Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-05-12, Page 2A, gr _J i A % U l�� n' _fair 47 Ai Q;i , . �'%, �M % so qf 40, 4- 04014W z000* *iss,A�lUiiirl, You wlii *10 Or RIM- Vill" t#o ho JAI 9" "r 1`9141 the food W44M AIRE I na AY Mos NE1111 U PER 54, re 1.4 Foo 14 lik I I � I I Orr 11 OAM T ollects the r 4#114w, 11 ofte a day, A-40afe ADIX, )0100 0 19w,f joy vil X h(baditeboo. 0i'" t* 7aiN6 T W Oft J) . IMA", INt k�i lit wtfty able. 0 041t#,, alto, other haris2 tal tier T& 44-14- -1441r, '. r baS. %014 illi-)044xiiix, 0674 a PV 0 CN, Illy fatba Al C anything Ativoo, irrItato tho, 011catO 11,11111r, .90 t Mes never to s4.) . 4xr 1_11 , '1�4 'Am wo of the btli Dr, i__ ftod ^t tilt u nd I 64t the �w ­4ki . .. .... lIeculato -bowelo offsplipt YVAT itboUt Wes,40MI"'t,� 41014(lolp 9r ff . o n"."if 4kvlat -)&�AVJ as Qontsta nce. 316stiess—But,, my dear ebild,. Ll 00*0 00", ; I � �2­_� f; _ a _,." . - Moe, Cor plie& COW t U- a, �k *ii oi tim t* A"* Uqitoaaq� 1,411owod, that advicel, - i stupid "and tires _q pit, . -hadg iii 4e 0'Jing", Society. Would bo 0 ov, gry. .0 M 0_01PW!* I fte IAZUg,cov�infoa And �Qusi in Ioi� A is W144zf4ther ;010 ba Otto W.JPUrp0Js0A,VVtt41rnM ,%on of #k6l On _01;* 1 al n 10,utoliB T �ut t he sp#jJ.of 1164M ?%10 P 4�" 0 YA. JU P 140�: to on R�Oot ik b.' fitutiauthoiritie4, after long vrg, ,lid thO 1130 ve.nWli U I A -pi tbp.;X�. X44 very. day� ea Tital _ ip., . �raw frliish'p'io4T,thAt the-wout W N- D "Aatt. Ts: WANTOD, lid" ircma- "Wa:-Pt�vv;L JM� &Ange4 o thi, _jL­ i I - I 0 TW19, -ma,6 for tke lonely island FINTSr, A DAY"'NAM tier m0nth* T - ch NQ Flx-� -0, �,systeia after� loxis win v9rY FIMPUMID t R-th#I ;iiga, e P It *ore than, sp 'Aun ;Lda thi� nqw, gift, In lic I oe"Olty Am lantic, The, eeme 11 t t y have hitliti z, d to, U6 It dom. MiDro, "'.Do eived: A he eatie sitiiition ill A Mar W,,VTI,-, C 'OOAW 4 Yi(oi and tho fam Axty at'it 6TP . weakness _1 4�� Ji,C *1W,­wWIe of- the 11 an e inhab�-, ted r# AdlillooL Uo,,,5 Mar se P ia o , lioar, W said 40 a 04i re U I F� i% Acbipgs. _c pi# Itfu qW -'a y Pills "Avid' On. Upin Writtio, fo;! ni "'t4loogt � - Do "Id P10're t A of taints'. 4114101fala the Strang. .4. th'� on go Y_ w ;L ne 63, op. epsy ARTICLES, FOR4 'at ia� �April. iiind X ai, muiiity perf this place h;t . ;� -has eried.- oni, i ectly,hapfi,', g a. lj,�in& and thr;xv- or, W Ilia, ialgia, St. Nitits, -'dan.c. i .1 - d iii Wdiagili:'. the reon R. oussegi.4j, cc W�,lve.h�vo WholeL 'I ALL exclaim look' �iu;l dis I pe mArrie t o w v4 u;jii fom r' of 3 IN OE dVetftn Wi 4PIVm, peeasion M 44 g_ lure Impi 1. L , . . I , I . —, _ , " 1 0. 