Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-06-24, Page 6VA: Y 4 -4 -Ai WOMEJ KEJ10 1 J191 1,961r, nov p4 TT b ,v er low all, 1.2 'All 91ho wit Nil ajWeng'fflt� _V110 Wit ZITO P"�m: vr*­ Iry �U W"'t lt� IPp I ).[QU "P'L 'ITY $p '1;.' M; ioca� PROOF E'N Brig it llut!. What O� V zlep- so WIS A V, the GE 1 10' 0 e4v& 'MA L P"'R p Up struptim.ix Amp -Airshi Yeapitid W U anj In ai!� 'earl", Ar , to, p4Py.,.U45rr, mAl 1� � YOU never 0- 7d1 1-040f UOUA'i� . ' IIEa - ., , U Ar many,, on. k atr oU#z,,xV3R*. TE r future pj4)j0II e, stated that 4i�ns, areIzow beiqs InVA y Aor a goin Portsmouth. VIA, 'thin -15 of: lo? 4I,;J0 ivy, sit intende< the Connt I to. osiiibjish�l il� PreNr; .' r �f , . 1 1 qjho� ipliffi, Fp d vice., p*d!*,0 for a rea- iallip1itieitJor it. 0, to- POr##, "W"'r-, tMIN5 ImAk b 'Pr ,a al #6 GL �.�JWW riP �-� JR - ;ejenir -1-6. ConlinUnj- 'war,"ta"'privo, ,a :Kiprod w .7 alitiel, tile; torpedo- i ipgk- I IQ,,. �:� I , I i. , ` , ' 44M a - b 40 'A "a h s, 6t- sup.' roi "th" Pink Pi Is �bad ean, U -ad ­*ikli --T .nd eyanco?,ot pgasqugers ,thiu Zulax conv pa 4 in i4omms lwd* io xto %4ao 4efAme 41a 0 9�.� iii DT. lad iffe"en"O`Wnt�­Voliu -1 , 0"'A b apt. the reliu had alre . yl) jrafi�atmlglit the uAt-, , Youth, biit ]101 46 MR* thiplo Dr. at . ��w, 10.4 00 V hot cation, with Yarioup, niu?:Ii �will be o"I cii;ed,,� but our air" I -v-e'd' .'p rb in 1 Ee. 0 nt��I�d4 to tbe� harlic ney. 04110 ref �)4 por. roxn 0=6 of the 2'1 l6sod gii, he waitld. hft 08 , I -­ �t'f " ' - - . - 'K;A' ' $i* th 'tA, f and ­h�4 fitei mb0l MOM A 4w,"piji'g. State in out F.,nd YQAA.Ate aport4 c rby 4, .4AVY booM. ffbi4 1 7,; 4,iilidf a lunted. h - t an oil %I t 4any" QY aP4 NAde 'U :.one.. ­-Ximr'�d ;-77! i6rs'-'hold that a'-40004Pr 4 right iji� demi�nding ovidepqe: ant'towns in'C 'n Utlj� �Plj%lAt.4�. 4Vroalp,' too Elli ndit is backed by evioll 0olincil -of c pv.ed 'Jgbt -Sj for .ry a aek -A �jogde,, for rusbod At it St. t:OP 8 J Main. Onw-'141.t-& $in TOPI' go .,h" ­,d1I1.rjdF videlite hrOugb -it �Qv.' "on. for game Those 104jarts"vIba made , to PC 0�0 t atation 1w6nt&r16A6r 80. je�nj U,� 'plenty th�.'firs .. -f birth `-4v, -tor- thq,,uoi$ded� living' 41 h *QW, AM,- btbAk her aX V ju .6VOT40-y"g rj IU40 UI& ompany,.,o- -he�iii- le.ap ever I which 41 - -th .,o,�.ip the t f 'Will U�11104 �4,:.th,6-0441 t4o, Vi t J. heal ,-a e newp PrP, -'efk " j .0 instanceir is wi� j,ng,tQ in t bark� I -Ong, Is t"? 0- d h� 'ago. Ptoatb I I of. a" v crucial' xperiment is. ere ore W U tars ter jlj�Wjjo ps,jt�'.6f 0,41 '44: the� inoi- 44ra. a -tb fo� 6j, to on, t biii. on vAnquis -C Tho'ehildreft. 0 1 ooelAdlans know �'T *mix* 6�"Iroiontq QjW 4e carrie. 4ut - i -The that, of .2 Out, a C fafoww, N of' 'V' . 1 , 1, - , rle jD4 nor W61 t6,vanoq,� and th but, Aisl�­yojtv- npit�bok's 04-31101 Will. 