Lucknow Sentinel, 1909-01-07, Page 7-4 •••. o .•• a ^ „ , / • • . ' '!1.• • 'iret.i• jo• "I*" vd..".11 '"ot ' f••••1•,- - , , , • •., '" - •••••• •" . i• :. / ',011r-VirSt• liateAt.8)•••10'•;0, Vs). .45.* 4- Dt-VSED N 1 i.„..LoitLAtt- ITC 4.-', ' _ '''.•,Mi00711tlI&t,'04.4tr;-*1W1-4:c40454(/'7 ''' iii ' * .I‘ • first clearsr:44 . tp.- 444044eccoads - •,... - _ . .. . . , , ,, - 7- .•• ,„ -,4-**•• • - . ,,, '. ...' !,. .1g4r0i,. ,!.10.#90.- 0:!'..: .0.0. " - . r.,.7- ." • 1- ' . , . , • • A IMENI-U-WiElt0,3F-A g '7- -,-;---:•• -7----'''' -- -itg11910,0M11-01:71.#1C,,,titAli.-IN,4. 4 --i.,-----:,t, . • .„ • ' 1, B013ENTEXCV.8-...'-.14itrOfiEW-7 ---,,-- _ . . .....,„ „. , ...... ...... „„ . . „.„.,, ,..._•_,,.. , ,. „ ., _ . , . .. Greatest Trage !: at - . ' „TTit41)g;.vv,i'llE.0'; • • . , .7 " .., . , . .* . .,. ,CALT•0:11, T IN'Tilt, ..ICV•,.; • ' ' . . . • '' - ' • '''.'w.ut ',61,o;v• , ' BY THE BENtn. * * ... q.. 41' ' , 4 ' ' ' .... ' 'Berallen•-the Christian* . . . . .. .. , : 'or! a . • 5744.,...., ,q. , .PrIced.,,W.Catie, Grail V-higae. anti .', :..-- • „. • • • - :•••••• '' - ..!-- , • 01,lier., Dairy •Proipiee: at g A. IroprITader's'Exlierience in Brit. -. • ., . , •`' • ''' • ' ' Jab ',V01401104., • Theffgt-ttader the Etoamer . t ' ' * Tele4aphic•tilliefa film Oar OWP - ' - ' • " ; " .• -••••.-- --: • ...• !•,. --' - Fr.ea;r!§4... r.g4,1841nentfk ,it.re Sonjoit-,,.. .., , god Otliei'• Coantrica, of - tini:ea Decived-by...the Pre, ,.. ,,, . 'Recent " - • - • t,c.b,,frnnt..R;omn. says,',;.'Tha rel 7.4t,tir04.e': tr,;,..,ta-t1,44,40tr.,11.1giedi„,..0.70•04104-'4!:,:d4. 4 40actimot yet' iie.ealeulat:-, ••• -sent calamity 'has. ineWed; ap.w.0.7.*.n- ,,,..;:c.i.ti,o.i:1(140,,n;ii.i!.?,iir,•• ii-r-il,„,,e...,4,4,zt,,iir:: ''.. - - . : '. ...s„,.,. -,,, -Mame :aial AbroaL.-- ,- - .. • ... iiREATNTItErS. , 4„..;....vortritto;cir .ximirl.,5....„,4.4,14:iini,,,,, •,tioio... . . . ..., . .„ . . .. --. ...4. . . sitiea,t ,0.0.•per •;eent,„:,.pateirta•nnuoted::•"04-0‘.4“:alc440.M411• sat.en wharf at -QnebeeZteaning. back .pn. . , . .. , . a. paeal1igfrt4ox; rot."a 'momont he Joolsedi4.4.4%. 44 ae.,firlit.4iiieet,41,40e.. . . . ..... . . .. . .„.. . , ., , ',QV 'P.1•:6-04 • •• •P'k•-• .Evcifte. . . . , ... . ,:..;,...., , ..01410 • '1',a,gistra,te. i , • . . . ... , ., .. ' - _ ,,,xtiii,,Teicip. ...e..44v"iria!,-41:4,i.,1.;t''...h c,,o, t, , .., ,. iiiiiT02,T.ake he,,P.44jahment'.fit. the.. .. . - , ,... . ,....• - - • ' • •• - ••-, -' rt.'. 1.' 4"° •Ic'r ' • .'P'/•"' -'2's•' •••°-Alb.eri'llr.ridte. ,'. elide...Id' ',.* • „ . ..- ,... LogialnOpe,r,will, an'erat,:•-•4arty.in,rEch,* •Ibe • the ,...arabitien •:,or. wt.-, these hi: • • - - , 100763. .1.11 .vnerai fm.x,m4 .0f a• :Population •,Of• 1)700,-- . „ deirnatated• area. Of. •Italyi,,of. 1.20,90" Perishe4, .. •Tliiii, ) 0,000.1-ln.t.• Of ..dOZeln) Of aT 'the; 'Oglir..n °f. the.: tiis-,, rhonce4lIct...*0.14.b4s.gOlile","•e'sbeci4115r. 4i•Oh-.t11174rO 1.4 041Yt40.0.4.r4:17:-...'.0P041itng7:41/9 ar there :afe,•40: -SlirviYOS,.404 be. thOl... • hl•t*, .*'•• TbA* 4.;1t,44•." .,Of•-prop4ty.7 cannot ,lie 11,....,:` . • ,.... . , .. . . •atl•, •Sap, •••VranenfroOk, Or; and 'Itekgiei:tlie, t.WIP'''P,Oli',..',4h.g. kies. ::•d4titkie.d.*Ord::-.nOt.".paniai nagniAcent :. fr,onv"a .111etro, Point of :view.. As*.great x..Of •:rio.t4r,e; bOvoiter., . Dila is...ea al' lap.' great.o.r. ,scalek, .. ... , , „:. :.•'.0.V.. :1-„,.,,,ZIIS... .P.;,.....--WVIP. A.T.„ ft.,.I. ,!..- ,-'. . , All, the siy0erciAns. and- the hea-,aril atatea of -. •tlie: ' foreign'. %gyerii, ivi6iita: ha:ye'''. eent 7 expreSsions- Of ' Warin6eSt ayhipathyr and dee7pel.4 06.n.- dOjeneo..,,,. .,14,.,2.4316Q,is •• InoR§400. was:. *arm. ' atiti ' . 41.io lei, de... W;ii',81)ilj.sAreiri -Ten- to:140411.04 .Wnieti,',4-S.'„hail,ed a's tOen."',O:f,,,•191,:ef,frona; a .siiiVer race, '.Tha..infiiititr':of. rmatifie'•onr: Wed. ,. petida.y, .night".- '••re(.26i:,:vet1 woxfd' that steaniships,Taornilna 4nd. ga...03, iOth '45.,004-100.8. and ao large 'stippl.4 ,of proviiiinna abbarjj/ bad left. r1,4,..uniii... ,bouind • lor ,.M.6a6ing;. Qther "Steaii•Ors • also . benntifUlly stocked . aeke:•na. their : way ,ta. the: •••-„,.... - -- .„..;•,„... •••14.,- .:4, 3..79 10-,ciiii :1'n' ..,-:-,61iy'er's?.'Hs'a'c''lis'•1-44-11, , .. .. • . . . .. • • .. -,011,tsidg.for expert. Nanitehafleur,„..00g first patentS-,• $5,0, on, traMiToron, to; , seeond" patokts,i.••• vo.,30:, 1,44 •.S.•Pn",4.--bakeri3'i :*;$,•iq :to: 45,29'.• •• ' i' W•beat•-•Mailitoba, VitiPdt.iP.• "•hiiii- •.ok,., n,t, $1„,difg. for No, ii..IN.Tothern, 4t' 41!',00-N "fOr '•,Noi '0 Northern,. ond' at .41"1'.-0,4 -for -.IN O.:' '3:,NOrthern,.',GeOr-. .gin;.#, -3.319Z Poi..ts:i..'' ' N•e•,..•'. 4 -.N.etthetni is": :. cinOted at .„$1•.i'ay: North'')3ay ....„fi.,eightS, ‘arni No::''..-.".'.:Neitherii.. tit'•.tig.;.tako4y4ig'I'.1'..6:4*•"e!.*;'.:-.....‘:9.•feljijd:‘ .._ ...• ..'''• .'',.. . ' .,. :,_''., ',':. , . i ',.$'•• .. . '!.. :' : Ontarib WhP00-•-N.O... • .gi, White •-04.7 ..te 94X9 ontei:444 NO; '•:...red 'Win, tPr at: 050 Outside;. and No,. P milt- ed. at -He :••dutsislek.., . '', ., _ .: '. . ' . .faats-f-.-Ontario. No; lc white, .08 :;tfa.• • 7i -once'', thon. .-bo„-§aid:, •f-Ell'af• iCP• .. • '.4 ab01.4 4: titi.c/FAS t' was ill. time T octt c ku.44.C. On,' nq ...Prt• tz1.0. !north .into tha. bariens:.• • --,... .. ,,,,,,Anoth0 .:.fel.f.o* : by the' narae 'Pt 4 Illi'•0*.!••Eiali'l§nn..-"'"and• "1"n3'ellf. bad 11'090: .,flracjir_Ig with..Indiana in Brit; i°h" P4Invobia- i '...\•Y'n'-•••br#0''' 9410 'at 4110.:.7end•of;t4e'.§:04.son, 'Pd::,44:17:t0.4! tP. 'the •Ii'ea'reSt* ettlemeitit? 'whia• was. •ten• mileti'iduth of us with!' a. the lee:: had •all; tone,-Ont-,.-.0,ncl.,..w, *eouldn'ti,prdis• On acclies, .'44'..,•W4 °did when -we oame iip:. rl'o• ge`'re,i,40..• the , lake. Meant a mean .1-Qiir;o•O' on aecetint, Of the • niarshea... `.:"As• 0.11-i7 provisioni,..:Were iised •• up ancl 'vie: ruary:.,..:•': . • -.. ••• ' - ' ' . !: Tt is :''.reperted in :1!fritreal. that tho.,,O, r.i...11,, .nia Linild .e, .line i.otri $."ndhu.ry, lc Gowoom•da,,, ... • ..'