Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-17, Page 8J .The Shjne and Sparkle If only shine and sparkle were desired people could be satisfied with imitation of real things. But genuine dualities are what the people want, and that is why Armstrong's Rings are po1Rr with those who are looking for the' best the Jewelers can supply. Our Gift, Engagement and Wed- ding Rings are as perfect as fine workmanship can make them. ARMSTRON THE JEWELER & OPTICIAN. Marriage Licenses Issued LOCAL r TEMS. —Dried apples wan — If you want a Mallough's. —Highest pre 1). Mallaugh's. at J. Elliot's. d tea call at D. aid for produce a — Mrs. S t hats at $150 are genuine bargains. —If you want a nice dinner set call and see my stock.--J.Elliott's —Wanted ' A quantity of nice roll butter cash or trade.at —J. Elliott's —It is contrary to billage by-laws to drive on the sidewalk . —A nice range of warm lined goods in Cotigress, Balmorals and _slippers at popular prices.—W. S. Grenache. —J. G. Murdoch & Co. are showing infant's nice things in kid button ed shoes at 50c. and 65c. per pair. —Rev. John Ross, B. A., has com- pleted the 20th year of his pastorutf• in the Presbyterian church, Brussels. —The Hon. Mr. Latchford, the new Ontario Minister, was elected in Ren- frew on Wednesday last by a majority of- 240. —Mrs. .j. Loutit and Miss Annie, of Winghaw spent Tuesday last in the village, the pests of Miss Lizzie Mc- Mullen. —We have received a copy of the well-known Canada Kalender, publish- ed at the Berliner Journal otfice Ber- lin,t Ont. —J. G. Murdoch & Co. are showing a nice range of shades in Berlin wools, Filo silks and silk ribbons for Xrnas fancy work. —The greatest value and beet teas can be had from Fred. Who is sole agent for three differnt brands. "You know that." —The place to buy a Fur Coat is where you ,get a variety to choose from. At- Connell's a nian can have his choice of a Coon, Wallaby, Wom- bat, Russian, Buffalo, cr a Russian Otter Coat at price .we cannot repeat, when we have to .buy again. —Mr. J. E. Durnir,, of Lan s, is holding a clearing cash sale of his en- tire stock of dry .goods, groceries, boots, shoes and rubbers at prices that will astonish you. He is snaking a specialty.%of roots, shoes ana rubbers, as his entirg stock of these lines was purchased before the _raise in price and he will sell thein at very. low prices. —A boon to the afflicted ! T. P. Smith, graduate of New York, Phila- delphia and 'Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at Harry Days drag .store. on Thursday, the 30th inst. Don't fair, to call and see' him if you have any defect in your eyesight. V Examination of the eyes free. Rooms over store. —Keep warm by wearing Fleeced ed Underwear. We have thein from 50c and up. We have _also the fatuous "Truro Unshr•inkable" shirts and drawers, warranted to outwear any other make of goods in the market. - -Any person wishing to purchase- f 'W. Connell. an up to date dinner bet, will do well to call on T, Agar before purchasing elsewhere. —The Empress shoe for women is right up to date, We have them in buttoned Balmorals and Oxfords. W, S. Grenache. —If you are looking for a nice plaid skirt or waist call at J. G. Murdoch Co's. They have just received some nice new patterns. —A fresh stock of oatmeal has just arrived at T. Agars'. Farmers wish- ing to exchange their oats. for oatmeal should call on hiai. —We extend our sympathy to Rev. and Mrs. McNabb, in their sorrow over the death of their little three year old son last week: —Mr. Jas. Johnston, of ` Holyrood, left here on last Friday morning for Manitoba, being called out by the serious illness of his brother. —A meeting of the Y, W. 0. T. U. -will be held at Mrs Jack Armstrong's residence of Mrs. Jack Armstrong on Sa. urday evening at 7.30 p. m. ----Mr. J. G. Ward, of Dungannon, gave us a pleasant call on .Saturday last, and heartily congratulated the Sentinel on its improved appearance. —W. N. Jones, an employe of J.H. Acke: t, Holyrood, died on Wednesday of last weak after an illness of a few hours. He leaves a wife and two children. —Judgo Masson has completed the week of revising the voter's lists throughout the country. The total number added to the different lists was 519, struck off 37. --The Rev. Dr. Murray, of Kincar- dine will preach in the Prea,byterian church Lucknow, next Sabbath morn- ing and the Rev. R. McLeod, of Rip- ley in the evening. —Ten dozen felt hats to eiear out '—Mr. 