Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-06-09, Page 7T 7 _Ww� -711 A, .'7 7 7, 77 L 4 nil c- 011MAX 4 Poll' to so 1pn,­A,liis'ljArsh� t .4c -IS OZ -460klet',; froni whA leaves are RU $ K, _0 XU Nk bo-Iiighti- d­­th 7 7 77-717 F, Pe J' W4 S* 3� 0 tte'd y Wrlf,0_'� be Idj�S61ved ��jn, tile �5y;ttor,- y, 1ATaik,!_ k;.[�t :the b il's t', be S I , T 'It. desirable,*a, bit of'�'starcli 04W'rolt f 'jided,to jili I , . L , F N, t, I 1,NTEkNvFjaN-,1I`, ii gy la -e_r there I will bc,'breg "a s:, w4,, er 4 so. ro ry, tilat: r, d "ANO C0431ANDEit PjE_,1k STO #!3d"Pthot, V I SO 7; �ow TO 1W.—a IV. nt6 M t tit U, "Q;t F"RE jj� omew 0 t C a�, he b6lt 1,0.: ed he re, by jesus, is, r he �e "Mr I s W1. Fasten tlj�& w�jq - j Y over-, 4 .,c, can pi WILEN 11 streWh x4ref .1ben, 'this lot t ye r ppprobrious f,trllind'thd Pillow. Stuff the f,till" o 4— ii-o''4',,'and aho t M] he SleiEnzes J�e,4 7, oat X1. jlhc,� t, anaamij ;s filing ..about th'et�'��L 441119 A 'Startilij, 1pire :Be R�-t4, W;l4. F�Und,' �_Wo' 911 h Jog pf An, in be tr' wine" Pi0i _tj by ure t o­Kj�e a 00 M , 'Jllalj,� Matt, I qi e wjjdih,;_1ajYd_'1i4r. 'Jig 6 -34 K I U 13 nd wie to peW of --olle -of-Sti, -a ',,ont. piece cated �.earpjf'Ully­ -A owe___Rlng� �a_'QL i a-2d�_is -the ile- one 10"t t4c ma ap mo� richt - coliqYoundi C igplitible g4lon of ��,Od, 'Watel- tllr ogs,,� and 07164646-1 4 6s t in' Ota 'One, -,t ienpe V O's e ts, are the breed - TO -Polln r 'lif 'th 6 be 'faqtexji4cd ill_ "d �prev4i 6d. Its_ baqk_a_s� Sqg4jlj,,jjAje I q_u r 0 _110yt� ,one "side; of 'it,� with lacd, §�ret6hcd er5e 2L,jVpiW -but, Attics arl'a, I gralidliloltlit7ES', d-fity"'S." 1,' Iment 'QfF16aW*_ en OSP,0011110 of yeast 'Pit act :t, bit..,,A: p �,asantry, �719�IPlacgw -f Ina From C' h f hat f ny_668,__ . 1. - A .11" 1 -1 1 24% s msc'' b J.q­ ­ " _P "I'v, �k lr'0 '18t('*Y'0fA1;B � * - ­` "t M oi to a,ye a wxtjidreVv�, in, t e, f Ave o 4figer is,geneta -th ­,q6rtS d�AIS, with th"If ­ t., wai jf,�.the v ay - the" b anCl, stigar" to�q. l3ut rid le h dot PASY ulh 'or "all h, _41I kn9j, Y 9 t , I . - r". 'I ' .. . , I , I Aand' ill, t4 "'6 aill" it'lid le 18 --h. -11 1- iv, ­ ­ L to-' His- een. cri xpiz, j�tit ftirS,,.� ich ;theparty'sl 'Stol e mixilig- stand Airl--Jilkc-w ggj e- "i s oI ess,,,, -,at 1 9 i 4 'in an open �wi4<j6W.,� it P'S ()Ill, w 13' te s, ioiild! ai' k of pii*6, 411ough ion, Pour tover- ' ',:, ' ' ' - 1 .1 prepp lt� . I'v bit_kcd,� 4t� �Jje ��bake r,',s IV" X ry qulokly�, An ­4' *ry oik ),vaS far'from-.1' fin ish t jle,�j: il�' - I - - '. 