)1e!1ts4 itir I:ide' Queen's b 'lit f 'Ould, be execi)tioiYal coercive-, 1,,jji. ,)re t-l")Ig A 11.1) '01 r 40 Of one, iab t W lkill;)Ao�t roni, the reater dis- vc, 4t), lev,.� i. i A fO i- ]ion(.) 8] afi4 ostrichi f�rmln '(j 116tid tion' cliroeted against a l)"61i"I., si�tice ma 1 9. low,'w6uld . havo In thc kill'gd 111'. j j,"JIS "I is a nY, iu.-,ny,,'vcars,- 0 Conle, IoNvvvo�r, Mill- fi�al: movenient, linid: German gi jil' fill !�.(j 1�, 'to 1'�! -ch �f ftur and';b1tttcr mixcd.an4 'It 'lit 'S1108. qlinckl�-; do 0iatt4�,pe&­ord V�, phite: gl -6111� l'ig etate actionary I'' ra Vliid'din�. " nv, )11'� put ti Ylio, sajtic�'Is th", ol, oir,'e,upful of' cl I . 'lit i -Il �givei 'thrnit', <Ieefiaring ilito, -ow lioil Ing, f".e I j I' ll;ss t 114C I -6ii; and - crimson the.as ii, t I io a hot. ovoll." but let file t ��ly ithd deve.160110 dPa#,inW re6nis" tile 44fe'' diriirig" the war ha g `04at 4.il'.. -Nold.b.ne ' igninch is to be rniidf�'b\; hi S lice -Willr �,(jj(�v 0 tllese Rues ill- its.11restint I. ­ the � arntotN,.' and- Ihb gdcl4 10- LIM, 0 1" a �pIllill't(j, 01' W , I � - Fathe,r. �Thie 'horioxis lio'wcvcx� otr g�: . i I litellt U b i eh c oil etiO and ()lie, 6 ()L ISO) Salt t, R ,)Ic )ped parisley. to, Ve rewart iiii:10j, -(if e1noll'stf n. Is, not arbitratj�.gif6j r""s 'A4 -L-1, 'P'M. j(!­;QllJe,4J,, the, t. t" o i I h I I ik� oa I I I e it 1, �Oi-v V,, I i'l g I 4� �,i it �,it if—AML CS I 18 V5 Tall liftec wo �t U01 �ro­ I , _.IN � 1 da) I nse -v gj-)� 0S C''' rtai)t.,� Of the ag 1p-� 1110 SPIP0 -, - i I 1 1, AT, 1 CS t It t .1 f ivatvi, II, just N�. 0j. for A 1�1' a ac, , 121)., 111�, sit c i lizit the -V 1 I),] JTI SR, I'll i 801%T, FA 11 E. Ac �Jlportunit Iliaviour, it'llplic,11. Is"the silbei­ 4ell it 1111 (Ititivati(ill whi 1) - 1,i� rtvqN, CA1,( Shot (I 1w i ik., . . h I I , , - q* it akcS It lk� 1114 feel Its, The 11 't' Son, JlJ11, :11 S. ro ue� i j 6 poill'od off )Ten ferl ig Ins"trilotioll" to, j)F1k,)Il g,)v(1'r- it t hat 11141, c, a I I I wo t 0 �il I lie The fi st(:�i stordst iirs 1i olilti ead 1, 1* 11 y, hitr4ert.- P 01 g,64, f lis'we as� in, sitita I Ity, c v�, Ood's liden1j;V ih-lo", Ian,( it c'.� 0, lid 4,��t I'm od I Ic (0, 11ol's k,;Itelwix la ];,I lauliched re- ej t \%'a 'Iez�veii ant( 'rod -an -d it t y ])It -401.1)4 ,),It tie, 4, - hip., \01, 'S' oi, I a a !till( viatoy, as \i it �.k. toll k) 'N ot,�*' ti 0 Mai- 3 ,ri ce ili 10 a, al)(1 sanjj)I4(\,b of' itti liot; t(tmls' A �0 folls,�Iis-, fr -doin �,mii,.ator af 'I cut till violi-1 lice kcem Jill cc bowl. 4� 'fit's ',bok� it.�:as' ildfif. 'd c into 'm o ft (if tile re 1111 wt. I ont 1,116(toil 'lit! (& it "'Ingf V, of 3(1�4 er Je Vie ga�(611t tha I P 1, o. 115 lf 'All w t, is' teft 'it tiq it -pa-rM, with A"v- t , 4 � fl'ros al�e� t, 1, IR its I� tip -have' offough to' lit 0 il x,aI1­bV Ulf, it j, Dfi-virf 411, (AA-li food li'lid 4 ' heir I '64,.voit witi,k) llo,w, Illativ d th'c' ;'Aa' , hy,.Petroleum. Tile, turbines gi,z� two ''(Jjj�aq, ��Vhclj�, 'J4rwpo-r-­- 011o" 40i the -se i p,ocillial., oWn 1) o o 1� N"i" il h iudre fre�llent V'4)- �io 00a, led' ii I t"t r gawlilloo - C MI)IJ I "'r 18. 140111, it,, s , . 'I, "': I ' f" "i. " . ", I 'j, 2 , , .1 � . I divIlk amcii) ykitil he'ai4 ikNIA, fli 1v zina e -r- Iff t ja i �ls too gNdhvolls' it) bE, o ,41 litold'agaill, ptltlj� , ; Itiv in'to vidr oij al (he I clivi))e . to Con_ �, I ' ', , 4 , 'I viei�, ato All I (I �, C ot'l Air T t AV tt,,asp6onfu saftj onoI of i; -(s, pl, The 11,� ugar, imi ql� �' n.4 ilvv, hilt) ill- j1h,kic, 6, vL is i sli, 'Act 101'e" , i e .11 iwti I �7�11 "U'qDr tio 4,,,4+&,� 4 Iii - Ion t 1�� �. --- .44P I -- -.1 L 4L . -- . . much, tat bacon cut intO FiR 5,4 w 11, 1 Plitt I t I I I I I i I IWTVIP 9 Pik I IN Chi I 1�,, 0*, o,4 "q 'a" '4 'Itait oofft i'llst to i1w licave"IN, pl,io,pal-ed, it, is I qh 41r ibes­66, er, Une, 'of cc, IloAts 'brok lie wl)16, Aft h solall teftellp" fily, to� ;�j . IrjgIk(, fl'i"lel het �,oft 11110 1) tit �l jg� "Tho 111'61111' Ohl K mg se '6111 e jj "I'] fi di0ol--her, 04,11 'lit ask�44­1101� a, Viviy:jj,� 'M'okvif rclno�d the bacdtill , and iloo lieft vJ"46i0s cr va k, , I . I ` t 1�ojq liltiLl Gell ites, , are, UvJily)ni�cd r slib , -it tI i"s 0a 114 tllo:d I It a f hiv. I), ioAl��e 1:110, hot gre',z.1'se ini'llee ti s,1111111 olioll, wo6iii'l 1)(, 'Ilk, W It,', I it '­t,'vov by tel, v hal 'Sil'o., hmr :1 6vo, -iflvi­4 andtlivir iintlerling.,k,j ill,, ZYMM-7767`-L-W Inde in h 99 It bition flaVot to not, 'fliol" hAl&,00 is I e (1, ff all d a, I o lig e'll N�L; jjj�jj,­ tN,,l t I that tile fotim ai� s. is' wo rse fhall, that,of those boltts 1.vol w' If trhlk. I fhA'.d'Ad1,1 f,i 11 o 1, Kj,j 'e, r oy cicel lell tute forAred! it "8-dilm 6, L ijty,, tv, I --k-a j