'which, wtlIe616abjis4 Aerf*l'coninAi D to ulto­m, ­ , I ey, odd,"01 ]Pduoy ViIWU dis�- a,- � &I I' menu inT ease 0,' r,pin other :er' YOU GoI694� ai'4 bler. )� .. . . P it, and - if - ybiil" go:.Ut Pr Ur . 'It's a 1� . � 11 E. een cured. . vora they' It tiou. 4,4( Jja.,jI&V43'b Utrds,. a �p'op....A. 'h f' fteig mllyo. b -Dirl I W� - J"4` 4U�Jhe'W w for' i impoftant J60 ch ibd ANTP ouse7ft 0014 or e"ani 'twenty -s. known this, M,0' i.. ihiii summet, er �,jxTr�i'wom.A libe an E, -The.-, minipiiaftty f Du Q 0 Of '4 A -ii conditions, can at Ul� a" "Pilik 'Pill izzines 4el r%l W. $10JE "'*qrk, 0. k , t #ill inake:,, A; 7� I MA414EV rush at the Da ciUO6 �`jn thl6i thA C ac My b V thO.'.fir it 4 stom alid Willing, An 1 49 52� �j 'Tb Xlovp in, Will h Aocsubgprilii -�4R Q44riy' nd the,"intei I d' th6r Pi, i A e, boo iey V galiis�& this' headaphes;, uA p1lIUI4 ti4i OW4P a thi 4W 24 ply, 411111 tt rty 04,0AX001 'as, posisible r6sombrli th6s6 of ac.;- had' 'Students who,. q willfaiki" Pinl� M regula jjn6,,. afr tUa -Owt 'A"d su w Ahe,* af, .1 was Woak, Aery 40 001 clire. e War.. ' r I ei along,: 11, ��01 .444, it as, 'a; 4Ctin,.dige new i�ompany' inherited" my, ii�ubjo, I do they. stTilt r I or d "Wen, waP Clear Y because- In,- some cases k t A h jaO6r e' -.set stomach, Bill *�, frolli -Z -.a �X4 - - ­ 4,y-W!- ­F . A -Idw wil"l- 11T, that :tVr�.'-y- �1� th� inich needs 't6 set it err is.. Ann' stated- that, 300, jow water; 13hp Joint I.r Was ajWay$. By :Aeton�, rj ght and er r are,, s'Url a 'El n'ai :will.b --equir give. jr:strengt lil -lot bp ''the 1�Ay sto Infox.mation'x decim what,Ahe :sth across at' pd I for; ftp, sonutiv, EW "A 'eor ATmY thirsty i publi6atiofi sent ATH Work. lirse �oo. 'aerial voyag The ZepIpeli -F W ho,,used far 6fficers an Igy thaIilg�tg patts'pt t� and KI&Glov GIRS" ')roo Says free �on pplicat, ion, . . d this poit; Is !, ships, Whic 1 Ing. The b tt e Ep ea. a�n:,glad ap q , '010 4 tunity pur t6 Hatfield, Point, N...: B. ill 'b me b to 8 mOry *is fail' T d! p r. bad,vsy as lee p;Pea vp hen I starte d -Will be .air he' :to uge-b.04 4lidlig the iiig d TZSoj�-a On QUg", pl, . -of-cneyin'gr twenty 000 p of a, fiey. i lei, 7r Ik Pn e., ar I � efer rOm. V6 On sevoll. ours aWhe Opinlons 01 OVIleT- Often. ACcQm Wei strofigth 'hie wai Yi num4e.raii$ I W04 0 ha Ar '.�p to J "d he papiedr -onK 6ro -int6restigi "it tIlpy T in',every ., I S tin -j; W Ontheir seaws r,6at did oct. 0oU`A'Ct,:1�jt except in. the case'rof. lnierimdistdli6e �getlier war tbat.;. uld Ltd einds,tbo fXUD e"ache k tWas to hawses, h h'our owif. b Ikck_ carry;,, prnts' -of this 110 a"Ei cruises frora, certaiil'fix6d, fied Platt In �01�linania;00.o r tre'4t Loncion. Rus;a -a 'e- selad '00100 with long c e�. --towns 'Eau p Mv, bv,", wre the ta -�will b 0 to "Datitntj8i. *A!k u ert'oo.Veft . er , init's' bf littf Effl. 00, cise fW a ier. 1 'admit. 