Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-05-27, Page 7N. j .. .... T mak!Ara trvAty. WAb, Ahq. UA,.i FM PLEAVOR CANAPIAX-RAVY, ke f fire, -add, Mtep, in reference to CAnii, bo AT do., with TKIBU a C ad Canada inftt, jqnger. Ad,4 quarter of out consultin 11,111 al st 'tiozal 'loc ;19� fox a, consa, U us ..t is. td,h hlyll"1-11 Wipe .A K, �,Ofk: thorous oug,� 0, 4reat 4i. . . . . . . jil"NA99- 11y) 0 Mites, But, ry, oil dly, URo KOO. -in mwtj e is'at-Wash ti:x4-g rEp tic�e, sh or the Britio lei Mow AQ, Off +,be .4 RL7440` '7 -7 UW� WQ� 47-4vre'Ifyod to'see, lens.. t e A We 1 41 -� - J Me i—: -11 04b sdd;or..- :to.' " the 49 a, v1s, Well it irto , rl�rtor tiaut. -PrqsId'ent United States payj 1)" 0- M 42 -jL .1ce it, f Itticks w afe�, 11,414 P APU :ahk',.fo-u`fid' in: ­i�'�- backs, of; shi�­ i 4 -Ottawa.. L fk E.- #EQ �S Thetse, jmilk It �- I .� � -: 1.- - - ­ ­;�� ­­ f 9 "Nil -I-- . . -11- 1 'Ait' 1�or oneels -in .0 a4a -pit is' -T Y e V., Isaffiwal Mar,44 e.' win senved Pr cut-. 1111419 1 up� it-Antd. .4 sim tift, up YPu 'Lesser It 10 COWNIAL ATTITUDj;' the o , oll;�rsh 11110 Propam Plitleappler-Aft, wl 0. �h; ah itiaw-of'. the o� greator tin mv I pleces spijitkIp and cUffs of hous F`6t COM-,. (Po4tinueO) It is quite gafe.tb. 1. open,tbe `th..ail t of' 1 '11 41�ffioiefitly W� $I, Mr.,Lewis 10:1 201, ife, '' erb we'And inspir.- Wo "Iturfi ove so Atl K tba'141 - a -4 7.' A F I I 1 4 wa,whcm mon, arii lopkiog in*- PAtiOn for' our -noblest endes' question * of wAet d `h t 'ja* 10,t �j-t&n;d These ma�*, be. al'Eb u`sed- of WiPik,;%� "AQ. . Q n a ,hpr a, Can& jan I i 'jwl . . wit .'.boiling. 6treng--, 10 udod). wa....or, navy wbuld- have to 'igh Ow ha a. arg theq,theiokes qVii AR, Cut' t t I �ko thimos vHth oagler aA . 6'p.;Dkt� 4f ihe poulo!-, This. Upw4rld. and 'outward, vjAwn. fight in every in a co, ..The pact �fh4t-kovp aCe'L Q1 rs.; p3.4rmed vosr. pl f . .- 'i h' '44141 'ajj�'n j3,,#ti847 'quarxiL- .1or-, doU 4Wm',ed pl#c<�Ai a u PS f, 4- My-stelry of ln 'I'D Wit, th Th* Xbi� f je�i, C4 up;"'IYA . jai, pce.� A, the - F�.i�ign .Xin,istei .44. 6t-,I'-Jame,,s' Park on, On., ojA 6,nd -troubla- sxid� -the -great' -Peilploiif ls� ­ :1strIP4s*- .1002110,i V -040,;,l "Spe ingOUt t 4k-1% I flavor .0 10 7171". be broken; liut.'the,6xamplo-of the And the GO t iii 'd t1to Unit; England, I of life. 'it, 46es 7ploit, -reqUirel. a laxge ine, Lon, oil are. Im- -., Froilch, Mrsc,nAish s -.and 'be All" s.,complote d,t at itr 9 yoke —To on nit�d� �44teO in upiiij, tfie Lak 'h' rangeme, made., -to 1e, - es, Canadd,.ig not uts have been p aA boo 1&1w.ayR looh, 40,wn 0 an cPP of g, One; OJd'-w . own, cc ea ing with fi hiept 'tQ hid, fbo­w�!44.