Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-08, Page 7wl� VP P"RTW" --vrw— " 7T. 77T, 7 2, 1:::" !w .0 1� 5. settled', on-Ahe q #sklyto, Of. hims,04 waking MZ� Who It ,� tui knew,+ a S;...T0,. 'E'.0'WITH-TREAS .�S daZed' 00 lidition, gricl. owt zre'� ere, el Pa -FI've Tsi"s,thib forke.,*, The., fonoes +W: i6ally: been reW A ind th4q:Aeld' hi I lit � f-rom: the Arol < a,1ge se.. tk t the, fort4ificati -WAAW11 -w d �ioj 1_01, Mors IR FOR, WHITE XN I ph Every. ittle, '1110 A44 'fk 11cno J#t �a, keep iii4miu 1KJP tho, whary 0 . 9UP04 Alio,all the dou, do��tiva re at-1,v.,'th th It -awl.wAa th4 r1syer I nap - MR A b T. VA the fy, a t tbp �$Utor ineetini, " 1. . . I I arr!" A Man, Wit a 04 14P , Urg )adp,out of, thlo q, M MW "M _VK - _qT-aw.... 0, w where I t Nfles 1W the h'V e ­ � ­ " , na bill ffil' -,­evi4ently_.& � - Q) spusi h-1 - f -0-the-houte- -.of Mary -4 ViVdRd �"00 j�h X.- ­a- 31i for'the liriatians, The,'AMAMMMIF TV -A-4 41lays" Bt*6ks­of _cora od Ata4A 1B C his A it -Ap *4 at. I 1MV1, lowl"10; IN.Orfforns 2,4 140008 z- 'long the- frant, 9f,the lower, towti.3 10P o MAPQr Dur, ittlidd It, is-,a�k to buy a, gun- of *aydo­ ce, k4teo th u -pftho eptT44 ;14 a o ter door, old, Ohateau -It'r9n tbo�: " �a; Rollbow You- see. ..h. .'Of A MqQO6- .41 .1 . t, Man lik4. the' por, will i�Over passage leading to - t6 inner lscriPwn, 4 , . p4tall1q. tir"life I It is,( Fen .,T;L , , 4 V]54�4 to'lle, UrO* T.his*JVaS . . AUM ad, the, �&)Xca of, that,'worthy-ge, on. wouldnot. IoO.As kept f., i ' t' T which t Indian gr; as PrAably For,)wh4t is yQ lit. do his P beat wor 'except ititider ist6"d, and he ve's buildin atitude A V �poro 6, piareth fo r a I 'Inten,4a got, th id1red; A� habbl_o until ias room My the �atands hard- pt, Bi 6DM�.si4C40�r'Cly pravea 'isee'll- Pirgb&9149 0' Most' T�' brook mi 4evor- den- t. ide Was. a small by tAe r jut on. que� recently Jookia 'nife ei af wh 00,#Alo, A-40 away. it beginsamaid -who, ten4ed the'door.' Tb40 $Ussox: 0 see Le Cbiefi, t 'iS, g'. i Ic Mr m0e�,; b 91 16.ee�a whea itpoet in cittaw,a, Iti all�,Cady 044 in AA, i4oi4ent which e, -*f' byY04. of, Igareat"t. fitq4ry u ir 44AVri-00. .�g f4 it 6. dam�. Stored t ictur,W: in those �,6 books,* jameo Oliver (CUT." 4 h,0.?.:vwfi �riptipnj pecoxding to U.0-tr4m; 0 , would;know vh, 7i 0-)Xa., * , -0 'h wetp -:4 4dan w1ll tha�,14, Ata,lid �historical Jnf6rest, Tbo. Old- , o th ny 61 the.' niany use 4 - fty ols, , 4 by Q T 030 bie .ud p, 4raclie'r. 1(3tter 'class. t G the-IK4_11 or a _ 7 nt %he ;,,eV, e'sconce ip -but it does not develiop ''Up. force a .11 pecoiNg'. cqtella�ply otoiod in the top, f by ilb�. t. books, who returned fkom, in 'the -i most'truly'dperibed in t1fe .6'Answered "the k tk I' A, dk or bid Ago!. Wh 110 'the iUVQ Parker: or. i flat of the Lang -Whole The 9-p*portuni4:. amsel nained' lWoda -hin'g Giurw.qo� urot r, ki cllin f life," AQA'JJ4y wilds w lt iit"bf �his g d (m6a J is the a t w in to,' OX. There-prbably Ar Jig idly io Thlit'is' t1fo Witt Re uQP1 yi' block formed. ohero thvwt gs are bin of, as- fio�tr rogo w 1 4 y C.Mu`K 146blie" whlch',the argo cities. w Th6se- persQnB, who. iilter' ted thi It PrIA -in a field," "'A �Bs� glad to hear the'b d, n jimmerisely Q, elov I ialtlabl 6hinery, and copir iq o,:U r m, at all f pbar th ill �rio loney -4 h his� mailp. and Id. to­tha,',URers, but trust- to -0,65, th e:, orgot, to I arranged, Ill. wo: 0 author, so, m0ch so 6d, to o mi hi. r o.or re the"sim- nd left Peter kn gatfierj4g ma- such pl 'ghty 'things, V a of in, Or I earce. It.isn!t mov tirde, It WP it to arn j4pa!Pity,�of, %pb! rushed, hitq,%the Or th4e e pray dealef, woy 4, b6re.- 0: by 11 t his, hand terial,fdr this story'.th.At a QcRing theie up i; 6.a pqrNct thAt.the -y'�wbich a aces ar for ed to%servA so es, he used-. They all' phasiYb, hile. sh mbd6rn,,coal' .-,,;.o. p ace� V'94, 0 inbst ofth6 too s tin tc VAV - -one it 0 -his In� tha.. te I the ko6a on a givon,--� b it ed of 3Cip,468 anics'who,: W t ar. . 1, ncy- o ong t is- di -were- e 81 plowpnt g -Cre �aet curre 1 - pirits --for up _c h ving- at no ice ii guidos, Ulikoki,"from ses, OPPDXTUNITY. Cd, at this engr4 are El LE MENT.' It kept under ooked-' p W 't I , aniWer to t e1r p r.Ary,,. robably death miracle %as: been N nJupry-p eu e4t,er�dpwtpont ;,N iaga� ra v�iought; by' a In. Iar,wifit# Any par 1� th-0, - A G..- bt' I) minion r YJ DO faid4is -the lifd of a portut� ZEIoE' N. When,. a bu1*1 p aiU-IQ6kiAg prbbabl. BeoAusb thek, bad, not exp6a.t'!­ D until, we u a�rvide�' k week's", aftei 'r. tool aV6 he"goes to -a answer so., so.out or, in SUI r e ypr d )&,of have; can D -who 6in, do the J9 an pay-. nua 4 in' Dr. ,04r-FoQ4, nd* his, t -vi Indiaut,-wer cb attain6n.,,, , . - . lf. them, pei-lFrc. dl , , mea h' abl, g t. in their' anic cratioh.* T ut It God., if. a, man haixi; 'had. beeii pia3�inj with. litt �q F GE ir-Tetur4-to--civ za hat. it' 'is, min. s a "ve or to. AnA t o triv ili tion-, the qr api ghtk -,,-a I-4bs;e'him;. '"Dr. -Doxighty -is �Adili'g­co hi It 4im.ea W 'gain e�w 0 Id b6n ose, were. ac Aepi�oT for- its useful -tB­ h - d* aster, S h-Jo.r. makin e tool' ess� oL wpr..- all uia IY' wort g th O�dil: Poor of E 6. indiait ana tbei, 14ters of. a huge. bull lho. pulp. of th - 61 tAe- xu'eni. l nently liigey upon the ritis a e 0 r O�� r a r pos, na -b--- b w n " 7171 e tra e_ e no Aq JL 41#�. -was o ean ink na un-- Kn- r4 7f, Wlan The at 1 QW. Wak tim duii�co� 1UP! TU.14J. Bay- wop, wan iu6h fou,nd in th� cella�rs UI)bw -has I f ro c o. yell i FOA wbtirided Ahe -he; alid ar ning b n. -p us-, . 