1 11 , , y yehu. abpq, jtr'� b6-' Visong Or. o re IS lig J�Io Be no ie-' u'it 0, odgin., the, U0 , 'I -, .11 1 . ., f,rh4 -have-ove :, CeJAS ib` b ru e oi�,, lot rreq .4 1 thab "co lely.1011'J'Ittee, aml 'a e4 9":'and ,he W, fire,, jhpu jjtoi,� *fterj,,t, e p1wariance �j b �S u a w i li i I '. d L V . "I . h ktoriafly�'Wp ctin e -!:re -ac now- qlk.out. �:.At 4r4 edi,essly", t%'All, MKI eLjlx�,I�efit ,was, h a. k twrijiner-Sun, stri �es 1he., ib7of y dog, Th ame Are ti a Wq.4­n� jllacet� ti c xv:be' shou 4 b ion, 6trai, der6ij 1 5, ousl" g k A: o. rxe p and, �,,bot 6 Wash' lixie L a d4o it �tud­',cxl�dj,, "th c.OQ'dei.l� mi to ly. -a �f c"'w "o 11 th� haire'. and,1006'WA wak" irhals'�. boolIg t,o� t jei 4ver-; e�.. * Wit k' h' at the t en. suo� ier, t �e­' k.1 -up ­th�er1.,.Coxxiexjt6 "of'. hos"s hold,� and, kq�, bej soap a IngA le, juco� in hot �SudSlclasi.',, orle'-'Poulto, V linsalted but' t�er and, .4s1.cha1nipa4'iie, is filn'pr �jl ho vc�rncia .4at'. t ils '1166 A te,,, xyLas,. tjn� ot Yon- or, zlh�.ill tu th�w I _ , - fi. Ase A* �'6'a n 4,',,Varhishc<1 , I la t ier d' _a: I)OIlinA of sifg&r want i,:, - �� I! jje(fP c:: o Ii. Ph t IMF "ild -PH E, L P15 -�F ting A tat 446� nia IT lialk-'pilit of, 6"., p r d h 7 - .,grcasy- and.4.1pe -to.r �P, 0 ij tj 44�� P ;0on,,, ad, I M Wja -it" i , Ow �) t I eui- anir _rge Y, -do A- nil njej �Ld­ it -IMP-7 to us ra Qu w ic f 7 t It' h hot water — -, 1-1. �,-A ud- 741,,��R!:,�, --- r -it HL C% uP6 w ich 'Afeti "T _ _Q� I � , ;i4 - .� -) _h _cd i6oilifig, �vatkr, inl� the upper Par.._ Ping 404- ry 4. 7W.,oUt.;With7 I ItrlZl�,94 n Vojxianlj� reat is, tl* afth�-. on the r'oof t fiie, - W, fi ftwde­l� ttipjairaelit64 h d --bifoke-h -tovs m4t-_`�'Butj had"N I doulll6, boiler,�uidl one�-half 'p: -4� . 14ing MAIN - f I WJ 1, oth., ireetly, i 4! �!� i I and" -TO t 11 'e, to T e fi(ly .4 , !"pall: C 1114, b _1�9_ good "effee 7 -,6 a orrent as 11 11 r 1 hav& 4j,,.t _,d W fley', Were h, of V 'ralslus, qjjartor� 0,0o I- tile fireJor. slipuld-z-ii emperaturp arkUhil, inl nd47,bf, �ec,�j Al� _Ivitjl� - 1� 161jing, iao�e, wbi, t io I �, -- . 1, wtj . even -childre OroL 11lat'l y -urle Ca , " - -, ­­ , , ;" _ ­­­ .1d, I -Y fi. 11, it! -xieu, imare u f d, L 100 . an _i,13, . 1-11. ­ - �.­­ T'ahienhe'itj�,.whlq pauju oNver part ogrees�; f b 41 f 11.417, W 1AWWW"'R 7�� P 11110 ti,ast. And "W"t I readv- wit; 'tile, in gone ibo XL�,.-,n�u,,;� Hoye- rii�rc* ig0i ion- point',,fvl lizz he�.,, ey lfM .­"u- Y-I-va zo diar, I C la lice, urn or pruji-es soa h , 1 j �.i ­ , _­ _ L _I-1,'- bvo� _­ - i 01, j I f wt:"xjjl1 jill, or. boven nil e olib,one-hallf.,�Ln our,, or is oiten, d,6 oflisihg her In o ia, re. li'lid I I - , I L t Y ts 6r: tlieir.eqni-� ampto'ri' o y'lljoll � 6 tei kF b f F, iW s 191litly �000k6'(". flien ;g� 'dih �vat -:tlic I jir,3 MUQ I 9-a k� hIr K ve aq. d C ("a 111'si - ' , "I , " , , -e' -stor a 14 tbia7 I spo66 the j. .'