0 Ta ts -7 , eir 'W her hei I e -yearst� d IT 11,14 inid le Age. TF P, J�k -all otTILN I-"GQ)4 w eke a. 4tieff* V 'Was: Mad a'n" -tuffii 7- ; -, �:' iry ill -11AY fi)i 'to gA her -a `S4 A�Wntm W 9 ��j�oir' over. � 'thr, to W eJ* . . ", .:L, .4 -m RIM " � . ­ L� �§p th(__ bi tates "I �,�St nM h SO" ofit "Iqqoa W 'Island "�E.e Xqqrsi wx. ith iny batk, t&hc�- oh -to. Q.9 gh in601041 illwmiao prizo Oello, $2.00: foll Now in e spri es 1h; 1.00. for 100. irol 'put inovement in Owbi. of -for C ep twai. to'. I t 11T,00 $V60 for .13. 1_11tie Abld e ng1kad io9xiij In IE6. I k Town 14 -the v4Q6 tis i6ld 4' Oil it Al0_w'-biit, ite�d V 'SS, v�rite- Wrg4 Jv0s, al S. 0 * - , ­ " . rlionia ingkiii thil -1i obtrly end o(L gr"` 0 and ipli - , frC4 fro Lmas 4, stheir 0, re!s inp4i i bro r4L - White -'Loglt rim, V iiker.- Dr..' Williams" 'Frresiimident 'of 10� 01 onVMrst M �60L rL 10[t. $J.U0. for And, i r *ble nWn tk4, on 'York Medica ournal. Dar,' Makert to or, bot i.. F lit I 'Write Your num eii e signs o their''jaliM having th It rematforlis. 2 (Vi,tPretii ere ie V)d D" had ever. Won boat. �efolre and v i,cmmen Ifor.,ftitil.: also. other lifing1roubles, 4i4ch ,Three lj.� t "It, Aias: A T. SM, e%s �APIAY' 1 36 zreJ!wbUI1lA e&a d. a A of as ling eypi fro s`ii 1 5 �t , , plorment'. osin4i�d e e a ANTK0­ ROtf.T11 Ital hnd1W*, wearine 21 6 c wor n(�YS. naf4ril' way 6. euref .h fok o'increased IM A06 AL�,.. as "s cure:'d the -papers of in Pink' id tvil! p-robabl- .409121. be at tols'a m K. Pill Up tVng tralne EM TO lk_�?EW` 'kid 11.'EAN "T pit i�, Aunt, �,ques*ionkd th-ese'nervous. sprwgt' 4rop" The Greii4tidn .80ciety 'of �­)Iads are -b wM n pi. -tive in its,propa- ar3 Ailing s because they. actual been Ne�y'a(, �Pfico -64 111, r )6 1%9- course; d-inia-ke new, rielli red' 0 X G d I public iiitere At thia siiiiii N P NN to t & q=L C Pri raCduates earn: twelva and Dimen, -C Wxlto,.Ior� 11 medieine dealers, r in �Wlivlx ;Tons a"houtemaid iev, leia;ve the ivea - 1_ t r4h',cioppor o' sil - ft� I boic,. cor siJi bgx q,. all S, 0, IP31 ''Mr %mug 'V or n 011Y going, o )to The t 'llib, Dr, li - and Y, P3,11 _f -dinbii 4 ;h.. -th&­-grakef RroCk . ill , E'R t ioni,,nee s can . -to. promo e ng theni, rv-, i 'e::Societr J Ahe oAeekeep-- b -e- iii gill ln�ouri field ;7 0 Iran and wood AM. in tario pu ations. tord; contractors eag.incs .Clectric bt ot&e wi tit ig n just 'Ye- iftiji qlaohi -ale,- � Send -for -catalog .0 gentlemi Tait havi�beozii ra I -eerk, 14QO ,ino'chitiod. It. W.. . IM anover kaoti ftL ak&tingi And an turned'�froiini �717bave. ht�a­ tro'Oled. with In' &'JMerWVjL k Irm or o6fiia.4thtr x Lithiiefl. Ti*)"f(i Montrent. VA90 Uwe w�ithoi w_ edley �th it he-,.