Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-01, Page 4• 1 htnckno tnfint1 TBS LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGDS PiiILY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES 41 CONSCIENCE wE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHSB LIBSRTIIB Luakaow► December lst, 1899 NICKEL STEEL grinder in Whitechurch, l,e3ide the blacksmith shop, where he will grind your stun' in the nicest of style. Last Friday as Mr. Thgs. Hender- son was breaki ng in a colt, it became unmanagable, upset the cart, and threw Tommy with considerable force to the road. .The horse watt captured at Dickie's hill. On Monday afternoon, while John Ryan was in ming his tractloa engine, he had the tniafortuue to let part of The Ontario Government has de- the machine into the creek, at Kenneth cided to promote the manufacture of Morris'. While the engine was ceoss nickel steel in this country. In all ing Mr. R. heard the hoards crack and future grants of nickel bearing lands, put on more steam and got the engine there will be a provision that the over, but the tank went though. copper and nickel ore shad be convert- Quite a time was experienced in gat- ed into marketable copper and nickel, ting the tank oat on to terra firm:►. previous to exportation, and to get at the Company that now exports matter 7 from Sudbury the Ontario Government call,[ upon the Dominion Government to impose export duties. o •N' gotiations were also to be reopened with the British Government t) supply nickel steel for the warships of the Empire. Mr. Blue report ttiat there are ex- tensive, deposits of nickel on the unalienated Crown lands. British and Canaiian capitalists.have signified their desire to wine and reline the nicke', provided they received such Goa ernruent encouragement as Mr. Ross now oTers to give then. With the recourses of Nt:N . Outario adding t the wealth production of the Pro- vince, there will be no need for Canadian capital to look abroad for in- vestmenta, The Michigan Lutnberinehave lost the first round in the tight ;against the saw -iog regulations which require the timber cut on Crown lands to be saw- ed in Canada The case will probably not stop there, as there are great in- terests behind the prosecution, but it will not probably result in much chaage in judgment whatever court may adjudicate it. WAR ECHOES The British turbine torpedo boat destroyer Niper on her second trial trip made 35 knots an hour—about 44 1-3 miles. It is expected that she will yet reach 45 miles an hour. It .is just a little too early to accept that story about the Orange Free State being ready to agree to annex- ation rather than fight any more. There will probably be some shooting yet before peace is declared. CALLED TO MONTREAL ASSFIILD At the annual meeting of the Zion S. S, the foll .wing officers wore elect - d, V1z , W. G. Gardner, Superintend - ant; W. Ilunter, Trteasurer•; W. R. Gardner, Secretary; \V. T. Gardner, Librarian. At the annual meeting of Zion Epworth League the following ofhceis ,t, ere Elected, viz., Miss M. Anderson, President; Mitis M. Webster, 1st:Vice President; Miss E. • Cook, 2nd Vice President; Miss Eva. Gardner, '1 reas- urer; Mt. C. McDonough, Secretary; Mr. R. Andrew, Cor, Seeretety. Mr. Alex. Wilson, of Chicago, vv..;s home attendiri;; his father'; funeral. Alex. is taking a medical course and is doing well: We .with him every success. The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 5, for the wontl of November. Sen. 2th—U. Brown; Scan. 4th -.S. Gardner, M. Gardner, It. Ilunter; Jun 4t11—H. Brown, J. Oook. Sen. 3rd— WV. Ilunter, R. Reit), J. Ilunter. Jun 3rd—D. Agnew, T. Hackett, E Brown M. Hunter. A. Hackett,. E. Speers. Sen:. .2nd—M Ritchie, -E Woods,. 