Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-05-06, Page 7M 4';_�Paw_ca e( M; AA I pro.04e.rB crumbpA a 46 o I, b 'led 0$,gs, sliOd'W! 01,,%1A01i4 Or vin, :T I—— t 1. �)�r # -0: IT "S RTW T F'o. e P __i Weati-A Aoa -.,.w A i�V, ifii7lhi 61pst.4 -by �)u uativpq, �'qr some Pobil e f3hirtwai st _,re .14 # ------ -T-�. . j isIs6Wljqra,, Wive, beea ,opfas - ''Of. . tj U, �p.eak Ao the Chiba'maC' �q� a 1buo OfJsra,41 I g ,i4way"'Of IM .4� to bol ',of stoxle]s be.'W i, , pomq qit)i ble ixodus xiv.-j peacof md7)pr0pe;Q . A . 1. � - � � I o _111,0614 that they �6.forwaM,., 01, . Us. Rvp'xl, mi er UnI , ciiea', muslin I 4A4 - -be . I .. � bi I na Al 4MA Xrj$.­_ 1U b 1 40 Zx a "PXO#Y��C 4e'a - 1. "d, �. I 17 'ba6ilp"A'Agul H, Af P�*ghf'J UTt4jn'. 40101 ross f) yufl* V-1 ;41 NV i 4,;i.� -J)i g Ta'c t e )l r �k fhp� ? : . rom- sQme,,un- points.:- Ta's e kqq#�Pto- 4�k spokeq, by �&Oscs' to tile 14A e W VOW �olxr -1 apw`10 ni-A. Jornej�,.of.. 151al"UX12 4" + .;�Ji +jr,, Ir P -I m Ai AV.A,n yl*_*_�­_ - 4-v, I, 4-h a. Ir . +,i -n P.-_ inpLmr, ifid. i 4 Y 4 �A Vir-R.-VtNu `2!�,n rw ;`A 7 'NEW CUP, irt -)if' km en lit -to k M144ed', W10 Wou 4W Wr IN Id4f gap, d, N St CIA ls�, hi q v I Or qqmetjmqp sqh 'oW man -.§Ary th;augh it =4: W inn- man �qlacq of pie,6to ,�'hav-o been' jar, few IM'd foo� 41y, -XQk;a,. i le.11qw- be1 fj j$o ex- Woquelt rece4wy, butt e& cropswrwlq��I, arineV614iing� are fA-; thb.. t th. I Iirork�of-ai-gub,committep eat, son, y Gc4 to speak4iifo:� exoeptio*A, Id:','be elto `the Ail-'Georgo, have'eadured.'%reACU *W4 Ip Y ron,, have A` ho,,most t o d 'k 0 the" cases ',of Ilef-d0t tbe New Xpz-k of"the 13 made- when s lTt-f of cIllid, -ship deVqrt� r d. 'YQu reim 5 . v4 a -ed steoil 6f buttons. ''In: CU, Of, d -W Pat wayto om th wh'ite 6oap, a safe h k4 rd. i 4� All s,,, Nvere, ;,Do.fiot 9i 1, and: on,, t e r d h ight, or4,,of, our aa, P ill -19.1 tais -,be" t 4 fuller �*p awl. e4s 'of �4 o rw. btittbiih6l ­ I - t �a iO4, es On, opd Aeld I'd:,b&. < O enoe: an, ohou on by 'A eriiiely'diy, T w eas ' y lowlpg,� W, nui i4,1110. VV .kv ta S, C I stiimbled'up ew 011 0 4 Y The'fdtA ay to �t e "a4ter2 Td, ii th 0. ism -affii, waq' 'fol ress'Shield,7L64g A, be� a vIn-44ditionj­1 --W TVb e �Vitflou t,!, ow. e4 sincere fai t3poor of 4 wounded 3�,uffalo. His have some, 0 ,q, Ii6rdered i, a; faith,, be or morer cOnvernent hjldr�li aftict6d Aer, who x1i irlid to 4e, f 'h e,, vVa1jr& in -6bin, advic' r or pililiing '0.. most :resp"tdbIq'-citiiexks of :8 U g..m4tvpplous reslts:, within 8 a Q, :Us, jy of the. 