Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-29, Page 3Fe WNW il, t oftw 77 rpm,, I 4 Im 1, .1, . . ..... mp t"!4 t T'l T11 31111-D-1 1 54; A R I I E"; k Vs� ITE FRA FS M, T- 1" il lift, -W 4 7 use 11orende h a di� Ro d, im r W 13; tllr 0 110 Kas 1NO."WRA 0; Ian He A we. oh H Telegr.4 life Urlets From'!Our 0wo IV litalidS I . ­ , , e 1�i, P,fee's of, Cattle, Qraln�. Che 6,40- p her I)a will 44� oth, C 1 4 am W46� 'Called, or till lq and ftq�yjanol enn Ub motiye, asA, 4opplAtch from. Toro say".,* Ao. a - "T oronto, 'AOr� -7�� A-OrW xf�ag w,4 e B, n. 1, _eo,, -a ire eqnsi4lerod DA, T. ROSA ii,i`l.'w�-Fltiur' On' h t J90senpicl At the w I t,, Vith, the. d Uok to A%Val ll�*o I Mrs. �6arxied,'A- INDA ta- rio W, a pir jI; )..0 in 4,4die jalf anad TA!Aipat L h 4 evidenoic woo 90 14 t ant WAS and now boningtill* aggoW.outaidol our, ply wit. he.. %I Of 000 OrOWA '.),poc at in f eneq., joiJexporO. o' iker G "firit patonts, _6�4 g,4n,,a pool f-b-lod. in Atea that the, mu.rd had gorge Sq are., ntondanc of 'The Ferni ad pipstoj�b, u on Okk Taylor" a,neijiib h a A� the, a4loin o -of t in� Kfiv, `gsterii Avon 'builditv n4_pmtor4 A1 -h at 10 a. ned 20 11� ed I n-lq4-ui'r'j', ;, , ; u ge. --bak .0 1e 'had ghr� ritis stroag; t JQ my. . morning4. Palla' That o'Y99I.t Ve 'oew 0. strug .4 t ere fig� a, _10p�e .40.04 FAhl -Xiiiiad th $tefoff 0, e, can -a man in a uei$ '*.,as evid6n6ed.:by the- fac 0 low-Pount Owi4k-ttothf�, than has, hoe OomObn '0-80,* on traok;'� b otd. ryman and a reakup of' tho ri6a'as _ _f - I I 11193 0 an A rupt te of -thei. trag Jy' but her d qiptioz� the P'0lBtQffiPe,,Wj rn, ' . rm,, tion fiew pieces. of old furiture, ip, tho Qxl, ty acc* or- so' ..heat, -,No., ik Notthe hame y ars.', F hQraeadied all de th.q, spt,� 13 t ad for ay, a- 6dy, 'Us a maie0q-1 -�Q.6 n which the qd '*an. -bo* ters, fl�lr at ou_d t hia. dop6hs6d, was 1, D Gbwga 4'ajj4 d nl�'r on' my, Por so a ;wer4 ard ry 4 erp, h alid diitric- �.,p into.,- in--attendan ,, Small: 'hirmi of ig t wi T4e mtP. 4' b b, o' A�achinbzd S fbllOW4,':-7N ch-, mitted'. h lot. been, teroirn- Aythbrities v 'in4w.of. the-ldorad g JI t hei with ter - Th' r -er apparp oig- $1 -and, N o, N4'ithern;. $1.24 the, 6r is was onlfiiil 0 in di�j �wa6�jj4d Plitbrbdro?',hao to, �get 09mmunica- -th A ag, a wee 8'to $1'.i9 Otitside. WA com� �tilns m n ly beeii frigb , k d �ned liotpie- coM0147- '91*40 $0, OK 11 . . jmi�4Q 8t lng �he Oning. ariQ t=��Nbi. 4hait Wbea Zueini, inx we the b6dy, This is c. r "i Ing hi, 13. mop g�jnerjs, r a- has Q U r04 ku the. tli., -nqSe An,, And 'tb y �w -tho a hboj At Ron fifiliZI $10 or 3 d pq1 dt �pmba'ri ,6!, led ilo, aqk' foi, an a fingl, ove boo'k.6d,.f&. ag �AMKl Li, and' loclal r etches edoifia4 o6lboy, in or. hei 'No', 3 60,to, �,tv;ke ot ing.: t a :,past, two,. years. 