Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-04-01, Page 2I 7 -4, 0 %: C: y IMWVY-FAR M .,+t,++ 44. T1 aMAR-GA VU, old CAM14 R";.''Not a h" 'JUR 0, R klm A q a of' -t typic 'aOP ad t It Th �tnfs P.1 R Mg. 11 gum Noverthele I�i B ft 10 440., w pluliza, to 4o, AtIAM -Dy Uroh., Dr 10.ked ilp' hperOr 444' . ll thire.'Serit -)UMock,'for example4, 0. V -ADS h4.8 just W ",ted'e4vaIr WIN& 4q gon tij)volll a i Mul Oft, Oroaw-t e- ov;ny �o 44, oit q4h 04 W Q M Aa P I � ' 11": . , . �W 4144, . -4 VU U�T 1M I " " " 1�­ , Ano lam 3 "A' W1 F 04, Oat_ 4.mperdr,�,of X TO S %Mod -aildly, 4 1, ko. q �g go fro !0 eco, -ho neog"ity to �Kt people., ature, This M for lvi years and was our 46 U N a -jr bri'ddli n9,W. -Wa,84F t eiliq,' that hA '90 (:an b . fr6rit, the McKendry `641og, in, perfect Hi suff red Omnaudip, ft sm -44 aid in i ICA Ay, 6t a n ,i pm., a, dev) off wor4,, titit Ofr_ trh,.,, �puiftjdi that 'Out. his on a for fftW a at fi rOrns - an at in oil ia Ver We Kldnsy� p tS. $dkQhd. to'rr�jje y 40 inr oMPer's eplaulQttdS,,' Whil4p, hi"6rm�' confidew* that our.uAllerrylexpdt MAme *R.oiril mUlate.d th during a I pills 'Cured. Him" t 'r ' "' . )W, &torej al, Of faF_shiIji1agR A -day is r as P�rfe�cqy'. . person in, 4 we give d� f ad 4,90, pliede-, 0 'Of.. winter in IoTeAjft to un ..,d. '-Station,. OnV., M, A r., f0tilmately thdu�andi- of' 'I Alfxed. 1 id ff #t:- "Write fq! ow9i onths. ut BopleMitg: 14k�6 .7 j5 Foop 9 owance,V,, -rbcQglP2 h this delectable jittl� billet ha� be- Money a. yq4r, wi 4- (Sp�dcial),. A T "ftor, ding, a b guqk are istill' lar (�Av, 0 V, pri V Ing Mardlellia do. not.- kxiov W., dw o k _!- four aV o' d, do" . _( , 'Th ;i hi. f, rvybjt,� ai;aiiiot, is bqatjo1ake A# eifisle 'Come is; and -rheuiAtism, It= IN r Mro is ;th .226 T RONT lid been z E, which.; he' h suffere, for arsh gri mpojr�' fiVp IX �V,­ T�,eara agd4 AbralI aran a the eiiipira style" iii�4_ 'purgittye:4.. esh'fOr M441 -Aziz, thaold d 41,%utly At Mal Voidi."s -0 ht ql beqk1la- _%, e�i6ll; )y L Xvos he, fought so;,: g ",Ak KM. DRY "With h, 'Will tbll utbitthe OF, T Tllis� in. a e;ious mistaki,, A;& any 'd _r, wh or �xxe �p4ain.. Oct6r and he "HOM , Z � KAT LA d ft -visa Of, Purgative medicine we4keus f " leposed. Is back it.*6rk, ag�ia.��rtd, 114., alvat§ a6jre'MUeh'uW jo*.' " r � �. ':% ' th,*VstanX'6 ' ' OV- o�d#% foi- 'his to Ut4obw,liot. .. 61�ninent took:, n . 11 1 � .4 d a, -Kd��y in asea syt, .6arvice tail A$.th�' y -wit fur, are the A M ed, the Pn iii ,i itin. forty 4 Pan7 AIP.Aig uprial rolle 6U 1kAWVAYw, 1411 AT _,gN_ n t FIENDISR - OR-URLM, Or -Moong Itals'i T 19,914st e 940- up plirgAti nuinb�r of qro'�66,fii who- 4F Garand asked -4b worn, �pn;hats,. nbt, do this - the y Pr Said,, w a y weakon QA still fit Louftl nd.