Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-10-13, Page 37 4 4. 4 T. 01 �0�44 MJ; VIM ii*(111 i =417. 4 Ai� 4, e — A jF _', 'BU "muse -tapg" tie, S A: IN Well, Qn� shio . P�Y,100; op,111. liket.a" fire, must, tie e 61 SO RACE, D' `i:(�)I:,What J s, meant by X� Wy; At, -Al Ore, , . C, 'RA 'Tl 'L tESSON -]P)L '#04. �,DEN I I jig- _�_ , ,:IN ' 11V NATIONA A 4_ ticket- HelpI right it, -,4�Laf good Recipe's -�,Othier vak�­ 1. ­ IiI I 4k. . ­ 1 1. 1 � o,,hejp16re,,fQjr, it,tran q,,Orni a � axk, JiAe,o� t A V-* of pvi�ik to jg�;�Vps Ao wo�xe 47 e Crn4f-­1u Q up, wltll� th in tW6. ways I YLPI!-, las t J's- q -ather than..qnJintitive., -Tit ­iwovd­in--�he * , , , � 1,46': a*Ud;iNgiS % Iti Pe P` tt.'� 11.,,31-46., 1 Go en oes no re er,-to an.1p, c.A�i i� � - _ 01.1 , . 1 Wjtb AbOA04po A 'f RE dde-,xip.-- tas p,_ :,Of, il� 'effillig on ii 911M smal'i pie e, P`, W47 o . time,, fntiiistell, ''-Pj Ong, Wit Pont, f bift J.f)L F ture.,,... hi Text matt; �5 '40 �4n ce P tajnI of eX p.prience, A A6 't .ap And �akp, of clialk, : " i �'d �jf bIjee�',rtjjC (r6jj6I­': 'd for t ie,,storics ci-pev be.ar� of cor o d 9nd.)&ss I , " q Ing 111 Mo rate- Verse -31. The, Son of,"n-.7Wbat e 'h t a - I i al through' iat,6 L' ' ' '' " e� tel samel haye:, follild- health h, Pyow, alf aii bqtljr� kilt - A e Ab 'people, Are li,6t, i0f aSW, le� C -Y4 I- th— 'I -- - 1*1 y Y, is, Ise 4, Y.IC . I MJJIjJ OI!Ojhev,xw��,,e W U Cory jll#-�* lAck, tllg,�R.I go. 4li ciaifn§; ill,, lit, g ory c. laims, - a's lyn, 4nills.iQ-je .,h Nas 4, onlicidal, mania thr& j�ij d jhrf dobe;; is fi, tes- till; 'Ini6,.1s:, Stead, and � w bat. he, T b It` tit h AvA 1- 1�inr broug - '4� 9,11018 b eUjiepo�r` fw'o. duz-' ae WAY to III SO' !n thetwiti III c P4rC§:, jat6A'.'48 ffonit' h I SII th UA9 ii'l. to', tarri-linlitgandj cing-Wk,tbr h" ep, A C vegetables" f I -left' Qv(,!Yj oligb r ar 'it] Ober iv'rho cured, er- tj irmaiii ys, Cail, Of of -a�,bad� 6se of neuriastbieniit, 4, 96i4g mait Stitell tlj�_'Iowicr' Sit] "'Afth­ - r ebil'siders ilAgf, li� 13 'o tit -In as fe-- aild ------ ,eppeks I . n -b JJJj'jfie Cor- e;_)aSc. upper 411mg. ear_o,,cj,,y.p0.op e. t e alige, s� i.ine, C�lifi aild IFROZENPAINT][I A 11, ilic, I 'I" hifn�7`Tbe f .11pou'. goo S". an -e�itiil-­, -ate,f) �.progpe�,�$,rt a ram - on,,,v ,'.of com ORANGE IsLOS�j)NI14 'ST011 v I as- aff 'jil4l'.it� bo 1, 6 Peaput '046 0 tort;, to' into' 11 Tri It-wry.,,nerve in, her body �N c It,-, Jimpg': Bali slit c� '_jiviily -ju,a_nd,'fi4r.dA)ei,n9 so scepce one' side"'bAck d il'.440, ''A acings, t6 , , - 1� 1. -4 , .4'. ­ d - I I �h 4 -WA-., Otixth,�vl�," f 1%, d_.-, I" OS -13'. IPPI, -X -s, - published - m 'Of It p,n_ qllortL."