'fi 'd I ins �(.they match, t p ;eve I hi t no ntly 1 1. , - 46d eiwars 'a, A7 :gki il vhom. thW. -walst is o rr lag h f t Ile, Lona ]Kjr.. ones' ji)r.j "A Ag t O� M 0 P. _e An exam, b 1�41 lii� a -ft g.; QU dI Rrid th W . , L� Lus __Q1l*Trs1 w n :4-irrd _ , _ l 'jQeltio. - 77 -ar . -board a.7"WQrl mop -vdiile,diggi 60 a h4',W_ 0 J or la ox of bitter &fe�t- elialf �of r d g,�Vjth,g knife for I n dia� 'School b vcIdf near 1 pding,, ace Me rtains.,�-B W006 not 19 sA uc an for humani Y ontfi ;ulfontein�. uy open. ai bqol.4at failu .st a�u are shed-, I e sd 'h' of., the'. thp Width 11 ER v�hich' disoblbse,4 -the i feEct, t aocompli 0. stiouggi AN T1 �'Rll XAM 0 IE ry. 01 Y me ly ch� and., baMeio e, the,-localit IrA 'LIM U. b Wash.-. Mill 1 lei�st E per oenVoU :w a d t a 11; I , OVA t etc V M.. -lien 4ct. - and ul�z little-Allings, nl -s', to r8 46cid�ad -thdt botb. wn, r resu fs. ust, k thera� ;A an official Aecis­ as we �cq ph r1s e d, e W, pen ing may judg -urself are t _E 'e o, one. n (I ' % . 1. 1. '1 �w provides., );DE N TH�INGS,, o, opporpup'ity to. y�erb MOL"'A', Q OP a 1-11hally ijig, them, 4d, Y;our/'CVktAj# i I lochg,that cut 0 1,0 ale I n . t in- e AmerWan Jz g tn04 en, shor K s w THE H tl - hot prev' diffigult"j. oaqes 0 CIA f life. S�bT �t�OnIg of 0 i'the Gol' nial look." sp a long, which K�M erley? tei:Atle tIj j, t Ye tAf t h 6 s be --_W 4PP8 6, ]IQ, 'ot le y Oand blpft;-, aili of: iglancl and. �d, jjgL Into Hi's s c, livi llel to it, run 4 co we's 113 Uaff I. k1 '. r i s a.' an..a. be - c 1 too' h V olio I -anoth- rpers�n! it is, mis enabled: to do treater. llin" of tr- 6ii III, Obibi"VJIO 10., ta On: omb 6fAhose* i landi -AS', aliet.F�.0 S 0 adai.�pry, up� lid u 1-1 in. P . sp, our III d' cases wrier. ifi,the: s',f o on* th guardian to return Abroad n f 1 Remember,. tQ0.,, 40'. a q eve di of �Z)u withi h rharge. Tho board.of wi UjL U L I C h e, �qu'u r,:� quiry, - refor- "orddred-the, de� obe-0 t,N�iwar' I 6d- P t jr v uni eve ,Qp. them oiRq y�qaxs I e,7 t Qf�%Jj U( L1. Id jjqF 'Porta ji t nia�"Ood h' whenJi6`xldt* th-C d all tliat�` ry 'a d MP e -CL T))e� M4b r �,of Serantr 0 fl 1-7 '7' h ber r vain:10r, p`e hoo :,v r1o, -t iDre d 0 em use 7q eprpm to, rp Wfi uth I s, for -Mr thOM h a' . ned its n -6 't, .�, 0,grAf amklted-purgo�;o-of real alwwks- 6 t t that c ions. n oil ave rOM0 bst t' Plb A C Min- vA-\, la all over;4-it - posfible,' L 1035 b_6-0rq-6djW come, 0 -y ancO tnt'ind the Veased. God *ith,'our'liv4 e to tr r, IV Mika Whe, ignor. e, (3 ...hinder by the a of. w -hav done gr, aVonding in e ­�wnat 0M .