� Nr6rt 'h. --soldiei Thb'blo�'d. sh' made' ,w4rre4 aans'911 his 6urd, d have ben ,4,��Va4 unde' he chin., loje� .!'An 091 Ould Vtehe rs' in eir'lat�dl th4o side' 19L the. rebels:.' Oine. Of man ji�`re f9r't.­ Mot, hwesterii. Js qnp of ed an4 A e eu Be d n M � � �, Imedical a( lit hip;, which" 0 d ZML frequently t n su In Jay 1tj5_. a -,after ild' Nort r "the* it Of Ito ri�o,il n. -S out as on4$ of' ,o -rvive t Vbetoire- Is; hion ik, c.o si h as. su c ire cov re P1 dnthA 1, could As: tF er say : o One' bWftIa'#,-(vrit' d t weatern s, tdd. oAn mani -T te.u, r. -0hdseu-t-g_Sw4ppt over the -gr. not wbik. UsC IV I il ._2001100 sh'that tight littla isle, a eg: unabated. Ily makes. n6w�t' third, time, they., lnddea aawho -'.'su airo severs men f ritish nat' in- t is 1; e 0, a ra g exc u,sive- ilaw blood' Strengthens I used rii0§-boxbs all -and la�,.depa;rt t t at there rai ways n ihts hniade them little h f TiaveUdrs from L ftl U. Alan e6r- Cirzont. rh e. eurnati m I the �.y j4g� on :CA 1ii is why o"by It sen �S_hire4, gquze Qr.sa. jit.'Ja laying oj orth = 'frontiers of. r� he writcheis:.ori, whoin 't alngsidethe com lous-_ conr. U ich hod4achag. and backch6ii) khouma.� Kidney. n IP Indi& bokd tr weroespli 1%11 tenoviforinfe a big )art in,,t,h' alire tlk,-ei)r- this agst, thewarl k ati6i --Verlidfit, Riverside Stati6q 414n slid in gia an4 ar :host -of 0, ! fellow one poor erd. bierter ing fallew: ITTE other'tr;6ubI' s' -that r Gaus ha h ;�oiit; , or spring., men4 i.4 ''d comra4ep'' Sme of th ed by-dis"sed kidneys ji6il jo ar ri ORk, cona"6.- iionf Poo' UI4 to. from tbo,'Briti'sh ismy; 410, is ad hi ost'for transfer 9 Uggage) an' ofL' are *h an wc 0 W y nqen 0 Ridn s,,Lwitli� Was roin their -and do- - ;r.IMM ney I a t lwyleilr �s6c p an T 4iSernhoeled u rie 6 Ub is bre4litiftil with right, the acid out of the or" -any 19; dy -t -- - --- 'they are�-soll t ea c axio 0, 4, Pn!p, Speeis, epyri or r ins, low a �ha`Vojrili tral A as fo with -of the- rL UAited- Kj'Agdbm.j_'. )1' 'b'- ­ _ " , he,,, aai 60 nk werjlj�--,amd; A. � woet� with, Ab9it rift if they.. are bl odi-� _jhpj being w.'a4ery bl.99 -That' is 'strain the-urie-add- of the 0 _gff streaming f tho, Uimost fi6ilit a -W Oghf, &Cti -Others ara 'Pi�iiiii aV1_ng­0<We lien yu� botind-hands-b Ho W. $6, bar Seat�Blit T aside rt "I �' e'L $ ne d 47 H' a, new, ri,�crqpes� o -in a �-produc,61- Million o ttuna� try this, gireaf�7,i6v n, of I e.naW, life, new h on ecasio if* n6cBS9417y u I -used for dainty see 4 and up 6 my text !a and -it t�e arri d or. k, try 9. ways, in �Wo 1hey . WL h 'R -L )RUDDENBOM 0 wen, against ownL frbe a IVS-01i D -EST_ the- -6,tea)whips- 'there k strength'it o mezi;' 4nd-Joi. 