'AnA t wily k.e� t' 1pt Iffio: - plans tbit to -day - are , Not 4d io bed#, a ats, and Blees, 0 eat hI ut.'.h�� il-. ter - AS,: h 1. teri- is Oily pal lj"��d. The. firat st. an q r'A he� rfe 1upit" At ,,time when, w� alio. shall iti fi .t iops.pw, itis�- s)r. - bereft of -7 m�elll -A hum :o.Mess.engqr1 by i 784rs ago *Ant'. ab rpo nima,; named williaml ,far �lnore, compl� writk 'go' tLt f. 'o le- 'n e. filos thl d,fauglits buLits de. 'i6, brin 7sw= A oxers q a 'to I a' lotL"Ofl drills -to be used. ion citHid. 60"iri e, great -organ, give. en wjIdernesS.trage4y ho e with b 'd "th 1 e a 'will, re- 0 - life,, -ft tha­ Mat. .'fivd, year.a. Dr r or. ir the Witfii t n6ther, 6f.most - i� - r! - - C Ing, The in. Salo, cra, ki . ... .... -Th& gloila� or. -DovilitrItkiradde -tcr -a -ore i -a IL a d4e Ofth d ;his t -no, Pyin en. thb-': -nal tory- -t -b It %slip n, GGS f6did ho-ros"of "the'nioas ateel,.'but. wh6n.A, e. 10 wa ne 7�ften ther: monotony- of Jilef col tpamony, Mia— EL V 0 t$wu Wifd-6r i -are o e-w1bund4he. a ino. ­ gi ' Pr. Dou mariusprip p ans-.1 nada. '.-.He system 8NALL, LAY tAlldt I �diahiguitod by ty n.. t e' 8 slimes, th 'energy"whicli should ',at, 1 0, o. �'04 W _o the mqr o -n After totin e workSL: j�.$4,ch y ore rmon-y -with 1 '-it-- - -- ap that ac u r, -fhov4xi Itecess o DiMish Ure'eders" iinis of-priginaUmilitar as -Te, a. -j Nrls the doors. . a y papers. aie, �6 atifillk Mam 0 -'th�-,,)5ouroe, and� In, 0 f :rebt� a. �theo:�.hlacksindth- ow. -no. ng znd� %vh�we'A g- kn qjo�tuniti�s -we are -ov mjs� to`whieh� the tools were to pad haili'. t.he d t'o;. -k He r4a 011c, 4 ino t ain Oat t liita,-, the ha Ppefiig� of tha.bur en tin I - ey, -were onacquen y he -to come'with,, fegi lu es�nt, day'4re� not lost- idght � bf. laxid c t1` th ft. e'you se�urider f t I --'at 'the I 'a y' ai red', in%tha samo- - , , - . . . i: bu teimpts ye � in e o ge Prison -'a ertiin'brreeds -of hens silver. le Paper. iire. i4�cor� box filled with lit! w ay,:�- ayr.-Veises, ing. va ue of' -.c fil �4 -iind� ind'exed- O� -"ch tber' e I a 'a -establishmeril the n'cp'm' I Ied'a 1C regit ar hag. Ju'pt be 6 p e . t .: The only; 6.tVhikt f t era'tio'ns,.. ere, The' b Pe picture aa "I come get., 'eem - we ns)10:w' ever discovered where '4hey. S11- LESSON i' &.stok,. and: the, con, U, urO: en h h' when- ing re J . naia -the. tents of ihe Ai.'w se, yWe �Ei&C End rh' some qlay a,t f6,11,?' iaid*.the' old. 