Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-29, Page 7M W 41, —7 .4 ;X V D* V �46ut the otleo uko pul _11prJUk1b6h, jusidipa,' 0 -W a LH�jr"r$. �61. $ 04 lie. wi O.T., A 77 case tqJo0sea t IT. 03 'M)ft _cut, -in. COMANEk! 10 A out _Jimbbf At: Promm A shrie4ded-,, e 2 000 on -'Il—V TMW, t 11 ; Of er ll�jj apple,, and. op X ion, ON 00-10*pu, s"a Say: -a' -rd e-thir-il n 0 1 p form of aune at M S M _1 F_` small pieceq�, tilsing two. h eud -prevailing' in tbo, jr-or 'Aguese. 40.� -of -St a -Ing. ;_ajA 6 e a sl� 0 i e,. ilice, 0 of IC' Vj6e leaves n a U.Simeso; 4814 AA. _4 1) i - As a r* ;e-. ed' Wour., g f4 oc J. Africa, agreed�, ayQAnei oji0a' West tj 6d res tALA n lg,:, Beed 00 'Utmvatq:�- ma p, eAs .. IQ .4- 11U.4 gainiish. with M Piiiia.iioq of� 31astir 46d. MSTAI WSY*, 140. Oily' it-,caiq be eAs I0 Moro -AX D -$F,,AT-IXQ i halves, of' qui eAs O,_JNG 11 OT 40' If he prefers, 0 tiolao wiQ1 tho4o"'I'404", "Who vqnt,- doing good+ or, 4 look. n and agai f h 'horr -,a pio.4 e. 116 pro Ver4q: 0 ,ker, g to the,. man ng Canidi,. Uncle, jako�� �4� f4os; there".are' the 'billy,, ab e p peuring,41 the :Q.UN3. n�ei9lfbqr'to'.wh,om,. he 'aid - -the dooin. which. br�avely against ds' for - the Te r �Iouiq -del. ail "th4 wlDO tan fighti r -fit �oi Aai ps f .1 -d St"X­F hall io"Is to ha A f t,14 'Vol, �s, paw . w�iun4ed yoUr Frying oan,a JiWO he. Lr. Co proceeds to. pass An a,' the, attlelt don the past generation, de'L .' I . . . . . - ;�e� Xp r, TOU1 awaitAlthbm- in J Are -de.' hot.,. e CA 40A IM 101*4 'Uiti'V'atp ��f Uind la- Taw' 'paliteri4ls 4OU140m o, 7 VaAem R a' tz ?L0#dCq , _D' 'deration cans 'wo' d 114 40, u - 6441 "Wdloox - rd 11, -k _men se ee 1: T.his, dis� Sal. pf con blli`17 fty, 4nd h b0ii pt de.d..,, and a: MighV _�tOM' ,h the. Ameri Ilan er. Nv ith." (gr C -jelbL. correso.ond str Qrk' drq'y t timb,ep 04nd cbme in, qQntac 'lest; population than Pcliusyl.vanlAl to b t -Those t 04, are or 'by cOmp bm -is a fa; infortunat e,0* e� -It, asbe + Jan4da Can be* mistress illasixed otion"' "But not only'for tli,,oLse'witb Oil .0i th'at ipill YOU eo� Small Galn,�.. On fig �bx of the h6�1 VVh+ip It : .0, $e , She, -takes about' much' of bur v,ught'fr9m. the j�teit�r-, r p4 you b mine, -to- a a host'in, V W . ne, carving play A e, 'Z: lainip4ly Split b�,e. Dg6ther. She staiMs, life of oloz�' t�,is &,reat city, who.daily, o-w. pp, , 0 useEi, ys UrL rice pgf; 'd' 6ath ';#wgit! dency bl'the h 1, Be W at,. 'h she.