Lucknow Sentinel, 1910-05-05, Page 1110 -7`7! 4-1 47, 1,7 7"r 2., gm po lan 7. t P seat- MOO, % r `h�t- Can 4fla: ter "IRig gpYee Vk 7 in .4. y1ted r % -;nineone .. ..... ... r T N )DA IF '7 0� 04401 MOP A g -.PON TJ IE WIA' M trdlp� Qp, r4a owl, 11 At Moq e,,,t 0 plil 4g, tode: some,of the �f:41e4-And the,,. YPY rj bf-the L ;QoI MR 01, 4 )ti, C-itr - t 1A It `444 -0 V tentert*u W" or .,ullfil bj6ge,�,.'& 'Over ai of UeW4Y; 4*0 al tlip� Boi �-So V men, jw,; Ply L.44 now a 3 �—O' ligict issue -ot 9 d Y'o'evening", �T %tensi'v e P ell, -A ts laistitlittb� i will Illeet A -t.:. w iIe k, 'ich­of 3hQ ',0 04iQ piirigg�. ''PtOul F1 We -now .3140, to, Q Ay undeq-� And; th k 16 4,11IN th Oo­� adv w `b�� iet�ps wa, er attende, Id'd Oi L d, 9:R. iarant.eed'. g, y th t" Nl Nw Ad4ni V4, liolno" on'.�J�d 4 A'� tf 44, _,Orrqspoqqen ,V h4A e$ p, gg t V00 "Yal 110'qsel� ld T 4:. W -og-t xl� of conlq� j ' h PHM-tpa i cip, �o,��um er, -7;" , I: ; - ". . 1 " ..W ­- - , , , . �o , - Hai;. B w6s a 4; afid A" his wat'b.6'. lit., of,� d ,n, s G b "th Vocco S Ill" 41" t � u.) i, ic i"t F -,j3 g , - -, 4, �. . 4i*in4tic, skelch, be 're P... A GP,,'NERA`L4-'BANi&1M, BUSINE rs A -e F 0 1,ie -thaii f h" 61dr oi� e h" th of, SA,Vil 4 P AM .'D'E 1WE T. iI sf , V 4 Ail I At�s&fati61!r ,Iettbr-,a 7 gliimn' pilfq 1I s, !Fr ce ep th I X] �t;ill'B-ranc e%-.". lntI6�est A joi tate' A*" younI A9w,or­�9p0qA Xameto 0;; 1'e 411, P Smith �'o -,:PvjAIj�.'1ast.4 Y pprpao. :0 - - 4 - age 0 . A,, ri; Or w. 11(m to all 'd 0 VIOXI-Age Ipattooj�'� of t ,61 ii&ive AL 7 UN Y� T Q ; 'd SM 11 cot . N�w I --by"'lotte map f =7 IT "'MAdig-" which ]I pl� ­ 6 , thg Bel.V-fund' e I Towal, IT gv� -n Roo-vn,' r Tdyli, —1 sn"& arkmiquMr coI, ive copiCh a les, 'P, tbal,paxtkular' son Aros -ULIU b4W Th -a newspaper is,,,o ten I :,A. P�; 7ybody xiatne44,rspok�'�­ihelh 0 in' Q f, YS�qi 0 X� pet (18 6. r;- �to�y Lodge -'-.A. F. Poivt, TTI 6 editor -of The, -in.! a - Oit�iq, accused of �16avjag- out certiiii. iteails., -of- Qrk W'a rt . U1,0"! n 4 A-,, S! lwad4h& lile f M iil, 01 - t .. 1. 1� f t7l th -el ea c b 61 f­fh- fo-f ooful- all d lie, - %pretty.1 Its,. -bl fmivj�rlf&�� -'thin) iasVeXine #�Tdsr ilk -Q ill M "'I T Pil Y di ittji6r h rI ri xe�--pr­( "C as -d -ji e q 16n oih p k 4dhiii=ariff. bin T% qg W,1js:,4* -�j till -;4ttendallcle -�Lll( I -,�hafid, Pt OTT tol"n s 19 -g , 4i work Mac VII happy Ap 1 connection wil u -Rif TI I per,. 00 ind. liba:rty a SydndyL IS-lilit[j, was '�'JQ'L ac, le -an ir pprobatioii. He or, passed:41i ,the Ptage to- alot:surprisink if�.h sse an e in Anin yp -�6f `�� ry, 11plirti ly -, I f es'. gv, ia�­=k' , mati�.,atbgrs,14 d tie o t . At,, 'Ili' '1111011 �Iir V..Clency., L5.44, le , il � , , "' - , P. i rgA, s-, $tloxo. MU'T �on. me ou 6 ten peolli -you ie to �:plaje-� t- ' I.