'L'.- meAntIme th '0. '''ill oung pq The $1,00, of Macedonian I having mh ap kOWA w Whitt); sewed Age minis es.siop, in,a ohich. be usedvith nomi*fiatf6n� whic .72 B A :44 On *irv!ck;', Toronto., Aja4, 45 enof F lee Ia Ui �h, wis'fOuid ami�lton 00 an ers, dutoff two,htel and two stoie James 'Matthew arrie, M. O: 0 4,d ffqet, 'w.as found, A: t C60 jin64; of the viotir... 0i 1 .;41 and- Miss Kinriltde.. Mr. G J.'Aynch. Kills, stbr, on thli�idrn n 6 4. o bq-� I .., , , he iuiho*r' to' 46d No.; .2. lioonsqs,, gave c6uple of t 'vast w ga'l ive mur er, W U -6 the,b6dy 'Th Mur e4 Man: woo"t aStAu I ta Of' h. wrth ith ew fo4 in of t 4cr, 4toll, .'a Ott ki at biii, 6d. the nland dra oodiv; _b UZ -poi�'Q11er -74 -,,.exp aorth h Galt, Pit,!: un o n, the; p eaji No. ..wa a 'DI RMY11)", the, la660,41li6ence Tb be ZO ;04ie Prof_ Hh' s r -t to\ 73 0 0 11 i-a-9-beiR UPP2113 e P 2 - 12, �o� 730;- r. epn p a ined kl�t 316vexh- 63 -t t -he It 0 of;'Hoderwl Wonikiv Poor me), , *xp a-by"o jogjsp. to Stephen'. C �W ca,7� Q,� 004 t 6 hri C. in� Pa t Ike 13, r, -little.-malue., t at t "Sex oun Coniiiilred, With, Savag.40.1 Oorn-.No, SIQ01 Play. 2, Ahieri6au� �ellffw 80 us h�rig'hton­ invtatio of We fb A do t 'Mat Ei6iixd 46 th lir -9 :says 1, oce i getter, �ay� ha� '44dlaked . div.i 0 ava 0 ..An . 0 T -between. the 9 1, 8 :k d' civiiii6d a ti ze' i three or 'a; t 0:..' 1 Sgbw­CAn`adiia 7,3'to 74c n trac. I per .,pcqn 'a M _tj,,�da. relations sA3qRg h t 0- as wicified &Vh­: 7 Tqronto� de latter is 1mgZ.V IN -by yv,orghippers, illo, W48 comlittiM for- pan . y.. .. pin . a.. . of, P tit. $23 50 in' t re. u6f� b v b.�Ilk OU. n leb'ration, df t the; ual astbr b b6ftnt 1hoifth that: is bi�lk ad c r, tria t Hanilliph on the� l6harg The ".new 'chairinan- of t Srd( of sfi6rt; *2�50. -to� $2�' 0 xio iot-4y gains a vp i dia an, he on Ad orm r; list a mitli laing. an agine- Comm � the!:' .18 "A It is -'re, -ad thut.-the-Cariadian injinaging r ------ e ron' qq,­mnd�vpry­ rately, -man -from ltiekjaiv_ _ZAmb. iiemliii nl.134.ny is 11 r- . -Al�xander Gra bbra.tof hs. trib n6ai,Gtiadalj Jbirth Sun - 'to ba uw ',Dr.6". the:,�p Plo tifing t;bnt' Smith mi, au iR a 'ror th ovau., t ac ed..