Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-05-27, Page 2IF 4 7 7 _-S 4 W.O� P EWS I NJ S PIT _T HE CROPS., 'GOIDEMED N T TARIO, 9 To 6� $jU NER ar ey crop in, dlln� 'parkO, *Wqe; f re 0 TH 11*,p co jor. !,pj; :tho $4�812,10 689 di Air ro 4­J�, Iver t46, . . i�. , . 4�'. . . 1. � . The, 4 iq Fr OM., �;e 60�. Our, 011.0 Pr!ceq' of a of . _jn4jIStr!jQ$. �t ,d .0 ther: Count 4e ---�n; Not I he same ;Jjb�iq ese and ts p the. Ontariqjlurp�v Throulk .,#ud Q i4jil r; d vod t d ba? do ooi �bwrl The e 11 OR 444� Abrodd. - 76 8014cries 1611:�� `6444) WI$10 pt. 438,7$.4, oWe 11 fr,�14 win:n, pe i$ on 4_000�at �of fAin, W�job, Only. g 'YJ WS FOTt, IPUB ,R, I , 1410 SE A 4espatol A nj 4P lid V1,0' 14 BR.R" U.FIF�3 - * lgnd� will:be irl� mucl� I icro forthe last t CA is coinins W, 'is the: *,pi- lin,4'ano o ye Aris was, 22r r Pr9r. .01, the'' R 0 �5.' Flour;'— On- tha "me rbo of, .,grewt6i, than'tbat V - t o t' 40f 04A#d%. 'W.4s 'lbejt& Itir me for a . re.- better coriditioax Orro-ceivo Qie Seed. I L eiki�g` ProO this rg look er clart 10 9.0 we :r- throughout has bco�n ten yo . 4rsi w - 00,4i ome Com p 4'40 oA W040,00444.1tor 0j y4e�4 r o0oia ir -ut� tho CAXIAdiatl pacifiqR41 'Ay seb,llii bl d the fain '1,6q"� 46:.4'' geaoejr4l`lly- f4VQr4 re all WJ�JPh " 4: hA MI MIAgIr'�Oie,q, o#bkdf�Aile,r �44hapkl q ou, 1 or: 4,11g, - , . 0'ltor,$.5'� 1� -�a 0 6.0,1 ��jvrs, acka 0 ner 44vsm areip li 141 'Ut -his qe I 'o Vo Ve� -M 'the Pub, �o -a-qhoal-aeArA-.; ha �"iA 44twie"a01.1on 4 gr 0104 �re i'and 0,000 . . ''. :­ - ` , ng tho It -is iyhat w�aa VA. d 'Just I ..r .1 - - 4 . . . . . ' 11 �, r$­pqt-0ntSr - y e ar j�t to *6;�O 65 �-640, S 0 -St 0 of _the' j,:,yarie* by' h �Wr laste(V �oitr moutho' W �0.' the tomp�n*,Vagentg to,, UX9. to�j j;76, alo rited to give Vie -yvung- `M�ootreal;- t n,wascompOrxi-oi; -ty . jrhent'a t-'! men -ore v Wodp6cdt P�rjje Wor4k r of SQ`wjng ;)j� $Lrid,. wijjj'r th 'C� t ha bee ni� '�te'rni A 4n. al a e, ating Toronto go'cond pa to has the c 4% PQA QAQ! P. � the, 6hoitest. @ I . $-1.1.1 . r"r b 'Grain Agerrit� At6h"on oarso grains J_ Ontarfj 44., Sent ja�]l OX n for -bo, 'f,�VjPjD,� oUj P, th� h �ffoet inp..0 '� j*,. ' a Agriou.. 4 g III. many "Parr,h d hA, dfeb4t�r'on o�j . 'eSt a all the, s 'Do 1 , , .W . th ioli �'GQnV0X1I6A, 01 tbe .14 Wrlse 0 444th aridi-stkov 15, Q1 'CiA04 t4jrt 4it'nqj�.4- 'or Trade r6tu, g , f * P kry 00 and. the., Ing io very I the modium.of xpeTA7,i VP;P for.'A fit sh Vor�onto..,', . -E ow.an $5,60 6n track on well, �jn vo Al g ,2" :cf0p$ wIl ilot dr I 'sifiqerely,-'h d' pray,'that iriereAsao$f '$4,Q96,9,61,o;Ver1h %Wh�,At— o. -I Norther ry (-4, �pprta from hert � , .0 a -,Phow, thart, as, mel eqn; vra.Aps, o0q, of,.tbo p �Amv -P"44140 'repqr see&,'inucli '1�' nine ',' pe oent, of 'the t t c efy r .11 . 