& .1 dap e Qr,4' oodikork-A -it., is, �4'3a;� 0 'Ap:o, , eii- 4.8,i: far - -- -D, . ]rated; horeer-Adil& p,oae, from -our As 1 14 �, 'A­0i1­­'­` I -fi* U wevst lbh�' d` H le. Ire. Thexe;� iR,A. PR.r view if wo lstamd, clo$o -0 P e4i, can be' n;idol 'fq,� 16014 of orpIgn generallyi gin:! x,lpg xtA4 bl T.he,,­u,4-­ enotto. to u4derstaild the uty- 01 f La�kq, SUP the J ate'' [1411 r, mix with, t 1iti like ine-w grain. 0 aspirati ti!a* .,p . I' bod Y 'it %'T6 It �te, S 4 'TO %,. 0 (to . !or Aere ..-n perial",aabin9t, n CIO d e -'a, ovitik a, -C 041M, P 'then -add'q bofflng broh-skom P-76tititiog it ..wfth ti'' W-6 -Soo th�df youth, sfid,41d: be. 1 the.loiiermr :.eef,* and, 11.4ij fo,j �nin- P9 That Quee The tho'prltrbable attitud&.. of k ineatis to lift, up. Tis rightvidw b fo-,. give -'at �4. body Ali -4 reat, it ill- jhlo, -ov6. P a u 1, - Shh1w. t pml Any: It wit a.: �& k -tier yo;;. 4 d1b, wittlor. h buting tat I re.frotnthe s dxec 'tt ma 0 IM1 ates, until -thick, od with, be �06 est from -ab Its b w ell e S S� Are votl� to 4pr�cl-' 066:ding .6riiis. .00 .of thi 'B From,t e, p pace 0 Ated Anytj"ng 'on such, oircul -a TOWD1,11g) h I )Per stafia With, H boxittifid by tlle�, art of Mr-Astod te -of, the O"Ons to' 4'.)iiatter it- does' not know,, it Al Add -apti6oi Id 04 4%0=4 adf,All'things w can 9P.1 e man *v4?,u 6 a look like fiour ii'atioimil easily fin(L Out, �'for ',Ahe Auo 'Tnitde, istole-graph rov -g ht,Xro sfh�vxnlr, peo. 'It ria h" h ;tn�l highei'az'we h d n orte: -our ;ow -it. i6. w 'or ig. 4ps o s dd co- rqui oweng repg -c &Tn f t nn,6 W`c�L. 6. u r -Woflit- 046 -it. '64,"'therefe '6f tir, y �h t 0"thb op ft� tl lie, utilizi th, 11 c uickl ea f h T'n' e5- wo� 1'� ou��'pepp qtthiA,the rXIC ilk.; e'PIP., .rtel I'our­ mr Of eve"ry,. oil ..'V&he',overse 6f'creain smany, w e o a s lat, Vast fo it� is Piet of y n6Xt'Aoor,,to thd CpVnc -framewor in §moot- st .;W16 us Ot or that; GOD! o ore an wb. 11VIAt t '16A doiV� f "' & " eat in twel�o- h -`�n the, o H clear iea -of life? VrVA , a vg& 1. h ' s not reem6pt,'vAt '.RoKpalln w-�RcR 'Of i art et a arUn ibmst. 116,w to Wash', iPc U t visions Ab t'ho -4461 b' Otheir po on, eir PPP er -,our loftvm The qnes ion, o Ag By white %o,4p in avi a e ost X r extolit of - r,n bi ility tO the'Mcther- 0buti, 3jactical'. �hln ou alone'might �have- filltd, --c7ieditably, gs. of fkOjjt4 of y great .I to' In- r iamen eight..Iar�-b crrots, 1p�e .4t olro, w i�ti6fi isbues:4 of. Ii bear upah '.t e I d! tor.