Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-15, Page 4_110 imp.! MI 4, ...... MR" miq 7____. 7- &1 nitlark _7 4 A f UP 11A 91 �o tallm An . tl� 'y 4,M4,14 0 �t A f qnplor N -.0 jindlygo 'o e n A __-'MMV 0014W . 1 0 e at N W Rh lie haa for inal� irig. few,.ea dollars, Pa. from 4ifferQnt 7. ' a' y- el� All 64krs whil6sittbik hey. per g.nxw -4o _4 xie e4seandwithmorecom Som in,a vance. Los t �w yq 'P.ec d strictly and,of tb I S - e, situation. by it use thon tv oap r 2. C�mwmciTtoss I rs deafitig 6iuld be "d Bars .)Beb "I" TO ette -, a ive topics of th( M COntS ft INS �bnt tite AgiAcs,of tUg �o I must liful, his g A w le with I are solicited iitAbuto f� loqasi fl -ht irit-own, and 11gi to fe 0 in �pver ness 0 Oki If Aepi M -d -'T Veit, rj� u U ,r.,% 10 lop 7oer sllin A ��`Cas Goij S t�i "for 2 libilae from tov gat, �5.jq. to dt -,th' �' A nee ilever come, Q e u U. e., a oM -Tea �A :gq6d, or 20c. �r telepl -feature -of the Aelop OUQ 014 je, 61 'Ihrm, is its sooia ad - Ch n ducodpric vakuib he, 'retcpho' Formerly'thefirme Q I)kn er re es with we' Kh q T man W ilia, lie yantm_ es tim Flh6 teii �'&ced, e., 'i S ­ was confitip.d. ve , ry largely t, A *46n6 xii�y bajust he ih M4 ra 'd d quit%at 6f all widene' ea quarters; d , , *; . 1 : 6�- Fileild G ep. s,: an� hpuqehM;. fiowj -by -its osOf .�Oi, the teH,- d' -saving ihviements, tlie,.JaWr scia 48, ek you *oil -fievqr 1ea 'not evf -yott hRve 'Id afriends ieldtiv6s; ass� ' t 0 d bity ato All "within', rb YQ 6elepbon6s. recently.- etter ;86 ore "it odueedt ti .nee An.,,was inti 44 .. . I d- 6 b Qe;-4o-rnojrr0.W. �allj Ae. �v ori w-holl' 4� 'for 'ail nvo 0- oc lei 'had -,to -b %ny xu oc -he er,, 60rati.011. on: 06'kaim, 01, ar- i0e, ndpr that 004 jyou. 'now, the ti�leplione.. Uttho, w6 er! hand if t save you ranged Jor� by- weani of t6O� e W.0 if viol., A(1%� tspo. me Wsons an rs, Are�,morq� for r' d daughte iAlly.v4ts, e L an 01 b P q9MU 0 onc y u,, -yery, -difti at commek6 Me'qp Way"to comalonce IS to, OP01 a sayi%s often nia4 other wo re uIre and considerable 6 lituro 6f, ti ud -it; t 6 )& :.i1%k&,znutu.&1,arr ave -S _the w4y ereas rio* wi ri 'Igo Wtjjr.� onj y. a e,w momon� time' I to .... . .... . n ot mo There. exists no rhare itompetent 01, Slams -lb, do'.'all this 'the' Ba'A,­16f Hamilton I a spec ­Savings,---�� i4l--attention, to - This friend, W1 tinr 6rmndg, oftow He're- is 4-414le hoaie-m�de.mixt ading 'his A'pk h Yin ;Ar i6tits, i t_ as, in its t6a plate&-��Ongifthe.le 'any 6riand,boi b n6nt, autboffty on- fbotier'an,A th.4n, as given y 'an elm y country,, oqmeo.�e�'�egav ed _s, eT n fifiaii6ia as-, an J�Jdhe.diieades,� wb6imako'the tAt froni 'the in t Will �a .'es tta irelie'�e alm�gb any cuw� eipp.jty, -su and conv6hi�fit'p d" Ridney-trbubla if taken befote :a ;-in�er o_ toits valuq�,as Stageof'Bri-ght` He' t tes. ial:Oommuiiity P rs fact th4C-a ru -which has', of, 6nce b co,, e. aw s dioaase. inat h Ili I't ero as.' 611 su� labor'. save I' , Aoms aflame backi pain.. i �tim'e4ud OU 00t wilth .D- it ma r e4 been- -s ason wit in -our re- ou imes- t :6, -iu,tbe.,s1de'freqAent.,d s; NodeF, a hich-the`13an 7z o. am -,Vhkq tio co -1yen. Wall P a ionj atff rev n iscuss in -He' i tb recipeo Try iL. we�e pro.. uce -in—ar ed, ur'ln ti By: its use t d ti!