'was 'in, That: th6,e Witfr� th thei a do . m var to EL94 'tWor most. p9pu ai ':a passed, An s oun, -�Crefiv g of the lif the'authbr-.4iaU i��' ye pleto'll'istory' LAIA.A.601i MOSQUITOE 'ind the. -place. wul_,� iffietilty it I nd'd ietisof Lekhorns one of: the in� yo WeAs &'na month on. p ed On. 'con i waE "Th4pe seq 'it d w ers and diV 10 r �oeterr fi rl,�d I -wampurn and the,lItill r4-`6' ack -obd:- st,io. Tra' e I le Pe. b' ii dzati n'Mr..' Cu'w neo40. bl, �UL V410 April IL I -.,. - . I y Vna-bout. I - r for -O -or b­ Mr- _4 _ 4 _. ­. I k - _ was there:thAt'some Ceg—sper.bird sett erg,,,, t � o or'i -L& ra or at atchid of I Oc. uw travel in .0 oV rinh Viraign-ed. ba,h4sh, BiONV 0-ornpan.... n 'undred 'As:t Onle I d n a�d a d J - 'being- e y Lesson' IL ;Peter IjeliT'ered'..rr'om: an there wa�' Uken when. ..Of the sqpi road lion. a Pau 9 9. �ocfates.- ]FICre'ls paper t� �.Xo 1. ays:. e8en Y� allt teillembe usa em;. tpea. These werp, I ghos. -.1607 ,12 7 )iIing ti6n P P lic. fo*un t, imme I", d ihat oki., the Men W r bed in Jr'. to n Xt t rejwentY7AvO.. 1. -:7 1 of his -a 'L_ -h ------ -k:;, he 6 h, pla-ye � on't es .4 oi our o %,or an ia rav-P, e uA iill _f iyC --fol,16Wedl by� lain's first voy- `1W1 epse, swarmstrom. z 07 42 : 9 iirs be -fore -C _unci4v1liz�dja.4' ' I had' irei7�WIM�t e t por'th Alm 04:', w, Daix�sL: hi ------ age., Etd: ove* eti, es, 11 QSt Aiad iar-dedl --Br B at w b, thd-vildern me" �%od ut et VNMER QUEBEC GE. is Introd fo�ur quaterlii c I a b't uctio of :f6u ii- Auie�ica�n White lesson, and ihS.,_,:ftpin four, to.:Six _�q f -Dr.. DoiighWs tables Lterui6n. bei;4r,. -0 1.l'10__6.10__.; -O. 0 efigivieer on of ,19 6 -whom"161oveA. 0 senFrio wo reeman. n, g t� years. lave, e, apse, i� �'Noi "'g.-cour -but roli i +'. relio of he early d, e - h qa'rd' Aheir ce-P 91, in b with the e i3ridsh (EiMbitiOn)l a f6ur. cis sou"'ll! Ad Thefo.unding,.4. we f r wu a te tiring. that Whenever MotecL Oter a re u, P thV,gre�t e x e:rc 0 pne n'our,,e wo str. 66h, and t 0' qalliff ithe "' i 6,; , , bek-Ow - agair, a thp - hOhV_ :S, ad8s D I];. it pea e r are _h 'ad d pe rkmen' exciii' 0 i4l Paul 0 ie-�bf our ay S c A (Act*'. 5:-. a-0. steam the., gbdvej A 1h re, .one 'b par pe r -7-7b -6 !d vur go we t en WA -142--,eggs--.z P old War, eter imp,risone a he., 6uld b v al. r I ous mast tv�"1,151J I. Why2 ba era a.. he par on payq.R 4i :books Of ligins ,7 was, b-, g- 1-3 al, onc6 7 Bc s6' 99& rchives' library con�� crazy or VAL- '-me deld flymorning.. ,�hen alkli aes. inn egi nded the Jew I. for romant I�M- re rovided-witli n's love, 'it ani mAtria tif m"o,n,, 7b kh6in h LAp,&.kin bf�re ng cities ijui�'tehts Nve 6f.'-the'niaivel ore �Aj riki e an� �pnere way, e. n-dw is. e Ublic. -e g' n 6 Aritio6b; p� tom -ti fro- t zi, CPU, 01, a e he'Petei. in but: Ili then 7 7Heiod Agrippa�­L't' Pris6n., 1�enieitibei: 66 lit- .'so"�Lft-rhete b od�- 46iglit h i e":sQiit -w ',r,e.