Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-06-30, Page 2777 'PL q NMI �WWP mp wom ps 0 M t 19", 11 M o COND-EXUD -0 S W '11T. E T.H.Ei, W ROT ME rs. ? T 1 .0 pto 4 qgld, 4P .0 _444,04w, pot- i0a 170" if Imp p. io.;I I M mm to of Q0iW* by IoW - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . U4 4 , �0.,WQ]Ald bo'Lln.0 b I Of sa,44, won"AA, 40, Wwvqm 'A 0 '9 't ft: 641#1 to A ma. 1w T40040#10 arlote -Irmo -0 ri r Wi kia� m Q P gro age- -im ripporto, by. Any OfL the-cor, rv&, �Woyiq, 'k &04 Voof r"I Ovt soWerge d i W 'a 40 4,4als. ".46 Q1 the Brother" Aa;%4&)r43:--4u4 UDA­ L*_W0__0rAb ____ __ ____ - U pliFkdv -4 ib 'V ;e ton q,' Jyne, 5,)8,--W4tA0, PA,�, b-ttits The, sanoral Atat_- To - ' t -f� 'A theL WhaAt and 41' # 33 40;lViol x0t9q, b44 Wood: drought *46� U.41%ve b are that 1''not4fu, ogip.; 0 took ,qo 'P, -c W out )a od upilfthg -a A of thq llkko� -for, ,,, 7"1; n(.#hern 97c', at, re 0 "Arad IMA, '�Q' 09"Pt P Portal A sh. hi� rgoulto wo uld pk r :as llut PrActioall�r eve r r plaae in ve, beq4 -V 4 da Ite oby All 11P ut 4 imp A ye0. 2 L tplro p.e __A:stg tha *bolo belt repqrted, rain, 0 pai4i Wall 4"44, t 1&4 '�W4.0: 901.10eaL .: - Are 'QUIelph IA4 1A 1W VARW416, Tholvda�-, A ti Orn, nad At the OR61i_� 't tJW th a. clift it L vWspd 4 rdf$ A the to ha; bop� for *he, -;'vi:r ar eayoeNo,., 2 whi W, 03 b;L u rep ain g, lit. 3E4 two, White" 4gQ Oy h" T q by, , , , V sent wAmw that 10; , 440 3 n00 I ka, ifthe -pie aud showers poll Anqv. f th crops: gi OIais,, t4D"L 'd aAfter the And, WIP) o4p oc�ntrA tors,for: 'th ey U nit 'peg grown- as. th aug o", -4,i, -Co 40011" ... 44o. xig :bed. Ayo, WIC some huse I heway nducto., nrem :4�041, h4': di Pe L' X, -to, 1c.-, Ift y. ery at Th�, -44 ',Aro Are to: te, Ilk colit U ird of -of tv, Gaolie - 0; 9 70c �n, 11 10, 'Ex t(e Labor -8 -ea and ugul5he& th�mst�tyaq, j AV� ONT tr k lode's *0, jr, H ST owl�'. V XT. , I , " , : -. I . � - 0. 2' f, the M�AL 'Dr, - John, P�d, I B X16Ur--QH4t4t1oh8 At an i toret'. 44' a, Hdlifa g anada, so that rag .'Ore, at , , -t � , #14e. of; Zinc F, At Wge C ad' 4. railways Vrontq qia: A0000 - V0 o op, an ll%X r t-,,,: p 4", ia th h' Flo$ xu pica a WAI: pod, Costs or,AA4, f"15i 0, d 01A the aalne .80, gOW, mmittee ��p -Otip h 'L C* I vp� .4 A deab4tc A41at%., $4�iI oby 'a r or Viso yovx� thoN I n M .Visit I I . . . , P, � .. - ; I ; _ : :. � � 4va tigUous to 1) , . f Aas t T-hu-zsd border,,_th 4E� m :7 alTeW__yQi li t at vere th ji, being upon --th we tra, MI aqL he te Ad her #PP�' In a; TIIOL,'proont, stri ..... . . . . . anito b a$96'por twr� 1 b, as or 8�: P -ZthL fOUjftd­noh Pet4-'?1iP ts iq -:b sliorts, $21 k t A DIIAXIS CRIME. ent. Ahe di ontor,- every poqiil, pit rvwk, I., proapec o. j.. engineered, t Th family receive '#a ay. giving --direc ow i3re y .4 s *4�4 d ' L . d tiaVOIL *e 30 tr 0 'the �gllt 8 ruoh pit� Calr6boo' Ll in pur6h am phone. oill I ho.9k. 4�- Of Wlf�-in il6i�diptriet,j' - at Shag ITzit Alexander Wiley 'wires ero..' a 1 tni a r.Q of to convic to t and shiO4 ted of access a'da -vy- �.do� Michigan, lin& released o0unity POUCR.