-'tjVj-IIJz31 Ft _tretAks, at is of 'cit-roi ii1e "JIUUMIbUsi, -0 0 - Qt stir", &Oldllg.�, _Tho� o o r. L U a 1-9t usect -in- be tle'! lot]" [L��t__40_t Pse )nC7:T-_'He_. fl A. k Z:,k -;I,, arg h -left dots,on't- _:I most -execil lRe­1 un.y9o... d, 'Ve w.,,t :Udl we. iave of -d "o d 'S is no current,of A NT R 9ID Th Waltit c,,jjjIp4rjs0n o _ii _Ft_0 E4 k � DISTL Take t a ore Stu�d ILI, onion an �e r�l �heet, tear Jengthwise a railge .8tritwberl-i es �a# s, hail `4,464 4 It fd 4111 -A "Peels' �hreltcjdd, c C§C -a Ah a: "' i "d 0ob I js�l_ � !1, al j)raise CUF4. off th 40,i;sz� "�e is oge AiQatsel V'" ep,74trq§,�', -1 El F tltb ��xiiois�i,re It, , , 0, - & 11A %iavirp mu h' tglik'.� 4, I . Y1, Vi I'. 'P 1 1; T, '7 of, V4ng this g e1i 4dA, 'ge, r - a I d I , P lor-6 rienced litinte. -wA )A� r �the -a d R-- . ...... _,__,qap , s:uga ,111- at, ')Vill 1PR P, Won all'4 an 'an �ex 40U% Ah onized inothe 06111 ANG -the x'pe �Wr_ _­­­ P21RA � I . I t, I - . a-bl, �-h * " re lice ch fruit sy.rtlp d 6 to �A akfds+4ish' AS- -inualo'd C! k- oxent,,�7,­? Pleiiches, p-1 in$ or �tjtlj," ,�,J)A 'W . _­ �I`Joiu-'�QiTG6'�� tell 0 1�4. �-M' Prepara e 1or _fi46%� 04 a Ver I's 141 Ab q urlllg-:� Urepe, Witi ofh6athe�i . Sin , , 3 'kp�s. .- __­ - __ 20;_Or, a -tn ax AM 9_ 'W c f sec& �_d --dro-0- I',-- ,, I .'""A . - __ - '17 1 t�Lll_ �_BA_Pa_rl P'zo.,A d 'CIP es, ill, 77-7-7-774-7-7--,7-T-,, 1)f Me, Lcook- 3-1� 1Y,- L�, at:the Chi 1A sawdust siin ,e��orajj, I AYS -ER 'I LINERY. �o t f -u e -1 ittte.' bori-icjp �t t;e it - ­ , L I neral ff to ion, -ealli'd, LM`1_61U1"Cf­-, a' , 11- - UIT',01T, . 'e V1 -ell- have, a. V Do "di --�Clalnl 4 i7 e rin- t ei 0 1 L, _ wai' must, '_ �­_i . ;it, cc. C 1�,,6 _atnnii 1:.� -!-, , with tinctur:' I I ,ail Ivu Af! 011�_WjOh with win A_i 4 d f T n edd o f'�- 'Spoon" W1 16 P ras *eU, blen, aodd ��a�6 of, the' r -k R 11 ea lit f S th r niot4irig, ne:w die s' es' self, r, nevbra, soci f the 'mij �Av b cir-7 gr is' e M Aid, then, J�art'., 9 -JIiYult, �9P� AR ti I 4,6xrr,-o nge T& S .;S 3 gon nit Ing r a MOM ak� I'c if I�4t to,; qe� si�, qqpt,ll1;s_oj, for Ol- �t; .19 and: 1* 1 1 1 a It- - * n I- s%ciii Ce 'e'eri' 46" llc� , a. as,a-.!dase trie . eforto, - 6111i'MV11 'Iff ck� is� t t ri 91 In th,01. We 7 7S We7i p ace. vu, iit llntiepexx.denob.,,i�l t , - '00 k el -R, W" W 7 - "a h .-1itcr,A1ierofore,-,-,., - rear�o th­,'tb,'6­ W ' ' ie_�Cl ron gi r., Vj d rk ojjy am a- -=SY.rl C__ 'I I la at6rja s-mav-hide-th -6 -ind, -`i� -�th', 'h' d -4- - in. 6 _dress,,­ ot t W. -if -t �_ario:[Axiiracii oqs.�lpow_ fir -. f er 6,1xl Ing o a, er o en -V 0TOlfghly -blen, t Val all some, wa j, HKitriod—Witif F - - _­. I 'i , , . I � . . : in akja��Jo.r_�th"aiu�_oLi 'c L hi Jaee�, :,, k=p4d,,, I - - b _jj77 �_ -­ - ­­ - ­ ­i�=, I I ­­ 1, .1 ­ I I --j-- ­ ' -1 -.