'the -a all new,, ljaii4 am. roi4eiy� towels'-Sold-`by� 'ill indicine'dcalers or by out� 'of NEGLECTED SCALD' CAV SEV re NONT de4ys ihatdver.. tt ia�y be no inail at,50- cents a P y go dels of 16 JJL�. .,OF 'A'OON Ye the r acroqs-t ne end -Uz r� Rlridj_�,_ Gr( it trains aj�6 MO �-'exwllqllee W illiame for..$'2 §0' fibin' The Dr. Ont. f�n conyenjence,. aAd__haMa_I -=T�� Dy N C 120 Years., Wit AL If' r rs: in Vain, anLrB V'pe L plaithi of Xedii O'L L ux- ''IL" Her. ous : ining cars,. Buk 0Urc4 a,gke 9 ne FrAAI� the oldOst soldi6r in th Spoilt ID olla d" ;Atached, nera zuls cioamfilll Tila,l lilt th i t hel to -Andrei -Id at w -w owing. er� tin 'idere c� d"' and xcellent;Imeala.-are* ell Orlyeo 110 Uelll Vartiftlars at, of,Wlad ' _h he' "hiad"kn"rown., terim L VAUR PUNO,`m L L y 'T. 2.:� raiscinAble. priobts. P. cba' blies nd braida&ma' chmidtj o is age 420 fougiltin;,tha Russia rTh t L estld'as, sleep yLcIban-­and-- are.- well -requird hindwork'-ha d'rin a, ty,, MAN., LKID a 'd 'POPU &r.,l y ies are ri a X6pble jilkr ru ten less alitt ,droas it,)*$,* 'h t ks of gony: -th onic: 'recen N, eTer t naved pin, wee il 't�'to Pl6t�r4urg with the,ob�. re on, e ad and so -th -4heI not wfl-Ij Mr sign at bI' in,, -t ere 'is rok eS, In 0 tive, valuable, .6alealilm. Nt)L. eash IL 041 -Ralway Avenue,,-Stra - -' L - -e-ej-4ittl Ing an t; in, f06 -f Whild. up Y' lit lea. katoon'r t Sleeplessness, i gen� heard no, -th to. Mall. sgof seeing thi Czar. 4d Ont 'of Ue ast quirod. rgl pe., pq is ing­ of popular lU_0,td_SOMa_r,ajl' traV'ajjinj: 'at 'to Save th, b -a new, and �ter-sburg I thing of rep ext -d" piano,' wbeither' i e aring' si!ppek'r ay, r y-< it, Schmidt,w t oot.,*aa in ur. Rm s's", nient o the er.M A ar priva, a p t. nt MoBehr . . I I 'All Cafladialig will in M10- ble'ajid -EENTR, em' 'came off a,ndr My grinted. hndioine.t- of th valubbIe 4by gkand,--or the" hum b I f or. stomach owe a) or cu ipg _f ]3 b- " Owjj llb. Ciar.. aidt was gice, n6 11-GHT eSpl.e IS. L .., t ft . 'to �r t a*, I ewL OaaS 0 �ext.reme Proud — 'hi ' .11 - '' hit they Areb ' ked LyS, that PeS and- d t k A cozy uprig, Lot. a . dr,ln P1 key b6r er.*. ieeih-., -A� f d" �erioui condition.:. I �'could Put h lit le on�ejll, wear 'my a pe. never be. le h naid'. Tablets � will. inija , r and: had liy 6n.'afid .9,orthybstoprii WIT OW TOUR. EURbFij orer via tha,, Lon " sp'ingL t e, tnii& ne by the�dailghter of he b him'self with ut; TCS'. OK�"ne should:'be'do give I 'Sou urkl , 131b. for., nine. W40a u tand, t em XO1< it t s'O'Zens tin'o 0 I , � U SM a, n C re' foun n'fact .