. ' :Xi". Simeon, Totirigny!,',X;.: ...Q.,, has teen • appointed JUdgo.•ef '!the • Sti,. perior" 'Qoi•i.r.t ira„,.Itirriousici district; -,.i 4,t,-, D, '1).. • •Mailn• said" the. next, Fri:Neat:W..0e... Canadian, Neirthorn, is •a".•••fine. Iron Pert-,Akth.,iit:40$1idH.... btt ri•;;•.:..4i.cii.;4-:-..h.,:d.; .,...,,..-.2.4, i,...:,,,,,.ip. ,_...1,‘:;97,,,,:,.g.:p„,....i.iv.g.-i',:l1r, '...:' .T. at,Port' 8iinpson,;,')3: 'p.,,: was,. harn,.coniity, od, -"A lot Of. Indian •ur.).o.s.,-W0,e, 'dostroYed• ". . .‘ :. ....' ' .',.. . , -...' .• 4.1.4: ,epkroglie'.4-pf tTpheiei i:e. rePort ed.' a. Montreal, and the • hospitals iraro '.tuyxiing,:aw.ay. patients ..desir- .1410:'$e: banda-te$ttr- the''atiglinistr- • - .,,,,, . . ., tion, Of: j stice.,... • • -'''''', ' -,.. , . „ • ' , . -.Law. .forttme,telys • interfere'S - • •'• 'i": aadly *it tire*.desiresfof juet-rehid:..' ' ' • , ea people but •heve and thea .Onfi ••'''' . heard.,..9f•i- ' indiVidildr.with •81.1-661--• ••: . • • <.nt gbo& -sense bt,':8.4.enoth. of •mind: • tO dOcree a*ftt• 4-6C1 41Tiopri4t, Pin": • ,:, - , ;.... ,. c-.: . , 0 s, ,is,hnient. - I.'. • 7. - • _', ' t'':••••. • ' ••• ' - -,.°4 „ -.Dor , r:instance; •?:,.at,' Gene..Y.a;"'"tWo,.• '"*.' •• -trl- ,_ , , t,..14.cisf,::4'.4.7,:setrx)-c,h,.a4r.pg,te:w;:irtiolt4riotue,a;.41.4.-:.,: • • • : l'• fli-'1 ,, .,••:•• • 1 ..,•-...,,,ry.... 7-f•,,,k.,...,•',:..,' .. , ., ' f .•'•,. .' . -':,.. Oald 'the • znagist.rato ;.".'fq: am'. nok • ip ,... 6 , •gping..te ,sond yen:- to, .prisow: ' • 't deree that Yoti ihall attend $"12.nr' -: ,.• • .. . . daY,sehool:." every • Snnday for'. the . . .., next •fifty-etwo •Siintrayst and' l. 'Make .... 4 ' .:.-- ....-1.,,,.0„. ..:, ,,..„4,..,..,...1: --,.......,.-;,-.; i. , . , , •-;„ „..;..,,z4,,.,....„,-;-„. -....,..: . ,.;„ ,„,... .0..0,,,,•,...,•;.,„...,,,i,4,7?, -;----,,,,,,..4„.....4...,.; 4:4_,i,„4 4,7 -El....."). .10,.. .1...,...t.....e. ,,,....., ,.2.,...?....„,‘,..„4,,,...1„,„,„1,4„,„„tzth,...„.„.•,2..:..7.4„,....,,,,r_.,ion,,.....1.,4,,,,,,,......„;,4,-;,41„.....;;:„.„:t ..i....._„•,.. _.:......,..,.....,„:„..,„...,....F:r...., ,..,,„,•••._ ....,,,,..„,....4,,,,,,...,,....',..,,,,,,...... ..,„,_.,4313.,„...4..o.„4„,...44;,,,,, *.:.,,, , •,.t,4 - LLIAige (441i4 COUnt.r.V....aa44r417.4Rr.O...*rtata.Y.VkJtCirn.•tha':...stti'el.ce.ti..trac _ pronto ; A:a It estero..Kft,... ..- Oere_..clidialdigieniaae_any_ygatopf.;...711*-wkiml.:,.0.0- ..of.,:#!.r,„.---jijU',.; e-li_---Kep .tote,;:kee_jfei,/,i,e„dm. y_i!carried.:1. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ''.,-..,.,..,;........_,... lc .. t !ljne_bayiTlicen-L-alteyedizone.• gay ,,that.• a...1a,kge.' army......waild• • na a Oalfi_quoted....ar4.7117k7ir pertS why "we • • sbo'uld-n't ' paddle She ac.-14:re' PreSenting tO-'0anada .the":e k stmlini, case 'Oedifired'itikleiiiii•':,••••-•••;;':••:::' '''''7 ' ' . _ , l.'-',114• • io-Oa.. 011ar)Th:d.ia'.h.,:vT. be regeired to. cope with eiien the . And • X•04. l• f00,.:4•410,,s. ialce.,.ReiTte,-..: - thetposifien-Alley-0001),:p)./ed-;-press-ing-.--need-s,•-of--tlia--unfartiinateo-- B,,/(3,: -N...9.•,..'.2.... gnoted .„att."."fia...13,0,."„7,Pg miles' •ac,ross. Oiir Outfit , Was light', , .• , , •AT•fcl„ we::: .figar.e,i;1,-.w.,4,_,•eoui.q....reaeli. .the ' be were. Of the tinie he WaS.)naortalt •1Y wounded. : • * '.•1 • ...• . ... ' .: .„ ingiOri, IllinOis, a- •feiv, Month's; ago. • • . -.,- In thia case the offender, a"boy. et, :. ' ' :;.. , ..- ., „ ;.,...., • . .. :legends:1,y VOyage, ,:' ' People, • whO !Ara-- r-0-41hIng.:-!:41)Put.• 014sicle: - :- : •-::, -'''' . .' -, other side" hefero:Lclark--,---' . !--,- „ • JOser,h•-•-•-aelcs,:alui-ii-man-Kelieseti..eiiie,2__Waa„,,the'","46ii"--a••e; *e1.1.1d0r.iiii:"." -, ieaa' : .•• . ., . •' 'at . "NO,' . ' ' , , • .. - half clad:. and• starving, genie •EarlOY7-No, 2., .' 046,outSide ; (7 -GEES AT NAPLES, .' ' . thein of clatbin ' 1 'eitra at 520i kita•No. .a .at :40o; ... , c/Tbroe 0 . lour Indiana who• wer.-",;3......e. 'olitkitilin..'w..ith ''':kins' s''w• 'us' to -he lianted Matuk Werai,'killed and ."Nakolag' Maga lazOly hiirt, lby the People, and:it was elear on the lace:". . . .• , r . ., . . ,T ' 4, of' it that,iiis mo";.:ther,:lio,•sl. iiiin.:...."?... .. .........._ ,............ . „draggi'ng.artieTers 'aich:: from ' aOrg-""Ys.''.! ',soienidering..roins 'Pro- ' •50%O•.,:oatsitie, •caye-in: Of ' "--if-T??4--eif :.eift'El. •44:iiiiwit1113;;-.. „volt - , . -0 f rearthe to npl.t-..Wilbat-44 JO yi• .edziffrina the...unsPeakableTtect .theirtiolved 'from.' thO f.',piereino tVeas4No......• 2 .410ted. at: 85%. to: ),_„______f• th_q_41;4;90)..9,:."Idriniiiiicla„-:.-......,km,r,ibte;Lin,iffotinni. e • 'Aside - - •••••41 •••••• --: '•••'"' '-:••••••: ••• • ••••'••••- .as.,:we .were, ee.4-ing,',0•11,•,, .aad yoted. a es,It of ife na•Seinetiling'AOnt'the lee:. ' b,4t;•' it]; 4:trench...at the .0. • N.' it.,- -.131,Fesp -'••-"•••••-- •••••,-,,:ii-I,'• -."; 1,, td iat;Winiiippg: . , , . .. _ • ' ' ....,.:•• 4 . . ,Tfi'e."' , eleziet,i,ate'..4e.: , , ,-------- ei,ee4 th0,•the:•Mother shonld • take•'.... .).h..er•-..•'boy into-his..peiyao 17.0e10,...gr,.d.. - . ibirk7:fot . *.: _Aerie " k:'''itill:thorn '0440.1 ' rittIlled.$13.7:61ailad.:,*.th:011-.1.:r6lief ••hunian,... heitigS--..and• the ',the evitablq. WOre'; •the '1'4nel:1-needed . ri'l•No. ' :2 Ainerican. Y-ellew• cd,i-;. afrive,.. . - -:'-: ':-:-. ' . • noininal'•Eit '66-c --On Vraek,•• 'finfentO.,.;''' , •!,: .•,• ...:.:•-••••••••,.• •-:- •-:-! ..•••••.: •':',t-.4,....ee,:.i.,470..•••••-itir,o,ife•-•.6f. • • '• •,: .°. 0 • • rellTrOgrfir,"WtoTt,l'..737*ii••••••Oalvi'- ti,"11,'-- . . ... -• ei4e.,.. got .al'og. weil...tinuj,....'-a•',h;,...t. at, .A. leXandpr,' k•Tan.•,' is bein'g' Prmr. ,..ehe.-•a-f.t.er• n'o.on';.:..w-fiebt: "se, eated:!iy .thet:Inlami, 1i. evenne, De:- .: "oil - iniiiiiteretirpOral-s-titi•idbirie-,• - ,. .. , . He .himself ; watch:v.:I, . the.'proeeedr• ' ' ings: _in:, erdef,... to ',see that the chaa.: ,••• noroilessly completed 4---:-.4evaatation-;-• r•-• • ' .• • • Tiloo",,rVo''n*N40.0.,:r.'3.7,..,ye,11..w:epie,te......a:titr5;-:!,`26., .. • --.