Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-06-17, Page 6-01" 1 1 11 - 4"" 0 4, + tt +t"t t tt+ + 4,01 P014 OF u7inC10,80' U� t had d! 4 le;&doxt 0�6 t J* rB1R0FtjG0 ]RACIKAN in his- *as pitk,100 0 a the du, paid; tp- b , - r' _ �1 .�e 41;?` he vy ;br4DWn olicate of anothp.r, in thopog egsion 0 rm ()QLj4E0T10N0 . ­ , 1. a to -pre p T(ID AV botU were �Th I Oo on Z9 0 j i.: a'ud 7 IN TS 11 tiqrusUir poms'thii* ean 411 i �fq� d.- ++ .� 0 is A �Well I w. flis, 1 4 44 +..+--+++4++++++.++ er,. FAF060W 17, 04 on, P.9901640 Iff V�iLVA glits,, stoq 4 ax 0A With. ."VIS, a .0.0 yt,�O, GreOjy Plea SANKICRO eql;, Yesi it 'car , taliAly is duin d ffira:w US, j eard tho-'�oth 13TRAW or vb.ice e0olam. . . ­ , -:, � -, 1. . I romantic, OU M;KjNj4QN, f l.kAWING4 TOR T a, - 1� - �144 - 'd f W -W ter-, fozli�. 4�.'.— -",+ ' :� 1 "41 '), . M , Vol,; ON L mia's the. 09017�44414but 0,q I 'n ITO''. apy 4Ancestor. to VO though set �F.jo_ ho A id garde -ogge, and b4a,­swqV0, forces, vott Yl ZOO, wqp, was a* vary +440y, v*q, d AgUre, as"w; liked AAA 'we the -d y.over k, (hotor. theroix 4 o I s an -ly forlorn �'will- the 14N OF COR*hAlq.,,V JA+ �, : . R '010thOs gn over being io to And sn.whQUA0,'Passea aw for b io. acid dissolve in in, VION. T, h 11M be, tor�enjt jiigt a+4 vi%11444410 then. `6ufftient' to li P1 48, Very P r ilim Id d­­b:gtroQ#Od' -XVQXXA� throtigh'tho forest,.- 001"0` feediii '.purposas atid ,qatj , wur '3014.0m. quantity tho: liing�, thAtr,� ho''was, very P k hp 'Ir do b IS "Oettoo �jq Ooyl night. Iff "ths, in � is Waa. it judi6ioulsly ,mand4, of the crop., U. A, UPI ds,;y the vlul�. p1ga,4ure: afid,li i age e Ili a Mice Ex0te JJU jr�-]nenj he* the, foragat -Aie meal, select tbit.whicb is,41 riv,l a Bp c6mbinO, with T 401RArM for L00 T bb�d d 6 ju and �at length t ulitil those dhyf 414- t ay s, - by , lie tkil IiAterli; hay1or a p,regler, :esi "W ru t -f -thfeer '00� but I c q I' guess You, -ined that 'Q ar are, hip 110tol"'leg a,ttav aj S. c4rofulo it' �,-,4nd tbat� -Cushman 4*0i left Plenty; certain h! whEo Mrs. I iek.. to ja back b, th namo, of Yajon, 'a WUO bla.44p, will no M410- ad yol the faghiou.-forr Mome to Mi; her 10 *4,40go as wo�Ares,f b vexi th -or �V , 4" At. Was" .,a Visi, 0 Ve CQUV. Layi p oug., Air� 'had, p,u . lip, th, ro on BI n 6. "P;k tb -41NV-i�lji� nt I we, mhy' h. tj6ity fb� c tltieir h Ar - unfortli 'ghip, 0`OPr'g6her received a,,1000, h, r changes that: Blip e nd <?p&. r pie0afice �of, T' 1Qrk44rom 17-Diigy, so�,- afte a r' Adom �'­ r.6 the striln.4g side bre44ViqdA nch. Lamp It, 10, :54 ho rO go n thei b �%tjgkfiij pixtiapd thiCiaAhe or o,hw�hoilu the very"ev it to 'paper mill§,� iheir,i:iUb t po-dk4 W0. *r, from, Nov :inj 16r basket 4nd an, ifiter-r had ffiass�d tWO f,), say4hat oat or' ry6 stra,*-Wh6A frep � �rjtato., -Thefy At, gai�oral'Y4 s0'iod,, f icin rU .4 Po r prop6rly.xxitI is iDqijAl, steamed,, relnq�C,­�Jial.' 0 ich 6d;. who inclosod­�� tiiia, 6f tjl�.k mernilt rhigdom. *cut- 40wnl- r alwaY .1 e0jug b;q ­4sho ta,the 'd 4.s !and nig ts, -and, cured,, feNV'�T pp- Qarr : PTS '!