0 _,�Ujt�, �R�:JtLr All �- lit 0'' MI .9.4 dp'orglian. Bail po,.rtp;. N XAND8 ItAl U 0 jisi j.ea .0. 2", $1. es'do'Vio �o puf. jg( age sowq..: eon Pa450 up CoUnt,�Y'. T ba oOhioef of Police .26y4i :ind .0, en, grg n *hip 'let Its �qow �,o Rt the for,, Pa AecepteA b ntar , it ms,�;b n y the 0., ig, W, of" brle The- ch om' iefi ido- e�& expression of 611ko vroors w. ic wpbave re- per FOU -1314. 00WA were., ftj� ffi" the pa -h'i 3. ex ra 6P0 U t oze -001lege for east',fivo 9 taffied in, the A jo, to, atid at fj.ornr,,$," ars �6,elairri.4 to ubo 104,,y 0 f� for Oa.64��70ntnrio No.. white�.52 t6 d I :'thetd �2 r6 .$fO lw qld,� has -,bee Eerit - to. jai, f9r lave eon - g owaln wh -o -twent� to 5%c -per pbi�d I b f, OA P VROX h n i Tq�dhW ard, fi, t 6 qpringr-o 1889.. o5ne' man, - lock4pd, up� in'r t 4P.-, P01f6e, to'r)0e­-' h' 'a $6 6aeh, a lots of t of a' 11.0 -.?t)uUd'- Mau se .Val 0 0 . 4' heuri bar eyj ..the., "ffpuser" Of'09m. A7hej K I I 11 -d' at 51 Yj4 c, Fifteen, 'hundred doll ells, 7at., j3 for Which ivas "blytained I rorn was; stPle' 'frorni.j))P as. so 13 t At the muzilo A revolypr ing the*ott Aoot,'found a hug4red- 'AY por.'s D on it smarl plO iii, tbA k X' pit Itoult Wit. �r dollar jearl -in a'aish of �cli IPYA.Pff � V tern Sty t 0P011 -th n ring� iel ljve��. ames, of _tllo dutivoit, ppurce 06 11 an.c a ed, 4 - 9 to 4 t6in 'Your V,4 to a satt's action. t�'� rsely60 er 1 4 only c airl I of all�ld. -9*6viin Xq WAIT t�tw earing a Sit t of tl let n the bipild In ana Ammuniti6h Tor a bi Lnd )n trablo; n 0 011t, cloth n tl- hanqs—while. manv- erej Not' 2 82C U track 'Tor oj a, os that -111i bee the 0 I - I ? I . went thro-u r bay he -in to,, r 1U .16 been' 4. -ont years Tbron Who hsd­becn- standing quiid­ 69.,8 bushels. of, tep, 011 .11,01 g, A it - twenty killed. The, - 'hail- "doof s d, eJ to a": si4e;iho�, 4 they At grain, per acrejrl, expqi en. q 'P 4: t been- -an . ask r ngs OjAlie�. tt uil:dind asng six,,an nt ndx OiMiid -the. ohts,. 4orts, $�C �6e lady 6% ha -11): some Some we . ighi University, retired. rorA Qffi,e 'h' "e, $�5; Toronto;. r Silt' -Workmen. -d gXig' itieii, of th. t, 0, n_ d;,, f ei 114 , e1r, 0 M, en,,p 4i' s, &,g ta- qu� great. m pl�ac h �qeven�� asurl -water,, ma. am i e, ltc-�ctives.. It was one�. cpri' ar e lave been -digt e5. ficjm tq QQ his 'hat. ft -'-her. apv_��, -a t:, t 'es irr',dirc rM0q,,77aXCF fift s.AODUCE "AMENDMBNT -folhid, - It-torititning--aboUt- bp .