Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-29, Page 2*dM~ 4 ,e J woopk 0.4'.0— -7 7 q golm F ho 47o d -'M h)v '44 r 44 _4 . . , 0 TIE ng 4 Wpp� ThoUgh 1 1 4 you vrp bout'I", )"PMA , 11, you - - - - R * 'ii- iT Iles, � New 'S 01a.. AA Ing. 8, TE -h jai )r %2" Ku so *QXe S f4 1,40 kn6 awm, 'n 'er,:Popej-, W. O,� VMS' 4-Yr,"k A tilne� �th6ugh�� % 111RO, virites"tbat hip. f0to,00'%7 al, fool) hoio Ap It. o; ()U:k1go, kis LS borroe: -1-043. a, To$ Wo very 14 jet op k M "A 1096Y, 0000 bim� hip wou 'thought la;tmm U 14�­­ W Wo ;ikIl On 4,11(irap lot, per. Ws:,L 4146-0. pa W POCO' b tJ) Vb,6re -.t pe;,v 0 Vell, 'thlk 00TY 3101 -cati: -.be'soltl it It,%,oreseat d' * I 41)t oft(sn f6wpd, beftlothe's.A4 L nufacture on the lrabc, fl�or vbv,6rod, 'with white., bits 004- $011, to Cry'APOU - whe qp� thk ygt_ r -ntrated 1,4 -b J�E#oni$t '#L tho hi 'h buvo%,0._ "7 pas, jug iktd,'" d "M 0c wour 'took anilthia­frl�104 0s; L ta"Itle bl with tonlo, ,my pie Out 0.11 ''A ,tl4ro, 4 becoinil 44,01knCY0, quotations' me-, t i9v vi vt 140. A Ilks, all. b ,)Gas Miter-: Tlk jyg� Th 00 Years A.90'and �,6je.ho, gtarted, and pu one of rRw Q 7 W tMi MeilioiAo,' After the IQUS' indoor Victor iluso t er ijn.port�d, AS' elli� r I abl -- -standing -Up,­44. I mother's in - its WPM, - b t to ii, moit- peopl� , '.11-11,-_.--_.___ f__,R0'V_,,R' 1 ilarly: will!(,stl #0,do qh , '' o,. jr t�trjqpg -4i -Still Jlured,_Why _%W- 5, 'to -also. A, ;luP 9 h 'HgW 8. - .1, C oaq -L`6k�gi-re�ti istu pi r Aa,tiu, h-, AQA 61 dopto4sod and ily tired 0 thorn K 'Plus mt. --,Wo -thtlii­otl-4�16 y his th4t b* -Tr 0id in.sidi ps-i4tta 1.4 thi,�;blood wbic -of is TO Q., of ... I . 11 firess I :M;L;l s m&th a or -AA Onto Apr, That: wha�. mance& �ayl ,.Ore Ellist4n,� Tri4it Are you discouraffelIT UP71 Ioa ? YoU pain 'h .'D,od4d idxle CAUtes. piiip I unsij,��Qy� er r the arm of S -.K ''Y bul'a heAvy n ;t liditiou is, �,Dne leg I .. rown 26,, (Special).—That 9, -a j&ti4*, and A, hmv Qw3 re, p v pnY.Reat 9pUIAr.,.pAAuyd this Ehtiij, go),, e ti4qns;,, V6 Z 'a Pills- not,.�Only UX We ir, br.sittijig oil the- 8"1 "o I , dj,.t6o; bvt lear C tfhe� )�PeN 41SCQU clue Stacks of % T]AoUMM __ , t, I al x4voi� "Luinb4go bU,1 Pie ourt _u w 1 0 ell hiA, More -STY r, .wer cure. it, once and f0x, want to repe r to -positions v. i a Mr�.