Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-03-04, Page 3ere Fired Into Niss Ethel Head and -13rept.- CQNDENSED. NEWS ITEMS •-tt Telegripble•roors_trow-our, fwd. Other. Countries 'Of • ,,.Spatch from Ha'milten says i who did tVekinurdei was:furnielied. 1.100ent .Eventsi, .7,• • 445- -'reelOck on Thursday •ri.O.the. merab.eri.01,..the. force r *49 ,. CANADA., -'. • - i;',1.4 PAO. .01: $11O-1400;16,,ri.zi;g,iadiated to all, parts of tho eitY. •Ontaed '04447?Wein'tioi• Isnrdere, Thy idly.ropitt :.their..4grergine aisx.0,,, •Tlic Kingston Board o! '110.1th AtileVOr Ma:Owned the •crinv. oularlY to: the, Western. part in which "will cerffereo'-'64-41Mlierr,:*eeini,-, ;Soak :Or"-Ihritt: .e.enn;trY W&B..t•Ilk.•.ttate-.43"-;.t°(*'*151a(* 'al1C1 1."t" 4ti". • '..:'. * ' ' tet,g,0 ngt •ae.. home of Tr, L, 4 .!Ol,O44 watch on. all the .railway. ' A now eavnlrY regimentris to, bo clanked . in Brant county; • ' ' . . , tei•-104-11•0•Itiow•-• stmt.,: Ilifir- -dauglitn,r4 .Atiefi Etliel,itiie Ix; *Pb.S.P.TUPTXON • OF THE $.(01C 7 CC4of-Willgilo"Oea bighPros., :su•re water syStem. is to be _investi the.inorgue With 'five 'bullet .• n her head. uei4breast, While One 'Of' the most reinatltable fea- ,g4tOd". , • • , - • . Ok ThOrno Of `Woodatoekv-/C a r.derer" has, Se lar,..oludect tares about.the tragedy ' is -the fact - -.., aloe, The norderer is 'stip- that' a`ma,n4kas. Veep liangiug allOut P.., „ itor of.' The Carleton, Santis,. to be A tramp, He. went to that neighbbrhoocl for several. de el, .• dead. ,? -...-''' , .. •,' . . , 7 . , '0.04?, at the hour • mengoaed, ..Pagit,1 And' he iff belie,ved to be thel,: ...A. c9afeterlee, :to ,diso4s: reelpe.: HOY MisS,,FlOtenee:`and Vifiii :Murderer, ' • • The following descrip-i city with 'Canada; ' will be held in to, his `'knOcklifisa -`.Flbrenee lug, has.. been .:,furnislied the ',pOlice ::,.: ' Mr .,. J..„ W.. :Tyrrell: believes that were' at. hoine, 'and .'in, re-; thin •of.theitilan whordid the' wo.ozt-.. :Dotroit-44' A:Oil.. ' ., ,;',. . ,- • ' • . 1 .gt.' (M.CL I hi' ' *anted' -1./Y 'WO, .V_IOrohe. e 'Iciliratio; and ' la • 41.4:iihteci.p. 0, ch:abieitdh.,Tfunii.ii;pu. aebtliu.i;11..cH:..iin:aavS:i:n..g,,:t13.icriagYe:' 415 10, pat so ,wsa ..jovit-k., all, the peliegg,h4v0.:40.,,glii,:do. thein will be O. great'. seaport,. tor which • he demanded. in 'their search t,- . - • ,.. ' • ' 1 Ile •Was. given , what Miss .. A40 abs41-405 yearS,, height about ttiAir,67.0einiti.-.---4;11&-Tfiiiiiiiii-;,41.47, .iiic.a.--siirviNt.:;-.vilit-aV-Iii.4-liz.6iilftt --4)_f_t•tl'ITAP`....'4"."-'''1-1-•,.,'-,..,,,!! r44o4,:lie.41.0,,,,,,-211twArEll?"..4z=v,thovIzeatt,,ateet4170/n.A.4,krk-,-03.. „4.1...;,,,\49`!'4:1',-.A,rf's..n,17,11a119T.g94. TA,' -i'133-: [4:ht.:,..'4:tClv:.-e'' L18'1.11,0 and„ha"hea .:,-otsac',/*i'll .nligilibta.Cli 'h'e.1,9-diir!0'17e'ty..t.fr,f..O.4Vearrk,in.'boriZrn;,:•'..7,Teint. Dubois,. ...contracter on the he•-clining.roara window. Tho Wcire...ada'rii..."snit and: dark Over- '24'ati°°•al: .' \ .1riaelailtintint:e3-'• near woo notified.,-,1-0-4.14.-tfirt-*3„fi.:--0.0.,mt..ra,__Kaett....../iGne:b.,:zhati.:'.-gare:d7Yrederieton-i3. N4:43'407a$:buinci,..his .• beeki” said diii-Ppea,red - °Wing-136.- .ts after, the , shooting, . took down' over the eyes, - ' ' ' . . Lind. Were fon the scene _with= • This has been Placed in the hands 000. B 1 -tV,Trif---fialf-..1-1-,n1 hour: • : -.- • of all the' Members- of tha .feree, ...,',44-,o,01-4-oPtes.: ..0034gte0161 E :snii`th.. bakf:',Insp-ector-Mc-,.and- 'belie --la -eatortamed .that- tlFa '_._,.' '''' that the 'Sikhs thore" have Pifie.'etive. .131eakley,;• SajA-3-1-. miirdererV.illtoktierlonica0a4*--asr4sseeiation.,,that.:::,-.