Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-05-26, Page 37- 4. Soloo. 100,01'e4, dowli RE K IN A TRTNG 'f, jj# ALTH ., to - th 11Sjr.talitily, -H il. you think t I Pea �i, J_ to� JA 0 0 8L.:ADY Y. f OR-MIFEKS th. b4arlit p� ®r, 6@4 00, -41K a, I ro potatoes. -e 49go Ak AT; ,A TFS - 94.4'< ross my, QV . 1. _ YQA d t4�� takl A .tiaight. w a, p0able., 411'ateatis wil des _ orme - sivar pil PaInt y6u, Ckly-turn sbol� winao 0 t 'at , the ladies all 3 out VY R 8 _110 trio, JI $h6 - ftq. Colill tongue t..to in the _=OUtj, It __2� - ' 'a%- kl� '40 C004 work, as, a rontriteting will'. hj -,to, op Jo6k ai I TiVe., , , I.... , 1, . I . - �4 , ked potato Stow- ill ltlf�' .,pltz1It4M 'll w Po.0043 'PAIll, ftl.;LS n r". , � burden. The owuse, 10 Woil *Onil for %tiji 'of I beo . -OUT Q 0 �W gs:tAb- olabing to �qlako :1 "The snizik 06M!, - C ..... ..... 41. - ", . -_ ­ ., - 16i -C JQU II 1i;W-_KYA­--v1Q, 0,111, Ov an a1pplicaut for worlill ve -,tu--e IV, "I P�� I drOani),r state at Uns" 11110511!s�,! *0001 Udilil ORA",MA'S PAR�Ar 'L US '!Yes; sirl I do AOOt 1?ll1sI They itolitraliill 00 o n ;kq cler� ro.ot,.'qf th p4t.144 I or v ffireq,ftt ARV40-03;.r b u t the 4ea T Argt thing, y.o.iq right, c1panse tlis #KQMJ1Kh_kM4 'It' -rev -d-. g, ri In at0i in: 4 - Ylialite, Dr ,twq' irOCK1. a,' "l the' lack it fft c"! i P lit, vW,''health- fol.t in ah p els, wr, It W the tongise &M takill Q would tytiu'giving-� ly in -Off- the poiskin, t I I'd put a, large, or in Will aw,)- "11 . Q, r e to th row . 1 ­ . r , tbo, bitter, tasie fro the tj . ,, �h jairr ' un gs a n4 10th. B 'hill and (�i6v, 7 VI* m�)%Itb, At the first gn j�a­ pa a, I, -4a . I I TO xiew ke--." 41 F paraiiu I A, good In C oj�4(Miw­ t a ei, -do,w 1he record df The Iak& of t -11,v You as anemployce'.1"IJ 0, the tirt-d Ian 11'"n any ftl morer seri6liq. IlloodlesB, Ae lll MAO, Ill 4.90,�M ILL;N I rlpgrs moo.yil _pqpi el -Y' �0064 . or �PQMWA .ut mother Uis'll Jov, ti, oushed. a4fl the gui run rrjoak Be$ 11il'st lnvs�o them, an ;I�.A rapidly incre4os, to go' A VOMA, Ogilvie' at .11 - I r, r.4. Y a bit of en1gyntent ta Ve .. I dil Ou who never h v 41 vi, 14411109. Companies. %yor.(Opu C, . ttt.ada I take you on' *t 't 04.14 0 in life �n, -a n Des- 6011- H'olt� On t, peciRl). 'rs 'up. til 4§ p Y01kr H -,tlil 16hal OQ R not nj 61 rish rge -ight away. tile -1&1 q-transition­froni; -wipter's A il 114T gin. h-4'61 'b coun,brysidei, h6t d, All 'imal little i lgostio, a, 'heart - pal.pita- PRONY.ITA cold 8 WA TIM tioli healachc- 40haelle, lide _.j,­r'_.__.__­ V10 wild Two _aq­ Will' , I J, � Un Tell - filercel C 140 r vi t I the! iv, o rfu I oLlre.. 