­Alfved cure 1"a`- Oto -ChildreWs hats''tuia. �u -a, _p 114 1, pie --',Wll nQi eogI.S' Avori all -P Is the ox ric�oe den& t;ighd the Pat W4 g r';&rle Y' g�.pf TJ4 S ''Llgh i IT, I can do. u4i ftdo0i. b pi, 4r� opi on Crew, posol Ine. ap#qtit�q, frequent headac e tatifig to BourilenrLei or to, Ayo; , elt 4 70 aT7, I 'or, .;%ee ti ea '7fi 440 t": 'but- bl 6 a "ll ',4 0o$Jre I *bipb:h(j',0arie'd now and t e by'. d do III -A0 Writ Y Do,; 46 ;e 111 bAnisbed rem6dj; *111W aorg 1op usip', of Dr. �1119 P r -6d'. of U Iyab �afion se siiluy",han.dl* to bo, glven'&W4 atii�djbit scrib;�. 94 telling st4 ny,16;htuflopi,do w i6, dig so C1 ect e pmnos.. Sciatica. yo ne too ot IBM, iheTcu is �;Vl e Slitce, -,Was� U. ago an Able� brie box Will I are bOt1A.*.o:KQb.Wb1K)�r populir, -o' d sin".. fel tilling', his. enir 0. �J,Ig all be apV ment oe of t1li e� P. ills did If 's harof diifi4d. A jlls� Ev ry .,!),bddl,s KiOn 20 tigne Cos of , ae Sir'Walteir 84t w A be cured OoSe -o er �rivos U or ;Lee cea s, d b6sional advice-in:s the. Qure �wso. stam N� letters U-14 -um rF;, a �Olrxit (onows, Pr ma ep now d which dietate to, tv 9 it ',jud, I 4m,-bappy't 0 t lounkl& a e0o ror inv Yrf-,e trenat-w uo6ptiany. wr xe, I IWAsunt jrpbea. sti.mu-lat4Bii.ei.tri.*Qr-�.olining on t4 bad, lot follow' pliblemionall CWOM or, 01dr. pom4nqnt. .%juRltAM , - ish. ia to, e- nSeem rve n, ro[Je, nand'! - in it mc MY,: Olt L" - t to, -start t.e tight any, Tea _'th, is,46 Catkls Harb;o, 14, 5�i flaYsI-7;- unre.- -clip, nen &ntlr: my, -s eop wa men 4 an, M F hrly fun y aAtepo-' the; dleauder. 9 I'Vas 09mv r- :e,'�ff06 ��Whqa egs D ttalogue No. 7 g:any - _.'' I , i becime.a�bu � A. ., . I Befid far down a ',gqttin 1. 1, Id Ullsiud lip. g4, nithout .,ONT -nd my� work fib rienin him h At an he b a.6 time, �1;v e_P r TAF �0 wi'A advised. to try:, p.)r,. Ondi P ey� okC, E WANT A. FEW MOIkE RZLIA ZWOM111 10' Qreek� OL am ins a -in, charming ai�d. gfter'tik- nicUr, trArlsiations from le Eli boxes altogether -and W steam 'cars. t dxes was again, ridin K. on 0. in� bu 'tons."' nfi�Altb. think Di Wait WbitmahL And -)a wre Viiiiiing?. Pi . e 4xuP. away And quit,6. oured iaoh. and t6rpd livi �11. oir bikligraae vorr ALVES th 0 b in they �4jsit. 'ao;as, 'i ena.. Coftess, b )or 6e",nt.yrbf1t.'-, lv�orlby.tefubdad if qaoas no lite 4or fquy,� t� the'! beSt P spe'di to tea The WARDEN pcldd'-s Kid- d le iept� roote, a to curc, by� The ­sArest Ur *�EXANDSR etroxidrer�pr ibyto el,, in fill things, we 4arly, ever h' 'st n -to" I!Ag coriibat. th whb'�4ro.we*k' nD idA's JKi-d-: h HIS,, whild - wi ;too ore YOU'. Use 'and not haii t v er, e:. ca V 0 and -ling, took While, thinki)ng. They' wer d j.*a6tibii, of th i �%. POR".ZALE -A, V ... e A FAf? w`Q so'n-i-ethini nil G% �4&dicize'- deal V Ilg- will-ney- 0 --90 __ -9, - ­Tig e�;--VTIIA e r pile "ot ium.