'D 'Kid 1 doctor's 0 e'. r a .4ighting uppi, l4ey earl ring, Of ills eure is, n illing" In mi or else lid more, than ive e t e 11 be. ready. by May. t. 6 ien a d's ley -a-fruitful.ta.i0e: for e,' a no -4 �0. it 44BY Diseage,.no- year- 46, -even, a Olt IR& rary' olief _a,, e r ri�g4la "iirshi�ci� t form bf id r 'is a Ea an bOU.t' �atroy in of U* n - 'a a ea a ad I 14unch* what Wil ov oin ..ac dz.��— Pillo Wit AGENTS, jess III s ofi Slaurf: re� ul. tif Our 1tak loaltli�and vigox "'ID TO BRAG' el, rf ills a trih e ore oLrjie ith, fAind _60up, 6..0 U On,' t n d.t at, rel nit g 40 ief, -and by teused h- hi Ujiji, -C Isrulle, Stuttgar a The class ��004,jk Sal'o rowUL pathy, 'B ivhilo"effee- , i", I UP Au U110- aj -blk. eer�j n It V6 'an a ym ebt. Old f or- 'two,, other. awit iatatt . ion ines o airsN b 6cau -e theii OL r �,tbQr� �'l ­ gn Will b6­-eptablishod nnanciat- loe, I in Your Pain "What ma . g6vl, nectLoth-er v.Aro you scoumged !' a Y-olir.,docto 11 heedq4 op6titb.,­:�,gto 'WRITE Ig Pkp;� kes, you .'Wi�k d 'h faigoZ - go UIploXIo T - know what t -ii .51.1nn1ji - said a -word, , at, w -JE have AW ons, ' 1h and. LU_ L theba, Meanr eel It h to dellcate+,Woman� aA t!Jenkins oTA nA Due seldbrl Zere T 8 Q jour pur, was, -in, -z he vIrU b e Ana VA a W� rt hscure-'rRyself. want: toxet "ALEX -NDER, WA' ait AuIS. lie'rr ',Colst4Un,, n idde& dens.-WhLriot end the,pal an, stol), the ��t 'k t" n 4r6pped.,16: j6ja, at..', night. A -do'etor's b -1 can 'do Aorl e W yju w o"That: 13.WhaV -ii'. hotl F t em. Wi JIL Aj urc 0 s'jjy IjL P, All a do to' to WrItO ror a exo� r 1 -1 ­�% -- ­', ­ I r4,. Iwo ink Pill a -Subven i4on� in, suppo. le OVepUnlen. ft which has ne Ater, D been Ps. ave'.: I e connee ing ------- h'-h h'-' t Ithe, rerhi U n 6U�jt r as �Cjone r es, w Ic whands to b to others.r' Jf­Z on, r orb f t e,�-prib T -vie ire Scienas a * '­­ , I , 'a � . � 1�. house f cerne, in he-,biflitary- a - lUallowe on6-box!wlll-cv badblood at is, h all b happy.sond nr com Ouse, ugh t f -a oW InnoCeil 96ki bo' t and sold on otunfitlisol lng�, 1]:I,o o es a t�4 'by A % ft 0ans, iIf jitributing typhoid- lov-j a40RI�N r 2c (the � cos f "'t bUhing aeria. -will be, cure Yor letter, held ton Y h naeuilaIl,in IgeS iion� e ma7 may. c UseLil'y a 11 1 4F%j;j�"Wjadz04 OAU. -Ipo'x 131&*;ff e - Write -t0 -Cal Mat— 11 ---W _'Wij danc6i part. iff. 110011 drink ocz6nik, --St., N1 �ror,niv free. t o fise� 110 Wg b;, m4ny- ai - eso �uo ts jjjj j) ajdlysis� '4m'd. thd nrm,fAi� t pthdtlft��t- destroyi#g- sease: g7i][Ti.. WkI!-, e iseases, typhoij, W CW 10 . . odeIa t stitiri� lhaf fares 16r'L ,diff-: K N 07.0 wbich,'cin. register th. 0 e idere the 6-heav­� b4bo W- - d T dmy Tho iv at-�, -first',,� 6wing-to-th fi, mdde: by�-IJIIL Cali— 2 ILI OUTn�L B.'' L' OlUr Cost o L t. f * h pke6p�.of the An. :'NEW on mp A lve. yvay 0 ek 'up, ­ With shll,:I over my� toreli irship$.L fojjL� jek inim stighe th br out TORONTO.:, IVIler Id Lea any-_ Ong [,I, 'the Pil�n ­ , , . I f have tet era lit a, Y- -F 01 Vjs�:Yall'A -,III PI Buy-tildiii voiml ia U -Ioi tans, ru in, artL pf ��tbo we dns,y, ILI pain " t aT _U0=s ody the ion 1-1u 'R -f-so 'kin '.T.h' �D aot1iol 4P am%, putting" UP, 'M _of. - _h hW _e & b , 2 t, 09 b ;ugaTL;�'-�Iij�'--'!