�.itin i6u�":pjflt�'Q _f ad -`i- jaug t indro, mdl (n6t ngc� J$`:Px o t nin, that t amily, in Fir q Ivere" it i3a a .,t It skfinjificO ' to., 4bolitt" bl,644 Car �Ce, Cry, 84 no �a -vi:A:c C Y It & F,WdAining- -'tb, C t 6n, earth,, who b If JA "�;­,qar41ejjer s_j)4urg!tgI!��,. Its 4( 'PrCSs..i Ad c4pfid ofr, ater`a�&' 9f, 91ir at, StAch 4� I' o are, �70 b iiritbjnetri�`Q. cal'u', spbonfUl! of;�e 1(1,, in C I : I. I . 4, - � of fl -Our. mopq� , I v I ved, - ed AAA I e-, ilpo�, A; f, at) 4 !,,1 , can­ '41)0`� Iblipfill joy- 3 Ice 'o t e, pt�Zjjtren� f ;c6uniri, a, kin ;Po PRETTY DIT 10" the I g*, w 10 W.. bi or,.tehr"4r_'fflj OA,Mlnutes, i )(I *1111ler Anti 'are.' "�j W� n ul9_,iI French, f then �add, 'k d I& ell foo per, �Jrnl t ce,an, A f iti� 'tit tllt&k�s .;An,, I- t1le- "ri all o sane, _pey �.q tf§ Olaht9,:,'a -a fairillifiltily ca it 6 f (1j'fij:i:&j cL)ming_ 111011 i 197A rve," Ig t Y (itedmit., xj�t" M I'tch jj'afe�r siii�4: '16i (mf � , :. ., I .­ -,.' soxn6W jat� 61''a botanist- ffcr-physician� C 'ry YPAr `1�ell t oye cii'll if C. f 'tile, -jFAXher`s. Nvill- th H- ore Ixf�, �e used JU de-, We .1 Ifiee T! 10PON n( � with': ont in- 1 1. 11 or jiktgment� ' t I de'' d �.,21,1�.�,',.; �Itoful.,Iol w'aterI,_',a's yl ppro c ij: n jg' W, h )OQPL�f, nd: hard iti'ln-6,ri Ice, Cream 'd -d 4 1 ow Y,, g� all' "11'' rXil t th in 01 'Joir a�nd ,Sc�q� I ''I ' _tI id Stir ot the.,:Avorld to, seen rV th 0 rea, f nuctuic" ingei B 'I ifid if C'Ouitl' ic",thrope, ajrld� giving;; ­ Cd; '811owlyr inhabitajitii, Almost en-�lrc-, surrortinding t:l parts b IcaiIdy�-,Y�t It e it ;A:. lialf'Oup sugai wit6 �Oii Id be M J� 't It d s le� is I ru- 'Pe i-y!,I f t' It ity �tI6 M95 "iI'L An' - 4 1140!� -.1badirk e to'oka 4�,fjart c A 4 I - I— — k�., $4 inec A res ''a jilitle eMnamon All I er -1or 1% - 1U.'YOU s!,� -: I 4, - '_ - ,, , oil t#hQ I I I r 11:10 t �QJI.Q. dAateO___:Bi it , blc,$ ponf, -oplieuve S."lod, a,"Jildicial. "vat--wi I I,tii in ii,, ­ tit e�_Ad d-ka z due -N, ich"-, lia`s­ lice n: .6.4juiRK .0 -pow ere litfgwt A d'z laO bol Tbe;o'ra Oce� eaten th"vir fiPtlio-bu -roorq7 rcls b, with- tWo lk h6use )b4t'ti;,n 49,13 1,10 - Ov Ajrtitirt I .'of,.: �tlfres,.q, vay In Tille e clean. Iii" t he it tie f q I r ii two 47 in nOUTA in the 11 -..'we' sugar and nut 1j" gectionis ane sad indeed A "PlIc 1. 0 F.41t.,Ajalf, tcagp,tlionful-, s rp ., s . A irillinph of St ighj as k. I - -Iar;$xe�t tise��ci , f, thiCr,� , iont�. of� ta6losiloonfi0s� Atintionir ye. arge re One, If i, r.o s Oa Ing, a tbe�ki4g was d6. 'witi 1`86�ji, And ail me, vanil *4611, fili�r filir,& qu, if 00oug I to,rstbre an-amplelino"unt.