Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-07-28, Page 6-11 )7 P -4 f TH FAMOVS, r# V T T Sell to N1004,1101, lr� TV 'N till 'y �U' 'G re .1, ER, P PAN ow� of, P '006, t .41011414 10-Avr 0A Wirr - the turning-P.Q)tit: to' oponotirk USED, ilt VioOr4 C , 'A' e oye t IL li. Q4 toir 0VA00i Jrr Ev4r deolorev,�ryw0ref The, fjr:equoi rit-pomin T "O"I'M.PerlilloRco UnA'blp to' on of persons !P C0.4 pay forthjjr1t4 AtieS. Asenuvwbe quecp Py V #.eh for minor -the have heen; brought bY to the.' 'notico-q� FROR DONNIE SGOTLA A. opigtion th A)r'l, A, W94414 Artvt ASSO British. 1 .0, A�pketaty, T,110 Tom pt red diatibn hasfox malty yearscont6mdl o rd 'ba Rr6n;bt to IF OF :-LiN ..;,tr priso 0 ,send peuple t.r TU IST, Fit 0 . . 1. 1 � - atiag Are "OU QS4113S -the' o. to A' r. Ad Many. yeiir§ .;&go,., ri b me miml P.Qpt caus judividiiAl axid, matter of 'S tb in I e, !erq�, alrxived,; 4 rin, Of ad 1,.§ip u with 4 ­party. o AnnAmith pirates p4line' And., L.t 'Marseilles, recently A stit -fr f 11.6th ma 40 aito malef xc�org aTkable wq� n endation that. -9�40,, Without-' iAW1f1$. her, oyes, K., "thou., !the late H®rnfe,$ebr tary sen, e 'TF 'recbmm "Sh0,s4& man re- wbut .13 -on in tha HigillaR 0 & 11L , 1 0 40PI-I �i t 0. u, 4y g 'Plo of"t _d otpo' of. -the, wiveo� of, th be,.Allow..ed, for pa, 7 'IfAIP4 -,Aigap �ment- when 140 'pea -'r -1 4.64 aibie ��iraie Do TO. m,'wW ]I Ito b6fore -4: or 04�; ;�Waiffl Avin c I settled a Ohr �tlo b;Q ang, papers, were studiod, -WAM�;P PkW WALL, Xfqi . .'home ),4 4.11a� such i'6,iieral stock ;oie glyen, the'�Frronch -so' much'trouble, gVendirs. had idation?. taiking ano*r - Wit�4- unEl* , r , , , ' ' L 't 0 he. r0ommel ­-�h I LL' 'L - , orviiiig,,do�otkni., At-. Williamstown Qnt,, july�2704 L � 0-11a, -fthpAtieub not quk, .1 on . 6. &A aS vt" ' ' - " *�inlltosl .1c.- n I -iI boar4s,ju ij.i' Indo-:Chiftw, ineff�o ff ift lia a ."however i� "o t' d �'.Anothev t6n'r ,� �"t er, .. 11 $nyt Ufo frptg. cblrq 44,the Sig tj ins in Ott. pqtion,a44 w) dorctok, or revi!�4,y., h ation as tho loy4g -rea#- and -.t 6,- :,�, , , I � 1. - g. t 0, wo`sterxiAii6rictq 0 ", ' -, " .. " I I llpd, op.�qrcis�i a ominati pri'.161ir h I -ever trAed'b I �dlu ' 16FruWa-.ti*0 �hqwtiiig� I -ad,v 9, alf" past h, Haw" Seo'retary�* 'Propjptly Cor �Mo* .- A-IS6,- JOS r.. rip y I Pg :6 d bp e. . sorrid' ertisotu Y h ;00,. repdVe�'tq.k.'rdop 04Me. L " 1, h, OP -put ft tfie. lg� 4nd hipj-ofth� �66uht' I 'be 41JL of �tho 'a Sa in X, h;%(l me�'. - I r .j fol140*<tjj,* & ". . . ' ' I �, r - . " , , . - , , "., . , 'W .. .. . , , . ' 'tl� to' thoiry,� 11:9,11co: over *0100ik W 4�, att:44,� 6fr _%1k:an It tic, SOcioty�. voyagoo. rdvbrst ­QojSJp,-- IlVerneE cot eaV0, I 04 p '06' ' ' Ivi -P i6tiofi. on o Ay 9114 � p9wer"s o,4DveP..,p1re- at,ottfogran e�d pe jkt0)qP-rY TXOWILU, atA:Ahe'idt)�tbr� d `Injur,04 to i!00� kar-ruil h ughoVt., an, sk .0%, - interview, I oWing,,ar� ts ';�4a4� ;k App oid! think -4 4;tveme.up 41h Eve yn 1' d o PAIR be� at w4kli. the 4rlos" h .0.8 P - - in. i extraoij6axy v pri 914101 019tQd:, at ty, 7�� H I 'ifriild shw"­ `Io6gges.W. ihat-noibing, 4op th" comiiij�, 'At all �ui tny ifeir' I aniL.'aw.'a�tF, 0gh. POPI 00 .0 g9n JR4 .� ". . , -gri- 'd Ehgt?i 81*6611y. edir ighlAiid- an A' 'W�0'."4n �f age, and r stigogly rewtuWCUU. 014 a110019ards, in �tkucted'fteii �ase,hiiilt 'di ff h )'�b o en., Prs 7. o br "coo P#10'' TEMPURE90t. H TTZf�,, - fi' jj wee _OVea �­ �­ -.,t ' : ;1A,W �, The 46F-brisoi� giving to o er bo6kL k doiwn' 'd` i. L des a,,fo _V y if�� an 0 d, b 40 Oe� Tpublelf KW r vei ing ratwus '!mine ia' o- AS nan, r -the rpq 'y pgr 1tft­7the­: rqqxni­� Rr t--: ELL� a '0 'AID, 3"W ut to� in -i -3. ere -P aiph r6'.the_ _Vmiet eomwkt them. fbr,,,4 '6= ed� . ....... ......... 0 VI-Im" A; Igur---"ee!- of `Msterman� Un" ne� W"Wr WltA701. 1P n ... Th IT AIX U jklera' "0 69 W k H, , qietir' 9'ikqn4 an c UR bl3_a_rd eT It as h e;k, pans .11 owe was If , c) er, ay, an, n o d r of- vo e -X4 small: har I f 'fa ed �,sc v6r li t1.ssin, an. 'All von d- & er hi�llpp 2r-­� Co4Ba; or in ir y, enjoy '& V t S 0 hat., I want to see, him U es all. qf� 4bol v�ard, Troupb, 'A ;oA 6d &h-Tkaps, -ginsf It thi. d he re- tom Is-." on0 lnf� dm't. h, rela ives`h4ve �had. a, ,only al 1) IV M, witc ''t �putati6n,­of a U.'amd the, pi Hugh, ill is, Hot. lit, 10 Wipe ng t nights ferociously hu but' n e 1 t, Lill, Lr It The her room Wbat� rL whole of th 0-� And -oif-84turday ;ates', and sjie ted the ot of 'the �Uge :Mea '-any t4q c t g,.at Cromarty qubsta:ati.-� approved When a ej rI4.- sho: --,wvo am r een appoin or e p pho,�' 'answer 'anyone else, I, di4 whte,' s r My re ang 9ted- tt Pies, 1 nf,6n; h A w e ker; C g son or -th ' 11 kno --t ff 0 iiing, the r'c"i> by unis n a&lhfi, and I SUNDAY. AKING: 1)02411�- at 1, and -it. 6 h 6, W '�fAlj, of-�Wh des ai6i "She _bdgan- b ty sti�ngtho of men, over err;, and 'then left as in a; a n o -ho. ho e mple If h da Th t clea i :the, ro w ;RIch 4 the de�arkation'i6f the folmi t6 ex -�J: ia ha a 64 h o�u still to dross, and� I ad Abodes, h hao w that Pyi$Qneia- on- -their waT h 10- or pabl '$i iba�ng' abd Allers 6­,delared- n e-0 d -,B _Pf d w ras at6 .-a Uy 't d W y '11, TAP, P a t on It t In-, ac 50� VV on d y ose the, stage., as ment -a Ila Y*.,)ffUNORIST. Contrib Ion, oWaT. 8 �c h4' r g, ers "PRI -ivork� for he' Vhore, 16 so had' been iisi;o t unemployed.