�m he farmer,�ca: di re lar e- ite,ieqtjal, t64heri'nF;,W t on ail the m6ttbrs, business',or otheir� Ektfact:�Va4delion,,' one-half Interest, -at ig papqrs,offe,66d this S & pe. s ra id n '15 its -of $1.,00 -wise, in, *hickhej�lnter'SA6 Seind- Qi _dhd one. ounce; 6st" c(irre, Ujinjun Y, Ku 11 to ---be a - -co d d o t eth6d. 6 . f Take.. a.,t U1 goo, . business, ahio i tac -mea ano q never as. as tis, 6L w , :� -, -town -po 7- se 0 a1 .1 . -, I - are, r A ell,knowa 't. h eally"',new, an a e not only-., i that theae inktsedienU :.PA E The tele&ond (k asily uzV'well—i are:101, s_ and 6, �Mikgd me harLules' w e. We earne 6-4 :correct icleas QLUQ� yp g�� e. 0-1h t wUhth67jh h S&I condecti6h ark re.- as_a—,pecq iar oa ing -the nded-s- J:'. ugtotnerrs old method`of,!1hit,and.,.m ar soothing e ect,upon ntire Kid. cf �S MdEOR' on' -to,.t :rul iiey,�xn�d-,Ui-ina�ryrstt,tidture-'-'a'nd often-. �'n ,ex be e. -he,tel haaL 'r' s'§uitable`fDr every p, f �fr6rii,.,�-the drawin ephone i overcomes the Worst, orms, 6.f...Rh U T rpPS , '�* - P e,w hil&­- 'Thii� a littl, ell A A�_- VVII I Lh11-­ U". �Me W. y never e e. OUT' ­&to-jeradve all blood., eration.,, h UL' jitak t h' CY ow -load b P U, 0 �gFUU14""wiihout. 'disordd'rs and ciXTe0-- t1'e,, R puiAatism, N ble" -Kidr ii3ys io--filter -an -they are title d -;'straiii. fi6in'04%lood 8y§teML" fill 7':' ig] dt. well. the �7, 'foul, d6com.R.ose. :.:was.tq M rouidwitlibutili UrLPAJ, d' -guse th6si) ii�ffiibti PENC A AC99NzIn Sells Fltiinj.' rp,; -A vtzwton. U1, 3 G id' 11JFm -and Elidiffity-T a ent 0 -..�OFr7 e, uck "o. 'Aldo.:- autW pli, r, M , I - , I row�, .Pill. I --Best- 'ever esm 01f kd; na t s Vleg rices. Ina eiW furnished,,� Cr6wn. MAIM told. or exchanged nev.16aned dh .' t Mo 'redest4te- at lowest rai 'A. MA ixtrwftg­,bj:thi te% C�, e. use pf. work. e. ]kA ''I", 34j ][Pncar n thi litesi, simplest and sa est ritnedy; N .0 'these" a�e made" f the 1,0 Wovo�m.. Xpwest, thingin BaFrij�tqrs, All minium Plate'snon- I P,.re_ve,_litive and Destroyer, of. DICKINSON & Q�.RROW, Effectua trol i& �Vagon!5`7. highest-gradei'd �Vy L" encn;,: ont. �,Qu ILVAL01P, etc.) G iaF-and �n cOnstru -nly,' -k' -are, ern- O*0000ci P:Oye e 'ted arid! Wood te s'� are caref s led ,ria L '-Guelph',. --d—dti d. A D'I"COMSON,. -Earristeri Soli - 7 t�d, ­�,titor etc.,,'at 'Luckuow'on Vrid and r� �n hi6 Co.; mi 1 iord6khlyaii, dgbn6d Th �j Say e4cii weeUi -B er A T bat I us rown on e'd'- othifie fdr'.thO. last three voar§ i uttifi� 'SOCIET E wear. fo -n ou wo, urs and'wintei also r us awa, t estro an ver 1 3 1 -Ch the -crucible ..�Lrp .,Do . , .1 I 'use it -on Tor S,41 e Nin'Aam I S. len, d d' fact' --of - 6nd— C es' ubli il oso e a hit ch monthin0d(Ifellowd"Hall. Visiting. f au- Me dhab. not'bedn fougd'� y. invite *atjtLjjig.L' TjiP.4urce ea h- Dianion. A b' tljr _jjj d, H ri -hoe N6x6n Hoosier Opinion, ovs;� 10 had ahyt1binCjL; u6be Magse: -a Drill;-dll.in -s �bas_not_l he.,praparai ionz��besi re en e:cor d" 1 --never I 0��s oe ;:Fls h duatc 1 -On des -i it", bein'j' bleasan. o-AiS6, ..Y� 900C,11 NorKing. - 'RL S I'L account of its, odefebtly o&rles riaturo. : d' WL GPWaAx the'laigest,.bul the'highestIrfide, OL 'A� MCI�i FS J.:U. Adz;U;V, 3 ness,"Schodl in,'West- nodern-,Btisi r6cor� it every D.. TOLTON,'LGliel t... 1, pbr, iouAttqn.