- " . ­ , , , . -. . , I , wa, ; , -youncr A Q Ti Ni- "t ch bils b. eou f the Up Yet* -Qvery� was o ..w' ""'Ic' jor- te ey,, 'W 'Alitk7ti. At-, mj�rjt, M!(lre 'than this think -of any,-' lit in mos & it- 'd 'to lie.' 154nq A 11. N At .news x. mam its. as xtig."(1im tib -ii, -lloy-tb Y B; t� Pffn,re,. e. of t e. ten expect, h Ill. em 4 v ,eii.a, ouii, i sb�jetl`:. 'k -- Is J�tfjot isshig no�e d y. on iniicj , fli rep -hiiii-ifte-fai s -in.', w si e -�,6 610f the las ."T t who� Kepreso aAd, the sol pll?� �'tjr girls, f, I over, or T 1 Aj I VW ed. YIII, lil"hest or� k6m.:- o �ed't V Tiie,besf way. is to give: t1k aartmi, S­aEthp'�pliy,:Io All ,p4r­t4J.t6 :i; . cipiliV161i what,'hCdoes fiM kidd 161l� "T Aftill � t. I I ,%� -- C gs-that, Jiq Affalr,�.a 0- pa- ­C --slo 0 )htno so w c iiolo by: -R�jieijabld-,� Ovjli Ar, R T �y i$1.00 Ito tid -'do6sA xcl -e - .1-4ATI LAO oc ce, A IN_ loft rmi­s it L10" A. ca Mi---; �n- on, MbMity- Ot�r ito t L -bd.ffi- all v, a preqkqp�. co Viliag 's ol tue b 7 N11 OP q ir <J cliurch;4vild, vkin* )VeO s ut I IV NT ea:�q `�n guim Is d. t -4su �.&re­now ge V� ho r �PT ite 'b' Afirdiliigg of :,blank -1-A i + v6ryi 10 r, I Highest' ar d 'i-�s �6i Ict V 1� t o� 70-t4eWhilim olgmt- 0 �,V s --'so, IT,-, -151 �­f OXes w4tifully,'-decor.1ted' An �,­ n -ea qu--- I I . 16 . . 11 1 - d 1YrQ`VQ p C.; e lxi�rx�i�dxrianwants s t I vir g6' �w�4- a' forillor rft tt�Mully-` filled-w;bre '' sposed'..'bf., bi AL L , d pinion f6e-d on ilie 16g, DAY LIGHT`�."W Po � �.- and di SP to ag aduct� cal`riagd� a Vet P01- t -amid t,m k rH E tionol. X Se t/ Tw; Apply �s )pli6d. h rimen't. and q NS tit ij;�� M I: uc now - a ed�tlic­ jkpt,�. 11' h 1101se c`5 Y -grocery-travollers %y,. o. were', present -- A-- AIT" .8t, arrivO' ."i. mes, ol niarc t u I Oil ill St L (I pCIA 1 e1d' 'age LO qatili-entipsiasti—d f., 14ticknow; between s� ;.0colip4qd t 71 fflo. I a , �(iI hi' ARNE, -.0- �Lby bu�d4L,�baj(L-,a--d-6iI6u a T MOTOR: ­* " 'i:-, -o— t )Q11.01 -roolll,; P itie �­ HOWE ow a; 'Id in like�4e: Gk 6 er% gen emen tl:� xidc I "t" i, the qr, ita r WMM PRUGC Mea, tie 'aft&,-a:'buuch 'Of ­ I uYeTi 12A;1iY,­11 alstlil dr IT- =11TT e entinel 730, -do -110 V, t t de as6 le i7�T: In (It n-- itilT Ggaill, �Qoiil .3, _*e p4litri Via ncel d, Ilie, ffirkisliTusba.- ND.: GENER but fq �J- t e if a OR 0 ' N 6-n- N -110& ­fu Is, .0 ana 'MiR s,S1lei)h-e'rd.-,of` It 'W4tI �­r� laize- A -Llick Vef, Nvoll jha :7 A Wqr ifiz"e'roundlor the Mil ..of, , h, i.