-Iff aaI, 'n Jig -,your I The diiil��:'had al ;Then yoj On n, d, a 'La*e 'Ieiiflltilliat� Limited; al It, him an his- �se ry ant, d li :'d' . . e used, plasten, naW,ofittments, 4emp pqq, heat.,, to hot 6ountries, and h idy th6'h t1i zi I woi 6chef- 'I 7-wdllder'� if. TV E%TERN FAIMMAND aLW rW Wat On. irb rbd -his under, way. 6. c see ed -d on tertn9__If._* Mis Sere "I 'd yo k .0 lWU was�. so rlecomiii�pd them io anyone v t MCI west, gend for ti I You. n ' 0 tn I nill .1-STOOM earnying a, th-afk '1hJa -IIARkN fiti 11 0 AF- . I R A I C 'et 98S. elevatdr ait storage: war oiuse Tporns, was ur 6U r �r. e act direi of i4ee 7 and "excliin, pill. k't-oft _jh� ]Kidn i4teiii -tile sun',.sho h' have, oliV.,on't e, ew.­ piers. e eIlghay it P d a. go 0 4MV tbei -18. �-Qr-glaSS­ Y'li've topip on tol 'N atu i al i I. - of PU ulw Nnii do ... t -s -.a, pile fi,4elf ui b the, �u nofiev; Aunt,: Cboxez. 4'W . regulaj ritij Nationiai_ ..carry e Tili to -d Mru t 00 wis - nit t and 'the. m6h� w A* it. . . L. : ��:, � fiee. s4laawei NT6 f D . ifitol the tititi the, ien to .ti Chemical Uioi,�JM ft takings hq': no Do-, 61AN-!L .,er wu thd­ ead -of t e- a0w--U couggh 4si eq up , 914 ed.,r , - - li� _no- Piz �baoy� -your,—, 'h nto;'for 'doe ri. upo xu �Iu h­e`!rp-9-rt"- Qtbd ry�Ulkill patqbM *re� jivit" The, 1lEAR;O-P3K0NE w.A 1, glVo liou ho;' r scum --..goo -nearili end for -she.-an 7 t:#nli Of D TUE'A 14 Al us: h nsiers, OGS: I M. Toronto;', 31r. �)Uedley-' rt and- .6 Y1 _t�C%T S -Oil-wi -e !,a d' ii jL am go aF� for 'a 'hi to vPtifhaps t 6 -.0 -tn 0 C 4, dL se ess IgSA0, Y"4S TM1131111 ;nan _11M -tW- ZO E UjWITEDj, pue wneb t 79! f thelomm'Deli :.BRAND EUM R 0 Sho'wn'thadm polar appear� It, can , alai 46ron --the" Ureste�rn lumberman i n it b �_ i � ftking lai Ojg&�jr $k ii; Als tn, .j - 'd , &t � W%#P WN the 0 �6_U R�M Ito j2rc X L Olt tu"o, a's h4n 000 Ofr additional C n e antarcuej It Pei Ve Nn ej Colo R Andr jU4 0 4 1,1 b it ta '06 11*& lition-tolh. UIPP I ere x -5!�6ft haii -'M Cecil Theitiethli slTnpl0Y6d at' he lailLUM01 sides p'ern itting -offhe, nlotho(la,foe tile 01ra of, 6, L 1AJRZaU', In,' thoutax Sib of c. os qJ homes' t eares. td 1, eriaL to procure U L hby treat. the CAUSE", two, 0 A. few v o 111-Biii triatment loti of Me entire �niw �,plant YJJMU 0 9 -Old D& -hab 1, d beo W Te __�X 'he coil It �and i strue on,of d, are - r, akut' n The gro, ft institute. Dii St. ont"Can. ask _i�_ -throughout-'.' the' Uile Z"i for, mum set! skin, b wn,Titblets. tl� wJ041 ire tile a_tl=0 with ew Coin bowyciarsai a JVeSt; w'I I pli the rou 117"!