-ii:.:Collecting obiter land ]saine •Polleeniexi as Word has .b.'een lent o.' th4 po-,' notileY..,t4ve:ibuYs ofInd w. sifa,(7, ',!if!''(1 . .,fia!'. on the'. Scene, "aact.'shortly lice. at all '' aufside pants' within a .10.0ecin ,;.'fair,eleseriptiorp-ofrtlienian-7'radina-'of- several miles. • •:', ••• • i .7.,•„, Tile 00.eramebt ...SI:ill '..40elare , .,, , . .. _ . .. . • • _ ...:. ... - .' .1IOCate. Strait's 'a; clbSed tea; and , • .. . - Plaae;an•-arinee.eruiter- -there" to filled out Of a population of 2;040,7: protectc•the halibut fishing 'from , . 222, . in •Frankfort•on.-Mai;U" )4 ).-33. 'United -States tpoachers. .1` .7-- ,.,• out of, p. POPhlatiOri of 488,413; and - .Ohatlea:-.Hachtson' fell ' 'down an in DiniSeldorf 7,301 out of 0, popu: elevator 'shaft at ,Perrin's eonfee, lotion , of 250,000'. ' The' figUres .an- tioneryat London,. Ont., 'artd-,:' land- dicate, that. the eithangesare large- itig.'QP a Pile. of paper, 'es-61PM with br orr, a-dieracated finger,' : . '.., t _,, • -, used, and that- they :bave . . . , . . . .; ,the Canfidenee 4f,1131, (Ali oiligoger. and li-FOR UNEMPLOIYED, &N� , -HAS LITTLE TO EARN IN GERMANY. Exchanges Help to, Mitigate Vit-Alie Not ''C'ainplete . Success: port of an enquiry into the' adopted in-Gerstany -for- •:'...Th'i'investigation, -of the-ea:orals,' ; with-, 'unemployment has resented to theBritish Labor by Air.: .George;N:...'!Barhes,' The enquiry had •special re - to insurance...And lahor:ex- Thecommiesioners.-fennd• ere was little to learn„; even • workman. :Their hiefullieSs in-. GREAT BRITAIN. creased by the systenkiot co-ordina- tion...which Obtainein-iionia:-Ol'the-- Germa,n provinces, for by,. this means. they: assist in the nnobility manors led' them .to the ' following conclusions: • ,FINDING OF COMMISSION... notwithstanding '.:protec7 tivetiriffs there exiits derinany. 1.0,ge unemploYment; thcingh • in the • Places visited' the' 1Vikliitts• j'jrou TAB sti•EAD13.4.c..:• TRADE otaingse: or V 1flra1n Vheesct,.44 Other' HalrY l'rodi!e0 et ' Hoine and Abroad. r7.4-trl . ' ••••••••• triaf Likely. t�: gove...4gaipst: Within Next Fortnihtr sCle'sPateh freta teridim SaY8-; ,penditure re,prOsenta a,--'hUrd2n a • ..131°A13T1j."S4-'.. ' --..,"'-` ThePltbliTres111141esf-p:a7teirirs 41.aftOmY-mir . . OieruhAinag; eanOot,,heLbOrno indofinttely; 4-ta, Retershorg. and Berlin taking lar.e.TillrIE?mir;abwli:aCreatlibtiztt:,111:'Srlu4411°15itileas- . ' Toronto,.gar.2.4,4401m.-Ontatio 4.-: . wheat ii40:' percent; patimta, -11.g3-Y-'', A slecony view .of the...Austria,,Ser,, trease the ',expenditures. ten -fold, ' to, ,#44 to -day inyhuYers' aick:!# ,ont,-. v.,0,41.0ituo,tion,The vie403.! cotre- but boat :desire the .clearingnp of .. side for export. .5fanitc.),ba .flour, .:i4P°n4ent°43E'P:e_Par!ioTS_f°'i,e!itli'atno'.P.r9er4).l,Yrbe:t'.ri:frat patents, 05.704. to 0g"eveetueheilitipaicnatatal1;eghleatxargeatla4agnlnt•-• -7- -41:4-ck'' 1.1161v4tcrr 4ecg'nd• -411aterit4-' beifig •Oohiff-Vo.te',4 'A AnStria,-.Hun pr.,Tbfiling •that, by a passage at ., .0 $6.Kt;,' and strong b4er's'' EarY.' It w4:31•410, 1;41'sre#111-01P0s, -1)P IrPA 012011 .i.V IS ' hoped, . would . $0, to $5.14-• ' ' ' .. . . premature to regard war as., cer_ ()pea Up a prospect or quiet in , wheat -Manitoba' wheat, 'f3-1'1'2' • tnin and. 't • b. ' ' ' d with. fntUre.• .Hawfar?evonts.would bear ..„. for No.-. I Northern,.a.od.$1,.i16%.,;f_ar, ,6Q14,46,noe that the peoor..-the, p9s,.. ,Ot.lt• the expectatien should the'con, • . , ,, .16.r''..Nijr,,1Northernt1°rn.Cte°r`.t,laittc.'1•5aY `sibilitr ....of an um cd confliOti a, p-, .