Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-08, Page 2I-pq 11 111.111 ow 0 A_4! v noon r 7�' F I I 0 In the 1 14 ARMY M -.4- Ow. 0004 01 ao� J CA Pq 1r,41* lot FOR Ta R9 0' to, Pow I -CA -tig " �'Of-WOVIly _;ll; -Y -tft PC -3 for- ISO aUtistic ips-t USUOld crimintlo with.. awill t A by Prol. also. �Was troa QM ulyin g t I . , k -thi' ' do torsi oyloe lod vi�.. French, 31inis to-m4ch for $19, Mrs,�, 1, trI04 sxioln* .91 Fi#*Ape. sit P -tion of 0- Iff -1) 'd -VdAo Y whob by *d 4111111l Sbolilk e Pruce.,. Th d e, ilr bot, b anti 4� �a, -titriking Prepw# Th Ite.-I e9l ecr,9W, IS "They, sald that J had licrV004,41Y40 Far Moro r*- -C A di 4DbSQrVq 140" , bt -Del 'V" A BV 104a 'ok in, thp, t I M1 1, tobk,69- m� pdicine for:* We; INA, Not *-X.* siok-�but not, feeling 12 � 11 -1 1 "t a the zoun- _o 1014d - . ' - more iniportgnti --hoVOVers, 4i* til w e. IP.90 -00 4M, ti p M ­70mbrs . AiN :4 qk-agalo,and,g,ave JOV a J ticy" although 04 go" km is A 211 0-si; Fenwill '11;. the h Th4pa, the -pro no te 0, -.noW "an4ii, of yo;rs, th.0-n I got, s r t sfill,mu7h, gres r ".r bead *,the k An, w4at, sopwtbiag 4if- '0641,0: -top! the, .249 f.0;pltlhXcPrpdi`.-.i, I PoMetimes. Cities.,; different pors'O'n.A.' In*.9040r,pto) tbil* I AAUU. JWVP to dor 01 7 :1. nial of. a t or. cause a 040mg U heads Good,' o$re3si belog, made in Tit a 'i%d ve# Fr a 440ili* Wes; , orth a "Ce,064W r"Crul '0011111i d I Vale WAS 4400 ow ion 1*0 sop tho veinji-to. jdand out, more- sm, Wrimll" Vellaft, sqw" V#* 4istia4dUF -00- 044st ­�Shlov'W 40 spine,:bOng Vo �kn, 74 e* 4,0 .1). ler"li 0M G;Pas liar ,a It *ld'AR411. a6tidagc� for a, ii'bort tixiio "Their 0 Ugh't I Woido zjva it. 7 *b 16filliatiali,in 1. 94 on� Jf .4 "' ikiA. - , ­­ . :'-w4mr, oTe"Poop e :A* On or *%ere ol ' vamp.. in' other detiartmexits'. .044vc by �iiifijE�ia4 01 j3 =on corps. ',,-Of' -VF vljotf) P�ru:014 is 1ho W* oble gluey wnmdy curvi '"Im, then he, $r it 9. j;, Qjr t tour§1011, tali. a procured a, bottle t ncb� loth thp, wiirld� *u4 0geo *f, rboumatiim'or .it . - lirllw�,� 1 ­4uty.ik Vill %e W.101- .C914P ion TCT, inixab -it or in in t :indicate re t Owing to- the � sj2o..*.,,of­tb6- -hand # )MrMe_nCe_� h0exied mie, Jot &I itil iid Seine 04 , . .1, �� , low the, 4r*y in battle a :4eing Urr pfrow. 0 Apr. iaking Id, lo�s .09, 4 py. of tbox, gal - :10, ali: outA rM anndhj;� In _t; Re o., 0 rineteen bol .-And, I'liat ibehloo o&order; that to the'�.vow:ilded.- The JAtr 19 bg-"Atror 4D4 (4040 -are have.taken Os re, no:j Cure versities, �,thin Disearit,- the - �mOst f uth�,V tho idoox-jifi V= aA log. 