*6Uild E 'IT t. ne -.was, ,.;'jAFtvifi, :stR 10e& 0 n t ILLIU bw intrdlio Y, aLny goo fired 9t1 Im 0 I, _w it u&. or;,3 WL jd'r 41� loil 0 woiw-peepnra -a, oiromiar _tktVUrfff0 oriulng. kbfdhief some I h _1 " 1.11 _ __ d-'th the 7 t --no- rims T�e - -cons I and Stp -,firom 'tin' tinkilaeod 6 b If Mach, got n'o rest day 'or night or _PatjOjjL kindn 011116", ow di S-chmidt answerted- a pain. 6464,marquiset a, sprip. shoul& b, neither seam. nor 'hem in At 'this poin Y- Of -of, 6obAItj`a*& Will be, f --&- tX!�f_, V_ ��d,_ a­bn ,troubles;; I give them to.,my little Mining properties bw! d, -b: IL 4 r _ *k.& - �EL Q OL pring. nest Iff, - : 0 P 5f. tea; C;r -g, Ii h �To is 7;� sootbin t; adei -the o bravEr ou y -I x1pp L -ed Z a, e pres a ead. 'hd.� If a 'b�a although d tw nib, el A r prov a d a 11eI 3 'trlTr-.Il-,I�ED'6a�--Vrlith�. tw(r Plait .. �6f en. a,. , 9 4ic by;P6 'Brockville.: Orit. the licald; Istobk rixcll' a -when- Now ees �,Staddard Itili, wfi�djld� itr is nd-.theU- tu'bbing, on.th -A e dust cloth, a t rd c esai§. _h has: a e f_n _Q40A 140 lit Y- Ital - Th r RoMensenable an ex era 1150 oul R did -in- re % 4UrLXUl5,-U elg&_ Z_ Fa�illldln.a day.- �But ti 14�e,w'.901110-pcop e. 6 tha t Ave' b`e p L n -des' ed will Overcome the j, ta.6reffeengemlition., and some.,ha�b cold,.f et 'thrust 1ge ar jgned.Lrto as should ISO flid"rack:aAdIf ��nce it, wen ry, nuounc peace. d r idol' a isra. 0 On: nt 6itizozi, with -pride will come' p� the: Oiainlne se and,:still red9-minant otl i'er'. or n' amen tal irimm'Ings., voice. �Oil r,, fi aii' advii� 6the Z:L aaOwn zliek- "To-mbrkow,. sai v6 -;,year-old the:` whit ribas 'of th' his O ,restorb o0jr In h -e-'-'- nr-going�-to' r di rier- equ W-7 8 . 1, eyS. an . mos care-, -ce d k . 'th his4­t'eacher- The:rd�rjS,:-_nothing'- or eenterpiece� and scarf k waih-'jightlyr 'd ycurg.m:0, coughs eltdid Colde-0 vintir u ag. &.family b& in., ts uses� -a to-dity What w( ked with Chinesa, at bu Y'. 8, a �iiild you, 0 0, you ma a wor -oi- ftfi!Y� so no-indistuie gbta -in-to the 'A' IF' �Is :birthd 'IWh k' re g8ked- F,:..who had . beef, 1 IS. mines 0.' &,suk-6, -b for�,eoz&m a, ice hi -h Iji*ck es V, wrivy al'id, oleis� histiunl6itit or e weei -wise us b ti i', tho� 'keysi the eaav�l v1sito I 'Thp PrId like a- r P.A j t '- L --k . . . I . .. . . . I , man. is :he,'wil' of sean.'bdii - aid no - ma a it o u t,' Eind wid� te"pD6nful'. 'hydro super er , towns, buie, br'rm, 'U. and I uhlesp a as enoug eeaUSe'. .9 4446 dissolved n A Oint,-bf,'Water, replied the in- ilesba&I09,Lpip iribilda _d aftei a, 416f -.4f4bnPe,_he_txcIAimed:: absce�ies,4 -to int fqe t. . 