� the it4buini 1he It 16 proccelli -0kh asyj n&I )*A '"troy% t lwgualrsw d"th"47, free -firbra-p6i which are' described a ''Nin "al- -5 are.. 6 t ar er slnesl* at' Ul -h 81 ol orms- oui The 4rfidgigtrabii was Js )ffeTjili Ion e JfY0U,.'m n e �.66 say-All6t th4 Bo 4e in. con- gioi h AL 0W_ T a prA and alinplis alatf, F n in t e work! FIe will also wreck" (ind ting -the s4i ree G!."t.- Brit, i an .:v ious, foreign colle P�n'i�s, ts et SAS 9 42124'� i d- -is' "M s r e,, _,*�ei 'yh ts;,' gp 4er-): Et V e latex 0 1.hgkd Ii ffi6 retl to keep thidiA70 aui Jar) 1111.,i w 'New, sn't a phirsicaL *.reeK *16i*i j7 to*, 11no. eiF4ph thom at Xy oit hand.',* Sok4- b.*` in'-I)e'4�40xn4et� CIL ujitil he -gave, ive� t6i bftck t -at -25 its" Affs, Strong 'Our SoCi�.ty :T P. X31(i shilli so ri �Oen in c 0 .,a Arent$ _bdV -big ightlT -en �drmaktii r Graves! id anti isiltai '.ia3,er means busine s wh e. It. :KM *hat! -dia ill t �av Vr 'ne Br6p Ile at., __0 I N Vi as toininittee whost,<xbjept,--jsJ-o4-ry t %Vurin,-t:kte'rLloiiiatbr:--be.cause t4 ge y... brin�jz about know" " , � , 0, - - - . . .11 fii tbeir thit-the-9 : . Man' ---- - - ---- a man who 'L as smar I equili to'hear a Stiongiinind '.'I!m glad ke7.m f 'T�OT ulaal th l; ftj can egin a - c _N nto ;i it v d e t noe -LEA nseeuoug �ga _­ .. ji�4-ver changes. ihin'gi cab. ;Jis� L . . . . . my. rou_r QT 46* t �i'r earn J� , . 1. . I - - F. 5 ple inake ow.1 t.0 a AUtiT1Qga4,ik#jptij-e LCFPM4 a ir�-i ck A Pill t6i Prove; i !t !yrup but, pe6l) e hi the c1K17. 815- 16W - �: 1; 3 m4' ­lni na aA4_&hq.j _ _4 A heirMAIM stcm 3:1, obid., 'etrang1liii I' used .11.1. J --to Ulf ose si of- the grouna'to mik�� e r . t Ain ou f r,ikriiiit�on, 6f,the n, Pairmiclee V 1n'I;j%T s(od. it c" the at cam cc r le­fs tpgetabi tier ause's hacki- A -pins, be& -t I- . PK, 169 _u6li WeAk. wegarre, wftti4jr. ]Nye*. A q� id withut it now,, ise sery throitAllat PPE Coll- a Ifc:ed ". ac'(' !oi a! df Tteli"od 1�3r 7iWrin6 Eye 'iftefitedy. Vacti6n, f th b- M 11-9. 0, D. u- ixtheealfliN . . . I e wb Oct-zi .Fbr ,Yqurl JW6 ;TrV4Xe:0- IDS e,, ver- a- -will �A�UM AS aUU th, li regbil e! 4keak-the-m Will julue, illtur a P wrlitepor EY y sat c- y an r'' t c e. ai pot$tbf th' Co., e anwith.. lie L -Remedy ire grtat: OM e Tdra in yo j id tbsi­ world -wit fit 1. in nill. anywhere -w e 11- acqu ih tr normal bealthy. lbh' ilt. stia t The re tA ni,,i n 6641 to. -16dow- -ud-,-* -world t Ion ept ens- an, ;a nd so Ali t Ve iML eli neighbor. ; -,b -with e -e a for Cro4p. Q The ftnid)k unexpekted,^ ""'1 '14) as to millar (pia rr -6ed Th. ey av tots b 'ell6d 6e�dltsti the�. por �roTih­. Price' AL Address, I oils 