�K" I t -d"' H ins I it tra� ,an it �zia: '&cj I ju'd ent, 11 g a a clip- h- ­­ � 0 a Ig 1, e 1�,oi-:Vionc'r 5he- ad -oriv,�,'soft_boil' tj 'L ki " I , 'Illyheni C4 d' d ;W,t n jar dis,-t Cat,' tile Whites, o It iq t aji(l� .I of w'zitQr. �Fith the' iiboi1cst peQ0,1431 0, p.. CF( 8 f), I -'alf time 'lic-pa a0e. gardens, And�sax!thht slic'e i, it I(,' �gingerjine-ly'ou nA I It '�tifk*k IIII � Ie Cgg, one ertainty dn', t_ 6, ot ti WO egj to reverse is er aii AiIint fiWil-W _J. a& to:Ac` few walhut'� meats,- als Ise W*t,:,of H6we've:17,rhaby.�ehd fit a�, h4ve�beeln o ..oast 0 ell t wM­ u4lef�dly 4'. '4,ua'rt ci� w iambal ater �'Prjt cold." up" 'r�heli I �O .0 ssad6r.frohvill Its r I was, JILsaucer of rice, a U1,14IL11011 iUf' �pa nfaTI 'and Ahe liouse,s�ape, often q'O' 14ecp;��' entangled t e root' (1, the mix lightly. Y] h a West sa,w th' ',��IPPc ;il Ile, a s ii Calit.' 'NVArrn:,op6:q 'tree, and' offered the kihg.�A, large piece oUto 22,2�3,296, Were,53,177 regis-, uart, .!rcr6riWe4 11*t frequently, Ion' gpod ',s -,bed may 'have. beeome 'In f of �it'. ast,'and either'an orange �2 I i, , 'sum oil a, Cuttin k' stewed p, ufii�g of- b'ake& A' 1 1, .xngan 'With b-nitered' thiii, f tb­4o'uf� b18o&,hCat,':, add ove �-The r papell.4 DrIOP' till milk,, 'tered )ujiaf.* E I d an& ver, t le' Ing) I -, on 0 the heir fife', t e IFFG., h,6 eveiii�.refusctl, i foi be�Piiied the 'a �Iua,rtblf wateiI'. Just.befoie' re- U, 1 18 Sur" 1A h'iAl-q-ttsh ed -arid Atisorlvm�_Ill__�L _��l -tiring­sh4b-di-ank­-qL,4 ar ter ki It A. little' )o gi t P,�*Lm�(t t It e � e v, I if rt-Vf7th preparation, neatly .4uoe�tiv filp, bile-hal( cup,rsiijar' e junket iiI,Jitcv, Inis W149t re, before Via -st mmei ir fightjor� t h VP e il Wales.-Aere bejhg�,�one,l natic,iii, f _S 1 11 �c In', 0 ye entri it 04, Kit I,, a- a InQ e fra e ge�tl, , its C_,pu e436me- P) wit -h_ fill es _, , , 1. W1 CC l3i prices- -erlyki re -I, n ring cistetnsi.i iiK his- g ory.-, ­. f Awcnty.. I inilites -ReifliiI aaw.e� '35, 5 Poollf ul� .1c'moudde,-flavore popAla' --chief., gardei*.-had, lvli:, TI -the -7 6;,610, _,th46" n er .�Of., all coo v se _B g QAU 1-YEKE Y -,M-R -re' -12S,787 6Y to 3- if -Are;.-S ig JIIL� Wers- no­do'tjth-�,,ihat _SgD -linAti" -:was d all �Among-flxe-poore j IF T NG, giste I e, yr, W4Tn C a-11 I r W o,grea-y.a oll'a Clean bti� I)pg - e :on the oliAkirts of: Je'rnsaleld, few rrca,dv.'�LL:�.fter rersui-iLicti-Ol 'at, t e a Ing. on ail avera t s of. orang�.O, m4rMajA,de,,, M4 ree, n !Who used to: Ahe :sa:Y4:��'!'Not one s',thiog,, not in I ki ge Iot.�cl utria, to '%preat - with. jAM`-o`vC' r'', thi,, A�tv a ) o_ 46 o 111heir'oWn eisterriis in t e lestruction of the �P�r, alid, to the junket mixturb and. f Pen. pcost; It. si - tin ef It:, a 6nb, drop bt It t t nd idrii4oii 01 Buvfaec, . of 6a, -�,.ake_: "Prepare a and,laige. one8'arc, 1I;iu'i)t` ind'Ahat he c' 1,11.1 fialaile."madoi Adly" onies ,5 It -of, the rallin" sh I' fafhe:i t" It forty"yearg. an efformous increa SO koned' -f - T ove pas.se �,my ips , jor fiN*,e,,Ahd: g ace In unacy--m-se, a,, I: chocija.