�ij Attached- ION-- ilt! C r ec. in'r SUWJ 116:,, b! 66 ise many -w o erounac uain Wrote' pi it.41! �V& C& -�hip �aixjct is, a ark lanter.'. Thopu P ERr kitIsAlke t M �'f44i6ir-c"td- ave vex Jicu �B, f' 'b blue -an & whit -6; tignify ing rank t h REFUN IM rdest-time, or T c; k1 t - rQ - .e _ iiin)ond Vale. Coa dk no to 'SerV eAntoi env. day -.,a wriuIj- IC ting the U tked ent Ill digitiliguls a 'Its aelidate tiny, pores,, 1 h' d D e: ife for osct pitVjO q I b Y': an . �Lp have j, pro U wits they --'under the est conditiofisj- would -d 9wers, a Ho - 3y n ai a man in, es n ire or. OL 0 -Theii., k6ugh,'time ecause of. . the' 11 . eat. 1 bito -like C -6ap6j. :A ention' P 4; - L, ­ 12�. ,q d t, hd b The' Peak Mfg 0-wo okla st 'Ka LE "Ulm Us. , normal- it6rpro6i e. Wq� gre-­ sfdm4eh j 7 j I . . . � ' " :'�� ': , ­ 11 -11,— 1 -V y -:�, S 6ft6etAraffic,bY =n to. let t V—orld- water -W ar -to -work- w lien. Impa h th have 'a,pessin�iat, F in order su�bu�n and heai.sliots he is i v -v, 13, 'know U UsN 0 2004 ly eeps: -yt-hruy-r- dOR 4E�A,.Toaaza, ion a ­woi-A' . ne yh,patc�es, ft�eclde�.­OLQ­ A t000 4d -nas,roui 1%4e, -.man ais, 'Ju6kyboys i6o q;4leYb'afy,,Silvcr. -t� e:.p,r jn;�ry, p )-atch o s in', water. j�weotened- w 6 on oi,arrris�ls ' 0NE4T,ASr I u nes 6 INFUL of Paihkilie�'In ioi Z5 iz85r. ltciths6hilds Wrhen 9� ec ion. Za 'i-b�k heals: sick-Ains. 0 alMoSt tralitactibw, -.of 4% d . I the �'WLear`:,-, Ue:'Lcap -.%It t y and.,,in.: LZajn-�w 7 � , _Lat d Jbiist&4 �byr�tfi 7A id!- d 1111bure aby'case K --t han -a d ' 11twill'cool and spotb beantifull.y., t-tjj i there Is. but 'on6 ­Pipkil1er'-,' hi uecoentrate is min upon, nilaory h ey el, E _aUA ��6jatj6nL atten and new -skin -will'be quickl tasks on ;Q�af the heit f6rr�edi­When, Nri a hot, rav footjore, or iave, s oine chafed ane-..ma�n- -Parrilelee!z th stich a himl -Buk wi give you cast;. pro,. , relief. -to Zain-Bi* will -e cour awarding Ise:, 'JUMP! on YOU - ------ -A laces, Zam Th jy�779 'the; "Nig4ible Pill fOr.:ebZetdjjL -tjjj�jt - oniedk aof ki made b I v 6 In th,& Paris! effiarting. ee-P �2an�4BUkrqjandy­,U�p �tj6jlj; 'will conv�nw' 'h.L '.k es, our OUUJ poittr�b ain. 4reelk., and this Mother btav, direi greaL -ds of lu:i6kiwith .0oo - tria t 0 wvmalk� apg& -fail cap on a 00 Q nid,'drawtii stores.. Yp .11 at ------ 15 d OJI M oy,�wl iewed froin 'on]Rdently fa t ihit'they. viti be"the,hajipiest '"Inr W Lo -their. r uls tj belt, 'a ha-��:ever Spiefit, th6' skin r �an fi6l.­ L After and -'shAking'the u- that h d Over. 8� ea Mlulw&�Ijd'- SOO, if C eaV in g! I .