- Run hito your bathuib �suf- Ila life� we earr our best wo If uq- , LaV 45 W6 liter tional 4iiarre ni ionio4,$ cut1be crrots cover QUO dozeill-�mitll ifiNett wria wat�,r --tIY6- gavern�d­-by� T e F. wil L r1opp lie -e� d t6 'SS mrin e. d - ,d r pou. i al 0 sympa ffer"kffi�4' Never wriogi ut. With: c1P q6jjj6 �A..ot I -thl-r L. Out."the dirt, One e U, b o Ifidlin quarreltjiat ii-ould biE�it �e7 S tail he.'Oitiie- i�' s� dvertiseldi�n�� of mod' n ritish 'Up.',Of bu,tt-6r,, seaP vens.. t Ae. then. we w ith Emer- a' -iUb wit) 4ej, hbt.'. he-wa�hbo ms's' �ut the p ar and ve water., h -hi on the. akes" I 41ity1colheepti6ii of.riian,6hall pef o re,% -r Titk�, the* Al.. story presumption, prvant'nations have been too: Owde 16 in -b and sclej3tret. ary� oxe-: ' ­ -­ . I I I'— I el- I I . to, a itil, e f di 9,%,v&e . - WALr. AP, -'a -with not -worth li gis­beat' *ith oi It e -A �ave�prc-s,sed as, ry 1I­ mith' a4d_4 St. iot, the; -alfilf 1-0191 the 4 Y an, --h7-oughl wh him uro %V Itant mQur:1ain ao E Ilh, 13 pWter Y- i-aQ-Z-q er-owned with, - glot Lakes, what at as" it'r seents, for no .4. fWil. f or ea aves, ''Th#u , 11, ­ �, --- Q, - * ' ' ill I :.. quIt,6:.-r.§,moto', from. The _TN 11 1 . &-oxe ore; d& a fuls 61 no, wbite s, the crpeib., U y:, the &,wn in UQQ Tj P 'I, risk, . ugar and tea- Wit, 'Y W serlou�,war' �ht� -the-l-- w0rk , e re, xe vini ;from -the line- t, p! &M, Runic, -niatt nJ?�ar, aria in �bithcr sitilf od er bo'ttt publie u A great. ing up Ou. D It. be 2his. vae; el .1 r&,nce .Wunbii�h lift t tne lor elyes -on' roan otlt-of*�dztte, gunboat- ht lip A. mg ls ara, pse jil .6 wWhe feelin- Ueen'ro,uqed. Wars h a ntrib, t botte Una&,rstmn4' al-a4,.p-..n eau y; -an -%o Ok­at -the -dr, -bor:-1 �r6voke parlors 6fs iprdspopsible to d J�'Y &n earn 6, a 'Arlet 0 c6l -Or iKK inan b iiiii I. arge% inaix I . . 1. , .. , ., . ­ . 11 : : I . 4�� .1 U y crats.* not* too vemi-e te, sa-hecait pre eMnd7 ateex e- In so, Tnan t cia e li,6170 With 13 -wider, the rkpo", utteIpc L ppice ..in �h emergence. iling Pit% I-rop -as us, ta uAdprstmU, �ra -sprinki -stic-P, withfifiely chop- �irew. on .: forni R J% W-. ROI�ERT$- of, -naval traiiiirig d*ll,fli�- a e s. TO kEM0Vg.;tTAINS.' li'� .'experience',- -which,: fifty ears. a o. she'1nildri slid to". W F high §he th& -va ast ........... o�er e*lt r r t th,34ko -wo'ald have- and..pe "mars-halled?j, by t -table- to1hoo- C. ed opion Nvo discussion'afterwar 9�ive- at e qwie tubr.�`wlth tho, p��dsent of''It-er Mid - :P owl onques ion will Pip Of ictory,'-piAty feet .. ...... .. I -to tat- -k- into by fii works,.- ihent ther--11-otherrL,66�'i -LE. SS'S 0 c of 'course, H talt and p4-prika, In le d":b oo,4­ bb ntriict.boing,' M. 