'of to, suranier's heat. fre4 �" ', r, , , , 1. t �r - oil , I 5tril Talroift, lien tly puft, GE TANTED IN.. FVERY.- - �6*i -s Qtion, of all IlMon', who'bal at tho. bill laic. upq N.Tfill ni-e y ' ''' r , . I It t1jo syst�m - A to sell a six -doll V JIL 'S ; WeckSllr that pro con UP A irss�,4 �, - M@lWl . Oves. 'Ra tiQns" al - 14num Corp tth its it rid' ahl n kind. 11, th" int -of iil 'WO 'ed up, -�ll alsyr,und Lucy I fainting f ildi" 00 say ran for hilu, to a e chitim a d 114, ..cry IV d gl�;­I- Mal. W-44 04,13ness, alla ull is state, 'any- PP Tor- ell. lifor le _y blocialil A virithUropsy 7 ready to Wgh 11ifig, bu -, the ",stage.. i�, reached liq t4at the dactorfi,',' Rill., 06irempi; Toral 0,0 wa 4 Ninfal.,arrd oft n s b'6 ii.�gl il OB.iku� rfj YX4. AND P 11f 'Y I c A. rt Ad ewted too, long a declilie '1110 X-0. quieid�­tllaa. with 'WIP0. 41 _ i'g6ro rf 61jo " ' - I ­ '_ ' .1 , .1 �.. � � -1 - NL. -�fl _of al the matoriiil�­iii­sur­ -16 1 s - doll -to- ta-p --lie r - X,.!� GOU gfoek2i jilouill linrid­() Fit. CaIllmon or differo QU­ 'A , qi, t L tin, Iq r y5e oil" q8t X little u.t d6sisted bizeause, as 1, to r . tus- to Wbirch, t 'ie'j A Io C)"04. bc'cqtpe-.. lind and A VARBES 'knAbjl i k, eight large J-- blood bill-cs'. "T& a nd pa:rtioulara. V. -S.: Hairoton, 2 Manry� 4re prone hr. malt", ilat, cork.abdut half an a 'holfb. liquors b' me r HE t More OnC ins, cab f Q" X us t c r to rolide, "?Il to The ;v W ble ref blood, tile spil nd samweri. 6' 9 -gay ithell ich, best Af te th� 'dilatil 'as hor die ilf�b6' aw W"_49 0omplets coursal sidnaters earn: twel. VR ., 01 il� 'S� 'Dyc modi4pilip'e, ta n ng, 1 f tealth. and vitality'r I F �e_in .1 0 ie pupi zl� shorb,htpi A40 n doctor' had - gi od 4: aw), D write . tof ell J D� " 1P a I ( 2!4. quells all T,4o 'inotor Cured her at lie Williams I' d t K llogg` Py�cntery, wilial, It is ar nanic o.pro itinon Ssta -pI creases t hlood,glipp y, ce e wi k pain I ac 777: �),iyi tl 1 ­ , roll. - k sjrl6��Jjj�l ialil bi is Dr, f , , , - �'l ` , , 1 1 , ', gilded "'Its I spara ysis of thb o othe Thig d rem time 0 r the gilt, dr I owcr,� 10ld: the mod el . she.dW ,so, qu Y.- 0 PuTe : ;.. t I M ACHIN HEA0 U, As Ris, 0 stani 0 1. tin Ear. th:tlVe f1rS M. - .: .:. 1"". � !� . I - �4'�) ilil C, : 1, 'If, 'dge.. "'I " d - Ir #;n -s k. - ----- M tq, hzive, a; gir t' oodiYorklaili'. zMat.blill err,, ll+nrlheill b6ill . viteevk Ill CPA 9 lill" ear d in . V. JIM tit nocell This id- h It t ee si -T If ro ag -rs 'whi 6 g,� y i,.Q nd not Nvigh. tO be hindote a drops. of, Sho',�il ��by waitinK,. 'hel' f ea tlaral V aku m. -d and we 666k on ir[Llalk OD i.' W'-it'wa� realivodl thw Cit.