Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-08, Page 2- - ---A __ _W� - � __ _V#,-__ 1-1 ­WAT_ - 1: � . , - - .. , . ,,%.;�,,a*4k1WWEV'11EE_ I . -r- * 1, . ." � 't .,� , ,� �% - AfisftiaDb - - ..-* - , - - - - . i'w' , - # . -- .- 7 � 11 � t .r - # , - -M f Y. 4 , ... I -"t�;-i:�," - -7 . .49�7 I.- � 10.00 Wr. ,` ". - � . ­ -I( - I � I . I I .1, ­ ., � I ai�_ � jj� __ 1. I 1. . . 4 � 1. jFr--VW11V_. __ ­ - ­ _" , mwwhlfw_,�� . . q .. - I I . .1 . . . . 4 . . r I I , . . I . . - , - I . I A - .. 1. -_ - . : , . 9 ­ e . � . . - !_1 I -, - . _____ , - I I . . - . . . I I 4� I � I 1�,, r! . - . � .. I 11 11 . - - I- I . ­ ,, � . . _. . . I .. � - . . - � I "� - "1* A � -*4- - � -_ .7 4- . . I , t . � . I . I . . � - I W1, . A' ,- - . . 0 - , �� . . . . . I . I . I � . - - - . . . . I . . � . . . I . . . I : - 4A . � � . I . . : -1 I - . . � . I � . . . . � I A� WT 4 . - , . . I . . . I I I I . I . � % , . . I - � . . . I . I . . . 4 I . . . wo - I . I . � I I I I . . � - . I .4 I I) . . ..i � - . . I . I : . . � � - I . I . I . � -_ . :1 - � "I k ! I . 4 . . _. . . - - I t i � : I I ! I - . . : . . . . . . - I .e� . . . . � . I . I �� I � . . . -t 4 . � I . . � . . . . . . - . - 4- 1 � I . - . - . � I . . . . I . 1. I . . . I - . . . - I - - . I . . . I . . ------- - __ ------- __ * . . . . . - 61111111111 . ___ ___ - -1 - . � ' I I I - - -_ - . - � 1111mook, * I -_ . * . P %ofttn� � War Office show Wiat Lord M -'s - - ___W1!1_ - 4 - ,, . ethuen their old positions near Colenso, back kiss and Maxims. and t -he artillery Brevet ,_ Lieut. -Colonel * , last, buttle was a o1mvide,d British vie- Ilenry P. I , of Grobler's k.00f. and everytiiing - A due[ lasted ame hours- - Then there Northc(At, Jk;,Ie,J, in ; I E I . Wry, clettring the Boeris from the river points to a determined effort to pre- wa,s a - brief t1w . . . - lull in t,he enemy -s cq*ra. �!4ierbao experIL'kYU, "'ewt OLka-vt Of - ­ FO - .. . -_ dll� r, ity.fine and allowing Loird ielit tile BriclAh 'croosing the Tugela . � - ,WW 6 . I i f � t10116- Of which the General I . . e Us% in 18&30 &114 wa.,, mentioned . t(y set his engineers at work- RiIer. The reports- of wantoji dtvtruc- diately took advaittagf�. Oar infantry in (!espatchft ; , - , , - - " . � ! 4 1 . . . I I . A I .11 t I Llume- A f rk,- a. I . I I . . . I I �� I'vidiri* tile bridge, which is estien- tion of property by IUx,r lwters are adviwce,l nerom t,h a I _%J &.4 DOP. Aust. ,'I I I . . . . I filerte, I I . . P# , e pl i I toward'i AdJutant-Lieneral in Zole-iland in js88, L ! . . . . tial to the execution of Ills desigils, an confirmed. tile river ill twc)�brlvades- T1 A I . .. 11. A . - � ­. . .. .. . - �����. - NOWN19arw-1 W-3, 41. " V. I , 4 ) == 11THE N N TOUCH I - wl le 6 ua rds milat:ou ill (_1empate # 11 . "i WITH KliY �h()ut Its uid tile provislons'!'so ur- - ,heis � A,W)4n&ee I .- .L I � BERLEY - f I i - - , 1. � 0 We by tin i1wful 1.81j:J.q(;, A . . 1. . . 11 , I . gentlY needed by Kimberl.3y cannot be Boers at; Thick ns Bees. hall of J)u"' bronze ##tar; . - . " i-* , . . . . I Ilets from VIP en,FEMY'd sharp. Kaijagn lHips. ,jewra. ""W'"'Aff P , . . " . 11 � te-,J VVitb tht - I W , . . or. Can the refugew Fteoc uufiulif Nov". ­K—(Vel,tyed Ili shooters posted clot3e to tile river, orier B. C. lie . A . - . A I be mov'wi back to Cape Town. .. I ol . I - , . . . 4 . - -_ -_ ____ � * . I _traJLi_pipbioj1.)_1�Ah--I Dult, 01140.4'Ad win- s ()" the'OPIKWtip banks. oar troopiq had Alethuell,m fo ucC4­J,MPa.Uie,J (40& . , . . I y .. I . - ' . . # 0 ' ' The fact of Methuen being reinforced luanu advali(*J to w4hin three wil-a 110 Cover whittever, and were t -imply rcP "if Dep. Ashit. ArIju. ! 11 ' I . . frow De Aar by flircc batt;tliolls.of in- irotmi-Co.ellgio tilis Illul-lillig, U11t., hit, niowefIl *do%vn. It toveni,�d Im"sible, to tant-t�eiierpd. I . . .1 i . - Will Have An(Aher 11ot F fancry and a caValry-corps inaktm. I Lieut.- ' I �_ I .. Ile . I -c-i Col. 11. .-Prord, kille(L . . - - - ___1__1_1d%.� , . . Ight t bc(;uts le.-Olitioltrc4i tile Lridge acroad live tlimugll tile terrible fire, 1)(it tile It- St< I 1xisamle t1itt-t --he, inay, whext lie *� i rr, 11.V -?1,V,. F I lia-1 not wee 'll In ; . M rs � .. . . JLIU urolul". "Hu Idle p(ASAU01i 01 tollo it -it ows uld not, rptreat .-tit incli. 'y I" q -V 'Am act! %-O I (;O# � . . . neaclies Kiniberl2y, be able to 44twait ,ell,- I serVice. lie had jut, A' Ir , I . . thoughtf ul I$ i . *`-4- . - 4 . V'r-u - I I tile, Completion of Gen. Uatadre's cofi- ;ny. They r�porte.j that there'wcre Theb Boer fire wan tile misman-I of the,L) t, Ifucawd6i tou � . , It - two cainlm of the enemy, all'I th,at ad Wldut'rf ber. Sh-- d I � f - I Ing -centration oil tll(-.,.fro- I . . _aItma, I . I Before (;ettm Theiue ntler and the ar- Colellw) waS Ju.1 of buarn. Tile HORRIBLY ACCURATE, 'a Place Of Maj,r-Jeil. 1"O -e -Carew, it limmem'. rival of,lSir Ch:tllcs Warren's diviajotl, III -1,19e. Was intact. Tile scouts were Mnd they must have numbo-,red at least whOme gallantry t,41"'the (lay of the It FAIMu nd C ­. - - - ­__ ____ 'his line' of ebamitinict-Itions Witt f ight was emaillen"M!.1 by , . I tile ke,m by tile Bo,-rs. awt they reLiAe,l 10.000. The Swts Guardn advanced il h a 4 General - in Pr(nwia colony.being guarded b.V troops e.010- ftuL.er a rifle fire. Tito form- hati re;, 600 yar(L4 bei0re they were let ue A Capt. , A -Ear e ha,l UO& t-:O�Jet,*l f ired U -M if d if 101 .1 (Pit. Then they had to -lie down to es - if . loneLl a long front -'tile Modder -to tho . tile -i about, it zu.1e, Wnen a liwvy till(! 'seen allY prPvkMW actiVe - wrvlc*. �%ttial e b Ora ng' ' if a excwsca tll,j II -,v wus AVounded: Calit. G. A. M ., A.� . 0 Itiver. . When - � cqx--ne-1- oil tnum, irow the eap3- tile. deadly fusilade, which last- Army Me,lic,11 Cor,,s. .4 " clay A BO'**R I-A'AGER U I ,Itodder lk',Ivcr, it is atmaqt certain th,ilt � . L., uOre Royal "' '"" � APTU11-11ED BY B.SHO ., - --heiglits aLove. Colelino. Tho enemy e'l without intornlL,.w1on throughout 0. -, , If, . : a ___ - - __ __ _ . thea day. -'I'raverfi, drit Granadier Gu" - I . ------------- llVC4 gulls, tw4 or thrt4a, oi wlikull a '�� I ut. e(, . he will find tile Iik)ers blocking lils-a(I-* ,,a.,, , . Walte , .:* V:Lll(!e to !!;p.1tfc),jt(_4n. It would be tlif- -were. ol' long. range. Tha 7Jj Ilatt-cry Tl;e Highlanders niade spveral at. H. CA Elw(...i, 18t Scots G11', r .. 