`. Ito '!I YoujL ninglitten".,W ;Upset, jt� _hA I t Kiii "All God n�-x, itn&�ref' s6on: knb Ahe le&-t.6n6-fburth-' of those, dal'y' tin� Arep ie ve, yn." Steps have. b�en'.ti6n 'to raise London rASon re6e &ly Said' that at t to. Ott a- ill w. e rge Apt ht 91 a me p f -ery, soon, :. ", .. in . o Oha;Aoi.' I , , � � lie. the grave in-InveralldnAurChyardL �- ; 41 -. moijil r BEW REr. Third, Son,''of King Obscriotibits :foi" 6 khi -not tobe tolied broad at U18 grge U _go sI'Ralph -may 'ci)hte' in any, MAn-,TrApS an&. n at all. W o lat 31r.: hn C'. Curfdei Spring i of th ,c. al Take into- A-. _the__ 'ddleto4, Mr'L':Chukc ill said the sy'stem ad jit volyn 'and Ab V48 8 6k E, Notice third-son-of- 4umL<),r­ L;4D 0 %XV WLL 11 C anCL Iuncillorr. lutehiej� 1131gin� esa a -int e, itories tLat AtL aL eice t Pro r Cc ' 0 ' 810 . A. at. Bailie give-lb'stant Affentibli"to the. mat- yp pe win inlin hands:, --With we And he'ledL't T is 11 i6t of the, famil n y a y-1 ick Ar t 5� LthouAt said- Chu, it was e -P .OWCL"' Qwn ez-,o :-to go &ndr 0 people ere 4,6-., priso. -- ---- -kb- to ffi-- of Lpin. wnr, by it alit -Me, 1� to ra e U t say. And. 4., e turn-':- pan ifieht.r e morry.frien 3 rinc mojig e entries, Wed -tor We A- t �4 p Mary, wA allo h �y -ilio -N h bi -the 1 n J rH, d y P6.01 f you PQM6 Cakes tional. B p 0 ng h- e er No w me not S ; - ­.- - . S Atio ringing - MU4Q VV h . koe.'and'tied id, disr d "Enjby,. r feer�. rdom'i' woar uit.*,.,L ons a tl e' I r 1, , L ' �r . :: � . -r . _�pi r Isn r., And f held 'OhAili be qi��k' )oke&'Lav'his the-6tilyL oem Irm, yrL.. L O'k- gAmb b h re. hi d 'Aads but: bhirlft a9i us inat' r bef6i6,him..��'L for �V 'd-b6bu reOehte Are. no e�g It tr and t6 'b owling` hanipionsfii f6 b theii 6pini, tbdut `1� oiland Single�hahlded:� and ere, aske&' theitir '0 Vo, YP in t th&th;6n led thb S 'h a -rB along b w oha appetio as epavi li� LEX, �ErAf, MIX senv�� TVRE'. P �HAD GI then AW m which, lids been� One t di, ed in grc f h. r �0:�: L j.' -is n. n it not� -to )un a o 2m;8 , ih �d in, tbe ectious, !',V SMS t that use. he'sfopped -at Ast -Bibles) Be 0 Bots �'�w alin� - bu is. high .6iaso the h�6 ther daugh- i s at- -'East y -- speak - d 11 -Bv _pitiL or, . ta 6i tap sers, + g la at' Isr S Sig d 6'g r end -a e -fifff 6f I h t.41plithi was, lie eff or.. oy and TeA Ket light teTy er, h pendltho-othe'rr� ay. sold - 1. "'A ave, 0 thing bought is. elde .,o mveii, �h Nreac e" s rice s -g! von, n. n W� t at a as �'a, t P brothers were.-Aigcusiink -their tin ''""And'd thelurther end., W k Th 'Thore di4ed in' Eidinburgli", Lnc r TR��,,d� Be out, .. I I ": - i r . '. I - -;-was- JohiiLM-ur-ra, b ka I ik -ar r ic r N F2 yt� rigade SU g ar"hou tP D� 'h -fo, eq er in "What, Are you goift' to. be' �Hen-" vcl h d Xcite'rala; Nut&)� 0 u 8 hiar 9 -essQnce Mve�f Oil, aii-d Trteadle Vurk.e d k:,duty�� t to �e )t'*hibh is:�tbat us, in_L ever� Y -Ty?'