'cdcoa il I ? eifeetly- he- 66.nsidbrs tore -in. 1��kiiij down irbo.fi, s -o tlid, le `e t IngX aste A till- Witli bot. to be noce diso''. V.., . to'hefbreha I '' A ,as Ve ii'd Nveste- n coa'sts. In: ms, .on:.varm r -ii is., no -a e Pom s16iy c ak4 24). does 'a. X ect inatiding r cold'. 4 iter and B,the attendant --N.QN -Mal a —7 Ile' con Ad eo ra iction J30tw .0. 3cotia�-hasj ef. : b hel acity to oaditidiis. to, coi6miildy WU oCollin 'i,+ hx --AND' ".C.0N­ d With 13 1 P rom BUQh --",.j n- t It �JAy 30.. 1 � . 1 st, ".-COURAM" -DO: YCV --par AT' instruct tons :S iting t in4,01it I C tja6 an soap ,as who V U 11,611me it ru I'.: Tile 6w at is b tin pu b grea t, d e you I id but d6,:11;0.t ;strip P er of F r6n .,": it'ilnd in W�ak. �'S as�e �f.th,6sv'figurcs oor�,es --b t r --.l 1 1 At I lie Freiich4C 'J'jr Stat gr'qups' t ll 4:tho, Arnei-! ail, th )n the LiII6 j147 -j se h lie- �ac�-d--(�dn.e�.ttiiLbKler4�pn,.o.6. if ii medibe.`- a sson Ix. �.4 -ox t1l �F cc vernm h: �-nt, e nall-so. th'the' Jantqs 2.: om'c -tir6 G, one-,, icra7!Pg of r It the and, sitic, to the Paci6e !'alician�-of all h� 0:� 7 C 6al. . 4 1 f, bh -aiisfugO, oapq wsh-, a V w, th6. janies,2: '20, r o n tiQn, cruis6� f 87=V-�tild..A- - , ­ n ics'. V U + Idyalt� yv� Pe, ine, . .... �nt -L -which qrope� -to.. fh 6 W alacle unseen..' turpent' Introdu ion -'In,- - 'famou&, an." when Canih-' t e M .. I ot� . iiitb an& stir i -n a -Q f -o the b6ato at 8: Austrralia.an us all.: dalino:. white; C1011s: the 0 cia :LS.. -ter.th it 4p rough : efinit on -of f aith S". ithoutt:. faith,`ll.' a 'h- r and,betfor diair w. ip� crea -ion top a ,.. �, + I I . -'. i" ; d - 4�-- 1 W . . t, to n-g 1 home,: jind i :*olL *ithiii. soun.. o P-081 W ,,;b rt. d' t �.,-Tl , ie;- still .4j e: - '11. 1 t h'(3 t was wriff d- lo' come. ld serve he h evidexib -to .,,%,.Stan RE V ave� ob f "' ­ oing ry) I �.; are it It er. co, Wo� f 'I I - . wasli 'the+ f "4d- t; 11--(Reb see thi t', d LQa ag6; of -L-40- 'f '3ittlilar, UiAte s, prac i ynig on - 0 Wavle Hft IMP' ro bb 4. st- 2".ge Ae Tat I I . oOil US- ;:1inubh 'ag,Ahb L L rebent rittany S inch of w 11.as in &f Pit E6--- 6'dr- 5 -if e, Tlie­ ahA"inbom e e 10, TD11111i bc Ld, --T �ai v 1:0�6�i-o.ic-4t-�-�ko-3�-yjp-�y- A! s OIL Xalth, -q67�ffd tu" musi tad and,.preto Re is a oli rn, an a that be ie 'tit 6- -thin -dead thing. eeds,' aS, aWl't th on -I per- crtain ome� apej�aad--tc LU W,.e A 0 'is fruil lent do6s, P 6 b -lic: em riting 1i A 'I e;tie: faith' in 't ypik ssvqin., � .. Ile; -d S, Ld 119 es r fevea HENVOU LOYErR.. A WU, ..... 77=1 P ,W 11 1 . ; �­ �--17,v ",Not, veinand ill at -me ames­,a Rband- sle-qp _I y discip, es,na re littl b ajIs,,. . a, his' ey alitlng -FreActiv-and Gerpan Stables.. Con T f6una in th6 'New- Tcsitara­ntq biit' I , int6, e rubbing es. and. w r ri V.64 tho'se,� w9d sity ,s IaPe-. thatter orisce �Ii t� 'ith ail -the- —pro-- utP I. Y. 