• , :. •• ,,....-,..1., ..., . ••••' TIOV-Ellf.1•0117-N-A-IND:..SEIL: :-..-B.r.411.1•ClatS,:$19_,i.a_H.:Sillk:o. 1.1-t';id' : the 2wind. 'whirled ••arounci.,.'ihte.."....:he P•at:traent,‘ for seriliiag'.coal thiii. ar,bd •••901,.use'cl 'thd death : et tisereetit. Wak.- duly .carried ,.ont. • At Denver,- C•.olora' dO,•''when, a ••• '.'• • • -- ---- -------t-- ' thr-- - d•--iit-rg-ot-••cold• within • ten C2C1316:44-, ' . ,:.• • .4 / _ . i.,vi.hrantr. with t .e ;memo r .;: iii"0,;. is.. prostrated ane•W•'13.x.. . . , • ,,•. - . • ' • ••-,- • ... ..:- .. • ,- ..• ,, . - • sbprtey C-7-:.2"---::59-'iii--biilk.;,-'ontliaTe.... .:-• rroonth ...selemist,i,.$1(gge§ts.• Drilling • • "7: 9.T. 7.- ,,,..;;;“..%:'..;,.....'..'',I;7: .:•„:-,:'-7.- -.-',:.-_::r;: "..--,-,. Z';',.-AriOrniiiiWT3 'cjaiuglite"f:' " ---'41'.--- ' - - .minutea....• ..ii• uegan.• to.. snow,: yoo, .; ,, , ,• . •:. .,..-- --,:ir-• -• -•.-. -----. 4.2ipSy iii ge 'is, la toiteilif--into-paice, ....,...,..,....„ _ . . _ 'th_t,zit.-Wid.a.11'ili.h.nedlisa ' iS7 mid' Woe' l'ir°Y.4.' Ii16siria•• n •••• • : .• to iiiiith'•S'••'Ciiiie. - ' * • T.Y.I.‘111. -.5C,' pRODUCE. !ityrrscit_17ht'olkit;eti,lec.'"suPr,11-i'ilisr'aivri:i34:,etbhu°Ind-nt,l,i,.t,71.-c:;.. . ,,o• •• ...tiN-:i'i',E.... t„.1.)Olepelii;PpligZ.5.P3'41,41i.1011.0s!-_,. ..„,''' :f to. Tier ear& : 'Tfie.:liospi. els:,,and' libines..are .oroW.c.1- reinNes-,. and•• p.eaple...et0.1.---ill'O ___H . • - . •• • . - ••:. . • ..- .• • •,-.. . • ' • ' '' ' - '' .' ' An les- nter • stook '..43 tOF 4 1 ' A deapatch ..froin.Parisi:says ; .M.: ,.- p. ._ . , : . , ... .. :, $ : '• rtqa-millarfei-•u, • tlio,ee.fainoua.-'pr • .13#kr.01,ifOr.. gOoc1;:clltal4tX•ti. • arict .,-,.. :S•11.. ,A,..1'...t.--81'..". „, ' • ' - '''''s I rf th ahead of Us. ' ' ,... • ' - 8ir IfOrnee Plunkett' S eAin '. :at p,,.eemee .:. .e g . , „ .... , „: • . . .., - . , P ,... . g, •• "Thefe.• WAS ••OnlY:.One thing tp, •do;' NeW 'York, prophesied.Ahe ,°disAp- . • ... ., . , • . .•• • i',:_.....: -4.b; 71i ext'•Mo riling, ...i• • . - • ..,,,7---: :,---- •• ..... .,,. - .,•••••• • . . - ' „,?....._ .............„,4, ,. , :, . • ,,,,v.HEN',.'in 14._.,:sotErp.;. . . • :a• .the: '' '"th one 'another in aid.„. firl%leken. .7:- :.. ' '.: .. .".'::.„, 4 '..: • • 4. '' ''''''''.... astroneraer,L*he ,iittribtited the•dis- 'at °S. t4,,,,P•00 ..f0t• oOkiti.g.'aPplea.' .-4''4...Ce.:.?".."'iii,,..tialit :".t.b...,.viiidall' tel.414tfall. ,' :•••1.13•1;iails.P•itiiii0/ •'$i•19. ic.i...Si• lb, a°4 ',oggist.-:,agoo,:is,-i*--,...ditl4ort.P.-Attr,...1.44514.4.9.1sed;',4$X,poto_LL$105... •pe...r. .and that. was -. ta spread., 'oitt ...the 'pearanee. Of laudlordisin :in Ireland.: Iv bosS Of ..131anketii1;(0..-4'. kip....:1 4-a..W.Ping) aqd• ' • .44? rahiu-n---.'.,_--R,0,*•,,f,. •.•;7.7#9t.inerr,,, • , , . -- th..ci, Sau , ., : • .• " - - 7 . ' .....- ' n.7 ,: • .... t 4-1 •e„ '1°' is. shown the .picture,..'.and•-ility - ,.s it ie. itite, gairtirisiiig how...many:, • '1,. • • • • • q • i. ., • ' , ....,, . 7•- 1....-: * ' ' ourr,,,,,,,fp„4"0,,,,skep..04..,twAit,,,,ifoT: ,.o.,Zoneiset.23•Ita_c,heen,,:sent,enced '• .• • lTheoll-it-e'..ellres ] 0147. . VOLOANI.Q.:;-gowg, . ,, , , . ...: .. . ,... .., ...., . whe•fia,Ve 'expert lrnoWlidge tibieei agree: that tha: .e en:: _-..„:01 %, • : • • ." '',-.." .. .:'. .., .. • : ago_ .... a • • an -,-atternpt •be. made.. tO. ',b. tiisb.:, •'•::.: •••••'''.'.'• .,._' ....• • find. 01,1t ••*ith'ecr•taanty...the.'internal.• -,,-}10.11.0:Y.---.P.olnbs: $2.1t0.---$2,4 -7.p.Pn• .e.Omposit%ion • : ...0"f :"-- trio •.'.4,Prrestrial 'cloi14; .1).44'.'..gt-P..4,j,i.T4...-1,•9:,t.p.-.1,1•P'.,:per,': "gloh.e.. • - ..F" ."....70:;1';,: ... • .morning,-., \Viten we•:cotild., see•• our to :le ii,rteen. ye..a.rs.. 'in. pil4ou..., . . : -4-S,y„,----:. •• ,,,• • • .•. ,--.,,-.••••. , -,.., „ • •r• _.The ... o t,.d., ates ;Treasury .lie "$iparnson :woke • . me • at'daylight; Par Uneht '' baS :••tp/4"4.s..ferred „,..;$225.,,,,, in fro. San -.Pritri,..,'..":.'.'hiell..;',.'•Iv. ,,.lta-ve...be-n•--•-•e•ftettea .. •• by this', simi,le p.roce. eding. • •. , . •-• Afintht i • .; 'Cure ', fer ,.druilkennegkr,:. - •‘•• i it • k's :-..4,i.#.i.i.r.stli.''' :080a.a.io.us,,,.: . ...''... :•::. :' . .,,.....,1107,• p...c, tiielyini•I•mia,.s,the.:b'traq' t -.. T•ht.,--n- n-l-y-,-.-ra!s„an'•-•, s-.7..of ,•01.1ndl-7,1'. / ..10.)*Et.e1347.___T. ... Mt.falli.of snow,„4100,‘009 gold coin. m. • to-t-he-erecht -a. lady:living_ -.1.,, ,5 :doing: . . ' eb'ent--4,--stis&i•-•--tO:PeriY,p.r.,,,,;-;-,-;-,.--.---:-.. ' of . „oNyt:',..rkiiiiit ,,,.,,,..,,.. ''' -t*,0:f0i..6,.i. ii iarivhich:altei,S-tliecel)-tre•-•thia'.•4401d-40-"-to.:7.-,bore•:-a•-gigantrie-----4a$,IN.co...::-.1:,...,,Annothy,..-,:i54-0.0,,,i-, ; .,:a.i. amia.:_czette,,,-• *the ! higheet-i.-_Well-.-se'y.eraEskijoriaetre:s:'deep..„.8ueh,'.'.$11.- a' ton• fh : track here.,...and -No„,..hil '''' liad.-.been---ligli.t.,-'7,-Ve--AVere •••-,--.-'-• - . ••4"-. , - nai,,e,....',...tai__I•roni the Shere, . and ,.._".:Axidreiv.,':Carnegie..in,„ a, ningaziee' ' "tells ,Standt, •ai-'•,C,Ii;esitelf..,74---• -..C, „Onneetisnt: ..71FeY.,..,'•,,lits"---.. ‘ •4 'a'aw-Par42,41°61,'-nigi14-al-t'',.. lg.: - ... ; 'N‘n!iielii..11. °tint.- A. e'f. aai-is ' 7::'P.;•:•.7-• W0i..k. 2.7.- Wc.. ...711jd:•...Aceit.' 1?0- :" bOyond,':,-the "..2• -•.•••at .17 --.:to ..r$8,,,T._:.,..,.• -..•1,-..- - ....• .,.:,.:,,-:..: .....,, iit:k.'.-.1..Eion: this :base, -.thei,•1093•Ver -Otpre5eut ...clay engineering.: ' Stra. Y•••-.$'1- io.',$7,,,,M1,,,o.n.,:tre.,ek.: „ - -,.. liatti,:f balite extendettr.rahak, „Thia. Well wotild :be a source of -in.- '...Pertatdes,--70n.th.rfoS;7400, il h- =-"' : 7 ag' ' Lliy_litile,,,nOttlie.rly. As•Ji.r. •:e‘iti..iiii.grbr.01. rat1.9•1;."..AR:61;4.1•4i .• -.•.'.:::` If 'D•elawa4.-:FS?;,:,7.5.,,tq._•;r8.•°;•:IPOr.••:-ba.g. °--•-li .,•eou .. • .$0 .- , a . o . :.s. 0.,. ..--- .... . . Ilfat'pvafi-t:114-tin•-•s•---will I - ' - Id ' d th t th t run' yaa. -%1.4cle ' - . ' • '''" ' - ' --' ' ' ''''. .. - ;ble.iii...Paze.'r .qUick,ly.