?�.ho Ask di. 110hfll�ho"ripW t -re into%L ..was, 'we b ar s., V, . en L eye Mustard' just Sta d man divided Into four, + W way`you cd Rhubar t y at- horn� an .91 1 -'rE LECTRICITY- J-N-MILLS4 1,4 ''lic-peop gre, ihf Saws, Hammers,- Winnowing,- Xa- I .. .. : e grq ups;,,, e tic of� w to 'h�'dr �1� u ib; All tlie A. t iiij It 4s �d' e' vA let go%her-16n ow4 and -t,6n&dAh6`lig4t, d h h a e no t e f rom one ng� and her hg�4, FFy- that.both f- ou. in.,,c I the�.-develo Ment: -101 c ric"itv four m4e' -,p as� y -ond' 0 woonf k P'§ �O Apes. -Irtg,p� -and -th,& a� le in btbn�mills 9V 11 a s h the It , i, iht6opoi f t oy over oo the X.- e erS ascrib 11) sai "but��but we soon f the, passagr, s d. Chariot 'to struMph S;r that. hon spil 1an ba an lieen, 01 a separafe nd meVin hii:l tehr to' tel Ralph.' op But w6m ENU and ',,W00 -4 c "n h" eaid i d g urtiVe yi- he $TR Q -U S -,T 0 B in-ev 0 in.0tor ery.ra rh�',' TnL'a n ng� e, Say. te Middl nj s an asid is, Sys. in ha�r� be,en 7pugh6A 11:t e. -m o thd 't man, d the kii& j'i W' L :. % ' oven, farther 'eLa machine haviAg t, Mp, g ew Ste ey�r 0- cli He �t L lit thatt thi- ent a811 'lit A, t at ook -4 f Anu s r" h t to iraipe 'the human -ra not'hin t"Aim ei',She'. was rigktr.. �o�rtiiri that Nothing! �Yightr hatJ h' late'r'deic of h, ver -a eu ga 0 L, -11ung'himsel h doWt_ �,OIUL go sar, a t en' f itainst'. the pareflj,,� r tbbk.'� Thfi opthl, L outl� ,J. r . . L 1 1. �,. I . I 1 ul�:the myste-ryr h she hafi4e-4 6 Me P9 a� so, that nor'ahafti�g to.,,one o pump in. GING HOUSE 'then L c 0 Pluu,"- kht thitst is, since ontinued 6o' i Vith his,whol force 9;ck- -;d-ue"to-t-he-­Ol& ati'd.. tmany, cotton Citlor t' /her, t at.,, ve ev kshir ving, an m-� �61')eak h Eve yu. went tip to -her room befor46 dinner to as e ;is old It'is' ound to nig beC ' "Lcan slIg-hed' vSaQy, k It r' r 'a f4n -inills have pted, n Si-xpence With, supper;. y ado sing itself on in der* Volu lon was She he see In 1. qea§qn ib.. iid Ralph, 'r 1. 1 ttle thit-4 bid l&'heir� paniing Ji d, d Piko orle, anjittee. to Sloop in I driving aiy theories.,. nstea, gle JIL , M401 libit 'the r,6- ableL 'for �'ti i t, re 0 ., 6 1 1:R th - 1, d*of searching. W as we a Acit d� th " ing Some of, her 16 ea Charls,!'