0 Gardner. Jun. 211c1—•E Reid, N Ran- ter, P Middleton. Part 2nd --E Hackett, J Spears,. B Ritchie. Part 1st—M Reid,I Wood, N. Arm- strong On Sunday, Nov. 5th, a deputation of three men from St Mathew's church Montreal, attended service in Geneva Church, Che3!ey, and they returned to Montreal determined to make an effort to securyMr E. A. McKenzie, B, A. B. D!, as pastor of their congregation. During the fallowing week, Mr. Mc Kenrie wrote the clerk of their session asking that - - his name be not brought up in connection with the pastorate of St Mathew's. Last Thurs- day he received a telegram informing bim that the previous evening at a large congregational meeting he was unaminously eected, and hoping that the enthusiasm and r.nimosity of the choice would lead him to reconsider the desire expressed in his letter. There the matter now rests. What- ever Mr. McKenzie's decision may t.e there is no denying that Montreal offers him a groat field for usefulness. St Matthew's church is new and is seated for 1230 persons. The number of families connected with the church is 360, an.1 the number of children in t`.te Sunday School is 730. Though ni)t among the wealthiest, it is among the largest Presbyterian churches in Vie city. Rev. Mr. McKenzie was in- duced into the pastor ate of Geneva church in 1894, and that chureli has prospered greatly under his ininistery. Ho is a clear, logical speaker, and he has been a successful pastor. If he leaves Chesley,thif village will lose and Montreal will gain an earnest advocate of the temperance cause. His broad liberal views have popularized hied with every denomination in Chesley -- Chesley Euterprize. Raising a white tiag to induce an enemie's officer to show himself, and then firing on him, is a form of war- fare akin to midnight assasination. A short rope and a high limb are the dues of the officer who practices or tole[ ates such methods. DUNGANNON NEWS BANK of HAMILTON Haring purchased a sample rot of LUCKNOW. Head Offica, - Hamilton• Capital paid up .esorve Fuad - Total Assets - - - 1,500,000 1,000,000 ▪ 13,163,057 . Board of Directors . President Vice-Presidt=nt JOHN STUART. A. G. RAMSAY. JoIIN.PROCTOR. GEO. ROACH, A. T. Wool), M. P. A. B. LEE, (Toronto) VvM, GIBSON, M. P. ()fishier, - Asst, Cashier, Inspector, - J. TURNBULL. H. S. STEVEN. H. M. WATSON. Agencies Berlin Listowel Owen Sound Carman, Man Lucknow Port Elgin �hrsley Manitou, Man. Simcoe Delhi Milton Southamptot. Geozi etown Morden, Man. Toronto Grimsby Niagara Falls Wingham Hamilton' (13arton st) Orangeville Wiunipeg, Man. Hamilton (East End) BRITISH CORRESPONDENTS : National Provincial Bank of England, (Ltd,) London. A LONG LETTER IN A NUTSHELL Londesboro', Ont., No1-'. 12thi, '99 J. M. McLeod, Goderich. Dear Sir :—If anyone can profit from this letter, print it. I think my case should he made known. Last fall I was troubled with, a • -weak back and with my kidneys, etc.. . My case took a serious 'turn t IARC, it, turned to dropsy. I, ha:I tbieo good doctors a ttending me. - Noone of them could- help u►e.' r Was. tat,1 /d seven tines. Atter tI1i3 L Was give .1 twenty fi'ir hours to iivu.. -A ,good neighbor advised me to.get wane of tour reined- ' . brother , %vent at once to Goderich sad goesome of your: Syeteni Renovator and Specific Cure._ •I _oras sure I could know the change -after the first dose. .I began to impro, a at once and was able to be in-Goderich- four weeks after I began thew, - •1 in since quite well. I worked quite , ot this summer. 1 thank you and ish you mucic success and long life, Yours truly, J AMES BROWN. David Berl, of Port Albert, has pur- cha8e,l a house and lot from our vet- erinary surgeon, Harry Fowler, and has commenced operations in construct ing a dwelling house on his newly purchased premises, We along with the numerous friends friends and acquaintances of Richard Treleaven, sr., who has been for some time seriously ill and feeble, are pleas- e.' to see the venerable old gentleman again able to go about. We hope in the near future he will be restored to his former state of activity and health. The annual hot supper under the auspices of the Dungannon Methodist church was held in the Agricultural hall on Monday. There was abun- denyr of eatables provided by the ladies of the church. North st Meth- odist choir was present, led by F. G. Simpson. Goderich was well repres– ented by a large nutnber of citizens. There was also a large number f r ntn Lucknow. Two solos were rendered is good style by Miss Brown and Miss