4 r 414. 11_.�eeut. . 1ire, alf-I getting the - it paosage of tile river Ell, 184 :�C,,Pi,Q ,- 16. ing sto, , � . ositio)) b-ett(:-r iei,urnud tue Wnipts W for(x Uluar,.& . I a (4111� to ImagIll-cf"a". 1) i Money L suiw.(I- for .e. fensiVe tetetica than t1fat J'alige �cif tile �r X41ir H. EArle, . I a British R I I' e 41 , %hLage, th--y ,uroplie-i - but they werP-CXP0oiVJ to such a niur. ;Laid YOrklshire L-ght Lni atry. Mi � econnaissance Near Colenso in whiell-th '' A ajur Monday - . - e Jkoe-s ar'C.'-The -partial t1leir i�lits* fr deroum enfiladilt,r fir'* t.111tt they ll..1d O' F. ottj - 4 . . i . k 118 alaoxi, Lhe enemy. Th e fantry. ey, 6.1111 Vorkshire Liv;,t in- .. fter they had uurfervii ter- isla � re exaggera' . I . . ;. , Xoml which Gell. .1 " I Vo ret4re a ' ' Lieut. I lettlue"* U111" f0 -110w lJoer I Ire - vviw welt ted, lohowilin . . I i d I rec Fox,- ��l Yor ' - , I ) ribly. S-ub,s.eq L,ght Infantr -. L-eut. H. i3. b,. 11;ik- . ... . I I I � .. . . .upiltly it party of tile .s 3 nil men t I I . . .. , , p*Is6eV'thk*01l9II It felt f. Viry brokq�h tile tr(;olj.N oil thcIr ix:tir,ment- Tiler(.' Guards kot over and li A . r 0 e I _ '. avid Vicinitv. . vDiintry. astony kopip - -tell wer,e no (.asu,11L1e&: , , which W:J L . � .. I .1 I fh�/ . . - I . s stretch on e, Id their own er�,Carr, A rg., I I lin-1 Suth,�Aawj lligh_. . .. . .. . I . 4 e . . . I I . . ' - I � . . . . . . .. ..... - I — - - -t-ix miles, an extent -- � I lull-leris. Lit:ut. W. G. ,V,�Iioa, A Ug3- It i await his . , tShle'for Milt, to for- hours 'against it $*E,pteap. - --- ! of f-rorit willvil' 'Will rc-nder -tlifflcuit I' ,Mter'an - artiliery duel that lasted , force. . v,*LstlY liulk-rior L I -_ , MY for lialf art liour, *tile t'lltl St"thcl-1,1111 ifigMand'er's. . . ' fig movellient. 1:x't18ll - to - . I I *1 Transport 1 ' . . . .1,'turni . � D' e r,*, lit 4k U& T .11 opillioll Jr th-P, Istaff is N%',' e recor Is : Majjr mandoil . Sm.or%e A -shore The'rroops Sa*ed . . .. . . . re ev � P I If tile 0, AN 1-0119 IN>isition fatir 141 I om , Irmll lie gener f (;It�40helk, Sou- U*ed befor I . . `--C3PeC010ny Dutch Ttafton W110 "J"I -it, Ii littially driven olit, , t-- that the -.e had never " t"n suc-h a - a inedu I -0 clasim I __ - . . I .. . . .i'. � ..�, - tile - a Oleflho,- which they 'held untij - evefa ( is Ht r ; Doligoi t4 I Khee 1, I - '� I - A al. artuturip, a, lf�96, medal. I I .1 3 �- I d. W r1l . . e - A � L n thei.r rear and luay - ]I _Va i,pr 1r.1tuls.1y, j�gyljt 18&!, r ---illorz froop_; Ar'riv' ih,oll directly I" British army its th,it Whi -if our toroops ' 4, about tha . - 2t000 Oo Over to the 17n -aly in Ulie-Dist ict .V will hn%,e Kiniberloy i"id it -4 g.*�Ijr_ 1119- 'L IIPY ZLre now -5.5.5 1) F;11-st-lifle,l firc- it, tile. anuals (d tillu I Ve work. or . I klig to'camp I . � - - . i6--v.e ti.iella .guns. � . I had to M 'terday. Our in-ni, fel-I 'di ve r . Unfacre K%eening the' Disaftecte-.1 DOWIA�Britain's lileavy L - " I . � . . - ,a native run.. f- _* res; r asp a 11.1 ht. .1, Ist:11. inedal, is t the bol- � �. . ft � . . . 11 osses I . . . I I ner. who arrived f rom i 11 (!07pllh; W, A� I I M''i i , — � I � . - , -)r, J4,a r1la, jowak. Clixtsere.-InVoueli With tile . I . at the gar- C% . L ew", A`t loll, "What o el;y-Kenny to *LonAlAmand Sixth � I Latlye-mith -to__�Jay s:lys tit ifle tr3-*-Ilrr tO ruAi tile , __ . L)lViSIOU --- L-luers Swarming i E 'nenty, . . ., . —Wlk.tt 6, I %Ott t1lere are doijig very well, and I ,ia,stan - . � . - brMgr. . , 18,7, melal an.1 c1:1sp; Af.T . .. . . . . . I ri- A I . AroUn Colenso. ,� I . - . I I ' I - 9 mund Carl . . ... . . . . . I . I London, ..Dec-. 4.-Tllt,- corresporl dell t Wiat'everybdily -I#i comfortable., - FE,kT8 Ok" DIU A VE R Y. 1878-8(); me,int; Egypt, ,� 188..,, w,dal � . . . ' . - I . L returneit . 0 L " . J)er, ,,, ' .� . r . . _ . - . . ­ 1-4 . . I Z! tit(! Daily NeIvy, .telegraphing froal - The Mounted force th-ut went out i Among tile nlaii,y lieroic ce,,vds one "I't cl:'.1,P, KbP..Jiv(39,s Load n 0 _A`0 _k,i sni-misf,-1. L lie comman I oa wbi-ch ' t ' '- .1 ,.Iuw - , ` t, stay" lifth-clash anti try*.ntr - a t - A, v"y �-.er- , . � ifide, fl*Guj here to -day has 1) ovetl," (of Lite motit cullsvicuutits wa.i 11.4 4ut ,a de*p' . _ crossed h3 Orang,- poort, Cape C019ilyt under date Wfe,ii d I 16'rj: Cm h (I c [, I I I �111.1 -%yol d* at 11whard 'Itiver, whi" . - - *- 4 L I Burm-19 1881 99, M -Ittioned "Walter , -3 t he re8L arc -ojily- 10 Of * NOV. "StIl Ell ys.- I I � 4 * t h. '. viceablp. It consistm () I . '01 yal �#6 J11 V .. a 0 8 JtChers, t%'o claspil Di t, u1sh-f � .k>ughl ba t -, 13 of _%10-.id1­r I'li-ver nual- '.-.0'%V'1lg t j) ." .�t u5ptA as to wil. . - (I f Capt. Fairliels Lietit'-C"" Co"e-'119to"', 1Jf tile Cold- e -J Service chak- - - of l -, r 'K - I . ea,r I ,, re 1,have just returnpil from a mou'lit. troop of -Natal ptilic". 11 I ; N. W. , r. Io - A 4 S ' o*c` -k this af_ . ta 0 . ' "-ith a 'A"'i""ll .vtl*(.um Ga""" I C"Pt­ 8 '"Pi -111- _X tile dia, 189i ( , . C e'r I 10011, .11 ft - A I r'u* i , g con- I eusburg gun, � t Ile- , I ber hmi.14.41.- UI) t o, :. - ot Ord, -r I - - It 1111[no - tho .i.rti tot.il, v"`y w A' IIY lie, ed rec'miaissa-twe to -tile R I niperia I Light, Horse, Reverely wouaaq'r(' � 4*38, 01, lisc�a* , - - �qlter ( In. I � b -Ou (4. thoi I' f a rnis uy, t il 1%. farmi, i * I ""C-L!""'alld COlitillgellt# 11,11.1 a, A-AOZ,ell ALijor (;. F. ottl ..,d �1 I a 1. ! * '. which Ij,., ber, -,, wer" k-lil" I 111 -I'd 'i fills, ( 1, ii,ritiih. lear. Artindel. ,- W'c located a P&M411111e."i 1101 -se, a likoillite'd eoillpnl�y lacinijeres of' tii(',. Col'istreltin Uu�,rdii, ey serri in ; � '. HOW tk�e.'4 I ti I. bell. UG.Ltacre', with Ili' MI'll e-omniando, wji4cll .witlidlow. -t(-). .of 'the 60th Itifles* I . Zhob Valley in - the - * - . I -4 foree . , 'Mackenzie'm C. eXp-!a lit' 0a of Im. I I I . '�"11 9:"'l (lilt - --�() 't iS inll 0,04ible tO " :1 11.11 .1 . i arhi- W.jo,jumped JlltO tlii,- rher alli ,s ­Beeau.�s t A ' 4 Us (folikitallti rell1force ants 'itre 17 Ile, Rettsburg farin- without firing. neerK -enth &'att'tr. ') ir . w,1111 4 I , , lat 19 4 . , tho -Se% r- Y, ant -110, - nea rl - 'ANt n. t.11", - . .. , 1� . Y to the, oLher isi U,- it, tile. fave - qur-4141,01 1 -te(Itic", it -vin the "i,utc-h..