°11iet- eonae is a clUestieu which ,e24' 0;.ikro ,'Y''.. '441' pears ; the ,:greater' is the desire .in perionoe 'alone could de_eidc... The, .411 real* and I. 2 -4°F:th" thisllO cotry that it ,inay.he.ayoid4 TiTes,,,F in 4 grave leader'. itrepeSe, p !ern,- $.1 .0,14.1.'fifit''' rall, ." ':,''.., 1ed.. •The-:•:-Austro-Iltingaria rt „all ir 4hatraa ii.,017,roar cliPloPa#?e,- mteth9gk.• '-Cia;°s-QntO1:°'l\T'P 2 vc17'113te.i 48. tC):" 't641i. 'PrOP-4i4tiOnri..iitiO .0-Istiinittea to -hakre ". OW ;:11.raett . don,` a 'eonfer,..,;,, i 48)41: On .track, 'Toronto.; No. O. • .1-ireite in. Canada oat's,..489,v0011itig: be 'costing £10,000 ',,O!. 084:' Thi3...iOXf-'• ence of, the powers:. be. OitOMOile4.• V . . . . .. .. . :woof", . and No. a; 47e, Collingwoo4. , ,. Peas --No. 2, 90c outside. , .. feeding steers, a,bout 1,000 pounds,. 5OUL. 1(4 .0wri §vortm. . _r.,4,,i,-,w.p...... s,::..A.m.fior_4p - v..44).vir,..„-4,4,"*.....,.$4..,43F,...gh,,,,,,,,,.,.......ei,r,,J)..„. i „.„.,..,,..„,,, -..,,,,,,,.,...,..--...-. - --..-..-,----,---,--,.. *WfW-traeli,,:,--.Tererifiic -417476.!;., la"tegirt linkeituthargid.T-IfItigs- '.e.... Inteepoi.$01nithing Niiisiliiii Itii-Nilile yeatiV,"---'120', 4fOr-filiWf:'_qrailian, 1Ww•e71•Tilifift'W ,attift733'ica:10-7 '`"-- -lifik-altIT,rthr.airdefe'i-:.',•;-',7 cora; 68 tO 69e, on .track. Toronto. itr4„$6.7y.t),4,ndf .. rt watered. •- Braii440aits are $22 to $23 m --Stead .A • • ..r . • ,... •• • •-•,. • •• unchanged. , ..,. ,Oalvos .. . Every liamsn. being is a• •conun.7. ',I .bulk-tilitsicle.,...,..ShOrti. $24 ...i,R.!?.14. . din= to every. othdr human being fr , -'., - .' ...No -Matter . how iliaritSParent. the4n;ar.;-:" OtitSicter-7,--7-----------7--------7. A• -TUNNEL 'AT QUEB.E0.•• '4ividual stems- 'ors: lioW open- and. . -00#,KtyLIPD;ODUCE...- ' ' - ..--.- rylr;iAiunstrourt 86 me, t-6,-. Sallie, •• i e ePeliicrtifOiic-: it"-ThliFif 641- ta.l. . ., .. . . :. above board, at We May ' say,. his _ _____.....„.,...... ..,0-- itritoPrieF,44.4. 4,410,4.,t_o4°_._stf,°tIr r__._e_ho'_0'k,,,.. _ ,.......,. 7 , g•- glkeSt49 ,,,,-- ,.. 1114.....9-W4•Wae.gket,td_ , N, J:1e. t kA0811S-4 .0v mg .purposes.... . . , ; . ..• • • , ,A.., „ci.ep4:10,rte"h4fnrom.' .1,40.ntlirim: : says:.:,m.ueli..; Of.. a . hum u'li,.'ghe is, hc.,W 'far ' Beans-Prinitc,''.. '0.90 ' ie. $2. and. ••A:b_. Wednesday's, .: meting of the cvshi.171a7.1,..pherlr,5ple7atliVin4111:..6:,-IittfictineolVII., ' 1*,hethet...lie, la, genuinec!et 7.iiet;`:-..and -it -is-,-thia,'-cleeper -so.mething,-within. us ' that makes the ..real character, that is .dinilyperceived. or .seduens- : ,ly. Concealed, ' untilj.-'Senie snildeli :- '• ' "- , '-' ' , te-n2, pt"-oosn• or,,,/,n,ergeiToy brings' it --forth. 'Wh'en our friends ,surprise us, bY . Manifestations -;.:-..1-of?:1 itirianapeeted''' ileight„s •,or ;depths; ' we. aTO, /10t. to believe those thins are horn of a' gr.Y.trIt ,,l3A.,.,ormar:lt;e4-,..01.X:r,0441, se t,.,.04oqu4e7;i7.1.x., te42:75'per, seliemerwhich -heclaims iidoien, 'and •-stradiedij1 11411'8i...five :the 'Quebec bridge quest. -Per•,polind., - • • • , - eep:- 'Ile , -Proposes' •a.'tlinnet inthe ' . • ... j • 'Hay --No. 1.‘ thhothy, ,s1p.75- to form, of an-marnenseeteel tube,_co.v- $14: per-ton:411track. here,„: and .ered ,cement and 'kept down lower grades: 9 to ,.$19 a ton. ,io- :place by pier.''