- - e - along t hed 40 r4ilway gold" We he wire until it're4it -,od H a nfallg, of hail: at, Nlorth Bay, nents will b�gin,I lant4 'large p will be'. io A"460ptch 'from Ponti -6a-' -rei�r-of- ag gairen- pi-axits, L on defdxred sentenci) edzed­ia-�ca r kk - . __ ___ PrMS,_ 2 "'.10 Y_Ars� the CRY, g1vinw. Dairy, t d In o: was slijht.'� -e� -oofirred oli W tek�: frm,Qanads GREAT'BRIiA' ii libergl`concoo'ions in ax. exemp- �3e; epa4. or. priilts, 20c ednesday night -'at t t- . - d thriti was- very'-heav at, 10 o'clobk,. greatly' alarming the- fopp um �xn par nerL, & an fre a, large 09. L. ' . y h me ago' alxd-.:married-&, e,wat itp. no inieiioi It 'has' practically' be�6n Via- .6 ic Angry At er on that' the ing coronation of!, an co AtBaitiniton tho:pasw_ people.' W MAPS, became f meft,L' bs, 16r.. to sazo�Ief the-st�o!rm bigan ton a abaffbid� Tii�esday. night becil,"e. �sfip ould foT IaT 'for -bheeg n. from� L , a �G ling t 1101�1 out -middle oI 1C) 3'L 0, ewhich:,Aiald, 4.4 bagi _f 0� I Wen. y-wo saiorscarp Iaaq o Fra nm Hop T' d $2-A0,;,pei bushel or but',many OWL THE FRING �.20 foi,han-s. $6'..26 os t4, -,Increase - Pirtli f &Wned i th' k 'f b46�-xnilght� h' o $6.�Sd Per ;cWt tave en E th 4 her,., itk Spiniah�,ito I . I L . iln $ do, y0ars,'o y, more a ff F in Land' PT -a sales were -mad a' .$5.r round w d., -6f_­Xlb6kta'#11 Thai ossi:, yron A, f, P the1 picke W R egpatA rom', aris­ says:, f, class W: er &,dL three times: 4119 then, $enato Geo or d� in own he . ad. with "a ji6ntoL .1 um t6i�' hi4ar live rio,.' potatoes sell, Potatots�okil.tl 6nd-H �A se rtc_.oL_ ina4=es,,_de ag a d e 6_45c on-trac ,a a anQr 'in, Fi 'b�eui 'mad i ca�ier, the. b 't ivro revlver 0' 9ttawa, have. e Kn sti7n��Iatothe birth. mto: ran" �fr t An r _ LM, 0, 1, Lght . . I " L t�')' oc Out. -es, rom- een a n �6iechaaT -he h3r� throat witl a 'Odu4N4 pari 'mop, d Alta In t out 9§P4- �Omr Calgaiy nsh a elded urs a �tho' impdsi. a C mogi as do as a'and-, V -6 r E6 116a 67 A0A ai6 h *,de Tb �,.dgy.. It inclUde ou ve Th B,riti. F11 The 1�o -P!QWB' an ty, tho I twbrrx t UP P _t6r oppo- e Opourred in the Preset f 4e6oiid,reading.of,,thew,4Dmen'?,s'�Uf-L ed �to 76 e r sand tea 9 A sev.­ pwt., lighter inaor .. ....... . Olit bee Ly daoghtre*i� and' fi� -neiliation bill. ato t Vge,co ry. he ma Wholeda e quotatins. �stbck selli a low, a' 9 vill! hb a 7M Wi"a i and,11ack aittin in, 'I b Country rached 1he age,o 29: yeATs,' -biirel; nl�ss, -b. UL rairie J)W U'S kSTATE. instructor, ill. aoronaixtics,', was seri .