�4u intIty upon. the ly eu. piatA,) po r citton seled.B d L ., A - - - � ; r , L I . A -C it, 0 -&66t inent .'A It' does, 'not., Please "U! r6ugh, and jjcjji�g a�hootlod XULLOA ND'VAE HE BeU it evidnkco Of an edvi to Thi isid pi(.44, the Ctry OW. I Tpea� n the C! ows P&I't P 69ch think, 6hid the T- 4 eapohe, on, an In' I aL I )oks ih t Ougb My'Mitrriage ger form, ge ig Lo�al r .1 1 L rI;, L16y cori N not. 0 ov� �pr o6sional dist6mia,buying e planos n d b f UA itb MissMu ine't s6v6is&Vt'mes �each,.,da;y,,% ntil'. reab r g to' Iliog:would h v6 to be I . Q r. Its your ie h trainy 4 1 1 0 &t,on djSappeajS d- -.the. as as"A Apbhed.11 thwlirit L I U F au'ic ism nY have to ever saw any4 POI Civilians cakd7 a Polk )tLe quite so fellow d a S. -rig a" id, benr' ng) is" .to. at aowelthe,r. Ac j�ver before has U I n' A? `,Sbe, 60 U1046d �W"in Old s6:, t laiy be, all able.to oast of It Ingi H son veiythi the stmeit, of. Paris 4yiitig. &Charlbellur no, 2 guuzs tar qU L;A. O'Al Y�* Y as we as does - C NAjElt 'NOT 7-T—ry Mu GI 11, S.. a T- Recently the Lbiidonjplhn for con'.' it. e4uall en 16yd, -r" a75 011 )me into, tj L �jr jtot, w L tr ing vdhlil�l h' ' " nefi. B�t'Mr,, ry g11T a F PaLi is C-oinp6anded-by, W 6"41 aH:i. .0 ro,ltnoa. Wye 1,8111; hT UnCoil" CbntiitiR,-no or P ardj.r ',The �dlicdm6ti, detailed not.' cl. -in fiiiancial �PL ro.o . ! " ' L ' --, , -. " ---- Pr6hibited' Diugs7 Tr,y, blurinia' for. yohr Eye ty w YOU, Will. 111(a, MUrilio. �Wr caef;.r Ld eav White -910Y.100 it). Nqg b , It- been proposed- that 1 0. by eatia has: YOU Cann It Draggists' Reif t, r , uld be used : PRIZE CONTEST -,fish meS vegetables" ahything be, h - car f( Df:.Ve,E�avius sho 'AN c r. ith bit 'ba a" chifig, in �bi t' -1 6 & scaly Lie rom 'Nurinoal;500. o: PUjpjtE.,6f cr6rit-jit In -n pi eemen ivear helms�ts­ 'to Germa oriu for'i,6 bitd, 0ond'you Interesting KY41 U0xj &ever d cite Uor arinking. -wbLtd ca co!r, of the f16 has at aWfu 184PAsei to 'eper B on. -dd a g, and irWpIth t e th4g arj klepto Ch sf 6u4y :of C61umbli Uni aid- -T-r -T-� TT -�T rize Ti, + prtmu Ing no orn 4 Cure it is cur� n unices e ae4en ci e G e a :L ST aasay t e a rea y.'b' some 1 0, 0 ILD b an stad Holloway a C Ve sbeL Y. pub- at-'6noor and, b6,hapSr., one hat hitherto, lication, rela 0 ing qne, L ieither,eofitagi 101* Ali HU 'IT.j �6t. IDfi;njj6j is f, Out nor�. in Ipating Let. how, h- 'indiscretion efectious, One -of th= xpressqd e.'Through. he Met -PrIze.will"agiln,be A ay, he ilool Jor his sit lfiil-' , ' . d APP ECIAIQX! Lit in summer many orer Olfau, gyftp,� fru �4Lgqj dton become- to 011616rd h &-y6iii- - ----- &I ow in 4aneor, handle !ilect *,th� us --cause y--irri cu I 'bef"6 maji Cure' oti ng- -it id a 0 miiior ills that attack, -what' U cup It ad' 6 a wi c th hortedr It 8'hcaireko, I'llsiead 'f to t act vi leii-fly`bn th& lining .,Ofr qual to . ne. oil r Vd D a perWeekE rYl#eo!k.d Bifist their h6,,t,,.t6 dBOV6 6nds- and, not be ffithe least �-an thd 110 0 Igor, - Of" t CO. 9 .1 c (j n t r c'tl L' 'the dige'a little op be'lling aja U, , all -I bav6,.to, say 'he: intestin Pain , �'and.