�rls bi! I" such - dOMW 1 1 AVe found _ of the rool . I .. � )0lIve tjut.'v awl 'politic, . tilt- enenjy, lit force at jlle,� recrulars. -Tile bet Krillild-lielldie inlorm,14, 'If ' -11 lvork . . C"t . invior of the meil� of a, etea d f we Was ce%-eri I - n4v profeml- . I Ftag -ilig Oo witur,- of , wit"t",l llis Men are inuell ' I farm. 4 . - . - . A y fire. Ney' W -Are jorL*.,1 I,., i,; .., Rol of I)r!l IY­w(mn(�ej. I - I e 'I . I ,_ . 1. . - is excellentr in t -,-n 11' -I nd f ield. * W I et., 'howeVc1r, an..,, jo.111lig I , we Vietor of Ilollell - I I I -1 11 edCd f ,� C- . - -_ � ii). - ' re, I.,11's, . ,� , - f 1110 di ','I-t'JlU tlfl:tS ' . I' " I It,talion of British trxx)-pf#, en- s,wani thaek, two of thcvll.. liunl,,#& A 14-ollia, nu -1 liveq at St. Jam(w .ililac* . list lie ; A - , I he f i g1l; t. .-,.s ,dt-tillis ;19 to tile lo8ses. Nvilivre.' .� -it ! 6*A - t. -i Jve heidNitian elowi - Side tile 114 It - i , . this force obably ibi . t . .to -the' . . b. thiiw . .. f � � . gcuer-illy in- 'ltirifif!d t0-60 lJttJf!:els0�1ll1LiJ, . I I 11 " , "- tile re-, . I - P � enillpe(i .newir C la, rtacap- nea L-ly Airowli, .r A -11("n In U)nd-on. an(l IN of. - - - . A . I farm Informed i's t N'It VW ,Oery ilievpley., hay., ')!"" " " .0 41! r -I t ik. . . ' I . swavining on � t - ('I ,wcare , � . 1� -tl, ill tilo., I . ! A f a 0 , 1314a' frea Ueuenal . A, I (I rJJ)0 sheep I'Lola . � - . � I . i lit-[ � uf L.- I d,% g I' * lie, Iapusburk hop ., and 't"I't'd 4nf) ey title nit tt I M-itish gwits ke-pt *u _ re urii. Tilt— *fall warn, In I I C Froll) G Ti. F(,rt,sti�,-e.*A1; Illk As desl!* " & IJiJI . . tIJP Marlb-A-wa,rh all(I I � er , ('J,_1r.y,'s Column. thouall they .1 tlla't they 414d *a, nou - It .1) a, .111-avy lire al, St. James, cl,lbs. 11f. ; 11% . I 1?&U-11 it ' I I . ITI, � w Di -i � If: al A;eizc-,1. it iti all I ' . I . Mr. Rugg ',", &);-o,1-(-1 -t:,at all rep�)rts% ()f , I . .1, filld. niber of bik - 11 - . _g - , atto. learim flav(y-' was wrou lit . J0,11P'l talle C. ren - , - omiurtunity for Pint ill position! *.. . -guns -I uc,l I ,. . rnfers" . f ed. illat I (,,,.� *1 dier, Gua rd.,4'eig 9 I . I . .all oligagellients it � .� . - 9 , I Gell. 31t.tIl:.vll N . i -, �, ; i nco. aiter fhe - " I I- ' : fouglit-for t.he "lleilly i ill tile Wwr' pcAbijious, th , 11tf4-­-I .ve,ars ,,4gw_4an,1 I , evrtaill ot'l.1'eto " Our icketio - ..-%dv,.1l)Cp-t he was fighting %%-ith 4 . r y, its a reverse inigh t P ,I ,.tO e -enemy i eing ..Ittle of 0 .111-r IC vW r w ia r e, prem*t- , prove tile . .1 . .6 . - KtI them as M.a-jor � - h . , upri4ing a of witItin. -dlll*itl ic time t6 Itoers hCIJ tile Pitir- Jor(Ae.1 to fly from tiluir, entrench- when -he w,ts wounil.l. , Darin- tile - A ' , ,1, of the Nig!'�:l for the :1 half a mile tl)0_.,e1l­ * f used rounding countri". 4 w Col , tt Wi.1 , 1'ure. Own !I %N'1h'tIi._--ra:.Iroa�J of . i -Ili�% * %V Ito re' _' ' V . I seco e I . �. .. I t o Ix. * I '.- Co I. Addi" Inellts. Night put"an entl to ILI,* -tuli_ I.L%t f(pur ,%-e.lrlq _1P % oilv drawn. - We 11wil" -retired.- .' ' * n., I in romil'l.-tn(l ()f i i,,10 l,loo ,sf1(.(1. ,rilf. Ill[ I t � P. I ; lll� 110 811( 11 1,14 not i hc, lo Ili ron- ) " lif. has h:�Ofl - A a ^' Tile. �itantfartfb. *Cftpe Tawn.. co-&-i-o".- � Tbol- Da,ly Mtjil fill I)l ikjl,�!H 11 (lespli tell Iletlifo--. *,;, Horse, ullio. was wat - . . dit-ision of tilij W.ar Ediuund . . " n' I - . __ y Brigade intelligell ill tile , I elling Ill . , , , "I' - I %vaii diefitdfudy 'cut up. Tilt,, I I I i 1 #4 - 4 1 1 ,i(t I I , $ . &A - . I , . . froin'.8 A-stroini, C:il)e colonyE ull(le - "13tiers're- . , arrest of . .-,tl,i.Ck-l1g : . temporary br.-Ag-1A.'UiS 8l)()"(*nt #4;ty;4 .- . . A -ter' I of. � . . . . . I % r tile, light'. at (VIenso, front the left 11('e' but i'llis 111-14 Inuell rnT.t.-_tl-.y ex. - .N . � ." *_ ' I , When fl 1�' - I,X)11VK.D DEIJAY . 1 i"711110 kiCtilLion Tuesday'm date, whic' I t1fallted " t 'hi...,Oit, taking thei,r gulls perience in the N 1�! exl)edit; n, � . I 6among t-110 Dut0i reiiii- .,h Ii.ays :. fla nk, 1;ays that, fill tJii� 136er gun.s witil tile � 10 - . I . ' . i '" - _in, It,,,,, I ; w J I do' &I Mor- � Mrs. Gord , A L * '11`4, Off tile Porthern Ix)rtltar of * tile '. "General Gnta were siierioql. Web are flow o,*cul)y- fxx'u an -1 Aky^_,IlII&,,anJ * . . 0J4�-;s b.,� P" 'coa�s.-dtara.blpscra-.* 41L I . , erv,'.'-,VI10 occuples a, Tile #­(`,(A0lld British . . .. , . ' L -1 . C-01010- * , , * - .. - N 1_�-en reinfirced shot put a 911 .. � the bridge out .e 's - loss teverar byjks. Ile is an evtI1u.,;i' . � , . 'Ce'lU 91 . I 9 position .1 - - ifig ti, ir positions. The ell�.Anlv' h8A 'Xr;tten tive M"'.18, . - A I -ji. '6ing h4i hai­4 lonshvid -volumn. e . lfi � 111](1011btedly more stron' .1 0 . it near, , A, 'I I � . . memus � I . I . I i a . . ng. t ii,:� a r- " r% ... . I Xorthuniberland itpgi's '' of action, a rid it liever opene(I fire . . 1:1 r4j,smia n nil(] gp#yrtsM,.1n, ...Ind ()no of [_L e g t Is -11*4 'is'' llow*.* Ina-'rilled." a I. astic . ,lie(* -".&u', r."'S . "IC -11 hitherto'i , by the .cl-ecolld. * wit . s tremendou,s. (I'll A. a . . %:A r M.1 .1 ,V.11. (00, Vo Elf %V b" * It 0 : Ileadds th-nt, .11 - r - �. A I.- ine t T16,b ift,ru va.z *1 -.-. . 1611 n I . . ��_ I I t I h.t. _. ; T ' a of 7 . � . Hill A . � -ititfirew, u.4 k Ut WE at, qu IV C711 Ile '. .4t: casee. inutirinel i "W V V)V_ 4 L rawn hoin AtE, I&. -�Vft Lae. British % 8114--%, Consm-u011s ficrur03 7 . * ' . UARDS 0FJ?. I I 'i" . . -, 31u..st -te S0141 - L.3 flee- V I en'terstad rebeli itre � ",N101teno- Tlipre hat4.., b( -4-n -, a f urtnir Addis6n. atldi4, the cnvnly, Ivith tHeir Guards' Brigade. Lieut. LY903 of the have bevil, . . � . . . I- (I aftet , t , hr - '-p such t1lat th . looking i e - THE CA J`Qi 1111fl, n tile . 9* i:�L-Lr hL (.J, JJjjJ(.Jlg hors ,% * 11 itt' 'to w triumphant mateh -to . . . r -e. Dordrecht battali,-111, wh(.) was htlight1%. f . walter's , � , . I Aiv 'Combat tip- forwa .1 MOVPRlefit t6ward� lfid%i I . wagons, were.retreating, rapidly. A Yellow .101, 1.11 al Reg I "'011, A� .1 _LTI'L., lje� , L L - . .. I .. . . . . It is reported this evening that tile A t llt.),IL .;. _ n te.-I. L ,4 4) .a Ut 01 P(. To 1. A IN safe., appol. . - Nk,tt �& - I 0 of less , A )wn. lit. kwveral instanvp� .(;,ef . . lidefl, is � Lon] fluchairkiwd - , `. . . . 