$28.50 to $29. pe CW 8 rovincia goverr 01 Irin; fed " a ed it Pi rkinspu -ae .9planoJIM) poall ops_y,2pJ,L&rr, w On his T Wmentary salaries and pension Lard. Fi tub,§: tMpnt p WI ini at A 9hot. thos-e*­Ith��_moke an, wylic' tha -ne Vei.. Cent, of -the" Wa r! pails, 16y2c.;. stocks very - Of the piovi ' fice'is now ndpr., 'ge an renzy:,Wheli, N O'st of -It Left to'..Corf' 14rea 77 the eiqual'ZA �SmOkod, and Dry, Sali4�&'Mtats t, W Luis.: ille law ra4uiring re "if � , L�� _t, cultivat- Ion 13 here VXI'TEDr STATE., MIDO Wo in -v "th teh�� from' 'of ..estates among, the"' bhfl,- Long-cleitr baeon;,'�tons� �ind WS'AND ;C111LOREt' ewpfthe ag 'A despa Ithicalf' 'Ni' Y" is estiDiaied that on,a1bt ap 'caaes,,: 't.Sj _Ctl sic JD00 C edindTelf ad` not ver w: or t;o 2ty �ast' toui yearso ']K,� Y. k 6% bac Itural expaii a -an&'rApid t�, h"' will" te� n) 21 cdve,�Ahoimajor part Of �2,0 backs I;Qbrf- O -SI ive of G6ldWiIj E 0 estate 64 beverages. 3miih,'�Who w XTR*rJ. ALJ'. I . I 0 NT RE A -L, - 22c_;�_shoW00r_ Poliai Mollier a Viet n, aa ilj 4, W. at nuk Mort. 0- 5C 015 c.; 9WS: 0 i4ent--SchuranL!".�tOL L e- left t -a, nil t aeques wa Whe stat crease in:1 of,'' th" Rolls, smo hin Ing, I1,1W, CN-Uni­ and Iigh �iadc �by� --Pres -krl Alt-_ ED? he. Sa� "I VS Ows aka thi�­Lbc6ueS Jy- disp ifia a lit nUU On- re a m :,rattac men vers rs. 5,, -ni 0 a, By -ligat-hatentsi _U�i h hi' t', to' -a--nd t Bate,& Mar- ssionen,.- just,,publis t r,supp t jpoinis'..but thai'IbOO Was_d� :seco 91 -00;-� wintp,r, the men'suppo'rted- in. who -or - ply, F& 40 To Pee ya� C ,;9,11 ng,lish­ Four peisons.,wejrLo. taII3' 'eat Patents .$1 he show I as an E trot d W a A t nito a strong pirt OW tile a; Anot Q ny, atachment ed despatch 1frm ueboq P�mys.. 'of b r r� k 4eq L;3 mother ZLLDU op. is. on al of 'a scenic, ra,i wa t i,; t 'j4tula o es 0 our, ontiiiexii and d -4 ar' nde "way. xac finance a:j e,� u r 4 o., in b6gs, $�.10 to. $�.20; thei. Of the t. I �n M6nts4 was COLD hirtenL gir a atch 16, iiaii ev estate�, , At has estimat,64; L: Wil n 'with, their The.14-hile,,- 11 going,,At first-- L�� Dry say -Th _6ghtN _IQf t e Cis, be- 80 Ox a Qrcl,. n 2A, diibursed': eL -a fath � t a,nd, nioth bl,� fatauk"T "911 a. ovu. 4, GENERAL. anI firn .3C jo,j N6' lindL-T'%'T.-o-:m,-eze-px,&cticalL .0 a'lea 0., �auppoxt of their -N-vid- lr§, _70 R yq. owe In d inOtlie GV43n-,C 1( LUL1 Wurt; Urn rII o nm,,Ila�s sent an.,ulti t ulna . matilin mandifig tatis'faction :fift;6e fro ]I' "EW UP 1to, V MAGAZ ES nib n -IDRYLI)OCK 46 No 0 u br a', 6th�r's -asiisted h first �mairiage in is See t reece do :,6f WI OWL ind frrn. thb' of' 4 niothers:. conct��a 04 rt as nirip t Hat M. f�i darnage- xA4-�i�Aouxiiitnian mail h' 6'UPPLO Son� k threat 6tor's Heavy to�s, by. ForeA Qatg-;�-No. 2' Canada' t6rlil 'E" lit their hese 31 0, H4 Yen, 2,3, air, t -liv i Will Als steam6r-i'th _P U 40�4� in orill a4U 4d 48c t6.49c, fi "B� I IL -li Lio, 4i peals' ar ey- o. 3 �hk4 the pears no old-' A despatch OttaLW& gay despat& f r'6m ort r-thur.-', n hip- JOL a ays: 'Onta'r4 'biain $1850 to is e, destso 46 to;L 46c 'f 6 made on Th -a rl ida 6- re Who Jus s� et, - A 'A.lb A Vicker� of. th"e'Eng § injure , - ' - .