Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-05-06, Page 8�7, V, —7 :% ............ ....... . . . . . . . . . . . ----------- -ow _4 , QW00f,"W ­W&fn 0* - 404 -u th f We PAX 'Poo *J) _K 41. _*,fl Woo XV L r atinel;'m X1i1_aP4__X'' r t j�e '0' A"vvt, 41tit left f th. Ir 110PO. n I (OU -SO, d$ Imefts ..Vism, Pormy 7404,414. Tho _1 re# uorwly ".1% rp, 1Z Vir, ,4 f9r A41160141 I wo, o tpo, on, ttoo_ A WOMP"i POW-,* '7Mrs. W S�lll servi r niece Miso -A Whijq . . _ . :,,� 04 1 4.1, �a , - i 1, _�.. ."r,-_, , 'W M Pri�Q* J, A �tlq, J Vem W491ibufn et"t w The at a 4. A A0 04- 40� k %notep, y ivith A Ja V xxgyx to Pe ro 0 4WUD 0 Wig 'Mil4o �'W t it, i r in A S edna ra ae, smne7 .4 w tr Uni s b4t uldicitis for thqp�st w too �4v, eeiI 'F fbin 9 W �o a n eek h i4lich better: Ibis itc oft A so port of Alox A Pf ra4 X :.., . , , : 1. - only,ijiing we want- td- de4l Qoito� '14 a. Pr. I'm RI ey 474 Soole Ines t n a ij le oC 1angoide Vill, !X V re 6athe is a t andi ftem. AOUSS AMW r4e, $ h�re mtm 'are ttlllg e best:of 4ts t, About, Now CAOsTs, Roost, -Nvti�v, they, 6 4�4 the &;Faii oppori� DE t ru o. gn 'in Kirkalay. Id )d W (Alaix. -III: t in 11wo TAPIMP. iori 4,14t i'I N,4!. i , ] �y , �ffi , a I I I ­ .. 11 j. S e r nPing. Y. Wodnepilln$ a r 'Tc e w, L leA35 tko n, o bi'$4,. 8,6,'p in 4y lom r us s t TardntO tbo; nt Q a _P ay re urne n 't,- A ffondkieveni i -t `eff,. —tran- -%.f -rep 'Nil, ohnJMe "Vou -who, go-�� arld I . - JC Qe �,.bk"the Tq6h�tocar, tic, . 1 101.!14. 11104 1) . . ghter. eig_ fQ ltxlix Ing iyt t arpdt" M, pe i --pat 61" o C '77 is 10�* s a., N P go �C _nA Tiom AYIM A 0C 'h' in ibeir _;-ply all �06.. a P, is one ileasos .1: sho IA. 7" Y�� . C 1'releaireh;ll: J- tui in the dent 8 �wh See.ourL.S* -u P Trving, V _ -o,- d _k and let, _gt o p �oiq 1. Sepop& Ronors�_WAIton er4he od" to not ent atter W', a nd styl rpe, in lox-, eague-� i� season. The shwing eiCl6j1qpt. vghies, j d iWd -06ddeg -X'Steelo� &I.00. kill 1 officel Called on, d. up., R,Stuilldyj (T.&it'ehe� iis elocie&f9ii th� U16wing ooi Wido4.Alex, year IL -Ijr. Thda. On I 111 0, W r k�tb4narq :seey-troas, b iuf \Uig Tnpestr and-'Brussel. First, H ra-P. !KW Ass, ward; �ipj: D T MC. h, ous coAditibin Junor 61 n -McLeod 00 on oailed 4�W. cot, e,. n e. ry- _d 7 ,fn do heip one sy ;s,"wee u lie Ripliby er,., liners a eir.- b�e. id (Hofiors- (9 W -% . yin A-90 ioigp, eld. lastjiqek.At.. t t. 441*hfer� W -t�,:kr Pst b- , �tfi d Mil th ftil 10 At the'ann, rd Ib.6of'ifq:Of t pse jys oyou, ake.