Brown and Miss Ausebrook, of God- erich. - There was also two recitations by Miss Wilson of Goderich, a sou by Mr. Tyndal, of Carlow, and two piano solos by Mr. Simpson, which deserved special note, A solo by Jaynes Thomp- son, "Soldiers of the Queen" was loud- ly applauc'ed and brought encore. The speakers were Rev. Mr. Oliphant of Ashfield, Rev. It. Fairbank, B. A., and Rev. T. L. Armstrong, of Dun- gannon, and Mr. Kelin ;ton of the Nile, who entertained the audi»nee with splendid addresses. The com- mittee of management and the ladies who kindly assisted in the getting up the hot supper and the entertainment rt are to be congratulated on the The story that Cecil Rhodes keeps a balloon as a means of escape should Kimberly fall, is pretty, but improb- able. If the balloon should cotue down in Boer territory, Rhode's life wouldn't be worth much. The man is no coward, and if it came to the worst he wuuld prefer to die fighting Capture would mean the gallows sure. Able couteonporiea are producing an array of arguments to prove that the Boers are discouraged and about ready to cry "enough." Perhaps they are, but it will be just as well for Gen. Buller Io keep his powder dry and his bayonets sharp. There may be a good deal of very interesting skirmishing and sorrow t0 many horses before the Boers are whipped hits) a submissive mood. The war balloon at Ladysmith, mis- taken by friendly Kaffirs for a white man's deity, seerns to have inspired there with a fearful joy. It will be remembered that urifriendly• Katlirs were equally dismayed in the Zulu war by the bagpipes. The Globe re- calls the speech of one old warrior when all was over: "White man carry his (hod under his arm; pinch him and then he squeal for black man's blood, Very bad that. WBITECHURCH NEWS Mrs. Mirehcuse and Tommy have returned frorn Dakota, and neither are they favorably impressed with that country. They have all concluded that there is no place like Ontario. Mr. Jas. Moore is setting up " J. A. MACKENZIE Fire Life and Marine Insurance, Real Estate and Loan A ent BERVIE, ON rARIO. AMERICAN CORRESPONDENTS : Fourth National Bank New York. Hanover National Bank, International Trust Co., Boston. Marine Bank, Buffalo. Union National Bank, Chicago. Detroit National Bank, Detroit. National Bank of Commerce, Kansas Ci y National Bank of Commerce, St. Loui. AtIENTS IN MONTREAL : The Bank of Toronto JOHN SPROAT, ItiT-sash :'. Agent for the London Mutual F -ire Insur- ance Go., British America Insurance .Co. Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance .Co., and the Canada Life Insurance Co., ;also agent for the Employers Liability Accident and Guarante Assurance Company London, England. I':surance on all classes of property prompt: attended to. Farm property sold or exchanged. Severn choice farms for sale in townships of Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron, Kinloss and Ash- field. A large atnount of money to loan at 5 and 5f per cent, on tirst-class mortgagesecurity. Pi Parties wishing any business done n. any of the alio ie lines please call ou or address J. A. MAcKENZIE, Berlin, On pa success. —The proprietors of the different saw -mills In Wiarton and,cn the Bruce Peninsnla held a meeting ai \`'iartun last week and agreed on a uniform price to be paid for all kinds of tim ber during the coming winter. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• elephone N 195 DENTIST_ G A NEWTON, It3,000DOZEt_ AFRESH EGGS Fur which the highest price will be paid, either in cash or trade. We have also added to our stock of -FRUITS and CONFECTIONERY A NICE FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES AND • CANNED - GOODS And will be pleased to supply all who favor us with a call. Honor gra4uate in dentistry, Toronto Dental Colleze, and Doctor of Dental Sur - very, Toronto U niversity. All modern piat.s .►f o; eration and carefulness in workmanship. Office in Allin's block, upstairs. . P, ,—Will visit Ripley every Thursday ter noo"1. REIMS and VEGETABLES Thompson's Livory Campbell Street, �,. LUCKNOW ./ F1RST•CL ,SS -� • Felt ats At a big reduction, we are prepared to ,sell at less than wholesale prices.