Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-03-11, Page 4v A 4resg and "rl c* Mall n, : t; Yei a4piQasttntouri zse`ora'`pitlats►dw renin'when .a,numbe.:Qf tl1e•eoi1grk gatioir mol t t •keel' hQme.:snti p�reeentoti hj with a iiartds rntmr4 as • rot+ker as 4 tQl en o"f llieiz' appz eeiatiop,-of her faith, hit serva s,a,y Qrwganit;:- All.addzeija :Was, read: • the paster : Rev, "Ai; ' lawyer . c gm' pz'eeented by;;: • Mrs, q` Ms, t't ebstez�, .With 'musio and.: Same &nd sooitti .,et,4Y.el atioll .it. Very,' pleaitanf -' evening was: spent:Mrs :?4xI•avi1.1 ontiazue-� o e. it1i,elizarclat; hcz ,fresont voittn,,, 0044,--1,---......m....'„:, ,....,1 .:... �' Holyxoe , .teport of S` $. TQ ` r , it Bloss for the months of';;Tu,nntery.-and gebar ary. 1. if th 'cl:ass---Leslie _Congr am. , :fin; traztc.o alto-., ollzo Konney, -Margaret. .'.L'hompsdn. and"Intu Swzrzoz%(tzes) Fred <lCenny.; Ser•tiol, 'ourtlt �-=Teddy $wit.. ret; Myrtle Oong.ratn" ' Jlrnioit ,roar th Mao •Henry,•,,A,nuio .Gortaey. • :Senior ':buckH., Vioskio : , l n raos,' •. x.1Zo iota E�(Ml^ liotot, • Anne :Kenny, i3,ldiedSwztzer.; : o1yritiVhototison Willie Renpsey; 4r'a: zseur4J1e�hosl)Ca cJlouy*nior$e'1nhzozrrdecSounsdi.e- �:t.ii, trurru,. - %ii.eorrcr" ..iiM�FCx tot$nx 11,94 Tiuv *:.rx44,e7, QHgt idmens,T 'MpcssaP1a wrbowziu;j;;'VC'rzz et ':TzQvtii: 'Lizzie Demp,sey,.A,vtrSt1itzerEdna: ElltatC,•••••C c.rl._Congran ., -�1 nthafe' Mo.IrltQwtii. Toaiiher * • 'a • 1.4 at' i has store ter :. IS impossible 'to� :tell ,; what 'the :future in, p o us:,. lnanciall lei .reverses, sickness,; .or: unexpected r nc r the Prudent ersotl will havemerle. .:.: provision ch fur Sticontingyncyi .bY 1ay n_ gasicle ' in .the.,:. _ . . sa, e custody of ft* , chartered Savings iirnk some regular' sm lrr�1 alae weellV earnin"�s' ''.:.....-w'.... S&5f.....: ::: ..:.z, ..r •uL't aY.=.. r.-ra.........',ic.Y![iR"'\ Y < 'i,Y `.' ..:Cu. ,m,:7 -,---. 7i. 'L-4.,-, :.•..k..._F'.u.'Yll.v Thas fund differs Beim money ' involved _r�.•: usi a s�, or_.. invested ill 1nQrtgages n eommercirtl •ventures* .. itN atV is" - once -a,vailablc°��vs henever,�re aired. ,.:t - i::.: ,n.---emelrgoe �: 114 alw•uys: - :.subject to your:°call, . It stands'." separate and distinct from,:your busiteSs.or )'our inyestinc nts; ldi,r presenting an, ae urntilation'.. ,,of Small sums, regularly taken"`frozn current •incorne, it is• hardly. missed,: and rapidly grow. into a, sub tanf al.:sum, • I' All ' 4 � tTAN .i` JiN- bjz its . repu a �br� {a'nd ;, the. absence of, .unnecessary rout a -has: fined :the ccanfi-- .. th..s � � �... _ ,_. l osit rs - aid •. is. :�, .a �la 4x�tli.._ _ o c dente caf ��yr�ngsl3ankceP _. o ,-�_ • ., .;.�'1?.1?4< ,���.�.. �...... desirous ,of o ennw a new.. 