.:11e.statee that Sraw^8.0-••5.0to $7.50 on'track, ik a. measure it: wmilki resemble -the Potatoos-432 to 65c per bag � tunnel at Porb Tiuegtrge •lielle .0Pu.laoln tubo dressed, 12 to dxtO,i,vg:eiile7psf,;tiifr,ol.rliii‘peaSs`',69efri,rails. and twcr 'Vnile,tes'that•the...coSt would less :than the- bridge; - the,reitilts wonkLibe-,far-ratire Sittigfactoryl' would planed forty feet under Water, , and .,rionld. thurs be out of the :way _tit the ' deepest draught scbenie a.roused a . g.,Sed doai ..or:ootiluiknt; arid •• 4winiept; ' they 'are really •.. aeep- T. Dawson,. formerly- of Hoot- 14b .442Lpound ; • fow1,-, 10tolie.; seated..• Those qUalitie-stare part real shot -Wife and-76es.'COM- ducks, 14 tee' 15e; geese 12 to lae • of therSeeret:itielf---the sell that " mitted suicide in London: , . tttrkeyS,A7. te$1•904..iier pound'. • makes is 'what -W-0 are. that . Th..4.-Vanguard-; Britain's-seventli' - . yessel---of--,the, Dreadnought type, THE DAIRY •MARKETS\-- .one •daY'reireal itself, that is bound • , 7 to be disclosed as •sge Wears oh day. D.'a/4 largo 2t0°;iii- ressels: His e has •the poet. He. meant was:laiinclied at ,Ilarro Mos:. Butter -Pound "Miad y mind to- me kingdoin is," , Twenti-cight weinen many 'of t ubs°thing nearer the 'heart of things. • '" fe.ribr 16 to • lie ; creamery ro s thein meraberr, ' - ' - ' tioiers_47.0niir:gz!iven ,ternis in prison 260, „and solids, 26c.• Eggs0 lots of eolct'sto r — , eaknesses-andl- faults. we--tr to e y •be seriously . . will This - secret, hidden' • self, •-v,rho.se • -111----4-6i611nstar ' tts7-2,5-c ncw laid -1742;c' hide --whose-Ifife-is4ited-beiondY-the t.. , ; se Thursday • . Ingirat -STATES.' nay, as re04.04.....10..R.i44-000.1;,.actnalniiirtbers-: Of -the UnettploYed -=FrankFif72,1-ac-Vea-gh-'-ottgliich tionofiiisur,ance- touneni.•••L:iiiid-tirelegre""---- - ---,:iil' • G ya,1 ''''.4714 7,'W'S. iITILW11-1,Aittlia! ' , " r IA. "' cr ip04, -' , 140-F-Itrixt rlitTFriErigfliWWWARX __AnCfl(gr -. _ire, .._ .1.L.. • . .., . • . - . •' .' A ..--, Vii.;41#0k#ipgt=0.-,firr-s9tar,-altr-;?lOgOKIW40.34-- :"_*.1140 n;„44,1S'ackite., 'A-DiPeok ,U..inittv-tra4--ittweateda; ouection .and tabulation of of Stage AO .Obtains in towns- of silt,: log p tone .xilw.b•wi. IP.revent. col: - - - - ; ,csA3oiii•o..40.1,?oft.4,itioi,,40,, Oar.. Size in 13lreat Britain,,i5Wing:ta' lisiopa'faeti'ecit.'iii4 in if; 1:,:,ii".•.'"'" - ei.t.:,„...._,Bni .i.t. vo .10u", thal the ;.ffillowing,-'.-Ainehg, -other?: red - !,4-13..,-iiiSit-The!.wkiiii '.-an-irkide-lrer -Wit. lOt0-440:eibi'.0411:, 4t.-Philiklrp,fiia as very reensid0able in- -4,,,c„,i,',:1,7',7`,.,e„,a".;17-,(4,4„12ilsoti-nd,,,,syst*em' .,..aod.mire_atezto to,..kiii. 016. ,..xfoiyol, being -taken Irk, theAuestion; :' '''''' T'7' ' at:___th.rp.p_a_.„the,7kre_49,0„,...- itinimilia 'therie-til-44riililie-7.-labor. 1.10:11es.,s_he-,:imist ,k_er;lare to. Buffalcii- 7147-R-Ifelp41 In operation.7' 9----7:61till'igar'Lwil'e z-riArli'IU,701,014036ex.s • .13.-"!at°,x. "(3•11,et ' o,f,...._;4402ifilliP; : : and..wel . 113 qp pore cam y ;to a4eer, _working • to have ..:;D00:: _t_.*:0;_ortl,.ai 'ditioit,iko*ZsrdEt§.- ' ' ' . ,.., . . . .,;it..o.; -; tiiin..the, abtual. ,condition, of the waterwais. treaty. pushed thrOugh . .:.' ablie 4.agor.,exclianges!Ahie,.1,a4gr- markeii land fends to leaseia the :Unit0a Stat'O'sSenate at 00 Ci'ioia,,iii:.-ibOut 400, andthe. the 'nnnlb6r.' of, ',nose. unemployed. lset session...'., ? is increasing. As to their ‘\'(h) II°. desire :i'f. jilu.PiciPal , to . . "GENERAL 'titheeport ot the .eominis,,:..thOkiticS., alld anY.'