'exac leat Ow what W'is­ �the, kil e, Le, ore III ti he. schools foi,lier d 'lie Tile ii'Oe e. $up r l:gpl -.A *bi j , '' fea. -Zebedee, Irrlp-.�-ri' 1 .0 rs' aT; 'iri tlie��B�dr-idsi6ri of one tw6' or t relle -bat-tk--- but d ther.son of 11liam 'the Conqueror, whbn h" im called. the'. glo �y i e 'pre-; tbipil'-'Wotild do iittich to Stilhliiltc -Add 110. ld ias essential,to, ts, e ram 0 e only the �..pf'N�oimafiyj war.' glb�y i t 'd e i n d " Jlour., -TI `bp�e ;7 0 a - ail ained 0 cry. lia -fallefija 'hich I�'havd �;6- the bW ejipl* h* 4 sAke� brother of 'j �hij, I with' the Pri tice. (if; 6- one, elfili -PePpbr, ',sorp;a, pa�rs7. 1. as: �men: s ove- tbr-tihtxt�ber it�A riols' I0'f Ills-, Mithilde f!. hLe" Waj two. tomi�t -es, h,nd Flinders-. S id be �p*prcssly e tdjOsus at the�c e. krio* 'that,,. wit 0.ve�, 'But itishou ---da 'n, Ind 'wAs -dtal partictilai the Bflitiih'Govbrn'� b, out,,-fiRhing w A. "thi, Wo d )ulated that. ssels- tit' m 0 th tr, -h-&�gg ity an �i rd uw4 a:salt. Ptif t- of bbihong to I, b -ev., *.an t. e'-coun-% 'uffei martyrdom (Acts 12:� 2) h' Oil 'five 'ihb noble�'Ibve s XIOU Dr6ili6e bt-��On g.c g ourjIlstrifte, let -very me , as in so r who ll�ore would' be: r�lafiy�, to 'the, defen66'of Ii r knglan4j tie dm. L ty uhuttg.*-,I Thern -isitor'��eg'ge to close. iry,, h;%�e.-Ufferl failed eus,', one' to'� Win The wily. N'or� tors, fr6ni'; nd tAiiiij I n ral oWil'. CroWS"'In dro P in the mbM reA izi 4Tep agivirk, their reis'p6ilsi4il ngw,- -and '01 mimitev. . b leaxi& go to va -the Pail, -aze-r( t' s ips� -were,..-- ja 19 ti -capaci y 0 hi ded in- ThiS k Y postlmp_ ities Sa ha --nialij.4 oti vo. Y. I e. B ge th t prov ewl�,w -4m vte-,Vrs� way,., he wjR7Fu th her �oifly­to-IJ6 Ai she notioed b �.i-6 b. itl�. 3�a, 'every CAndd poi,n ip ..o tie. o I s ii �w mes the' t4n e the f Iii f nportant aspects', ��Identi&d 'tid t `d-se*aill �Atil anyt al t, .b -,W, -ver 0 ii o Tit' selenis thl "til� n town one' I ay Aloh. she; at the head, the ��anf* -a I lways di'gappeari 'in't.o. esua y nav' P C 'sh)' �a the� sp-Wndid iradifio��ns:'ef fbe -cre�tjon o, aftadlArk It a.r eaLl 'th of*�& jmAy, joi g r6iii, chi4,cb. w of dxt week InII6 House of Otninons. 