&614'rgs, with egis a mo. That 'is an �444 track 'To. e in,+ contact ,but gr64t, -exteg Asia` 9:i chair d. 3 or Un(Tre(670 W:A man',C of '.certain Gitti,%tions,tt ,'cheraoter by tlie�Cond'tlon 61 the,pr hid I t Iongi L, Arri( er 4 i$t F ird i�. OLUr-exporr) tra e,', coming aside -'the brqA bone an the -spine.. I'lk. guli is L" Oame. Tho'soc SO- iller �collirge they an muater,' bik ially-, This --fi W .1afte'r.,-Great Brifaill, and. G' -that: ieciprdity. must ogd. pitted and eware"th& etmany'. Wir*st.' anov4q. r 9wri .4crijq-, with drea 06 1 0 0,..s signs t Wwg , q I 1 .1.1, 1 L Ujh the rtr �re�Qf �b�s yellow Streak. The path 'd Ye tie Sam dotian, to. the a hrig�' Tb§i of bulab kn6 neaat; Ott t"Ill "to pg w "gry! npon� h ma 0 Su Attt?ntzon:lq an a I 0�an )ry, ban I swr nLtfio� 6t � her.. from, time; to;�­time,: in .0 1 <1 I b t h if ui & Ibilis h ine etti en -of siibsidii�d p cohtln� sk.jjt� e dent it 6N i�L%r Y. f6rumus Inent" b.6.. TH.k. Wb�p* o� PO x birdSOL h -6f,t t VIr 104 h porfioial; Cold he 1119�.Ilp r n �and: "i enng ox y p.rq urop , 9,7 Ou, 'skul and 1 fresh: &I Take- t Sal -I exit, hb, a .�KJV­ Ies to, nr &M bouildsArl sI �') , - ere ide' E M rd , if h bit sufferin; and mi'sefy .,w mep, -ther6 - tro And-�i d'. bqdies-�'of 9 evela sdMe u W o -a a I hi6h h-- 11 W. t f '4. V jte�v,-,' an nign her.,. nioa;ts': Boilf e. c mire--iiabil-' klight. out, le tO 5 &eve'. fiv Sport 9pian ee eA. Ahoi w6uld:: PU.t you will 't som 'bee' fin'loattle, with Who cps, is riew 8, 1p� 'Or �fatigfte, th, ir ialfish rou 'D pork. boc lihip'as.1 right �His negloc as t' i �Iaf, ne Atla t' h' brough fever- ey a ympatlayi. se, thvk 0 e until it j t cook.it -hnd,- When' .,end en per qdn,., .to 'UP, . . .. L J L . �s: his, rifle barrel, anjl* a" hunter I exceilerif timidant. - '10 a' h 'd e P,4, of-.' kindness each d'it his boil . I I . . y e4o unable qeotirled* like, tho� she h �raci A pling. where a ae tT ul his, w lio quits- *bin ille. �has enolug Rarty oii the march," eA, half h6ur put in 'via, MTY, uOK n ..f -to res . patt t �t , 'ali th� it bit CO 0'' 1.8- self -to ome i,Jn condition. eqsp't is I a ck� e r for iin- iladeL ito ',thin 'set.: n he best e. 01 at,ovbt he pen ee rea �r ort e la��.an ans, a a d . f -".m .0 f- the o--bJCdti6­hs­Vr'-g-qd; . on 08'a is, r s; 11 vievet;'with ll , lt e, i 9, th Vnc 6 �dn -forwar' -to t ot al�t�i PABUIUS I n_ or a, rurft 41q, ;, - y . reams c a, per.Qu ne 9 b ed :to:.Can4da* was. ' f tic ugs and. cleaners tour is -it er t t ice r ic ic So i Illation our pleasure-lovinir . tatures a"t t 'it t is I ipen: in.. ydir a thia.,.mean, ag . iinst definite -Service of any k-irA Plas difficuli't in. I Orl,,.Yol�lr. so at the h o. No-w;.haviii 'been affe think lint. 01 keefI-f vrn. 'biein 9 the Irl�timd� 'i is cc t , -that many 'On To &ive. Itoast Veal.