�e­ (As bel6wl).�, hy charity .'kniids, IwI c9nimpilv, But, a� rhbial',vie.w,ofth l umvers'e de�,*. would no tarry A I - f - little. in AM i9-, 'TaK IS �ga - 14, moll -4 an t -,you I calls 7 D.Lwa.5 poor., q ate�r,;-�,,,aintj jxx­,j1trtL g�"W�7 + _T_ 7 I,-- a c 1 f I k"i esta 1, on. it,( is Y, -W "In I ments -with, reh 0' 1;8�­ Ing( S 14U;! ave. t 1. 1 . , , a I ffi� :de taly 6 roke 0 PiO6 6f, , the� li�or6. active jill �my.L�jif f -I!' a -miriiritp�, r�pj�:V 'Alie. caft)lyg -0 liven -41 pre l_C.j' 9fi;d' tobo­­ g:, 'W­�daY5, d ----and, -s --W -V�VjjjT&,'7jf- 71 , tile S - A� ._gi Are, the-faet W& .5vxw-'m iL :�Yvffl it -1 "j ­�p rysj!�l jr ­­­._�­ r MrCe­fi,� ura craviiii 0 rrha It_ f o r,"', 4_ il 4 f M CK I On <V 67 ,� -- , � - - - rr�-- - -rr , rr�t , . , . � - " '-I . ... - 1;� eiil"�Z_m, 11 1. . I Lrl , I Opt 111nim -Y bzcir prevalent toNva 1,(( ;seases ItIrlizi -a in the r Chi, wholy i':'f'jf bet'AN'erew Died]$ I jelC li'll ge:02) tris, is, a the' 32 1 .P- wandici d+ 7—- _ 1 1 tiL6nv­' I' oll ge, is 6qtc� I t',,�point. I I , hL , P-7., 6hallen C Q VC, me( itim �.,izm jiltel of.' V*," cc com If] I ;,, )gy it t fi I* �nd of -,the dr Tilis, if, T1 Same 'Ping shbilld' she mleet'litit enJba:F­4_L 'o o:,giecii pepp . 'Y'. , I I I oulid:,dfink a 'g'60d,portlo Ile , ii, plear.8, oL reV `3121 lappy, as V 'Chop pretty t aiEUMOI)g�igll the�T)OUX_� follows. It ds bighifi6a r - . - M, 9!11119.1!81-t� __ ­was,,qAiiek­t6 iiotjc6��- � - . , �,Zy hn, Iand ','a' ti lIt 0, -or -cold W some, Imes hen ivili If S P ..Spray.111-- c-1 �Off ere, flu t 140. ii�k e gopa v;rflegar, 0)140 �'JIOX �4ljf:�jn I'S a.S )Iij,tage r, I ng (4m. I lit; iJI -qa iIMI f(ko, t t be. -A tile k She 'i a it -,-L. h _-11 sold t to, Ili jilit �o iiilk,- S t .7777 1.111 P, a, 6. �le. Ile pe s- he -i 4) c 5IJ al -I'd 'one-half, jljgt'�� b'674 f A1.4114 t;:Ijlz I. I .. I - been tile lnbll� of ck" f' tile fil. all -tim na IMIS nly WO maiv. fec ad�l t��o oil er ex rcis it.. -I' Avars', a new: nel I 'i captill f, Ill of most4nsanit NY- IS.;A fol -it Ott I's Car t r M Soak xiiays- came -�ex re, e,.". lbver� thur, Sweeping�&Ivary the, 6 I`Mtead. IS ali. spoonflils Milk— an( 1. 1, V Lk 5A - Y 4411. p le :'tL _,de KA.lAL1hLj`iq -T911 d 't, l)jlt 6 vy. 'upp. y'011L Aocs U1Q.,iiiii, :­wIt 46. .._� I I I ., , - LL ('r - pi%C.j�ljjjJe,.: 'jiv6d 170111,, MrI, it S,.: of %kh' I im 31 - _j_j_4jL'a­ve­h&d 1�fhc�cili- t-c�tild-.