�gO er4D. W-4 a and' hiph register It %If 'the �ghino is re,4111y I he a 111 WV -way,.the gidfit a§ to oho-thifV" iting, ' f Mph .1 ladi 'I ivr L ' ble� to �tbe`gqaj 00: LPS . r led,- ntity"o ah6uld j� Naltia p, �oi.ler sickifig out -to hund dolj�rs?.tlk4� than .1WrA Xa- -ibe. 'sale' of the. groun s io all a 0, , 190, 8 il n4 U 't.clue I bill froxa, f" bak7 `T; �4r. -Uh 6 u1n1d' to have ore 4441044. " 1, -hj * it in pr6por 0 Va herself — pf _his pocket t 6: In bosib- it ea J11 thaded U 1P ,A" GZ.:" A Vr tt Vft we Ohio, he rat, c 16114a4W"jilimedlat 4 mp� hor "retu"r'n -,V h f 0 w Aid: us V 'a jtkgqhiG11*:says the &Aitthe.-� up, I tfiai ho, s 0 -triad to U . ...... torest. ija,� ,or,, 4,6eft' in a hti�vbr -wr ou== (�i,him­ cad it -d "6p. -Cd W , I I [--idowir�into—.- W. At TACA on ding !LZ— It qep 1m:post-ed-VOgar -7 :�7. 7 o: in �Q� 0 -eket, and q,. - p . ... ......... -7- n, -and fisharou T 6, lit op reach. in dp 'h _4W Wq ",ue m tu­ eign g4 t e is s rse was saw xi g war It f"4nd, of COW A n hii ose, !,.& Kr -T7 t a ............ d, an -t­­­,V,,F1--im-- ona tiZ , i; or, 130 c, PC cas r� u i. V q r ol a S 'A DE -W 'Ian 'a ear iegped, and. her1ace row,sy 11AD 8QW M t Jro x. Plijis 'and -- ---- written t6s the tts'fi;il 61 big' Or p6 little: "A 77f OS he said would Etor�- t upon ....... do by'Ask- 1 d" d'h' d- ­ go A? uits, th4m. nclosp* aroU e, Ik .earn , 7 a la"­Ii�L4'lahiiince, �J�akd wi :'ghoiv 'WAS,.jar r� .0 ntek, a bovely -d si -,­. ONLY Co Or t ins �nqlose< , .. ,-: -, t -, - -1. --- - - : - .' ' - : .1 . .. ..' _, .�` , , . . . . . I- .. ' . - . 1. . : ;1 . . . . . I . ... . . . 4 r ua erg h A. cjtiSt6j';�f thrO�Jor�' one PY que 4 F kh­i2&�-'tiby,�A ILM t 10t L Laid - Y dquartiprg.j could 'tho heart A h. nk'�t the beta, h -A bu, J&qly &T -b A 4ii old, lv' t v eing,;. h th '77- 7 it thI6k-;�'­,,exclaimedj-- with 'Bire and -what- -w L a 5 jP1, U "i "U"llb Anger and ears. n.Coix p Oay..� r C, -6-his, bureau-11ye- gian ,r ;dJ �Butk ..... �n -1 d, 61 1ngV,;, ��%ut I di Usy-. a I" 16d th., - J. .� , - 11 - - I conve 6­ VJ P t Kli# t h Ic w or . . . er was no, Pic It r ied' k Apv -at-. him ev 5 grow ins:, to' the old Ia y d sh =94" h, ii�6, the: but v b f UIN W sa tto 13 h q.1d.,,man, a4 V 57 A t a d id, y V 461444�7,",wf 11" '66rhig Aips - '6he hat was the ncCr�' come .1.1 1 1 - i' 1f her- b, , a th 0 1 IL a 41� fs 'J�co -GU "V an 4 ,wl 'the one gkea' PU§- ed Io'V see, �dary, hboiit' it hat she Donald =g"m -n- VFR hU4. feeliji6 this th luzmv j Uii Or e A h6t, VVP '11­'�,' 7' 7 0 �.O -A' 'bilrijell lit <k-6,q4y, -Aosert".4 with -n,6 xerdur6'.,,of. d 60 .1 6q �i.td break .6r.:bjjght6n a mo!