8 "Bushman's hc)Ok *jg roingly C 6 -1 . 1kr(Aher antl lj,�il. hint was . vil'ill xi�ye-Othmsan,l. . Buller ' Prpelitniatioil wits to,ra doi k;t Ile)(] .01enso' bridge is do%Vll. � an lKniergency C'orp%. BP. . . . all "allipled upon. erial- troc)ps.". ' . .. . .. I I New York, Lee. 4.-A L' EarVkmi. Ilk sist4�&r L4 I:t -A -waiting warranto .i . I I (I tr vn - by Inip Pr,rk-;i11lIr)t've to the , *I � ­ .. � I , - a I . I . . . .1 0 .", .1 . .7. - . 1. .. , Koally-Kenny ill Command. . (!Y in . . � .. . .* � . . . I urnal #jilys: Ili the dead . . L . . .. , gran, to tile Jul o"don Cable- UP tile I)ti(-Ilp#,S (if york.. nvest4�.it A � 4'1 X N.%. MA N.S .F61R'%i-A1U)! . Tai k e* I . . 7`7- �., London, Dec. 4. -The official *list � for : i f e w I ___ . n: I�Y 25 Boers. I , Transpon Rull-4 Ashore. I '. showN oI night tfle'flower of tile i3ritish 1, Aniong tilp w()UH(i(lb(I I . . . I � . . 'att'l, - 1X>11d, fo., . . . . th,"t 1-1, modification has been ,i(>1l Is th Ill tile name ! Oiir 1114)y�* ' I ' . ont'. Dee -n.-* Ile r�110%vilir- dp., Made in the command of tile' SIX411 rurmy ro(je till-ough i1tv titreets., 4.) - 0 % oang Vi count Achf. 1. . . �6 4) Keep ()Pc�ll Methuell's Cano Town, Nkpv. ."S.-Fligitive-4.%V),10, I': LO.M. , . T . , A b�eea me. Ill . . I d A 40 . - of L it Will, . I . , I rn-in wui . . . . - -icts .,be ' ' 190atell , 'I . Divit-ion. 4 A IPII* to the i � ti at tile (lis..- I. 1 as bepa -reppiveit.at tit ' Instead of Lieut* - had gone before, but U -Lt - ere� repi)rt tit. . -irk for Africa Dozebti of %V ho is I - - IHNIA earlJol n'4- A ('onatmlill(-;1t loll., ll:l,v(,:!rrivP.-Jh ' A1011 to emb. I . � . I tween .Coli�sbtirx -atid BttPgIl" Of AM . . e War Charles X-iiinfic--ld larke, A . t. (if (;o4drth, Witt, n, cauttp ill tile " . Fbre.srtior- 1 ursolorp, ('ape colon'' - , I f rOm Gall; � Sir . IF'red --.rick I -'ore,"_ - C tile Com- . . . Y, Ila%e:pra(!ticnlly I - 1, ..." I It - -overwhelip � fi-st flat or eus-w-ly- I f,(b­t!on.''--fle(-. 21'.-G,-11. Illure Men are required to at"' County of Armagh. The , Aler-AValkeri ,. mander will be .Xfa.?or-(_1 neralThomao ti I I to . W., Is, I 6 'is � . 1. we. H! btlibborr., Offiveig- Vrith "41!-e�-'ri till. t"I'let-111 ,,nt th,"t thi-C;ina.. 9011(a over to the C11011I.V, Cape 1) Kelly -Kenny,_ inki-pectill ' r `1- " + i 11 ". Doerd, .s.o tile 9-tli Bri1r, . . F I A Twonty:-fivO '. Town, ee. :1 I tile a, IP Coll - to, h iA wo � . . . fliarl lu-Irksisell arul otho-r - rviafor�e- Fr,ev State. I,,,()t*1 . a.. -'� 1) - ill. -Tile 9 -general- ()f ";jr Wfice tl,. "Ap"sw".." ' tahie,f tile 11,q 11 ' , I . ­ ' 1*8 'were abl()* to. takel btfleor' co'311 M -a lidilur . tile tr()L)l)J- ()If auxiliary forces and ref-ruiting, with- -Wjl,., t i's - LN sent out Britain's pride ifiraiii of two lieutenantiq * . alit', lftllos+ . 1114'. 1! t?. Jla�f- 1;ep,ll 1)'.l,sllu,I'for1vi.Lr,1 -to tll� town�6f' Venters I ad tJl-'(,.i.Q1c).yaI lx)-trd tile hired, 1E, I . 31,41jor-General Xuo known tw' tile Household killed an1 ft ('Olnparati%ely small nuin. . I' � It tratisly.)rt Isinore, x- :Ind 1- * .� lii4 lb I ., I! ' 'i %,er . L - I + ural Ulflinelits I' Majjr-Gen- . I' - - Oit - - I I to -day . ('11 Va I ry. Fer wounded. . . I . iJiuur 10o,I of tho Orang I It Dutch hcAr.fl,ly Ivelcoullhg tilem.,. .,. - .tel egrit ph i3 . tro-iii Vre-dvithurg - IN dei-ldv I tt* I brigade commanders. These troops ari�'on C 0 L t -XJ %x I that tile. tran (leneral Ktal.'y-Keiin. 6- ealle'd out on .. �1#0 protf-L t ( -11. ,X-tlllli�,11's fifie -of V0111- I� is.r6tinmted that ove .,q x), r t wi I. , had 11 ' 1V_'tS REFNFOJ-,cl�-I). . . t',' - r A." (X)Q- nr,' -nt aNhorp illi y has &_ I. . L, . 9. n N . 0'%�outh whaL nuty im! call a ntl #- ile it 1111111111*111 .06-1 4*1*s reli -%v I much alix' 't , .It* 1,clltp .%it - . _1% exlwrtenee. ed emergency c -illi- Tile liameri of oilioera ctf , L nV_)f1I I ti. , .1frican I I P. 411 - . ' t , A r ad joilletl thn eliemy.' Th�! Ir Oil - the rocks i n ,S t. .1jeltana, I . I tile 114t nior . . I � I I 1 --ere. jvfwri t was fuliv. ex,pectet th-ra ba -1, . . IM1911s. Tbeir foreign wtrviur ine,lutloas Argyle .-intl pri I i c i pa 1* , P Calx� C44clity. 1 __ _ - i tic to h � Pt *a r4 woult.1 - W. a(' f .- i r i i f a rs have 19rined ..-.1 c'010 -T , , 1. � bettingen i - S.AliplAL-tol JNJgI1Ia,Hjel.g I "All the,-troopL,4 wi . 9 the 614J)j-,%Jj4fi pen, " tlierP'%,,-a I . I ("I" "t"'IP" to -Itt"k, tile , - nia-lit"keerling. vofnraittee., . � . . . ere safely e 0.1' I - Mni ir-riellera-I Kelly-Nefilly Pntered %% aterloo, 1'9.-,-I)t In Jiss I - Austila. Uas ali*3 iI I)r(A)f tbat tile Mumil luid � I veye-, . . . . � .111114-7;tble I )Jillt3 of the Ii1je'6L(-t)lll* Am'%alLsts-haviebeell - I frwn the Hilip. to till. " ' A ; thf. ;Irmy --their last Vei&n reinforecA 1;.v Itt ,,`I..V L I I . exPellefl .-I tit] tolti ll()r��. I !!O,I( I1L_; P . 111111..�-"tioll. . . _; - . sbore. The F Its 'all -etikilgli -in tile �2nd I ' IN'St one bat- . . .. are still ()It IY)a-rd atid . A; t will oo)t, in 1-85-4. - Ile w-i-ved in Clililin - vall ab iebir. It . . . to g� to) Cape I bein- for Tel -EI -1 ' .31r. Ra � . . - It. Town antl*-preparc o -If" , ., . Q,n, tit t' ta "on "efore tile 1)JIttVL Th�! report � I . :.. � . . ' - . tild the"ll. * !11 * .0 0% Quef"I"S ()wn-Cluar Is,- wits efirredt aloat midid--lit that t1w K i. .11L -. . L ...M.A­W. fix-, fr�r the Plo(�r husith. . I I . L be diffl6il-t to 1: IF360 is th ft'i t I ' . I I . . . I . ' :A PC;'1,4_" t Moilter Vivrv. J,o%;-w%; . � I . I . I . . . . "The file -Of-w: , M)d in M)yssinia in JR67 I alit] th"L- started earl.v this filariling to# -o!umrl had re . -1 written: A I I .. I . . ... . . I .. .. .. =_ . - ll tr Dor i .4, and 'N i obe, 113680 He � is 59 yearbi 'of A94%. , r ,�slllnl.d the warch. aoi _. klil I I . I * *. . 0. I Colunlbi.-tll, . . I -- . . I . . _. Kimberiny. Thiiji Ufty I _'A - I . I I and the. hired traw f ight tile Boers: A-11 votild not go, tio :1 was heading f Ile T.(r!;,(J11, I'd -1. II.-thf. offi�-ial -AJ 4. ,or , - KI'llboal-ley lit Toui-h * sl)ort I I -1, SIKV1141 or I It . . % I ,q- ?' , .1b . . - !th tit Transport , I r(,4ink,..Ilt; ()f inell.-pick-ed froin be a prestat .. .lots yCoun . . 1,r�i-�.11 h, i0ei I ,Ili I wolifidiA :1'. thit, , . 1�; I, '?at( %).. .reo lighters: proemded at onee I , .3fore ,-s Arrfw ure announe-a-wailt. on- � , . ,I.