-f '-1 ­ I � .- - . � ", o 11 jklgr re ifts7l"T h - pit,, n y 'I Jicq;fp�. Atirch 'itila er lii,-' ff voke 'With t be,6)i f rom, o nj 4 a 'Awnch she -,�d 109'ed. ihad. Ito' Stories, -4 'Party b a er 41i . ill r , .., 1 0 cut: g, St. On 6xi-.1h1it has 'b' W sm S`.Inxver'mr-�A Dn my' way akk, fr J�, I:h,-'' t i ixi.4ccordallce, wt, I eon -line out. r;a 0- n. 1906, F egrees, "'a o All 67"m'111,11tes, 'notions" not'-- bun' 'kire 7 �7 U111LUX, '1111 un-Alk"t c'ellar,have- f, do niqsk� 6ien' *Ses o t��M' s1c.4 afid� seal-.'With,ipar "uj b Land`-ther-bou 40 �mk _Pi J Co_xei- b utf6iTd' ;;77 eq swaze&�Mith OY07�40 C4 ft tile JLK113 La jjut­�; -go %.Vwo-� cupfu S. of j ty, AtpofigL '9 'e 11 _Alial _e: -A 7 gt �M 1M 'Aneo llfbiiiGW'�f 'an,open W. �44.. ........ ........ U 1-01i, .%W 14 31 -1�laiu ;,,on 14 'S, Co 'e, P�"nnl tn. Oil --upp6a [W 11"YIUJMW74b� W, o,'�get Awet Y:..:a 140, "saw r UT -I 't" an last -ja yie coaFfro t Lth6i ni red. Ioxaminatioxi o the; 400sttime .17,1le" rIii4,.A0 Th'' A ' yeri& �rtjl)x,_ as -a j _kq &&�bla&,dot'sjn t o� 0. 4Y 7­—j-f&-_ij tw [� - � . - , .... I ..., . met. ance 46 ff_said h' bhem'.': . Theril- erY 'thr gh th,,fire�-,an4 iniqltcliqS �hy' �v,6, aighL - 4�i 4h(i oil. MAW,; kw� 4easpoobf4d 8 1161, 1 wli �e. "Ibse-410 k, k. and another., i" 9 claims v k It When-;- . we I got with-, f A .1:1-7 -he so ic ori odifl fires st,lifti TO= and . sat f in S lild'ex 11 ost-4 Al . X in - le�gs an h . . . . . . . . A led-.�:Jhe', b I n of one ra rA, pe'al- `1ie' J'I 9;� _eA it + ladit, - A :7 e N E �A P P LF a ainers v, ..... ...... Hir 'men io n lblng!, 1wo;�'OU -1 OWII Ill llv� LIVE,,' f P and;. f urtbe r t, ea ih- ,;�,tkb is to.bo.Aist ell co.lilnt�r� took., -ift-, flight C _Vla I Ile" DUC L I yar y P I S _ i - - :-C �011 'Y h the:-, a,-�' ee- It .ng exvm� -h w i e ou I r, jerStj 7 in,� Hl: plaiin Id' SP Pr 10 -hall pn. I �? - —1 , : - , I 1 111. ­-, 'A .__ f0116 I; IVA e, sle a, ress- :wer04 _' - I ­ I a ash64 it kn6iVing i liat e'n, DL Arr 'a a 0 S ew is h�rd'­41.U-6%fla rbur e onc 8 lot 0106", thi Willi ­.sugar, 'and rated, pih�� oilh It k d s ail' i4yi: be"L 'tier, Jeges, altlioll if- silly, d,,. w*y��Thei w We'll.' d '�dppe r� ft! at; s p as, c. -an s- I-Itor., e . nlext �Slxrwa his-is4evi on the Wj\th'� A bi -our. ri t Ile :UouSell q��So I '. I . ayer,-bi 4� wsters. , The de on ant s, )yrap, , L, j) 1 6\,' _ 'I hex - haij, jl;"paj'*'jkMffi , , in qz*dcrtimbS�:Ajt __�4 "ith Old Ma-vO' the -Alan, er W 10: 'Show�. wh A 0 ki. but with- a, wct,brp' In n e, s 'th LAL 1 . I � , I , L . I I ' . RR r,-. , — __ , li�: Womb a e III' fashi6 R t hiS, -V.IUU or cars or ']I a' �aj il k Pg,, of tit r.' C6v t 6iis. are So not.,6mancipat b c c Q Pills-6ne for:eac It t not 4):, S:S e, fi J, the,' h er, of -bak i in a sow ov�,n'�abottt D though f PATefft i all 4hcl'rl� statt�rts t r_- -J. d�)n't,think they 'r to be P6 r - f '0'��v_�d. Tile pLibern' ll�(;iirr ��`ad itt 46.