� nta ov-pr u Port arapq k' aSI, t climax Apples, f4 to the modbru X rth' - �:will diVwt traffio At Klina � 6 to,Du .woman tor�a�. my or.so, As per orm goo a inq Ithe. Beitli, q IeA16�4iVe, d Rifbrm', stre g A-fi-sigted that, d- ma 'a b qryman, id,"Phtch ftom onstalitinople� 'YS/ eompaaptd by -fanatics. d "419 mo. n6 i6ifficial -or rel imp: a ays .. .1 - nag for h ked io th .15 per b i says Whil �h b 0' naile(t to -the::oross matead bf mother is a lo to .:'take' UP hot. repairs to',the Fori Fra'ii'-' W�s­ftnciI $1, ith th�p AltaiAativa '$2, an ; .� Beang-­'Pri �eniaz. iiihab ants, ha'( thb �'..�ccupitions, aj�d ghb Ces e9lat Port Arthur'.' of, 30, iisoment for hav, 2 messenger to., Aleppo to b, ping. strapp6d, �s hhs been cus Pip. thilk .46ficiezi- . ' =" - T :.--E-mbassie§-"fixdates�that45iOOO- p. orepior 66 village. were uri W, ex &Use- is,neV r paid of-, the. r.etiAue,6f-- -he owed, as Iftheter"ribila injuries c d raes, a'Jnd_� ape- r potorS,: traineld�hifj mi lion more f o 0 Qomb.3, $2 Ao -ft.1& arn-­ Tis IVOU . . . . . . . . . . a Wal an in imiki 0 prose The- has-1leen arge qqngrq lift.�' The- wholem population "of' y 'the nhils being lveh"t] ps re's- "at- , 4, ]f b. d li 6alists. tlipbt� 0 �4 ilized wo ifi,.th Raipy- iver ''Was. a red in man f��r erve .R -ga ion 1 dinon' - and -ttr�j;ja o7(� 6�AinuaO�ry -he is�hands.-'a'rid.J et�'. dern vo� Ontario- ­pa-o� liathe but 00 i�� , Of4K:arikh y that -this traj�c­ c _11,tlY by the no'e, of t ois report g n e. inio 11�. led thA sre d -"t ele h. a"- a 77 vigdr� oerfodt physidk1,.'speoimon----o eii, ing�. hi' � h, daug , r;bac­-four_'Germa s-are:among 0 r'6wiirr, .$10.76'perjon on track.16r _V6 thc� killea 'Job an Ad manity,.ian by'virtu' prone at. Bakia. The Position -at - arsus b D T ous in sures y re , , , 'd f hearing. Mj . sident- i _zi Tblliigt6i� chit a ton. have It.1 16.�propow I g is bbt�a 'I oad 4uir,64 den, bisizig! the-.'bri&B. a MIZE ac Straw� to $ .50 rur oi� le Vic ndiiOnal,�.d6vrnment"U Pr he9vy, I tionn,4rieI. who !,Xn r 'are he t . at b,r ar 6. 1b. h ad a nler; head Wdshin h dow building iiiii.',do' oke�As f pportm, v b rek, CM461? a W ge-a' 6`0 h 'prot"t Ubn w ear, ruer w o ihav Will jm- tian 'n 64mjitting . .... Qgna4lan -gr n -f for gcuipt*qr.'. 'T .�L ids'. ai9c -7 u.. of �0 P ignora t an"thbrAre an grand es*,�'& expense aiiist, th6 in: t a 7&b-iou"f ty-,- _. �w Aim . . ., �, I a -7 Majealile'.- WOMJR4-: ith: �,am .13 "Ii (11 —a` G Bu V ler WU U A Ul A'A d 000, unk.Pae W 11. $ti&t -bare fee't ,ng,:, a-. has, joiti $%10001 'Pariff:gowna 4 killed h 0,V Orand ffli' ii1q. k 20't wo sAli h Hidin, t r rea T ca he, 'flowing air last. Y MARKETS h t'h Of k6l- fic ys - 1v race d �soatch from 26wern f' 11ina, "ov" 0 il ex T -Y bell "nipe g sa, AnEdinburgh Ad led, into tlie'vb in the qwjleF5 9 ie prupm Y_ y,. yeFy libdrate gait,-Hibi'scus blosadm6L in imugg read to I . antr a r 'Soo Afitioii a or hbr t'hati ived, th toll w ig rpb3a ga n. k r,.tyul:, -�ie.,ajinong: the� hvo� :been 'b r. h46mbpHin,, General 'Mana r a0�uto ge gmrm6tSI: has, a;- r unica F- due "in- the., i -sthtc sehito il*�- ., .1 . 