- iv. I � 11 . . I tile Ist ana. 2nd Life Ouards and the 16-t,j tim ca�ju,jjje.; . . . . I . Joll. Der. A d C-- Ill ,rpeej reader eV`VtY .assistance. ..- I Loadon, .'Dec. * HC 0- tile Ofli,merm fo - .. A 1C . _1 �Pranda. , ­ . i-..' t Vo 4)f Mo 10ol-r J,'i%-4-r t tals -u!) ,L1:,,,s. P -'l ;tt tile' W: I r I 3. -The - -t-mins1par". IjO1,11 I - -to inade up, '00 ti, . I . , -.0 . A I - ppearance 0 1111:1 Ba . a n, 4010 & . 1.tn arrive.1 at ,Natal . I . Office,'tilniql 5.0.5 t Iii.4 ', - "Tit(!* weathe'r th all a, 1.,j U-th . Me 6 wt rd,h, w. 4 I . I - -at . F estier-j, . .. I . . 170119, cominande(I by Colonel Necid. I aa. tile pul)lio, hatl ,)Pen arly so heavy 1 afterfi(Xia.: , _, I - Ind w - by Gell Villill." var Rt, hnl.�azles vr,,.&re not ne , I - Ca nerf Report"% .' .* . W.Wwr. 'FJtqYk;.* I � I . . , L, I)c'rt - (ill, Flidtly. The Chv� h"rp Asitil-:'d Duket, 1,31 to eXT)OOt . .. 0 . I I i a * Ai . Lntl tell 1 $ . I , . . . . I I . i Tile Ismoro earrkad t h.,� r( -), ) I . , earls, barong :Ind evell princes from tilt, omillous bll:retin . I Cj3ril '11:1 t -. f nn Cai --- Ti 4vii for lii)rt El.iz:tb,-tll . A. � . . . - 'I "04. -K�Ikel%lch repo)rt_� unilf-r flate ter.y cif . fouglit und ptillif-ol Wir,e_,; to be ig(--I(-ctk-,d Voriveriiing -­ - Ca 1).,! for to go Ivith " - i I xrs. .G`,�_A I -�o n 4; d.. I.' 1, ' .. A=. � If h f . AN' a r Qrri,.-ca lias . . - Fhld Art'llprY. A squadron rint] -:1 11(l. the P.Tetattir Itift til ten tiours' - desix,-rate fighting. , I A . L � 1. 1, . . .. � 11b. I . P w-,%Ik' of B stlua-dr0n..4-4 ti , ' .1 the regiment. It -contained etituilled in reek -lit un-" . 6. - �i ' i In, froill (;,,.I I A * Fur- 1)1. . . 1.4. 1,11A I_A>:-I"Iofl. The 1 it rooln - ,,-* Ill 1* -r--i­ I o- -tive t i-1. i4i; tv t of Noy. "'Oth* t'i.-at the I'Vell1i.11'..'Alan-I i and 0114b tr I . . (,ttwtorate tll(, �'r 1()tll , fill' _. . . _)ullt if")VII military aua­lb. . .. as much. 4 � 4wtivr-I%Va 4.-�- . 1. . . . Ix)llci' C."pturvil ."arm. nn�t No. ,.) c ,()f I'D02 liniles, I I.- us I I, la�'l t h more blue-blOod than all.%! regini,nit A& A . , - . it. Der. 1.—(14,n.% I*'Ita " I ,_ I I -P .n,-V.stt (if � - ps, a Vytitl .. . . . tilrr.kod at Calici til. -it ever , , 'ngland. In tile . il. uneonilvot- . . , " C. -I i�.e- T , . . . envilty,i,4 la. -l-( -r -t.)- t fi � Kim J the ArniyAfedical Cor - om""""y Town .b�lore, left E I '.1 :J.,J,.7,­ i'l I .. 11!:,C :bp-l!�.y Oil NovPn,;bf-r* 21�tll-*. "'. 0 . . - ,� ti ill K h, P%V, I rerx-PrUt tit) t I 1. .4ittlati-mi." - ." - A .4 70 t roops'. .- .. . I , r., n . a V . � I inks there was tile, Kal'e colftlalit 1. . . � . . . . nt,er ijesl vi ttq � .1. . . � WaS 0;tilf .4 . 'Comnimflea ;, on . . . A J . A A 111(� ( , . I %General - t a.�4 'nialle a , re. I ­ I . I kv i4ealu-; of, tile . - " .1 I _. . . � J 11mont.r privatp, for tielection, b(It A)'nly . t i " I V) * MIM41-igilt bz�tvv. . . I � . . ciatight, IL-11 '' ' . -A C NholhNs JUST L NPIN9 - nue,, pe'll 11 Kinfberle.v* . . .. . . . I , 1 .4 e"% 1190-N.M. ,'I-,OfX) istrong, (ool - � '** (11)n * l)t)!.-;:t ir--v , ro iiii Naaiu�i�*- lkio-)K, - to r 11, ly - :1 il d. .- � -Put het I.e. _ 11V it � I�Uory . -rbert, .a. the lightest - weighted, hardiest ,and I .1� V . I � .; . r , Ivor lit ,iti .tI * __� fe'3'r(- 1. n I � 2%16.lder Vlvur 'IFull et,tabfishefl.­ - . 0 ? � I . I , . IP f0rFigli 111*1' � A - - . - A. . - ROMMMd. T w- tl*(9)J'iS.rl.t!_turnvJ to- , 1, � I .. - .1 0 . 1. Orange River, No'. 21 8', * ' 'I .Y*(,(, . ., t"Il'%, Ilttltellfaii wvre alw) ()it lyoard �i " 3'ollflgest were taken. . � .Iea�,Csl, ti . .. . � . - . � I I _ .� V I t le, a I � -:11, I - , 1 - I . . . . a ny cf f i(v.rs or ti;is � regiment -art, 6 1:1 Y. . . I t ra n s ul Iss- 6 . - I(- - 'It I I bl"n gcdl , 31embO n).-Two-,ambu., I"Ilvari In. The e--k,I(xI_I ;,n(I tile- lit �- A . ,an,"e'trAns. - _- of the Contingent Died . I I : - ! 14) . aspan, Vc I � _ at-hpi 1ed at Ca lx� , Town. I 'r*n fibarlishooters I - , ­ 4;P11. Mi- 1,,1-.vl1'_-; fl.,sh, v.-oand 'is '' , ) ' r - of the Volk%rnud-, KHIed from Gr , 96fle -to Ca Ile t. . la n' Picked off by Krag( One - - . Sho " . I rptorl,"t. -.I I*'- () V. ow ron g force ` tit the � wo,iiii-le(i , Illost. 01 - Iferb,vart ,*%-Ill Ile rowelilbe-roati ('()I- IN'If tile noble families in Britain %'%,ill . t'ligilt. Ili- .i reina-ining lit Modder " . t, T0%v11* %,, . .1 8.' A s * I awkna A rV I L �. ". . , I 1.'i.%vr for tit rcco! i-�;t rife t ioa of 'Ahe (-J'f 111" tea rXiolipti attacki-J, thl-� Jule- Whom, are do.lig wel,l. - Ino' Olicke e 1 Is ) " "I "' - bol Ill mourning. .1 on the Way, � r , * i 3,ttliv luarvel . . olPiflandkA tile - Calladiall � . dMue. all, I.I. . . 7 !11 . I � . . . bridge., , I - i a,^tmr.'at-- P�rtferpo-)ort mu ,Q ., I t u'r t i., . lou -14 e_sca,poas, af- '10 inian I .. .. . . I '_ - - � mu�it h. t % .IG) tvitiforving Ilin), witli tile. Tlie outpor,ts j,�pr*� I L . ty. . e. reporte.l.. _ lie, Hilitla. , . � .. I LORD 31ETHUE.N WO UNN D IF, 1). -_ % I Highlanders tnd a eavalry corps- fIlIjill surrou.-Ide(l. NN*Ilile was bit f ,.k-. Tito fd.-1116. ' - I u, - eNfIrrie-.14'� the T-Ird FIPl(-A4 yetly-.'i'dif I I 0-ur 6nle-9- One bull -A stri' I ­_ .0 .16" " . ran-ril, wit( & ght thumb-- an(Aher in, � .- 0 a det4tchn'Aflt ('A - Ro. al Ar' F1 f., ) - 0. 41 . I & I - off _ V . - h , n contingell.t.4 ry irf-4ented PuNtentitirg - in the VOlk. ._� the I- ttl�-'fa,'nger, .a, tlliO ,lopok . . " ler-Y -'tllfl all aninitini -olumn..4 COLs OTTER'S SPECIAL CABLE, f -St li Horse Artille, y, tile esill: .r 1),Iek Jonkheer Da ) hUn-:n th.e ri' Battery I ' - - ment, AnkitrOA, " 11 , tv I 11111141 lntlfvt-� a ' h M'millil in 1114. a nd he h . , an ruad, w.-1,s:-k1llej. . I � I ' t h .--b ,()If ( � i A - Uattillioas ofli� infantry moved ill) to . . I . t:pia Ills *ear, and the fou' The Dictator carriei Thirftil. . request. ...thP De Aar 11d 114-111tont lini 'I . 4�-­D . his. chill. . rth grazed,' to tile F i rs t , Roya I Ottaw:v, Ont.. Dec. 4--(Spm1a1.)-The I , . following eabie w.-ts remi%.W to I .9 t - . I , I -by the (,hilplaill. I . I 012 strontc; - _(Ia.). ' ' I - Rality I . � —_ I - � i I'Varned I . A pathetic story 0" tile v�ar "s. tioll-_ "le.-41ilrfa' tile London, Nov. 30.-Tlie Weir off kv a g;a.i (q !, , . . � L a . the Firf?t 11:1ittilliAi-Ii (k)r. all,101111(-es that Gen. Lord Mpthiren fMl" Col. OtWr: Cape. Town, I)m. 4.