•,', Ilift.'On 0-erY' „Eiiihg' .abOt "-the' P641 •01,:tltion,'• 6f • .i.ck'lliejaii;''4 iiFiloi.. aefe'rect With.ice„ the ' .1.ahoi.;"qUeStien,.. .::-"-Tzr-7...,.,-. 'wit thiCk. Oifentli. to, liold ',-,e,,jalati• 4o.,b4, :eh' lurgle.r•r„\„••• ip.', New. ., York. •Cra"eli--cti.-7:.• -e• .the. • orae for liquor. .' 'At last ,t e..: .• • ,, '-', • , •'• -i, • 'Oritan, oosing ail pattencei 'bur' hik.airth3e's; and•:refu.seci•to'hury'hini\s: Anna"; 0•1'.:sn'it--'n..n7til...:41.e.... 41-.4,,•,d„,,Lt,ake...,..iiitp,„.9.,,i• __ 4, 14•14).1:} yetir„; .... • ' --''-': '"' ' 9-g6 .t-1,, •--, •,• , •••• r„ atelia'• 4 ItatieatiO ;and-.-soatherlv.a$J-ho' '•'' V-0.•iiina,....:•66i'en'inin'tS.7..: blil.a.._..,.____1;ak-'i ' • . ' ''''‘' •:;••-•' . :.i:'.!7 ' '... '7' • '-..' atifeiri •••-a rThird' &Vent:lel:el:tell' hitongh for *--e•Aietia.:10.: Otis • • • • . .. , .s., . . „ • • . .... • ,,, ;.,.• . , • - - • ...•\• . r.. ... ' bhilr "'"-rP•• .." !'c . ''• 1 - '7.--- c-Bity: Of Vatania-5 ravaging .agree.--td-roLdIr&t• O.:Ward' thi.a ..ohkeet. ' "-Pc4r1.1.1.3'-2- • /••• ell,,,,:.,...0,,,e, ,:-: 0 0 not -thin , e: - • -d:- • '• •,:•(;) •0 •••rti i,, . .,:: : : . • • ••• :: ..• . ..: ,...." • ,,, 1.e.t,Y.s.toread gar.r.te. °ff.,: $0, 0 ...?.. •.. - '''' '` - : .--- -•• ''' ''' ' '''''-'-• ''''. ' - ' . ' - -pieuge.• . - - •,- . •-.-------7.-----.:-,-.-. -.7-. . '-s-t-.--'. Wlia Tr.., 1 ,i.:1: . . . .. : , „ . •••• 'value -' ' ' ' '' f, C I h'-' • ' d - 11 Alio Soldiers •of •• E,urePe ::"Ce:acY 11-e--Per-Pourid-•••-toi-l'q34d---Oaticks-'17--T.-•-•i•-• 3rwregion. a ....a, a. ,ria an . a ••... • ,. . • .• .• , . • : 1 , .. •,... • .. . / ,-!• .1....4 ..,, ', . ', . , .7.'. rii coast of, SiellY./Of"a - f. 1.:63'6'1"51.' ..'-aiC".61:‘41';'.°. •)4i•ithr '.hi.a, ..f., -to 12e. i..-.-ge.ese-, • ,,),p , t9 119 --Ter; ne.4/74:1y../OTO iiiiip-i.'•;:qc ' "a' ini:' :81r.e'cl'a1:7t.vale.""*.r'' "..c•uPatTP••••:411eY,••.,,Psittlicl. ; ......0..,,r_ k_e.13.7s,, . • .!,7....„.40,,',...., .1.,,,:s..,,e,., 1,, Ter,: .iti.ratIg:Al. •-•-•••••••-yr -••••-a---rrit--;----g--- - .1-1•Fets,11: -ainel•-•=jeWeliery-•Valiied-7-at-$2&--- .'. .,,!' up:MST., '..Sal. ,.., go nig 4o. e .,,, , . . . A: •. ....., „, ..- .• ', • . '':irw..ni..d7 bi'r'rin •-• a had .•*ay., if...ti,iis..;:iec:.:'0•1,10ti••• -: • : . ,.-..,,,i, - ' • ••.: : ,-. ,I• • • • 7- ' ..hott,jaw,t_8e..,:tr_tsr0.0 tteie,,,00:01,0 ,: :. lii. :,..,..„., .. :3.,..,., .,,x„ miii_e. ..,,,...g.:,....,....f_d.,....rm'erl,•1 State- •:-L---'ai 4-11.--..glis-t-A-41.- 4---nliiiev:-...0',AfaltArki , stealing:transpor: atiOn. Westwar.tis, h, rh th - • 11,--0,TI,Ti eure•b-ei.,,,In.,--0,ride.e.. W Lc • ..ey- • 4: -t, h. e••••will,:ter::•--,6-*th•-e'•Zaaifie' . lu... ------ ....wateli is - ,. ,, :... . 7,1 . " - it for. ger' .iri e v •,-• to -accui4f;elynAsee r • • " , the :wohld • win, a. iituary: guptt,•ior '-to...-..ponnd, . . ,, , ..iyii,A. • : ' ' .44/.1,• ; i• -•;:r .0:so, irreiltneUgh••aoiliNiTve..' quid. ',,,Tre'laii,....:Fe*,,.ii'5f.T.,,,...:s.T..1t. a......ilia,l. , h-o•.:had7't°t',P.,6n. 1.-- -•I 'fl•'-',-. ht • •°,,'..1?r4T9A 13 ' ••Cdast,- fot1nd, ta their...ma:prise; . a : 'il' ii , .. ." P the' ineteme yeaSti- a niT all •Pait,..:'anfcl filt4e Of ,.exter- •• . , .. the :••inlanci,•,,roginiiia,.; hint . it Migation Iii.• brifiging te .••.4ight :the .'..,,„.• -.-,To..,pAI ii--;th4Lttie4Oality2!.-0-L,100e- ItlYS.WrY..:y.:111ch -IS. :hi. (4.94 .e.neath • ..ixi.V54,..k. Buttdr,,Po. Y., .d, • in" ..,,Pitinti.i'', r AR .... •:;.., .-.1 ETS,. :.: • .... 161 tO . • •••,., 076 ; „t• adil*:, :. Ther.e, isp•k...anY ' 'tkitIt',i"fi'iif :tit. r'can of..ibeand, : , _•_. ,_ -. - ,. .. -: :,. _ ... . , ..,... canoe is • leaking. „ •• ..• f 1,, .inK .10ft. and thii :-:1.. ....'.,•;. ••-. .' ' °e" :sePle'1. f.c! - 91. 60niif,?•9tIC:14,•*11.th•tlie.c„,appitel,..fratids;, is dead . • ••_.• • '.• ...., •.• o.: .-L , , • • ••••••contraT ..- ' • '' . ) '., '.'''.. - ''S -r: 7 -; '•'`- ' ' ' ' ' ...-,--'," tli.Y....v1";...„,r.'iti.i.o....i,;,:t...h.16:.11.iiroeffk ,f9t..-0.,•tte,...1., .., .• 1O.Y., :W .r . g. ..-.... re,... . „., eilimo :ation.: '. Te--•• thel,,t,.... horror, il ••••.•i7.7•7 - . ,,, . S . ,• •••• ...... 4i, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. IlOSt: ' chinning,:/seetiOris.''•df out Silkla:e, .and,•4• While fb,ig • . . . , , . , t • b •••• . t ' ••• 47el. 'le 7 • '• • 7' .' - 'ekcantefl e . a f, 22.: o 24 ,i,.1111. Oor, • •-to-21.c.. • l' ' . --' - -* t 7..1.) 1- • 'WI' ''' 1 - - • •.:•i . • •.''' • • -,1 '''.• 1 . --- - • --.- ." T • e •hours..,wen. -: 1.-.. • • „iT a -.0 , •• • .• .• , ••••••••0, .,tpALi . ••'. i...i,„ .. . i . ' • li" • '-' : h' cl 'N b '' Sk''' l'tli. 'y !. w len:. t.ey reac e, i . e ..ra a, i,. , p , ...,.., 'franeci.--to--:VightT .. -•Ital.y•-4.ia-d.'beeii•-•,7-144-e-v-Ocali-:••- avasii7g.• rtlie.._ . Eid.-:„.... / ..1.-_.....::,:l....:.:-;::,.. .,:...,..........::...: - , '•.figliting would' -bor.loat, ' hitinanity 7.9,.,F,,,P,a,*'•3.":1•6,1.1.., 4:::28. *:t24•6-0. ../ a (1.7.`SO-Iii'cl.a. i-r-'-isii011767-114.:111.'.14-0Pr! 77.--,.:.' 77t.21, . ,. .44-., , z -7-77.[T -- , ,,„:....,..,., • • 7. ,nearly7a11763 ..... Twenty_Anpn,Ayere.killpel•in ,a.b,ate.._ iovek Were. ;iird;.•-•7,,•.-1.,,:::„ - ieizea: ii3,_:,gri•iii_laced ta.41.4.0s,,,„„:„:„4. . . . • dracte J rizls.are,:ne,"..tioroi.',.,••waving" WOula• baite 'gained- by'.....it.•4•4On.ble. •4'.. '.."' • ' 4 .. " ' ,.,. Egg§464.Se .-16-67'6;i..6ola ...st6rage, .4ii.itarit ....0.41.110:7*,,,,&L,0.14•„46:,,.tu•oCeSii,hoth 'scientific 'and' SeCial.." • -. .the. next • night pretty .e.tixiOn., ••ara•--bcild ''n'd finnoi•Y . and:trying to . Ile ..betiveew. . •Ohet.ePts ' t:.:01,8tr° • •i.k---_e--,ep and -,„ - , . . -,Set ••them to•••'*Otk' ' at :0.646 -.'41;'*-:i-14-a---J-1•-;.• , Lb" e 2.c.4,,,:., ati:d. .:‘ :07.an...-L,_8. aec:••••ti.a.n..:s•., 28 '' - ''• 4).1.1.eof .. the7H,,3'''i.a:'LtTei'''.,'-thit was' men',•on ••••a-'•:-.en..„__,.___,...e41411'.141i4-1;3.6.-a•!'• arves -.. e . • . . ,, .: .,. - .1 e.•41.0,Sii•`..•terii':''tipi,and•,,•the.: - .. ,1477:7-7-7•77; ..___ o I e,„. and.neW laid' 35. "to ' 40c ..p alk9°*.. ' 77 crs2V-ents ;,,. ag.„ Coastline,...wih•its, ocift: .