*5 ror-choice �quav- Qse ar e t t ever -4-o- th�.:. o --and, $3 50­fqjr le are d o, .,manv,. more'..:'Per you �w -beig- r n,;, -hd I .. --i . 1 0 t I idil. -powd eve, abi .0 t t) be note'. e;, anion ment o. lirst sUrgeons ip.America: -to opdrAter Bpanli-r-Vriiii '$2' d.b �d-picli:- Inte e. i e t f an 'to t,hp in,tei slid ri'-Iit 40: tl� 6art�of Fro, es .10 so is-, ,firmed. 'Searching 'part' o1prhich. b fo -4pperl(dicitib, died f -appeadici-, ed:i 0 -.15 -to $2.20 per bushe t6t the jio�tieri i �'.Ilave bay are railiges, Com per npl6. a tbii?.g r a on y. y— , bs, $2 to' $�.J,5 Yet no t In of thq Inlationil, Govern-, tis at No rk on M6dao i jn'e' onfe- the f- U the ow supplied; me: with a$ sir url 0. -'Cotrinif6ioner. dozen,' and' 'Argiheod' 1.0't a S. 9 is' a lerk .. i . 000* Aci,69 -of. t -Mandscheuri ak. and" mudicip"'al, B. SchmiAt offit�le- or .1ten've 'I;t J B t goth ' ` I t, � . � I I v. a 'a I water .1 .;- -but-:t 11 Inimigration of thf�, Rock [n'66 office,� �the -p'e.r- 'd grown in.Oritario aln.Titia y. t' th er ith ..Penn . I e, ;� in whib.41, -a--r 6 14% � lines, tro- peop c are To-$ Wrook t ralunieti In wed "In, ap p, yrup-49 c �tci I a hardly be trusted to b< '13. -� 4y, - .1 d jo omi rating A I . P So At -as 3.gra rom. Cafiada , to; the 0. while the' robb�r w ifehee, 6n, the, k aFley' PrOSS100; 4re No,!. 1.'timothy, .$,13 W 'to ronderful- -ilifl 'e, 14e r f46 fadj ofthe houseii cl:r h. a W n in. the 'elingly, forced. , O�- ni StMesthap are,-goi ac k�..hre bffi-e hi ctij Jjf this 0 ee 9 r Pt..qdll on'. Adeppiui -'te,%A746d mit h_ c 't... hereby tell r( dn.� d., fe h cons�6it ma,ton on' tr continue he* r Vin eo to property' t i,from N6rth-'Raysays: opposite -di icti &r o k $1.-50 a ton:, 0 A tat; n' of ,V�d init toll; If d" C. -P R ith; ., 8-. -NOM,97-Westboun -i � 11 . ' - .. I'd ay50.. to, s the-tihi f h 90, 9, 1 :::7$ - - ith�61ig passenger. HPIP, .11ITT, VIP'l GENE Q to-95c-por lar ots 9 th I llltill tOf he�m auri�6.arlo t t at-Red-IdUckert-near, t ft tl a aC 8 464.1,D11 es wes The'loart, 6 Aa .,d 6 tl ieco of C6 -1 'k Wednosdhy, age P :136y 4t, 13 10, oc. ...Or i n6 en 6ii tr' �i k6 EYE From h 9-- d6clir4W­a*gefi-,qkkl' tu keys, 18.11 .X d bt. eik .ggage ,expri -- ----- urn] d1yx�� V, �, , . � .: , -&'r'. 5he, rails: and -plunged of;. mont' the :strike', but, no notic6.