-As,veal',49 rtain '.i 1- 8that it ties u's is; r4eal-, left his 'fiard. - 6 oolg, she aves d�s'tined for the is. oilThe inds-pi tim, ils positidn,,A_-iiVe.. - -few' lessorn.An rp-, of itw 8�dva Iiii9tin any are rought, lie. ore Of bulsine�s Wb ,n rather. a tanie I I jo4s b f a, P�Ala, iaip&64 T' th-eL'.eat�.1'. in' tu&l'* li�dules,, irld'theli, 86me Ian are, early* 411 veal is great y v ild'�they, -are.: d do. some --d'pd.. of kirldne:' &PA.ei ap n jafi 43. ss you commit y6arself tp'th sery of, L turn, and. i u ostionably go ' iii'k gites official an asked whether., iled- Felt Lt6 do it." ing -by: having pbo". .74of our. -big.. ath whi4 ba� no of others' .4gagemen i th 11 do th6 vr rk Wo e, r e w Th"_ FA , Ir amount, of w 'ag,o id.build x rpq Aay, some, or make. 0 ts .90o, "I Y Wi w 'itb yourself, to ty,, p b rl;- aprved ith. it. o bina- fi,��-years. Not thdAi ight-, ftltiou to, 'Wroqr uaiii'eis4jour perfbim. sbmd,du* S n �aid_otheiri, plain talk. "Par. -own. appiness-*r� s%ICCe*gS-..­: good' h, th"Pm,' Till * , " ­ "d 14) � roin'. Torontoi- -Boil ji6gse m t, e, ilied' wit is is a ottioh o t t an -h- your An fiCh -of fldvorii ii delicious,' a: Haffiifto tentionsAb, not.di' ' _if _qAA�. elat'� b the pork "sl -ing-in'duAiial centres �er,_ihe , ., I - . as Ve . . . 1. r6 t o' peoplo� by t Kno: the offi 'but'are 'ha. rag we h .0 y r-Q.wri wo-frk-faithfully-1, a n-4 pate irito:t 'in au ili6s-, swers, an with" a 6rk. �Aemo­­J­, e. the.:Coayser, borde-r. them free d"'en e S%Ven� ol H n1s' e ore. serving. they'' are shippeq off, -48 __ P...t f ,poSI ngL os I "diiy E vetii 0 -and wooI'.:.-A1e't.-'4Qhes "in*" This -ils ofiened cofti ID IC, t t but -sea, not rd.int'Opya�ji�jj".''r ad. to, bd of, las6 to 0.1 n -the blirrel. This portunity to� Iend­e hi n d, ur 'fel IRrowned. in d, Take alice of b fielp'Ing io, Ham.' onira6bpd labbiers ra'idt er, to ''gay a- ILOd. w'ord,. do men '�oifra at lastj o e4- alternate y. with- ki &S, h� 4hiflow until no.. S y phia, his subjec. an epo li�a i6sulc.of the h* f.:de tain ts t�wbrityZve ti); thirtydollar.sL. a awligm; p . 'i ­', ' a , dempti6ii. ae ''d ed In the'niidst fitlite Fag! -and ol ra� 'ff it.�o r L pan. a 'h :He a al- is,vilkble. If tfid, bor ie i-s-th. If co, t-, f", in, thb.[Plimtiah actiyitY. Cov"e'r,' brief-. nabussion o t e, t.,Aeveloip one. o . rsewpower y h -is the 101y-hur y o lie w o' iiim,me,�r in,th,6 Qveeh fkr-,-.f,6rty- ' I , , - f h pu p an . .11'owl -'The sliVes With"a thiii Steam, w4!�qaA.'Ontario e�in 1 aie on, lands at, - o :o L. OVe, y win in withAbe, propp,aed' , rpmoVal- --the e, out ..of -water 1 6-. -'6'r �49u 'gr is. ipr -liverL water.-poWeri ectricity a Y All- V, Pstt6n I -, I . . . . 