.'"VinOPYPT* t° :• • • .' • : . " • •• , • ' statesWre ,., , se,. miuniAae nnOmPIoPPent/hY'regular-,.." The ReVeintienari. Wing' 7-4itlie, -' e -are of e ' our" ' ices-r.of -opinion: There . are iiing _their reqiiirements. .: •.,. . • ' -' Russian 'Socialist partY has decided rho regard ' themas the:first ,. tc. preaching.:,;5-0POolY, i.diopluis.a.610.,,:st,op. 4). .06 ed.bythe Gerin irstunicipalities to, uga,i,nst the throne:: cop e Viith7itne plbyment,TiO , their. . • -dealing with _the proAlcra-e14 oyinent; inasmuch as there.; reeP----4011-revhrts' in Lt1,04. actual condition of the f labor. .freed°e1 ree'. th ' ' i ti ' . ' , • . .._ . • , ina-Tiebeaspertitin07There ..`.etl'211)3:7-111'.1r.:Als'Icia,lic`24ruh.ittali..tahkie".Gara3ali 16,e_wlio,tegap';1' : labor,../..exz,.. I as in theingelVes-prOViding ichenle:8I'Pt Irisuran°°.---.f°r T-enera- ly for unemployment by plie- faoYMent arconlyin the experinien:.. or:where...it- is:' wanted; and tatls046s ' .and haYi4 - regard. to t could..00t.i3theriiiese have 'their' obvious limitations, they 'canaoed - not' •lie recommended for .adoption; 4-DiX0 Tilgilt. wbitx, .... .in ,•Clreat' •Britain :' with, much 'eon- , . • , , _., • • . '11,EI'T 'THE PENITEATIAHY''', eyes, Of." Men - ,iS'iiiir' real. kingdom: Cheese --Largo Cheese,13%-e per ' ' ' '.' ' •'— .' ''', ".- . - .•, It is the dwel, ing of the kingdom pound, and-twinS • I4e,_.:.1::.: ' .- ..- „ : TwO Pilsoners:,Httile The.4....._Eaeape_ then, __0.r. -of the: ether...0;w . . , . , . • • .• • : , . _ .. ..,... . ,..• . • . , at Aew.WestnAnster; ..... ...w; J'ir;,-t Van 4 Z A cal E L-tir 72!*", FepOrt 'for 'August of Sir Oppenheimer, ' Counstil- Vat...Frankfort, showed that een towns ,workers were Or More ,than 10,600 iracan- iii:hight.smiiiii: towns bi were fillerl'•in numbers from .5,boo .to,7,4o,opo. Iii 107,08 vacancies had been • . • Liila•••••••-"Last night yeung,'Boreni declared he Would 'willingly • go to the .end of • the earth for • hie.' Ciace-, . Lola -_7.-"I got ,him to • tnake a start ,for and let it. go at that Fotuid, Guilty 'Atte Murder , . •Siiii.obei , patch frem -Sitnecie, Ont.,' a trial that has interested half.the Nrehihald, ',W. Malone, 'ex- •pominion i'in which thirty-four wit-, ratieer of this tew!1;. was 0esSe,s' were summoned by- the ad 17,17ednesdAy, night. by Crown• and •none for the defence, ustice 'Sir Mulock and in which Mr: Qeorge Tate isonment for life in, King- Elackstock, C., Crown 'Prose, tnitcptiary, at the conelit- 'cutor, made 'an address 1;r)-tlic jury a trial which • lasted thirty. lasting two and ono,half, hours, so spread over three days, in 'powerful and so unanswerable that no of the strangeit stories. the gloom .on the face •of the Pris- oriniet.evel• heard, in the encl. and h;s*., young wife spreaA of . Canadia,n criminology th.rotigh ..th whole crowded court =led. The- jury brellght, froom. The tension csme to an 'end of guilty. The charge. when, in low tones, his Lordship. hey Considered was that in pronouneod tontende, last 'Moen).- ly minutes of December I, ber;. at,the triaPfor Malone's com- done, as chief •constable, mittat the crowd' then prdSent ;okl shot and left for dead dheered .when the Magistrate tared! [Stant, Coldtable, William against the accused; 4 On Wednes-' the min, whom) thitengli day night drily. an empty silence tnerid-of will, he had' mule .pOssessed the • rdoin.:, Mort ,spolte *lite, in a series of his rob. intietly, "With. tove'rt ..rat.weintn'tm did Ineendfary outrages in worneA -151tkocd hanelkechiels to it. Thus tame, to an end` their -Oyes., , , ' t 7 „ Case of 111:1614itge. ' h * A deS t from t says: In the:Senate on Thursday after, noon Sir Pidiard .