- le -4-11 ax c. 17�)_A��7m�T.641iga 0 ftox if I) P_ n s S6VejT_ *bVIL", If :grant It, 1 1 4 d It Q ft -P It vz I L n �7_ "'Th _,7 ,u A:; P. Irm llet?, 11-all',L h6ping tbat�,, I Ir: Mon S I -ve g:aild 1"k. mellt. iirifIg - , . to I 01MI, f tl c 31'. ja'r - -nown as ri, al 777- 1 11 ii *k. I 0 -onlon'S pQ() SL' lese alf"'itic, th'i8k.h.6 )e TI I her il'', cover witli, ffi, fli is, jelie. e'd of 'a, If c. ass (iI Ls 1. �Wzxvz JIM . I- � C:_ etf �egcp. av�-, - I ILI ly it IT In bg��� \�J:Lotll'_ -ge.. 'P ePOPO to con ain, 3 000 ga - �o rap p Ill i� s LITTL E. H jalo.�,:v'.This to be dliefo. their a 11 . EL, S11., (if dr, CA hit� with') 6 enaniplei -wood'.. ind. tL) tfiCir �h" ts. abi bjtttel.� ailci In rain -wate -tove,,. iii. Av&t �tWent'y Ill-: ival er- Trtit c9cIitII w N�LA) e ing. cox`�-i,6.1, ind 01 -01v.snlg� 'd It iu)t a 1� The c'�-siest;`.way, to'. c ean' 6aKvIed Av&ter -f-roill.-ow sitrrviwdin it 111)(i Avas aitgmente& 31, 1 S i 011-ee, I i,'� I 4s' i-k,s g I; eat Ili I s 611 k T Q v_N G, E 0 1 tt,x I S A. P Ji lisp- a. Small fI r I a. o- . -sprinjr -ai fiallp s 'be re att C D i�,§ T III U y F, 0;,*44 U16 cap jil�iil' all Paint, ro", j, t S Owl, '.,S. JpP tS as, he ",se.illed th,-)If, is'.Iri�> i it t i nm�,vr. ank 4.1len tiley, t e4 ta'in of flie e two n. an t �­ - �. .0 , r ti ins' d Tert hie S t 6 1 1 1, P' ivp ( (111 t,11e, kSt; -:6-ainbl'o �I) o,ile Cake of h, j� J' g, "'k<fj,one_ (j there� 6*1 g, -f i.A' , 0 I _015 �clla ig, e a c ,spriY)gs­'.L 'I'oln, tit 11 Io al fill eep,4 )Lilt If e a )ont v- kill-4� - - M. 4 4a�irge:ls''.r- (1, �vllig Und fti� WAS a. Mason ry ea(lift-t, ll�-t. sa�ij Ill �Qt Oart. Avilit .4htL -inle �,.rtr] Ing N\ et.� .-hat P�' ter, sh I P. S affe" c o al.e. bd6jj�, tit m. -& 16 t I e r�s - pei, t frompany. I for's lluli In tile of it ie afe %.Ing-, "In lit t 'e ca�,�a gerin e� Nvork of.'Sol' I'L-011L pebf :chat- t 6mile jjj A � L't'f ; '. I" ' ­ I- ­ L -, , .1, "es, .,O -o one Ong grea I;) I day ev aj�L(! C 9 e( till -o"l �rni, wat L Cjl Ae df r A66ctic. the In I rs -an4L EiCaLl, -A I r Av,,,fi '' ` . ' 6' Id I'' vn ivit I� O?jo rpt"ll, !""" 4 'L evide a Wered I Y 11Y X. It )litc -I' ifiv. 6, 1 "LI' -I-r`__. -­:A�_�_ri. __ �l ' N"04 c g f ry oii fi .1,43 tile c I..e 1�� 41f t he 1 11 Avh. lerr .-Iau6 I, i t. 'filial I 11cf, If jr, 4 "Iet 11"St. I evil ms 7 ail; W iis. a over the ci(i Y C Iw C 'd -I fle,-h-an ell' -ail )111 'ikirso Iffly $Nvajing�. 'e;a6h in issi,7,0: eontil'tIll.ng 11 11; hell jjgl sinboth ditst: with tl( lOrg'. pp jel One pfMIt-'tqlK eun-, NVICa' aIj(I.­ej9aff,L S,,�NAII,je. iji dooll wit gi�-. it ., 1� sc I W in "dirongli a Ill,rafkaiii bv a; bitilder e r, s ed f I h* f6r, il't L, I I� a] so, "PlLnell, off: -enough oI, I I I I I I t K,'� ag i's', ree(IMe, It, Id bU4[[ -fis e Oli �Otl d of. ar,i,w lit --- .'W ng.-�i r4jolru its,.4hoPoligi 'Aveekly, %I, 7 --gofid-_an -a ftC. IS V eol1je(­ 1 went 11 ic I Ip t ler'' was, I'leal. aM, lo'?,r, nd j!1i%t, molJ a o.,'s Wet,kl I fill, I i all I as 11 Gi ss Cio NN�4. 