�wa, er. if are to 'b then giV6,_ ajlk�­ alarm --at !,'ba�CkAgainst. tin -e regaO I all- Inore to ajL �j o AM "th , t , ia �l ut tile I to b), m seo!xx.��. +0'drYL'otlt'L. r. open 1 round" 0 V.4Id, 14 AM Ag w � ;,d tle, of' a,', fill, I it e o as­hippd 96rVant§, b r,; se r rl� '.I ATRI.n. atL('�J�)!" rne.y.),t fif cc. . 'Do, :no,t l S , _., . .:.� �i _ . ...... j� _i.f-A A 1-1 Im a -s give. _vou 'dien -run Ft _7 � 7L n "4�40 111AW'" - W114 - I . , . & jj 11 , It o -_Ycarg� 1§o -L tit it __ ndo on a""slxial Pincti ) , l'S, 'thor her, edding cak' I _. " 'IT To f' of,the plairlhq... C doUrs: VSL theLh.'Aa --are pi e 1p C §itlleqL� lig 'jjje�.clo,L, ___t -:_ - -;4 � e are. -in real' es[..�.(the etiet and 96 IN rerc s ves ST'll 'S '3"OU" May vul an 0 billich. of, lrllabai -Iierpetual �sfa P, b of.,thp held tike his. 'it ji 0 145 OS "S P.1 Wp wo A it -aC . .. ell, �ere in 0D A to-rot-the-fi rem t -d J ­j T­J�s " f 7 Uhder'�rthi�' ­Ottv as e a �,Nf�lk:u , , -T- E d ep, Nillit ecos. t Z�UVIPV- T, O�'IM ice 0, 5'. gar, AnAl k4lp� 'kVal �Whi]46 t clis,ciples cared It 4 out "While WX cha Whon, thoL ieai er'. or , sqIla-j4-j, Chibatl� .0 or J1 6,. inhii-bi o,f tile" An4araanj �j L IS in on. y. 6he Tge Id, 46gs" ­P­'j�re soon -es � is p acej gft her iai-' li ish n ed, for ih ��rily JAL e_ ..... .. hot it d tNro &416hulrg I" r,op - I -e' -AR 'T ;;r I e.,boilif ­ . . I 153 il�e �', c11111,116, i, 9 eis qllg: ot .,jne jeS _tY ip", Pei) v, M je.qll.s, veili, & g .'and solo n. aj c os r 1�97 r arS61on f o j�' eff on -:Au avel'&g ew�, mintifesii -laiter #66-d - A5, �cj:lh, IW ilIi Sped e b , . . J,ie,v1,n:iay,,.b` d fi d It it They % 1) Vo b ' L" 'r - f omp the rl'ti: �il it, getis .0 ifre'sh a-ir.. -oi� Im, �.or. FU eyou&-the it �e. -height o winte kA' YoLldilig All a c I C Lilian. islander ord d e To 14 S, . rk- '-tl Pilre, d 45 1: A 316ths twen,i Ae 0 T�rtnian.� He-jilus act Afteri the firemen are: CLa lcd.r�again, as had', st6o4d,6 gg, shell pa r. � P 'Pro Ago -ee: ail w A i- t I ... an, C t, him e;- ings-y�c Ca`l"� is Cut to fit­the:bo',,; 0 it * I �a I bWk.; forms e I eve arg- nJ f weig I i over sixty-fi'vd I'VO I)o ',,'in a 'Yo of, p4rukxr, e4iw' 'to tila,thrce..sid4';b� th y 16. 14'd &I t- inost �A6 save.. on! t, th'row!