- Cartwright -moved several amencinients to .the Annuities -Act. , .0ne 'arnendinent .proirides` that man •and each of tivir:7have taken out annui- ties, may each :continue to hive the right to annuity,. up to $600 should they )11 7A-1101feY-Tf*Provigivn; wiY1 , a, hnsband: to- Share his aairiuity with his wife.' "Another "PT.OViSion Pereolis'hairin,g bought, 'annuities, in class •-"B, ' Where Payments end with death, to tont-rapt himself but Of his ageee- -28 Ver • ), ment '.with the GOyernMent,. and have' refunded te him.' the amount :paid in. , To Senator Lougheee.1 r Richard said...the indications Were that the Pliblic were going to avail themselves largely of . the oppor- .tunities afforded...7'06i by -Act:- -7 aess..-L,wrclea , itgexatttlasens,, . ''``'etw.15.`e' :tiff 40401 ercpou d n.--east-lota,--m.ess-porkr -wa,s-madettrom.-thepenitentiary al; s, anS:a' - •-•-.:- w . .0w-, Avirly.itt." uteans ii., -big, di .... )v(ijqt .,Cllif yoti n&iss. Qajr.&64g ato-keg..f.„ --J4 ;it: wilitoyei.:y•,-,4. he ii_altie Ye.ii.7,Sy.Atell,I$gur' . . - -2, .. . . • . 426 ,..t, 420,50 .; 7shoit,,0:0,:cM to tSbl: Xew.!.`lyektrailister,-,.--on -Vednes.d04.4.101i'all'.--. . ...L.lifiiliS--14.1glit•::tia:_inMili.td,-4.31/2',--tdi tOnrning„:the_.:-ftigitives-being , a•7-..'ik: '---4.4 th • from ' Wi-rirrit4W.--`7.---t.7 44e,;-''-do.,-,-.12%-AoHlae;'.•-•rolls;• Freneh,einadian:,-named---tab-oux--. ,InsPector Pilletitr..a_act-Tartr'nf ' 1,0% 'to • Ile; shoulders,- 7.1.0to 10'-%c; dette. anda, ,Britisher.: aained ,Staa:„ .tire."R.o.Yat Xorthwesf-Nelinted..RO-L:-- 1-kaelii-'710,t671.6.Y.2..ei 'breakfa-'s-t.':ba.-.. tan.; beth lot ',whom ..,wrefe serving. a lice, •• who- -wera-.-"thaught-'tb have . .. ' ' • • • ,. , . ,. : , ; . . ' ,torrottf-obli.r.giarT, . mcs o..: _ ....,.:}5ttlei .0.1r,ttil_tt.t...., . 6,1i.....t., . ...sr.,_,_,__“.,,.......L. ._,_„_.____ ton, 1.072 -Lo. -1-61e ' , • ,.. _eaPetup _•os _ _ , e24,tw4,Y1 ,. . , LarcITierees5"2-1-2Y4-c,',..rinber,;- '3C-.; pears-te7bave4-hoen-7managed with- rived at Churchill safe and well in 70414' 13Y.Ic', ' ' .,' "- • •,.7' " • skillan . espate ,.. i.,' • e _mg.,. 'January. .TheSo, NVOI,,O, the glad ti 7 .. , !' , . , • : • •,. , kitil,kr Made'. his . usual.: round :4 0 ,:ings ,bFou'ght. down ..hy : Constables , 33!..ISPIESS, AT, MONTREAL.. -,' 'c'elocky, on ', Wednesday morning, • 13 roWn' And . Weed,- who . arrived at .;...• • ,.• - . ' ,,,..:• .•,:,,'L.... . • . .•,[.• - knocking the bars .Ort.the•celli prat Girall,-., -on 1.,,Lake, Winnipeg, .,-On., ., DA0A401, ,na.a.;r., 2. -reas •-,. IN 0 . , paratory. to letting the ,'.oupants Thursclai -.with' the' CliiirchiWniail • 07%. .te , No.. Oats-LOanadian . out to• Work • - • LabOurdette - and; '.paUket. :Thd,y- 'alio : giYe,:.. the - infor-',t . Western W..0. 2, ,50%. 61C ;.extra ..: .. _.1 Stanton ..had 'evidently ,tampered...mation that. Inspeetor ...Pelletier is. •_._ 'N'ci,,•, l• f,06121,.59 tci':5°,./.0'14N.9:1 f--' with Inc loek; and *hen the night' on his`wa,y out, an,d•will.rea,ch Wis-:,,T. , 49y2" to'Ontapo, ,b. -2`,, 49. to •jguard's haelc was turned,''after-the milieg .in.• a few...days, Oenstablas-,- • 491AO; Ontario, Not 3, ' 48,4c to 49e; ,,,,,,;,,,..aci.ije6ri 4,ii4se....!, 0 all 'they had OntariO NO:•?1,,.. 47% to 48c ; No...2' .'''' " to 'do was.; to • Push. the Hoar- °Pen barley.' 63% . to 6.3c; ,Manitplia feed. _ • .,,ii eabLaivity ...liairiiii left' t . , 5b% , to, 56c.- Mailitoba Spring • .