- ' - � if ronft*# KiX141 11114P44-fJon Retlisired, __. I Kin-l1wrley, INNov. 2 t.- A nativi. who nerted with' Lieut. Lou -J, wit() was. * uo,n Ifit-h-tlidem. I.Z!00 strong, :in(] tile wao tiliglitly wount - Chief t*-'-taff Offieer, Ottawa, t a,ua,,,1u,- . . '*!JIl)P,,I .from the " ' .eJ In the buttle of "' I - P. 110P- cami) .states kilIe.1at.M,odder'r*,ver. In August -last 11avartall,'the Firn Ro.val Dublin Fusi- "Jupit landing here. 1.. -.X - A' was I ho was showitag 11 . � . lierm, 10'010 strongg. . % ul-et struck film ill ana i4pirits. 0 A I a trile I New York, Ope. 2.-Thp British Gov- that a (;ernian chaplain who, 's Young -sister the . Modder Ri -Pr. A b cf-blient, heaft'i powt-r W Prilment lutw,*ougIIt*:y)0,0()0 e._jspl,40f_ 111'reaching to a colum.-L11*4 warileol Lu"'haiusm - f d liew. gun, whell ho,,Ic-. (-New York, Dec. 4. -The a riny corps, tile thigh, Inflicting a flesh woullit. to6 -anned meat.q of u. a.;. I ' 0 1 Tae mfi, IaLi t.t tte that ti* I . M . 4 I I . ie g. luara I's "Dfs.1-aurier, Ottawn, died third day mickerw sine(w,*_ 010 &loers thai Britain'lind npvj,r yet e�dentally touched­thp tngg::ar, and "Y' the- 1,011-1011 correspondent of Mit, of heart failure.,, � - . you ! I I . tile Boer wai� bp;zan, or 7.(X)0,000 lx ­n bpatpil."I'lik- Itoe m. lip sai'l, ,wolild I s�ot her dead. On. leaviug for the the Tribune, h,.Is now v*rtually arrived wouiid Is ,%cry slight, and that, lie will I . # # . - I did nitt I f rwit'�- LA:eut. Lou -1 expre - I -Sou t h Al I-: c a ProUnbly be all right Ili a few days. A TOROMTO M. . . :ILIL4, one-thirO of m.-Iiiell ha,w *beell N, d ' riVell Nw.k. and they mutit pray . '41' A. 6; des -Ire . lit a , only"a few cavalry AK IN 13ATTI,j;. elie cri-4 Nllippfafl - . ilload in .,'tioll. . 4nd artillery deta�ls b�?ing 8till afj(x-tt le that the w9und wi.l . . ft" fici0yl ns, it van Ile duliv- "i,vl to be nith thein. that 'he shou'W bt-. k . . It is prof.at, - Jk4. . I I . . � . .- c 1. . -)i,e . I ered .-Illol insIxActed. The British (4'ov, . . ------ .1 I 0, . . ----I . � . or oil the docks,. The entire Br-ti4h I ,vent hLi I*illx Ili the saddle, -ind Sergt. Robert Lindsay Tells of the - 6 6 B I ropm � I eri?ruf-at, dvillailds reinspectioll before 4;4%li. Lord Methuen Hsis Hevov'ered, I . Boers"in at na�l N%, ji . I I there Is Klecat. alixiety to kn;3w wile- gollig on AN A Jorce liow '11 the fief -I iti estim., ted by Fight Pt Klands 4aaXte. I I'd 1-t , board ship at New York by Lontion, I)fw,.. 3A -A telegrain reN%Iv. Lon,lon, De6. 4 Col. Brunker, at 78.500 inen, With 174 tiler he Will he (:onfpdleJ temporarily ThNollowing letter wu,s . wh4-n . 0-isinteresteol parti".. P(I herp . - .,-W. I 6 - 1hily- Telew ' I to rilmiWon tile personail 'Wrection A ,, I reoaliml by . . . ,:vf,wtfvrday statem tll:t' graph's corresp so . ther-c" - . t (;ell. , I . say 91111-"., exHusive' of naval br:ga-Us, luf J)r- A. ,of. IL rrin.Kton. 845 Jor( cololt� affairs. His next in volunlalitt iLi rot - . . Lai contingents an -1 It), -al,' ('()I- I street. froin' Rollert UndwLy. I � ---.1-1-_ - T I * IMPthilen is agaiii In tile flPl(L I-, unde'r date o" November 28th : for(v.s, ' # _. -66 'L . ca,!! " . I I The 4" V i '44�01 i , . h,'kvll1­% m, -ove,rod from 'tho effect!;'Of . flundre4U of � (;eneral Joubert' which range betwee'n 20,000' 11' a- (k)l%-I'!e, cOmmaliflin,m' tile C'mardii took a m,tIr,,e-at the t-;tanley . . - . - , I n (I 25 ' I . . - I . I I 10 � . - f vir . . , . . � -i aro ill. Mlany, h ivLng -lost tll� a "ell'utati(ill as a," nicks for thrfoe Years. He to Itt f-ha,p , . . Tile 'r . . I I I i .4 Iv otl I I d. colum. ..8 000.men-� The, fifth V14 sixth divisl,on8 .Brigrade. 1* has .. 11 � t)Otb 46 " . "i-14fad �. li-it I 1-f 'Mo It 14-r . Rivpr - Major ,Coxint Glelellenw. a couldil of r i f h38 all -I horses,, Ila' . w;II increase the'l4trengtl' exeefflelit fioffieer. a ent a w­rgeant in tile Iqrst Id".u0b - 11�mrtl, % 6 � .I.S11:11i"J'Ap, 11 t"'Insi-sh'11)"Pil !xrfif-f-rs tile Queen, who W, I . _. I ve, raurae4 .on I of tile army The orighia I a rra ng�=,nt Of - - Bul- ter Regiment. Nat I : 06- 11110 "wit, . I , foot. hY 20,000 mi -It an.] there nre a4diConal A Tt�it I , is Ui it If .41 as f1E"1()w.,:'' as almo woundr4f at - . �' a 0 s - . '%klth Lan ers, I wf willit!; 41. #�Iwil , Modder River. iviitm hit iii the a.m-k *O.v "' A few more deNert6rs c *in to... f orce.4 - of , ca v a I ry . ler'dtroolwi by 4!1vim1o!1s X Ladysrnith, Natal, Field Fl(wm ' � - c I . . ,,I fum .4ii-.1 art'llf-ry flow ' *� hltenO by tile I Dear Doetor.-I b"9 to report that eyes. 6 t- bi'llet. . . I . day. They on'y' tile I' *f loa t, � not lins Leen matprial.-, . f . 11-1 . .J, - � . � ;oers a'rit 0r#,ad- .Q hese figures. ,;0111"� - trolm4*0 ; ertilfury, :,,, k- . illell. , _. 0, --- . I ' f ine'l exigeneleg of Vie ini Itary Fituation. * -Pf licr-* . . w6undf-d ; -6,11d Coldsti-01:1111j. IW kilJ14'...1, � I , tho war, an -1 �are attirving.'.1 .. .- . The British driny in South Afri(-,t has I.,a(lymnith.,, early 'peril led (XI Saturday, the 2ifft. we had se big a . I to plans. battle lit a p.11101- elilled !-)'I; IT,)!, F 11 e Sitilatfoh. I The Boer foree at (, ;ell-sc) - , ­ been u-nderetitimuted by nearly all , Rl A I n 4 in . ( itifle-1 9 ::rtl 4;r­il.ljl*' . I 10 ­ on NOV* � . nen ILI A . . A P I wrs, !) k1l;iii, .A. to it : Tilf. i ­ � I .wits - est; mate. I L Itt. 15, W J 0. - _- 'writers for the lion -ion pr:asm. 1;eIng nia(le to wild tile whole firgt I ., I . PiN - n - FnXl i,31 i armir veterai I 214th ' - A -',%,irEv- Laagte. ied an4 -�t wfinuded. 4 int"t,litg, S .()ts *(;JJ,J;-J!.­,. 11, I I %,. The We'left canip at 5.40 a. in. - . , - ulvklm, under Lord M,,,thuen, to I)ur- alitl took the tra-in to t t,he-re We oral of tile nte-d force- is now wild to range tan, wi,e an I; he I I " Alit i'di, I Ifisf-e.-) ill the, sJuth" ALL -11 ,.I li , (!(_)rr"x)n.Jents, -F;,!i,V ti4tt mou A - i Ut., 1. 03 , If -fl,. 1 1111'* -% . V.111111): C, _ .- 'between 13,000 a noil A � ge . 07 wourti .fle'l it sll,illl. I I % 0 I i igirt to dat a nsem, : i ri, after the Br 't move northward ., . ortIviint:erfand F11-Nillif -",-', - I I k; , e, f rom all I itifth rcitired' tile 14, to refievo Gren. White. 9()t fl %_ e miles ,fz'(Pm here when we -it i .4 * ' (100II4 re . Wits cluding 5,000 prov!ncial . For some rea.