� f T r' t 0 a It a theiiiii; 'I, :t the cut* and caref ull.y Still i� noka, in ;elis aiid-thei;,e il� 6ithcz.�gt garl, to all re ams,l I ... Mpl?r [AT a Ingichinerr. etc. Send. 14 -the '01's, all r C) r s� h lial dig-, pill rritcope, in, whi the �vicjinj Irbat Dropsy w nd. it at e4, PETR k'Pills -hitva. -be 12ME tlti� qve r t, r beititiftilly sittiate&L& g it, I t tpp Pn (o), ix a a 'lope" 4: g -is a e "s ec 7rMa1W 5 n Wan lin a g6did,vordAwgill W..vowRx" FARM VANWI,_MY If nboating'and no hill k rsof tU Pd � i - , - ; . _ I Ijet, t y about e woo. or 156 rill q fill t 'Mo Ila ha qJIro 11, This, -,-il a a n4l ik n X o PI de WoRil send _1or. my xperjerlice A T a r�vcnicllk e e in it niself---� 'n t ra geri . AV ews, onge r TirAise, 'this me i0ine. -od: by gr Ila aklut6- depression'arid ite- 9 �p, W but her'milittok rs in lull', iv, Ne al Uw 6ri �a pitba -b ititu, . .", 8"M OR EXO 1 r i).f the rn' S k g.t.1i c4me bad r, to, Mr; 'st a e ysiga no ur a lie v 1111t '(JdJ#,n. 611-3 Owes her li e to 'Do to stiff 'Vitt jji 6ductive -soil, ail yo Ill It gaiin a ian 0 Ilk onmal S I 'M 0 11 br4ath- w ITIB 9111111R. ow ort! and, I had -failed of In Weight hor your axaiiol." I ell ia e. Ill possessions 'Cottage. o cellariIju and color. . I ha to 6-sn't 'nse einoij4.. e, 11 S.C. 0 Nyh a. . .- I.. deficie new barin.4 s. e from the idneys, Dodd) s Kid- took th O,li� illy witfilloiili.6idal toil She' _cA of th mik' f il 0 ers ar...pot .d ye go; baleal :27 t ss,;, all on, rp t n -of IcUe 0 le Lire 'lots. ot water plamood b*.r,,Wpt. oh"., I d4l Worsted a' rctUni fy, kind ��y P1 15, Will- as goo Ift id tied;it_ d "1-* O��ly (tone b#isiopments oexhillilt' floors"in stablal oil I,.$, lit t pAt a I rk, the., Oik� a, A' Illill of Fit to fYU .4 e, ge i -SRI oitti 10 "r � �a­bottl e "Of 61 exclihngil M700. dowill ns I ave oiber', averViaget able tor adviscq'. J, ­ T .:vl a 10,op, 0 r w '.It I t ed' P lillf-iiitch, to :9 1 te Iit p e aching. - arid tker. f,why, -do y0a A arnle ee anil ady'thp a Therd. wasiYtr;:a -thi iways Cave, Pill . IRS oroperilds ai But at thi's time a f i. C :q eqli -worst _h_ James, -0 clear. the* Acirl !Aud d: then 10 It eoiild RPET I'g t, int� §6116s A 14d, wa es.g prasol gil un ON n 4C lit while:: thk Pi itentra tied or Lre. rolil t izie ox witch a rid re s o ri) -ganS' 0 1 ar 01 r the r range 91 41. This ap.4c 'U, ith, '14(3 the, Adcoilil ter s, lack -si I kilful ill, and any- a -artill Arn f badn't" finislicdr t -hi cr, gra, r ni s Augiy b li� �i fa;tl V I felt lift bette' the tiM4, lie tence h e a 1w cove 16d I � I __ I 7 wlx�s no-, lit Ityl a0 .1.1 11;g TY('W(- e M4144,: . ., :- .. . Addr., e, Ad aI0 thil wil av I a 07 r k!,Qitatio4 id the 'iriswer - "I d a 'w4 -rieed �f t t tjyp4.