9z V. -51: a Iy­.or it �lj Ia. 1911T, nallItA.-I IV� po"411,1011 M�.N a 412 'trild baYc as i 194, 1 III -age )it I V . lng I(, Milt Nil, 's, (1.1; it I.P.. f I.. li Ili, al.'esi p aln 1) RA �_SA TA 8 jl�.� If"'' 'Ki . )'tfld lie . s6jrl�r' 's, j liki. With ,'�aj`eh t I., I hIlt im'Y'le§ -ffilnfit )]tile c 1p - M A�, a ll'�' �Q_ S t V a t c a has ttl-tl . II ,tion c'e "old Thist* �N �jiiaJjt.N - I I. P( ' a's, re'- o (a -i f1lah to th(Air cle, niffiess. )it, Thomas."* I aful _-Taisin'Joa, 1 116 Iligh"r `tuke� 'of lit 0. ft -;r, ii�. di­,covel�iiig 60 exa,c1t, sjj6t, e Dllfl� tikk, 1) i it gi n g�,, ba dk- gi, kt, 1410nj)�v t f ol*, L I �v 14 -asl c royll,ell: b"Jldlig far iipg, .9 ass, .4 j.6"I f: � j'�. �. i ire i if g - t o , .11 iq if r ii' the a' 'ikl. 'L' ' ' ' ' ":if: illit i to it Cathil" -V CfejN- -0 will fiuns�� to, tj j_pl -P-- 5 "j) f til a- gq.�, gani�si arit'r.irril r It annnoik!q, je I Janij . I C, .16_1- L f 1. " . lri,� . P .,-t f'. 6. E4 : dib 'd t It M, L_Lp __l q� y", t fijljNr� Of' :or age ­ i M N. Af fi, - abrILI)d A1 as, ,Mp�, Ra 1, alp" I,(), ung ''K Tlw. .%ViiiangIl, f.k-4 -e it three g g ,T I(!, iing adv,, i I Alary receiv to, All IX 1 0-- te'l 1 s aboi 6 W s Nvi 1 1) Ill ':It eN 43 l tilgilf lj� _1=- -77 *.he)i, t4O while ar A Iltitillf-ir; f 11 e, lbildred 'etters 'a dai;,, an'd 011 t ;;I It'( JILIJIn jcl*� 0 ilis Alr� ilia-, tt..14 i.00'C p ace '111 "a Ce 1'- _g -ttlijocts thall "I lipon -hiis t_ii,olm it) glot-i,( Arctia kag ',Dnt�b� 4looll,el- Ili VOW pillidtitions. I at .0 pa))4(�J* to: elealijji6 i.f�jjJj:S'cJj/jr6IllI1g p �.,s 1. 1. , . L ' , , I f, f " 11 , 1 se I'll Ij n g excic I) L, :6 1 Wit 1 .1111 Iwo]) v� v hinj P and )c of w -a 4_vei!takbJJ%A_k- it iea`vN,,'galV,..in A, _114�7- I , 1 . WaY it '06ve., Ung is, was the'veb,�'foln; (;Cniail, tot, a 7' qerip- F C ® f a- rs Ont, I it t1t, -a il to N _ill g' Arc Settl A- -�V.'It it -gif ts till,. Vr6v- err tic jft� it ­�­­..­�­,­� ..... Dr p Arl g --V iLI LU I L J N N at D ;�41; ark 4--nIiIte'l, v 71 t e. x( _�e a. ro 4 IV pos s4v 0 .4) fit V inf)­I-­�,�­ VY I tj 11S Ill Ill IY' I 11IL- ihc" rightf I 1) 1 1 1 NI, In, �o vopo.- carmar I,. G e I�sl Sid at te'll'I Is �i () I . — - ­"_,� - . - ly 'Tt , , �J, 'ed jL-j`I'f` 'I've, - k I* oil( and 6 i I li 6� I F k I i a I I i - a, v-, � � -6 - I) IpJi_ f 1), y� - beel): i.tiow,i i (�ff, a fid JI add 0'11i� table.."ptl4nfill id w4kift."', t. Un if i.itmic rth essi t icy had 1;4,) nlako t1l'of-jo"c' h6 .1 7,Mv c I lip; IIS CrIWIf'1,qP0lfdofT(,q lIg er. wl we f iev �qojin(%. daystl)j' q1t.iff'od-4b6lit- in'. ad, open f I., In t Ile WYr I t 11 1, 0111,6f the M onl , , V , , , , ." , , L i" a 1: 1'(� -a _�o ne. it� It) -to,f "V' Yiiisir� - � i � ­ 1-1, f4LIli""��ii-�,MO�tili-il"''f'l" -fo �! ' L oil 's of Ilet S, I a I:] - .. I I IIA 1v 11 i t v 421 C I N c & - I'gly havo, pil'ofess"'d Olvi,4 anfil, 'thoilgilt boat'.1),14-fete When- It( 'N NvAN lilt "if r �. : , I I iwit sitl�el e 1JOA, 'uf�returfli Jig 'e'ac'13 pno - f (1-J) 6 t --I) N�jl q il,61tgh, Chlbi va,;'a poll le� Was Jl 114 Is oeo "I fill 0 lid ("t, yif 14 1 rlil., Ill t n Mr, 314,N-itlj 't's S it),(, of ail I S (,QQk'' .on %�Illi, it, hafl '1 0 1 or be iudgc4. Illy tliIit, P&) tj), I< (jiltliv.. f I PlIppt"I's. gIQa 'S s Sent t,;;, it8 Abl�or, �,a 3 , 1. , and in, col AMA, dangei being aily, Oil I fl, It" q 'gN '�N' I rV S. Will Plit f'o 'tlie. brottoln j)y"tlj4"'r jqe,be p 14L ful1r; IW. sa] _9�i6ill(I I RT _fh� c )VS. liet., dead Alil loindi, im- I and' tf I ' e 14 1 IIi!V; kli,tftif,e4l, as"'Ith 01 _s ,bill d, _:gij L' Q j _­ _t_:61_ 'r;)hindof -aw �4.1, -a I S. WaV. '04(,'I'ity of'-flieli! profelssftill Othe OL'y S'nVoced M �iit �t I'V MCI 1 0 1]' t e Ii I it ed in' milk,. i 41'aa,Lj st and T ". jie�\ , " - t - "', I acks,tog�ctil`��'i- , I S; qiilIII&ii,9 has beel 9 h in .�Irj -a Bla.ek , n( , o � . m vv*visod fllelli,,,�MV(ls in Oni- Q j If" iioaVs, efew I pink clll,,�O"" w, I Wown dirisf btif, a". ajesty pciv�tonally,.' c& Hol -m-, '111.4 t0l �'sjleltvr ;n, tile, s I tic finest it i'A "Id the t NVO Ili itfrlwke dis N%'cJI4C"`, gl) o wlio ba. 07 ice huts Of a-fi,iJl6'of­jritnId11,' t-iolir.jirIAabYN,, in'', H I it fto� 'Ill�-vvs -coqk(,&,, )�i:v f)liliovs� to, �Ixi f' w4t�v�." 1;I45Ik t j P, 1) Ing o itaes�: to "olle, f fl) i(I e, Tollnfs an' d theyreit�)A* - "0 i fjj� I 6r6se4IJl;c, paeking iuA J s v e s U) I,', it 1, i,.iv 'jil 41d ,I I,I'k - 1) 1 it V 1 0 fi,the, tragic tokebs. lately d "weapo n S '1111t jje� m ith, -i�wd% WIC, It III phVatIoi)s 1, 1 irn':si ,,I, Itf, 4 wAte 0 liq rinto L ' 11 _4 IT11 I Sti-114 rpo I (4 Av I i fnat4' , j VL�� t j." - it, i4i oft, 'IJIS �tt, Alklwavd',.� I)ol't 0 " not �.vjn (101111 OP)Ill 'm Adlolil.' 41vA , A tit 1 iFFv (1, T I sd tfi(� I had to I a _fill 111 0 WAT 41 I'll) e. r 111 rj�jlje , , I I I Y , lVe 011�01lghr. 8, v I Ij 'its ;jjP111. -m 0 tic). 14, arIld Wded t) i q j w61 A 'I" tin J)"It f "0 I't I I " �) t o ('11 I'i 7N6�< I �\T(;f (_1 F�7- M&T 11 1`l",il StVVI �jlf) R !.I rge fill ill) if n lo I I t I i,; a� sIh;idf1N'\v "I ej.� 't"r' 3 1'0. Write IjaJfdL a it d ll'Ov ok 40�.r')76 jid. :Ill N, A -tit- p'x ectf,dl� 'One' (if' trile .. : e rash -Unw S -ilyi-,��-sll I \;v _71 I it ni; im . i, $1, , , r flesh, "'Ilch ,I C 1� g. 1! e v, I I p,(1p- -thil. I iis! I rm in -its, phitce, was ca I I g It t i'll. (fid i I,, onto VC(l f)jj,�' Oans t) bar 0 �\ftl and 0 -will lie twil fair f!"