- 1'r 0 we flXMI I � '""".1111"etl , L 181 P Nilrtf-1111111114-�1:1 lift,-:, I ' ' .1 eXpllo!0811 Itn(l a elond . , A * volunteers son, Vocsilly. th,c 1.,elated -arrival at it up nnd went 11haut two . Pipe U I tA � e. s!i-1,9416 are. , I ;':-"'I, : a 1, - J)Ilt at 4, 1 80, a a jJ of the a trenien found tile, rnilroad U n u . . %Tinildi'll ; 6, . 1b. I :# 41fow-ritie.1 ns. infissing. Thenfli, figare ' of *,19moke lit tile, (fire and Gen.. White's cavalry. In Lea fur- . J 1�; I',..,!. A -411 ,nd 1 ork -J, i r* .1 , � etioll. of th(i - . 0 ; - A 0 I Nort'li. 1,!I1l,,, J IX-Ja ... . � (:an tA_ woundell ; Ist , arra it great himp. f � rom tit of ** . c a 'r rOGN tile 711144r.ela River. . Cniw- Towi -x)ps ther, when th(a. Boers lower t4 .Nov - 'bridg 11 of FAM of the tr( c(­iTumc1,n(*J fir. t:-.hirf-., 6, * . ­ ___ . � ' c viligion, this itlea 11W Shrapnel shell". . killf. - 441,d: .%1`­,vI . " '.A. - 18th, .when ,-- - a * . . � )DER. Jj1Vjp,,K Fl(;11T. comprising the first "I . , T - CkxI., they and -$V i I - _0.� ;, 11. A. .tile l(y*.ta4 were offici Jly - I .1 . 3 - hank . 1_., . .1 . A Ith-, J�l IVI%S 111%en tip. JAwt I #-rlp,llll Ifigilla tiers, I A-, , vPn ns 2,779" Out of which 1,676 . 1-1 Mptlit"ni was put 1111wod uN by about thirty yards. . � . ' - littl0l W �- � . I% killv#l, . A . .. Ooers'Looting In 'N.istal. I __� lit Ceminiand (4 the K imberleY rJO ex- 0 . . -() . 4- . 1):' ), Were f,,bt (low,, n4,_niinmIn,r. � At . th. 1;-rere, citn1p, _Nati . Dt.'eript 14)11 of the - Battle by Mle W(' t1l"ll got Out and Itttacked them itailk wl* .1l?)(,kNI, A, ni i ... .i,-19*. INt (9011.1stilb . 0 Lit-' Nov 28. %%, 110 .. r I A. * .' ' A -T.he. pe1ition, and Gen. Clery, who IV. -Ili On it llik-4,re "f h-119- We got, under - , � . 3 woun( i . 11 I.. . a nis., F;:, Mf' 41;'tP, tile Eo,',�r authOritiel ack.- I lAw,olill., . � W It. - & . of U(nn; -, _1 fod; . )Iltll Mri'.. %.;,w,r � 4a, pt.� I . A -1 !-SWIllee marle to -da Y* by- Gf--n., originally Intended its tile Ivader of their fire at :1 1). ,Ill. ,,nd fix6d bayoll. . 'd to -having 1,276 H, - k I '.i '. - W-1PNIC, ) nii.'itar'v If* yard Itn(i Lord Thindo , I-AM"1011, -I)ec. 4 --The Daily Uthron. -tilto-w1cond (1-140.1i. 'ni to Durban t4) eU and b:i�-Ontatwi th,vu out (d their not fcc' '--. ' Irodmied; Mf,1Ji(!aI co'.1k.c, I wfillillif.-I.: all(l . ai, POlitloal pri.loners oil their 1111141,iRcom- Wile � '10 � 6.4 111"til.1, tile, . - - . � . 1-ondon, Dee. 4._'I'Il,-1- Dl, -Iv - . filet Of -which hajq already t('le publi-411(as tile followill- despatch, dlivet �cpl-wratlons dftd�!Ziit�l to push lk-Wtimi. At ( e tj w, 11 li I bouse- I t. I -11 , '.* I'S hands, V � I on ynf., e a(i to . t ­ r.or ro-4poir. Ifan t, n a &,sl)- .*. , WJ- th,at Willi thome th"y have bc%(!Il %ealfle,.J, g ' tit, nwrning, t P He Ili 4 , ,11(li flat"M vaptilf-e-1 Flneo x)rtull1t.V 4LVC Itil. exeellent op. flitted Wednewtay.'Nov. 29*` , Joutert's army tm.ek. I for 17 illiflute-fs: luider � J"Pl7nont, Nov. ,. th.*.%'--1ys: -rhe , 9 there mast be 1,01JO0 I - ' tit IlFnT.T fire (it'd I I L-1 , 11, - for #;tu;l.Tillj1; the,-vountry. f i'0111 - i -e-Orrespondent at Modder Of tile origni-il first"divir-ioh most (if with(mit returning, w) IL,q,nqbjc) p1lo(A . *tt Bloldor'Riv r wF nt Awojeni P River': Th ' ' P,e OU r own ­ . ., . V & .. unfk.rs ys-ry� tor -ers wid Foli,lerti iiow -at' Oil appmwili 011'ellsO tile -11ri e severest etlga'r nientour the wt-ond brigatle U-JILs W,ant to Dur- - British offiv I iq . ' . (-nJ.:VI1­, TV-$ . 01191Y '11'retorl � I 1; i. 4^llL,ri-nrhP*1 on oth 1),,' a.' That still leavqx 4-00 -mims- .1011111 ,on v%ery thill sk Wi,,r4rt'16'i4g too, Very INI . __ nks, ';I_TI I alsfi ina ll()t .[cto - Iside scenes (if -devas- co,'umn hair,yet had anti probably the ban, while the fimt brigiLde, eonipris turn tile BOM" left fla,ilk. At this , it- tho br(xit-f ,A o ir t ! . � I �Ilhl P.1 for. tavot, th.-It te,qtifie,., to,),the - ' I moment I I .., .I,-. �_;tre'am.. . I The, ri-por � . '. t1lor. severeut Of .tile wlio'.e e1Intp:i-k,-n. was ing the Guards. Went north to tit "'n�".Vrfa 1014t (Mcl (d mir ewimpany, W110 Fhey weIre P. 4 1 hitrnt)on of thii 11'rit- otillyOrn - e IN'" � � 91)(aci-IlIv. :4rortx ()tl the e-ss�()f tile 10I)tIlIvIr,'. The Willianls f6uLK,bt yewtPri-lay on tile banks of Cape Colony border to form tit ' '"Ot iD tile thmit. Ile Wed in- - d he 111A . , i.,41 1 (k*Vern MP . - . 0 wi,rthorN Imuk, Which N )l,_,_1vij- . P to continue, pourin Wa.8 ntJVleIlR Of Methuen'" command. &A'a litly. , .. . *4 troops Intn S)II 11' Af ri III, until tkipre. P, I f rom pn(I U-jr- plid. 4 1 11 . thou 'W"th th:ck minlosa 'hllsllo,4�, V Hlif , 9 f""ll I'" Ot4em Ilad'been ransack- tile Slo-1der lUver. The battle T I je'p ' * to I & I I It I 1! -..I 1. .-I re ( honle cases Wngell fur�oiitqly for nearly fourteen 'only clurw to tile composition of tile 1"I" a terrible fight, and I never - , 1--(),000 met lit tile flelfl, only -tile ecintent.,4-of every room -of tile . A V 64 . 1)4xsit*,nff for the llw,rx, wilo 1l,1,1 bfbfkll.. � . - hourn. I . . rest of bis forve tire found lit the nei,vo- w"alt tO Nbe*`(X!f' ,"L94"'ll. Our mpn and ift 114-xises8*4in ol it for sav(. "I -'"WS 110w n1fif-h they underrated toth - farni-,houffe 11-411 beeil _(,J#mt ' l' he w I . . . - royed. The oveup"el a stron-14 en. paper and official despatclipA, Appar- ,(;Ord(*l Highlanders Charged the ' I - ) ra I wv(iks - tire refiources *nil(] l,eisolutloll of tile B -01F, I'm I The rnfainy I . ; that 11"Eimily prepari.n.g. . IE4)e L . ino] *,ev!41(.,Iltl trenirlie.-I Ix)viti,() * front ex- ('LIZIlt-H together. Thpy state Dargai � P "Our 'troops, thotivh i lIff% I-,(), , rs. L tit Y burnef] what -fi. their ently the colunin is made up about an 4 _ . ey ('"141 not earry off. Tile pov- e - f a(*%," . r ,.I tendln,g fiv mileo wjui ii(Ahlng V) it. Al -e lost f I Vp off . 1111mberB, hhcpw­�J in lgfli^* � Tf!e In -test rpl)ortq of the nrlinament Itlong the bank of follows: , i_ , I kil 1.1�7vllt erty Of tile Uper coin"' iswa r lat was the stre-itin. They were well wippliecl , lnf.--.ntr.T - First Brigade - speond Vers W041104"(1, 15 11wil li'llf-ad and lIxont : I i tit ry. k7" 1 - Of the virelf- of fortm defendintr - Pre- te-14tifie,l -to- by tit , L - - ., I herv. . 6-i � tori,t is that Vie, fortq are inounWd e .CM1 husks that with .ftrtillery�, an(I and Third (1'redadier (;uards, Firut aiid 4() Tile" W(Rulded. Our'(kqowl " I ( neiny old .or ll.i.,4 were t.