't . ear.,, bi- rd e, ine,JAL, n case t for . bich 'd f --danip �Yocff for--an__eXte�6. 0 nd �of_ TI S� '�SL ie�q mission- ­ttkcte t e oks )e uty on woo -pu p, h -State nlay.: ing� L TLbis idish w u -of. t4q.-Mrapri- d the -.gery . , . - 'b'- : plan -i' -L V' e L eAd''p,e 6 Is-- t � , hoy 'the - of hii anad u'e n� ry 4n .7call"May.: Y, Vill -nd 111 on u_ LESSON' re:deliclous t fried' 6ffled,up before,an offidial',' d ari f Cie. a ha 6 'a Th I etrical-product' re 4 nd mo:. '.furthered b aio tb�g —IS, Cald­to saVe�­Cne;-tbb; are, an -come, to rry news n -d e uty. of :witb le. U htt A la teiA,7o'As boiled ham, b 'Y tke bff ill oham a .as' ...tb o 44 sand._'dollars &Aay by. _rui�ning ai� 0-ormod-tht.thoy on -p d �So . - - - -------- - tt, -W- Il'j-; f- i 8, n. ec "of MU , on kP 7 Me.;:of y a* or t NED..T EES v�rll, brinj so n 01 'RAI P Sh 'there- s�ratoh,,or In. r the bore of' R- I�iTi 0 NA 1,� L 6utletS,--frIta_t e,rla,; take f%Y 46d 1` c t .-Th -*riter n ar -Nil U idboate L T. licaad w Mor Cru P, do t 'A. 1""II " a a t gun, Cdnaai Can, . sen .away.. a manu aCT it be e-Allpit ex -pressu #gntiorls'- Col-- cyur -1ppIlIgsi erv-, -WI lace i w CO r a e e ve A �a l,". Tj e -Craol(e 'Cut T e in;d- i n Aes"ig V P. 't Dan: make lut t.at wenty-' illion the. States Se11L- o LI�66, iJJto.L apple or� a! pegr.,.-Atee a tred old L"' 'Gol U. X at L,Ve 'brou' asiA se,.o t e.,.Itariff. ciifti6dg; ne u fo n ana h :two sma611 ri-pr b le�.th t', r eft r- M d, h tI 4 . E . one zup� "This, !I'' "is ourd to d6n9crain.. ys erio.u.s an 9 Op Y" e � tiaytil. -e of r'a t r8* 'n such appenings a ou. n rus 1b g In- r in 16, ave n,. w, 06 long h' se%at EcdIe§ t blad etak�, the ihahuf aq,ture h 'pinch 'a f dant of K one ..pine, make" a C�Iint'ty town'. h of salt A an ou aM,L. -th will, -h n e�dclae&j e alli vAtere n S. to �Cali i6ad t7 ub th t -O StIM&TIel C Ybr weeks past aii&, serv�e.,. YS L na a se� t ig'n �mlsiaao 'mes ave Veelal-jps�4ZL nning- an n- case. ay n�Ca aries- as pla d or� Is b occurrenceii, e,, b B rkef instead' f' t vouri�;JesusXhrist.wa� lt.46,great� inarted bra;n�ches and -its forty.1 opt WH'4 :k E XPECTkD mbvi. _w*�Il Q -Y -bdil a;. e d w: minla qs, d T M -i h offie. ' ripsisloa-. gre slb­of Puddinj..=Chop t*,cv pounds. ag -I Js usim sh-iy4t ofits" parent it wx Y: R LL� .;.Collins ',"it I k Tory much as L 1. .. . grow. akL in'tot�pj cocs as- this course �i 9 or a gi in of rouq4d ve4l ste the foreign.. if -on the.si -of-hig. -h- ­ d in firto Oqs- Is---­Wgdei u in. red y sma .*a I'm a ada. 4i"U'4 o 'hill Id' Y pace A was �-C Mlet-al en h. ouse, 4igilk 4he 'Th 0�. A�ii _Wili�. 