'Jimmie" Gall, formerly of at Mrs. Smith's at job prices, Lucknow, but now Vin ham ac- companied by Mr. Ben. Mitchell of Wingham, wheeled over on a "hand- car" on Sunday last. • —Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Rip ley, was in town on Friday last. —D. Mallough keeps the ciioicest groceries in town. Give him a rail. —Say if you want any goods bt square and honest value go to Fred. —Messrs McCoy and Stewart of Wingharn spent Sunday last in town. —The village tax collector has com- pleted his annual delivery of notices. —Don't fail to get a cheap hat at Mrs. Smith's. First come first choice. —Say Jimmie you have not paid any on that account of yours to Fred yet. —The lar„e barn for Mr. McDavitt's hotel is rapidly approaching comple- tion. 0. —Miss K. Kelly, of Blyth, is the guest of Miss Essie McMullin this week. —Rev. a M. Franklin, formerly of Ripley, is filling a vacancy at Oscea Sound. —A special lot of Reliance Brand in heavy weight for children at M rs. Smith's. — Days' Pure Cream Tarter Baking Powder is the best. Get a sample packaga. - T. Agar always keeps a fresh stock of groceries on hand at the yery low- est prices. — Mildmay Public School has Is en closed on account of the prevalence of scarlet fever. —Wm. Dobeob, of Teeswater, had his arrn broken by falling out of a hay rack last week. —Parties indebted • to the Sentinel will oblige by settling their accounts as early as possible. — For blankets and cOrnforters go to NV. Connell. There the prices are right and the quality good. — My accounts are ready for dis- tribution. Don't wait to get them from the post office. Fred. —Mr. Geo. Middleton, jr. left ;for Rat Portage, on Monday last, where he will spend the winter. —Just received a full line of rubters both cotton and wool lined in the new- est shapes at W. S Grenache's. —On Thursday, November 23rd., G. E;ertDn Robb,.. Expert Optician will be at A. C. Lochead's drug store for one day only. Those requiring spec-' tacles or tiro© whose eyes trouble them cannot afford to nils this opportunity of securing the services of one thoroughly acquainted with the scien- tific adjustment of glasses. —Mr. H.. If. McKague, represent- ative Oldie firm of •W. J. Gage dr Co., Of . Toronto, and one of the sur- vivors, of the ill fated. steariier "Scots- man," which was wrezkcd on the Atlantic souse time ago, gave us a call on '1 pe,,clay last and related nonce start- ling incidents in connection with the disaster, . —Mr. James Vint, of .East: Wawa - nosh.• iel'1 {ioR"ti stairs et his borne on Al onday 'moraine; tai'.: • briialzing his ;rigiit arm and .the same arm at the elbow. was *also ,�Ii'r3'fac�, badly cutand bruise . ; 11Ic.. `Tint is 7-I years of .age-. 'and hit injuries are causing him :consic:r.uide-paid. It is hope) that'the injntirtt` will not prove more serious. OURSELSIF;4 What Other Newpapers Say About The Sentinel Acton Free Press: —Thr Scjntinel' of Lucknow, came to nand 14.t, week enlarged and improved. Bro. Bryan has been the. head for 21 years /2.nd deserves credit. Wingham Advatic.-:The Luck now Sentinel is the laces to discard the blanket sheet and, adopt thii quarto form. It is a decided iniprove- rnent; success to. you Bro. Bryan.. Listowel Banner:—The Lucknow Sentinel comes to hand this week in enlarged form being changed from thea old blanket sheet to a neately priiitpd eight page paper. Winghatu Times: --The Lucknow Sen- • —lion t wart to buy your furs till i tine t catne to ;rand last week in a new after Christmas with the expectation form. It is now an 8 page, 6 column of getting them cheaper. Take Ad- vantage of what we bought before the advance in price and save money by buying now.—W. ,Connell, —Days' Ca-stor Oil Cream contains 75 per cent. of pure Italian Castor Oil, and is very pleasant to take. It is especially adapted for children, Try a bottle; only 25c a bottle. —Days' Pure Cream Tarter Baking Powder has stood the test for a long time and is admitted by all who have used it, to be the best. Call and get a free sample package for a trial. —The . other day while Mrs. W. Newcombe of Glinton was returning from Kincardine, she had the misfor- tune to have her pocket picked losing between eight and ten dollars. —We are glad to learn that Mr. T. P. Smith, scientific optician, intends visiting Lucknow again. He w;11 at Harry Days' drug store on Thurs- day, Nov, 30th. One day only. Remember the date. Call