'Account, Ever conVenleuC.o fC.COiI*Iuoduttonris afforded .all" who. desire tb make use of the '_ service it affords, .ancl an enqu r.X. ,for the :Manager ;will .:secure ny desired information or attention Lar -e§. Miss Debby Webster ' of Lici,know, " a tha guest .of Mrs. Win. Litiine.,•rast Mss 'Dunbar ; of Westfield ism the west of Ali:U. -,Azria. Bald Wia at,pte4ent., Mit and 3VfrS....Satidersoiroc- )ungrni non visited at flap hanio;of Mti Percy •Stiricra stir; onii;t�u clia3~" 1rii1" ;unday .Mrs. W. J; Lace entert ligoad a few neighbors clue cie'enittg.laat Week. , . `=" Iire-`Jalziz :30tity tit Pine 1Viver • is 'siting rclativos-;atrd fri in an at l eso'nt . , \ 1. ,Mie, OSepli Sineitzer alas le sdd hla- -blA ckamitiiz $hop-t64,1r:::Jus 'Arose-' ox` :ti year.:. Mr: hose is-ei peeted to 'a rive on • 4Vednaaday : of this week. Jim -seems to_lika..'Ehc:noighbQncod;; • as ire :has been •workino• herca, on two differ ent pee:loons. \ ` \ d ;Mz . Joseph" S�nioltzei\and:1N.,:.11.;::!;44.v„..i,t,' ,liern•H.un'toi` e';c1 w cl';,delvr ep iiefozo a , • 111rtrs-l4Tiuty ° C'ut! nrglztu z of Port Al bort is spe�1c11An t,11ck ,1t elel. with} 3d rteiny 1146. 'ori: , .. .'' E L. - tnept1 1 _>Ltltu i+'L,io Ti,f1e Ass- lI'tut°l,usiner".t'tlr1Ei xs . 1 1 1;:. Tit: alit bnsinos will be .fansaeted. itizo regi ~ata to-tze.p;it Tara• f ello: ins is the. roller t of S.: S. ?u 10,•.:Asliheld .fiat `the •Urolith tf February;.-.', " .... !•-' -- 4102..._'11I4liV-0f;- ed ri§1►,•Viniie!,7 vood... J.i . LY, -•Allain: Nelson,-ili1uhot . 1t uliea 1,• Ohm,.Siueit, zer, Joht_i• Scott, Manrie U'ioilghliu;,. Edward D' yore ,„:,.:4'r, . T 1 i;•�=Char lea Siker vooti,: �Valrr d »re.nirtln._ . •Jr. TTS llxonlas' "LLittle,. :Ber•r ette O',, Zousl,ll'ti, kl`itillie • '0irircl . Sr.;II— . Lizzie Dr0ni1 t,r=.iTtLnle$ Littlt!; Ap mQ Dr'en uui, lv71;Ii' Metldaln tie.; :..rt --e ",Fl nor Ftiv' tsar, ;l eseiih,: fowler, % it-. 'irecl.0'Loughttin. Pt, i Jesn Scott; or.ne are d .: ._t ta era Snr kor.'::!(tt:ry--Dtife e 447. .11, • +tether Teacher, -. sAunAgoteux 144414' Boit Rittcardine, saagraol -• -:7-imekrte*--tinitty',evety :Oat XizAulay- -r 114, meat* ev:t Irialtty.. evening lit„' V; Mia<lottitt; 'io•gs,. Treasurer. 'of .4pi4 , and business experience An centresj employed by am. chain of nigt'G414.1001104eS have Wilt .11). Aadia student is ittstFuetes1 otar gradurifesi 'to -the, hest posi, tions. Three cottraes-.-cmuntereittl, Afail2Courses.: Hitter any da UO man • OUR FINE CATAL la mailed free on reques tor it if yon Itave: any . not .tt ea blitepou4pAt: Order the ocialteunwo:unn nn tuo. 1st Ttleiday U. each inOuth at 7.30 three, :are cardially. •• invited ta attend., • aasiimaiit '.$10.110 . SUTHERLAND nualern *nitethoali Used. 