<)UL ' g b;idly_ Luilding fii6 of, V�Ckcr'g S Ion's 'and EG:OS* I OR NEXT. WINTER�.-.. th N T R.': no th f L�k N' �3'21 to $22 e I T Q, $jEj�- do"- Iii M a:x of"tWo -po. _P my, With, ing. a Ore magazI110si''W 10 wery exP :$21'� -pure* grain mouill�', $32 to,Oa 1 for the neiv dry- areh6ii Ses.'' ded b idoe W Ug e, saw U.6n, , essrs,�. I s orts, .9on, ITI 10 r e to C61d;St6rage 6n'l regard to the p ans fore iie�. They. Contained h' .$25..to.$ ILOO taWs.0 Choice�t­cre' -,22c I'w addl ion, to 28. doek at'.Vontical.: Th' housewifd. wit ope or is Ire- ittle. h, a16pive d xp a, 'an : were Butt,0- a e ry in6xperience-th6 m idutd at ��15-000.,, 'The year, the f ro" Ade* qcwark kei�r th� -conatructibb-of a%floating dPY7 _ atch inagaArips le s easter s, liock in , I L�t as repair P an the d th 'h k John Chedsd n the. n 3 'd� aims to turn i�to� this cJtyL w o nowsbow to. is.underd6b d d' across from., mai;lla A � I .. I IL'/,F , , . ' I qook-�4. 'b a d ly Id 1 Joy _6y d -K April and 'pla-ted 4,0 ''to, 1 'ibl in& hsIghtlig,bf the. wheels re- I" co - -No one, li�a inju 'E4ggg-2 but: i rea., and b watelibuse io �e_ e 'he ---Cti4adiam_!aiIw tri I's fid, Albert TiLylotj'a 18c - o'' W tip6r dozen.' f r straighttee P cal tests, ­;and hArd a arriei �-.ain' there Untilifie"bl b" ''onts NeW- Prfection tried.. -a ome* Co h" 'd f that's -f la 6 t w n �ir' duplicateaT Thec 4n oba;bl 0' -dme. mostly jrom� Indiana, 'He. May Bceonie� Cbief a linli6rial D 'STA.. 0 e UNITE 'Eno 41H Uilding a 6Wnd Cl; .4ted.­,,-Thi3 b agreer. �Jichigan and Ohio. Thiy w6re pur-' will be ten "Ire. on x g kttove e- -,and I*heat.'8tr6Ag'er'; am Wiht y, a -$11'6y. 'd 16ads AU VA WO , n UT '-Probabk-, appoint- ..Shefin'( roin_,L.6 you o �odqn.says. a fe In view.'of the Is it, requires ess, a is acwed 1-7 Oats -m -High W I n. 'ment .,to. the.0 t to OUtL -------- 7�- oc fok_twx 26 "ce&s'a; a6zafi., If 'the eggs -can, .,M -better th other stove St�ff'ana Fxii'st Laneapo is: rag6 -cOS6. ei onximind in Ireland of r NO 9 -White,, 44Y Att ion �'costs,, le�s 0 op sk L C ,ad� Xo. .3 white otCstChief of the General W Juli '$1.10y,; teinber�,. $1.09 em e ter AtA5,cenfg'&' dcz�qn,' whichjhc� litary r of the. Army ketaile;d:i� Nd , York,ntkt�, Sep' h "hus ever, cash; N,6.. el is, sit Doecifiber, L 00%�' ggested' tha S h -Neiw Nr-, last wiut6i,.th6re be t 15 i' NolIthern, $, will -ifien'be-'.clear foi, tlio' appoln, ptofit 4bf'IV cents, a a -$i.14; X ern, ven a eg VLnd of f-�qoxnethlng-over $-70M00'___., _Okura' 5henev as � Chief fection''. 0 b k' t -n- - 'Staff. - : I . .. I I . P . , I to;ts, s per dVk� vthe.kImperial Geheial 'Flour j.he­ .:"uv ut heel,- 34 th. o.. .2 Notli -$17 to $1125. Bian 10�/ Its F''t patehts,'$S� 'PRINCE OF WA ES'L 20 to $4.40, Pil Farty ENTY OP RAI I L 4Dbd second . c , lears -00' to, $,5,20, Bc�cflcial Showerg, Vi91t ing.Bestows,Xeiv D,,Ignity )on 111i .