„ .. : .. ..., - . I ,.•• . '•• . 'do'n., • .. ' :•'•• • '. .: • ' , ., ' ,, - . 7' raiii:foliagek.;b•a;SLliben.,eo.ii;_:•••_LWINAREVNG • 1„)".. TH.B.,..51.14.Rs. GheeaeLar"e.- 'cheese 1:81/4c ''',per.„ 'T. t ' ' '.• "iri the' i:ce'viii: • atill tee. . • • er....Xnriafi..• ;II-ta,tional:.iCengre§s', li.ter'alc..(1,11.mal.p:IYI...44;sgibg...'il. ,,, , 'i';')Pened ,:a.. t KadraS on lion-. : • „Which. are : lari!;1;b11;14k:•?..''.'ti,. .,......".',.2--...." ' /2/- • , • .,;. • ii . ' L 'd• ' T ' ' ": the • Genii:an,' • ' .. . _ _ •!'' ite :.a...'hideona• deSert-j.Reg:•• ':....,., '. .•... • -: • • • ....'.'• ...'. , • . ' - • • . ••• , _i• • • :: • • .; • ff....•-• • , ',,2., ./ • • • •,. • .. . • - ••• .1 pouno,..:,ano ..-twans,_._.1.3y4.a.•• trong to'=!breaki4-through,„•and:'..Ye,''t, __'''‘',.•hie___Ii: s ..,,.......,,.,_...., , ..„,, .„,..._ .. '', - . • •• day approyed...tne . pian ,•or .reiorin .;!.s„,,,L. _ u . wig esnow., . , , . ---,-,,,,,---- li'ld• nitirderer .-4 fib -is-a-.S- eaught at -,-: -4 - - , . , . . . . .4 .. se. gay.: aspoet. set: off -the 'litridaliiiia Endured hi Agegl"'..IFfoxj0 -. ..., • • . ..:. , . it: was,too.,weak-"torlioid--us.,-2-, ,.• ,. -re• -..0i.!a.1..31..d.,••:::,.b.,.,y.,,,I.a.6-rct.:.WOZ-14/7,.."'.7".• .. otitc.k"., ,,,,, ,... • -,GriefS,Nirald ...,o....bout'..a year ago,: was,.,, .... :Qv.. the-. ..niquAt.ad.00,;10.1. ; .. ••• can. ...)Vaman ,and,Ciald.: .,:•,..-- • - . . . . • goct.:.pRoDucTs. • ':-.. • "Then Andy hit apOnt Plan: ,l 1 . . - , . , • - •• :,:',,t,...;,. ' 'first; ttireent tiv.o :Of the: *aet ihat • ; .'.. ...;.., ' '.., couttsr-,i,Wo of iniii-,--: • fe••• 'Aleat .aii,oi..•„•...,.4: .... tried,- On • •.,. • ft •jiiiptily '-• 'aniid, , -. - „ .. .......i,HL.. - •4,. :,.. ',,,,,....;„,.. .. , .,.. , , . .- • '''77--' .,'• .. '. :three .or . : H.. e • 'IL' perched . tfid: -_oli've,s,:tir.640,:::._.hav.e...,',:be.,: hlets.-..'".••,„ : "...,......,''',::-..:: .. A' clOP.4t41 fir)In' .".111:11:1Pg.saYs.! ., Biaeonitiothig clear' :,."-.473Y:."- to• ito 'Wandering; abetiti,•'..in-'-tir • 'Wilda- iiif •-• - • ''777"""777' 7 ' 77 ' - 77 ' •'•74. -- ' • 7 '. • - .. • . - in case Iots,: :,-"frorti side to side Of the canoe. 7- •-•- H. :.• .r_. 7 . •• .‘ . • ...an • , . ... . ., . . : .. l'_'..' ,TmE .0....K1411,0,31A. .S.,,,TYL.g.'„'-: '" "Whit' are-'votioroina,... 0 clo.:ri • . :. v....",:,,;-,•. . o--. • o. .• •1•;,... •.... • • . -- der, :one. orinarderona aisaiilt: . . was- sente• - need: tO •lie.beli,ea.d. ed• twied , •:, ., :: • - -:',/,,••-•" ,•.*W a*:*';0•*01 , „ R . .,. 1 a „two .3...-a-r-s-,Tim....0.1.-te___fte th. erjt :111.t.,).i .,,,..„,„ _ _ ' re . • • • , , : . .. ,.... - • . - . • • • . . : • •• per pound . mess,- pork, 'the,. north; .aniting. pie ...haunta of ,in, $19 :to.' 01.0$50, Sheri/lent' .$22 .t o • ' .., -- •' • . .• .• , .. ..... . ,• ... . ....; , ...:„___. . . ,. ...-77,...-:. .. • ,obliers.,,Duilt 1 al be.d Itare,.f e ee I,.41),,, . Q%build. aiti... i4e,raft:','• . ..„ , , - . • ... • : ,iiia ., getif•d- raa:•r:04...,, .., .the-bargainl • • •••••, • • • . • '''. ,'..74:0-ositi•Oits•....••,..0.,:).•.,:%,ii..,t,i, ., ,. . . ,,, , ., , ..1. -ar-,...•••7,--,crit•rt::,;,. l'UN)V.-I-TII;EITGITrirES .• ' •• - • • • ... • •.,- ' ''' ' ' •' • ' ' a,...,the*:largest 'city n13:areSt ' • .a.4,ilisa. ' ' ' i• nutherable „tiniher.•'*olyea,...Margar p§, - ..' ..'..."..' .; .....• .e0Ronidro a "Mekican 'Weir:nib -.old ' • ' • • •••••••• • • ' •• _Hams-- • ig i , . o„ ine mini. la to; 1 . ' ' th ''' ' 'hit' d'•-7 ii-: ' aLed..,frai..., .toge, er• N.V, 1 t, : er•• aug ..• •.: i'3•Vc • -do'. healiv.• ':,1 6 -rells 161 'el1:i; ' . .' ' ' 2.: ' . , ..goit,,. , . , . .... _ '' ; ' • he ' and : he lashed .. the braces.. . : '-.. ' Ali:)utilank...••• .• • ' : tiA.3.s.- -.., - - ' - - a . 1.' ' Th ' ...,., . , ,: ': k•':! : : ae,:roiS' the e•nd Of the.pa aes... . en. ., ,' :despatch .'"frozn' .." Mus ogee,. - ' - . •,;°.• ' ' ' . .. _._ _ _ ., ': A.n.•Italian -ii•vindleill.,Luw$.a..178.-" . .. . e' -'"free. "::., „ . - tl ' foilna • ,11•4ei•z• S:ts, .i. : , :'. " "" tore...by• name', • was---recen y _ , . . ., . ., - • . .. ''''• ' - . LIO,TT,'Priii :•,;•••• ' I' -. th ':: itty-'..' ' • upon :: el. an s. ::),•:-L,-of ',the.. • '414444 i." ill iiiv:*-33e: ..' . ' '' sae i, .. • ' to- i . Of -bir-411,--b ' ' ' • • : • / •••• y". tibt;;.: • • .••, , ;,.: lie- toielnecea-- ..• .. ekle,-,77-,,,,k,s,,,,4.• - ''' guilty ,. no: ,01. , .,..1,.. .1 :with,c!'„refugees.,..,..aild. • f.."' a b.- I' 'a' " ... •• • ' i '' - - ' ... ith...ii• 4..ers,;.,In 4c i, si .. p ..oun • .. y • n lans ..in.a.s arving breakfast . . ,-- . .... . ,,,. _ , the' .:the:••Pa•PO.-ei..faSteTted: ed'. -the• at • We.11ston,:,i •Okiii,,,,, t.. ',..-,.."irici..'..i:::`'..ii.••:.• . . - - .,. r,Oe• •••,seP,ara. Lis. ...kieliiii.„ ei ,Ingiitivr,, ..eon. 1690..:. •baeen.,,,,IPY to,1,5,6•. sides' .of .-liartli• -----1.--,•'''P'0. ,':-..,,,,..g. tetwe, ' .t.W...iii-irit-Isf-qiitrivaittiiiwd,, --,,-E,a2 'r'd,-, ,t;.,..r. eros-1,a,,,,,',-:e-t.,_,-;:e.o" •Ell J-11-444-.' ea,. rfly,f.on't1.-..1-Le:R:.4---e.sti,14Y.'-,.-7-74,-n..-"if s'e-s"c4. 'e.---••dt,".?•;:•$."- ••••°' ,-,-''''' ---- -...-.L-•-4.----' . . • #,-",*)..0.0.,.. . . . , .. .- .11 -, .) ,.. j. ., ItitiOxi of', reit.a d in air n ,v•-rli-tito: ,,,_)4,•"..•-,, ,o's.--•f•i'.. •07,-cti4r•..,.:•,--40.„-'_'43-20,1„pr.-0',_,.. ate trom hunger.. ••• The -place wnere. t . , ,,,,,s jo.und . a t,. 0 • ilizi. -,'•Ti.e.r.r.c.' es,-...-001,;-!.,.:41th':-S2,,,..,-,-- 12.7..,-., •:,.• -,- - ,. .. .,•., /... • .' '‘.* • '' •• -:''-i .' .pails,,.-12Alc.e : . ., - 47-16,.rif.....s.„. r'e'st -6'61'13,11Y' had ':•!e... patehwork: rift .N;,,i.th .$5"-006; 'The' "ieibbers.•-•:,:eteoted.••••THREE feet,'a''. YEARS.','IMPAISV.N. '. .. , . '''• . ' -1' e-41.;Eht:UCIP4i,i•;:•,, . h',Shockar-"had....se •itle",rined .th • ..e'''' IY:.(kH••::.1%•(.-: P•-• ..--. • , :1•Y„-..11• a . g • , :, , , nearly„six,:_,I,eet,'• long : anklehr • barbed4iiire. bar ricide.arotin .. e - ...... n e..04 . He is' hardly likelY tO•stir;•.' i•Ji.- ..,.., ii,,,utlift, . Yen ,• ca,4 , ,...)ais, 6.,,,.. - ' • ': ilatien ".