. I reinonstat�'L grpopi..ok 1�ed' , , - con�ider y) go-roun. claimed that th in� stiH, floor, 'Str 0116 ' ' I d ere is a a:ckIn ed, liidylls 0 tit,! tho Increase in e o 'lie apce osert stage, t 'IS Sn. W gr gwn,-with.. -P -of, mi typ_e th utpiil�, 1 11S. itial abb. _4 N beer, allowe' kitchen. geitio -PEX--& . ­ - I I T. yez tli6 a' ove No* smokin b- G�aci hea-rd -of� such, -a. ich L Sr going JQh'p n hL trut the wind as g diing' 'd r are -represent No 0 n 'Su'fi-� 'thing N Clothe A 1 'a�rgi rge- n in :pny me t eal-Peci ia i ies. o 0 ae c , in ed. ,PIr -wo' in . b 'she,. me, d ade" a ;resh von fier 'TH .4e and. e m4ning fan*�, and'r wa s t .be,wAghod 6 oug-l' - Viiever: 1king-­ alL7-the- '..Charlq r6teate"gain an And hat ere, your d�u� I�QT o ine I. had -".half he young n S o Ith men, 1, t S � hen' I wa� 4dialiL D Me che r's That he��'r glove-bk 'on the die;sising- laughtL. nr e nh1wa ys ed- upstairs. CS, Minn.* Charles table. As I did' So,, eye, fell On scund o`f sp in ring wood- and. of al ow town for ril'L w -re, e --th- bi w n 1 e o owing r a c( M. �e of paper yri other )fiitshjp'� Stitt P ogf� u rs ing-- s-ci en llave 'don e'their t ly reeg ew open e y e'd passenger. d No extia c)ia-rge fak luggAge. After. lots of. th &r tKe sak;, bi's -therwith -and in %itit. gain., 'jag it Said tfic I 'gt b 6 't imetit,the do-orfl inwir4sq'r r' r. -dity-4hey -liabg a und and wAit-for A should, N --razor ­grindejr� taken�in, are descendT.. IS -at gqizo t, was prec p ad been rap- -aD.q Charl,e------ ip'itat;4 head- o pl.ep ' u And the piriz -the it as the same that h zo d ed, e ca -�7after.�&.-pau e on txi Vplau 7 Itia cV" 7�. wh e to -a hr4ware, drinmer,­ Ilia Organ grQe e the rac 'yvhic 11 lig live e seemed. im -nd --tho­' aid M!ond, cresC46 into the rooril, his eveh� - , L . " � ' , , L '' 1, , a I th er siletic PIrd rou tit foieinost attick.; P1 negro g� go whore dtit� alls ne�ev lo' e 4il]dly. in 'oight *�clock train: when Golon�,l Midd-19 flo'L rishin t's usel6s to ore�' �oes! the' ton first show- ok d. at.,iq.�,that Zulu&; -the -last wo the h ht he of. the say b g 'mixed -,races -and. ed -u s- A" fi o Ald - he'ye T replied I quatter SHOE MAKER. eyes� el W It as -dgpdn., gaspIP9., hard.; - And. ha-& a, e it -haired an' rip�.haircd h -have noticea, :it -for though" it fcet fter you�getAbeie�� ind rie�l -th' igh, for ii-liAS'Latruck gi .-hour latoi, thbi pap6�­,' it looked . like; th�-Aeized the lamp out 'of �Eyelyh"S'L 'Here lives. Tom" Cahn who' Wo- err! races Ciglit son� e. I can hcard� dis- f inclu�i6g -fhe:' Fi nt s 'ad d. Bef, emon- ri t eta -le Its 1CM02 n�th., v6r - From he chiniparize , d issol I t e' d Ar blidous -gy ond' The-Jaxan.