-w'y e,� h;in I 'b t dausp .9f,its 1 6 ed t [C'fact lie found the sliripe,pf j--& Y --,A t - Qo's. p a.. do and',, purposes, for ive,- have: OmphAsii� S'c r air j7C )etternlent huninity. h' tp to all -6tween.t] Lveq tho. ac_ rniulat�.d kiiONVIededii, mak- REV 'f r�, teeth g Mli,;l.4daug kis, 'fAreat. _Tto.71i�v'ing wbtn it is lived 11 become b ME\ a b tewin, him- in'� peison oa t -�p 000� M In IU NIYREW. IEIAGt" t mens/ of th ation roM A min P dig foul4to, ya',4effc- S �E a 2- V. a Tali. 0 7 S r fhTtj in.: tWito b, 1jUUA1,,5 4Q of nom, �nyj j lit i w,,er A "P. TRUT nutf;.*-:- 0 su r sliowe 0 a 6it of, 9.4 gar, Dbugh x "T -9 �-ofit i th Vase 4 sheep, in. It p f -ere. lidiff&e-S C -a ew, at," f rD t �aq ntre� d pa -is, th aid C aniing UZ �e`T, MTI .,i-nd e4 --b W 1. ly--w WT--thMthtT.-hm-,i fr th a _Uptoi, At- -hd-,heur'­ 10'b- -e om, t :t�; wl. j,rjj&I lif 0 of: 1,,Buddlil i' piep s;; -in in- look -like onc the, 7�ti' biv,condfmn wach - �*arniii 'this will- make tfie ebe6n easx, to" tom, -dt rhy hearti -1 -.are e robes', liv: _.g 1, iheL�gqod grou tbny hma-e� ans a�eg "o f tin my' ee15 4T s� ;�na OM Th .0, e. r --&u the' emselves'. neseLAIna-er V 'Christ: is; _-_ed T)O-n' iffien t��bv -C-111ormil o' cir e DT: h, _--rate ay r 'a U the' h6ai:&erg4Ato.- Cent- -'-ikn&--o the '-Wb e te poper,t at- --nd . R J9, - - her in Pisidia'h& rftet­eVery-;% ra,,� Oil easier ternis-,' 'such' -s. ,an by he --sister-' The'pArtWeFs r. t- uShe is �'ac,pqmpopx� 0 evull for.. eight, f or lib, it. .0 he, M'' nilssionarY' ln�daw, who carriesAbe. baby, in tho. ogirideii.l.ap it Ie* I V.. what is 'My-. ToWa-' -bit _tIfe.j xcr to r4nQv d' b a issionaries, Attitude F Inda� -for' tl OU "kadh �s 6 n ;vdifto and 'another 'Cing 1 1 all' Sb .Christian, w.q rruth I alid- si;nu o 9 i tAi li r' pr urn, o -calf Ts - t s6ck' do -B al., e Met -8 a 0 exp Ir-rqPTS Iff e I .... I d" t the U, � C . . s` C n,� d loth.�r'p6rforexg over bOr:.­rwlt1 i .5�.engqr to r t .ays CaDlie, P1 e answrmg! t �,!k e w All -as- biit� on ins -to, Ellis. is and �on, ac syl selves; Th'ser box. Tuesday:,,., --Ano, is. -eq- -n-d-keep gd.­, unt ) il I g Oil hem-, Aarle n c poinn 'an di Tap -6 -pop - a e her two�; c 1 flaIII frAtes-fur Nvho�- rag . i,er th f er an ho- thq t.ruth while th,6, r&A'_ iange_Ng. wB he it W ed �TAE�t ing, fia 0 (at-d-;Pa'tim01x keeper irit-,s'age airivcd a,u.Y's t -b 6 lifies -xfeir�the altir irf� it in "cT—nge W, 110 ther si s upon ;.a A661;. 3p -warm crackeis.� When. box Ila& haqiher,�Wa6 too, ill Hitherto le digagreeg, ing that; tte buPalil?