41 4011" L kL.the Le er nd a1 eis P, ways emerges t te- f flill- rom�"his- horse, y e,,;, :th S`�, f4i.ly - dross -f b It eir Tor-VII.W0, -�L J r4 ills, 6. ut k avy9 and, It o I re rom in eame remve deretaryo of state, uh" Iin­ peaceL't'jMeS1,4'. o e frift tentio, 6 ',.the S to' tfier"'of L L a partners ipr in At. A or 1 4�n ,sug, r. to-. -cohdition., 'for War -to;,t e`fac steed 'rolled her vig- d.. aep6nd ow th Put the:Irnit'' d W� h, t that German obile'her bu'sband R ep t, maaamp of UT#� exi-e&iLi'Lely buji'ag -th e the sWe,- bke� her i�itfs sou or nth tb� e 6 In6d pip.n. and juic& or-ously-i,-n h -dr th-at' ebod sdnsq'..bf:, all, parties tb.the ar-i -g��hex Ili a, i oir the 'a�dvanta: II, aith- and Work:'the Prob' Feldviod her, an rode which. x's.trueof 9, 1 PO I-:'- t,%�,o po-u-nds �etr,old horses suit 616 for aKiny (J't*,f rult and, and s jn ringing tip , atir -in relam an 14. 11ow d rangement- o WEDDINGS. b f a -t at). s .ore vengoance­ The-Inariiages. too spoonful, of-, gr he i , ''' 'hav6 had' six ohildr4t,�?' �ibe p rin s was in .0�10 . f d nis IOUTPoses glajld,� I E 'OF' WARFARE h lilge 6',�arb to dtudy,Sipring iroin't 6 k place at 't' oxtuld, . Ep Aet her ;r4'O' 60-01ed. dOwn 'ancient e uich bf S't apop a, �rbbeding p , jAle 7 "Theke' US disg ar s o , he S tan- ibe f I a 6id tisinj' ibe us op s,tory t- ng,,ShL roc x e* ven. spenikilig of those ,r. her �.-Rut� -as in. peace'y4u- priepare for t6n] , w e sai& an, ex er , on E lontly'of two of' i' -.wh�jo� ll 'tog. E. I -ell close "that t r -to,. WeitL or had 1hw,t ou e b -e and three bottbro, th Re ve�, fL 1x­p6n., 4 -re-fiectiOn she "POM0. 0, -W nitist, n�ct:' -�plan*s,, fro COU151 wbo sh Id hWv eii 91Q, Iy.,thio, 'h,oiiiR:;: keeppig. 1, we e'CoUq ry IS inb eb St. ja ie6ding, rap eiv-th eap h WAV- lind;.6b.set9in 4if ibe,assum g, . t - - , , , . p t ; .� y. nil "but -Wit oints 0 of Flan- momen ;,the dis� -the bs'itiod is. bee'amer horsds; tid t r�d f- f religion,' ;4iile r ej� t c ea. nd' who doul tr M',:at; Any 66;-- nio---time, wwA4 hzif -m&iintil b&- lie' , y- ecom r hdy--., bl'ow -dLo b &6�OV WORM sco.r b f "p-th itan p�or.- hi Litilri4eii-And perativ6-1 St ,giV�­-o'<l for airi "on was. -com e e or-. 0 �rlc i - re,,rc -.in ao-M A- GA S - E IV ARSIft"Pi: regulAt'On of th fifjY TD: To'me-nd les inlhioleu m oin the In' Mis � passage he oes o toln- th�,�nion 111Tno out -to bel�o'no 0 djors and s6meboft­niust lq&y� s4t�lpra , , 1* L 1, ��',,�b - .1 `6ffice that hots6shal il�ot,bo.boug t years o. 1 niarriages in e I- W -hat w or go' Weid-dit 'bh ''a pl C 61.6t.. tit n is ei '' Y;l ould Canada' do' then ijig "whi or L "ell eum.- to The lav"nad;0', - d 1 le f -All -such M 'io' np't un er our years. o 'Y''all a ger O�,t h:te e. as, �cngine to-,�'void 1ho -dan fiikeTi tit cover tit - lie tli�e. bole a test, of. the pro,,u e g ssion , of. f llwithcUtjtory"Of� ar6� ch'tirch dur- Io -May- over foreignoPj, Not.'Only the rposeS,­ s re- p ac C 8 't tat prove I 1wou d rise-Itom: the virtual indews it� exi-steaw -W' an ' b, t, r ti ally every it on, line ith'a liencil., �6r naval' pu de�d I :�navy 1 ave 0. e pas 'A' I s arp. agei j71i bent on, gecuring e 'Oiiboab,�bf- .115 tdn� di ' lita, . colin ry, as, pendo.ac.o:o Peo M-niiii h-dtAn open mean For',' does d d pl6lroni, !