early. —It is right t o save a dollar and a half when you can See those $10.00 men's and boy's suits Connll is offer- ing for $8.50. This is the place you get bargains in men's clothing. Men's pants heavy weight for winter at. $1.50 per pair. We benefit our customers by being satisified with small profits. —Days' Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, contains over 50 per cent. of Norway Cod Liver Oil and very pleasant to take. Try a bottle for that hacking cough. It may save you many a doctor hill. 25c and 0c a bottle. —Call at A. Lochead's drug stere and get a booklet, "Spectacles and their use," by G. Egerton Robb, Ex- dert Optician who will visit A. C. Lochead's drag store on Thursday November 23rd. and will continuo to call for one day only, every third —Died in West Wawanosh, on Sunday, Nov. 6th, Henry Kerr, at the age of 87 years. The old gentleman ad only b en ill a few days when death came. The funeral took pla';e from the residence of his son Samuel Kerr, —A. H. Carr, of Wingham has of- on Wednesday at 2 o'clock, to Dun - fared to take a $3,500 bonus to errect gannon Cemetery, Rev. Mr, Armstrong a 100 barrel grist mill in Ripley. officiating. 1 paper, in place of the forrner'four page blanket sheet. The change is. a great improvement Ilro, Bryan. London Free Press:—Tile Lucknow Sentinel has come to Band as an eight page paper and gives ten columns more reading matte than formerly. Mr. Bryan, formerly of this city, has now; controlled the Sentinel for 21 years and turns out an excellent; local paper. Itipley Express:—'Lire Lucknow Sentinel came to hand lest week with . I the blanket sheet dtscard3d for an eight page, neatly printed paper. The improvement will no doubt be appre- ciated by the Sentinel's patrons. Bro. Bryan is a good.neighbor, and deserver all the suct'ess he is scoring. Grain Market. The following are the market quota- tions for this week :— Peas, 55c to 56c Wheat, 60c to 65c Barley, 35c to 37c Oats, -25c to 25c Coming ! Coming ! Ooming T. P. SMITH, Scientific O'G'tiCian Graduate of 1 e w York. Philadelphia, and Tomato ato CoUegRs, will 1.,- at HARRY DAYS' CRUC STORE.. ONE DAY ONLY Th1ZrsMMy, N/oI% • 00116 Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services. EXAMINATION FREE ........w... CHILLY WINS OF NOVEMBER Have come but we have provided for the comfort of our customers Our stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear in All Wool and Unions, are excellent value. Our Ladle's Vest at 50c is a trade catcher, Our Men's Fleece Lined shirt at 50c, is equal to anything in the market at the price. 1 titiii013 :)-1Slis (COMO At $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $4100 each. We bought them before the advance in price. All sizes so you are sure to get a fit. -TH_-+_ IZ,�,INER-Y DEPARTMENT Is filled -vith the Latest Goods in the line. Ladies will find it a good place to get their WINTER FIATS, ELL LUOK'NO' • Owing to the very rapid and extensive advances in the Raw Steel and Iron materials, the Stove Manufacturing Companies have raised the price of all sizes and kinds of Stoves. As a consequence the Local Dealers are unable to replenish their stocks furtlier than they were fortunate enough to have booked. It is therefore obvious those who buy early will purchase from stock bought at a lowp rice, and will do better than those who buy from stock received at the new price. Now for a large and well arranged selections of Cook Stoves and Heaters, at a price within the range of the poorest yet in style to suit the richest. GO TO. f r • THE POPULAR HARDWARE, 0. . TAYLOR LUCKNOW 0 41111112411010, 1/11111010. WE have a well assorted, up-to-date stock of BOOTS_& S Bought direct from the manufacturers for nett cash Men's Women's and Ch1ctrei's thio and hcav oos,' Rubbers and Overshoes. 11, eery Large Assortment of Chi1d,re' School- Soots, Ordered work & repairing a specialty. All boots warranted not to rip, TiMS: Oash or Credit. A Liberal Discount off for Cash. J: LITTLE, - LUCKNOW gtt tgma"=;10c,,g.r5u_:K ;. ttigino > gri ritrxtt L Ig' ftWKWtt: t Ksr I -;; 'r. / a� ri; I �� c) • + 11,7 °z.© W oval a ' j "° a4 a b0 1111C eLci 4,49 G a i' !POO i 114~ ;to a.. z <4 3 GO a L. QJ am7°n ea) r-11 .~m.8 I tl • CCLAj a 6 4141 • •01 go I-1 al Ca. o U l 0; CU O U sCD co et, s41 0 *01 • a pC o. oA• 4g t>C a. O `�w,a -...,1 t ar ki tz ENg a Subscribe for the Sentinel. $1,00 Till Jan. 1901. • 1 3h he a or. 1i4 e aid