�b laggy. e w. J -be, ma `tb "I , k'from th;�,.l j-aii&�p6inted-horn.s� Oleo iir4i�s�lle Papor.'4 CK lite er-t Cray' j) 6 1 s U PC Ah� ivindo� I ng mae ine. ng_stj ',It j: IA .,to y :are s and JISLI W,, _o.t� -our C'O I its; to . .... . jisl- xirry--oa Ing 41' 919 some .or:" in Ing a 0: nd ace- w -I Iq4 IT.CKA , i M, ofab . "t., c - I P�iisbrrs havIi 'I twi initials"o tle,tillde�a. inar 'a. i,gtin4 iidvavo' I 's- &athl ; . is. i0a'­a­ A of (11han 'Elpings - 4 - 'I A 110'r :.f6 t61) ijl16r1'%­ It ".11" - - - -� i d, - �n-o fi-, I i L -each b a I fr_ 'f WiTh G re"'" fri'll hat m��20 ox are sma; tible.b4g._-.,P_l rc to 'eP-_-0f7tSrAcl -P time- itl C6 f k 'I ll*�:l � , ie .11it done,. , . ., I i 7 a_ I Y t. e I t F "4 e, aga ni; .1 I a itig, ene III',, e nig ;J� eae 6 f I q ail 6 1, 4, tt,ran'CCL�' jj'(i few ave. ars' T h Hind- a L , , - e Ltll' "­ ... :_ cl'�'! 'r I, eing, pos� wit ort joiti" go _Silver _f;r. ire?. I _: 0_:'Ij_ 'd k o offlf4& pajwr� a Ii I 4 t tljLo� "argelf-iii-abl an k t;..,, 'b t' h to tile d, With Tit' 11*�01 T 17,44�n wlij t -.-wit d' app -M e­o,�%-zlhia-s-f -as­Y0 e .-,Q again jut, wo arg h 'J�t, , _ - _1- ' '- I a r, M W ST.E a "S'a" e", - _ffi eL 'an t that 43011n, 0 91, bonibS I'L felt. 0 pa, "C' iq FEN pickeg^ my' ­ b" in 0jit bv, i0ijell", _PM I q U, ..... ..... i�--k Or c ta ell hl 4 ........ ;7 e o c ca 1 0 , 77- t b foot ti(rh� ti . (I � I , . --I oild-LeSt Sfi�,­,rx . _b -, i"I , , PC; 71, ct 'of:.*hc,-paSt'L ipit­­ "S ali(i `u'�-� (10 2�, s�c ,�,Wie�-and, , )n _p PI' rippingm njoel' blit. ian ur I) no Ing le a, _f El r1j d Pill �q-, in f ex t&kt.j,_ T Irk T A 'crewn jewels, notwitils Orl4ifig P! 4' While his dl'sciiife�-: a Wo a -W ](,ailing, axid -ill tit X.- ­ I 1�­itj%­ ­fi­_­ Qt------- " ver aN If i Ul- P .41114 est," 'k (!oil rary - n - . - . , ­ . . to ire reilly' 'hangm elthe'r inr t Alai ..own, is uarry A -v()'a),) i1s, his:eLIA Tile' ni6i� (if 'ihe '2nd" Roval. Irish. yer 'k is_0 the 'e I. the �0414btinddtionq` h4i loll I 40 111' . . I . 6 '1,' L ton ��Jq, --o �,ab Ve+' 11,en C-��:Lbi-,�e-Ise�W-li�ite�-W-ill--.�k��rio,w,, th6Yn,,$to v e re 011 t Id.. IV 40- to J1 hi He Ab� has c V I , I o In i f, 4 Va or, o Co v e I, 'e iL�J' �i 4U -ditirgeoi. n- 4" tit, wit- in Tho -1 iLVY �Ul L wom�t:nl's e .$ , " Q I eti 0 + k w li - e- 1) 1 (1, Cl P did Dark- 'use heat. an aso6nd:- ome rinos tit - e ' In Ill. - okiso:ly 0-11,11 N,-"wlt 71 ol,tq,, to'L t th bit at,l e I A cc 11&jg' 'Pet' indicates e hfg, �o�jjl glj"Ii;� r I M - S bf te nt g t!, .'o it t t h e6v ;0rV-.6 it rus: esll,over,xne iwithex.r, 8ec'), f It cc .'of Ie�j irit(' VRW-1 —K, n a r 16n into �i8 -a t i 1). Mllt�- I t I OfU, Ule�w.afe uj� _ 7s, `11'ull tc, brij.Id1g_L'b,u: I id �Qno 0 -of ia! iht( "hauld b'o Ov�bi"` -them a ri' qre J)rlso It I Vice liali filled *j_tlj.:sffiokc sb� gohig,on ppi,tted �lac's, ''I have fc1t,ij iiftey­ t littingr. "t tiIjeoc JJ f U ralik 'at' '§id'es- a-iid on, 9:, S I 11hr,otigh, biting It ioy, ias �C k I I o es h jSt AWd 1`,0. itaft t of.tiie C, omp,any, a,,z to o ip;.in-thc middte a nd'L all<] w ell - One IV( e in, t�c siree' 6f, ji,llt I 'L f b 'I. . if jfjej.)o'�' S'dc' ary , g i gin t; owe TI Ic tie fwo . 