Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-05-13, Page 8.•+-+r.•s. !ey glse11aud Harris : s a'lzle' to b R„wpd . A. nnis is able to be movin g aundyagain. Mian donrue Hamiltonspent .0un.. a in $incardiue hoe, --McM enney, :;ca e‘.: on Bonds oh Monday, Q M. Mrf, .. -Gri tth. K of .ncarii nef masts, a few calls here this week, firs, Torment and .Miss Agnes, of Lucknow‘visited hero this week, • Rev. W. A. Eremner- and" Rev, T W, Blatchford: were ,iu. Lucknow ori Monday:, .Mgrs. Aelde,•nd 6Whe h been+vi itio her mother, 'Mrs. F(Rev) Eram ner has - gone to aegoteto Detroit, `287 received an. ; invitati0 .. fromMax*4 to 'attend their annual. church d '' d .par`4e o . n Soo - day ay May 30th i' ss F • .Mise ,.:lassie' Mai .: mho"has grad. u1. t 'froIIi W' ed in ha g, na� Business Cal-. le e�p has B� cu d ((// sV. O .M( 1 S 1�II o t g o n ,r � ;De' _ troit, ' `She lea"vas. tliie week.. �• " ;Watt who has succeeded ?Jr. oQciwill; at.the Rlpley,\Chees ..Feet • • • Y , is here n.OW about . Ta w'' oe44100 r5 .. � � ;� �rNoa4ntrMs ,TAP RtY LU r,. ,.. i::oli: l . e ye a, in: the OjA �.�ur�shtn, ^ ., s- 9 AA ,� u .W ��y u vn :� l: e e ' .- - l�I} know �tneli,e�l�►ut Ca istun, a rpetg and�'Eug$. Tltis,,,� o,,r ason, why you shohid ho Careful:what ou u whore you 'buy, y .. b y"at}�l :.. y oe,ra^,r''r.vrth Saea o it` t y`a"n d _Bru ssels.i :. e-cietrotorec'eat 01.4 y4l`"ic1»AP T2.Y0ans115o <[�ttd'ei youe saeco a Large Rugs inWTapestry .colorizgand• designs at $1000,'-$12.50, *101044and 19.00. OURT S,rlf' peeial linea at $8 50 $fx. UQ (Air A axe •ran e c � g g' excellent values at 25c, 54c,• 75ei$1.0U > 1v.b¢ 82,40 and ,50.• r .a;9agxtl�aep rL m iS1tns, '4 rapery Goods., t SQteeng aiid ather t.. it efil_Vicisoin_Cti 411te is;.w.;giving ex it t x. •all who axe u ing it, and�a►e_deelared to be .a. great ring machiee m saving the. work "ofiifting,. beating 6c putting ' carpets Those desiring to age it should leave their orders: a only a few` days are:;' now'-.availahlti =,during. the -next --two- erp e- i.5 per day,, o k $l 00 per half-da�r ,; ''. i*na4 t Women 000 #1001n0 riots: RG x a 1t does eeepe thst womleahauoniore 400 044r ebpre of theaolsea and..0100 thot's1fl t'hucoeattys that' muot"k,eap uP must attend 40,00404 iu Af Of hln Ise, Maw Henderson of Kinloss ba:gue tof•Mana•.Mary eLean a f w dais laat week '' : , The wet weather this'spring has :re. •Larded seeding 'tory much The ejdes settlers can hardlir recall a rno 1.p ing. '� -�.