&t, wh6 e',ouWo�or life' f imA I n,th PIC 8 A to i t from* -t 0 e �.gramdsdn 6 at the ti '63?1; outsi 4N TO SeO: if at �wi roa W -d eadh d, es_ 0 re uring ve months, at e raffi _tbe-innicehts, at l� -enjoyed-y. -his,- v le; c . t -no eep,gu - m& were rall I re", ar the peVuou" 4tircter-t-h-At 't tt' ride airdl%t I ndar&' CiT�d* 1i r -had �t- Ly� "a we oil�a ran; b PW.'.'rQs t iing foii fthe 6011s,talIV el'ff S ',a' (? eL 8 X' w �h hi re d iitIy__beWa_ I ilsh7b "redi.d of org _(So il, 0. e .2.0.11110. C I . I ' t ice aran� ;the canvas soun e . S th ft"bl' hi ..Great)�. who a th probab their' owh lip .9 1. �th rcl­ ps'� by. .' Lady d'd ni fto'i and occasion an ey. ou Vro6k -k.estr, an e o e e so exadtl pi ame 1M. -the 't. Anurdfed.1ohn-A tiit. It -oldo. of not. late,. Sik,:'AdblPhe h b -doesn f-gc� 'Bap. .16 1 ' ' 995 0 i I I is'pi;iJi.dally V sed." ity tiat was the st I QW, i n t, at Ar a le, r an and &.t ir -0. e e &I y 'the .10 'b ittex is son; Uh the-th 'tl,4�s _fL C ff It �V, 1143 en -0 On time --to, �co 4fiery -e rn- ye MU S it­bet�%-eew-tbe cliff- W- -C '61 � , u I at 'w' f t fh� _te4s_ �and -s&lply :by br'ee4-, 04,fti: the' ob�bi�Atioh, of, �Stars' graze it vhik� ;the .1nd. ous A oj T-gripy tio I na. went tu�e altid. �'Iitows freely lbr6ugh, tbtgullies, or et�, lliitdr�- of dou�tosi.he r�joiced in this opor- purp 86.. e ilian Re6gimorit;' whic i y lit- , little hD re everj, He '40 tun't .,t "ifle iii ough! the 11-64 not be k9 t,'Iit lng tow- Ellington�.h&-S' A !e for this *iis 'bo y' 6 loyally A� dlel ,could Agrippa 1, y, o pro 6_1 i I they -have a. 3--wid a —6- a C �Iar xr�m the7y, r. so nd . 1i . -qf `ra 1. ia On tlq� tl ben �-which' iniplies tlp Smalk in, and-Ledue id to adjust tbo'.Arti 0 another )noaift�hf t, '�but- for -hiii I t -When'- h a' "is i yre, 5 _e;mI lic Mill y --ra -1�lb-)Info-r-tu-na-t"61-y�-ha4i' ain� ntes te rui .-he-- V ..Can 0 'd �6 1 re I giay rose- through the - favor af,.the, 1�4m- Thei. 7) ere: chiffibey �an -8 mosqui. is sk; rsem, e. inenaber. Ate And �io d e swarme --so de y tFe—Lope-ii- me t 4654j: -NY.:LKol1n6 r,,' this'. piotec4on.the fla' 4amnd-. *cik­-CIatidius th 6- muCh--ap6aking Torbptl as. We �fiia his- -of -. the a r is y- ai, wa. rzing d TlIere''were'; bu�`f�.` lliri'gtori his wite ''and h -against d. -al 916 Ae'& f t�- -.6 ls�,sirnpl erman; 4. e is a. p. r, -1v_--anicitibre _T 0 for allow'." 'G"IVS-.