•toliato ...thny are ,be-:., . ,uneontrellable; .t.'„ There -is r' place ; there, :yvhere • :the .rhastirici .gliqiiee; Qardindl '.,/,,ra,,i4.: ....di,...,„-.13bliti•fe.r... Aro... • •:-- •••1 • Lake: seventy,five...• miles • west of , • : Athaeasea•Illanding,• - ' :Tire' 'pitiful „...6„,,,..,4,,thivAo..,:t,14.,,iineig''..i,,m1011.....',-:(:).1..... .",4"'•,.. Y.f. : Air • 'J::.Birce.,27Walk.er,i. on Ce, •-9 W.e,,.(1.neaday; ',Tlie;•pla.* ce..is•tininha,lii,, AO, iarld, OnlY weiVes and. i•big•gaine . :•.: BfutiN IlVI T • L ESS, AT . QN . REA ... - -.- ••••• . • . . • . • • . • . .... • . .. . . ir. ,..„,,..,tintresl, .:.,,J6•ILL...,6„,,,ataili±cre--....J::„;1.3);_r'paa:,37,04,'_•Weight ..nadian Western NO; .2.-•••••,;$1iiie' hits. at, 4(.5:4.ci: extra Re,•••'.1- -fe...ed ...,(411§.. a•;t: ••and:"No.'"1-Aeed: ,iiti•,45e..._Per , " ,•,,, hit/ :will , . . . ..•• .. •__:e. _iyi --.:-.„-- hioad... `Thefe,...said,.he.,„ t . .,... • E.7..anko .and.. u in..re „som ,..me bers-To :,!6Ver..a..bigge..r._4;:ke gal* ',ten t._" 4i,.•work on Ihe'bank• tx_.-----ci'i:' Th i,...„:,...arid,,,,,y,04...,:iattli.e....d.01,01.,,,a.fo..„.0tlie.r.:•s:t,00.,„ guar_ , e. -ek...• atea-'76:f'• • ISi• ,' ,.,9,11.it .4;414 push•with•Y-ont t061; , 'Yon .ets for :two. hours .k.ept., tye • tewpe- • I ' 11'1 id .' • 11•• ••-• 'lit - •-, • 4 • -,• hilt' their -con cd- ,.go....,,,fi,.1:tt..:. •- t wi' .' 10 .••••Y9.4".•a • ••I'lqo • / P'm•Ple • t t.`?'.1 ' '''''"' • • . •f ' . • ' . ' MI the_,vau•lt' • and ., •...,;„--4-„..„.„,--;,..„;..,.........„...........,.„,... __._.,.._,__....„„4, . Vive.•1§6' years in ;anr•• Italian prison. -.' . i .7,40te;---4,7--tcri " :•• ' . . . . • : ••••'. • . • ,.• •• •• .. •.- ,r, i .. . i•iteaSeolleg• .A., ' . A: 'itailwaY companyctlik: Nor h- •Eaatern, ,to.ok.7a-n . ...0-dd..ineiliod ' Of- ' .9 '"e•',Oree.,......•••Seiia-,1) 7 ,y -..;:p,, :,- , .. PUniahing a •peaseitger.. who, refused tite'W....14,.F4Ly.w; i-o.s. r„.. •• • • - •• . • . ..• • . • ....• , .. • • • „ , •to leave a saloon carriage 'when .he : , . . ' Atf-,i-i...'n.A.:W "I'r••••,! .. .. • 'ordinary . ;4. f •• Cataiii4.•.i, :has- :0T-nP:asSt°" , ' - ! .: •• ' d -..• tin '1' • 1 • •il • ' • . .abou-a• • in .. m. - ins i an $v.,,anvs,...,),tis .4-6.3.1/2c,: le I • I • 1 ' • : • • I t - - 1 Fiona.. ip.,...cal ..p si•.ex.s .ore. -orates ...ik.:orked,. „out ,i.p.w. :ofri't..hold. botili'•.of..na.' '• 1 :: ':-• ":"----- . . . third-class .,- lurd-o:nly-- • an- ,• . . .. ,• - .. „., ,.. . • . • • • .. .. . ,-, .. .. - • noney in' his possession •io 'bread I ''' ' th • :f ' •-t-' :,.....0,r :•:,.e, . It.g.,11,ve..s,.. etipinpf cantainal also, are:. ii°ec4.'68-the;;"°r).°Jri'•it. Y:11._'. irsiiits" have 'peen -entire y ,,,- ,v; '',' - - ' .-. ". ''" " .9' • - , ' - ' ' . ''''' . . . ,,... . ,. . .•.• t. •.' •- ' li . - d' • ' ': w ien.....,..in. •wiri e.r, aria ., u,rie. in... ' :1-aountaina.of 'aii• 011•• • Evid•ently Abe'. Vietinis . 'hii,..e ....endured. UnknoWn f ' '. 1.- • '"t''' ' • • 't• • tl ..bar'slihiPa or a ; ng • imp.. , o, i ,, . . , .. •;__, • f . •••• •Q'' • d '' '.' • 11. .ave:doen unveil. :rom,_:. ana. .a.• in-; ' - '-' z --.•:Manitobi spriiig 'Wheat • patant8. ., ., , . ... , - .:... ,,. . J..-- ... .1. fir s,ts at4G/se.orids• at ..,,r.;•507.:., N.N,:iii,, .ter :whea•t,... patents, . $5...• .to.: C5...?,5 ;• •Sttaight•iellefs' • *4 60' to ' $4' 70.' do' . ,. . I ,....• ... •• ,..- • • .• • : • •;•. •; ''': b g ' $2 '15 t 12 25 • • t i ' •• $ ' 4r.i• a a,„ ..... . 9. .. , ,_,...ex ia.,,,• .1.- • ' '- ••••• q ',Flow shall I send the 'raft. back when ,sillin..11r-lhe'..ro. be..r.s...stic4..e.ed. .. • • .:.--r • : -a / :- • " • . ' : ' • eel in getting the- money. it,contanin-. ,t.0 57011',.." ,:6-41., , ,''''',.'•:, . • ,.. . . . . 7 • cl,i th • five irien •rode aff,•••covering • :" Tye. alreadY..thpught of . that, e ,, .e.i . ,, . .. ..t4.. • h , A.- . said. fie': • • 'Take •thii. "b41.1••••- Of L','coi•cf .t4q.,r .depart4r9.,.w.:?.. ,i I a .... e y r •9`7,-- .":.: , ...„, ,;• „,,.: , . . No- 'one wad!' it ured. : .1 d'ior wing up te• s ins. • . • • • • , • . • • ' - • "' tier-'el.r1.-: If •..a.I173•".1•-1... we, p....e, ,.. . ,, , ,. . • , . , .., .• •.. , ., , .., . .. the .. . . :. ticket. ,• They. took the •carriage: on,. ;. hacked it!. into ,,a'' siding; and 1.4f...t it•'..41.. - „ . ,. . .. , .. ' ' ..... ; 46 there.. :-.The passenger 'sued:for:Awn: A.,.. •••.4eS..•TOr: le. s.s Of'. tipie.„ :lint; tbengh'he.,:•../If,...- . , _. .. . , failed : to:;recoVer. the 3udge refuse,d. : ,, t poll 7, - ,. . . . .. • • . ...s. -...,,,,--,,,i,. . AO tontpany, aoSts-7:••Fle. sa4.4 •.„ .. .,• . "e".• 1 ' ' '.' '• ••• - : r ' ' • .---.V t t d St't • d f - li''LL-7-5-to-01 •to.t 0\ ni. e_. .. a L.P-5..t„ pm , Pam: t p . :. g6--•-:---Ee-edianit '-liart• : .--, :: 0 ... : rwl, -Ce:thie Ori• --.raft • , . ...... - -7 ' • ' -••••-- ' ;:"... ,••• .: .. . .giye_the .. : . • . . .., . •lo9kecl. ,.• E. :-,OF.,FOR,EIGXER,s, .••• '.-. VerninentiS,fi.nding • statet.'"hate--100..nada,''agaiii, '..4•,•....• • , ••• ' , ,..• , .... ., . .fog1.,;- ' -...thorte,,.' $24,.s.....9.016•310.....brio.ii 421' tot $21.‘54.),.; .',nrid:dlingS,N.42:4:, 66: fp. •• '$25".501: ..) . thii* happena to•,you I inay,.he' ao ie. .. . .. . . ., .. ,. ' GIRT AS POLICEMAN -"'"'-'--- ' tO'piill you"Out-,- and: if you get there • . . _ , . ,, , , .. . .,.. .. •',. 'raft likelc.'.: • Prh -.has: a .weirian :they! eiti-Onld :have the .carri: . • • .......„ 21:1M-I'i• • 11.-, -'•'---..if 'it waS -to' he reserved, •-.-:: : ..4age.,.. ;. . . , , -. , . .. , . '.. 'Eilaftr' . • -1.1,Yi-s-.1 •/k-tunii•cment, Whih get ilie.Vi.f-,,•, . , , .diffictil, eitai'iling. the fate of., many •''S Who' Were 'in thelTeartil•••• . - -7-----?'.. , . • ...,. 4' ..., . . • . pp/YE:Al:TA) MIS MerrIEFR....... • • --' •.• A - -, - • .-.. • -. ' - - • Shorts, .$24,50„,....„....' t4.• $26 1)t tefti;i".ineludinl'i • :.: big's;'" ', _pure". grain' • . ' '• " ii,B,;.right.'I..c.ati. hent.the eitY. of ,•Honsiltiln .• ' i/The. raft •ifoblil •-•jtiSt‘ hare'liheld poifeeitl'. a'n- ,.'