%- - . tb (Tit VV ef '.art e,r 1- Soy `Real no till. � &', . s. Is 0 -T; TY He, n detsoti;, 17 7� b aals6d -7 A ads r th PaAjeS--dUMP 4g!U V'� - M-- , , , Ill, 7,7 ant new; Qerk­ Vs, '11.1ft kgned,.'�. g id out, invitationsi f0. 11,* G Xosie a oi:':��6.,a`n,d cKitiloss �To,\ S gnes, - eo d E A S. �,McGl 8 sex V ek1I lie u Z U10 Gifl.s, ibre than 83 y i's b t S CL Dup� 01 :�.668ftioh`,w. ell,;, hiL 11 1.- - 3 k, ith" A. jij A ftnd� '. Le --ran&'-.' 9wor- hFIffli Doxll.: ].It I�llanr onz B jjj c. L6 od Decease %I 0"AlAy .0- Cc 4 S�tid ;)I. i - I itl t -;--em-p hl VVIL �4 i lit -j t I triffi� Ile. known., ill, his', contimon d the 4901 V abl�� steady t, :�Per�. aY,,O e V", ,-left- A --is- ke �t� $ix, goo s e 4ariw' �.niarricd, fil V o f Adwil af --tlfe t1f- cl our .su i6r, Lv6str rdildy -las e, hL( 7 -uiiii4, -to !N, 1, ri` )11- 01141 d VAhcoiiver,: jw t ),0 1 gathexii 0. r 6116W (E,,NjV lie S. bout -Q r III t - e- f: v rableithe-ex-peets., to - AA k6, 245 BarRar, At hips, L S vgt�.. The -;.p. -L --tiv 6 1 -1 -lb" M. o lg* ciftring.- 00 jalp? )., M -for-ar--�-wh e W as .1 - 01 I NN eller 'r�,v ft I r. I � r r kv-co� to-. -aIl lgluay-­ ­CY-Ifl�,-'­ L� , : ,, " rl�4tv .1i oI social'. and. t ill There, aich rien nts-in 8e JoU. -ro or �shoul -mile H., t he -'will ',-7b-e 50 cis; I goes- -Vf o p re breai:Barredlicoc tag I t. oiI Giry ii J,tt jl�)t lietl.all .11,0111 sayin M .111C. oil 4!i V4 low a m4t: I b , villag it w Tagain waiii. thent. all b6f 7.%4 As Ilea liefic, but, h PU 'to' e e isitect'. fl b U ine tant Son osit -H U -e, and, 1- e c ar e . . . . . d gut"011 -d- IN r Jos %ve c ean it a -lite' I e It o an at a'' 01V V I ar. in 1 11 lileil �. I. 1D. C. T.&Yi hu.,; "VII(F , ioxne­ to, to "rmi e� 6 'hea cari 11F� ri ay.� tj .. At, 3. a awariosh,' it for a e iti 'We t'W1 (I jy�L7, Y lea er ali�j away 01 V5, any jewele A. ndei,sc ui-i 1,16"'s boull ;ill' tit y in left,'foc �t ii L ever:- i�r,: Cat It Giredr,, in 11 19 7�9 t. It e b d 'Skye eorg, I- heal ]I as, croo A 't'Da 'Saie' ie(!e.oIf Jewel, the 01( hou en. VTowlis IlPs ill Alialit, tf�e'lti'ee� "Afr. -Gr-"- b sta��e' le as A I �I- t. I �, d t- 1. ­ � .1 ­­� " 1 - , , �Iii been 'ell cf a , 114su'llo'lliovL Ttiiwe. A 'N1, t, 0, daa it;.�6 OW, oll.4saturd4y., T. - to �lay --the Cailodoluan, ty ler' IV e r. r initUt§*1 t 10 Ye 11 %ok tl.l):, "I' L Ilid. t '00ir 'BI I � -- 5-1 9VV— (,I�Lij ida it and 'tie 9pQ ; the,- jbtt-, ll.aylo, where ie reill ed'- f b: Bi Mc slightly, diffQroit�: cblit' 1 1.0 s &�'ff- Treg­ ­q- It 0 t am �, or hp�rernbved 4 119— Atf6'­ of 41ai , , C - 1. 71r-T�-� - Ye of7A­1qi91i in 4b i, ofi L:&-- N ktedTittii Eks ga-tis - - - I .