- �'r �nd liie�ZDwn t6 try a box r six upon a )f,�.tbe Kid- t in every county.. In 63tent olitzrio. Ways curf give re. oatal?gtaon %.Top �tT EET,:r0q0H*8. CAHO oMedj in � 0� - .-III -continue , .0, 0,6Tp toys, an, ses ke�, , L n C B t 11h,6 ew:'�colors: is� X6ri-' for' $2,60'frorill n�theit c itil diseag6s eir uJ fu ness n :St �ob Wil I I that d ill e The Western lt4a).L te Exchange, ro k�illo,' wl Long Distan.06,T)RUe 0 n b�t ',*hat. th� ottef" b causew e ri t .0, d by sick Kidn ys lief, t Oe Euffering whb� A re. e'the profit state -4. Strout's pres -time 'there aps. EXTRA at V6.[OUTIO M are. rar 'Farini in I goes' Fdr"Sa 10,7.- t 'e4oming 11 d, 0,,EO, VI TIM, 01?l� Ur Flozam `XON, ilonthly, Bulletin- of "Ian . . ..... ork,,on.thc�pan TlIF, 8TQV1G-- %-,090'106rers at w J3MrBain8, �Tqfjely illustritte.4, ms;Ued tree. ns do your a.-. Eca ops, hre y�oung, Alai! -'koighd -I a' a �free' �'F Ddalor UALTQZ.Uq c I 'te Bo4 d' laics that am& can 't -1523 -Fora. s-literAr Ye fin V ',orld'O 7 0 M, a in �jvhuo;.- innLI] 'com os -no; u'T pog" Wr-'shito ell gatif&d in- �bi pp d b �47e' 'h dr 6p, trlITAM9§ The di�,covery 'of he OdY of 4 h 'the. Side -bf t 0 w Zr[y'9 gnB Un cold F t ot wit rent ary. TS WATED: T-O&ONTO., a'young ussian' "'on k'10t in, in 8 truu ktd: il Authe in e, h, a an NV OL g u ever see d of erciies, and so Q tt 413 a garret ok th burh,., and e oDid o -laA' n 91 ------ tement. 'bl t n�t Ming �td make, moi�ioy_ivith� i�rauourt I otigolal Pate r Ited tlxL�e_kOpqst, PXol liveo. terri. Ily hi� -w OU"ib J e T �8 Until tbiS.Wr k its --,w as at uur"R pe RE gow,' hich:are'ffiktdb 0, the pe Sent but t, fi.ad, to Fob t" rath,,, r, that jt'jSL on 'Sproads In ry grulgo,.op dops:an in hiel Agent% or an'dul A Fin It Is co e -SYi4: irnatlon I uligs, 6*0& io-ertobi R. burn in in trild Ltizroat gr4w- down Into the I Fluvrolrandva n Y;-,, I uss�an )Id MS vrILh il, fico, nT No� is we[ b aid, there WaS a case) "-c Dea prinuptlLy v�ith 24 0 'Th r6pettpo is,cliaFM7 traitor, o bapyou bez1u,tUA;gqghuso.'�U19n) un ain o!�Doklet-t 0*6 -Buk; &4* 'lutionari6: on to equal .'Zam ILL &peak ;vho.. and t, t Lp 1W a revo . I -4h familiar wit�ll It 71.i. spy.`bucthe Suggestion '-that chc� pli 161:q 414o. ralls, F, U__ Of US _ _ , _0 -: �. _)i t 01,nWil ,ft. L,' A U at Eel I'le -b!Amd'. 