�, p9mo. :0314B . ..... t sort qiid-'inpt alp im I ' -b is .6 df u y 1LOWLIPUM. -waste 71 F , �',A'7W . and 7-` t T I, went tb -th di tj �Aoaen o tai� a ii", e 4 ,g 'v h� 't- ,k 'w and q TQ -a sheel. 7-1 :J*- exjslip��' , m"" homely a Al -shp. I'Ad is t 11 "'a 3 e wa� -d"' UgC,� Pl' Ancii, 9& till .4.nd. OFiladifer: to ge -'Up: -t iitoop in my s ers in -th4d co,inef away wherA6 th6 gian L. k6pt ee W ma eg�me veryawkwaid', *.Clir 'bo a a s ich inc Fe -in ose, n- is- I'x'd' Aira;:U416w" my. chi gh, for,. my � face,:axid- b t this, gre hadr, w ich�X Lyr tj %Dt4' EW1 S.AEETS mass 0 an iusists th he Xt us t� for, a, - -t 169v 5, W 14()W. DUiX 4 -th,&.1i fidki r6je -he foun 777�' -,.;I L WnIplexion: 'Pe, '"u dravver,-. t his top. r 4111 Or 01 7 `cfiai �,sincle T: hava, had to s ay in, vilti; go d -47 one 9-f A-beln 't -c OUSe� 80 J t nt h " It tjUj,j;L - .' - - 0; the ja�t'44r W-ftear.0-011 .6��rt It pi e r had om-L'het."s -=3 -A d It ken'AL f t rk" ;Kltw & COA -6 8 an lr-.l p qwr I -an expre �ion 9, my mou Ian a= 'SoTY4 Aneasure:: Y -a year,, 4'600 -have been punigh- tuck�bd'4 It'. 1 ad referenOe fo �41f dif a-,. 6n: acddUffr breagt QUg 1, �, b "hearing th it th a big-.".- outside. md.,/ of t 0 gr"ter,coiiven�en pgains 0 t I)OCI ore. ed, for offen Le t.� eaVing, fleACti n. no-Wrthat �my.taoth.ixig, 4t, gi�va* I Utterance. 6. li'.er 6,0911: �a yard Of'�jt 111 tter Tbo -.66st tor- f '�Ohj: of xi I aceq q: 41thoug is b�e - ins ou an , On . . V ­ - - , ' . lj­ :j tl'-'- a th -tell -rP -fr aintenance a 'An. or- r less, 6tIC v.6nder, :)urs6 1ho didn't� itter th hope, of. steal" JID koep ilk piis6nerhm 4en At',06`rito 614 xnan 'and �64,� refl,66tively s ou grqw, e, was:'�end- the mil Never, she' C' -fit' foitfi' her p An& I h Ail him,.at;,tb& tj h"t h' 69ndealmenit n, flo*,'�4d bet- lifiar goes in. to "Sao 'the I 1 19 . Met w. g� Aq o ady.. -6; mere y -gave k 'oping, tbe ter for t o w( astoi­ At V Um ho �cattlo. I and.`.rowid,... lik I away' U-Poeon, by, -^11'�'being of t Of, 22( 6fL a � WJALV or yanki-i"t out'&.n,d,sboWg.hIrd jfi6 jJeW..­. 'Mail o, -q 4 not to . . . - I .. I - : . .. . ; .., . . I. . n arect, and him the 'PaA'age�- &' iom in'O'n4o"O'k- -f :as. well: f liln.duc iiig�t6 the'l H h �ld t d ing e ii� Perhaps -'ju� rock b6643n 'herself aiid-.thOl niern It' crimint tl h6r, f 60dr. Bil a go ..t a. year roun n ac�; ot"itiebriitd t444s ed . -th li�n'dkex. 'sa in styirle, whether 'I should iii$,:, thing,q wrapje�d in 46 d wA. paper wl6i'it cb�nveigi` beckuse.'