-is t6ee iilei- wit about -i s dfid jj'. ., othqr�pjo&s.'s r' an re !'had time toJ d 'booi away, and,�ybu: never I t seen two lit le'angular tears;- str t on th' libert _�', ii�at he. tw�s T6 niake -or Men b rS Soitio' . i�ar tho.train� Lapps, Barb th� in as' \z�11,: fliree in c F, besi !tiuels old by ipt�sa ih* wind I e L� ew. kgoo Jng-, in It -myself when Getierjal d 31 �'R uropeLan:�. Marston asked-ine nof�to'pall if to t Was;. eniptv Hi rofts sthall, -he 'cannot rust. SWo L it half,' put in Ralph.r', Tire oanj- tLli�' 'jIft C 0 5 p v6esp which. Ir SitpPQSe I -had'be do� mnians, Y watrali4ris I Pxp it ta outh­ mation o surl5i booit iind 40� *rha u p' P, e of Ilse' a, 6dL A TIf 1�. fia �i at Wo a half roth 16re lisIphtly oifig e some ort dowl'i Ao' tho' ion, but certainly - f V OU IN Cahadl ''f PprLpc liedr C arleS. Au I h ah -�-as etioner to -.relfa turned roun&gharply and ask u Her P miatter. Xs I llp.'Jo.�4,U(S on, oli al London*; :vd me 'what is thd -hi g r 0 jyh4pii "Ience as 'u �ly Ciid no 61, go laborio ) afid d t. answdr, she left !r packing Ing . Q 4 Trip, avoided � by -diligeiib s lalf tAlk'! nti 1AP ]q6tel diid -6, to -the tabk. - She saw in 9,616hers 60ntbh(lq.' tl)'at" each retuttid&'to the' dra h" Duke ,of Connaught - �Vi.ili�rix-T)ukes,:If�pijlogtei -an,!- wis 'haS: <liq a moment '*hat -1 �as -looking at -.)I b t exprtisa my, appreciation' of the '38. thalikiL u I Whe-P tl e' a 'Af P. ere, a 1�enf7pun ing' E sr - French P6lishirj*-asJuSt c6minence.4'.. h� Daimler which ..you - delivered 10' Mo..'. Before* Al'.. as red a's fire, atid 'she it* big. game iti p 'I not mi0an X�c no unneeesar'y haTdsbip w, aglin itui: int ,eL "aada; I- made t 0 C co Id -tAk6 up �6ok and be silenV a qufe,whii�� renoN ting od Juriq pitig#e car tto �roe*. w'bcki' ;tria ov, ekaCCIV to thd iwe *i8hed 'did Wish' if, VOU td 'gee t n, It car ran, perfectly, bati" sho,.' said -at last, itieli, id nwr the ploasurte ch� irg, sofas, 614 tin Some 4j2 if al I ,W� r ag old -was pitting 'by 9 �and I never. S p -uitly!� taking , up the paper:, , I J . �t 6411t�ng. Uhusuallytcomottabl-6 'ap 'irbtitli. 'nAttresqeg,or w od- ffiattiem- had. the slikht6,st roub e of, any -kin - and I think It qui h hate i 0 d, te lives' -;-L - :­ -h� - !one_ jo­k, 13 &w. we `,�an�e -me be-card6d �on-a-n�w-pii 01 al w-to-thwma r- o beore-her', her elbow on 'sho wn it to, Ralph Do -vou know good. be furni- and-reiidid and 4jld furniture 'r. nbss of I running, and pciwe"r bf *c�lerqtX'oLJt­on. hills and oft� with a 48 op is 'really a a . e. - OL h.4 malned I'c�otild or4 Shake rO* N I Vere no.t.ifieta, 4�, usitai, but cr' ck� 611 thear owne 8 S 0 rr itis' �a 14 a 10 mile t he gallon, inchid' ttLble,. shading1er fate W'i 4iefe I -found -it 7' -and' I .4h;d%a- bath. tven t�e' dishes PO&h'�d dqi1al to new, can remi rk' bl afJ at The. She o6ked der', �delicat Lnd. She priatnises�ef wished,' My. petrol. consumption w. tit nce is fl�e h6ad-. 1. Waj t-ry and-gldss. 