- DTSMAT� 1 1 1 .. I, - I ­ 11.1. in 0 TA� for Vider -long.. prayers R.' lis e wit lin re urn.was. t Irce cool, shough to affoi usany ituidi�'kfng of all Pali- Christ's inerest 'Hurilb6ldt t'' Queboc , pub nig e4 reigned only."Ab6ut the iinpoi�unte. widow nths of tile 4iege.' the Chapinan4lexander. title where 'he able of I I qf relief weJ6uhA.' that- if: re�ui7r.Fd . tea .... .. H ` a tl tbe* battl6 4 bf %- tho, plain -S- -M-andh6ster.�.'Mr', Alex- a, _e ,mO` cover �_ :, 6t-A4ri- a� empel�ature�W in a 4-�w cgrev k& 9s- nce_o'f.�-the 0 rrible en . on-e4d.i 6t6rmil4d. ded 40' �i, impas, prayer, :i Hk&,'Regolt :flito rinoco -w-it andbr heard tyle. gfralim o niusic h etli,al' 0cC&$10l)aIIy eillit, at. -go. wX Id -. ba, NN hi6h re.-eftible th this- -chapter. 'th 'last year or,.t*o; -is�iu. he.0ossession of the b 11� night. that, :Man the T end., sunrise sm was ',the -poIi6y-.:_o lll� -t-lington; - 1.11 ve noted Are nvis 35al n:4 fs, g4a sendin -me Ke,to Someone,. to, a th;'- o- b -o 'The- organi", ah t xi ,B. oN my -A. e propured, ft( -The 1 ea- appea 'to r. - �Vhap-r inane, shows. I inevi aM arexe, )9' the* AVAWk7- Offic iii, gitments, I - , 1-1 - is litid on. th., �bck We're u se'd h­ ititever p ea. 'to do; is whic.1v 4ok Ldid,kint' or�-_VjreLt Broli-lit Chrl, wh use, it as�.t e text. for )is, (4�.­-' ex.A. when ithe litaA iny';:dlotbes o gave.- bbu. d i.h.-Jerusa M. peite, T. mado 11, -of !k tailo. ali4l. arm- air1hrou lthl on that- L tool 11 r P'. G night, atior p,,eyan--,, the -from tie-sarrie measure; an wb Arg AV 8 a St J_.U, n -iitf, ie�visb_c:bremoi came 0 rec,'Ognizo _b L �4_ o n th -e- - h Ch 'n It and the t- -_ ow of e ht-Livas Pel -66fed wan 100-yers 1.0- t VK A. .-0 6- Ar - - 6�. - - M. The r ork.., d jq 'T P-99 , t'll"' progi-e -hp 8 up , the' temp ­-growing.._s owwr., I - &I " 4 ar' of � � �� . 2. i -d d 5 banlc4bout si.X13�'fcetr hlgh� .,holne-an wel, e �s, '�ins lrll�, ow ..a eter:In -dili ula bi4d'g& couldrA -be grbwing,'�- Xkiy. are to which. 9 ill went'u tib. i III Jbw� and Part Edo near tbe.''C' osd bf tb riLSsGVr'o it4e' 41wiys� 4frdm�,: the mounte4"and clpane -;.an are t Mar it � i in 4F lat. ment of love., in in L a, W,�i fipt,� Ma tl IS rou-n wpuid '4vle d' in reproo ee a- 1 1 n a- ii 'K t e (will 'it s6 t h 6 a andgmatl Icare t e people W. r0ug I same,�patterns' but' Lfille tt em s Ore.,, a aw- -eelot aos- of +,. . � I . � Sgrowilig ors -and 0 througly the I-00'se, -hate 'him as Ahey­hid' hated:- Iii ut- m-dre", JL s cer ain, y-, d' A iii it ciivIi world. 0, a sp cimens- o mote car' in w io lie t tel�asemd 4 was, not, Pete lle�e a very pretty moral f.6r Herod, _p -in 41 lie had'rciad- ange -or be, same �(My It sai p_I n, goo x' a 4A.j U d' oy, ? I 1 e 'T r t _1M � the sand -a ide one in' the story Dr 'C i reason that, ofte,xi'da-u-s'es JelAy,in --o( W. Muglitys. pkizos con, 3 iyg,-Philai e la Ual� P t act and. vate- sonnA b -a aovember,­ v�n thet bank ecom As . 