1I.t Or M art did S _ - ixig Pr ,a J, .19 ound.s;I.Puts, as, g6ts the is now a go t o get. itch' bi bittis Holloways,borwcure-ls a specit The piano shoi;ld­�-never -61 actiegble-, 4r -pone ger'n,me, pk and "Ol skin in baii4igr cold cia6kg, fic:'for fh6'femova of dorns�:ind ht_�h" jU t a --never-h 4eaid- --its _e_V_i11AIie_1tp16g -Aw" Al ries ise. It0bled., II wa r r a. e,bp�' y9 .of lard we q. r To into; 4e.part affecti8d-it-cu""heft .'I'P We I d the' jud I psi&,, in I gas- SPjjtj out, I# th itilin e, To The dirobt rays. U ge- ln� u If ha Are u s, 'a po,'n and �b dt rom dyspe te All u U. e ]A 1) 6f'LtlI ku*: oura who -suffer f old. 110F rd sed? 14 your4bet0ed bill a heavy Ai 9. your Pairs - sall, a jn! -the. :.Viji 5uld carc �andlal load9,; I tion';,;Aeum ttism.,or; ajoy�. 1 g b ey Gain _f i'.Stor t'50c. ppr. !!Your.bair .'It heavv physical . burden T, . I - now what t 'of" -tfiL derange dkafts all'64 avoid Und gists an es women ­4 have &rising rom lilr, - 5 �a ex Insillu ire Y. these' ean - to delicate, e Or r ki Uxb in -re'l1-e`v`e'-yo . ur"b M Ul hey- P, --N-f-je _4el44n­gI�:�oId-§-man�_y6u_r_, foi t=�of :epenei et the recom den n for - r�ofbs;.. -*hich are apt t, _jn th in O'est s slid' b le P Is i a indgid- -trI6 -h*�w i. Wh not able P ...... octoes.,b OU b il 63,00 U tie. Y ou _I)Awyc, to 1) ai itnJ not ohly�the chil-dre'd in- _h "thmslV6S ',jjjsidb� tlit do ou . Should the' sufferdr QU b uf t he S wants, Putting ni id ge in.it, ou.vlll assist me of. his; that gr4R_ A�up men me, to i"Itis for bh 61 1.4 at ti d' qutp)4tdd� 4 trial wil e-ans 1.,� ou_pbed­jge�"'I8_ feei Y, rerril whiek7has been -plac"ie'd b4 dy �Cus- 0 a *Aien it eIn my harids to b4'given aw rhga 'd 1-0, inaxpen4ive An,' t 'a re w to: play. il aI en - It ap dPj'.' 4his one. box will cur%jo �_b._'L ba ' otlipt tepeat it 40 C il- UI Ij3ut., I � I r -.�41ifferent for. thi here, 'h Fd. 'Customer I ChAris *tII.ijvr Ear -0 Ka Y g len�v�rnddao t,: -6. effective-. Ila' . ..... or the _ . . -7 1 .1 ------- th th t for others.,,' if, so I and ­Cl6rk litiv;;%sha and colds." in� F it me, -jok% I. -b urezi f_.: m ).1 Yout, lettere'L* held forin -their Action-. that many' cures, Can; Eolietria'OR is kno*Wiri Australia,'r. ttaching't6 t. --daY for*mv. free reat. "Oh Wel GLISlilt-41top ifib,,Aanger. a h' -"Yes w� ar: lfi,ne South and,6 ant 1. r te,tb ed A"crow.4' Of `ybUngStE-, 'TriAh says Wa- h" Peet to their Iuse 14 Am6rici, as.' up Toronto snec V. 13 CURRAI& wwlaori OuL Ainly be 'A.ra rc iiW cit- rter... ere were you eniI anadit, nd It wheie other' pills have ro 'aa hi :the unit�d: -in ILY111 ow -asy and,irtova about liko,monkoiys- w "d h plicaht--im- I -ON 'a a �tn, its 'consump, ion in ­ Q no, I ea, d conv�eni&it UX t a gelv its' ere i OU�fflr6m- a o an ria - o it-r-Mutir. W, Wre U p i.9-1 ub ip_,,6166k� p -ven -bas-�-been-iyr-oposing-toc-Dotn��9t�uh U0110 18110 Ke "Out . ay a_ gives .' W n spah -. r .