-is',bciU'g tivkeh t Ilip.kup n. its -PenaltT for, he w pro 6 e6 *6 Oalrie, section-, do n thO "steop iembiiik 7 its$ .611, Yo t.h6'::'M.osf i e' re 4AX -ed -h6rvbgf16 104ifile ':And,,! Other:'oars;' for��Ykat.v q tons, T . t.. )0, fur a glass 4ter, iiolwo Qu: 0 r—, Pour tP �lc' f lront St: Catharines ately. lq'-�JQQ4 i Dy. e. separ- b4r1ey'w6r6 *n, I '011 .�g tk r of Sip r -BURC -b 'will, ro"ard6n- i`411 mik ula S ickle -the young. atej t 04: 1. allng 014, 4 Butte d Tha expre t 05 Sg 0'. In .4. dnd Vb A' D 0 h; I nd [I comp". wa lousd .0t, your cid, ALI nk but. will jrecover.-.: Eifw Thieves L06t'- u -Iu- Yniirr Who b to 24c, - an ilex oor. D 'You.. 86;, rev Isce,i the Department w-19- A f i I y - ;. -, Whra,-�Of White Itiver'. Police *Ai'o ns It no it r Labbto�-w to A- de'SP NVU du"7! sii e1XIA gay says: er lh� Paegengcirs woke aever6l h'k d q :4, AG and, aftprward uneese —Large, in ly, ta I lseven in North Minister up. ra e del�Y.oed :,e 'a e noon T M Was, iglit �4Y at io goold�,',' h& 11arizeo- on ay: :14Y. 41 ibi Ity ot� a d It �hou ty.ely to ;eed L -Wfi4 �pfead" eu,trusted 1190a ed HUG- fa th lk�6 on,.,, -nd 'Of 41 mont t1 alie., d...4efore-t 01-e �w _117'.. t - M se U=9PAn=jM. a e lie , � � i. t, ... --d 7— p v to TTATI� -BTJ pall 7 V., r -a pt 'hous Hams�-Llght sait .'The '61' 'dit' t ar dular he coitirlu;ed,...wit� mp ary, Yi 91 f:-shobting 'th-0, varl Dominion lng, wag arreisred� , 114D -,a Aar n se ri c, o: ent e d�" hbaVy '13-, rolz oWbility, 'ffj&16� bought,' sell. -some or: t�e� 12%c;- a -a. k 921 In' I'l .1ro rust, specia respor 'b 'ation 'or -,StaW wit.h. the. rphaaini bU it I A" s0en: t 101. Sir., ho,,extern'sYsffairs Of- I &e d 6. mnue 17- ba- i'6 hot .16b t for. B ft- -1 a rn N I 1. . . . 1. .. 1. r harniful oll' rrront, Aichilef t 6 to BALLOON. TRUCK TRAIS i e ex eri ents a org th t, rider your city�­ e. r e I labiliate the, tr4nsef ark' right 'Alebi 'also relbilsed: oil;!,Vuesda r Park,. Wain f6jr_.Aegling -iiid 'also in th ic;�t 'b c -of Mi. -1119 Vedne dayin' �4d—Ti, -ce 3 U 13 -ge ion 0 business in edrinection' with ed on chargd g-watex-st, thih asor 'dfn.-Had a army tighout-Ootarro.. r ear, as well -�all oth M 4 C .- -P. � -W. �t_e r tht most importint'hranch:of.' he D _Ojjgj� , [ as. it fjIjE :, Iq 8001 13., 04hidian Whal, Parki ro ing tb' b. �to umain.sYstem, Ye t lit a sixty, e the, It t ..:I, CH00. a been bus SPI . iin, chei 7 . - �% I . I )ar The resolution, adopted by the, :Mexican co S, y I tl 8 A ONTREAJ.". 