't Ion' red. q ne *071 HaVre h 'Am ;OntlrOly �e6 AA', may woer, arej m ow`� m iseasoi 'is ager ipo Qr. on -_4r I tb t Is r -la upon yop tary hono, he al bn nried for It'%toMrs sl caii7 alt 01 44 deadly� of Vdnoy; d tajy �ft&atioix of thq vo i 048,404 WAbn,-' trouble� ed an son us 44W 'with, the pepf _9 earned au uneii -iable �di, iiit, inore, o stin the % W'rilla is ALgj' tin foo- '51 Y. all le'adla,ii *)pe -:.-t0ur,g*JlOus "per, b A Vol 6f J.Do 't, doe, yo with, iiiew ursing Corps, -its. cojasumpt;Qn of aleolaol.b eJI'0 `QiWy 9 f -be; pf hl ge W4161 y injur d tiVes�. ai Jliiai2y'j0eop10 These pax women ead. O�, dls, knd f6r tiiWbene ar o good of hcirstmgxt`;.Tho,,.c.o xTiptidn 'ir L, -the ih;it,you - gin p1A -ana - Other r MMY, egiftgrirs, O'Grady h4 P b 1Vor gative� g4eu -foil you. 0� is m 9' 9b --tho s 'e �e you ou&, he Ad tUei�p., �qql-ifica*'Ous_ could �9put . ea ta, t he giving otrebgt, 4IF6r otor What to better pi ��"vear i;uffeiW frobi 04 Bob 'Did Ale . el". Ast�an,� td sy 'Win X "' �! ; 0 be, You nov", byz dcrorilbuf1m.: V,'tL V _a ifig hoip ;houlder TIO t their brethren in -the, Vish. 13& 4�10 bi -bat, kit ve .1M the Dr. wis C C -:1UyOiir cbil.4�6.n.;Lre troubled th of__�X , , . . itkil . :,.:. ligibits an&- -is -differ Pills is the'pito in clue ca emer 'Asi. Them ;L- my P appetite.-, WAS' 'fit I� ()rign an, should there eye r nge r a ,broken And nrq�fre xins give�- tbem,MQthor G u $401Y V, 4 W, 410 this' K—fily co P IYA"Wropli-p V S tho h 39 e.sce r ri n, it b. fir 0 a 'taltidttt, ate -AD. ffi* �Osi flu c k�y 051� enjoy in d and- S ear -I h, #� I I into OK Ouse x t 'steamers iu4 M the. lines Ve, to U,7 sooiI After 1, lly a gut 9 oxes: ind r ief 1 AS says cannot, to drilt -C`0 U SO v Frontiermilea, thui b. '111i Atarted taJdlag"them." on, a na n ro to to he tb' The official notij rea�d jr, on Y. eurelnv coushe and -001416 -$s r -�Th 'kn equ. me, Pia, Vills. i V, as Wea -in'c" ibraiichts hi ever, s:ADIbn'y, re mid tWi T)Qd&s. )Cidney Pills onaoile 0 0 - cases in,. which� t b', ominjinica S "�n ith eith A t I a- n t thi �"d ruix &wn, -'and, quite iinable, to' ibe, Call. t' arms wbencv,�T 'bay-,, conqliered th . e Worst forru of r side of the, ic� strangest ng abou ' 'Ladie �bats,more� Wa - "tha Vou Th' toftol� diimeter ti 0, se. ey 6 ver he -'Mont- had 3 4.. Th d, -I' to pay Moot' W kidney disea� fail tR� woul' be gh acicordil;j, to rtclo� Ill of the ail' n I, cur . C. -s Disease, Diabet 'income.ta 9r;the oa my -.appetite was' poors-­ for; 4ritir ''trip. betiv ',or, in -the' Bright' -real,and'Liverpoo a4 du Feb ar ru Ca.. t only w6w it hat' bv�iun'Oking -.Dr. Willia;i�s' Eukkv Y, oriff