-.,disaPpbhft6.d,, d6.n,,t.. --thint -W hea It'lle. PrOMI96� ay last, Y.9 Jamp&. aapps '0 'Angan"d tinore', Oe okee ys, 0 eel H, -h.his.p ots h' at S,41ic are I ete. ear, 'Pro, Ice. 0, - DO Iq wit ::y L rdO d'f4l' 0 Mr. bav� De'mpsey i .., it rst I HQOorii Mild 3 rU 4 presen- assor mem, 9 ith --Nr;7 X, L Bo%�grs,; -.2nd �N t 'at r recoveey.,, ekdbrson. M Cohnell 07 Cliapman;��-T-i-ehauret-,,-�W..-OI F btcGl�go Au' ibors, A "Oo h�ar, of '�,Mr,,Hitrold- -A k' -f Kixi6ai i6e rn -DQ d .R, J Gml)am G W AucOon a e, 91,D Wh­ h me, ob; ej;, -.S A Bqt.t6a. iol dd w out I&AVY0010m,Uir i an. a"ug'Ifte n6US4ia' GoojA- biles ]a' BU �W All, who 4re, usip& bq�,a.grea ,Miss of T6r6litd; are 'Viiitin& at QW 4The iail( will 'Sill by'Public P, Fin s residenele 6iisignied nW_j M ott,' L Greer,. Auction"vpoithout, reservie; at h H,:,Potte_r� V R 's Win south of-mulbugh, oi% c4rpet§ Thos,ale ]ME agnd RfrS. , on V, rd R' cotand, 4ve bureau, near YL �4�r T Ames Talco 4 b :e ..er,� new;i- I parlor tabI6,j good ll�ft-! to. F, Haiton,. i-tigular.4�ook�'stove,-t,tnirror'ati frai s- MoCa 4h"' hour 6lo&, .I h ey) clot, 4�s rack, I rlpg, c1q, ve M mcci imp housf6� R Sphiffl6t,, N attersqn� 1;ot, I l�ettleli'te*.lettle, I doz k en cill S ld ozen cups. & saticers, mpl,,elljtie��A 311tch 11 n* Tp- 7. yome Id I t Vaa es.. s�nd. other'.'Ar s F t ru we &M.46 �.Mero or0us, 1, � . I.. . I boing wd 1. nF.Bog'ne"s', n TOM is serjj,�, Me D�n has returned LXA'HUUPXT­V NO.; URVIS,,. 'OptIC YK -PaMT home from. D 'ii' 'or lid h §�l bqp-n, t Aue o e Ire, In etrdit', a er.yo r ux )rkipg 411.wint gh.: Oin A nuii4erVU cut 0 -pig- 116 iiMilky U f6t every, In and, Iftle t=n �Gf CQUPTVy,n0n1 �A Inn, :Aowqu y, in connedi '8u lnis' aitelw�,-v weal6y, a Irihrig- acdo di -7 M 'D 3 J0 ljWiii;f "i L rriso%, V U41 n t 1, )e on 00 P the ffeafli ojWi�qt -der s n in ide.,sia'irs c ing,� 111aNal I E Sepoy, our in' M"W--b- /066r fitfish-�bn �the/. preli lrw* )r $5.0 ;e�l'. G. C, af find &'ni finish,. aA' e! e om were, yj C OL �. T ran in -all -the d E '1h;- t 1aftvVell-iiermon o 'S"d Rotors T a du hikh-:iglogs ina'nel un h er. e 'Jor ete, I h W pal).- suitAh""" largenudience'- mail�_ of, w, *14acCorvi6 yizir, 9hadLs for flQ ablyaffected; The-fainily le "hea all itob4o'W Buckin St Ve 0 on rl _A_RC]�jBkLD,, eacberi, bid'th in 1, ro ADE S S H OVE Oi 00' P al., t r I our $2175 hoinc, A 1�x* �n*Wr of I a T step up- in,, g4iiig 61 _U -1" 'D')R Get them bally -sl s_aacLc.an rpm yQur� grpcq. be--te'5V f 'h W PAROI _p 4 _e til: the ranks.j2ov And we A 0 Roof-vo so'b I paton pet sur men, tj.'alrend-ispo lykye dliqdr�fl�. -ne T' paper; tnat satis eg� h whic we can1,.SPpPiy.,19, q the gernig, !,eaven I inb will oitqnd,'t6', 86 by1*dfing_ d ­114gui �ineaq willjiliL* g-,oa en an(vail.you to th I h �re'is ona �iiu N rd Mri'Neil J., MacKenzie ted at e, t e glVat',hair r, sjor- VISI BUI�klass 'd or,. is guarl e on , "up, , fty. t ed. to poilinan Ad&6 -13 In - ba in &A NY U VU a left our - * " 4. A" Fon -D,URIZAN MMEI�T, PAR011), 1100 zip- js oil L ri-Si Ur 10 !49deNch� this w6qk.