1. ; I . ..I I - I 'h - " , �, Pacl0o. re- ei�aii�P­"W'hfich Al as-' h r 'a go in, Bto_1e.-t.Agz _Ec. !7A mion ffit and itit-6d- that.constAet' �T 14: next" shoes -o - k� 'r� t 41i In -Will -selt few heeled ..1 9 9 0 pbq4e, he�.Q1mBgo*.TerritOiik1 &a e Aow been el' M lbts 7 a renc mission-, a d ',a on: the, brkn 'h nortliarid' F h c from- -,qGO 64 havehit lict: 100,000 and finery from�, MelVillei; - Sask.,,:�,Tl woman e t ch" h Be ho u b gocuit The -Xillage of in he -principa z'fbotbiffl 14' e* y 1i le' i� b ifd- hlou-' of., a %go. d us nby c A'. -matches -au --appea c fi. Vlslt4 t 6 h A' ineFiJaiiA'. th k" f the ta ra o q A: number an'.,CAPTURE -PRODUCTS. tn -0. -g� -�_advance Th E Roo is, not lear, 6 also. are to actin on, 7v $�O.r ral 4he -b k' Coliri�� no 'It the p­r__o_v_i_d-iP' in acconhmo-� where ouse rent Un nownt Pf 0:, a ort cu ector bes-nor ndation. for r from VAncotlyarlI. aoties, nd caathei ran 0 UMITE D TES,M RKETS. tha.orth.e6untry,_ notAbly 7�.h6ra:the tax dibill �24 A 0 an- ault *f'Turkey. is rcport pi�p.es do-�not 'burst with-'froaf. and.., M �-; "A1iikeAL,kie.Ke4 :I i 01A, ;AftQtbeing e6inpi6lled rom- ai *ne,, fi W t�ous,--SAsk; i t t he�,decr6is depos'. R)ym6 av to. fitc. four g' that' She Biifala- Ap,ri 27. WhOit Aiots warq,*' the cook. oi�s not I to c' at 1 Nort ern,� car - c;' ac a on 15- /2 S w ien sh 6,14i to Uncg'nfi'rm e�d a,, hat, X11 meant. bt, n -of, -emj t Woman Is l'siness,.,the. cruiser L't the-grondAinn' -him: h bee signed, -6, h 11 tb oli r' ort. has reachl Th, a at': Duinfri6g - -­Winter� wo.- iunday.a tprnoon capture An i6y, to- 17P rd Nst.., `0 d the acon,' happi.6k than (5� iliaS4, .0opLs' IstorbI: $1%27 f -tend-, wit�� . "I .- 11 ". f 2 000 AQY,'_; No'. 2 white'' 'four,&Ad a half o n bdbur-V 4_i.�rqd _Nb 3 - extra r6d;" $1.- _A -stun 61-1t, -n— $1-40 COM 7infles od' Lard-rT r, tha�" teeen Y. ore was a ar at� H' h- 00 con . i . Lda T is'Yeak.- 'Uthe'-Moderh busbaAd 6'ette la Fla �1' Th 0. to 4pan isliffiliK The" scill 6--dori69- ou­'b'tween;- aM.* -0aiAil -0. 743 'Poe Avag-0 1-13- �onx wa;s. P ; , . . wh rl nd:�rents were u _7 , _:�s . es n -No 3- irt�71 aijds� -a dial _74, ran c ci e c 0,r n 766 a NV 6VU14 P 6 14��4 cii- ish bani6� of fi -a mil a ain lmmig,rili6il stat d ons papers n. vs! ceurE Upon form er he .1 "1 g r I c gave, up signa �n p 1OP1- Thp- rbhiov to 0 om COMAlIttee dnAgriculture. N 590; 3'v�l and Ina-� Rite,. 