'e L Cl u��iiil 'j,�b i4ejimen "The, 84t.nk,6f1 -Exig]. led" ah: in� 10: lic siiiok- er, g. 9 1',., . . rth thai I'll, sho�jlte'f�. the Cullinan d rd, by the,'firWr btitY,4(jIllom�1I 4d, -�gonc,?fo �gibgt' 'tv when xt eanjac 't br'e �?aj)o t le fu�ill 6 1) 9 e g �'th g gill; %k ater 6�-e*r t1W'bh,i,ki fi�,iS 0 1 __bd. Min ;:haS ljtjdLi6ut�,�'ljiS�bjtjjd! fjjr I o Intro'. jts� ol 0Y 0 11 0 W k§hlp'ed"�­ him.- 'er I'ap" Mat- 4,0111<1 to. 'ballisli6d"I"r6iii. �`he` o ij Ill 4 ell ,,of 're Xr. 4111161,17 licd' A ' 'trigger and th ,(�bvcy the J)ij 1 JlSes 'thj_� Wdf a ii,ct torx,el g it . L MI e 0; )is oti vtio-4--c' repdaf d -ve 'lit, 9 not M'cal 8o, t LIC, dra' n v,0J& A dtl lemon it 'de.9 i-i"tho Q'i'l.oct), J% 'A rn t1h 6 y) d L ti. hcre,, anythi'lig Bill"o Wag it' r il "'t 0 N, less'ens _A W,� ft, j h.,, "l, !kf ic _ �f rd eroft,6 11th iore--tlia that­­spceidj:' j ry t tie, itngs,or, jo nger b. hdA oil 'd4he.vulner. Thi� g'-eat.:&A wh rh lit bel, coi,sa. ild -t wai:i a: 4 ]1 ad: ws in,th . n sni6k zible�s;pot'utldcr�thb shotilder� 1010 'of Alto Boe Flaxseca I kt the last 'A'. oin� w.6 I pay to' W) to aol e -L , en, tb,,ta, Ing", s, to "n g. Iry ifol K'n-linteit, itin; k, (#Ur t on A 'e''Opening �f Parliaute it Fas It, erson preliaratory to ast-1-11 niedal's '6'st.b.,�ed upoh' biti' tlic� if a,,in' mus , qx.: SL. S1160't & aha P. "I' ot air, is Ili ;I )plinnig nijklirig ri,o: ginj' 'at t,fio' head. iS'A;, j�a8t:cr P1 i, �W'h6le lt.x- 41j� 06roughlv� brushed xloid� 1 9 0 Ct­n th,o roa I st n I ' 1 1. vo�r. Ili 'MArk aii&Ltik' aff"tji6n Whl�h t h ' 6 in�ri 6fthe R no', ej1:6' pf�) Alld e, T e It' 1;s� ..LLrar '641­tIrl'sh., lifin ell* scc 'on�o (Ittarf" O'f, boiling "�lj -light' R one, Iflice 11A." W watel, Ili ie i n dio light , It u I n' . , - 11111 ALI _a, million, j, in a4c, , I - M, t it So toaaill� ttndcrsi�od lit 0' Wf. ono fo r 'elf( o. S ill S to Vol <1 %46 Qtte vle -�btloiy­i, -1yok-the'. '4oi�-n out fro Ifielierdea e It cowj� stojo.' co 11hit, -.0 1 n Ili #4' Ar, 'e. loll J.1'sj,'rkC1ej)4 cas.eA out, of ten f u t 'th �p n Ine, 4bg.oin A6 k6 ftlit_ ee - , I - I �i tit oke',. li,6 I ea rL of osi n g it " I I . I I . . o I t , "Ali 61"Y. �:I�)�o - a wa wor cp out ik1S6 bi,6' 9h he�Ab W1 collo fo It 101, - awfiv wit I'A .111 1( n 'Al others,. iii secon -mi _Nf"� A � 1 iould-t4iow opern, f II fill, 'Is _k�_9 it c os� I _: Y9 . W� :"All st 'lit o ft .. . " __ . '111- . Pit, orm, n 60exie&f6L�� . 'if' 11 . 