.: :aid" -.'''elie ••• is, ..,'net "only ' • '" • • ' * .. -' . ' .-- ' ' ' ' ' -Vetrat,Ors l'iit seyions t-1,-olible,„.:0. a...t. . ' • •-••-d-- --I) 'of twelve- and: !a', pot.:: . _ .. • 4t1 itt: the -time '0' . • • ,s,. , en4u4rries...: . eorioernin:g :', • ,... . .... .,,.._. . . • . • • . • . ., - .110„rrikre...Crinfie, Of 'a. Dein, Onte,d,N'y.e..-W. , , ' 11,e. :43 - $• t l d d' mom 30 to.- G .', mi le :gra es', $25 • td" $,28 -Pe,r Jen.... Cheese•The, i. b .1. , , ,...1 .t. „ . ..1 .i t , . d... ,,,f. (k. . 11' h--- - ''--. - -"...- i --hi- its. lip, and it,. was te c Ts• ,7O7r, „ voting and :pretty„blit-Wea' thy, -.-7•.S , 'p.'n'sliing my way. .•to ,"shOrP, •Si)i."Pad l'• migs .Itele.n. Wilder, indite k••-fathr'' .,,.., . .... 4., , ,., b . .,‘„.4.1,. , „ft ,,. but , ,. :. f. .: 4.1 ' ••.• '4' •S••• • • 1-•:' - ..- .ogrne .a ...".v!-•• • • • • - , • - • ,..- :Of' .gi'.e.rt ....13,aint•:, •:::The• ., boy, .wItO.r,ari. , ..-. • „I • .errands.for •a grocer, did something . e` Z., i'd ' eijMing ,•frsoni ail -:,•PartS :lobe-.''. The, comniana ,-°r..°t , ..., eShip4„:11,fakharoff, Nonlnn.• a.r''.' .,.. vo..ik. nli.u. .,, , .;, . ,,.,. • - ' • • • ..• • .-..,A doipatch •froni NeW : York says-:• Tri'7"a""fit: of .444.1' Wkane-gday; o. a mar C, :., is . q i e • an s.ea-,,;•••• With'Weiperna quoted at 1§1/..,i• to. le.. -itid•: basteins „"....t....1,1$/ -Lt - -j1 •.; . a /4 d 1 .. utter.. '2:-.Cil:iiiii-'S7 /04a0.ted ' at 126;4C1--iiii'd."•-:';i--- otip:on my. eyolnae." on ....e .i a., , • ty AS one, oL.,,i, au gleau . tigar ,Angs 1 .: coniplislied it at 'Iasi. '-'' ': • ' ' •• . • . a9 • ., .. :' • ,• ' :,' : ., .. , . 7 ou 11,.6,,, pac„ifi.a,,.1,...4:41,4:., Ed.,,,e;ta.lidzio. • Q.,Therr-le puiledthe raft 'back ko lions. , Its.; w.'as her loye 'of. chi ITO ••• "--. -, : •, " • • • •-• - • , • • -. •,,, .• , . • chich • .thi , • . , -..-•;,-,-.•-•-.7;-• -swt1r-iiich•eda,nnioliteld. ,.:ahnisd.-,-,O, in,p. •41c119.1* i,i6e,,S.?:',•• wh'llinle,..,":. . . „ PP AY. ON gre.9-1.1--„;..t,,,,,the_h.q,_„nco-•,,,,,--riy...,_.die,4,,,and, ,'• f4y"..f.u.gitilv_es„..at..Natiiil'.::91) ay, .,:aonArios.,.the; ieport".. of h • of ,11-M.,A:ineriOn... eensill.,. , ria,-. ArtintrarLebenek, ,ankt i • . -.137,h6-weie.--littrod,.; in.". tliel.„.Eighttenth.--Street---.4rOtter• -.the ceriSiilitt,e-.. ',The niiniL..- , ,,inSariitY A rthur-.LT,rotter.."-killed,his•aged 111O"' thee.' Mrs::: Atin• ,Trotter,' •by...!her.. heading. her .- with - itri,,' ai..e• iind't a • kni(e: in • her. ia,. 1., 4ni'brit'S.' il West, jump- ed 'front 'a "Setqiii4 ,. story.:Window-'.a, •SeliteMber inalie 'at ':26.3.,,•„;e• • • . !,k . .- 4 Nen?' -laid . it ' :35&;•."seleet.ed : si gik,' at , 41-,... t 271' t "8 ' ' - d 'N ' 1.''. /.1 o c., •an o, . scot r a • ...1a, to', 24.e .'p.er :11Ozen, • , • .- .'" ' ': ,: ..!:57..-...: .- ,- ,--...,,......L.„,... ..-,,,: - _ '''-'tli;ITED' STATES"MARNSETS--• . • • .... . „ A, t :causei, Ant, taupe,;,,,,au : ., for , a,. niorrieut, .aird . anima ,...1 tit' ' "'''':'k ''l .4' . . 'ediadix'•t See •What ,, lia.:. W.O.Ss'4.0i,r1g. ,yo.,,,,,, g. • ‘5...oarr), ..9....,, t. to.•see..:it ii.s apt:: •;vith'the Cord., But all'. of a • stiddeir .pointmen.t,-. -:• -She . 13 a ••mounted ,o....., , .. . . . ..... . ,, 4 „ . . . . ft ,f ,it .111:0-:••.at.00. 4. ay tind threw, something ,fi..eel , and wears on, hei so (.. hat „ I. : '''' h : "I ' ' 'had' e of. h r Callin • Sh tOWard - me: - It fell, about li a f.-4way ,t, • e••0 .Nici. . g . .e. c4. -"•' ' • ' ••/. betiveen-usb blit •glatnied and- ...Slick ..Oriies, a ,reYolyer.. •NO.t.. long, _ago • .. ' -ti, -found ' ' the` -gtotte.. was ve.ry_beayily";fiVied„.2.. . :' Th,e 'latest •of , nitter Pitnithme.nfs ,. • .... .. PaysH,te:•,.. • nies ' froth • New'•'Verk. ' A.'ikel,1-.. .. . co „ . • . . . ,. ,..: . ,,,,.. .; . s' noN, n ..inusid-hall . mane ser• : ha,. s.;.. -faand' Ahat ..: .. half •.•4o, ;dozen _of his, ... „ LATER , - ' .,. ....„,_ ... cher rts4 '•gir1s.• .. are,---. ,.bcd. Oin,lag.....Y.,1*Y...'' ••1 2.. , Americans. in ,i.ciiy•, atm. is. • , :the . pollee -broke in the door;•'biit ,• .. ' • i . • ••• • '• ., :• •• ' • ,14,0;_foiti.i.o., . JanaL.O.,,:i_,.-4_,W11;_eat 1 f:' + t 1. i_i iq. its usual, voun • Woman- along .t re ice aaries... 4, iny .6e, , ......, ,, i• • n ., g, , ,.. ,. . ,....: r filfp,t414, Irailip4with ',. tili, eantain of a ,VeaSel.....,Whieli.... .stOut. ;;Ile: has kilooked off laieidttp.• • '.:. ill •• , ,•,:.s.,,,.,..,,,,.,:,,I; i Itily.,: .-,4eii,o,i,,,ed•lito.he ici several'..of' them aro ')/0:". o have' f.li,e00.-. • .staying at a; , whiey. -•J-s--.-eh• the •ea10'..i-flic mut.:30 miles tenthive•St.'..ef tnasid., pkaotiox.3,-,uri:.:H.:,..:10iff,*;:';„XLX.,,: 'injured and • then. did 11'06. tegist tir`,',,,4-+Spring. strongei;:No; :1 Noi•thern,. •I:ut, • He...dechired:•that the end 'of . •earl'o•ads, store, 14..r..514 ...2i :winter •wofid".Y4,-.•4vittifigi- atta that -ht .,Ori -01.7 /. No• 2: 17.e•'(.11,„ 4,11-„,„•(Y.7",5,; X. 6. 4. lis,d ity•en.,*divinely infit.pit,ed• te.:eorn.-.• extrac red, *1,06 4•; No," 2kWhita, .$.1;: 00'Al. No. 2, :Mixed,- $1.06'4.• Coin m.,:a•*•_hio,..,.4,,..avi,,.., • ... -,1 the cord tied.on. to it, l':!.. , .: :., • hatl,,' ,lately put., ilice.E Itert„ :a-a',Tre • .. ••/ i}jelii away r..said. ;lie, „when 'he sothe ,slight• offence 1.oered .1-)i.t'twO had, spr.oar.,i him"selt 'Cale. on the. -rift.. 1 41;16, fii tts ' in a• cabin AO kept them' o•iy.,st: I phii 1:' and. at laat ' Lint:in.- 7en bread. and Water -'for 'three' •day14,, '`.."' •'' '''.ek i'llie :the Peiiii:,--Until-•.,eiicii.;--caft-- ..';.‘kI,r,ea,i/.(i .-•:-.:,,47... , : , tione of avoirillipoiS •YarYing in, indi‘ • irei • $ akti4411;'>)S-1-31.'lriVIAtig ' ••_•,• . oe 1. 60e:ti 'fr Qui. . ten . to '" tWeety . 440:.•lt, win p.ay 3,,-0, .poiinds,--136arsOn's Weekly:h. ' ' : • ... • . ' '' - . • , ' ' ' MO% yob:it:get" 4,1 -,i r••11,14 * - , ' • !: • :•,-..,-..._.... •--. • . Aceprding.fte:,. the .lat.e:st, •,:piis,•, place. . Miffered. '11'6 nt j -,lie . earthquake', ..• . i -•-• MtSE MAN WNI . * " ' ' • : • • tyiit the erimd,, •,Ti.,,;tter is.• sal ..,.. f , • -• , - • • • - d to tt Li --1Hifther • Ti.i. 3 yellow!' 