­, Armstr g".-. -Him C-4wa. 1�rpni-`-ther6­­ A RoWiLktowti ll� 4 Z YQU rz of 5, f�c,. ineE one. of, the tis�-6ken iship, atiel was d 0'. of RUA A i�"Tjk)VkA,0� -6etit rilIgs jr Is 6. �*,Vj .1 .� . - S�le Lit X�ALRJJ� j _V. J, Litt gr jq. L, ter tie reside delibb 411 er 0,:ac�- d, sunliner ecededl A, y iffs- a ddd-fkAtqe-1 inuse toixe. t DO i, P::. IS' Viore s 161 or ',Win:. Alli left oil Tuesdit V -,Of� i�xt f6Wadat1on`,:, �thf � kitehon T-rai �Fvot- e Anlpivdaii� --and- lit r . ofy rio.� t:�I'. �Aion I N­aky� two,illoothse,�1 4, t��iCto ainder of,hi' in( L,tl a 'r's A"T Al illey 10r. 140111 11 3egipy, � ­ - . . f spoing. of'.1w. j 'acd�AitOlisoilii V dp j18 lIq)vitlt, jhdiacl, Ill, life wag -b�fii­with,stgbl unt -iwt 'P, 1464 titc�4�11. r 41 A %0` C1 5re.,R­ lit irth"'ol to -house. e or a, dixu- brot, t;o I klo­to-, wof '1411 kill J85, for.. 'Y- Y jMAMP'l 'gra�,eltrqad-i �-A�ply-to 9 1 n7 -41i 4, "Otic -Y-A-darM,--,0U-J Ye in!ol 'B . 11��.- r -NiI .0. C WS zi)­ ... �,Cl. IM It d Who 6 7 ag I Itu Swoll RI 111,111 1,%�onty th -y � , I % 6fellez Oil 'of I ata Y.S. "I"I ii. in 1889 sw�f* w e S c fak "Ryli <> 0i. it f t116, Xvcky�ol� "'Wood r .!�a .6 --------- gannon h''A r tie lome r �a. t a v And, ftYe tid d , 1 "; , u I� In 0 i �, Tiko ..qolfi �ei,�u6soii. 4 -D i 6,'gdry 'Ch ki a is .4 b6i IM IL aft ,u Yl - s re 've it �n Afr% ui an HiA ci Y.ot" oil 6ii�' 41s k: �ir irdiA :0, v jen .111ill. 0110 a wood;, cut. -�ch M, bOy's ezLs�tod W�Jiat about- a 11I Py,- 06tioull, t., Jolln 11. 101 t 101 'uVro e or, [04 lee I i� tw,tho: guost. Ot wee iz. J a, t lir e And 1 0 ld, Kinlosg" 'last 11I 6ip.( lito of -Sino, the'-ei ill: rili* 1,11(rk'l lo \�i, 1 W4 kil 14, cot M AF US'- toupo is inarri i'ik )Po, tt ei lit .11, .1.11 - iI 11L WL110 111) 11,11, "M id li"Itini soto.A le, tnk!k. r e is hefe N, givel 'i tit ibl� &r �Atyy,-� debt, 'br debts,� 'Ki 40", t e 1110 S t. e X;��C.t' Dr. a to cOils qtd e o-, 9pbelall§6 .4 15, 1 'i �Salt 'i c,,.. joildon, 1. . WI&Ii, b SUMM ml`o cloth g�o.JA, Noilc D'' b A 011 uVe 1, coutracted, itis all(, John, "t v, T"'Yej U) ist� ell, - t lot) 'M by�liiy Inding Win- crL ill'(0NIlk Ila t, 10 1 1LIV li,41is& *oil ave p tjL-s e.�iL ;0 at th . eir own'tisk,, go -ecl iii 'I, v� Par b� caiii ." �,!'i ­ 1. 