'Sjtpplies lar-, grea,� deal of driving 41 troffie, The tyres sh n England. oiionlesi, heroy�6SLfted iipon much 'ashaiiied. �of c illiam Dukes as -od'6vei 50 yers. Ing A. Ily nPqg6"L but- I notibed'aftei so�.no time I had had t� -able '6 t r were -carrleA -on the -backs (jf i,i . th tr�aade, and Ran,' bl ow no p (ally, xisted o a suspicion tXpureonoe e recia e aigns. of' wear, and 1 thinkittwill'proye light tb"6 -or fofir' moles apd 'fifty "don- jboA-'la6d iefarnce e. r.'am, re YourS. -Sincerely �et, b u t, a o r& a 3j, I . ias ad not turned it over., I ni very sor- - f I and' 1h xte'en packet ally aelighied with thC 4Car.- be'cbme or ig C-harleg' may - a' n -five sheep wer."-,4ak titleman wba.60 h re -ad 'his co tititied Aukelia, "but 1. am k Twenty 5c d . . t- A Ili(,. for 0: A. of Toronto Caiiad'1%. L W`11; indicateS, it insu7cs .1 -paper, - bub if did, it ;�as wit�' a, it' Will b6' My, ditty 'to toll en. 'to' SuPffly mea the s.uch work du� Williain Dakog- ih U 'dlph�'. whittiwtr he J er", . Wi)a it favor for a tro�,11 after I[IhC' Oyp all 'the timed R . k - 'Ina �oth 11 did Viv Me affor4ed'.Vdri e, 00 9 modderdt 'S �M4 e 'tf is boi ed' -k t u S., �IwatehingAhew . be. -I. a n thin4ing, it ga wid aJl work dun at -4 tuppc<l b� fire 0i 6r: kin'of hbt as M-lys o$� I op ain over and I he, "ought to r he itiavan 9 'hirge',by, Williani Du a. s t,e r' ntuA. pipresS 'myself. How was, I 'I ahi going ' -.,show. it bini fresli'milk aily'.' 'The bo&ks,'o thei apply know. t6 L " ' 'to'- E�e�ft to ight fter diader,' and she.Lpflt -tit Here, )a a sample Menu,-, BOOT .\tli' 'S'Hot A.XER $ucces..sful.', Jag for the pblicy, 4re -gone 0�dl; e nd an acdoilittant,.and their. Avrago uffi,to taff Wi without Cliailes"i �PPAV- t in her pocket 'and then began -to "a thin"'th's ' lioute a pwr n, dw�N, C -4r:' of' the P"(1ts for two preceding yeapi ;a$'. I did not 'knoW,L what to pAy� lsh,F�1&1' ba rbe t, last alphr. 'E'ntnae -,,r MILItton th eprtained., The A,rtn� is then 'allow.' who had-gohe ffi­ oi do -waq'so frighteri6d at'the Tit Spite' f wid and. w�ea eri ml , , . �'t, c`0 ind , ­ QaStrg6jn�a.foWr'. - to iako. o op6ned*the 'tbDught�,of whA was Bobts & Shoes lie nee baqea, It : ra at that appleg. essing-be "909 this 4veta tit profit for, ;ht o dr�wing n hii-rh46ad' in- ag'.the dt rfig name -William. eat down Tet, nioniont, I was, just, vin 'the 1 '4 - 0 - I . . 7 F , I I I months, s, n ........ . .. ..... ..... 1!10 h 1 s Iinty it aftord 't 6 dol jou or (19,0 %is ou -W run tip Evelyn t U bul4 come down, to. (linn s 'thi E'Ven *thing that It4lid 11.0, qh� Said.. "I liatL, Ralph me c is fill'lfg its g4as" L4�� C 'OVC X,NGLAND�, tf.& in ift't afford, . hotr to do whiVda dkys, r fliro 61IAM. t-gltbi them ot the time e k4b You do T A 4 sure 40 eo iWfth -in � dd