06m: a 01d y? L v 0 o- ;resi en s. atid Emas i0g, grea narrie scr6en: t PoppeT.'XO S 11 n wiped Pr possibly, art of fl6u r, 6ne ua- the� ha� f "D M t 4,UbPOUXIB 'State A i ar PL attbii6n—,WiIliamg-_­GhaI'- 9 erl. an. h6'.rueretiry b t Pouiej Into t YOU eLs -Are t h"jal to ia. -kit A' he &PooifuY t f A.Vy- o a -a nd oU-41 41011 (if �out ed ma - 0 Or full Tz.v IS ve th4a� I'd I 1S.L - R.- Whitinan- I's sinooth siil:-te� rich man b Aar U11 JIL aki- Ow �Alf: 6up laid, f., -p atly.-A0.1301I if it,� _91.1ow-4 d t Iff ..need er- ym, -or. ere X, &:a san -we h -wngkil b fo k'e, ye idli. f rilit B0 i i with -dt'And b4li­a� ii�x _V br e- ogh- e 'qaak'kiW,,__but`aIf -ire W6 �ard r -to, thick ess b I r s f the. 9 materials fro' tim -Jo tlme� in- 4be TIiIg_­t ei n-, �but lablel _�n -v ai w. ait-Ine, eginning �61 I . ds 6 e, 0 n p mono a we edges :a fill. wi 1 Kr. _mSi sol�die e. ney �swej)t, b e C a anp% ta espoonful ov butterL r Maidens, ttiq apple oFfeartree ding'.one, lifflisl b -f-;X'atfiljen- Maefirlan-e-­ - izars, -aw-� P1 -a L L which 'ce U n it to e - y,be­�giveh, 6t I 1. t aViIoU tly- w eii ult o a er an . dipped, in. -the. crime. gre 8, r -,t owing, --0 1 rks. lUh in. tli, L d, figionar ar A �i jethe has" een'but, (jA, bzi4i6t' to. �.an - b d' rill 0 ou so tie cloth b jinilit� -� df� d L; it] IpJalonary:*o Wrce'pf w..aler�'. %'.Dr&w' 'edged -16- ' ' !. Th,ere - W' :.4, h ii rwit bush 16s th :With an- -6rdinery feathef as scope to ail - h A put in. c gula t or zer Call andL SW Y. -9 _Y, M_ lam aretrained, -11 i3 visab h I IS. -Ad -the- pifIer,btig.iness, fu,rniture. and the mi iti$6-� Was greatly �at' tha� we or roTd ff For t, 6 f,Lb6iling water with' will., h -:th6 ;11 0..: e, hor -wo.o enwarc-;-- A; hasty_ ne . wt iv Sion Nets of steried d' in ustris! e imes ��ry -.�as ig A in or w atev r bthek s6pptie visited. -L:. :' '. '"'a i of iVe- .-de'r Saucer ih b6tto, eaning it. ::-Ot6­ ceLLL ainly; possess,, adistihet' oughly., e ore cl h V VaIU-# L a;lf hotir�s, on r t e,LW 0 a -- ay n, Ig Ing at, ..-me adure t;6 in Sys, b6if c g an. worth 1-'_-1Tr-oid- in C W tr. "ni WL IC . - . 'L-* I - --11 .. - SL: In J,ii .:, [d Q se'L, -the, -mols h iissionary, divisiopf ng --t e-witey -:W -lalkir'd-A- h boil o' rm,. mar a _,Fjpger� ilf.eeigo-tol an. a 0 thie ;nM 'bje ­t6L�:,thib Are. IM'M;6d VAR Aacl -they &re a rjist:_tpots. unlmk -p3p a iriti�, few, jacketg,.6 their -Ent r 610' Cower arag.. case 'a d, -itd re-. a� pleee'� of C6& 146 a r.,Y. With 'A h' A b, 44�� S`Vp i;p e f topi ol 0 1 n jelirs aped- qut,&n hich iini, 6 sore t t. he. Wa to rimemble- ;.excludes the- his-- hat 8, 1_5 �n 15a q, e f locks" sornevol -w-th he -ch it &L. fty t4x la -p'o'0t-: h --:-o 6�s AA7 :Was an,- in ii` t 1 .40 illflt[4�11IICeS 1` h a frained fj it. nd§ itlargre cAre in o.t 01 dkk e en, u smas Ing: JAP'td: t IS' gk��at est. fieezes.. east Y. :1ja4#erj-ind'14b fro Cb �Our own lie, i�6ward`tha coun--� entle Ilas, eliwre, ptaill, �nests of lres.: arm -of. t. is� &I-Ity, C -4111,13c, milly a k -th 9 kIaix n C1 t a's linA le,_rA16SIL4. PIP ith V essionaries. 