63e••• No.u.`• ..iitt.V. nluarrelfed'frarinently44.0 ,t.1.19 -,•. 1 , . ,• ' .. .; ''., , . , .. 4..Yyellow -62x/e • f No, :8 corn+. 62 te inot 'ler,. ,Nv.ho -wo.,r4. tit', Wo040;6f•"•15•6•tl• 'n' 0":11;h":-!" :14.41":".•470,,4••••-• 17•-• ••••'- •-":•:477 '.".- . ri 61,4 to 62c • IN. ) . - . y • • ...an( • , • : fi . . • e i'.43r . 'Oat s . . 1 'of .'rtPtIted rn•elt•nt .1. s'..-‘,4iTtie-01.4y,d7,776'ilt-ss-...2_trefig.„-1,13-ii!i,:• ' only. ttlY. Tuesday; the : rmoce •-4 -- ' t ' - " ' , . - •i: Atone went abcia.rd• v(,sel. %Av.( :. .-pu ).1 0 . 1 • • t.N., .... . ...4 ' , • - • . • , ,. . ^ ' 1 te ll h. n t sl re • I'n : . ..' 1„: . • 1 .• i . t a .: : • A • 1 1/2' II' +Al rrtt ,;titui•• rufli '1, felt anything,luoiter • taan tap "%scni , an- •OrC•etc,••• y,.0.: P ,,,-.. e, . , . , al . ' - • -f•• ' • •• .. . •• y • . , .., ., ., , „ 6...::, , „ r 4 , ..., .„ ground; nnder Triy. cet., „Tflit,hadn i ,aihoie,, ni.,ke. e; 11: ..:,\fa.„: ,:lo k.,por,i;sh, , • I' • • 't 7 udy•s ingeniti0. i mild ed, • !ican-40.1 'A • • - ... -• ,', . ,.Vv , „:.,., .• • - ' , .. . • ..„, - ' ' i been stavvation, drowning: er • *•‘.7"-- ...t....". . ••1..,, . . . --7.7---.-- .. - •.., • • PtyieS40..a(1-yeiiflitieli trole,i'' • , . . • " ' •'' • .' ' - ' ' . • rt.. Espjtv,„ixo,. : Irlo,Qt7,t,.., • ,• AigOni weal', ' , , • - .• . , ..,,... , , ... : . : . ,... .- . , :'''-,Xia§.10ta's..Slie,:-.4.y.: yOu'il:. , Mnieli intareet filai:. bkOn` SI,LO*in' eit•• ''• 7-:'kkit .-iiiit-tairined .4-01.,, •teath • late . by 'the Array :and'',Navy., 4itt:h.- .. ' nister- of war.„. in d6spttte,li-- 1 ,i, . ti.• rs...to..to.e.inbitarY• itiabo- ,-., . prnetiewl.V.takt.n and -'' . " .. inalting, :,6% to`,•400.. say, heAn'shed,a; si,it'inenths, ' 1.,,--1',,,-Tn; ti31'.'t"-•. .12N*t'ed. .:5-6 .1., ,d, k. 81. • • , foi. heatio • her. •• - - :. . . . , ': . .-' .. .• • •- ., Ifilwanked;:•'Jan,-. ;tr. -41,1/heaktLNK., na,ve -::...-..-• ,. . • ireez.i. ug • for Iheth.: Of Us,:,,"'•.,i. • . . - • • , . .11., _ „,.MJ•T.O.ICA,If .1:j8./T•., .. ' * * *. • 4. • • • - -..7.,,,,,4•-••,:•:-.: hi,. ..: • BatticalOk•Ceylon,..ha5 -the , , liOtk.iliat, .'..",i,ittr..;.!0-•: ,:-' "'"'-'''';'-::' oritieS hi a new method of preit r'ir • ' ' 'i.d4:Sli0."11°.' 14:1'.°P8'".•'. 'ing 11 -our .by rridittiS 'Cif cefilpreSsion, '"- •-' - ''''It' . -... r.' , - .„ . 171 you, aloe . v 1 ri.•,;.i . -.7.).:, • .. , Witlk h rkl,,!,a,Olic 'pressure apparatus . rn,. ze ,have . tiliSOlide poWeii...thi4ough.- •_L ,., • 1 • one .of .1,10. ea rtaquage, ei,x,-,, • • •• - • • ,r,- , . . -'! iti*ster•'. lias,•rxiitilted,:lii a• OSA- of life tlia';) koSr. nr (•)! , . ..„ • .. .. inderietuituat.t.. ' 'mint( ; . -, . ' ' . " ---. ...* Pi.T.-."---,---- I.:Norther-rt.,: $)....kp!...;A'.1. No...4.2 North••• , • , .04intioN • 14,1N1,,,, sot.1).,,„. : .,.,: ern,' $t/i,P,Oi , 111-a,Y•6 ,41'..-08%4, a*ed..! •i A . 1. ..i...,.j.L. ' ' ' : ....' i,.. nve•--NO..' 7l,', '75,11,°;,;Cf•• • • ••COrn,-,-May, 6•0*/•e ,ea toriott lime ,gifosh„,omitiitili. orta...4„ ,/,,,, ,., .„1 rly-,,,..stant,c1,,,ard.,,:060.1-1,,sant. 4 1 ..... ' Pal& $4 igfkiifii -' ' - - 1"0•68'f.- 584 7t(I....i646.i''''. 'N -..'4•7;..7°X; d! : g 0 , ' '601 / 6.• ' . „, . . •' : ., • ,,' : .1 • . f• • „, , .. , . ... . , . . ,Q, . , , , , ,, .- liake • prolitiblY..' unigire distinction'. of • he- , • • A iiI.STIN't4 'PALL..., iog. the* hoine •of,,intisical'figh.' The 1..: -:••• . • ' : 1-. • i ' . . • - : • • . - • , • '.... : .-A :Certain twither of the Briti b sopiidg elli4,ted by thp80 aresaid te t . ' . 1: - ' ' d- •t, di .4se•lis'iveet ana•,,indledioitelti-tliose C5Vi"11111°P *". '9. 4Y4's ••a' nn te Y - I' ii-* - - b l''' ' tl, - 'cl• b ' ' tft V:WEit failitre . ,was,..bqpi4 idispitts, W114 • can c.. pro nee ' y .p,,,....etre' . or , : ,•• :,* • thii, iidtit IS Sq,iidqted....inte...t.4e. fOrin." ' 7/,„ • .0) :tail Cif' ht? , •• :of• brickt",-, and 4.7:tperinients are • re- '..,;' ., , •,, • • itaillf.i .Sliettte I d • • .1 •:... • I. ",.. ...tr t ti •, porte , to inA e.,, -s lONS,11 ., :: ,,is. „ ,ie .N titht,' . “De 61, 14„: , , :., .r''' - ,, - .40t, . IreSitirre .destroyeati lOrilis 'afilar•-e • : ..404:-1,4 -te6 - 1 'If ' * OA ' ' --'n °'-ti ...Ill tr. ' .:••:- t,,, va. i el • ..11S- pi caei N 1 0, ie.. ,. . . .. '4 ti. -14-Oett--,---3g11,40-..............-.4:-, o 2,4.?..t. -;, Ifroinfz,•ftraval:3401-i„ Midi ' it.,qA 7 ' rEttrirl7r1•,•-. • • • ••• 41:: iolvit7y6 .isepi..,,cepd'0(1::iili il. :e0tiiiit-c-ll ..1.#01* -11 -014 -44.44K -441-s-1"1- ' Slit ilea itaIlisT,,- -ilirir:767--.7W-litit• ••=4.-••••a- it,. k8-1,',1,: ted Oaf. pi, o' :043.,i,t(i.ii-4ininetnee., ,$y„,0$3.•;,„...-.' May,,• ;$..11...; ,, eash•;. Irt,,ST3ieeii"-i'Mtl- tO••114.-1Z.Pliglit--" erVTII:‘1.--Vb-- 1 bard ' 4.-$1,3a,,No - Is Nurth ern feTt tr2tivirt+i:tit4.ffet,ii*ineeg7--t--1, ("Jr • 441-orrthrti-Itattrit-----ei-odail*dlye••• !,Ana. ; .', nott'..* , dC.in.,,e..liktt'ocr'''6i'l'e lake ,iii)... .ti .: baat one" C:a7117'flitilily • .ais•• ' itlif...y wAnt-to, inake.tam -a peer .t.' '7 i guish: the nleastirit.'. sontida, It , . „„ ., , ;V, it. iS ••erinally ' .:teeure . froth ineurd. ••• ki . , . 5',, iThOe'e •hiindred•"00andSi'of.,enniprei.. s- ' ', '.. • .... • . , i . ...w"- i`i 40 F ' ‘11)4.1 Wh•PC: i t t ' 1•1•,e vt-inug4. Ana . : L • • ....,„.•,°,1•,, ',Via es.),A. Tan;ci t„or !8,'06645,5°,:7,...Ti!"5 it6P6II 1•'''' S1,11: ; No.. .2:711.0rittletlii tillAis'4.-• i 0 114101 fq• atiVerroi ..,,R.,4 ,i,•7i0.4.10•V Plst, ,$1.09 ; No. -3•. Northern... ' $1,'04% CO, r.ti.1•Pi%, ed in.. the . eit,Y•7:•frein 'Cobalt. gi:63.-. Dr:an-SID •• to ' :$19;0; . , NThf. 'SW .i t Ef 'at: 1.'1 'With 'great-. an...oar •if,• ' ipped. in., the , waf,er .f.la7 „er „acujiteli;:..‘-etbey '''NV40,,t, te....hiake• melody tioeoines louder ,,ttnd • iuore him. .disallitiettr.:" .. ''' ' . ' -distinct: . ' ' ' '''... , (*fl f "(,1.1r .occup". , 6. fiatil, .. SP ,,.. as • I . f d 7orip hundr•ed Pound of.. ilotit .i..n ,t.e - 41.-' , ••• orditiery ..etate,''... ' • . „i, . .. - . .. • .... , . . „ , / • • . ' '!1.• • 'iret.i• jo• "I*" vd..".11 '"ot ' f••••1•,-