6 _14pr 'Ou lar xima S eta s" olli col aigent. .,of the- d,,up� the ment pOV4E!rQ,, BUT, take. TxxA-,h 'OLUS�,,!Rev itionary� I bdun o ng#q�: .61 ions of tbe'.thr ldember� Toronto is" pplied, Zam-Buk'. iffodi a4drm%sull"We'll. "Jeac , VL is, isur d day -w -Fradorsnank-Ru liusgi4n. secret p6 9 60 h,,band'6f_diff6rent,ma- ONT rl TheL., AP U a CQU 1W aud M., W .. *. ' assIN n fi,-pqxren YOUD�g lot d bcbodyis th- V d 6 A braceld c' b'ro was quite seur46d. mode 'IS ea 1C -On w A 5u.ch diseases. - go touble ab t1i-&I you'. w 'gret. '':-Y. 6u STOK0. Ali. ciiiiinition exii.ext e2 ill ndt re aveLabig�run. :, - I- A nd my w, e SaWfin we had no yie B t til It AreL 'th,e time the -burn, wilf-lind it o, ce,n I VIM 0A 5 il t* h0i Vie s.0 tabllsh6d, thd'fa�t that, *h to ns� wilfis ug e'� o We �re Ur""';:' "rigiluMb"On. ilk, L hed, by Atli pi wail�b on 'co eing 'for .�:60ple ebul live, 0.1, f lid f e and Cheap Kris haviw-�em7,, id all. -rdotbors­4o��'keep- -Jthouilif business. IiidLoL_�iikAd d -LD persoW 4 t a, 'lob 0 7 U nPL,nie de., --Sofi,,:meSb hlfe(fthef e ;j1,,�L­',r',�":._)qet, es .0 IVO SYS call- Dgulatdk Of 91 -be I - : . r - th,6 nd was 1116malip h I_ as 7lfiany lollors,' to :8,6Y ataeIeb,rB 0 in ribb e V,,6 peop e 6 V' yegetabl e*'. Pills.. T oufdn1.t'!kJiOW d.at the b6ardiifg, i, :" They Co L 'nothing f saving I Q4rs of 'pjin.l filnged ]wlth e inost exclu_ "fa �fi. wh t: t�, --:with. p to S in ble. co ors�;, %ina; Fraj G nr6 jet, a6.Lt a : :� bad. it.- ho,tiiodish',tbuch� threat- -siVely frequente by: Fwlie -their t Feb 20 he 'Be W ve guorning,o nt -for ren act�on to Super the �Ol They ari in� every kind o� tb ell sch( S' - tU, s,ede' . I ii it 0 A 1i espilefally- intended r lens 1101) glint -go unif 61sir d'thqs -th) ano wa�ylla ales$ e break. -up od h6poorL pian, 66me-day -meazdrb� b of t an --sea have beea oavoq us, c4pe . octgris-. UKJLD, h .-On'.the--evel them A r. -8 X ing t 'a". --.-Pongee.. ribbon �abut I nlvw." iM.'gi oin orienta -,deiig4�. ee ------ 77 - printed 'Ur eful.� following: d money he �,one fi marries ',for, &0. an cure and coldth" e 1- Ir n bl"6-T"k d brought.in lot 41 -AV_9_-o1-dro-ck-hW--retu-rne tI.T t or n her 0 -which go rthe handsolliegi w328, ',fridna- N. e latter. Ieft'.,i� the, GaI60 p ce� _djyj" frdquehtly it OnF "'arp still high; in. the. waiit at: fetch anothez C as', at -thOU h the.,frnt h At 9 -0' 1 'Went- out 1,91�Qtti Stuff lJoctoreAl, hd in't e 'Wron Y�iing i"ni dd rliij.rhow,� Rdminoff �03 _cOC Ott g g L e W dre -can-. 'iniiitbe nq _yQ 30 a and w; T, 13et way Corn -life- Wtn%h, caEes� to its , years 0 or. is wi in e. 