0, lieni _11bafirg '�b&ut in'�'.tbq� of the *ands. iii'l A one-pq u u 5­0f't- S Icuse -6f �()onimolqa for, the -digalli- OF* during' t e S niirsiiad- he says; ro sent- along th and-. shoul inger-:th ae C.�. NunIber 2 real, M'sy e, markeC 01(Lu unintiorl ine. the., bu to t t9e corrif .11pimitn'cong Th,�y are ililifit, IQ zdt 611 of a: Csfia d:be: D'Oieille, e e . . . . . V!j n with p Wes Iminatedt ro e tor 0 a Ds. Is, Sur q rto te had 10 in. the �alley, al i beh. I 'the past"' r Tel:ial I joh, off 'PUver.' An -v -UnionapPliptaitA in..6ach 6 .0 US' o juryort T 11AVY1 is�,a I .;, .1 Fer,; pea,% N6.. 2-, 1 1Atid`thiii-:`,16ads'Me A "'- J kLy. JAX elatiort'totjhe� in atompt, *Iwbe made10 ndon, 111n., Sh to reins upli goet '6f.,jhe, I . . I � oLats, *Csfialdian - placirig -his - begrio, ther W 0. U pr,oplii 40uh 6. lc-_w�nt on 81 severs 'the r I- dilifies now. of- this, bar ey were', grown -into thedorr .411,00 S$fUIj rnjk r C' W_ C. ia a if A --dosph rom 1 5 b L-11obn against force thern Qj� _;wh e e'06 biflaw.ce London says na ion,. i, of.-4the tadk- r tu i't 4%. c .0,. - r ,ra law stf �/4 No 1­fe, somew4at .6isy '-"Th oix S n isn W( - lift, b.4 f0d 'pmh�ls of -66 0. A-'C,Xumber The, ec e iere o "ditio -8 tl I . .1 ii, e e 'afts' hP4 nozile� of Singer'threw red,b 04laws-of tb t iru t in the A theitaskjaJ Aujilt some No.� 2P 70 "-W 726,1 Ma b thi',. an r with 1 1 _. 11 0,� Y time, and 'the bzllo6� 'Shot' -vihibh,w�ws the NO :6 id*-, bUckwheat, Out the -di 'ulty t" in itat, iel ri.Wing-sent.' %E r. oy,: ],Gl. o outea-�kett;o,' ari(" 1_:bar16y, in QAi o Ago. ;upwar s. -one poun 'o In n uperin j-hiicroo,pr6ducoed from by� P b h o Bi— f47 ful than thorlrmosrejW 11100bi 'f L n Hospit r Of see 'sown4w-the-�ipriii9A 1006.,. oplene on ------ when -this tent fiists: :t -this j6btu e ihs 1�dy of the 'd tribes," "id lbe Sane; Ron'. expz - :: hive ido�iib& "I have sebit ane, ij Sprin� �,Oi patents,- h 'Tjiriners w c No ar, coun� triveller,..�'who,.voluntaril,,y 0 OPse. SlIuf the door in'-fiis.face. 1OJ-"jCxj1T. $TiNP 0: OIL;; h) :had_k6pt_'_th "ll nd"'foi. iecqn a. s ro.ng how,: 'neig vek-, all s6rt he work,, ;Which i osindr T e Sc6itlff�, Cou!panfos ft,4111gl- h-1 That's'iioth �.�hoiiet RdOM�,- seed 'ths pring, trGm, their ndep ra I * mer§,. !I - - 'iessiop �MdN I ivatlfi*� nd in- c.40-.. pure - is , a lv�je lotmf dorna than bt.b 't b 'anil the i" iS b t h & q uni lac6ii- A tries pir`io'd ' I '' i Is qf­el ;infli . 8:. ��' gal it'will still: be' h to ker h o' ar care, e r. k a.. )oring noe to.