-i Way; the, other �yo: wintn sitt t' b -in: 114 and -ters, )wa'�e th'6 t followiqs;Ahq� tfut at g. Pon: bV :and. he 'old, had'. been' b�iie, at' P1 an u-shiofis-befer I 1 .1 Uefd r -a vif w ere_A_�40'r� f fe Ue', w' 0 priestg' recite an The uh1ess tile'' cris'�­an 43, 46),' or:, and .,his com h y 1 1 1 se, X kxlowleds:6 ,ever again T -I I- Ad- -glit 0 vo B �rieht'inow-adxancca-to- 116-fr 00' t ins, _#Wa John fiig� Aidd 1AUW t A '8cbttish traWcO, V ing-,the tr1li 'ih� altar and. prodeeds'. sp 4ith a kilife's'oak for hl seq. Veis, To Ys ell, i� e s t eir e o parLllgf f er' 640 or ve d \,,B 6sci_jdav�s­ ii�' motbei- an'. 'h ,old water;- fben take pri e ana\,B r ofi the an, Our, in i vp � or s un- I'll a -6 an VPCfLfiUh,; 60 f -witnesses after, at heaows, an, I 0 Pe, j U t. will be sur0iised, dt�'th 0,6nve -ea Ak wis'li s the cliild IN -1 b 1) lifted dgii, will 46 as a `611t M46 14 a� tin Bud qu.eG joneq d t olet 16 ..an publi�hiug I. w he&'YizarxQ iiy'abd i in UET \ I* HALL A 00y"' loctob6i 'l,'.: . . - I emi6 'Th- n rietur t roug (pe4diiidn. aa,, �Il have no en Wagib. and i'- e I S a, secon< abr�o' she I at is'done.in h �,)ramS k b iielA ot ApaEsed ill' ru, e, gok-, in'd u in t of- co '6t bfjlalle�<,whi6h waslast e g�vern8ij but hay bb d for*tu mcomilli., inst the 'great isco'v­p�r­ -egtxgatdr big -46en inL spite,,ag'ai il, * inN, icrihelioil in 1* NEAR hg;' parents. to-' U, se. -for Kindling.-" Zo. 83.r reames 'or - j_ 9 if in dAImiigro`.x9 his, equal,'ifi, t The.-oh-ild is. theii nip '-d I iiki ng- ihto the� our :h 9 a gre . a e. t, s o mie �jt in a OC ''t 0 e c 'mmand '-but­.eVbilts "a d'ehe'', te." 60. town, il�,. . tli I a' ild, a. Lan- e sp in :9 - '6k . TNe 'mother n am* d ift&r,' 4ulileos"116,Iobji�dt, (;i 4p,: irr'll- to �asty()110mer, ewprove ,.w; astove or b-, t ti vs' lice the:y -are 1 ,4M ; ou! cer e ntr c' o m' in' I" - , pa, the In. f f1je ;9ngIWC seemed to* 'b�' 4a� oi R0180,4611V6 ,among , Ik, -1;6UCup, ll.�Il take th lid Ong increase ne. J_ r,_,,re thel"a qrlz- d" 97 - A - - n - . pQri e ion to �ap a a Ills: S�k ing f e�it 6 ImonyI 'go -a e oY mod io: si�ri st., iii�. eqnseq rsO W fL 6en al- &ebilitY in oath A 4,tie pe ng -for eM o is one..o This ier dosirAD e oragi they adi p. ie a.I,. -Thei a'fiie w fooeed ti�l -a- se ­ Y Y. su ges 6 d' b- A �hafi� e . ".." I is:, - . * .11 1j"f apos ol�e pkeap '�whollY' ilbj.' Almi iatej "Sonib bewilderment 'Ap 11-13 u importafit'record-, e , I Q, h it,.