Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-24, Page 7SVe d 8 ir ti Not ci We a' rt 11 RI We 0 q ‘Ve d e s th thf t 11. atakir#1418141111141111:40,40., .1 .......... ., ,,,,,,,, 4...,.. .....;,....... I,. -.V.,. - 4. -6: 4.• ..i. ',•11. ...,•••• •111,..........41. NO. 0 11. .- .. 11.....r.V....11.../...*............,.." '................-;..."....4.b."""......' ....."..".' - '-'"*".."1". ""41114"'" )1/4"'''''" "71-4.4. •41111"1.11111"."1" . • . . . . . . t . . •• . . . . . • to. WINN 11111.111MIIIIIIMP IT ..mimmonnorommums.~...nommon• • killell1111•11111.11110.1Y111111111i11111111111•11MINESMONIIMMN • ‘1111mio 0.0 A few years ago when money was not so plentiful, a great deal sot cheap trashy goods were manufactured and sold. The hard times demanded them. But . now that things pn are brisker and money more pientiful, we find a demand for better goods. Something that is .oin to give the customer every satisfaction. For the benefit of those who like a good artic e we quote below a few of the many lines Of sqch goods this store carries in stock. * SLATER SHOES W. R. JOHNSTONE & CO'S CLOTHING This FANIOUS Shoe is made in 12 different shapes and styles. Can fit almost any foot. Goo This firm 'flake nothing but first-class clothing for Men, Boys and Children. Their aim is to make a ready-made suit equal to year Welted, and every pair guaranteed. any ordeied suit, to sell at a ready-made Pricestamped on the sole. per pair. 41••••••1111110 $3.50 & $5 00 price. Their Tweed Suits at $10.00 & 12.50 for Men, are among our best sellers. J. G. Mur *...04411111' ch&C • CNAEDINCER'S FuRS This Fii m has the reputation of making nothing but high class Fur Goods. M1 thPir Ladies' Fur Coats this year are much im- proyed by the quiltin r a specially made lining to the pelts insi e making them -doub- ly strong and easily r: ed if they should happen to get torn. We have them at all prices. Each coat is guaranteed from one yehr to throe years and costs you no nortl money than the ordinary Fur Coati Briggs, Priestley & Sons Dress Goods We are the sole agents for Lueknow for these Famous Dress Goods, and for those who desire something good, we could not recommend anything better. They range in price from 50c to $1.50 per yard. MAPLE LEAF FLANNELLS Are made of pure Wools, thoroughly shrunk in Blues, Reds. Greys, Fawns, Whites and Fauc), fatteins. Use thin once and ycu will use no other. A 11 prices, from 25c to 45c per yard. Lucknow, nt. 50 0•43•••••••00•00••••• *00.0 •••••••• • • RE E BE 50 YEARS YEA -- Rs QAAAAAAA•vkiowvkAA.AAAAAAAAgiovoihoo~§~•§•§AAAAAA The guantee of half a century's successful Stove Building is behind the names :- McCLARY, BUCK, CURNEY LONDON. BRANTFORD. HAMILTON The three Largest & Best Stove Manufacturers in Canada. The Guarantee of 1,000,000 delighted users of their Stoves. The Guarantee of Constantly Increasing and Expanding Saes. os 0 a$4 The Guarantee of Success Achieved and Sup. remacy Won.. IMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN1AAAAAAAAAAAANAANO,Co These are the Stoves we handle They are the right kiri.c1 for you to buy, 40 Stoves in Stock 40 to choose from FOR it Lawrence, Lacknow FARM TO RENT st ) RENT, 1(() ACRES, BEING THE cot half of lot 20, con. 10, township of Wawanosh. Seventy acres cleared and fit for cultivation, Rntal, "3150.00 per annum, pow•essasion givtn 1st of April next. For Maher information apply to THOMAS TODD, SL Helens, or to WM. OKE, box 307 Whitby, BOAR FOR SERVICE THE rtiDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for servic,: at lot 3, con. 4, E inlof, a thorouh- bred Tamworth boar. This is a splendid anknal, having taken first prize in Quebec and .eiUrf prize at the Ottawa shows for the best hot: tiedur sk months old. TERMS : —Si at time of i‘eriee, with privilecte of returnin4 if necessary. For pedi• gree and other particulars apply to JOHN MDONALD, 14ncknow P 0 100 ."111.11 '01100311 1/13111d 311,1 liauppv PT't'° paroosa aq Avaz alIPI Pon 11131Vd 01 iiNoh Clubbing Rates FOR 1900 .