Rheumatiini Lu having that kjiId of ani come- t ere waSL'&'­ "d TW, ;ou 0 ttl%L gh Y a - I I.. tin matir, improvement, and t suggested' that die i... sbe ift-1,6 ee s. Y� ffdffiv tako'o'fie thing and sino. another. out hen,, U( --anf-In- e per arger emalo an 1,hAye:"qu ...... be'�,gntirely femin-� -travel' by'a--.Swx*ss.parsoxigeT,,-trai.A. small 1ar �a pu sel"� Xurso._.. �en -sea 9vor the 4 b of ren g. Ro;af. �4' '2�nyt�!4 go dp 00 11S, ein Y' ll!An e er.pderint e'bag gevanlu e, - to� offf�ffr--- beeo-i to-r-yipars. the P#Iil-; it wfAd rud'My V. S COWS to icine 4 CA ers, or,. T6 Cap;Lbilp. wonien thel 'ovtry� At 56 cel a box�. or . AM* 111fteptial and;. OF e ai ith the,lux- ,don.*t'fill �so ,far %wbeh 1, drop --it's! Oct f 'oil Y. n,lea4- see' that 'y6uni,'Ko0dl& v n'e CU- 11A. e�r met roin ntar' t. -,% pass: te you k Sep And the in- have at h ies -f6r $2,UD,f Th Dr 'Wil- w0lild.be app�in e it�k�. tin eo� a h aded and-Xiss,l , BrockV. e rqpp o 7 car 3harp rz I] age, re e. AVW 1go-still a jMW dlt&x�, audsmin to -He's &I no.he trp 'on, would incl&, riding, goAg" , , of i all U thLt C) re will,ilwiWo J vo. -Vwrar�a see f40 I .. .& r4e ougl�oand. Co da.11- Bholj7a�dlcver- gn r 14. , i: riflo, . '#ele ZtMV"rn 36UA 1609 nesitc1led A i6outtiml CW- MY. c dFu Slog e� r i!6� (!an 'Veliing, a4d, th6v, w P t. ver pr4c tiAling, giapbw.., well'. you ect hethat,. i �SEEXS']B&�U TARV]L :-1fT1[E---00WR0 a- heliogiapb) Ao- C40 n ny,little.- OY rjew­� e ying -and ]pit, rec acher ,t�ii t e- GUW—Fainaus, Faster BC&S� Seal. J_ --bx %2C P,# Y___ �pu th uc, betwe'en.T :D AM S C, - is Or -YOU so eM.A. kep sco, ag-odmis -your 46ct0e&__ h y ire, who isbett, III a ar bul ein, whose -wisdo h le �Zzvy financial load? Is To prdve 04 11W wprt The "the, -Cowboy-, aro------- oarjJVdonW think f� for iinaefilute '0e_io, the rapid. t "Like -dre. uch -a heavy physical.bUrden.? gri?� f Y-. has%a, a *id _'..expeA 'C_��*ShU*Wsl Cure wMlwayi thess 'Mean to,deficite. to� gbod- h�_Yljrst i;.Nurin nanry ne 1�,, bUtL,Iearned V -,vt riting to 'Ur Udi is not wily c6nduci -bl6asanter,tpL.sW'alldw;.Nvhe,n Yu fail been dlsoouraqed.'� too; jill'y want to relieve. Ur puthe- value U So 212. f t b pere-ja d dens. Wb not' end the p it allL Jgo a --do, cure myself. 1, b sliot, pie. 