-daxiger-' eun e -that All.thi6i A g6ii1a. �q very proud. may 'prbvenf the dctrin' out purgings onsuand th A 4309nd. Prize Of One HundrIdd '.0ollari tcincer is 'a -not a life. A,� imply because Lo g ertghee f 5erbapb i�ai;e a" lif4e -to he ao r good. sypi n�,,of the child suffers undert di's remod�.-,,,Jn' the of lftk�061 are, -germ isease. 0 drain I his, A h moist saying,; 'Dr. heref6re a 'needsgityj IjAion tbat is b simple, safe 0 -vound up -disei Vie safest and T 0, Izes ot `466tv 0h, an r J.. D JE �When the Ih ng� bondu6ted'by th6 Buffalo. State puiposo there s With YOU Just and. fbr'this doeg� It wil Tqjlt', Prtzds of,iUn 0011ii4 Y Dys�ntpi.Y Cordial— ory tb-. aster kggs ter - L.aborat t6n '�;thihg :80 r )ad is- Bab sin gol ve :as a TWenty Pr!Xo F ife" 6�lfkri Eii od-gar does with -h the inflai ind whether - fish e6tnihunicaW dancer Own Tablets. Y to mon when used ."4 food He' �i, o�4ts'geranilum e41 drr6dL,PTjU8,�6j_-rQA"� 01 0 c4ro. all stoach And bowel' At FA 1% holi6�ropes ih was tiillod, to theii',.attentiot; tliege-- 'Wubles e s 'troy: -worms, eed ITION� are ki - 1 -6 ast 6�ntdst,. lexcept 0 grow itIIVE It WATER. in la*jL`ib: tL boak � lap 'WI b in oll +11. he knowt tlio.y sinfled, They tepeate& the -make, Aeeth- ibit all"Orange Meat Cartn tlotidmg t0ust a kent looks out: for 'a- being pre- kL 141104Y , ­ - i6aay 4tld Drin ing-wa I r -word germs" With. A� deLtis` I, r r Into- Ing eep. bi d en nook.fov the fuchsia before N . o�ainbd. jothi 4�49. jIig, i0ectiolf, and t et w6fib heafthy b6nd cheorfula Mri. 'Feeling 'Pleased *4th'the se sasotht, : -parei kaS;a 0j Why I'mon, . , &I I ratd ex0lariatiori of JOE: J'h, 6 ThAmes', 4bd from an 41abg �LoVtSqite'r man, idMheg of cane er is no It' h4VOr anti, �,ebnsidbrig it elOful'dLhe r�ngai Mgit, Guist jh 6 a. germ dise used '.W ca n be 01;. haute a tO Ont.,,: �Oays '—"I Mi: Lloyd George Walt Uatou� thit TA lets have th 86mo as an CIfia:rl�g H. T6,�,nend Divdbtor tb b and ghtdi when" upon leavial, whole ita;irs3s,�'oat It oui aid WAI it bf, the. -Now V 0 York Aquail id them sati'siac- he Inoutitai4s: "of - or, C , 80 W w n bvipel � an dld olnAn.'ruahe to 1red 6rsons­wete--ma s- - ;-T� t - 'an gragpe � is an gro 'A'N d U 448 simp Y . 0- slo�jidly nd is, always 'good .111 by eatitij� fish it, b Mr,,-, George, w at 4 f filth that began using s n -66tlde. ,bf tb6 am6tint 'of filth that Vl I osh-tat 'th-" yburd :S6 p by,me- :0 Solhel _pful tor hO46 this medicine2l . L , 1'.. dan'o. by 'the x�et ePjf6. b.1- I . ., .00�vtoe . -Mail �Jnlkifl ME Ar ur, arge di6rio'd6aler's or bk eAtioUi .now be "ade, 46 ' from Th,& Dr. mil 46lightdd to hoar Ity" be: t.ruth, -.a;. b x 'ed.. 41 On! h6�6 it W Prove ice, illianial Mod tj, to you, BjOt�Vjjje,' ODt, oUble ,6 j big bV 1 0e6plo indeed, in d dL , 'd, VArUy zUsA h bi&n at t Pt ift, lejif A: t gout ha 'Oped ai6o" 'U,6 IL "d. T n