'u blick'inoUstae 'I andla dy eThe 'Iast�ost. cause cele re An OU iod, In UThj Me"t1k) I Pl%st h This -wit t tore. �IQMWAgG 4014 rolls U -1 1­-*1'gh­-som6-more o X Id!' is one -number. of- dealers a Or _r, -On. -a's -1 3 0 J 'diagonal, homeiP", dealar On t*O. e ri but brought '. ut- -in co ors rIVe an ft: ear to the 1plac ;,e aafory. a ugh, I Ro m''anoff 'gave. up, t 8 key ijr theF riiclbs, I � CV, this ro, ("ric,over leaving b . n BrOrWn, �j� of� Cleinians ha�,o been i % �ayifig Yho le So' A man te;ik "'the. legs he is -406 that., --be-. WAS. ca 'PJ!07�L Un ea or U 11 be , L '. �.7 '­ -1 1efbro 4,tppeare h rd- " L. ".� . , __d . re, a UAY ti -d-b :0. -d�7EiX i�qg--W.speud-�a­f �" , EuSpec e quanjitieS" of saboa 'ma e o 6y don't Big,' i4jin ay d may �lub 9 . I biitbdb an biLb *n -al�� through' 0. .. ..... ... . hol theik, o fAeadFlumicin ' L , f -You "sbIlijag themo after: 'They may be -made. of lit ol e(, ,&at rin gi a rMID Y IA. A -73L L oud ated. with temanufactlife; o thiloh'SCUrdiwill 66 in c .0lack orest '604.Thu 'm�m6ty.,to';bb v,er 're I a:b e. a .,e or. t tb squ the T"R R1 h '75 M' aen_ &tjdn.=WT isbes. f1T IF 'ming for te.w� or.unrinan I -harrow. s pp. 0 oo�d "Om . W 0 an forisOri. is: an -Th��pr iv AIM. vro IIV* eea goo �fi tountry, J a d, 1fing-ag fOI r parts of e afid bright.. Every. mothor . i natur hu: e,caftlgfimeft I au, it -isn: t becesga-* -Dogtk Comes, to 'For this ftrvellou Nv; 4otoe 'ar hildre# in thi�L tN 6li lie pke�na�u c be- Vaue burt'dredsi , of fi The' gq9. % io,usnd d "Myr. precaxitins re 614 ce an keep hot, 63-, liter thAt: 4o shou loy-P 11 groe t -em -64 ooca-* sag I a f marksb 9 h were sor c Of, prel a and, 8"Henicei opir R i9F iddfial.'do�e. of �Bab�7iq.Own Tablets.' t'd here-j-:4ben; `sent' to idntion'is worth, pound'of h �,',obec% -turd, CORVIC arai. ar, r P, t '96sid ia bowel troubles, destroy Wornis, an eydits.,11ionollitle I T1 iold4 anusP ag wbrk oil or all btuckori and other relmoto Vna4uatled an i 610' and atlow a disc' a'siq tio" ited ain. -Nold b is, Icke and hites.' Dr. Vh6 Atething eti y b 061ni. bruises, -ups. yv W So x; jet'. n "act �, " i 0 -ODC-, -sayAB ! I iu OtL �Vy -�re �Iiise Eclectrid w 4 ho-' H not war . . ) I I bUt wil, d SO4 _TAb]!1 Of fi._tbeoL c put opinio s.-winy I III r -es, 41 t Ab6ut the, ttl -'tb mv ath ago 6om d extor a me] n� e if they PrVe -wa Try it r ets, as prim, GlAsgow,,, at41th hi. od'L that -they agree .46' Id b; more Inter`46itinf months 61, and 6 f6r frb'm ool�i idid recently gn Wh m Splendidly. - Sold hy a', on horne alid :espe-, eig)), U i"Congict. with .Ogir, bwn. 'k e' b' have been his wedding or' by titsal."at �5 inedidiniii',- dealer -eents bi bi oa.