57% -to,,-) biir�: c tned to ppoi6eed of 'ear� ako.. I tor �Canad Barloy osd y ftom Wo Iwich $1 oa -Oats ite". Z637 powe i, - ilr6fi on W04 morhing mcquv�t� lldt�.r- 9 N6. T to M01tipg-, -.-68�t e as -.e d h6 0 XP601113 t To. h LLNIGHT-0 RAIIN,�, wag ntly :n -to.4zl%2:c,; iter so mur-'a hawser X19 JX4 aW -wo -e reaf Would 0 ar eer 5fj t6..503/ me! 0 tice ye ghoti4ind, and that sevebt S` 00RTE'XT6.US, 8011i invi nkitib'. N.o.,j2,, 50' to W i�tie, 0 ep priz. 'r ving e has, or, ar on 0-h qyl � th;�io 6 3 49 "Oad of 40049 aad 'a for' -transfer: c� "c; '41 1, May; d ai "a N I;. iuly, $1.17- .2c The'. ­Levi, thousands ednes my Trying. Exporib. Ontario N6..4, -N logy been t ad States..: A.8" A oN, bo'd' 'iiry. is' an old'xossel of'1201­ he' unit, barle§;- loo io-:466- feed, 59 Y2 ys - . .11 - - _*_. i * 1 e�rigd inspection systern1w, force, e of, 83.,.* -to t 'with dridmi Of �5 th Ifie 17 des�atch, fremi Mbntrogl,ah. o. :7: -. ' 40,00 -Incoming trains..wek'e " 1 1 d6: coy" to 7�C­ 2 iour�� 0,000 �'STA. Mf - during'the p, -st- serious y ED, 11AIR. U -IR R.9 t , t Scandinavians.' he, Ill'ope a- '01 -GIS R aa &fjd'A%i' we r*d d layed on Thurlsday, ow.ifig *iheat pa en a yearf, f6rtk-five hunared immigrants' to I thie irk $6401- to th fog during. I 'the, 'o " '.'4 0 'E V' y Ifig -.1n oTelliell the summer 783. s0yerity - provi us night.'�s netio a, a She t ed a o Sea ti had .been. 'turned back 'as undiosi.�` floolk Spring. who. seconals am f 'Th it patbilts",4 d P T &_storm. blew. -s -Aevois y. 0 :, Wilar Wot asas LakeL "of a "The� �Ammer of thb.year 1783 acio iamplain' 6 Lead: A 51 uriltrer 60 to d6i 'or A iLportentous one Rutland benk�41 Xermon�. brj4ge� - P $�' 1 Pat an A -riernarkablii texamplo" of.". -d -e- $6.40 10 80,;,Wini 7 �trftigftt rty millio'w s't eppat6htS, r4 10 06, Alarming at Rousev.-Pi6nt was' -seriously,in, Shir- duc�id� alter -the tas U.."- ­t. ., cing.. .,,own, lateorg and trem f: b) to j�iecea. I to .-JO in ag Tl.ff FA endos thunder d, 0 the 5-.6 0� - .. ;, . � . - IS sT- d' �;D_Lo 0 Lne E&JU4. ky alu At tll� A— brutal mukderer; are given,na- " -$2r75; extxa,�,,x �gg;�7,0 azol a south IV] A. a; t t, .<Y, waves unninj ot bor ii, r n, $22 C�nkross..of­ J'strouom'ers i onvitn,Feff Ri'ver olution h to .%* a I -PI -Into the t is -doclare4 that I �11 _'. 11 eq lig 1, a rer ft, 'agaixnzt. th ha. r W%�� -, fiftebli, k -o 2.35 h mvailed for i or-, sm6ky_'4 -IDTri-TiVioni b 46. -in this iifini4 ai:a r and td reparing. capi c many'' we f do Shorta $2 1 4 to On tli rbVd, at R vot6 of IA� f t 7 f' P4, bridp-1with tremend 'tario bra '$.