11 . P fhp peopfe ihe'whOA0 of, Deittei the answer at burting -6-tiidf . ... .. -,oho,my, fill �,you . ..... in o th Ll' t) wi h 1 'th TsAab Bic'& -i� obt ri ipt6riie�v with't rim and..'strengthen our -Sir hn'--lie. _a&somd,,�Jig a 14. alarms horses d' St 111-1., tordgi,.. qu i-esa J,bf4phlne. who a, dvte-d e. to flowers 'airiong o Ibr tlliri t6therej uee ore M, apit. not ;iet gs* Thou olothined.Irbin t! .. . ''. 11 t 1-d , b a, narro d urance..o. :1 -gibiled: when. I thought 011s , 9 uens. on Hdhi. s n Victoria an S tion', This waiting and the.bOarixig a ov,6t thlia, who of, my, having: s6me -of The coat Va y ittiled to saha is perfqra,e y �4. 0*i engate Pon CERT.&IA teach, its' tietic, cour- Tupper' "well o qafou�.4p. P.U,,,- an. And -bitd a. a -rule! is I '­ -4, * 4 th a work,Jor'.fier a morning. pr 8' 'of: V61aa:ili .lace had M oserved;1 beara, ii-lida-It t le; evi *eop,,_ -grv- Aj�, hopefulness, to my -dismay: I ione en A bih cost. bee- d nill�*ed, to bring her daught6ri MY th a;t I cannot bea as, nobles- derid-es of hef b". 15col tho, sCr�ggle eth ' .1, , e _ __:� -The" ti la,nt gen Y'dit a, 146ssi . ngs, o se -6. t1i sirl.,',entered 'Dr. ega,over qui --d I- Ad' had ocu. ft e any oppor- Yes)'. thA's wh4 ea n,' --.J DE11,.OFTHE NV ent into thio,follo*inc conversation: The 6rly.. dill) roh' had in n what: heCountry fl?q.ln il(vasioll. 4e,� -f-e-111 d i iTi 6�.Jf V in gtting, 1)is ilitary'b.agh is -alsother�_.L the gl'OateSt, I re x1d you 11ye,w �IV 0 AN qleepi�pr 4iiidtly, like �rock's i -hi "A . . V . . P1, 0 realizifli the' b1basings ed*? �Sal founid that 1 ATt cross my hell you, Awar back..in 11 sp'e-dltilens 011b JixpvLll L ai�d ii,, in town?" David. (Pstu 3'- 6).., ben. A 1111 MO a nia.n. nalbbitf a? e ion pr6niizi<l by ar 66111, home- Wily, in the' To ,ea ize Bc�utitu&s: ill ilia � foat. PLutsudd him ergir. btgitri to: biilild yog ihit I ued to, be able, -to t irow Dvi B. I.. t, ' �6eality of.'the Ph the Iast, of the 3leep, j, -sl ing kt days;� Zambeg Falls, ruisee ni-y dean Where do yotr live?" -he'givoti� his beloved o . of4leb8d'. Ae t; I M �&S dl�e tiffi , a ops o na� ..ture the. ck a 'to' lnd &bit .,6h_, �kl if 016 of those lie Venly ii( :oleait over, I now'find t f ee ed" �xid- ivanitj�d to �V th& n -h L rg (in the i r . sbbep ".-.(p sa, 1217 for. nionth.li probabl'years but'. a__N r!:,.h6 -other knee 1.1-n other b6- th&-ever-eha roft'd.7' Jghort,.Pivs6�v here, 6- yoo G�n 1441 A fl, depthLg oJou a autill 7't jet thlnk6 from,? se '46-ving reo ii&T. Th without my, nig I thi -r o I heed� and six 6!066k, tof in m6&I ojlr� JOrd ha?a n6w bel outi ir6m liarrods' ed the e ave come to hvtva�Jkore chi y.swithenniin ow 'ar.e. vei q b tween t hafi and its surroundings 'buil t sealo en %inen4 -Fe eic 'not ts ISO C t all, it 4, aed at. thte-6; t, t 30 fe 6 t1' i slight p.or iness bf Opike; det�jl.L This ni6del- was, 'OV0r Mos 6f Plliope, , d riiing eolunlI6 of''bp4eSei�nt niist� were - chang6d,.