1 111. ti fljLr j)()0t, Wjt Iju -:i.i*VAl:Y rcillov ,t,: one, 'adlie'roh k of� 66 'I cd Nbse, aft I throati AVHI be at 'the I I i. fd ilittlilitililk7 'h "Oil t4lo"4011m6lev 'tho, t6 1k, t kher, 6MI64 flv ."tot -k of Mill. hw -uitrolq ILI f6ered �,to 6 136 nP nz vercoats tio ebtit�c I an weiiAxt. of tll,�t awd.iwa +mA, 66111110,ke -Pr' I- , - 1� g, 0 , A0 , '' u � I" , (tal 11 a its wbilli,il", )oY �w ltlilllcdiabl�, II, fe, 1�iiiollship� t6� flie ml� J I , () traio't till6tv tv"e..to pos''if). J11tted, faffingo �r --and Illedie'al . licii') ctlitolill"I",* tiivt V. � than'Ali,4i �P. hatest­, 'tt), loar, till 0 qi� Pu I CAPUt Y�, One( I., � 1� I - �.. I . I ; , �, , ­ . ". . V � M, For Sa�jd- Prints I ins an 1 curd�,x t 4� pmfi,6111I ill Lit VqIila tj�, d t t C6% to t known th'it 'Miy, porinaliefl, ill Aho dr, IlVM'N 'n W or 11 -,):,pfts I riot. beoli, "ood, but'llis Wflul b''W* iilit,y imd Lbt,vii,110 A16 tlik""46fliAodf, -luelliber. iil'4-we6k.' I It'll it �ttI c t; b tiiid w.q, but filoill the ILI! -0, of the Wottil(L' ��avtaln or., fi,61)) 01J�)I�Ill(ilj "i b"f Apply' 'to' 45�cllill -10 g I evL'ryolle with tl;e �inin& of 'the �V& US vtty'3i�d Wiilly DOM or T lo 0 BAR I;:, IR 10dtl lot', "fiendolvOld his Oath 'eto, loute, - Il't, T ­ .1 1 - sallio "I"Itte, ­fiic� i ei�[A Wing it - 1- P. I t �ilo Y''Itnexpe Awn C.''J'i itt 'Pilly t1ii'lit-dilY Pi6 liv M 1)11L Oil I -61011 1 was" a vlbry.' pair (I NIV i i lit flM, pill hve� urc d Mid. �ontliu L of ,Ill.i),(�.�,�N'lli�fl�'li,,t(I lic 1101i'Rt le4lst ��6 si junVj,'�wlii6h overco it'd Ag�calt, Ill' vii- :o flio 110 . ll* so" l'Isefill, ono, 6)6.k pl-iLed 'Oil Stitut"G., tit 1"vei"y'lloavy, ay)" f6rt drepailli'l I ter I t 111ir �et jeef;L file, Ab '0 e( tA 40 S iiig, Illpite till 61vtL, 6%4 Nvoilaol�ed .1w. �tW 0 WIT litfootilig7wad huld in tit(-; `(Atljowli' file, Itiotee rvicos NVXr­, liort tholl-116 6'r it tor 8 allnuti Apyll 21. 11 Pill CAXI t14 I Q, I t e Wa,3 CC,, "i'doilbT"i N�j I ­- - - ­ JV Ill) A 10 Fk"r' t r� wotild I,* ff t1ler i, vrniherf ni, the u I wbito W it 900 MV0, )II V 1pl'te - �M;M oT I ITF EVV ;M tin trI,)tItoi were'"iyL ng, idollar Coe I­ �t' to I)IL II ANO.. 0 lileon. i A i J,,. J ­ Ile UTL I 'r, it Ill tit Lln�ly boattfa I It Clio' 110191 m- I...., 1� , 11 �()0&4 be -r-. Aolll t *MW t 10 %(i Vlllj�l j 110 1 In. , gt all at 'i1ce latitiar "frotn'30 ]MIS'. Per 1107"eni,, ty Ort dY ji�tj dowo nim X or. n wm.4 ill,111 f volil thd! Metilodi, -q1j, It 'toquet 'r j L1. 'L I I ­� I A hillnitatino bxPallsl 0 NN Itil ar$ 'Vtpt? y at, te ft and o wj'tjj'� Ali htc� Us �jy­ owns fo 1i qib r':OfL Y. I'll LV fji*jV(l 61jo., hjflj.�otf %I,-, Vol` th6,l,6hr1utul!(.r ati (4 Nvi . tit djSft�li(Xl 44 it,)V(�jV 46it" iltld '$I. I 0�ry� thit logit -I '110 Old 1)byla 116&Iioft ' r ` 01 , )jjj)at'roI jL one rou ja A' 0 0 ro 01 Olt T 011t, T;,,',`rI A 1. li, A 3, OR i sp�, Igo hegrq Ad, til'6 I L, el Ott',& BlUista 4 4, Pit t 4 .10 0 41 1 their owki. fd6hifid kgfrijol A, 'at I' rin ildatly l*Q01 200 !J:0 Vito'' p�Ul 0 'Y