(' . Second coldstreanil G tiardw, First t!k!uts ain of In br . ) 1)" Neell 1119lout the desertbd FOUGHT DF-SPERATELY. #;IlOt i.q tile Shoulder. the capt waAK TKAS,tion on- lhf� south Sj+t t):, '_ lVith *.'*4 -. .-I fit 1 -26 centlw4re ;ninsi, I);-- e a in p ­ ' our cxmilmny ill tile thigh not (mir � -.onr4 � - A I 11�- , .1 f'fft" Of the enemy. ­` Our force (X)ILARted of tile Feeo,nd adjUtftnt W&K IFIPVVTel�v WO.Ull - ., i , �Gnard& it niek-f1ring. Tilt% stipply alibre 'nnd (1, *%d 0M 01., , Cbl(Lwtreain (;' Nkoul,ler- The poom 'O on's were 1�- ,river. 4'-4 a. niiniber of gruns (if small-eir Tit(,- lvroek- of tJi(4 arwrwl' train, battnilon t)f thp Ninth 71-rigade - Reeond Yorkshirp in tile . I forVe/l. bSi aerwia . wh# ,_ � t Ile .14 t " 1 111. fs, wert A () 11�,r - still vi,mibl(!,'r,]' .. ,lards. Liglit Infantry, First Nortininiberland . I lon-1 then cle-areel him fr- ' ' � .. fil " til -ER ."'Id exp loweil th-,tt It 114-lornhell - tile finvt lia,tta, (, rd tltw . -4de until ll�-, was driven off i'a fu.11i . . pro.pe -!osivf*i is H!ti,4 to had broken an axle. .ivilich lilt(, oll_ (1, U, li'011 4if - tit('. "-4.0ts Fusillers, Seeond Northain1)t011mfiifv,j, 1119 delld In twoq and threep. They . P r- p f rp, i t. . . I I . f*.-J-1"M1)l0 fc& it Itro!oiigcfl 81('ige. anti ., .1 ur(kv. th" third battalion. of tni4r -�. v1 -')1L_41. F' e.RusPd - the accident to on(.- (i tile First Loyal b0orth Lancashirvm, 1jec- ]()N,*t five Offiew-rs killed. When the, tiff a; , a I:i rge , the rmnfl-ttrin ammlitnition tirtt was ear that , renadler GUILr(W. the firRt 11 11 ­(;eneral Atet n now -4-3 % , Of tIl4J bilittalio, mt Torkuhires. fiVht 1rad over the weenp was ri- lay Oon its st,le. Tile Other Nortliumberlan(I - Fumiliers, the 140 Mull the gimmils and IiII(xi-s ()f I - o d W tev tX1 I k 0 iorve firmly abEshe,.1 acro. -is t, Il i I Ill Jwforp the war began a niountf-d (aar wim uj)rtfrht,, I)Ilt $#ecolltl . so 11 " tfl� :,(; ovu),000 ca wes. Ili vorinee_* com' !-% battallim. Of th'! Yorkshire Artillery -At least three I)a UPON, r . i'l lx)tt, were ]#-,I thw . .er. � - % rtri!l, Wetely rlddle,l by tile enemy,h, I,Igllt Illf including the Seventh ;tit(] prolimitily wounded Inm, Bartlett and 41' (W- .I- I t"w" with till.4' PrOV141011., a - eurious. artillery fire. � . nntry (tllf.. Kilig's Own), a Caped without a wrate,11a Ili, �to. I It - . ; * .1 I .. the Fotirteenth. 0 1 t fwrorp orn- In tile 1104, st(#--­� 11 toll. About two .,% . part of the firmt 1)ntt:tl1x)lI of tile, I Cape Dllteh�l -TO rs .- 'ears itgo . Two gra, near -by bore tile In- 1A)yal North LILlIVILMIlil-q- ! You get this letter it bira av � - . . - Cavalry -'Ninth Lancerm. nui.-v Im- nil (over . t1le- Traniarital Grovernlnfmt ca-ww"'I In-- 'We'rivol - "111 .tho Ninth. lAtnef-1.14. tilta ' - "" - ment, la with ux. 0ur men vvere 4put ..Ill itight, "L I Ld I. "1\) fallen sol(li Naval Brigade - Milt-' ekptm f Lc-ndfin, -Mci.l..-The rorrespt.iad­nf�; (ililriv.g t ' f,()re ,#. ers. - I 1,-,V*l ron, . . I o'be ala4e MR to tile cohnump- TfiO 11111% Mor �e 0.1 It moll n tetl In, . looking for wou.nt.k&d, anti it 1.,4 r':4111- . . - I.Sewiv,re ]I '' Ow ­ippitr- fUntry. -rlto 4 i ues te( - t Cape Tomm an4 fA ave bt Cam Fleet, Boyal Marine Light in- IlIg 11 vily. It U."Ill's" Pit U071'of-rlfle animunition bY Vio Ger- Of fiv:d ar- t _ - 'ioavepl to eabltN in mu'll inf)r(a (I , * .. I- . . three li�&ttt fantry. on *%_a#J a terribole rl#L-. . :1 i c' "Pirl ariny during 'tile Frnn(-o-Gr.,,rmik'n tk)ll. - � I 0 . f-lileve!P; Nta- ti,'Iery". an.1 tho fir.qt hattaliml ofthe . ' Boers Were torn to I ('r b1X J: tinea termn willili rvgr,irti, to the dis thnt thr I . - -I ),iPnfw by our 'h I I A my le 'n nil - � . I I � I I I I I I I I I I I I- t . I � I I I I at lil, I I I I , , `I !I- , - � I it'. I I I ," I. - 1%':lr, rind Leln&o .InforTned P _.�__ �-!iitlivrlarld JV"'Illandpry I 14hells. I'Ve killet] tile (I" foct.-on of the (',tile Dutch! Thsre 1i P% Losses . ,I - '. .01�oqaq at 31(odder Wver. _ ff�m (.()m _ I J a .4 t-fkt;1l (Itinntity. Im ' * (I Irliii-ons. IA)1lis4-'m)- Tit() 111tter rein- mililding the Boers. We treatod all fql- a lang Cme been lAtle. ,v-1 -waq '18,0(10,000, , floers 31#1f4soatl Near ('ole,11t4o. f4jrv(-,I tin fn)in (;vn. Lon(Um. Nov. 30.�Tlie War Offle - rd' . , % 16 .- . - tri *I,y dix4dtq to I "'-11lVll(;1)e't1 brl- P tile lortmooners ker 1. . . ! 6., 40111)t Of 'I 1", lnime,llat4� � _)uy Durl.-an. Natal, N -O%,. A. I lins' receive -1 fix)m the General alike. We showwl them 'hilt flow 9-t J-4 perfectly evi-lent - i I , � 1141e. allif ill-l-ki (,Gni- that With all . * " If., 1.-,(ktJl!le that q1tantit,yo -8.-The N,at,-Ii (Z 6: I JUst Ill tinle, for their &-a-itirig ,n,n,d I n V-1 t a rg ly is tin-. . Merenry pilb.ligheti tilf) tile fight. "I'llf. hattlo _ . . t a ! 4% pari of-th:3 colon ' i " I . � - . following &_ . Infin1ing at Cape Town' . :1 list Of brag that exAttivtoel was t(x) t Ill I's-mell VVId wiftalk,ftivell . nteh from its (.()' _ i& mop 4 un, V I I . Orwific Ilre I a r, wt. cv, muell . ,61V1jrn:sed'1!y 1homfilft, and, that many of I lip, rrestx% a -the ca,sualties. The fo',I Tr I& I- 0 ri A 0. el - . . - %7*V'o . I . as lull . 11 t a VIA I MC111.1 1%, . a&&. U"11 8 Will that I . : .'tlh�- Dutrh hrtro: hetually i")iflta,-1 t! A . ? Frere : � ft-olditlon to tll(*;e Published last . S V I f,q)Ai1",),!, NJ. - our guns SJIV111FL-r I Ow,'116- I shall be a lrttf,r inan. We I . .. � : . spa . . 010 thib 114)iarm' Ieft. The I evening: 4 . - . P4_) , � . . . I . .. . I e. t3. — De . telles to ,-01,10 " The Floers . bave reconcentratej at (Mleiny repilo-if witil :irtillprr fire Ili) tA) noiv ullo%rm n int,dal an(t � it it I I I . . I lull . . . - .. - .% - I hitch. I Kille-l—LIeut. Loud. 2n4 York.mbli-ft. oima vlibq�. 0 � . . . . . . � I .1 it . . . . . � :, Vwobert Lin(Way. . . . I .. . .. � I II I . . . . I 10 . . . . .,. I � - . . . . I I I I . , . I ) f, I . . . . . . . . I - . . .- I . � .. . .- . 1. I . I � . � ... - - I . I . � . I . . � I . . � I . . I I I I . I - S. . . I . . . . . . I . - I . I . . . - ? . I I . - 9 ,� I I . . . . . - . - ­ - __ � 0"" .__ ­ - � I I . � .. . = � ­ � - I - __ - ,- - _4 __ __ � . . - I . � I - I I . - It . 0iM9h_'b6"AA&A_.0_ - . - - ,.­#_-�.-;.�I-� �-' �,,.44�-_,,-A& � III E