`�,reseribed. a. fe, y8tersAnd 7 t -he ' s, hr, f A i6hti arid ed ECIPE�S­ , and ig,four,'&d It , ol�se' i0olog b .4. .66n c a _'.the!_w-ho1e':-.coahpany. . . . 1.0 .. . ., "Wh6-t 3uppose I'll itek,the perfdrFina a bf the 3 -Zen' so e WilICY'julc6', e;,,t)ath pyescri e, bq h- �con money.. 0 -for. uxul the Chile Con- arne.,= ic over we b've� is doubtleAs a; y �i6s like darie of. the Y. of"i ing an ni- Pl� an� oinise mnWash �tWd� the supjo4t of th*�sef� PriwatoR Or IP 9- Urge e 'I Bill 1prAhe:. perihelion Soa'k"OV'er' nig an d -,6k' in. same delions,, in� the 'person tiiking t e 'ov. all Mei_� ed,he mot 'r. N, h th. sliall, [cleteriout;,effect n t e. paF h Crloi�qrne �a I y of, jin remarks' rligge. .-,,is 9 1011 6­.docto d h i I Id T I DAt iN 'i�aiei ui%til thorbughl'y­4one. Iii d uplifted so t. o1je O.Causes, : . squie thany-ol the Lan- meik 'WhIA �N 10 'Of C-r 8 kiiowin4 soup�­b b tter, an is Ii1g, since even, i tho Ra- until -the ni M'is� Undero in the' kn Ali!e ntinie boil alari d Will" Its i 4&eed w�!6hm�ke-itd.ifficiil,t'io�ic,iblittet�' 'Thus.,aPparexii -at a a$ S�. �p W )robA,b r F d of, beef 'k,.epi'ng to. kiss -he Book V�fore s ire�,-Ww ier t -then--r-emove,.:-tbe--rnejit4'fi.OM'. the., -of the-- fine flavor; and goo Int an OR al viis '&i�tural ". . d ' ly, mjjtTj lo�soix �OV al in ispmhg- at! , ear nce t '180;j;qU4 ted of,. b6ne� %lid Chop finc.� RAbrii'Ahe qu. itie. 0 a Ainbng. tho.1cuisl the fourth.4a.y. h has:largq.-,,quanti� tlibm the �Conlput�& 'and the ob4. Quote in v. 35.� choped ineat tq;tW soup in:Wb16 fiidr,�L Hay whic Ile, ion had s Aqjq�,fidet�d! an un - 1) Y_ foun ans, _�Aajved- tim 0, andf how advRe an&Hab. 5 in V.LAL It Wa's he suggested �Iot. be ex -ky,:day for maidens'to lt� latie: e0.6ot he. soys, on s been ediuni n in af f 'd t 6 size -of I t argu- ays, -later tdmatq­eis; and pin *liat'Wilit th M wo ed B O's on. e collisd e so G,Cd thatceffitift days were it is pi-seir. t, . cable to 46g& 'a inar'tyr and ma�ir'lriqiiir a for the unfavoxaf;l�:' 'for., the pefforrhircb - ason -with, siltnd. ft Nvh Other, _qi�s ., Hth, wi 'in that �ip*eech gi.- logo h I, R IT T -T A 16" p.r. an. ou it, arv'ai:d Mod Al T9 ag, imp kiritt on� au em the ,Nones �and -Idp,'g 'of ciiell ilion1b;` te ers-- 'WIND.1 d The Dead 'Stephen� had Uguii, il. �q hope is. e said o c, mar LC46ring at th W 0 x I d k 76� Walut Mac4i ooi One,and hool;,Dr, El e R�,Jos in. C Ia: e the: -also, Feb ru ary AA&May many h - it I q�a was ie Inost .6r has alwayt beca ;r)r. Well, she isn't), Jepli and �io tl a nitura) wi�na Ceiving h'of ajigar, �011e-third bil A at n by 'up -tot