• . • ))-1'rf7-51:3'7"7-"Q-4 -11-'44' 7 cells' thepairclimbed up hot • 0 k .20;.Manitoba-Springwheat-pat-: cape :iheyhavc. not • ecap nts,-,deconcis,;45.30 --:-' • 4 - - turad ,„ Iiiroea, strong- bakers', , . • $5.20 Winter, wheat- Patents, '$5.40 C. P. - H. BUYS BONDS. to $6.50 ;- straight; • rollers, $5t to " • : - $5.10; do,, hags., $2„,05 to $2.46 ; ,President Say uoinlH,14!)' Hal extra in bags, $1.95 tO $2.05. Feed , $54),,00‘,000.to $pa04. • -Manitoba bran, $2:21„ do.,. shorts, A despateh froni•lVIontreal says: 52!; Ontario bran, ,$23. to $24 do., Sit .Thomas ,Shaagline,sty ,en Wed - shorts, $24-.50 to..$25.;' Ontario -.Mid- d.onfirtned ,the „tumor ,hat gram the C. Thad- liVeiftrittifat--asing inouttle, gms to 130 '•;• stomlle, t$25 . to• $27, , Clieese-.Finest• • west- D°mInibn dehe'eture•i••• "ire•Pi'd•the '"1:13-13"-t•O)3XteLi 'Odlterzlor nyi..,,to., con*hny had Borne money tb.`spare, and left for honie._._.: Later., Ander-. . 4w2V4'icL* rillcIr4ettalorrryF4121-crP-anle,r'3,e'; -Dominion three and three•quarter bead ba4ei.nd In. • ,,` • dfitT:hId':fiiireet7e-dtt::$15TQ00,da0-ifi'the- son ,c-- hofly„ was . fobnif wiffil-h-e---' 'UQLCfl ' Eggs -New per tent ten-year debentures ' re.• --.•- ..., cently issued in London. ' . • . /TN/TED TATts. mAluaTs„ • ',Ought. these cleb,einstdurreesd, hebesnalidir S . ,___ ,_ "bees:Use we Col e t Mitwattkee mar. -whett,t, firm; good and . sound -141Vestinent• ago.,°.1, Norellern, '$1,1'7%; NO. 2 ' '• Northern, .$1.16, to. $1.15.14; May.,. • . 11' $1,,ip,. bid.. 4ye__No„ I.,' 79e. cprn TRAIN . TOPPLE'S OV._ER ci4Fr, Irrownand Wood 'teport :,seyete. weather in the morth-,_whichAelay-,' ed:-thei,7.-,PrOgieas4Lo•tt•lier. • they, 'had an uneirentful trip , • . 7 077 Oiitikb Grade .. otit.brr • Ow I y4e1IT:t Q '4' Alexander, Sts. ' P1L 2i . . , . ro.u.it-Accu.S111/7-1":0-P-;HTS-REDIL . .• , Mao 'With , Whom -They', Had, Been : Orinkiht Boatel'. to Death, ' , . A despatch .frorn Prince Albert ,.• Four . Men; Robert Umphre- ville, John Turner, Alez.,:')Dubois and'.Tom. Baliantyne,',are' held nt I -..anACTIC -1••;.LEDUC yell 4u., Ca,.*,1 :1).•:.`St„1- --at oar -Urge - .:rallInsfneas college, catalogue •ree. Sena p Write W B 91•14W ••• -W.I1. the. Mounted Pollee' barracks hero, •• • t, • • , • cliaried with the derseri laStNovember Kinistirio. . • • ' The . five were drinking •together .P1i0FITS, ONLY $1.8,500,0a0. Johannesburg; Hining-,4;--A - • .11g..1)1010.$1. A clespatoli .from Johannesburg says.: lAt a inee'ting' of the F'remier Alining Company the chairman an- nounced that thefprofitS made thug far arnounted $18,3001000, He added. that Sales during the '040k ,yeir .1144...:13,6en...Well, maintained. ITI $ ''CA PITA L OR CANA DA early 230;00,0000 Caine AtrO8s , 21:4111,1111e1.1.11..1993, • aospatch; :train London says The Chrortitle says that in .4.90:.4,. • exela'sive fc0nvo,..1-tah loans; near-. :10.,(1000.0(1 wort'', of :British ea- piLlvion,t to Canada, 1:4 remark's that it is (4.1d tbakt. 1.114 tariff e rs, kvh, mirect• 41•111.+!:71- 11p,611 '&11t).,ri,f:ii pro, f shed t'14 i101st,0 il P r'i ish -;,,P,o.i.kti$01.1c!r-r4-14111. • ment. ; , BLOWN CAII. „ , Grand 'nth* ,iltakesina.n :Killed Near Cornwall. A. despateh 'front"... Obriiwall, Says.: 'At---atr•.earIY-,-''hotti.."-r-ori.--Thnrsday--- May, 66Xe bid. karleY'--?.-StAncl, . ' " - " ' ''''''':- ". . •"- - •-•"----- , .a.i'd. 96iXe.; samfile'; 04..ti:3706R,CINO. Fall of .106- F, n't,--nninolishot.i..-`-tis ..r"rell'Ig'-.° ;arles•:- .§a4tsf • of Brook'' • yille, a brakeman on on a'westhound '. 3/ 64' to 05c ' No, 41,04p. . " ,.. • . -..-!and in o- 23' ,P,Lissengers.' ", ,'. Minneapolls„ MO% • 2:-.-Wbbat •-- A' • despatch „-,•' Albin- • PliaYacluili' 'fGr'OrT-1,:',t1h3e'''Lip4oht taraeia,11121f*::;•!).SIZI1.