• Mrc :T;_.1�',.. and Ja4� • $endorson . r410 = homyfrom- they.Luekt ary rwhere *0m:engaged in Betting 'Batten's 8 utto�i,e sawrmillin first plass worldly; 040: Mrr,Tamee, UsPonold received the dizzy 13P414i; l'earinipdOWn stn i '+heY. b mne_tz3400p a'var.whca t :. tooR,nteaus fOrWre.,,Tto*ii0Oot Wolk And 1 end and work wvith'raakfog paissand mauyaches , Pots kidnyy ills = Kidneys Cane° more �u ing than any e•. her Orinin. of the. . intelligence on Wednesd of : theh•Keep thekdnep wellac4d health isudden 44th of his sou Allan Yn Fort- is ,easily► Outhhakeol.: Rva fa remo iv • ay. .for ..ednoys «only .th' t •+hal iasti tlia`la 'ralr�o, Marl. i let �tvas a aorore Ps' �qr ee *hock to 4118000d 413e4 - d Itiebs y the kidneys and is -a, dened:, bv- people pithy is, feltfor the bereaved famil Ed, • 0 McKekmie or, suedl':f , ug P.i+ h1,e,•w ,.,�owl d� , sBa tdoa di r.y , • aale .w.o, .T ;ant cIIh t e e"a r �,,. � Con,e � : 8'nar1O,t,'eaY_�:-f� suffe.r Jh�n McLean has "� 1.'beactkPnwitha,eakness'and iepdrene�ertrat my back4.teve o.g.1'd1g p44 fadMMcLeodr. 1s Workinw gi:ze,d taheooiitn,1.hrai o.h,etthe rails ;�fulii taenl.leavo s ser far oils: af'nr,O'U•.accout of s0 touch -i1. .druiq a �voel►� � "flr �rcuiog'a: +d. could "i 5f �r .. Mr,Williimsuihorse Uuveeq or ;oot t ii'iixIn ight• for th, se 'Artox1.seenquite:frecluegtyon*theseoryis getting ready, for Opening.' the .edand felt hury and6lled0;111arst.fatorynthe-rt of this Month.. _..10lesyf sand.I knew hese were :sym .,The members of No. 287 1. O P tows;f kidiev trouw1.11hadtriad pa; weaicne coed , MisgEt1e1 frwin spenta couple of da.ys 'with friends in know last week, .'s?1�k2`•-4- ti-.t7..�Y-� '�.• �i;�PeY weretreated.t41refreshments on-Mou •-marthiwittrousesue ,._ ,r f ;. k ho rrecenly became, -a benedict. , c ap's' eace4-#.f atm nt. They seemed-: Mev Mr McLean. and- wife and, Lir go direct .i o: the caws$ , ftha tr family ,of taraa have moved to -Ripley: ,1.r d gr Mr.< MoLeari will ` have charge :of Huron �, Pieabyterian church, The:: induotion'SOrviaes \vete"field'nn"'Tues'.' .oufferect 'with a pain or iv, alro- raiefal $414 by dealers * cetits. -ExcuitsioNi ,NallitObai'.403,,katc,howan, :Albert 4:: • 11P111011,,213-' ; 4,w toretttai,;irithtit.'40, iilust, be 'Oki* olittcT -00 Oh When ve7sorre-d-- out ouvo ends and -can paper a (Or 2 tip e alsO have sample 0 s for Inore exPeeisive Papers, ,Brosh- -Gold arid- Silk, le we can suPPlY on order. The Paper that satisfies atici price right, at„, wise. to Come .and seleet your -seed 'hile- the assortnieni is large. We' handle a full range of seeds'; .four different -varieties' ana-all-nevi -seeds; Only .to boxes Stock Food left ° to clear.at law' price =-don't fait to try a sample, box, only 25c. • ' Speials for the wdek are as follows: -.17 "6- pkgs. 'Chinese Washing Pa,wder... :25c.= ems Cash,. epoy $3r0 froni Ontario; 'Winter Wheat releaven Bros. ingslast rchi 44 P0 Purid he! oitiri7i..C:e0r4iPiaoinlid -1334s:sic • Mao.: /uffx:•0...rk:atniiities•pl'itsrlinvvg•oar.ili.