'partly beau rsf ieO ,re e _,spea doctor's b UT, r ain a1��J no gu lid P It you. -Will i0sist the., SS Clair Tanner as mitaut' elabo ne3 aj3jUS rate. hiy 16o -4opr neigh. oiat The �7hi 211 You need. Ao� Is, to write for ft asting" Dr o �are b.' erits of B is kind of be4r,lili i), 'S t 19 on T.mT 11�ty. t"Jet nfem, i b'laC rd hat a "bullt zubmitted herse' If Ito A L rt b n" ;sh dark bide"i had f all en :o surfjpfjv�:� Syilu�� a dy'.'Which b9z been; pLce& Do ven away� and toiig T k, boot��' sear et:'lu Ics,p -;at cure U -It nap, one aw. a s IT hi e rmer Ov. I Ons boX t o&ttaxn stre this at a nor can of. experimi�n, e ukhandy, and,itisrat on th ' 6 6 i �my -hands to'. d it 6 avlPy: and series a at :hiFl bv �co ea. 11 r Ad peakki cloth iiaPs; others..P ir so. a s all YOU scart 'Min Iffe, ww n .�Isp in. C40L n U ]*C.L F'V a a gla'r,l r rOt H -dejab it. a-ny-. 3rot�.wiii,L e.CUr or,2c. nkfhev hjt�Vef to T pure 'y -tho,� ..e eci.-7- r9hal peged roat' is wi cou in 9 Miss; do onded noon theiiii4vet, fox fhi.: hodk t Ir. 51 CA in m L gum. ma ea.,_ ays -wi oa a, r A ut Puigati arme. _'df, L tb _You the Vorps. 10 the- XW IV; it *V -!t-y 7 RT W All. lk Ml�u t'; Was _reni'&Ved "tt "licints, a a' Th'" -Unc arg 01 tImes'.. no any id Of 't C.. n a utanY. t their�.Woik,�but, it t co fe r - a ir SL 31 CU 5 an bruis 1i -they iny In ei UT 6 1 h_rfZ�� _Y r-7another Avoid oe-fou-ndland <169,�% so rd _ I fojo& �o 7 -r6d,t n uitan, ER b;� ni �d- g-O ee dark-colord a of pr -A, ta mr. re iver, U S, reas o 114 t 1 1 OU of' go a e.gubl- . that gr ate ng" very Still_ 1t.aled, iind: the raw pc�A Cover a4u re you. ot. o ot ',n6w h.! 7�1413' COUREE. 'The 'place. where, you., are� 'MOB all:ieftl ef V' MkI, Ffittr-7AII, ilth� e of, or con ti o h' lee with new, -he ski n es members P Aidows . ­ !_11Vhe;nL.on . L' -..' --leas at iongs- or niepe Sei�il th�, are "pecte to' ieL . L . I . I I" - , : � ere full ed th ey aff ord Corps o exxc4n,' f ve'.Vj�d Cough-. Is the dry 61 tortu 'am.;Euk for-poisoxiug re ie ilpiury in thell of Incur A In likely, 6, -See them i� in the' Give'thel iver6y t 06.:rdn't e, -time'Mi , - , . . unig. 17421CS,; an. in fen Ll j� nd 1ki; Ing I good 5 L ''' . . : L iter, j7 oi' Ap'plica' n't Zaim �g�- -_ :�--Trit,�Iurpn -g;. -aw"muc woriC%f6lep one,'b -blyeo�� -a-wee. 'firrespect nex rnez-1 c"cou H -ed with- the And ilOng.-the: ges Ec 00. tUk. �i sin h ut s Nature a! way s- Corl)'Ciire jS_ ­and-� ac-' -wor' Moss- man, Is c r- Utte-Y, she, hli,—swri, U, sageS 'MS Pass'- a cors - 0 d 'ctor men ­v�b �compoz Ise Yo4r a ­ Ob -'quire a -nowled sure..cU s wea Wel I bUt". Une pure e, :Dini" ed: of, , , first. Aid 1.49 Mi Ith ie a*i ih 1-o- the. 'medica r e adug civbor' e 'Rob� eagerly, you'can t 00 110E. say:; wh6lly-due is ow. t__�J d�re— o CUTW W& �unaLl, q nd he, w Moialbo oiti- r, ndtn,,. pxperimen, or' u cers .... . bave,t-1 . ? I -ff bf what', YOU:do, with thjSkj�iid 'of theba �of her glisi are Re t 0, tg�� can be, Side ",Cuts onpd u*l*n -d !