Y, mother. lqtq, worse. of' theirJestival &ys.,' June iv" MfP Y ats'to- 66 f t Nvaq propitdous it ill eggs, i� ory 0 m at, t6ges',,of powe victims, Cori. "Worde'V,' ftented 'the do or, considered, -the b i R. ai Mal in,_�V%Osfon, se -r- -lie win cientiflaally. e� P Ole Y, ."After; the in surprise., One teas 06tif of Sodo dis VAJ'jety 0 f be, s 'b' tl montli for in4iihpoliY, uscd$ ds, it, P.�odther.� might -bb 4tles- b�gj,tj t6.�' pick lip'., bid you' solved in lare, now e plague)�. , ('0111LIng M6� 140� W & hofollow B lit jidt 4hot, I 6 utidbi' t bilful of inlia jVi ­custs,,y4othing aftof th aff ectSL all :t lie ill-, Cl6veso Onck, tetigpo th, e�. 'been 'set and. age8,, 11 u n ti P.C, �nglisll­%�Alnuts, al de it is '611 m6nia tj . 1110 o' ho;s on jh4d . ). * t r bUt I anda�out 264 p'OVdbilt. of w1ji0j, 4r O�r in, Ia �h si ion pre- opp�d no an, As - This, otld,4u'of Ch daltek' dfei6s' that 'ill n A rojj� the -� 'biture h -in 'ordiba-ry Y s 8 n s an s s r ng �f lis could Hed or ceituriegLin\Ital eat is ilebreeze 19,scldom'ab'serit on i6sult lfatallyii.- It- is not. -Us for this .,We Me4ibe'rij wAg Aftffi5iftig e, i I t lyt�i some greaed pan, co�tracfed from 'a Cold, as it they "e't and gingq, be�er 110 even now preva 00.61ilt"s Put Arop1nt6a Tnglikh coosts WinAf motors un. must hi�b the, Osed, JoslinfL L g d �'tupp the greiitffort, anc uldf o'r li�hthoi in a: 1,300 develops-Irom4, b ad ynagog T04 pe'�aps t6r lightini'L �oagii , " L , 1)8, a'pliTsict or hy'L 'priu hb. 1611-10 -eir -une.& prejudice a 0 L ' C" ' ' , ' "' , I L 4�) 6 g Itio nd from xpo�sL b�.104_ ill The w&j ne ATagh Potatoes Well wbew add It -6 EV04A., l-thiiy werb t6" la4eerllli .once, in, 6"ma -yink- bd6fh motor can AITIO. even as on "'Innocents' It is c6litagious in that ont,, ing thii pas8jlIg ihilbllgh� tho e ja t 1idurs-M0 Catch it by bevathing i n flit, ere - Is tht, M�iflillg -'scagoning put in- i -pinch ri cA, a in - �d marilsil- D Y" 0 t. hat th,686 of the 'we ,res to itig, �Owopt. ISdi Aod 'whip' Well.', bd,ftended up-on'to Work 8 of thp s -o congr6g'atiqh- �bejsough T m td_'100 thciA4 Ok'fdrms the: rea: Withi 11 f-b--'reach6d to t tj� --The Umil tillenft wholi"aft-6 Wl r;v. �; ti it 11) �jjj� Mon) Patio w6r�g mj The; t the n0t Ins $ assoof q of ellil Mob min Wa ih6it while, attib" 6011,ff r�tsts- his. I , " li, ".1 1. h 11 t n rich k' d A'�d' Teachir�­&, wit 89, ty ''t COP Ohl th 49t0tiff, ha is The dol, in �js. e . ... ..... Aj t106ft, -I e_t -a and t In LU . ..... . t� goo ';'7' d iloo an ou bid a to,for.. In di oun gr y