$3 Dusseldorf o to .10. -Eldest Soni de9pat"bli from tea count R TV . . .... -at FrW rich6haf.' A.dbspateli from Winnipeg-saya., p senger ae x0eWas in- Deutschland "rose te I 1�ondon: 9 Ay's LIVE 13TLOCK MARKETS. 03ft' Thursda A' dspvL fibix D�sday id 1-- Itep, OrtS received Oh rime tad:''on, nAndsdq, 7when en atZ 6'cl�ck oil Wad y the King bn"'Wedl 17 created the 1, Juno 28. P 04 L Iowa, of fi '7A a'ailbd awiyI* 0 r Ppe u 8 grea -,craft h ing a - indicate 'vert. he'aV.y in , in eworning r ma n -CPOC I 'ill I L rve. _Duke a liti-9n. on -a Mennonite e" carg'and bZoalstoid, at 6%ol to 7-yjo anA Earl -of `0 a r.' Thursday wa:s Deutsch ''�asson- as, to h th rs wie A 4-D, gi pretty good Animals. at Wet 6y4p, f for' 2 Inca, 5�..�slxteeqih birthday.'- :'1VIiete irb dt"Aheivt pot or estucepans, iM,hick6lad towol iiii-Z, ,ge slt&egs(104� he; di- ai6und .0chro River,oli,,Wed &Y' bas a op! keeping,j V ates and, fhodlh ifilade: the .'first The. apsenge xe, sbi�e.A t, Pri 1 ".M. ­ I . tud the nstock 4c W'k� per a for coffe!6 1­81chadaI4 F ridhsha- rectors. 6f�� the If urg;-Am�rican i�iglit. ou rh Alberta had P 1 I.. rom tied gC .. S, hilh ows sold A:t It hga on bluo'coatad thiiancye., The iiickel, aidsh,*Ith the &JiL C uperior r o. so. far, to 'TA. -lidght fue 6F� 108i flikkell "th this ci�j, ':�60 S tt Air' b4 shoWer. -At , 1(imsack the the, chit" 6 1 bto6 oftimesital' mad -.atiraeUve. ewt L Lit v'y raino ibdf QuAppolle ftom'$60 to ea 65 Gr stove in'llino h�trs. SockJOIII wneis 6f the� Ili at $36 tot mido, 4ath 1; 2. and, 1� butuare the 2 and. 3-obuta s win b h" *1th or teu� L 'h . $56 ach..L t era *a 6.of the heaviest AoWn- Savitnt. A:11ii0ano g Dige rAs, . 1*4 - P�tAtt Ali# tho.,mtors 'worke irig!W, iW oests.'. -They 6 'of .. thL � . . .0 , etch. or 3Y . -'f;6 *fthqut Cablidt d'c - pours history. Cal 'ed $9.15. to, $t:l 46 to e 10 fatdtiogil�.. T)Aa' . -&V�'Ag6 L time PA ther mahogany-W411a an ,Acakjny� are go" ad dft A*t--a ftf dke ome-*14 readi aw rnm=94.101 UrAe ji6ted . Cahill, . 81W 00 4,good heavy aho*er--41�` .6c �pojr W. ShbO, I v . r . wh 1� -it not at y6urso wate taiL �ted b "en.'the Th I t , e t a41ftiill'od',for tho comilato co Ain a a tlie lltlif t kk6d61P,0fth&,L ;6 $5.0'eadh, Clood th Portitge PlAiDs. and All through. A A"pMA, fib . P ri's says: Dr. $uo t M a t city '011, IC01" Ited an g0L n 0 as, from the I"t 'Per tLtaly 39 till A a 4� lk to of ho I M -- b& In L tItc I-Sitbi "Viodeat, hat i -#,Y teli, h 8 old, aboi sohthern - Ani o ntoined th 0I ien PkiedKeligh.afazi io*ed Mir, L ut bot*L '1�4'miles W At swept alon&. 0OUA Zeiiolin Aliftit, Csp'eiallf Arbuild Caftn1fa Academy that he hab -discovered an lb. Torbilto. '60, d stuttgA4.1, d add 11) biAli 'inti-typWd , v4odn6, gave Vrontoo, -June 96.iw�Tha be'sik qua, part -of the' an t' rAln -Was ve Y., aOorage rate,of 41 stcered for tho. r -In, tieededi the cros being -parched Cattle likk of b The Wit 8!13ee4 siance..., d AW _w i�ae`al UL f wo: OWELL it i