'test work, twos* extractie44 10- the ttmc of -', ea. the' hest **Weal, training sonlo. • 'taitittneran1,-Short and departments.. WV 10. tit rg Of coursea are thorough and' etietai, write for o,4 free Fritulogite t;OtACe. Elliott 84. AlkoLte The Sentinel' and AVeettly Ma' $ti ' ACt .1‘4$VAtt=1 and VatitilY• 41 - 'The Sentinel and" ihullAiteS Ail ALS, subscriptions p.sp with bee topies of the do are solit.itea; hat the mimes of the contributors must Itclesired, the writer's ramp Ivi4 e tate. Mu Miler. The,roouy,readera tit the Sent:4101 'will togret.te learn, of tho death or.),1374' -,10111r1goielOottiw.120:, Con; Wit,wartoSh,*; which took . place, on' Stai-• oiovniog„ rob: 2t.rth,' death 400x) undo 0)(0%4014 care, the'prev, iOns week !Mt death *Ai 24Ctt; eXpeeted,' Mr, Miller *as ti 'de.Vout, minubOr 'of onservative Ile was tvapoPtedandtliotag4t of and exijoYe; eateein of a wide circle • was -bop tat; killwater, Antrim year. und ()Migrated to ;C;',ntettiti, _kith 410 pirnnts-in--tite:„.*mtr4W42,;•,set•- Iriaineit ME) time pi” his deatti,, • Ite-leaxwbeltinti-tomtoutat lits, by Roy and "Maytitie, never:fully previous, y Itataves behind hy the Ili Moyer. . The retitaitts Were followed to Greenhill Vetoctiy by 4 my taro conconrSe pf friends., :r Tikes. 'and Cunningham. Tite (Tan SOUn1/41,- "4`111 r tbittkikitz: lkxint.pur Wants "ia tha ut i rin : jt to, . illKpt tit tt -t it t ?i bee iota 111014 reli :bl. winds to be h:ai titin up Phone and your orator ftterlded to larontipt 1, •_ ',Ott r..tr4s,and Chitties are ct►mpkkte, AIt: tyle best cl ialities at the . :n aha 'prices. P -�o 1 d410,"r Keri � hPri ,es c5 • i est u� `: rr � . ...t: • This is. the Stttsou°.'to b. u is �t1 stfi ,D 5.:..a:nt l nsect• ,Destroyers„,___, wJ ttave Cteuli.zz':Iaa.t.esso` Little's• Lni,:ester..... shire ;HTellebore .Insect Powder --enough • • 't e CKNE'Ix•'ang CAYtNE.eAC are good Sulphur; .8 -itis for • 25e \. Oyster Shells for Fowls, 'and Poultry Focd—E:gsaxe. high id price • • ters jtist a few Ier‘t that,' will be sold; at bar&a.in 'prices make 1-00111 for Spriilo- Goods., • o ds „ It time to order anything you want the (oh Sothic? and Stiff•Tooth stzes; Plows of:all:kinds, and repairs.. s, e s tuOth and Lucerne. , • 1 Ont:, was •stricken down' with 1.4. Grippe - hi 1.900 Ana toen,farn.:in,yery•,b,aci _con -- not sleep at nights, -.bad' awful sweats, and tonghed nearly the Whole time. Tbis is.how I was when 1 began to take PSI:. CHINE, in a IOW aervous state ;', but from tlic first honk I begat) to improve, ' It did marve:s• for me and brOught me back lohealftrizrttolimeTittaking -a-new mar • "'s It lottitiet the` bady against the At. . tacks. of La Grippe sad is a sure preven, ',feel a iolti taming- on `and it .ptits no . P$TC H 1 NE tones the system a rad' 'keeps the body in'good physical eattIctitiOrt: 'No bne can aitord to be -Without it. A Drugtists. and. Stotts self -at, Oc an rot , CURED if ',:t4t,:..1 :".'0T1..;;Ittr•..lr':',:A10::.,:;*..;',".,0,04".!'; .:?1:13:41;'":.%•-•:' 4"ti. f .ttiAzi,f.,:!,:.1:4;:, S.,!:::::.,,,,.°,...,:lt!:'!..!::-.!• ,,...:4, 0:::,:,7;:t:01c1:1:- tt.,,,,t:t::11:1:t1,14:,..t1,,,:,0,,,;:4:,..iivIlirte ,.: .. 1 .., , , 1,,,eeestattjail.4.0,u,t).t,;1:4!.1.r.4 AVi,0.0):::stiSot:.:w."...tdidie.,$e an