0 -nis 11 a J­raV ti h A.gean, six inenes Or' a ,I t. e6jeo, so'' 'for Melt �r� "G600byeli� groa�. I ot t r III a ver a .4, -6. '-Whst' *�aa ili� c6ut-18,1 �sants wi t i h' mi6sioxia _ ries foot bet,,weefi big walk. 'and: his for e'Iru' ihi .0. ke 99 U 46. a :':PAv t gtour�d to, th b ol� n hoa. room us. I" 'k�ed rAn4 aftbr each AAV the e.L rdin .101 -the first.,' They. ther. white' of a hard bo .1 followed - and, -elb d F ; 6 are�vlo . be: All othert 4! Proad re is co with 'tag97-- A 0. -ed, If, the depirted in IS rips." Aint ne to ate wi T Dkesrsing.-AnL brdin r. c6xk d,. k,ickedi: Chaft. trIee-'and 'train it -against A., 6nch 'th --dovin the R'vr,'Oiontes th�`iag 0 e warned 1. at _b a Conirpand: en 7kembvied die, fi'r I n- g,_ t'. S M Vii t' IN C M UOZ18C coast) 1561eucia U!I6l While tb6 necessity'-: for, I ' -- Vakirig uPL the, qu fon of tr A6 ing-ciffiter'turned b ba�ckj JLr er &ad i .� - , 1 � UIPT, sixteoen. ml ps maximum re 'h , WAL9 ap o _6et*e�n th6 'dountrie's, M i urns rom, minimum is. U n.. tnheyaway and 'tiom s��oriful 0 on f 'ht to' -t: possibility of t 'a IoL. 4A mittiv ,arla off -In voyage. of ei teasi3o6nful, of, peppe. entlei.nen. oln. AA6 40- Pounds-. _SL AvIli Uri. A i e 8�1 tivaud TWA. u1rd­h=q -.-mi- cla; 5poo e 119- ta ut d. aThei otier c antial exerc'sp,, and hOpe, uch':oveRd6ked.­ _�oonfuls 'of OliV6L' Oil' Stir Jr ei in y6tv I no been Vcry_,M___ tables * I h 6 In 0 'a, just 'entL� of V r 9,,n �bf thatL I eaoft PpOs,I IOU r c C �"tion has tand f shOu d. e going tre smaIlL o 'hei '6ition '-e li tr P to A A 64 :A b est In Germ�ny you can, uya .e aOaiaadi nPt4o �aillia, P� ustome ttny ssiblq� and Ome e - I . .: Is P6 not 4 e'gigll�L ndhveong ope., t_ too$. in h, 0 'Me 'die s -t q y, -a" 0 clip 11 S.. 'blj howeve 'the most- I- h-v-ath your 4led ­ "' 1 1, nywhere was Cut' off ari6s: woAk_L1-- `Dhey__WJ1 1,11-lat -Cdl,&-boi pu, A F-��nch- ctors e alAiAo . �b, 61i . L V.. 1 6 w b -ready mad suit of shduld..'be U. n9wing'- nission I wi I �,ond 'doit the * I (P without' k s6i With your err It h 6 cubehi here e at 'tile clothe "Was er C nsetipt. I while! t e. training 9 have el is e discoverj;,d. that;the r posit -half 6, cupf ill Of fi'Ael� -&It in, sto He th�j adds,: read' the' w6rds. of, c' d . Minilt o o.ever 'd now f Add oiie, Which to's'ee' eornt.aan rew. IY_,__ ze pi2*d �a ention') Pleise�L qhseit.e P_ hpy. a d It -m e. her. .M.'s fruit. c r,� 4,1 1' rik--end -0' ek ghts ng, b' of the AftIve Aqp�rktb yeafs she lied `1`6uchar a young, otan , Orn 0 miles r8r-'mob8t- pared,' cut in eighths' -th -r, pbsitioni� su6 4ts br tw n4parw; the word- hyID you M�ust firej a14 �f �u TAI &&�reled the- Vithlb starved. Sb U a Y �.