�b :UL bu'rils bruises�, pois t er, a, C. of A earsT DI -YO 4 lioh lie cau i" to wh -)e io mnnbt. 'alloxct tho ex, t ewerthit skil b -ti -t- -b-e� hink that -is - h '" fotteriug sores, a-nd -all it -way rom them 1 11 She informed on ittervi t. L coat vest. 3, eor0p p� os� halt M:&n4.wiI1,)iever , f6rget,.b1& any.40 -It, �S 0 -never L Once rom Aack e4t, Eakor %Is recrui Ing i 'And- bj wI b 1112juries an , iseases. di D fi 6146c�]'And <lrink,'-and was ent-mi, nursing in, antryl., e c case. rst and: onl� NITO,� my. boy" Stores ever3rwher6 -sell �lt 54ca" .- th, P L,be V,' it 0eatIt'.*- cure ivill,alaxs' OuSj:��:an -;Eg may 143hUoh's pum P6 &I - ai- t a nd bat, -1 111 alwaye, rele" c ro an- vn a C,�, is an- b.' .4 "d cdIds..P aT4& �ti 3ough4 smi e, f he ach y free' d aand three th&Udhd' I jS oJlrM3froMWhoMY0Q wlai'induceJ to:llec are irne a94�� gll� QVindei -yourL.s lantry. ver AGENT t" L Me�.. Dun ig) vo*ry'an to go !,right. up to bMi of' these 1 14 Upplie� are -ei—AUd tou-h .-.hi'm vk"th, 'your AY1,0 rL:to. ure h io, sl 'E( e, gained the at- that-,yolttr mother,ahvdq4 stick to thsta. if try,oisi It �7 Ufa tom� c6ffees..splco; per� b'- t h 6d .,The. 91,ving satisfaction; 0 f . . . . . . . a'a pe te'� -re 7 . . �a aches-, and -Aack­. t vollo� i�J ;_ _­ 11.5. ve'qupply a 0- Cal I oil, -W-hen d be Yeomanry is 5 ee eal _Lnie be +1 merits ,out,..Y.x Lit�tI6 Flo-ssie-Diniple-ton-i Eill disappear At oned--so qi_ c�j K*d Dinkii itnder .1hat., 6 rtilsing,. but,- r a After 1p a3 a W, that oix Can't too hn a re 1. 'ViLO iin _v 6" � . . 11 1 :�. 0 rans an ii $ee froMdni; Nvin 6�i e to d' '0 1 6 . There, Txof Kraw jed Ohy'- �t ese nts ri e res ir r V 0 U V"e lee 'hai 6ir'rit-4 its e with it., tim d � t Siout4br- a Ion din, lit. c6le 1812,. Th re: the w�.rk`�f the it is, w ose auspices the tufses when on act! servi .0 S �Wwa ost groil lip. 4 11, e; I h i , e,� an *bAt srinl4int rn6roia�h upon erever has' lt"But strange beari Xpe lie Well 'is A"Th6r6u b t Drnmmond. Fire PT14 -it" t, k t e 1119131 ..... . that her oulailc;a�, -. T b: 'b uC t, h 6 lfrite,.1tiLhull Q is- I n am- r J-4rther ques air.. J-1 yzg 1 P _14ig !4e rov ce- e are r, 11re, s an'T. - al" o'bed, Moro "Petsons.! �E L Zug - a e t T6 �6A'Mr - h to Book let Pree.: VE rofi o sed present sbu .,pWRsb and e lVely) A X9 arp erillmi- I inquire i ola,*. Love to Baroness, owan 'n tha 'a M 0. :thpe, Idbonng� a- h o, a ussian rojbAbee-in -en �U8 wit' at, end w ether rbeans mig t,rno,t -be found, Own pprts,,d Cana4a Atild be u BabS,. T? U th ri<mt peL' Y r as t ere are bit to 0 good to th in a nation of Vrhich"thi tj1U r G t.f r' 1ARPET ::-DYE1 �ugh he N the Alldten did not Ba "S41 constitiit,�d and clesslaw.