�iiiioitndiiig-�tielk"�%r�u-nd tM,eo&�, htb' ery pi6k of' a4qs­--of--- ift-kfast- entefil They e­neu. e, iness- -o Its,- Or :1- S -ejbttr� � . -- . . ., ..... ..... brsel Jll.. 11ow' A llu's, ff pwk in plaae -ho are.."40''6tifut orgeons Cut Aan's Sioliniacili Into Adin 0o steam wbicli'of course, do, hoft -1't6 men. or womeny w re,uri­­ . .0 -SQ, `t10 top engine fo, r. erdore*,'� itiry ngine, wicightd: 1.50 ';th in quait�'and rium- e 'f the st6ne hibefis,6 had beon Urnt. orcin g t HaPPI F:f a'giiiiit th fears' 0 n thro thQive is ho nee this f em. nies, -proof y imagitling Christiiins, pb�sjblld h6gti� I to witness, th" 0 asp, especia y young. in. n e r P Loxes nIts pill its afiomal In. or4or,,t� Jostro�L the- o 4 elm conditi�on tilitil - -Or t I ed C' 'food sec, t i 0 d, "for aoxm ing:bd6j of: olA Oak And d6ch in sidc,Wf 6 1 The disr arei th Kit common tit '636itibs iiibl.6 gh ptaced. 9tt 0, er- city n Ite 1, the The' f oipita Lo U-16, M ias' I to broth 0., ap �'94 to of .6� T ,6btainAbIcby4he 'home, authorities o of (tt PL on Y., y6t'he inUst'ot& u-eab-h inii� I -Tile 0, ernian and 0 It " GOV, - the' an con ingen I ly e e DICATki) 'me eri,'to ;.six timei a, day or., suffor from. E A S ag en ize -the. -�alue Of A:.z gurprising'-',to U e ol IV s e nin a r�al re apme �qna 21inieft a I "ov n -Th'ey lie lRI; pangs of hU tiger,. -At, eich : iteal, Af rica, 'wAs not. 6 TU Oise, r elp'them, 4, ii� lave their ans-' a Wfieyi�'the, e bs 'of' 61d, po-toli 4ithotit ' vib no i,�i p I� --of We 1drs'a.'W' it,.'ev'on when Lord L wo. Pren hi d pro ess s a sitAestaAcs` iv e 4�xpose Ow 0 ilip howevei,, lie can ohly halt' th '.downe* wasLdeclining coloiliitl -aid*: and challenged each other to figbti chairs,or settee.s. Are worn. ou r 1)reeding' 'Depart d P1111116 eW,ed advant "onixitetided. OUS says,.� ye t d in peacej, W limount',' f 10 o'd 4pped , oxiling fik6d f -r h� 4uel of , 6the horse We, knew'it �vbiild. Ino" g6t`:'1)I&in Iiholetim, an there-'Nv6re a men s an encoti-rage A. atido filled, but does noth- a es Nvlii C 'as the iCnd their etcands ,tramptd 'tack, n with 6 s ti ks., 2ng,f oithdrii. Th6 'dopitri` iSL'pj-� 11- M- i to the ijot se- the. same Lis -:Wk, is tl'icm�elve� sti, ngl*y, to the,,naval �,X- ti b6o_ Surgeons'mentl�. out Dan t own-yie,"" 'with1helpteW through tile wo&h rance -Pavg sortie iffig IM AC d4 lirf i n 11, its "res pec -th a. amen ary ecUd'j'OLn V6 I -,ljjOk6'd40jh The- xesult - was� -that-aifoRi 11 f from ls­h�att­ana:tbe�, t at I ore was no ranc6'a ve. �.Is mariffestly cant, th 'middle. siooti6n .'bedalide* Of"L It provision' for patticipAti '' hf� the princip&ls�-tho 'ch 16figet' th weat6r mubli lessoi Is Wtii built doubl6 the size, the� tak� gileat'l6hke thAt'ohl.V 90-0& 13g. I , a V IV.