` tread SaturilayMov. We will have a number of Choice Trimmed Mats at prices from One Dollar up.. Now is the chance to get a Genuine Bargain in Millin- ery. We also have a job lot. of BLACK KID GLOVES usually sold at $1.00, to clear at 50e. ()ur stock of Wools, Slipper Solei, Embroidery Silks, Stamped Linens, and all Fancy Gocds is complete BEBE R!BBO.-S for Xmas work at 20 cents a dozen yards. fig. SIVUTHI - - 1UCKNOW RE GRUNDY • •,•umamorm ....R.,...._ Are commencing to come in plentiful, and will be sold cheap All goods delivered to any part of the town. - Ice Cream, Ic© Cream Soba and all kinds of Summer Drinks kept at all tunes. - • Florae's' and Rive A.. BOW t .Iy , - . - �anc►e'or. 9INTALKINGj*awABSOLUTE�ME NOVELTY /TeSINGS iT TALKS IT- PLAYS CAN BE PICARD'60FT A CHILD GAN OPER.TE. IT PRIG. BOXED.WIT ONl` U.GORD ZQ EXTRA RECORDS AGNS WANTED 34~_9;1N ISVILRY TOWN AND VILLE. ADDRESS CAN.TALKING MACHINE CO LONDON, ONT. Is giving up the Dry Goods business, and says that this is the time to purchase anything you require. As he has now decided on going out of .os ail •O' DRY GC,-.., ©S, CLOTHING: HATS, 0 CAPS, .0 FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES, So that on and after MONDAY, the 25th inst., he will open his Store for the sale of any of the above lines at cost and many other lines below cost. You can therefore he sure of the greatest bargains ever placed in your hands. Any articles sold out will not be replaced. Now is your time to buy. This Sale will continue during the whole Winter and . Spring. All Credit transactions will cease. This' is the last p a chance you will have such an opportunity offered you. and E ,t G ; taken in exchange or Cash paid J ▪ 34141143343 iDaIiv, Free Press As oitioN) ER YEAR. (SECOND Q At Your Post Office For... ito 4.1 for same. Having the best equipped buildings • in Town for the lnndling of 1ffi It contains all the latest qk news by cable and other - lei wise; complete market re- oi 4% ports from Liverpool, London, 4‘ New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Toronto and elsewhere; full notes of sporting events and tit, Western Ontario District jfw news. News from the Trans- vaal full and fresh. The gi IA largest, best and most popu- f, lar daily newspaper in West- ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per ill year. Subscribe now. fp Tae 1o1 n fu MSS P. CO., U. 0-) LONDON. ONT. ��as •• Gi'ocoi'ios ?Zak Gain, Four, Feed, Seea$,VogetabC, He will continue in that branch of trade A Stock of Dry G000ds will be exchanged for a Stock of Groceries • r Peopie_must FARM FOR SALE BSING LOT 18, CON. 10. KINLOSS, containing 100 rier'ti, and all in a good state ot cultivation: oe farm is well fenced. There is on the premises a good two story brick house 18 x 24, with frame woodshed s.ttached. A grad frame barn 54 x 80, with 10 foot stone wall and excellent stables with cement flooring. Also a concrete hog pen 26 x 38 feet, and other outbuildings. 'There is a stn 11 orchard, also a `spring cr• ek and two ex cellent wells, There are 10 acres of hardwood bush. This farm- is ‘iti►at.•.1 :3 nti=e'+ from Holyrood and Kinlough, and 8 utiles from Teeswater and Lucknow• For particulars apply on the premises or t° JAS, PURVIS, Holyrood.,Ont P.0 The grebe question is where to get them. We keep the beet qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cot, but we do sell them at a very close margin 1=.LS Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5• to 10 cents per pound td if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and prim.. C RGA CKERY We have a fide assortment cf dinner setts, tea, herry and toilet cheap. Call, examine tJiein l.nd get prices. FLOTTR 8z FEED All kinds of • flour and feed kept constantly en hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. 0CLURE, C_A_S (3- E O OMR That Touches The Spot ' MA0LEUD'S SYST EM REN OV ATOI{ • OF Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. .r ‘4** Ask Druggist or write direct to :AL, MCLood, (;;ooERlcn, Out, • Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow • • • .. - �,-;� _ est zar