� Yes' t"It 60* mili. baulwhWer�, or lachools, W. Her West ]fit] at Mail in the D�pidrtw`ent of' TAI J I �I'L out in, thin, . , �, i . w1ho you i;rho ha�e guns. 01 elt", Of �Ibi�,rit bast and d- the-' I Vi Itilf, -Vt- V ressing;L go in Ortro, On" J" 3' 19 laws; attire. Pert I otib .whose. an Yost.,Caukht the* first, men' who Aavo` stich iding-, pro. y,.., di 0 d I etop�gl i ItAba then, be- sitch�s anA t 'who' 'is: sa&rAi6l With ccle0 .6�' A,% -oriboyi,, �rrid tor ebriscrip v� ere n Mani ncedn�,f hno 10 lercla nuxseries I .,an d v Its. eforbt, lie"ih t w fi fi er ri, it n Oil are,, are p le. A 1�'ht .­ d' 6tting, I. Wat6x-powr.hadfi't becom� --oid where ekp6rt' i Il Sol - a; h' first tise of' a" nialated W.eil B in espa ier Ave ed eight 6f �3,feet a �Ln,4 a Ion ring an r wear fa ti an 'fDrov.' :ralmrn0r,'.L Those lwbQ ci.gl Ty pounds.' On- t6otigh) w i,:h4 �6011AUIY'4110 c6ristantli nft� d -Lenox Salad.-'rov, L�nox gk1ad " lis R4ring. now.Jo' est Lan comfo ti.,they only qhionable,�' t -poA .words ifi, mkqvt s,. r ne e Britith Olt �Cm3 of - tlh& I Ce 'taih move tb skins', an& sdeds, irdin Ir.'sleep., it was.,by fti�rling a 'Out,- I alobg-wuh h ' is MI ' lthd -Ap-til 1, txe , Ilse me, cou ts efote bte6mi :afamilsia Call :the Cip'i '-,16 A -at tat, nets I th t he appeared 'b the -m §��ing what th6y geiatine,.arid we Ch gIi'bayo Xe I It -, ol !, I ' ig prigirig , F_( , nek yr ds', M, rrotiro�psycho ogica Curren raine( and, r ina t., I t -t,aock� Vie Fl-bnell'. 11 1 mail that :the 'two sava'llits: Cirae to youfiot6l )FaCtori was� el.id to on. .4d to be e& 6npC,, Arms' ei�y he 01 A dressing an 9 yough. 'W� rser, _,fl dai,�V ings an , c. f rl the dbi'011 tbe,apo� 136�-Jhu .. tbig co,*nclu,810m, , �Vhen aw,ako �ihey develbpe'd;: tariff. fought tIll d bi lied. bvomlls ' a.' in rp ,j , . 1 re.aro pritetically. . I t, , ... 1. a nillas .0 of faltehno'di. lkavd4. t?. ano li,-br , �Positi -have. th en..