„1,414it,,_ will soon retovi3i. InieknOw. visited 'here op Pritray.., ;We arepleased report that Mr. ,Rinteul haproVing in health. .the A .11 a ;--.1 re- 416 0-3illuit.liillsPhYttii :161)aliea.nd.. *a' :y°4'sbc(841.rtn:11:16vaillis.".byu.:-r:ed hi et ,c1:406nivs:11;c.tturniiole:wsnp:iiiisw:int4h,oilLin,4t,titFts v.di.ihsttlinli_Atiotutieg:ht,t.4._ - toOk frikht and turning short upset', the -rig; throiving'360. Cottle Out, and ran bitch to Whitetihurch.. There, was ..840aztItt_aLk „Olvinielfziiteoi3Orvit§th.;_is_.•441,4z in.the field with a team of 'horses. •Ali-eleetriebolt struck 'so :OloSe., that. fiitilglciniotartectel,4114feera?Orlezpiallos,,,retistl.aewonyd,.„,....„,- ••• --:-D.Whileihiviutoutlroiewifight ,a alOng. the ' hanks: of the river Maitland.= The artiiitin:hleridircg of, Op heti& ;0i. 'coal ashes,' tannery .reruse,:tinner's ingi and old tin cani, simply baffles. descriptien„..while the 'high' end 'un- Vld718', hit :of danger espeCial0 if a, R. loceniotive,, On. the ether side of the street, blows 'Off :it, arid your -horse jumps oVer,onto the nforesoid,artistic refuse heaps::: „We ,,blized oft picture pest enrds? for be, 6, Of fatiire:generatiOns: ,•wantr to clear. :enigma .•. m� prices*Torefroom9,tQ you-. Chole -, �' .3.' -,� whl��''they� ;last; fer� 50' each. Wet have Also a` bargain.: .r,; .z � t1. �..�,. DI r,�: LONG were $2. O.. Thi v .eek for : r ��•��wr ryµ�.er ,° . N - u r` . nt r w'eath,. r will call far AD. WAIST$, .,Tailor ed,waits..ta, r os. ba .l' nd. . a awn 1 t � arid„ x:75. Other" .. ualktt es 'fit frori�' . 80.c' .t Q l e` /� l 1' made a a •F... •0.0 g • are being ack,ted.,t0 the.stqdk. in lie.h./Iillinery Department.' keep, supplie&With_ the neWesr and. besr at 'all- times. ...Poultry, Netting And at prices that .are easy' to pay, ' - The suecess.of our trade has qualities .-Vvith everything. ' We Jare satisfied We„ never even - attempt 6 sell inferior; cxoods1:417-. TS7kherbrcler of -ti*: day. `.-Why pot make your •furnic:Lire look Li66Y.k.i2-ET, a finish thade Up in colors to suit.every.kibd of. -tcift-kcg.,IrOfg1:17tht c have alSo a full line of:Taint 13rushes-=-La brush: to stnt every. need. . SHERWIN WILLIAMS: PAINT'S; KELSEY,. PEASE . AND 0 new _subscribers tie S.entitiel, picl the Weekly Glebe, will he 40. p4pers. will be sent to-,difterelit 4ulckes4es if. desired 'The Sentinel is- BETTER THAN, EVER. If you. know. ai'iootrthin:g When you, seo it you will recogiijzi ditense; riti. aro never ,safttnnt'll the vitae; poison still 11';r1,s in vsur _so roan speeifierethedies that will positivelY euro 411.1)1(41.41,,.', df,eri;Pos of (he Worst char:tot...7, k,a1.1ingef iv) bad Mont inidonrich the blood, lical tip Allt, leers, oleo r the skin; reinova bon taf OS, fallen 'foci and look Met different. person. AU eadni . instructions,are followed. •• 'notttrOle if in doubt as ty.oilr'datiditiot, yoa elan eoestut u4, FREE ,Seerer Diseases, ICiduey and Madder 'Complaints. Conatiltatlan Free