� anything except ha. a or 4ate' I a THEM 'tiy M .0 WA f d �but­ he-- k LARGE Cit. wall f -allyr go0d, 0 years '..illff) t, 0 it, -hiLd �i Q .4ild fitqtoned it Oil trou"bled W_ U11- ac z ia in .,neatl oil,, PiTfs W. M16 Mu. 111;y.. aivaill "jig nrterod �C Rod se .n( 66, fO* r, t to nerest' d All. they n reKl th is 1) c4l "..P; sh c had Anish :e. trying, to g an %shi e -h it J, -i for t be- ill Ile,y d it IIB0, L el' ri df.110.. -, eby NViffiartis' Phi Pills, dre,� St tl he -.1 f lie lildes, AIM 14 settlers-_ "Onning ill:)' 'and 0 pin 'be IT v e re lie' ser (,.r hd n is S Li fla,44 e in ]lie L ki.L VIA10 P munity; -4an' or Me, laten iristances��,bf .�t u d It e A", i d* f Qi r Jii coil n Lry Of oO CA ON:' OR AN ide. -bf the Cork Ill "ill i �at it i it I �Ian s (�ubk I t: fi r ro ly :T 'Whetle h said 7 R62N as., x.A� cebott a -LDR t Tab V, lldre-,, In i I e LL 0 N. tb E 9 WE R. W EI OMW an "00 n Were" t Vn,40rntr b & -Ar4M -.a-: it rn y - �b 11A i ri o rg ell .1 __ �ri oan be, I t1 hy me in 0 all d -.'-!-.d UU- '-IN,l .0 ve :r6f "ki- new Bulnonla,. _P _ir' h� r t maP). juill 4� A 4ppry., osine ithi'll tiv P toimew yii It o S, 'old& ay� 1Zoitz-B Tab )l -I' .1knd S -And 1'�; I : - L iild .tf_ l' tl 't J r , P I V . � r 11 13) r i t w6unlfi Orill 'pail) esent, �.hcre' l�rc'c'elit4 1`3 Q1. -ary sisipriwif ho:i��.iitil STYLE kidad hAt 111 SLI.Iree 'of 6xpensp. -ell Nv' I aild Silver strikd- iv 'it th Xn2O IN. HAIR gj. 9 Step d Al r H C1 IS attrildtin,4 'P' ill J%1 I C, 11013ts casel; t __ We t ..TN -�6�v"erg f h 8' a 0, n In; lohg,$3.60� to lll SO- tge W SwIll 22. Ao -n ill joy V,. Pit �4154 �t, 4r -I ill 11-6 Veil., AJIll th, it I)Jll' ID)MW W. iij of TI -.91 - * t'. '� , a conterence, o post -of- IM 'Pil and Otill till P S(!all Eyelids a id Gr4slUlatloiII:, balmi. Son:' Miblin're d 11161 ri Po ad C.gC­MS o Co I 0ep thei J ttle hol Y woll ill *fkrenb 011 IMIM"'Mr. '-fts'dch Tur st 1 collill I— rfts6c. -a- so., N'. fqr il :that. wo� d othe, vere ill etit e _t q; d o't a V )X-uh--Vm=� you itid a froin in+a,wond' 9 IaB and: Gent's' W196, -111IOM g� L 0 -il befdr* bifully .9h M Il Toupees, fril -auc di�sin ciltad. f o a_ "air Notrf, : f Ile' Br6t�' -rill washc k be. extra. largj� qt i ftsuraind a ll tb' -e r since 75C. ell, Qf0i Ithre shadee, extr;'. birdo�s" �iii -illl 9 ed . ..... tre t lie xosiult ill fr�e, 96,nd samill ',of- OETY PACIl the Militia. 'll and rass s: ope arn on I ON'S �Q07. Taron "Ask., ior Mln.ardlt and ta". no' -druitill rts 11 other. all and all W' ea midv of tbe e a ri'd lax - .1 oure a ,of t ie 0 is, -of aml Vo e. ARD'S TANIMENT madain s'aid ill c1riark 1re ap a. t :r, A r slipp 66inpo'll1i il I,! a Lrm.d o I I* Dail TM) W.9 I) s ..;ll tornr by a, LN� hii1lio. 