­'Palth 1), cancerous growt quarre sever Th6re ar� Roy�e probl6i�g connected-; I - ed W06don 86&�g bought tOL h, The tw oiAs'lde i 'thousand niiep away, tripp feh. 0 4 res. ttallions are' emploved to, his Jji N the pistoll"and piston ., "The Hi qe�oiid, � he jPjtj ie�Orj of tna�, does Jam�s ini'ag-- sections were then Rowed toge suppos�d, though, Ip6d" tit -to Wash6rwow;oon: 0 not, be' f - w4y to w You? r6 roady,to buy liew..ol cloth, rod whic re. t i t the' d:ipd4q9iO11 I and,the'patidntig,well'on 60 It tit study ine coming tw.Citnada befokeha�dl Ili onw fe�6 seaf city- or I gni. convinc, 0 MmOn sense., nd' It for 3;our' tab Alo your. o1d; on.e Q if broke to-Moilraw We Ilave Any :man. f * co' ie6overy., The opeiation leaves hi"in! reger�edlY herself -to I L ig t f0i; ".11.1tope you.&ro n and- txperlmirita i before f - I con t -,c . . I , t " t "e '- . - - 7 i, i' Uffloient'supply for the driny' -Pie,ty.j. who sees said' -his­anLta'g a cu: q up. apiong. jj&Vj6 pr�jlnes, Ate in -ro ue eon Ud ' t no as ...... ... .. it h an consequep it t t "Nt, MUOII��j f Ar, lo, -.and addresi d tl !i's f" Od only- humped. Ahnian o es im t.�inan , . 'Y'L I � " � " - The partnership idea h §. no ye 'whole' fr6iib ofyur AiA unprece.dented'.6,iIjifik 0. 'ttle jeas than a � . bl�dL I L I _ '' it ha �01&. Thb -Solution of the Pr6blern �capacity j�s a Ii It, if on th. kr6,&nd.` ­ � annual reac thai point of sacrifieirig� nose abd. mae a -go I on J w, by How d;66s Jaines - close the �thixt it 06 all ble will flind 'whtn �ou , ji.to -t And, btliq 'ivarfn� p'rodu t k 000, -OVdry prinbi 'you Will be� as dry 16j41(0lj6 91 her Ila it ed re.more,and tioniCaevelopinejit �tht[SL _fa� hit$ littl * iat is, more giving. up 0 NV,49 ing Were. �bb b infish. 61.Ver, di 4raL o b it' (Iitbiltilly� lded it 6.040 Arz Caha�, h fare, yu bega-m— As the , Q )y jrh, oofrit%ig deita" X6 Amorpail -Site XTIMge they be�-n MY Vind" r*Om L'),. he . Kn ad%rodatcs'. of I- oWo6awopk. Thlb: M110- who caji't i'n,'. 4nd th�heavy- dowand' for apart I tile voilt. iiand, my a -pail 61 hot d JULjing thp, IAte Sdt'i Afriw ah*Itb minority. No- r�, e obb T�U waer', enough to' 'lie �n b idrefkp, lei! ot W4 ipls)� oi un iou 0 in..have,. eeti bOdYL".% in qu rre t e p �.v 9 n r W re 6.0 0 d LTh