-24 0�,, sllort,- tslo Ulready� ol��d.in6dv in N lag, a ra Fallaij sa a. and in a ery par o Urope a. f, )Ad on ' Ore", 8, 86rae %me- ago w an c& pr'bp*rx-e­,- in . tile murdored, g a, Provincuil � Legislature. �qn Thu,�ajayfaft&eypA' beyond its`1jm'16,. a �pluliging S'ever�i' ok * over,'the Oniario.- oigns. Mrs- 60. 1 1 8,30�, .011. qow� tor'in the anigiii exti-mordinary pppe4fonem tracks '-At ouille ..passed a� rai6lutiort by, W, 4. most and body W'tis, totaid-.&- $25 to, $Om�5( -pure grain w6rld. that oy6ryt . I . . .. - t - . I ilf Buffalo�'� -wen over pre imina-Ty t thio,intrq- Th was. 't ,' lie on . Thi'Frn� I, AS66�6mer bi9b '0 V�iitrar`Ver`mdnt �asgen� W -to $35; mixed-niolil $68. to w- $1 ni Years. 0 agq� 31 ort ingi oa ii o-. at -ulii ately.- long _0 -OQn f. V the.r -on Thilis Sic,ily-wore, orn. 'der; and to the -,,collar f w lc-li':',d th 'd wat rs stoc1c. Mittar-X1W , Milk Preazil- -M�. to and convulsed w e s'.'P I -the oentr� ol.tbo -fialt, One. vaet-knowW] o of the tlisapp�-&r6d leges ot flib proviilei I f ith eaAliquaik a 'ranp, ISO hered two tults of aw to old stock; W to was in. Dinx Pairk at thl.:' lozvCowoer also -me ra-pillis.-pheno- w 1. * niverse" low. rl�dd4 e, he don stitution of he 'u ten-entitted in, back or other eno in san 'ftaturd�- hair an'd the Carib vivord 0 0 YX b kii k btIlAd her' "t V 'W ! ba -reached.- A 'Witll' Tfi bill is ekpocted to rn' Venting tbeni'from,movin ubmitj�d 20,, turned inng who, - 0 . ...... r'e oment, w P4, forwod,.-thio track bel wa8l4d. o1,�'n, 'The lafiti-r out -on �eaqh -side. - There L#1 hich -playt; in- fifj�, he'r jead. or a. ro, ME a n i'8P64iOA �f' tliern LIVE 8TO01( MAA. r,,T Si,`- ros, w tihm'all night-the'votator iplah- ft r nlibut ter slipped.'into. the�ater 4nd w pqrta' t tole' .111 le 1110W omme to the following- co ons: he am a ui'�kly carried 6 a a lip tp�th( q th a, mur'd It nhg;: f 'iajo.w1ndowa' and "Th Aclu'si ;c -pet polilid, I t I 0 middle�ag6d. nian, a ig t and 'ri en, patgeliger� togd, ;her in fear theh-ole ni$hb c Pir :0:0 0.-'�, A I h long,,,teddilgh bto*A na t ea u,dog wit 4; 00 iile' fxoni 3 to a -daylight Pat ing.-.with him. ti:ado, he A4 'A t6 $60, ge .11,- -Oui pasit n.; e I al., X,g U. I, W11 �6und' Sol& ti he"biOrm.abatitd. and 161i'l the 00111A tack carpen er or aaWy.6r� were �bouglit at $56 -e a4i: Calves -6tail 4 to th to, $7 or: ,brought, t6fief-from, -'their, h hal a mull Thia, d -told at fr�.n COPPIRR ON Tal n per. test �' ", , . :1 . . occupation N46 deduced f rom to, u 1�ioo, A 6c per pound to, h6wa, A- �Zasj,- Go n oider on the' ciplii,, whi d' ...... Ing 0, lughts pquncl forbld mier c for of ­Saskal ne.