'I tired ii bor W N I Al q, one that .6im'st-dild pills htt�;c-'b ell t F_ P., e Dd., y st, P(.torls C 14 0 <1 u -I'eure(l a horser of q styollfiig 1)y i9� fleat onee 'or,twi.e6 'THE LIN OMAN TRIM Will hold ed! 1107'ns. Trutap6to, and bad. �14 rs as; est Other Mechanical Devices ih.,the h- n(Liddel-MIXARD'S LINE N1,17 by,,I(.remo.t.modioal� %1 E, ll ii'd PI eas spelled, but always C f ufid' thii. expe d V11 IrlIckl le.,*,.,�t in that -c b,� man. of beinit. able.' t h e an il PTis ll�Marvelb)i�is Thing, -ed wi N �lien a04 Ili ? t lie brideiroorn AS :satisfaction Wtal 1� .'r ' -0, g; C� h or a' Thmna�` .. r. N.T Zq(i-� frq6i 'the first 'and they grbw a -She to t lie tsoul. -of a 0 tYOU. -Toy The 11ano, Il th-ill daily,. tric Oil onsidei,dd, il �U of -the . ........... �NESTr PRATT' .diov ig I h and-pe'rtlihiient, reliet it All liah., In i . ZZ� .468 Yonge Stteet,�-to it has' be 6 be I ronto, aLl ms %il 06 aws at d, pri 0 il; - bet te r , tol iay.o!,, fil e4 as.'a m-atvc Il'IS t1ling :that sol You Wl I leata somd. COO111 NEWS. N, F,., J.6 n P i, ign t.1141) -fleer Piano Actiolr* D ho it, Avas desirdd, that th 0 have ll 6 it to al . I iicifoot a- -itiedicine, 's-limilrd di6 r 42 11 ife, -.1 fts eIL 11 WedId') shb ki as near ir)Ast :Yoar niid bivve tkmi,,t!' P 0 8 into its collivusiti ill. A -kinds. of arWil_ Unlinent-rused by­li�s'jojail - S Tie RV a -rill a 19 1 ter. were 4 f I :Your ..e g o ad 0 t art opitfin sihokin n v Not rn� to try �ay, pro c sor th.3 ll 'A 9- .1 (tor takin. onlV 'The 1TUIkR-0,PT10N1V will t Wo's the'; !�Jno I b Re c, ki �,iil You; lle, nbelin -Pills -is an i� to thou eal of its k -d ried l evil-, box; f Motu, t f glit'and It, uI 1-i- as­det1.dcd-,zshouJd.. iato a0 e or ini rill t PI t tile a r,.,e ill let ou, ow tlliti ful't ep] ti -r- 8 1) 11 f ro f. PA, is Wititer's fgtigtrwil u2era.' A190 B U 1, A L doctor, fessor GrL hparty tra "Th6, p taW -v for 41. relief. thev avo, 'it-; lid Wdulff ?qt't bein crat Moni gritiIii , The apple'l oi- n visit 101 is in t9 nped Offee tor Ill Home Trial., er�t; frolur' eumatisni j04 VINE 614ANI) Etil Il LIM,lT1l e. %ou'advoinit for, hat dif� .0 seed, 4lich grows on r th e'* Potato; ot, lin i1`1 ow s it. All wrif I ers-guffer.1ron.i it," 't niilrek, a034 Usid eLr() i fei Profim. or'-_ Thn, idefil licvtol 'foe. tourists a ti d vNifors iaity. After. SainIlle (too V write Xh.uottat on a� good. nituie'and vifig to ralfla d-poilit, IttithIN ilia( Pro?6szor'Oteat. ilrbat tile in, and D. &L." Moutbok Pijj�tt�y ilia GrQ Lakes, tid St, Lawreoce:R 'ich, ii I P I an-6.1ooks lil(�e still Ainergrowh Drug e iocrSsed r I. obse- AP E"I GITIS for the tln�io are, bldpal All P111 I NvL % . 