� ", I ". a,ate .. I 'No �0 U eny dne Th t" marely enjoyin'g It '10 shop in 'England, ISHMENTi.-- vye.' P16YM, Ap d effbit" 'ji3an it, on t: do M up the dr�� an imine i- a �,Br�tbers�, (6siabligbd in j6finy_s,,,jt geeing so. 1 ts name.4before !Ene VaUone, ou I ne -war- �O `&nd.- run' pol lia L�766 89 n, -so a ren�-s ou Art- %L'at,dily -store fOj' k" P de C le4iful-w-aijo- puillsh _hilll. h n They av:!� 0,11 over tht pli _Xelising. aMr- IA. GraM Mother'., Graves', o edioind At 108 and no igh'gf,," 11 ha.'v'e an "menthol Plaster U104 to , r .7 p S'8Uth' y b., oniiiiin !often passe -OnSIOW' ,W i are, o a o er rinci- ID Sid erIng In -c, I, *VI wl qn IN n d� it and en,� 'early., rao.000 horses*1 were 6y spring 9 , n 0 a, b aeka, of t 'd Xe�ddgton �Iyo I . .-ita' height -.4 t6n W.,,, 6 Mails old 'd on- Bickheis orMs nothing is betion lb f, th �h -Anii-OpisumptlVe pal fron! h arldl'in'Slcla u war y I anid� Should e� f t th' 7 ' h, r a -bonsid- yea End. 1�ndon Engla,rid. Me the 4)iggeir onbq;,-ah are' results fr or food it! Pris t m; ---r o ismarc c, ave been, er-ce nd n'r �Whdjj their '6r andl ublin,. Ir To the 'ImAny son$, who h4ve: it in� Stop, ne I out q BEAUT -UL 11FAITER �W.Poaojb. r U ti# puts d- h raced., a�oui Ifyde Park ly'two thousand* 6m its I Neal- an a tfie fu, awho suffei from 1hit- Germany. also.'- AAV_Uige�..rVta1l, a;,- Coughs And' cradica;tVn'gA col a a_eg�_ .......... PA09E I " fjo.ra 6ftdn belbome so Sid arbigtown, County tab -Pill­i� rec an, p;rand' ea j' ad look your. name n gm d �on each . fdr 25o. - n, h, Sep They _house 'itr IS. a Way$ OmMeriJe'. IS 11 4,� y 9 a, r.. Norman roil mIg's lbo�j 61 art and coldni'!'. a an worked up 'tliat`t ey-rea, n, and. ',at 2� ad. .4 h -h' d an'J" ced aetion upon'the clirlemrouff 1, St edy.L lf� ea' -monkeys gone 18olfast, 'Ireland' their 'great liver',ind . kidneys jl regii I dt- L has. no equal. as. a Y:.reM &a& L 6.00 1 t nee,, Ing, ie ac ion.ofthege 6rgajig pie �Maj tried it 'factorie's �jLrjo t, L 'd %v..e good you h4v. Situated',, which �Sup- tj ct 6i ir, 'enc irmus---tetait. tr&de'., -in preydritiiigthe �taAe,� but ob rs s a p y u AW :4, 4. f c,, -Trish -tible.. d t ahi Fi r at '.Nsse� r�4 r Uovernoi �of relatew i­mosi Th 'nu aetu ' r a mix Id and famil ., I y �114 , Bna�, -9 thi frielice he 'we A t1ir6q)l trying 6:kpc M& induseho nfuese mad, _-ffiolicd� -id handkerchiefs; %illti-Jahid" ake it L' 100-0 1 1 ng, emptv. rre weig a -ten 8 ki Mome CIRring, o e cambi mukt' �e, t an b A, ybur spectacle t -an, roe r "W.t llb�says that t4 