- :'' .,. May.,- $r.12% - 'July,: $1.124 ; ca,sh, .tenadnr, ., , n lays! .,A passenger train inerstow; and ,strikitig the side; cir•-• • X,0-,4„,liatir, .14-44043:1••••4434,-;-N..2.07''f-64-1'ke--ii-iiiiir lifirlymi-11.01T)o-ptir-wEs• -hisiTkam wli, ovItanytryTicarec ,.. 1., Northern', .$1,1a,g49,4)...1.3% ,,..at :to....44.1,,,:thozpi ov.e.i.' 1.„diff,,,Itici,:feet,.;‘,,,:a.s.....n4,....inis --till4he--.train had -- ,• 2 Nei:them', $1:1vgle•LIPA r*.'' -high, ht a. point near Rio Baraba; run ,s,.eyetat hill,e, .- -. - • 3 Northern„, $1.08 to $l.10. - Bra,n-,, • , and 'crashed to the bottolii of the . , . , ' ---.4.--------: $23 ita;$23.60., .,. Flour -First pat. ravine. . All'th.e. ears Were.practi- e$i15.t4s6 .T05; 5:51°0 ;$5fi'r6s5t;.csiecat Aa...ritt;) ,c9.1p1sy Aivenoiroelis•lkieding.4,T.wa.'eildnty;4110yevr.terro- tx,6100 ,tI.roi6.13? vaixte,d. ,.a.t, sflity..... 11f0,'N'TDE.i.:L'S'.,A,SSESS'.111,INT. $4 2, s000rid ci,o•rs,, $3,05.to 03,15- wOunded. The accident Was ean,sed • four .11101.1en*: . '.Duluth 'Mar. 2.--Wheat-No. I by a. dirdaeed,..taiL „ .... , .... .• hartl, $1.,14WI:No,-.1-NnYthorn,:41:',. - - ' '• A . deSPatch from Montreal.. sayS.; taR ;" No. 2 Northern; $1.,liytilytay, • . 11Y ,4 '',Otlirt717.4( r).,er ittoiriok-tp., f..,c -. A0Orthltr?..tro .C1V10 Ot,At*A0S,, the; v 431'32%; 4111Y;: .. $1;j;31/1 4 ., SePt'.., ill 1 " ti' T.' ! LI:"". i" a t '',, . otopipte,d, .property- in _ ,?v1'ottreat • $1.cia4. :, - . .: . i., . • e k w C ITN!, il N. Rates "'To de i. a ovprItn4, ii t.' :now runs 'up to OVet 01,4;y401.1t,•111.ifz, :.-„,..•.......,......,,.- . , LIVE',STOO. K, MARKET,- . ., ., on,n.ersinp. : .,. . , . , flcilorttiotiotlyllaajr!: ti)zsumv,t4:ailtlitica.,..- .Tlildie',f6firg„titoretils._ , ' Toronto, Mat, 2.---1.116. .top prk. :A de6Pa toll' front 4'.itinipeg suys ‘.: they. ,$))0:y $8,4,885,5 ,. 4. Tho .valt1P-• 7 , .. paid tot e' 03 kteers wae5.40,.and The tortg-exr 0 '.'tt,il a ii.10:1--v:.emorit Of, of taxable, property in 'the • city for h' i'', bulls; $4,. 53. ; rain!. to good • ri. reduction in t( lnilione,rafrq .,-V4i;:i. /luring fivo past year •has ri"ecti frons , loadg or tl.:tportors.", rea'11,izeid. fram inadelln sthe.legislaturti. on ThitvA--'$.1t3.$40,t10 ;.0, $-231:.42..1",90!, DA) ' in-•.. "4 r) tO. ; $15,85t with a steady dn.- 'dal'. hy ,Itorr.',. • Ithbert, 'TfOttIrs. The, crease of ,t,17,991,:'184,. • .. , ,,..195tit1.- for Juzyro. EutcN,r-.0,, outiq quite sulis"'”Itial th.t•itab ft,it , . • , . .. ...;-.4,-.........-7-...., '4, • ... cattln. Tr') firgi at, ;$4,. 80, Mediu:ft to lunch aq was , a n't ie; pai•eA ., Pho 4 Thci..1. fate.. man who, says, 'that...he and litett ' qinil;ty . weto . .steady. price Ki r . illts in ens !ph;=nes, , 1•1 t..,,f 11.0, ,ouitia notjot azo, ,WOMAli 0,140' Hill. coWs. Aril at '0..75 to $4'; tomnunl .$3:1„ iris:ten4 or $5(1; resi4e,..i4,:a1- 'chant ininotatis the most cleg.il in eow...r:; acld (111r._ _..w. , . 1 . :','i 5 P.t.('Ilili f1E ', ',• 1 . ; I le harness. when .a,little huni ' 4.,110twt limip.d, *Ind, ', lone, 082 , in ' $P0 rt:...( il,: u: .) 411g:1mi, 1(4r.tr..; One,:.tood, 'Odd •Of' c1er,,.-sii-r14li0niii;:'1:4 in ste;.1.4 or vg.• . oAnoulgt-wite fiktls. IIiittifillIttill; e Sight AjZiN,It't ''T11,11,,1d$ DATA; 5 tO RI; „ 4DAY.'- " 4:N ON DAY ONLY ays. o 1114 . , " •••- e".• rt mar- COSt You a little pa, -;.,re.. `get really.goeashs--;Ihiiktaq Oesi-L4nit it will .vay • D'ecanso'youa 'li get , ti.itter.liti 1V01 styles 041(1 A , tit:Iirstuttug1P" 1 unite oak-tanixk"l I .:11 • 1.?atbee that uPtyetzti "qh"te4s' es are.n,0 Avcii Y*. e vtrnpn,j tirfi!:1.0.,tnilii:iipsPn 'Ain in.rr;ti_e;t:trazh,tie, • v.: vin 9 • Ceo At"ft" eCt 74.fq,'Z. 4 -t.-0-4.1181h°- 6 .