�. tip abd.,AirecV trade 6f which 4ho iaith�and �th - t a It furt i,state 101n, :prAL -Ani6rica.,thab I . '04L,. , Dreg�ajhg on ai LT&eye 'd " `. . But . t" L . fd ...like' Mos -6-`40d, the as r6paga IL sale of fraip- toll 'est i :nambl�, east" dr'w -is' m;ith`othev -�buritri"s. fore 'a fruit tred! way) 'and ina11y, eople who. do, not,. ca;!,46 Foy for piolohged *&Ot'V'tk' Owners 'of 811e.. led' On JJv6A thr�u$h. ft,,: Work" 'wiliiary liiithorities ola'ana"Off ;I � . .. . I P E Though' thL THE PRO �Twxc, 'r of and for thern there lee -ed, �avod ��nd as hard as. ard-to V. he -,no 0 Je 01.," n 1 be she as -gro ing. in- Fr'ed-"I'Lve On ly just It a <1 f "I IL sa , boile;d, g1lhd 119, liulilt persons -oonhil-of 'I nails. ':To, a ikely, Chat, Jullen Ojae-h&lf table'sp 41t, � 1. r of d 'b emplby4d your filarr, 0114 -a' n aggressive' 'Young b e, requi qtor n'I d to tak* add' fiiid: 't ed te. io is ie e fill they hard, _V 'k Cit advantage o N, t it Its- -eigh ra e -eatl�ansportatiorl, nearly Ild6l, of th t he n f in ho6by will -be, fo, lo'o t tip Its -a- 6Vm tablAspoonful f6i tattlittime, ifts a cint est. . 11 d ii�gricultural­. a Iby 661, L nit Ing. all Six. oiithi. ago." over t, F, rance.,,,'br' -Ensland projdai, to C of, IV I ren, Julien d6-� t hnA fo . r his Sugar, qne, Mo'r� ivork 'can -b-& 06. 'Iout,of a man re foped' lilormattv wAil lie "for Ili's in' pir -half tublesp it ion. -t r, coil Ott h M Is a" �dh And blie worif ' Ug.:Of me] t. oS,tion much tbla619.4 og irditillatiops, of at r aty TeIII!, gent -her mord. than b1naved tit t to ago of 7 'after 't�ck. *ith d 6utterL and thtee-fourths of. it I n 'Y uT do evei 7. y, men ftnt to iNvoAun Iceased. Tinigst rar. CMI tig. f. 'liferai, lion dolt tt ate for, 'cbrigratit, hscupful ot.thin VlIen thor� but noijoi &Y - Christ ag distin'Uly 64 L 1. 4 , , �slo*l nada, lations, Uly, boy, fj� r politician,. the w, rite , a good eonipbsiti.on,. the I V niw Ca the r&I'llilV oft�.q fit no they not blen, Y 'one rest t)f e it njoLi.tg landuld'-�it at tlieir,ddsks facing tfie t ly� iiormalityi.. an his has' k tall Age, kee�ia fourib, of. a . cu ed note Sanilg� 616.50 fisfed way of asy all tit' it.. POA.io,d: of "i , yin4ar. Coo �Ovv'laimPlo`, aft"' wl�ll t6strilc T", g con Eargaining, I'MILD Rtllitobr., in a dou. W it fo 0 r to! n6 be', lit§eaft6r hatd bairgrii'fiwirt hwitithions, tO, tub- I in than pas- 0 qntil the Chs . mUtitre thick in thd 108�id uand' Hornbr, or k �.Orlly end t6mporal 1,� 'I dropped 'my, *itch i I 61' htly% ged, tile MeNj d lip 14 atlie, sit ingj t1l, -and Aidn't ide4vOr I r 1 ipiece- vhiCh -�,O fill, et Oil I r h The, wiM the r i Sri' t our o vi, W i n d I s t I Canada ba t Ito pinc4pp e 0 Cold. ae, Midhaol 4ngiolo with.'clivy. 6rk, of v C, It I ftn� Cbos&uffed *if; � P neapp hem inm tlliiee days. Ce I 'a "' , , wayl wveo will o 11 ;ateii ;-T m S. jib pingi. w6 her into the Vniop.'Annex a- 'a L t peac on d' 'Zed hea t *heft tilere, re� no bi 4 r'L their ,Of eou�ie not; a to S�T hil L V. CO] alp an to d r