Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-05-13, Page 57777 7" r 7 1 01 7 'V 4 0 Aft 'Am J 'sib izzie Rutherford s ent ali coo §U Tbe�6116 in. isthe re ort at, a 1�6. i0i A� of T, N.W.M.- N 11 of it,', ed 'Aft, A4q1jLt11 PrOporty-4nj will bqcop�e tk ej t- Shervzo Ted aril�b We are pleased t4, r. port 4PURON4 41-osti6i8ab�o to be U M. T A IqLii ig, _ r, IV—Ray 1 4;. "tN-op- - h6us;6 �gaijn- a�d ,We 1�6 e to -soon, S& d 9M. leg F T Miss, P'ditla Hominuth."i4p hasbeen les SpV Q; *Allan. 1�els6h, _5L 0, ch Mt 42 Vils4iffimwit) -Ang. am. on le liorwqod, 6,2,. turiked to her boxiie Wi . , I .. 1. 1 , I - I , ". . * . I . I - I I .— . -Qxi Tuesdiqof No., wc�_ Vied4i :blm , p; 44. UT spir- eJ S to 6 1 pring W, lizabotTi It mi Ll;g*kTlQW' Prestyteriai4,; Cho whe ou:r.l --pastry -,at Nt T S I a Nquiiday evelling la4f_` yean �ao� as ffic ive u Aniiivers we b4s- jukot Anishe'a any,pri0e. Q'Loughlin, 66;:J6,,ioplf - 6hingliijg X4.. '0 Int. 11 'n Scott,. .75- *13ert Jbhn- Plicisofis hou'so and Afr� ard'Mr§,, T,. 9`W�ere ?a ing- $6ft;. '6d iti it' 'i -iter, heat fl"'ur' *,'q�d' sa fbr� ,,st n,69* Loi 4ai "ard el'ettl W1 �v 0 W 4io, �rea$tqn orgilsoll, l3essle Mel wf Ur 0 W—as p Reed D4for0,.'Y-,6rj) ine s Ito4kNlr, fake. 4. z i4e iu �w ea hira h 11' r ace. on NN bdn 17,0ulber t 'to 9 11sn cr qhan,gj.jqg4 Fu -an si �z A 4- accoc.dei(-7 YQi�rs pus dd. Th' ahen; tr &d C. We 1'kinds-'are 1 a! n _ye w it �40,-_,dy' d fl�u� f the r. _gs of itt Cecil h fol: 11 gre- at(;r, 'pi)� "and',having iot-iq0d Ili— The best spell4sIgeach dl� d wc rs- ill- -for LSI (,.Ott. 1 s set in an no� Wpes,'of pro asion' Vu' 4ii! bi,6-6r 0 e 9:Mp or Man&� a,� RN �HIXGS pe_:!". V -py-�Atrg&sp -- e ace- or -j- W. e- -m - b U ob Lin n, of Bible A -.g mg4g--tt .11, -cofs -a od -32 mo !age .7 rt- freqmOrk tly, and�-espeo ii e our, JP7 _q - j� W Sitles of eh e, wl 6h re thep I'] for, .41-08's F -is iv alt of� th d rri, -it' roper,ti ng qSp..,� W k 'quite a t,rej%t, E�veiiybody el' re gorne. e': fa eoln t 'oil Rh I fl a eep on large Imn q:be qke, anil 4)nojfgAheq,6 in- 6 in coliziectiorfwith the. wh t.- it i 01At' Za Qr., st- m every, ngy -in w ic hokin, it VIA W It. i., q; hat, excellent to'keep its-zhapa atid -folor., foi. i T tlii�,,"�vuelc. Maj? excl -W I �I -be eshovV a -rent, .,I tl.. sof as,., qg,of_Rdts.__ ave. and ptices $2,50 thl.Xi h ogil%, glrl, MMMUS lhiftedl; MohlrOL vie Flo 9 T He Pub'jc range styles, prices, rangin Arr'. Which 'eing fo' 'the ' i Vom quidities -and: t I& lt(?p,�rice b BORSALINO, :Is� Q _Mne. ii fie. 41ja o'ei --P g Are vbii oki'my fell fil liT tell collal6 that Urn n" aet_7 `h e 7,y_-&sirp d Austria T �B'R -look-j -ri E e. 0 4,- 011A To cure-ARhdru Sivie r mfioir' little -I .-,u :41144-ler__ all back lil�oai in 0 t: And, -In- the d e.prepitred,4is 0 P a.�s ow. eand! �,ftones his., i-13cirt bkweem t7, t6;. per e jn il.46d i�blor, the. next step a%Mji eA is jiead, in 6fidbUd IftnLt6Lp 12 Lead, in "no wear �—Mtit- 999 60 qrl4k� h ladies w. o, bpautl' lux' E devbs- a id knob es i jiIst.,co eAo, Ij ., . 