. e utnios ys be to thb, oldman ng upon ip qt 'There,' 'Z IJ6 anythin�-b� ing him 81 o.o I lei -6:'nd taken b 4X. !tIjerea,a.ha it a f6jht'+'Ghj. toiiot of the acid it :During tb j2didrehiol-thAt's some - I i.qa card 6v. �simpj� t6-,4pliver. iC id r.6 'o . �63"r It io t Is b t agall Yo. b one hai- , 10111ales "wbre -46diid 4he Iis axa�ily, likbt 4w d6sit 66ine, PeOPla have in1o..thd'hands of tho,.girli and no; aualfg n,4pr: 211 r, b �hiog like;, don in b t ifia- of I oite, a, a - e-, an4 'five o. he 8 . eau y and I brl�k Min t liai6k' an -0ont'' 046, obefa select.t th"� it ijr or s d 101�86r lephoice' tzhatep. A ancient relailva- Was'- he'6ould"i0w now,, u n rdg 08 y�u'see *t' h� �atifi-; While" hors. X ;, -.in several Angwer,'-A �,aere8 0 [11Y."t y- peas t ma e wide,,? and h. bave not. III rn�,,' wfil w4len" on t 11f t Ij , e" to' s, a T '6en li� he' s - UP A ild"' , 17*- r 7 Qty �txce6ssi�ot,iowings, near, lio bd' -b�`cuf, gr for 10din' 'but it's big enoug. the or h ir F 111IRT Y AR. ig. thibugh est -�A VAich S -or, ...... . ...... -n-ow--corn- crop�­ooihqs,on. , r, , . . 'I.. � 9 1, 1 1 , : ' - '4 . 9 - --- .. . ' Larde..'Estat-6, t6, be. SO yhow. Now, w, Y- can ve a houg' b I'ha -j onjjJ4�t Y have, gpoljenj­�ho er6r�ful inanner jife' i . r . je&� ­btfdre r tw6­'robbers �is.firsi!t lit was- I � 9 J-r -1-1-11 s. tb'4ho-ad"f., id eve Y tim Thrd�-,bushel _qj JU117 �e* Ou re. 46�.d hand6pehiiifs likijhati- j,W ighel Taxat oh" 'half, -6t twb�bhoh'- savej, r rig, but this� sam& kbody piobleni has po�Abla,; Ills' lhagiii tur�'.�f. Iialfand a. P r s no- ra oragess pe 1 iser- As$Uft4-,Qf w" i.i;bper y., o, as t- qeV�fia5 Zedid6crif 16. 11' Win— Us n, lie, t6ssod k. Is 6A s O�Yie, 61 :peas; Wi '�Ish hati, '&IId go . 6dne�s' 'and" .'this �ou can V, says thd old TO - bra.. iti. und :_0ee,­ et�a bugwouk thinJ&g.- sell all 6i- thd:- T if not all� all, with whit, th "C Wh J ed* th� I ­ h art, I Of course. not. given..�to dwel- ne COU B. suf�6 glightlk�� b,ent Ag'ure; a pan. w 0 a! e reason a Ia ea.sily'como' ba6k.xind,And are 'f thar-Ihigtorib. Draytbfi,Maiiz: qUirM f 7 ithetuse Ored a. lot,:df !�e or te ing,.greQn, I SOS- "j6b and allo'w. ptared at- Lo-ndon (Englind he, Aqrmi.l - bp. -L -itt, if 46-6' 'i I While7,� �Ior,: lus,inay-T)o. . or, 8&p6d -his, bursue: TamWoith,�' gWid e0ed lis hay Ives sud r P—irfi­. 'IV, a-n'd a th-ar f4l� -T r general ­s4l the so 11 rt, of s, A 'ay or two. Shd Tor the -fiver, thb g4o�"' R Sr NoTtS,. ims an sai later 'hio*,ever, 'd' ' jjo�eit,' Ive the A 0 'A 601116,11"0OU -, -dil� . . . Givin 6Zres Ch b isficdtibn 5 6 p IT h dfiti6q vrith-' 1 lie r h be Nvould be SOO i6 be 66, -b Ur rd e n of Und 'taxddon� an 6j, ... inal'rec'ordi po4sesslo eavierr U a bi�,enough �,e(l, Ia. oi� h* the iii of Thojs.' L IA 60, tZ e hoilsewjfe,'�.,.7 .." I r I, t' "I t r ' '' iobbedof-it­ h desdii4ilh.g. h alf a� &­cIekkf hol, -i the grea e Of— jIIt�'W'�jbjj he ol d ci d an so ou w �ng -st&twe ut-,,- rocul e, n lifin'back Al s6r physical 0 P.IO�od guilty Ao -steal, g, a coat. 46UI�, t1j, -thdu L06j�t" k ion d t itted A0 lollowl lit , U: is, b1c., I ry C n 'd glovoi-�,.in­ er East. T Do ot, a1l6*youis6li to b' dtaw� bri 6 and Ifie',burdens, upQAA It; copper -or, 11 . ., I : ) 0 c an' our an Jura risin h garliiir after digdu��ing big '40019. -air grain, corea , adiniring recollection: "t r never .,vigor- to into any E'rx4, hqu�erinteiAdeni Wilkei, of few tnoi . o., : , . r� way, Prledftb�f 9111nanillig, ghar put int1b, nc�ts,,w6nt thti 'Ory It I a kim. roduteci was ati4her. liko wish"Yo aizigsfock of any "Ill, the Manchester poli6qy" )P instr0tionis whidh �arid left -him, to higr fal'ie. Twenty Gr-, 6s s income, ..... ..... &) C, bo 0 j�e gnV 4 '.' )g crl dug.'iritAice the tfilos' f : ' � Q., ' '- r$- . history; could have-seft. f6ir in�166d rea1 io :pq onei irninal, qn),J,- 'V t tbo' she found itcov-de&-t he-cmerged-4rom4h is source ou v 0 '0 t1h,R an proy -er, Vhiph­ p4jal 'd;.0 teAetief6k -lo &D ft-gdLbatb,6r��v-le 430 .p oned fiam -0 her. pm, &KI, spo Local 6 maiW"change, 1 d 174TaQed. 'his steps t6' the t 'T arffo d 'his' pacrkade�- Tithe% Chi dueing mord.-manurd III order to fortilite 1817 ays' �And 4iiie mon 11 .1 C Whe'ro he had 'd il iais oil NOT TO B.Xr,.r. VIQi D:� - onal apbealran 8. ro P: figils., an e move kjmj�&. :jffipjjs;�oftjjjant -at Jiedburgh; a t a 04, Ile 'broiffil hbayd tj� iip of. bifildi�jgs,. atc' 009 Sajo.48Y r I orm�becamb more eieldtj her, just, as ile, e lic He Was . r6galing a, ass Har' f rage 111114, bay .041. few4kr acreli-in, 4�worai 1) deo. i818 Tive, nioutfist Ondeo b, , to, a a Kirketta- k obest g6hjan a opin way ow d with tl'o veracious's of a Dre, money his an W 'at, - e 8,6U, f6r ig, pj�t I art braci �.J�bok" Or* row I 'ory itbou iii4 how lie d xpi;nd - while . the, a lioj -to, mo-th'er. 3,000 life the elty" wrook an cot, n r,, tu're of Moro rig aft aInd . 1. . 1. r Uj t. COUI not Ile Calculated'. that is. reid kq, the,. expan4di as httj, mountain,,air' the riourishinj di6t, 'for riAmon t of �2alpt' esdap6dloo a.r tha,� urnit, months ht Mor- thd*'beobfidial. it- fjvn tt ornin he re. WrU.r*�g' only. fV the 'inlpOV6 x6oft inahifoated 4.' The r o., 9 �r_perr dent.�j- instead congta'n't- after Many ;oxeiting -, adventures. hOr'400tt arid, 9p6ji t 'Sy�, - By the prGP.oAeoA iso the uqgtion w. ire I As pbth,' deorf �glmtd, suits iv a, ab6jod gaip bf-066h,and turnekj''to" t t, lie 'gyi - or I IY' befdf&, the thinking farmer,,, .1980-4.WbIve moft or eon, r n had lanJed on -r,-r re'wou,14 bc a '910 6, '1,,u, . z h e4o, q A ing of' 2y'2 is - 7 'N years p ii�t. s otitim ayin. ati%equaly r4i T :ka lit In per'iftet health, d ;-pldo5 should 'be, wa& �IAU4 the 1ea It ot --that. the to 1 :1 in the Upkeep Of the spreals or evibry. , AAY land)" he,' iniproolvely) W" A cl*011l And thus the suin greaf ("li, an4, ly 6irn-6 to th i 'O�xit: I h ­' t th6 f the �Wq�&,Ilat the Old Baileys adr: alipped byi.. All 1 .0 00n mo in, 6vory,senso. o '&r of 'thi night eztatw, Ti�.is was. almost,qnei.entf till 'until 'tb�, last Ce the re,," 110' with 1pbst�rFj. clusiba"t"t