- ex�iciso now a lot 6f. e� of. tioniii, tr as high ag .01!0 The. irgest orld'' 14tion and ctii It . : I U Il'branclibs 4-tild AP661pld.who insJot on, sliayijag,,thoer�� 0, lers; W: tpDra, I LrIces realized d sta nA', :Thc-derlWid for see and' �a in $2-.90 1'o 3 t 'uridw one drid'unbro en. d"' Pek''bush6l" d �Se VqS. comptnies aro is- ThA &otti 2X in 0 to- n 0- - g c r am t 620 -R -10J _n r pi o(vro; W t�h .,barl�Y to kwprobaujA7 L11-su -1 sIt -is -4 _wej� d bat slion �cab -coM­ esash--$24 Oa'Urip zusukuo �*.50 $25. 4n Ivith it 6A 1, stion -piur-o gr rl�buille, i, ontral Ag6ric t $35 -plotely,'nli o b t r1sively' ''th -ill tho, Scotch c6 e. grown mQr I rom I itre x, apers are re itire The 19� Y A 'despatc lix Inouill, :02 thousand -wa t q - d 't n other -Viiriaty In les- wl sIg eve :n 2 we to, 12 0, at casVern 12 o o this' o ztAl ed d i`c 6f",th spliem beli P r W; Gt'hd T unk' gac fie. i9y. Butt -of ironj, ind exi� pan id, per dozen, - to t"19Y nuu. 804te 0 or BosidesAh e'%v6rk in s y riegar n I at ei, eti & I - _iaTAT cit' sw , X ;r .. .. 1, t. B;rl hoi 'b ts -the- , R, �� 6` TI I 4T Mars n, the arth L P,.eld h' 11 Mr, J hibiti terfiarkable etitnearing Railway, that Mr.. office'41., of, th e ��j -of 'Aria V to §26' ur4 is, a single, aib6 Wi enThe -re t an I coi I Oil efarlin.. dkopu, -'.the Q 99 m e ordit flint' Po'rt rtlitkr� an be n.1 0 May�'$ 2�% Judy 1.273 Sept. A d6spitch tthe. rminus it -0 ash, No. I I Ard� 1,639,; NO a I c e distill cross 8 P OY rt Y'.Is a are'. li ving 111­'k�dfet 08 o*,.'2, brtheT We have the people: thoy ratio ry rrai ents fii. y I No - wit, spring 4hcat, wi6t6r wheAt� n se el) an(] got aif- arm P t, to) C e $1,29" -3, ort ej%,_, 1 Z7 - 'to p4befitsli 4y. -p -tic r tX 04 1 a,1 L d JVj t-J-pifts' ...... 00, tiny. enemy we, E mt. one. io.* in the. earn A ing- a - debto L .6n 66 Yt nou.noes, plw161'1csidcs_-6no' hundred . $(;. 10 6 V46!hts; le4l to, regnat your inaccion- 06. willst March' I 11 An CO T Ok TAIW)E.T.: PAlkC, ors. to $6 6,; elodlrs 04 ollb to,$4 - 11 It or an I n- q- u �i ry int; the 06 it fet niarvel to n),Q -Iiilyw , . I ., . I , A . I hybrids,' wi, -of seco f3i n a ent.113.r. Rei I. t� 1V IIA 'is If You givo 'it ow in"the t-xpekjmcnt4LDcpart- Man 0 it), riogervo; i)i oIn/B4lk'-- to 4"0. g r ing. an 0 14 'Brit 11� '84heme -ment. in; 1908: milo, is li-110% Oil si'6ond will find, that tar- Iba 0A. NL 0.'.' f 3101A ju f4voe compulor military Out I- Oeut with thc, .9 -at PfAC 100 Ifi­t le RrItig I avy''Is 1.40 t6l� portant re'sults are ckpoot�d' t ll�bfldi g W. o 3; "J119, dele that lie waB am id, exPe i Vol- Lrs and-i6realter i70,000 pouri4l�l,, the Corn 1* a No d6u'utry. I w haive nee6asIfy'. L y t'rh 0 io 1:96 0 ate 4urin A bill' ittblighing, 66 ekohang(W A,ZXVITZ-,� gki 16 P, n ... 