Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-17, Page 5imommaigimmommor { • • ;010 ',..••0101441.414.10110/11., 1 0•44104411•11•••••••• • ••••40110•41•4014.•••••• �►�� ' V1s :w T•••'^ewe 4 4. j:wt.* .1�-~+�.r•••'•�- +��►'�. �'7�r'•tN ... •+..-w. ..+ • • • i� sur . � �� 'W'inter Suit 7,/ ,t • No matter whether you come to purchase or to take a look around, this store will always make you welcome it the Clothing Department. For either Ordered or Ready Made Clothing you will find we have the Quantity, Quality, Patterns and Prices to suit almost any custumer. We quote you a few lines which are in accordance with the present cool weather. ORDERED C LTHINC DEPARTMENT! TNEFAMO!!S BELWARP SERCES Suitings, Made to Order, Tweed lining, Fit Guaranteed. Special at per suit, $13.00• All wool, Black Clav Worsteds, iiiade any style, best linings. Price per suit, S14• " The Fitzsimmons," an extra heavy Blue Ind Black Clay Worsted Sei ge. Imported stock. Made to order in any style, at $15. 00 " The Landslide " is a beautiful Black Coatlrfg Serge. All wool. Dyed and thoroughly shrunk by John Lee, Walker Sons, of Huddersfield, England, and will not glaze with wear. Equal to any $18.00 sui t in (luwlity. Our special price fir this slit, made any style, $160O. We have just received a number of Suit Lengths of these goods, including the • Renowned, National, Grenada, and Gordon 13rands, with specially fine trimmings to make them up. As Serges are to be the proper thing for the coining Winter and �, 5 rin yon should not fail to see. ' this Spring, .range. Our prices for this lot range from 17 00 to $22.00 per suit. urdoc BLACK VENETIAN WORTEDS. In Black Worsteds we are running three specials, all of ,which are exceptionally good value at their price. Made any style, Best trimmings used. Price $ 16.00, $18.00 and $22,00. TROUSERIN 3S A special lino of All Wool Trouserings. Newest patterns, A good assortment to choose from at, $4 00 and $4.50 per pair. Men's Heady Made Clothing Oepadnient1 Ade. good heavy Fi ieze Ulster, Lined with heavy printed og 7K Moleskin. Special at ...Odd U ma Nl en's Wooi Frieze LTlaters. `ti' 11 Heavy Tweed linings Special at ..... ......... Other lines at $6.00, X7.50, $8.50 and $ 10.00. ' ODD PANTS. 25 pairs Men's Odd Pants. Regular price $2.75, for .. $2-50. All Wool, Factory Tweed Pants. Very licit\ y and well made. Price per pair .. $2.00. A line of Boys' Dark Grey, double-breasted, two piece Suits. Well made and finished. Sizes 24 00 nn to 30. Special va; ue at per Suit OLIUU A job lot of MEN'S OVERCOATS at Half Price. Luckn aw, Ont. 50 1 licMcMUr 50. L YEARS i-------------------------------- YEARS The guarantee of half a century s successful Stove Buildingis behind the names :- McCLARY, BUCK, GURNEY, LONDON. BRANTFORD. HAMILTON The three Largest & Best Stove Manufacturers in Canada. The Guarantee of I,000,000 delighted users of their Stoves. it& -54 J` The Guarantee of Goustantly Increasing and Expanding Sales, os 6,4 60 The Guarantee of uccess Achieved and Sup remaoy Won. Nww� Theso aro the Stoves we handle They are the right Riad for you' to bug, 4n Stoves in Stock 40 1/ to choose from FOR Sn.LE BY i Lt'wreitce, Lucknow 1 4 FARM TO RENT i 1 O RENT, 100 ACRE'S, BEING THE east half of lot rI), c•)n. 10, township of W.twariosh. Seventy acres cleared awl tit for c, ltivatioo, Rental, 3150.00 per annum, T. ,,a.•�ion viv.n tat of April next. For further information apply to •1"HoMAy Tom), St. Helena, or to WM. OKE, box 3C7 Whitby, BOAR FOR SERVICE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for rvice at lot 3, con, 4, K inlow, a therou;h- hriwl Tamworth bear. This iia joler►did animal, having taken first prize in (?nel:'.,c And +ec"n#1 prize at the Ot %wa show. for the best hog under oix mouths old. TERMS : tin $urnt time ry��li� th privilewe of rt K ifnecessary. For o'er and other particulars apply to JOHN MuDONAL1D, l.ncknow P O 1w 'noon BailVd 1 'eazppv 'pre ino pasuaseact ism POI 1,13 LVd 11 WOW Clubbing Rates ! FOR 1900.