�e', a 0 -of as;when fro"I B lack Vest, Cito, P Jf'hjSL �cjl The Vr. W . . I i�l 8 . i Toye §H�Ped` ou 10 Ab SLI 1W flr ING licin.0- C6,,,� roAvillbe Ont 0' In' Ext� which naturally,bre ... 0 h 'e, --attention hS kt:- -Mef W rminai�or fmcause tl� '00 a- " E AN a CL 1. t iddrabler-'stir,., J0 _f s af e,. for L their sque6ecK, kn is Xr� el n 'and an offoctuAl� ex . . ...... pe r, end 7 ...... nd th rac . . ..... -jiS the' a c restilt wil) pi F, E Li. tatio'on the �ait 17�e.d V" be don* veiloctl*'bi Milk 141082116 Write f6t flaii, pxrtll�g 'a'' Illustrated" ligtg trom 58, a 0 d t1rAi g)T1l"Q 00' 4roppdo twa of WolridS. e rridbr,'aild" Gerrnanyl -and. in V P c it%., T01L(gN19Q,,'(ATAWAr #;,QUJbXo ning, a the gr, 'A S41 r 'abroad,, to in e'C ih 'CL I" A Rem rUdble , 6 ii� - 11 hi' odAIE STAINT hjrhg�if of' W eo Torontibl'—di�� clad only iii his W, Ur 9 'West, Adefald jind got Otte of the �ri%oo by lying ald th: at had be Aftiotial, e-'.PromO 108- -man rights,, as ho man� the Lb in' rityL just -by in tb cat. gnnQunced A' 'f P& 1i joe4j Walihed &nd Repoirpil -She 'r4 ring SUPP War is one' o Abrtfr.­ Process, W6 miftiitoit of liar int�rc�,; 4' mi� whlo se me the only specialists in Catia& As fwon4o;he g6tobt be: staft d w r ou Exclit. _Male a a ruw,, 0 b $4 im" .. ' h i a g, in L er aving- M_ ev t ap. hut, an ignorant ockin GRIENTA-L 'RU, 0 00sp- Marlithon ruhn'r. 'e n r al. t; 'May Lask if,yoit �onstru(- il t lig t6lught he4tL4 P11 (.4) tfie r'aiik of, Sirnou 1rop. 1cr 0. Ltd iid thie wb isA r "d 198 6131rit., W been ralke, The -balm tor,Co ts 4o Inchide the privi- One ay V, D* ;TAiS ilarnal and lie en, these, tigh the Of clght�env f ed 18037 ht, the a94, ding your',r�, ad that Toye WaB tb big inart or, regi -en.. ir over tbr6 Aeatgl", ied that AN 13 GL in vo un. thLe,L plado ap- pon. 'Ho-l"You,kriotv, If you worry. lity butlon goi�g 'to _rgeant-fflwor he tbo� hiaelfj .4 As, a.,Co ti d ye� too a, Be& ut Ae,-vo b6nVorakion Ab6 thing bound in P, t"i I tt� to find - bird. h("ttrly - ata�eg' Of'the antq�affoet your health.' —"Yes 4'r in a Ii War. JILO Ren they learn e boUge thor 8 'de- ft iko, 11t khdw�', ThaVe Ono of 96 tho woriY .0bbu ij t6 ti ft 10 Rav a' loin' WAS 4 W 0 t �1,rl f 7 d hini oil nd i,, U11. 02 ftrw fil Y W I k? .'W the 16U 0, b _ T Who, w what'46 you mean Orionce. ro r,, Z' 'Or' 44, t ')404 %'9t'kfL Y6' too, N,' 0, to said 69t. during.', his pro.t�4�j.q fh6& he I r9lL X�Ossywonlgjg ��t Wo,rlt aar� t4o jig 1.&0 u lot lig (All ITS T U 16 P6 106 V JOT: i4v W-6rk", n