�, i&RNACE§; IMPERIAL OXFORD R if jj� h e h aj rf r o in f a din Or la: -Was ono'da'y last t ot inod,h6mo k in tbe 'WORM y K 1E pro.,u n_ �rfc �&-i do ng 6, the' o n t I's W �7' be' e777 d 00, an ma c rpy 4. c, q906pr6Pai aw drid" miss dross Gii Gregqr, spont-S Rou K atuiij ',We,. nandit Wfi6lar'MM Fort, Erki;0 fviridties" vaid all_he* �66dsr, 1 411 n Baggage Free fONP WAY Crieditom i6-160i� tOnty 1s Sto Idirl"r e ooLwag�, c —don. LIU to -t r ase tni §uar8gate cotirrof, we c6uhty, a Rut*An fbe Agnew jjo 01 of' Ashr .y I 5ci f lateM he Tqwnqii� lot(] in the S. ;goestq�o ) . ( eceased.., o'j pe or4rrx day"was: opq is. ier.e y gve,jr.pursaant -to: the are"4$ 0 . ..... S eet.- _w he Ke f5tatutes of', Ontario, 1897 DETROIT p g eaver A nii alcreditor' k llnniI6 a VUAU U so d Ohot'sAid,Oai hi�g Po d, 0. 30, it TI t1le ur, day' jUh 6 pk 9. er 2,5.,c (POOley), the fift1l, day of Fe -r Of hi&1A 'b uary,, Akaj. 1909;, tire requi ng Monday, Opal of red on,ot, beford, tht!, fir t I ipley 1, p kg�, Olots' 8tarch.. S. I 5C 'of th jttne, 1960; toL $;end p6st aor' U L 1 P.. to deliver to josepli Aknpw, JACknW, Od' U rAnrierUtto r the ymehocMigs-:� o6U,the ul;dersigfied fijile s neld in nowii LId estate, orAo P.. A, Malcoltfisou,- 44- 113 it, usy I 'those It6r, a full -stat6olent of tliei L t Mri"M Boon, 6 ban, f qlailV,4, n- "I teoati)d fV!, buid the nature,:61 the security,L' flrajiy�) -da�A ha�l'n , vel, for a tie* house 01060r('0 t� cm.c.11 (k" 9 gra held'by flicin, ddly verifidd by affiftvid,-. GO'DEMC hoi6tends to build,thio�iuni' ISAN And further -take uotio�o after $dl -hM re N, I G-- haMr,D 4'M Gregor tulinbd last nientionecIldate the Uo6�t6rs Nirih T DAY �U, 11�ol gets hl is homb 4fter 'a. geVeri mpth,�16 t proceed to'distrib LtLe t1le'aq of 'tj.16 ong t to,, p0t -in dape Iket Wed 'T "V -3P ion mia toltoif deciAsed, an, I leg efiti frenN tli to the odo mo &retj liaving, regard KIDNEY 40 DL0644 the 4r6nt and to _Cljjj(6U; LStiatiordi, 3iid notice aw , W' I tiftatc* fit, 011r,QW11 01H a 131111dIng, titcasseo or ally- big 9tj �Aka I will J)Prsdtt or PrIolill aivalose c16,Wsi notice T R aud from mid to Guelp t rt g1gln, J60JLW or PAW&166 iaW, agents br gen do 1)gfed, N ID RE -tjfA �:606.k_ ill !.this Sedt, ro 71, it6r for. t IRA 1619a AM; Detrdft, :M Z. V P11k 91 L o