— SENTINEL and Glqhe ..... $ 1 30 do with Marion �H' Harland's Works ,...$1 7 5 SENTINEL and Advertiser 1 35 11 /1 1/ 11 JI and Sun 1 35 and Witness 1 50 and Mail & Empire1 75 and Family Herald d 1 75 and Dlaily Globe.... 4 23 and " Advertiser2 00 and " trail & Empire 4 25 LEICESTER .LAMBS rum: Ur ERSIGNEt) OFFERS FOR 1 sale 25 head ut ram Iambs. Gourd ones. Will be sold very reasonable if taken soon, alio ewe lambs, E. GAUNT & SON, I.ucknow P.O., Out • • ENTERPRISING . FARMERS If you want your animals to thrive wen, work well and look well feed HERBACEUM. If your horse, colt or cow is out of condition and your pigs unthrifty feed ,If you keep cows for milk, butter or cheese and are fattening calves, cattle or hogs or poultry or for eggs, it pays to feed • HERBACEUM. In feeding HERBAUEUM anitnals got about one-fifth more nourishment out of the food, fatten one fifth sooner, and weight one fifth wore tban others the same size and only costs one cent a day for grown animals and one- third that for colts, calves and sheep. Sold J. ELLIOTT, - LUCKNOW. GEO. H. LAWRENCE. Snap Shots. Our Customo s W. C. JOHNSTON Take Them. THEY GET THEM FROM US. Tip top Facilities, Tip top Variety. Tip top in Quality, Tip top ih Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. We postively give as much, if not more, in real values than any one NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE. CALL UPON US; LOVIrartei Johnston., in the Furniture Dealers and Undertakers M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION have in stock the following : aBllauceking Baking Powders Barley, pot BBaeathnsBrick BBaruasheetas Confectionery Black Lead Brooms Biicuit Canned Goode Cocoa Coffee Chocolate tiwies EDiriteracd tipple Firs Fish, dried Gelotine LIE IHniookcro er yi c e LLaLiemmrdeonJeuic n Meal - ai Mt ccpe: Nsspr. aeseunopitinopisek er g Oil, castor Raisins Rice Flour Salmon Oat Meal PPeipeass,c an nod RppOp eirei cash" knerlgei en se Corn, canned Corn meal Mustard Currie Powder Currants Cream Tarter Meats, canned Sardines Cocoanut Seed 8 Sugar Dates Mabgnesia Syrups A-1 Flour always en Sspodicaes W:0111"ohhdibingawreartir:Y. 6" Whitineceee Vinegars TobaccoPe Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Toilet Setts 4 ilmialoolimmems card of links. HICHST pAroSkii PRICES BUTTER & EMS Not only advertising Furniture, but I wish to sincerely thank the general public for their past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 yeltrs, gives me the assurance that the public knows I am doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for all my Roods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest and best assorted stock of Parlor, Bed.& Dining Room Sets Chairs of all kind.' Spring Beds Mattresses Sofas, Ball Ram, I Parlor and Extension In fact everything to be found FIRST CLASS FURNITURE WARE ROOM, and always at Rock -Bottom Prices. A T.Davison, THE UNDERTAKER Having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, . & GOLLAN, Luoknow OM coin MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, - TEACHER OF - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter- point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. 7SIDENCE—Campbell street. Woo Edith Sarnia Is prepated to give lessons otr PIANO AND ORGAN At her home on MUSIC -- TAUGHT - Lessons in Voc'al and instrumental Music and Harmony AND EMBALMER. , are taught by • lb its RE. 1 I • the tiP be d the I flap on rthia the C upon gl no* i look hen he Tate y and •