("Inint . ;ics i 'k (1), It lit AAV a, sni 411'. ire all" C the S 0'0 t1irtish., (I TO�o t V' Se iwarosa( ;\dlioll to , oh 'p npjV( ItS .111ri, cil lit In a spot 11k)w 6(. 1 I))) IIIIIA fi��_jjj ri hi i- is 'pc,Hocf,� file vntil-c �:Hl C I - , I I I 1*)'()l , jn�ls vllv�� �q va I Il. I'S hil&co! Vt6'�' A' -A id, 'Of Ig' )'0 (1�" Q(I t -Ips, ("llop fillIe. (III i Alon NO'll �Imih lie frety 'thi". Aallgos ill S" .0,) from tilenl. �vas fal`�,-d I "vid )till) lincoll�cloils, and ('fit (,6 111 i It giiiji jIIV first '61" PlIiiee of f le ly(y ("(;v A _1 _ - '4 _!v, - (.1' � I lll'(v rn�_IlicvW oil Alle' �.PidjlLi lit Ills, ".1 b-clievr(l -! It tia­­r "Ifie- -l)IvITd6* r z li,dirk f VI) Ina jV t le tVil�lo 'te jjJjVL 11), foolls" ell 'Yfitiioit. o ia I (ja Ii - W dotli,% in . I , if lAppikr� , 11(i NvVi.e* 16,4t, Alt— ilt-rf If _jrrl4VJl' pjjjIL I'Sed. noti'j* th i Th V. n 6v -1 YI I I Or i I I ,it frav I I ­-"rXLI Till., 1 1, ­ - (�, . I _ jfjjJd_, j)) Jill, oill (,oil *S Int. twl )Is (IWIl \1 , ("ac a nd 4 lw If' 4.;f t lj'( i J� NN'ilflil 1're pofti,ait :Nvill lie vitIadv i 'lilt fill (I b0n sh-�lighknlvd wit, arr Iliv (3, 101, l"'t I I v. j) itj f. v0p till ol. 'I (91SY1,i am 10 1 )wel­(,4I "'It In, M I stv( of g ...... �ft, t I " it e rC ni I -� I o it 91NT, d), ist 04 vd, t,(; f lit, Tj 'I'l, do�511 'w car sh exit 4,0\7 lit in' 'S" lilt! dic roftlili (I'l_ tit t� dL, 1) Ave ret,lli-llirn�' 01 tit fit* Koh ("S tiTe, 11,001, Wint, atiolv. L jl�l 'fi �,Oil (IIII, lip. it, alSo t4i AN"Ill �, I, t Cook, at le iolii(I oh; ..I lie, iilyal6i,, to be a di,,;OTW� 1111PI'm v 'is �fikctl) \1 1) 14 �','n, the rive tr�j.f'lrfi (;"vecll f, ilig: the" trivo ends fogetli, 1);)aflid )n lidee Sevwf�v 0 AdiliM me it t tliv stillilp, of 1 6 Nvft,.� 'Tile' ipowiir ii6d opp VA, f V Aself : " , , 1,� D 1. r11 Will - n'. liol Ing Ill In 'N.C, M [1w in,64-, "O;fl, �Pd'.' 'fle U"'U"" (AF)'(1,11r), I",e 11*:, airl, , .., �"rfl ,, L , I. "'; ei3O)"L .,, . � lion' ft, man I�s e6mi)(AIM at, lit I') , I . L , I Yoti cilt a, f A Illedie"it k ffl� 0 e 11 n'S : 0 , �'f, , 'N't, I L 1'� I e, I I I � I j\, �l t e I, t 0 I x I A IT) 'I n I�e' woll If I on-'MIU1611 liaI'm _.t .-O!JI n Inst, f,�Nv i fl lr'� llotiI, fivoliI I I 1"� A ve ni I),dk 'of 's Ileld ll')Vd, 61if Ow ktrill J's ipj (I -pent '0 114 16A If 1,111i!j (1, " , tIlv follfiwill y'O'llng mat), s :e s 0 (it I I I I lilt Y Vkrirp,02 )oil 1, S S , I wd I till 1) e d, Ill x I be( a 611111 (10�-(, 0) N� Art 161it jj('�J, j"Joar She In, 6 1 Al f f'. �lil`�.ad (at "thai I )I lr�vv it 't� ,booit' fa In A .(),Xj)t� r ' lit 110i -itual, (Im" 11 �', It L� , L�, i l(f his "(4 "Till PIP ad t sa BLI ffER I laf oil t Wd 6 wa e '90 a 9 of Y I I 0 ran'. cc �'ts'on _Lnd_,�c eaif:14� to it, 1 "13) 1 C s It o6' tr�l