ri OU a iMnio4itttely d atr Edin b u i9b.' n;ieAlsi t ey are jus red e r: s surroun y ghl _Proj)� I rty, Th ind monthas c Iol- -e soas6n W, on apace,.Aiii4 'prbiviqus. mus edn a Vvi 1308s 4J14 -boy�nd! should 190�Five years, U Vinli "Buto into t eN Jrpog�d�, t�� ob'o''d of ilf dre, t. havo' dent 4cI6 of Lanes, urgh. Mrs: Cushnan' bop I ,an( 'gtiXO�*A� reiliovetd .of iiig JOVerly CO, at thol, 61d abla'�or6pn *b6 giorm's- in spoi i mn �.to talk bf to. �Wfikt -had purre( 1'. having the'l a g lit' M 1N., r, I 'eap X a a. a'. 27 a' k6od it6q, that won't ilq­,� lacZ- "urb'dr tht, package�' 0., ff 0 year in'taxeg. ' Tbe latI4 ge be, Awl; a -atti�ctive and 1809�Three years, returri to her city hom )uld SiV6 'th6�e ho,� livle� right.' on' th6 Ap6t.i "Bal OY th- �h a. 4�y. jh4b �erO w i' Ptoposed. to -sell W( '-'Olile' . �s ain't, i�&.,befor� th'P.Vo� One 60, -i- 1807�-Thpdo years at Ulm urgh. wh,61P family th 1 t In' grop�t aisttess '13 ut w A, thi.ok df 'Others, � t� 0 j OL (47sON) ix:�.yaar;' By his. ou never can. -'Invited t in "a pionle'lwith some bd rgi;rnod to his, indstor o e� 0 b to,, ple'a . vitsit6vall -190 -.- 461lyryib4r-s�� at;Li�,erpodl,. w6n they oil dl AV.,6 wa,ht so our 'bors and in fact I66'4-F`Va yt Hot f' ;(rie.nd#,'. who h feosed, 'his loss "'Oh6h to 0 i4i;eLlon big Int9me �.ould 4111 tome In-han", Jack was'. si h, h, wdg gOlf felt jn­thd�fu y it UP40n 9. lirkovely, in sk'o'rnhtion bt learwW pd , by gomt '215j000", W to tbit � his-� URI -wpvt Iiiii, the g1jrt,w? it e Ver Prigone Ith *hj0h ho �gld, b n, -In- and bt Walt6flod; Anto iib o j 4 und )o ighily nlattock for pergodal,'pridb n 00- .ert� planficO tq,� spend i- th6ftt tU6 yaltt,6-0 oiIe' who passes' bY," - It offen6�a inalu4e-& Xsk 16 tho lako, bb to tn�alcc r trilid 4njjo�. st 46r, -V'' tur6'61 thd district, jCt Our SUrrounr I g",,. Oii tho.6 wOralarS elite yini, ket not' StI66g04 w t6oted. Ae, wast. .01. 41h be inado to Watjy &g tdn, lip., his face. en d Who d on-il -j6 hordore, owgo 1,o s*t, lip 41,&; will t -~ -2 Call - On k and, 'VIM not 111014ded in the 'th4lihls master Would-AIWAY& Isug- fallow 81 Will jJiSS6 tin% on 'Pti n( noW. bad AMPY10 ocAbi6gly M 'his' fierw�utdr4 I a a V'o of ljjjj,(,tO0n,V)0fttIX '$he did not r4grot po o, "This 1pti% anic., I an the oybimioyl, ot htm of having at,loagt b66fj Wu to 'a groat inaii.jj--thisy 4)f' N&tUr& ph ' te kp A was 9; vole, 81 -sjibA Ei An raw jtk & IJAOY -!Adr6ftap ICA ­ h I ' i tin ww� Fro"d every or 'Pirig", , 4 r ­ ­ I' f join tljii� land, i%nd Th' h tb I �q, V*4t� 01" 9 th�l theft of thd V�Dn4,, claier, &6M861ve: f .66wfW the 1L �Al �fd in,4611i r a n 'oA�,t �q hors0f, an� 49 *Ot ' AU 4 -4 Inval it bavat'a, day I yoti tharo 'dtrfut ruby, li, �vw . w �r A folt ox6codIng- mmf fAbUlma, ogbkj as 0' 3 PC were fitti�g dh' 91V N"'A ef, yet wal , at pona got itf r cea, C 4 "IN A A 2 Y