-, in e ng fit abyss Ahe �Jf la a �rteen do'i a AL? per- ill al t alld a6ovol the tiwnfiig-' ke.s. a, sn JIh.tiI iout ;U Caiiii-dit, by Col By, 181d I I , h tecitted: t'lleni deprik,ed'Ahori! of all 'bor X's msy,'not a6tilit &:ffiatter of Wit theL 1, ASt. W L ff, 51iii oteavel -.%,mi%IA,, t but it, i h as it, iq in Fai, ei-6 6R n s0 W 0 egan waisknown oer -ainy as Ong ago as, the -d-ropg iz kain- StjlLl- 6-haye 90ids W0`6- chAujeJ_Agiin p b, b e: city of Ottawa, �fo a migniAcen -joy-bp­ esLrtl _?r ade. o v ul b the n Swirling flLo d th' hi ��lii�h ig �uq tC' Md. Xh and wasJor o, lsuecei'A'6� of d6do 'Since a Ant athe inth Ceiitl�]'Stj�fore�th Cllri�­ 4oW, Three hiindr6d fe _kiiigdom of heaven, vid great t aOf L the Lo 1, th ir, the ession e blow, war4ther�. beforedgwn h e nw�-sm a now strikes. od,, Kim , r eN- ianion �-mihds havd Vaq to: be.their re ad w, n -d h him (stood by hi military �i hori ntian era:. In came, upon Warning , and from now,6n f t'on� the� Iloiling Pot;� 1proA4tIctd fo�s of dia- that reward 7 iiiel &vote'd to, tilt ag it brilkint pie�onee, radlaiing.�fght th rotuna of the. Mlool�yich `.Ar- 'i?a nSuff-6 Ifts ttj,,a�-I1itl6,m6re of l6bor, Aod . t aultu're of ri 8hinj owdori th6-kJg`4alr,gqrg6 the castiriate fri thoi I)oughty.ss��V I in one�Llirlother�a tifil i d, - whith fillkt, "tit 14se..6f Kad" 11ring.,for youi Vilek senal. Dk. I I ilia q 'betwe"n toering -cliffs. of`r6cV, which is,45 0000; a 191 to, . I , . 1 11 .. I , probably �h* llevet�!U� e ly,iimt th - iip his tni nd t6 g46V and nu`,h6 of ch'ar�o, 610044 1 30 99i titili tht splcn,Ai�,. 11 i1row, and of 'urd.'Athom- A114 �Aia hot *Ikt has it, r 9 0:� bf ter. T46'ttr;gngthenin ... I ill�bhin& aid. -q 4o Ont -that Rh Tho tea, iised'by the. - 9. V1815V tiliguighed t" abl ape -ovmany ears lai4 014 is gr6wri in, &.Nv Iled� g.,q- V. . . 'has be&k AC s-e�are<T WWI -tbe, uf 11, A f, oto Peter oil I I Ohii;iv two MA., oe4 -thrice A lolt": Qorigeienoes, _ji & llessed to i pi dgd, of the :: h t 'possess NFfthii her, torrit6ries tild, �!'. peac d 6 -would hArJ now, NN, a "Th6lorJ, ath -D4 i no 'one Sapan )vlii 44drid TuesdayN Du Beiprf.. perf.ecte4d is, 40od61 .941' 0 -her ly T h�� A ' F f. t tieiih�r, t0aft'l nor 64� ib igh rees, *h+611L. A5 Aug It o& unlueVOY 'with mlfffit6 0�attnnsl -to 66' to 'al�fe tol iCa ALJ� Lo to L Jkl y heT At 1, F. I T ,g ar 3P e Xigh y ut a she ;o