11 ,),rl fl) r's, very, f, n'e d g 0 a th' aranee mar et . . III i , oMeg, 'A de... the -for IQ' -Y rp, , , - I ke 'eA 4 t ]I r. Prico' 50 0- all bOc� _e: -)f UT11 son IfloIt. Erie, On me,n, Fibb TT­ri&t�i a C6s i�' YS E ith Nbxon, at 75cpdr,suxt.. -it. Coilltain; the+ is vie er�a the. Foi ig _'WT 'r,,: TT'. n2a' ifie 'it h 0 nt e_* er s., k "i Fine AteT eh I erweat A The'r �.Xs, on his hap di� ABD sta - fl., kange 4 Xeii's '01�e: aahmeme. -'soclris hi JE is yen and Orlin 'e Year S. e en ir "B —st, t A mi -y t i I I I qf. — L A WRE T; taik, i of 1) -i Fa:i7li TbI lex- d an�jer Sts. A-- ;Nvear 4r e.gpowing in fwvor a id are, -in i fell heafiiia,tliefOpo-%v-ing-pri�es: 'Ranwe:of colors -and plittiain' f -c son am Poftland7�Ceinlent $2 M Nabody' 0' ve AP . .............. Peabody -ng.,. -in-sit the' an'd, -I- 'Uo'�, !a -b 4 bl D11 rlps-:o In Ful, 9: -1 ndoriv. R ­ We are.caqp Try thernf-1-bere-isnoile.- etLerj Saimshine maces 0 'd we-tr ,AMERICAN' 1. -to, 6A'an 0 :Wffingha dsines��116 Mek e bo'ten* tested-� -in thNtudibl P Of VS. h '41 .joses'a ?c qe p�-_S a��fq r da low njm 16.r M -IL 11 -fo 'MANUFATU"RE'D. Y. hoe�maldng'­ and. Repri�g�- �pfomptl: walitin 'jq*Ls b C I -ievo o -re-* d';d r Te the htirgdst Ad. th� liigh64� &L� b' -e to try(. . ... .. .... . ca).01 ill, csf- t&,iion� e su-i ..... ... ... -------- 4 &fi fttarid -a-, r -w in - the o.......... tiom ourses_� Bi -tcoat's Ft 't I day; -Wril '�uka �ejor parti rs jli_ Jc WO 4 HaIr Vi e tO T )'SPOT QINIT,: Prhitipa,. b L"EA Y AL OATR PQTATQB-�,' IM "AP- TUTTER,'. Takyl. all, IF FIT r, A 7777 D" ds. T H Etoi sen as the greatest 'I -0 ( nber 0 of, Lur vate sl6i Ut 20 school in XVestern Ontario. -b pri I will sell _y and -1-2 of: 'r lite -5 of: 1� gw9n ptiv; t. A 41, Commetcliil," Shortlimid TeIggritpity, 39, SCCi.- -alL �_�Prfces reclahns dgaillst the'.esrate Coil Pat ts(is lllbst our. ii r; laseof 0, UIL to J)V mis an, Stka �,evot!y men j- W uaie6 �iitd g9jisted "it, I Conlity 0 :'1.0 rs. 14,11ter or bd t sildceed, t�i 11011e, otlic G 't. AM. 1909; fO '700, CILk;1fitimalLy to UiL� im�li�-rsjgned sbli6t0t� r, 11 deceaged 800 f�. Tal:n��adic '2x6xl2j. $14'.00 it., We liav theii-i i�lj Paten't j\�jjjjj.jjMtLj`atrjX 0�'tjle Said e sit 11.Le.atherj wht.dv Is thel, 'b T 'or the 26th,day -of Mi D'' oil 6 600 it Vibal pet, fliell - -12, $14,00:per. 51, cah.- bu' 7 , 1 .1, 1 6i, t nion Y11 cl:11) lit' ofjmi- -�A Ptent ha stdt6llic, �006 icill—sof their sild tile nature 00 $1406 9, f,' 0 T -Xid, Doi of tllv t, 11�0 ixI 5, $1 0 per M. . I 20 ft. Tiiiiiara�k, 2�5xlli an, Vid i gr6l d: 0;d6rd cz bRatM.,.­ 1, ( p F. 'tot, -the most III and timt,afte'r tild gakl. Vici Kid Oxford i f V1 k. 2x7x 12, �1.6 00 NT. T1w 110 R Year ... 0.ir ...................... 306'ft, Tainarock, 2 in.� pink, l6fib.,- $18,00 per M. �U(_,:4 eret he �i,(l oi ' - T At' ZI . 1%m _ �U, W per M.' to t6 pl. AN I.W r The., Sentfit4l-alid Valnily�� n: -plauk� ou 1-s $1Pe At. 600 it. Cedar, $11.00 pet. INC tkig,� 21sk dlt� I of April A,T). BE .1 1 1. j iiat- -ak 11111.0 T161 t lell lavo 110deq. :400 ft,,' 91 The- krt en and %6dily -,Star, 1. yeai ....... �7s -00 ft. wpa well and, ....... T1, sho 6 of t e very., be'st Tlie3r;fit 611, r orT-be el lititt Valli ierls -goo . , I -0 t t 01 V., vocote, I Year ......... d but.�fton6 �b_ lijgy be as itd� Tb -iit 1) VUR, -rikz, CATAL'OdUn lie �1 ar yca.. j . . . , W ......... T his is ihe Thd.Sefithiel - and! ftto ally I,i s, , mailol frZ o on rL Y, jOSTIET ,tiv Q_, 6.'Ily, or _611 11 )0_t 11. 01 '1 year E,-,. AG. 0 C . iltl i q C6116gorltorofti 0, HW 0 tthe 86fflnel Awl,'. -Weekly Ad� �r- "IV tic- t T m ANA TAYL se L �kftolt' ...... ID C OR 'Ic 1W e kly Q.d 6