'it _, 0 boxes for,$g,40.�, S at Ore.' a' bbi- oN, doing. b�n't be footed,' insist op�tlj:o dured v;Itliout All fire t. -01e. 8treatil ap4 astil the, potent to I A ar9 1 "icted witli I'lliq 1lid vt:iSli to lie. MUR011 I j b collsifts, is. especially, itik' enuine "The 1). L. z ll PLAN ny jl tip r bleful,�ffiocts 'it Ond sino'kes- it'. str �lit nor r'caol' cured pofely nnd �qiflvkl' P�'r d. ji t JsUjlJy thel, 'V' b -or. AA131T. ba c n Wlifelp will ll "�t vost-f,aw nwbere Doh't be aid 41'. tbl: MIT THAT. ice s ar a in Mr ANTHM01 Th 116L hood. thi Y'' e lodger: 1111 Lt n , th isrurtions Ior Whan In'll gtop at The Ill re .'antf, 'a and' y v it n gs t c ot 'ttio fibily stil the' n, W Uallil I . . n,i 11 6.01 teach- 63. Am6ammodations nd'servitq Ate suto yo u )NI did y,6u break y�our e il�h thit sch .,;toil n d rel V fin.thar's pipd 'and 111des willi it and er'.aS*kcd,'the friend. darn. Pre a piece tWice, ;IS Jelin T. ithla PhairmAil .-to 00a.50. 0 5 ow up .1j �t,nqf'frlgli �Cn 1 8 -h- I ' '_ 11 --C - A af I oahlb think. ft' any.tbi else -0 so every evol 1! 0 w lit - " . � !, . . . -,U wu brilig'Amrittork 4OXCU80 S Vkhnks, I was afrAid u w igned be n. differco a of, opin,� _My Thdr6 c4il e by, 4id Mobil of ValtiAlt'prewt�= lon,*`on'nl spbject,, buttlicie; is say $20,01 NJ CASA JLI only, onel, 0 fbis folii Reuilt' t GIVEN AWATFREE, an eno Friend ord went l;lilR otkothe.? 0 iot a.; cigar you iiio. snibl;ing.f h It is Saf ­ S' wr',st fle tllAt as soon 'V e, itil ;;knd of - 'As -he Milllt b6 long 10 0 vor half sr6ftle<1 doivii -and , �ullW' him- cwii bot, ' I hill th' ki A --77777 '%rit6 to me, C" ya , is , stra tM 0all of Jr,,l>JA 66whil M, a arellmahp aeodoa'til tall, or., he,k6 gut MtA brt GOOD rt' ficrd from him. KINIM dbrid w6 0111.fr Will, as Huildret Dol:&tAr Td thoVen riliuln, 6116 th� ti, 6111 lArg4ji, llu NE mber tho tumv of n.1tv 1>011. Iforel 444�ttPOOMM-617V irl)QUAIM, ',f*tb �Vas blown tip in 1!lt, 4 1ptt"on Tralin on't eveaiei*4 to &60* whol.111:11l all it dayo and IL *0 1,6 JWUI MY heWi 0 full of'�lil t6:d %tunWrl`4aaUMor1`%'61l"F`1,?V%AM Visa Ala t lie 0 it 1 11 tit d yalor 06d. -k art Made of. All Djiro Idle 0 A_ r, r All iiiy fellow ille olors. 19 Cent V6, lie. 1113 6 n'l ISnOR lot 1'ree, Me as AMM AM I Answell Are we, lu Td.. bil him tip Irpoki, ni, AM, oflrol!66 bltmeo, V U t -Vitk it dollar dbrill t go_fst I Y46U ans *011 i%_A r d Ill. 10 r _,U LOCI l�Agd'lt forA 0" 6t�Typoirit6kso dison Til toward grant- of $10 b "d fa��Ldnd 4geoeioff to vo� iPei utill limsellml anu, Ito-, oil botfooN'