4�e remedi.and 46he T. Wait,, Morneoli a Pharmacys r SF a IdorU J_- I - , .; the,4&::,Pel;­ 4Wii 7 'hen other prepar ons havp it, th;&�b Oft&fi: rkfU$ o -hiip- nfilion? w. ti who :g or a ama; ,.Coca Cana Act, 'd bU _11OWnt6, We oth . . , . . . La #J 8, T fe that: so mativ 'i' " , ii sI tr� Bic le' vnip. A GREAT DEMA A5U_ -ailments i)f 'long -stadiii lwfilerel No, F-014 ounda f YLA -r_� - 41118SOK U1111JOU IOL4 )o ng I ed Its. CaS fhev� think -thq�, 'can hi �eeing, Iixl'and ersis cal, tfip fi t- h I' is. wor -t 1�. getL"up. in the' world' I se t of''it'and giIfl a''way 1 On ai. ipm i;s Caused b,�'itnpuritiesr th- !; aS 5 g-11 t fte-, STF. LL GAbFS. eAlso Uaks.� Iron. Merida, Ra gaiden I thp:�. refrain front .'usin ''blo 'd. the e4uli V�A F�APER' OF A h k' �bers,. Etc-' piing stoneq: Ad I spea th� Intril 0, aide and, M3Ud Relief. ti - ULM T 'it ing, very -re- th.�ev it' r,.,. is ilei �urti autz. bilivi and bra bi Mfhard It Unlineirt Irr th urie acid,, wlilch' causes A& ykjibit� ori -fig.. I't . __ ­ I ir; s a ing. 11 ty::te to A*6id iMbAlli , Thfirre is but,one S. rail t Phone vairticula", Mains nu(.1 t Pills- 'nio ay ildren." Le X, 01se Best-f6i'Ch Minard's: Unitzi 'umbeftan*,s, rriend or a n ami j6n4ied.. h h hiniself, i e i a t i r k h I c" calr;gd t PV ep:the wolf froni n (i t tp 'c ry -0 en � e art enzi an -their u h d �JjeLto11(AA'lJ"g ay.5 t sarlie thing or ti d e 4a y h 6 fell own, and bumpe -d h u -g lit. lit p k A -bead. He mastered f I :'will kk I., U �q hi4 a ne their. ilk a tjtbii19*. Wit P1.6 - lig N;tf tu g! d tier.' iii ;!lid g . C., ap "Maili I ro I ild, t �hb PA_ tlee vaInte o4-er nil hii bilyl -on ek.�, atid suddetily ogayi; to Th ;d�al thiot,ei r,,tot five. a -of, tell.- n siv 6iit d Ta,l:-1-On "li last o a� L h t SISf k es Wilt thrr!* it �at hi�r a Coif ahor a tarnier '1144 fa otte, - b and red U�TP7AK PLAN' "few da ..replied- tb I n a fort Gives !W&WreW iIii6nide &oats 111) 'L '4t T 9 are Ai� it �tile tL' neighWr:,he y' d e I -Iced tv' pass Jbe neghboVs 0'r e r een a iid it fpiq 4 ver itae-_ dep4t, fit, h sir #(-a tto ho e trging aS plei tb Tar r ps n o _WV_ja�..aadLso",_ aiain 084 91ij '11 Tn Whop In aU901* 3tail r, t oi - 4 hing it.4; AU Dzi 26 e*ate. pleati M , , I flilil',`iiiicalmodaflans and a6evice are d do�L itid-ho. -day did- 1ro, U" `0h, prettv, a nk , Fliod THIS 11i;t e, th a t Y' in'! in. my bv this remedy Dy� r 1�,_ Yoe, tall, ve ovet, silici, le. . Some - nit) r4; bf, it f6r. iny Z V a S r. J. Till, there i d it', t a .the ebarge; Aft t t A. -, S oll'60i ONE&fE a kriii ah� a ion w ien- ou re iHr. C -016r*. to Ciro 86 try JL 90 Of ;"Yt:d-' WH 0 t