players, burst u blankets and-,' and pounds, whh;t 'fill senger- i h i pleasure, 146�ly, i L %.Pd us d' edil in . even, -poun a - W L., ng. hank$, n among9b the Mits', kw4rfrfid car, , ri ' age ..and IravOlin 9� ericb-of to Sir,"' Firt 40 0 -:up: the roofs,. ektring oat nibut c it Fil -gr' ladies a '.I fa V r t a�j;'ftilIr y ' A n L d -no w, as. ou can no t h mushn nA' lade 'cut it . , I Writ for tia der kly Prico Listis, ithipments Sj%lj,:Ij r 'a 9 thatch awAy 4ri- tbef and infanrtg' h * osiery'6t evei-ryde_ of. holeX read w P �er, would n ht JOHN HAI U ind;'thrf 4ilsh 6 to4thd­,room. orip ion ke hijh- ...'ROW PhAiltlk8 ARERAISEV you kindly 'pass it over'tor Thell LLA OAONTO, ONto 1A .0 lie Rin --ave rytfii� g" A dy�e&Ma­ae1r45SR- -,d r -h bno rableAeal�. "Ai -d dostroyin,%1yod and futniture, 'Ing, an iTiVe M,,A, warW 03111111 Ito 6 gins? A and - an�, pe rson . -wishin to a a Poo plant I -re "Tfi old man , ofjhe� itettleMen6 p�'Jreh"e an.� ofl.theIr gooAsj' may uires a killeM a C11 0001i;d) aterriwootenid ou an aver ar f, klub6tjt th6eilI his JVife wa yfeldg from &I ' I Dvsi n r 6a I a ri xi efy fo r <10 SOL by,corrbrS'pt)nd4enc6,,,6,hdmay ut 046 Aillor tebr on Acit tebreeonta t o., it Is of pods lan'ted an acre their gf)dj.d tried to protect,"what raly'abolu the Z mue aS of plods ey 0 'L it aring it- even' fro"pi tio'ng rdgir�irigo qu -NN, c 114 iced boy 'bout -trdw. Th e. Seed r si a, an Ou u prooticts. it plantM' a Out one. inch -deep in Wowing fgod 6� thim' td., iatra'oit The faciliti6s'afforded by the par- to, Applicant -f,4 Will' I have. a' ran W i0chez, apart, rows f jilalt �A:tt�rltfojj fK 0�re 'valuablt Pal' post and express e0hipanv .',ar- L4a&g Conservatoties," froni between P' n u 46 hard tigemcnbg and to h -Atreian8 ib- thoU44-01 -hompw -whe�e�,a- piano kow ­ danger'of late spring The it who in, friptnin",* or&i', d 0 4%ts ave Aft.el� planting f jAinctive merit it'ap�reciatc e is to irectl�lr'ofn­ it f etto f Lght and tun "&'way. thA' L an dar ng the,,gowin 1, Ar odtalOguo Will be tit 4rfi.payL jj a hoij i Repeating' Action. Oh �ony qn� adrcS. -gpil; is kept and qtU 1 "IS' our() MY COUSUR UnCL-00 Cis. tscthe Th6 the �.N W IWO 6 p, Lo n o n L ShO -crop is ari, ested before- t Tr;tii me lady, plets6l 10AjIfi For--threa y6aki , wbrkod 40 M I110 *hat NVI Is, M w �by m"dw af-L&­sp�a&J.' Pl� *6"s, )oeailt think' Lady have marrie rietter than 0110 d I& nd' dishes n Aa en lip And ptif, '-into shoo th lis 61 .t r e; y o 6 tamperwic orator V) en itfAlosuel, No? hanfeefiaVar �j w&S -tho­ 'SeAt" ofiljide she Tramp 0.1 WAS" the biorribla 17 - 'cal a, h U p gry' malit- cj. 0d; 0!M0 2U? -k 6x a ni Is V. p s.. ... ............. .. ..... T..