Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-05-26, Page 8?a retro lie's. Prim exceedingly powerful:- they' striCtly safe to all cheap ,imitaljons• for $10,9Q.- Mailed to any 11#4 Scoea Drug CQ.; St. • Biock.Plek'iloyi, Ont. Sat4441;;ftealciiii week. ' and many -lines Of neW fabries • have. been cleared: ° But we have been. more:: 'and we are in' a _splendid .position to .satisfy in *this departmellt at the presentlime.- The -and weaves are the neWest pap41{,,, artioS. guaranteed._ ',The only res - seph e. end. TAccident.insuralice• : poly ilirbest companies --- s an -d- othOT-requirements or- their , IN : MEMORIAM' '> ukkeral Day oT I#is Laxt Mlaje •Y, King EdwAtd.VII� FtXy. 2ei�ernlxed .. Sabbath silence prevailed in Luck, low ir'. '+ rmret. .B pro4 linuttiOn, 'all' husinese places were elo3ed,•l'actory wheels stood still; and citizens deforFed both labor. and play to honor the ` 1. a8Mory of the:Wan anal king , whose mortal body was'that day.. Jaid' to rest ill St. :Goose's Chapel; ,As if in- sympathy with the sorrowing earth, a gentle, rain came ;down , Not n_ tuz'bulent, int mittent showers;. with sun and wind oto lend them grand eur;hut•a,slow and ceaseless, rain, wash sons. Having any e cilns against the ` late` ung• roof ' and ' roadway, mournfully ar ppinb`i re flushed .'eaves, drench- ing with:heav;' moisture the -. fh1ds off' the halE.inaat Elul; of iloav4r Block Eaerlyein the'after1roon, accordion tu: •arrangrrient,' the people gathered iu .the nw"Tc wn.Ilall3o ;herd,.1VTeinorii l to runt hnr pasted, t1 o rsin was shit- aeon-4ir; as.it land shoat .iu BriAlrr'S. ,hometrnae; somewhere, the a heart of utnanit rnor atr._whethPr k[ir'g ..o COMMOWei shall but dx T�n� . inertglity,this corruptilil'o: shall put ,oti ineQri'liption .and in that „hope the British-natiee atlarge resigns t body: of ..Edward, its,w..01l-loved king," to the feints-, "r 440 • Notice to. greditork of, Kiin the County .of; NO't1C is herebviiven that all per- Thomas Wraith, ,Who died on' or' about- • the bleverith day of Maitlr; in the ..jear. •of (Air LOrd one thousand nine hundred send by pest ,Prepaid or. t(), dellver!to the. undersigned; solicitor:herein 'for :Jolla. with., the sorn1.;re. shades, Of Mourning. • of their accOunts and the oature of. the-, • !A -cadent -and leading Canadien,..companies, including Estate -of eirery ' description. . bought, real -estate:- at :-.1ovvest- pprtuni Rugs,. Carpets, :Linoleums;. Floor 0i1S-7and 7474. UTHERLANIO MARINE persoial our store get itirci- added to our facilities- for buying right make •,t possible for you to -• get "Right Goods ..at — -aloomy islindows -that "Stole. -tliretioh the assets of -the said. deeease,.,-1-amolig.the n.Nev.rial.121,-•P•CY-9• inosziehiti-cti-leadimtskeoFf-q,,,t9hrie'3"heiTeislIiir-itet4ier-t.1„- „torev.ori,6,17,c.*Iged• .,to.,.d4rkne8.,, ,hcai.017.8,;8%ltd, notice and that the Jelin The order of service wiis simple and ' Warrner IN (labor. brings Ole demand kr lighter ' the.. pattern are.elscoellat and vaines.spe,iial. Qingbarna and Prints 1[2%' qs.per yard. 4, .1,aclibs! 4Vhite wear' our; stock is well...assorte d In Corset., . 'Covers, :Skirts' and Waista. Our. vitalsts af,',$1,„0 each Just'ieeei'V'ed-a lot of' Par,asols-arid VnibTellas among them very ,preity.Styles in .14 lute and SbadeS, • - The Milliner' Department is 'still filled 444 • 14 • Marketi !.n a, all9rp addresS, -paid tribute' to'.. the 'roac• l,borsea, eyery one of. them,' fit for, , • • . •fs' • • TX ,7117:1c.. E and told likewise'efihelo've and 14a1-1•We'ditesclav june 15th- 35 'head s.cotcli Potat • • • .