-No Vaca- n Individoal in BRO N-AMS6. 'Ltd 6j- 0 W OLD LIGHT J40DOA ouraes.' 0-'P Write. i0i pprtkulirs. Ud. P ht. 7 C gaiits. POTToN, rico, 25ir. d�*hy Diu -nds--Timot meets every urs Y 44 , A bra 0 0a"goiknt,- Liickno.w—, G�irwtArtpl trojirm-Spe �night Ott S edd,� Ora -cl i t e, 0 din--fiv th-a ndALue er i T e., Ha treet, MAcLuoD,', Secy, NDR L166 .140 '0 CENTRAL, .'ery Pilaay"evening. ...... ......... .. . -- — ----- ----- their' -r"^Tr .4 d. ,cordWly invite Tit bretUien! We: have a Uirge school, a ig'h- R. ".Di, AtOUdHo q.T14WI, Vith, Oplindid-dquip, KrAd $28 �inetit. nstructors gre�ozperienced'_ surer,' vial, shorthand A. Ao�s, Trea Courses in,Conimex eM tattit'al are�,,� a e egrap nd T I' ' *'d thor6ugh, up-�o.date a d.prictica n W e t 0.' "h till,: -otdbr Out jgtaddated U b 64 t "80SCribe it. C n Ifide'poudent'; fficp assistants, and. Business, C61--� a of VotesU!rs.ineeti in. N T 0 _,&e oddUllows WHY. 0 WNI eatal9gue. gn , r, a n uqee te t d ' t* 1909' Tues ay on the. last� BILE & Mahchlaft 6t each Montli at, tZ-30 AN AUTOMO' 0 V. If I - .. . I .. . , isititig bre t re a e aOrdiAlly jnViteC f. atitompbftg: Are needed. anywher,6'�pt they are in the country, att( Qne bf th ristitute, at, Guelph, recently . pre - C dicted. that he time was',near at h�rid' when *!*0S...would,run, C', e4peakers oft�e Women's I N" their own (t Qho -il' e- "pfrei es. or it "' ­1idt1bn' a- visionary one.. IikeL the!! t i b -is P op. seems -add-to the ts bilig 'RAtes-- t 1 'hone and the'troliey, the comfort- Of life, destined to and if6re - ith 'ihe Sentinel and Globa 06�cost.will oot iftto, w b -Wet' your'. uying�, For, Migh, Grade wor L. .1 year#j.'* ... 'Weekly Mail & Thi 6ehiluel and :G00dL86co n'd-Ka n' d- M re aken 'y t a there fi f b i us rt th ly lierald e i -action oforiginal cost., These- cars 4 und-Weeldy Staf, I year, 'he 6010ge s z and Payineqt for he �newest and,'latest niodls; and are tucli as we can )r�. The Sentinel and, eekly, Sutij - ghl I y redo)nrhend., 'jkny'm1chihe We send out is gvLaraht66d t6 be IM' d b "d th fact that second-hand 64 Am n1.7S or�yourgelf or bsent, _4 eudg.". firSJ�Cla eyph, , e JR Of4T. I eat ..... ............. i4_, , , U $entin 6U ss con ition, an ,ro ON , I & Vanner's, Ad— T6,8entinel an this yeaA styid, therd is hothing Wrong witfit them 'in arly, th !ntire year -And adtftits vocate, I Yeaj A Open: e 6� ...... W s-%Wdents at anytime, it- enjoyi -a' . i oronto Daily them eatis f. introduction., to the country, trade, amd,andAddress for faller ppwticujais... eputation., owiligto"thdir n and T t d U "ead. Tfii $dritiflel' OjOjjt6 Dail� sup'(trJor V V alfilhgurs U 60 r No! widetpioad' patronage-agd,biwa star, I y 2.20 vAlu4$ specialjb.encduraqe uick buying.., If interestedi, itnd your �HYS4 B 'OSN'V, yw, - Vaelay- rear... U& -Class Autbrnbbks and 8icycles: TORONO e 6N. in6tmd Wee Y. ...tneW OT 0 ,Roc