� mined under . the o6 6�ia, Tro vinoe �eovckg yqarlings. to be, aayMu' to Abli, dooil lots- of Nt. hogs aproved 1 0 AlAtIO' e',old at - 8d to BYid Per P61614, on Wnb hr A Winnipeg payg; Manitoba, 'This '' I e e I � 1 1. �etc& to pfoV, 1 1 . . . I . 6 , . I graiii About 7,10,000 acres. At an aver- 6 it i0st p6lico. ins I u a Tor6ritoi A'd6spmteh from t wIllt b �'6d atOli r'6m Port Artiiur says'., Aimed w1ili'bilisinfor 'i a tit t d 'xi,-iearch,� and�a -The. numbdk Tol i�Thp P�O�peet of a' Increased April, 27. vilimbib dticovoi.y'. -of. eop' a midim aild, iri in as- M gge.crop of -� i7 or 18 bushols'ptik 4ays',ago &rres a acreage in 'the, 13,t per � has- few t d a! alinlitod, of high_prices* i's attiae hich is a'SM41 one, this lvijl r, Made o6 ged. atPe# glighfly . bald, Of P' It Cos �nc Igo 'D.r4 f�f agt (I price $10 000. tin$ acroi.m� tho Trans- it Ill hisat PrIc6paid for a, fe'w: A patch froill egin4 says The. expott''In na -was Wrning grey. � 'He allimilA $6,60, -riled, -for utearned' muth, rank 0; Fbwlef me tho-e8tim tis contin; ental."R not'fir 'from whioad.: wan, lio XY �yeane v tlight*l which is sitiateA, adMittia 4, og, With AflrfirW-r� fo,�Q. year df he, owned, d trh&6 as, glow'. but b6if gi�ad6s of I'lontals; Thd, a6drt ary of 'the t JAle'st, 'Grain of "I'ast about' 15f 00 000 Vortago--.Lakc Asqoci&fion,,'ig in receipt bushels td the le ht Id dil Add this stimated niorthwost itorn'Sturodon Lie. If reddish, brown ebach Stookj of go�d weig 1�s for to I ei ng' pOl1dd'&es6rip- ring, 'an d ru 1 9 ofm�o *iiea f'r'am Eastirn citilid 1.00,000000o'bulshiels-6f lastyloar, And 'W''Aa, diuring cqhstruetf�n�' work, ono. After 'readi the' botly - finish6d' bulV tion, of'the: begotlid, pn ng 0 . of.him, in wh' h h P ch C 0oriiinon gtades were. t, 106 L, 13- Mer, I n'get hitfitrko. left to on Via :8tt t.. -lie 'Said on We it wi I be'ttenAlnt this year a drop t1le new Na1ional-RailwAy, I I 11 e the- land- I e.. 'Stockerg and goliting. the V��Il �Qtnjlan*l ate or niunicipal a ed dt,obout 'A g' a n g' Owe on 'a roc'k'cut, 0, , and prices Steady, M�lk- s0f, aa. in y be rotiglily estbilat' was Made:.' ed mu And hirn. 1) liels. doll at inertae in.atteage 115,000jo0o its 'hg 'ear *It*!- be ullont 800,000,Ac is. tAl -� , nvian-t and.. W 116.11( hT. I ic wing, �A i��passage­ (or Azid, 6pking&g- was oll im Tolq)N)ne Company'9 Th rhv bil tiffle ill tbig M .- Ito righl o my a Lt pq�_Vpin 6rown op(liv N older so.(' fe r s, I ld Rat. Me 4 lie d tit; that it iviia, iinder ons, t i'o' ft, :1 r000t-der"a, offioii iri Vdrti'Arth (1 11,56! to 'Ir U �Pq fit'111 �roundf�,�,-90 11 paid b 818tei! PY Vill; Y "TE Obified to b rib h da had a y y W