• • • ' 25't ty,- felt for the UoJess-nobloGeorte-thoralkortikPm cattle; said 't° • be me' °f - the B^ t • - • • • TackaberrY,riate' of the -Township' modern- niethocla 33e Crown .and-b-riclge atulese,extfacting the of; • co: idclan. amer • best, final purPose herds in Ontario see lit er . . • to 18 • read paisages. of Scripture --4 corinth- I shall be pleased'to see many of - • yeernan; beceased:' '” . frOni an American ;journal, one of the-- ::and-,rptipigatiity`...aa,.-al..iioil-imp,a2n . at;in•-ana-a•)x- -..,•'. • .p.,,,,:ule.,-,u.„.,,,,,,Itia..,,,.- .,,,r,.., wa,..z..:".=,1 ....,;...44.,:._• tiriletioi;-:„..iiku-s;:4-54,,,-;::::ri/1.411.,0,;.pis,:r.:;?.:tila. rivi.t,„„Fee, ',,-..,;(11,;71,16,7,4:1,,,,..-014'..•4_,,,1,.;:;:rr,i.eito..:147--40..";,,r-Or,ANT.I.:fsfi.i.:::.,,, 1,:,,,:h. taI,.::-•7004 ci.:',:t tsti:e'0:;:ii.:t7itZ:,, shorc, of Ca ada -__sialealy the 'site!. ed. e sorance allits branch- and Mrs. Angus McKinnon. at pie- as we' svnu nn.• 0 se iortlirtitte critrds. and-gl -,:100•acres -in, the Township - of Wawa- :- nosh; 3 Miles from Dungannon. . Good acres of Vail Wheat, 90 acres Cleared `and lalance bnah. Will be sold. at a bargain. SOcICTIJES • 14vcicsiow' Lot/On, of Foresters meets • the Oddfellows' Hall On -the; latirTites-cral- „ of ieach month at 7:30 .t.hren • ate cordially hiiited to attend. ••, • tneefo every Thursday , ARCHLUAI,DBARBoUR A. B. MA.c.1.4uon ' • M ss Cath M•clien,zie arrived its ery around MM. Once mere, and on baria1 day, the sun was Mr. Allan- McKinnon retUrned home f"-)ra`the a°cond atter' spending T th H 's • A a couple of weeks '• shinino iirt 'old Enoland: hirs were 'The Whitechnrch 'iwagaon r 200 yards':' • borne • arnid q,he tears Of a. nation to PP Vi",, John Henderson . •-• • • • ' '• Soniewbei•e We have heard'in, preaah ;With Mr. Jaa: 1.4ech ,as driver. I A, Eoyd . . . • .91/ 'er sit' fat iloatfr-is.-dark'neka,' _{,,,.._,--..m,,,z,,,,,,....., A:re,.....:_:1),..4i:izi_ngfrid—ti.„4,:tret,--. ks... 12'...4),..,,,,'N'lei,'-ic.,,,,,11'---319,,Tilv'i,ii,...i., .„,‘,..d.c6, . ith, ait,; Nipio„. „Oran, . . . ' , -,. ... Mi. ,i0.0.i.„, spel'ir Sunday at her stone ViSited their Slater Iii.S,;- Win.. Wilbert Wrzlith ," Spent :: Saturday . ' date, the Said-V,iecutor 'will' 'proceed. to•'• - that the „Executor aforesaid will' not be person or' persons, ot an oleo main e friends. • promisos .13 of Bes. The; Joeal showers this ' • . Solicitor for the 1,xecutoi William Slier- Lucknow, Ont; ihn When the rrOw dawnzsd WOLIk 11111,6 done a, great deal, of 0- lid. • • • , • roce s au a ery Friday evening '„,All brethren cordially invited. . : Noble Grand ----7D Mclinis.rr c. co, r. couRt sHpiw9013 50, Luckno*, -Meets every first Moiklay of . each month in Oddfellowe Hall. Visiting ' brethren axe cordially invited, ; AliTtX McCARROYX,: C, R, -D..R.B.let1/41Toarr, treasurer,. • ow that the gatdetiting seasoii ' drawing ..te; close, we' are Offering .as SpeCial: 10' :cetit o tario. 'This is,.the time to sell nut.. We' parliberally aad offer steady employment.;, Our list of 'SpeCialties , embraces a rare arid choice of *rite tor termS and catalogue: 4. We kee,p in 'stock -Seed Corn,: Millett, Rape- and,,-4ockwheat. • The trolley, you, spen. P. auk. , definite PO,rtion o 'because You have .i.t. yoUr , pocket wotild,inake quite r6.., spectable accotnt at the” end ToRlieyeai--. Vag. can.. statt account rate—win bc addecthalfg_early, Apples, krawberries and Apples : ,good stead', wheU need -of it aside, the sae 'custody Of ;the arisrs. • This Store closes ever* lifortday and Friday evening at;6;30 ronipt Delivery Phone' 14 anA'Ernilividga 2;900,0001 4.4 4.4