4011, h601, 110.118,08 �voul(l �ttenipt,;V)Aefo*d es. N ;'N"o" sea mann r in w ire )ang go 4DS par y�que, of tile- twkpayerti mone 9�2in -6-114if froni'06- X th �H it H B i,an w $t'3 to .31; in to ouse W&$. 2ntr uce rm- it traute-cl 1ho aritty I vil-Mty of ra"I 'ith the 1111, orthe� No esd4y, Winston' 0hurdhill, Prosi - au -- A 0 , , rl ufl lite a vordite�e rtri b whiA "M the ]"id of. Trade out Und, at tho , pathy of tho, na- frailic.-Cl ftleh W�,, h got, , Y .11 wl ay'. eiiii will r be a real illmnd'o�cyy the 1 00 kholk6l'for Th6. solildi I- to li $d- iho" GOV 2 h­,exelt itext 'o loiriOt No 76 Wo 61 68 611 anges and, deAlt, *Itb, at4he Tile h4ion, Ito: nid id lidt 1 (1- havik tAkk-ti,th w into,S#�) Ir ebb" t 6111 th 0 i).. unck p qy­ $13 i4rge,-, hells 4 -tin from 60 tA) wil), iovavo, i� borni�ulsory� conttibu- GOLDEN '00K. f a 1141 angeTi Hove in thQ'dang�, 111vas o, w; 76y9c; 1 No. 3 OA* tgalmt m 1 1 07 -de yors vsNable, work it I nk X6,tc Aide 'btit e ". - 70,Y20 I �NO a The. 6.x6hangq, will bi6 - n r:om emp o for iW vitri 1 160 ,�otitjcg, V.ol . I 06 ex-, o114) Y(Al' (3 to -16%c.; 96,4�' 74Y hg emplby- in a�ldit t as Irc- to org"Ite xisti. istenee is said to be '4 top%' I I t 16. or inary 1W 75Y4 'o ligoo in the di co tl'tl'6113, 3 white, 68, to 660,; M kna t�o,:fu rj�iuh lie'ekeig 4 6or giirdt 'seven specIliled traoic" "fi Koran,.. now treagu red in' the (I c, frill 111141,4 toll thw,ki [is -8 to wlipre it,� h itneiriploymet is, cionAiderablob Th.,, am jSP livi� nis th6 Wc�; &Ad teitt of No; 4. Whik, 08%� to 59c' onid.','Tho 6elierne prGVI ler '* 1 4 'do tc411itioil.q, t1w be Yji -by� 4i the g,ffis to ebnSideri', thig, nut iV A AX ti TS, are, of solid. gold, bblic 111S, give# � ftlbg 0wh " ' t P�W l� the 'rstbon t w'I OV th.-db it ry, t. -n mit- tho "Tife".of t � 1 71 - I :. r oprolw yets 'an 11 nio ab it �n , , '4 nii. The 1, or in the peiitlie afidaf od'efi-ri4l the (16kilhtry ef I th(ne i1pp m,� 11' whilo, a 61o. gun -.00864 gold 6 6, litflo 6v r' de' 6jrlmL , .�o I C'M 0 ' figuirl -6,21 . . I i e or I I . "Th46' elitimaigd dost'of th SellenteLa hebr�y r&eOtiori. tMoto, 41�y�tol jljtdio� Some .01..i 0-2-hf, futiAiw$2 j 0,,ittid 6urid pret cod �nfln 4 yes. Oil of is wi 01TI qiq%an an xpen. on.-PAn Tnent/, and Alis ;p "'Aa h _art a 0. wi r te of 3 b rl$` tot tfigoi� Arat too ,dot4ija, j&wofkr 'd� -3 006JI11g, 110,41`0P it V,) MOA One., s va Ile a to .. .... .....