— SENTINEL and Globe . $1 50 do with Marion Harland's Works ... 81 75 SENTINEL and Advertiser 1 35 " and Sun 1 35 and Witness 1 50 and Mail ilz Empire.. 1 75 and Family Herald. .. 1 75 and Daily Globe.... 4 25 and " Advertiser2 00 and " Mail tt, Empire 4 25 41 Cr LEICESTER LAMBS PHE UNERSIGNED OFFERS FOR J. sale 25 head of ram lmb. Good one. Will be sold very reaaonable if taken soon, also ewe lmbs, E. GAUNT St SON. Luckrow P.O., Oat • •• ENTERPRISING ..FARMERS USE HERBAGEUM. If you want your animals to thrive well, work well and look well feed HERBACEUM. If your horse, colt or cow is out of condition and your pigs unthrifty feed HERBACEUM. II you keep cows for milk, butter or cheese and are fattening calves, cattle or hogs or poultry or for eggs, it pays to feed HERBACEUM. In feeding HERBAGEUM animals get about one-fifth more nourishment out of lhe food, fatten one fifth sooner, and weight one fifth ruore than others the same size and only costs one cent a day for grown tenirnals and one- third that for colts, calves and sheep. Sold. by J. ELLIOTT, - LUCKNOW. CEO. H. LAWRENCE. W. C. JOHNSTON Snap Shots. Our Customers Take Them. THEY CET THEM FROM US. Tip top Facilities, Tip top in Quality, Tip top Variety. Tip top in Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. We postively give as much, if not more, in real values than any one in the Country. NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE, CALL UPON US. :7*M1ww"-- • Lawrence Kie trolinsione, . • am•••••••••. •• to ftet4,40111111*Psr avitooey tat:4%0W WiltilOPPIMAIRIMOMMilliatirgallleillend Furniture Dealers andUndertakers ttr. -*too • RRIGAN'S Ts the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS 1 have it stock the following: • tpples Black Lea Bue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beaus Brooms Baskets Brualies Bigcuit Coffee - Confectionery Canned Goode Cocoa Chwolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple Extract., Fizs Fish, auned l'ish, dried Gelotine Gingers Hops Honey Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juic Lemons Lampe Lard Matches Mince Mcat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia A-1 Flour always en Nut neg Oil, olive Oil, swee. Oil, castor Oranges lOat Meal Pails Peels Pipea Pickle Pearline Peas, canned Pepper iRaisins Rice Rice Flour Sago Salt Salmon Sardir es .Senna Seeds Sugar svir.upe Soda Slaps Spices Starch Strawberries cause Sulpheri Tapioca Tomate es .caisted Teas Tobacco** Vermiceti Vinegar, Washboards Washing Crysta Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setts Toilet Setts Card of lhankLerHICHST CASH PRICES FOR BUTTER & ECU Not only advertising Furniture, but I wish to sincerely thank the general public for their past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 years, gives me the assurance that the public knows I am doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for all my oods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest and best aPsorted stock of Having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. 3. Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN, Lucknow arlor, Bed & Dining Room Sets MRS. A.M. ARMSTRONG, - TEACHER OF :11 Town. Chairs of all lauds Spring Beds Mattresses Sofas, Nall Baca, Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter. point. Pupils prepared for Coneervatoty examinations. Parlor and Extension 1RESMANCECampell gtreet In fact everything to be found! in a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE WARE ROOM, and always at Rock -Bottom Prices. Miss %Ma &WM IP prepared to give lessona on PIANO AND ORGAN At her home on Campbell St., • • LUCKNOW MUSIC TAUGHT A T. Davison, Vocal and instrumental Lessons in THE UNDERTAKER Music and Harmony AND EMBALMER. are tuht; by vademdt.....• • •