-T IL 50"Ity with th L, hich I.r.- �o ills . Iffig 0 f6jjji, waxiy_of the "ties w -Ru ns stian- -fpt ts -DYE ING— 0 nd w6 give 0,%L'. "ow, what to Lizzie fi� d6v� , , uiYon a cava ryinall; a er c Thti Cla ia!p tosef operation. seed I.F"U414161a 114 Pak' an, ain, k)te vit yu the'juarafifR�,'of a go -s- �5t -h ent, of, thi W_e b n e� 'ift�di&ih h' 0 ernment' 7— c dr6d 6, A r r- Ag 0, 14. eat:.all' It S )*JSJ 4D]4d hat" . , , . , 1, 1 were. oThe .bar*L f. re,w out nets; owe. I illy di tt. drui -ha be, Boer lVai" A i 'like, that. ont,tar 't mpt to obtain an 'Up b 12111 frodudt,i6i! U be n in MA. r -Baby'i Q*n Tablets t &a PIfJ 'th Poor.. ..goes on to :r- bw flixt I ef seclu'61,6m. 4 onI d tbo�, per e. . y e by Yes ael, se, "went put nand strofigly recom� j gU laiive..: "t"t an -e�44o ly re t h ',a;fit �c 'Were, ant frid bega is' w a o i�b he , it medicine f ej 1 al r1d;1bore hi ft 'S u0i Africa as 10 -a Y,j, eleg difiei�� r i nion tio ot ier motbe" L.,young, p,,�aF 0 oil lla�i a seeii them, o; 0l6lad them I r s.-. the Cr . . I ­ 4 - e,resi4i once o 01 Va,ronesij ea. ers or )y mai a nbut 'the caii�e 'of f roW, 'D�., �_7 -, + ... I L . rite f6r W ic Lis, su ern. f 0. V 0. Co., Bro�kvilk 1 9r, 'e. JOHN HALLAM AdNTO, ONT� -G td�i C i n 14queiitli 6' JELIECIRIC IAIII-GROAVIN lin&rtul4ater pdtiebt4 -3* U'li 0 '0 t.; ez n d intel� int Jni, t q, peasa-fitj who. was 7. d' C, th Due to -rayq au& b all f` bad' -X 4�' T ig n good madoers'ana,toh. L !,.. I�a d e n asked 1.1 -i"end 14D I 1r) win g, I Ye v W a n r U911y AW cat Virst-AW Corps: _'T bdrobess X.. . . ., .. hl�).L C)TnMf�",j4YYl . Jo t "Hin 't . �0 J111L of the, :Adi njW" J V . ent W -er the girl" hq6r thd-' ould 'jllald� Shi tj bei servic as a a t ;�,J � "! 81;,� A.," Agi It, '34 oeed, and, dikharg( d oU ties ',.p and. VSWIN tblt C_J.,ghtetn _'�m(jf]t tg'L g"g'o I 1 the' vvrk 'Lea&j. Conserya6rics, :606gm ml inerl� n J04 The 'yfJftLbg �lln having, revk 6 Of fair' j'�Iflno U whd. taking adinta.g towands,of.hoilrieS I ouhg�! d, ., - ! . . Varw. 1. ut Dr� had iri a. nurse. rd, �A, "h hair and t job, bad o r a ff n u rf e' a.t' X i $e�ry ' 'Afif t*o brak' ra a cou pie, ,in W .11OU4 011e difp !he alne 0. oilly the' hinita461 .1�t�ftqn A ist4 0 4oxn th rri�lrs with 'whieb the baroness, ha4 stirroiind­ r -OL V -t The barobes's, w out 4e -bM kAor inary pir. _I I ­­­ ­ . 1 -1 'd ';(),U' Pat. t P t W rk, y, in j�. in r) t , jid him atid the-, 'nisxriAj� ok . .... .. *__ r U' LP I ONV. J�IA_ N 0 -dog, lag*. LL IlWtt PIANO'ca 0