0 le w 6 r *1191 pr8 the model m6_8116 doe t, h�' J' old_man� dicd 'at to, get� co'of, ail! *,or t Sor 111, t kj� d, Put 1110 Jil, :,Art c and to of a* itfew. niin' ti neig &)o, ,§rr Paper ftn W e' �n, Igo �'er f. hey alkne' Tile TN' 'N the persis whc'i4).� he �jt,t iat jhc V w I e to -of R-1. hAd'.' Woi�kc&` at tho' k6ne,01111 or n Ile e. gems ak4a 'RmO�' faith "Clitysiostoxii'(1. D. � 87r)) 46�kt - t bo ycars� lived alonc�; -.164 lu'� r �t 6 :Oi�, Ni, i ji&� pp��ii big, W,j 011 will ­ 6,1166 more roWo for,,he kfow Ru06rn;i� Engian . Ithe other a4y� J�t fh6 firem tile t1i waril4h and' it , _ I A, al am on I S. velvet cuillion, it a�j c V iiii ii I, tit iek, Ill: q c I U39 'a p arls. 1), RY. care: I It Poor �dr-� -takeri, by tht THJ�IA 9" Pli;��u§ ha (,C Ic (5 always lipp m�lftj" '': ' 0 lliS'L' *Oman i6ryink Waist HInC.-LIftow -'to �V�r-,X TO DRTNIt Aottfi,bod, i line oi R1 a tlitg b cumstarices. 11 I wQ ()jjjj�cq �y ith.Lad-muchleefing- lin :'Ung(Me. 'Out It - 0' 1 ask�d tivit I 16-riggliog to il -6 blamed V D"t, 'Po d- '4 1111 ilk fhWrai; w r BA :666kink mo ier) an prityifig �'Pijl� of ive)n4ig. r" of Nval-AcoItt Should., be gi te d for a Thero, ai6� - 6 u lite eti 4,4 1 it ck "Ove ft A's -iliip -,4 T it" 16,b YOU "o 0, &1 .4 d :t1i - I , - - i-,"-' � '_ 'f � xj�"."L,�,_A.jf'-�, _OAc, _ . , I Mtl�m I t-'-. , , A ­­ . , , lot 14 q:&siblo, I I 14, lie PIT— &VU Ing _Wo 84ui41*ti e ri, thay to e I U a 4pgw or, iffich ovil eas#,-, 3 1 ig .0 1 pllwderM t4k st,' :b,�; df It f of'' water with A ow (11, Iroal' ow us, ir dffoTki 'to,� 4v6id jjjj lingerie `W gr purifiod, I iddh f 'it - at o ftwf that ni�ny , will, found; that, od 'soorO, add.� �wo 1 to. *ash out men eakja to drink.,, Ac ",29.'- 110 anq��;.bd T _�jj j)�Jifiijjg j',4D 6re 'bl Ift I n ItT 7f P,rop6tti6n o -one an Aua f Cinema f­­,� M0 t h' -girls, )j6ik V a, ref kitkin -1 lin4 , and, 'moh 4 th St n S jotj4r� ijoilt.61%. Jhe to PI rp lillkf�, L " , q t4iia stern, rcfus�' g, c Awing t Ul! rid rb� tlltilli� '� - ": ." L" ­ - t,. -, e �Rla�lf -,& —Upi ,er.'.1 C QQ k the, phlno,, Mic &)11'd*i tho d MAY he O'hi 1 to cook than ho* ity Al.— To r,' to t ci well own 'At manageV to fre Ildistiq f h c r� -kif _tlo 'Pat thd Wikk eoi, .8to", Q!l*k4Y &;14 M -low it.' djsti�ct,lol, P !Yo W1 m;)St aitti J01*1 10 t , t; 'itd, 90,1�6s, aS t W - 'on, gb tit Wit di ink bY cook! C I I d I, 411f od lo I towaidg dri hem- ave vc, s I" I C,4 z Waqh,Ahc, virk th ilh�tyb 'Many, 66n,��ir� sh to I i'4t�liil C n 4?dq of At"R�"10hp" ill jj�� ;Viell irl h44L *hnC of J.bod.41 forfi) If- Pdt�-"Oi paid it 'grudko- ni,q, Mid 11W. Dure Watok AA I W., nussion " ry ejacil P, d tc YA an, AhWs,flvo §, at [)OUT�d '6# fo oin 116(1'411(�Y a0d th 0 in 4'I'd water: re a, hit P ma V, le� (I I �Volj.,j lie a peitt It' t u r lat on] W