Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-10-20, Page 2ii or vp-"jr rUDLI �Ift - - - - - I as Al I V4 %I U -Il U Wy on J&LLrrh11Wn* a Gua.rantw4 ours. AM laddlig in honor if not in Mm- &Or-r4,%rL&6U the increase. Anybody with half an EMinent mon MiAlesty. One man, who In MIMSUN WIMS 15676riqa�eftm� she and autborities are WeW WOII to do in the worid and dons one 9 that this i's the best, ti. gill 'Ind her partner finished the ft ure and C%. Place.—From Shu_ eye, if lie keeps that half open half me W be not care a ruah for a dollar, . I I SU) Ives stood flashed and panting at he ShAn to Jerusa,jem�. the time, Would be able to div4io this, tht treatmeilt of Catarrh for a per- Is continually louning mmall suM foot of the line, she bent toward him, Ferson&—Ezra. Pric*ts. IA� ites, ajid lie Would probauly be able mailent cure, and If you are affected to him�young women frien&, &B - War Re. arded as the Ou 8�ying, with a radiant face: Jews. - f tu G -m- with this d1streming disemse. There are three great reme- clukk-., I IW' gave vne sunject any a Catarrhozone outfit, ui. provure NerU that he has seldom if ever beef' dies that every -person with ner. 'Mr. Ruggles, I uever en3c)yed a Commentary —Connecting Links.ou d cure your rsPfttd. and fwtre that he would be I 'rho &mm wLrmlng. she an- da nce more.- r thought, in. agreement with the re- Catarrh before the da. t weak lungs, or with consusnp. lesson for t"y dates about fif. port that a oertaill amount of Sunday set$ i2l. Mp weather attacked with heart palpitat4on If 9W1'U1J1Y. 'and he chose one "Ble,%, your heart, Miss Ruby, nor teen Years lter than the last lee- labor 11" Ix -come it nocemity, thougil a wou.,d be difficult to deac-ribe the I for 4"I'aXer on in the evening. I either." returned the old gentle- tender of payment of those loans ti tself, should understand. beauty of Robert Go- &he men are not i soirAnce and son, making the Journey of Ezra be- 'I 1arge part of that perforni(xi now ese retrwdles WiH Cure don's residence oa the evening of the 80011 moved away to speak man. wiping the perspiration from gill BL C. 448, in Afarch, aild ending iA' a guarante(NI cure for Catarrii, Bron- the Only victi 7h Caturrhozone—ozonated nir cure—is should be made. But with Other guests, but his eyes fol. his glowing face, "and 1 guess the next JuJy. made leeetAary by rocial customs find cliltim, AnWima and Hay Fever. It girl. me of the borrow�139 about e ry Faso In Its fiM 8he frequently mulcts those' I.qs t lOwed her wherever she went; the motheiP's having a good Vint,, too. by pGABOLI in Four months wero 110t be0auive any trade or profc*uion eurfw by inhalatjAni- No danger or of her owdi sex. stages -,vaend imany of thon The grund ftawing-rown. a'.1 White gle&lu of that pure lily, the sheer the look of her" he added. as Mr. Gor- jerusaWmj. making tile jouriley to mu-st, ill Ord'ar to live, tratumiet bu.ii- it may be safely - 498 iiiew or perform mecilanicul labor. disoasm Virough the Ezra was bor B, C r4k; oureo4 theme I ..and gold, except where rare and Of that. silken (tress, made him heart don and his partner came flying down 0ev said that the girl who borrowis half more advanced. It Is 00by gorgecmiA flowers vnd other adorilngs Oirill with her ever the centre with an air of exhilaration ell,teen years after the There Ilam been it' groat change i alr ycxj hmathe. Lulpregnatod by a dollar from a girl chum when the most advanced that an I T. I love her. Y Movement. iiture'n own anCeeptla% Catarrilozone made ivid contrast, was radiant with I love her; but will and enjOymeht that was co�taglous., tion of the temPle- He wa' &bOut 25 tile nuide Of life Of great numbbrili Of Ut om killa t4ie* Ixteilli of shopping beoause her own fund@ years old when the plort oj H hopeless. Even thOld ;C Lhe .'ght frOM a hu-ndred gas -burn. thO tilue ever come when I 19hal'i reckon I sliall have to try it was laid, IL C. 473. aawn the people In the Ia,st tWe,11ty-five eaDes. briligig owI, relie these, dis- have bemi exhausted and then fails I I n � for them re teved 0 f to the suf- t limself. 4; -smen that W -a T, -ite fro d-EWC 83Y it, to her arld try to wi* oil, after wat,ch 19 him 40 years old when lie went to 1py sIl0j>kecbp0r ferer its call be olitailled' it, wo other her next week's allowances UP the I .w -a, ind it Poured the e' he wont ir This would mak 3'ea,ro—them in jiluch to return it am soon an she reoeivem wonderfull N ovary (Itlarter of the city. her?" ho murmured to I tile flying liguroA for a few moment Jerusalem to re -enforce renerw ajid tiley May be 14 ali'd i tse I f grea , y prolonge& Silks and &itins. velvets, laces, and Edmimd Carpeuzer W&-) presented "I guess I emn manage to got through ("Uthlod to ­koep very girl wao, qt, -e becomes a I f every dewr* one of it time in the hidtowy of 110Um-keeper. will Uirust all or it I rerne" jewfla, 0 PtLhn, rLished JliftuSvllf at them—'quad-rills.' you call reform tho feeble nation at Jerusalem. by eLnplt)Yijl,,-,, only one mvaiit. and For the firb er What are these A heUmAlable hour, azxL Seventy -eight years passed between 111. Many in,stallaea none ILt all@ nied!cIne. a remmly and' tr#atment for and giistened in the brilliant 'light tile 84iial IV`," gilen to repair em, though the old-faAhlotted name . and t114, tlle - bill@ intoc) ft drawer, shut them up and Fresh air, proper food MW the permit of Cyrus for the jevft cure of View diseit8ox. endorsed by filially beauty and "rk:e' W t 1140 thero'ir return to Jerusalom and the grailt 6orim, butchers the med'eal profes-4i4m. has Imm, givf. Y�mth w;th it -4 room for &-uieing. lie was 'cotillion.' Do you su to has brought a1K)Ut the ell"Will With Wheme all sorts of Ay" to w 'rge W i t a By ikxly. -else here who'd he willing,to luld with itearly itil n nl(%,t them. ad failing In tier abil h its ',wirning and dignity - I 1)lrfxt(!IIW ruby, -tiA drawing her hand f -Artaxerxeo to Ezra, in tile first bakors to huve their ahopi- opelt for too the 1xiblir. 71undre,tis tpf pittont Pl4ds, amd Pump, and fashion, al ttw()ugll Ii -:0 arm, w1th th#A. dance with ;Ln old antedihAvlan, like 0 ity to do go. pout and say that 011. fters most dom- 0 companY,50,000 returned, ajid in Ule ILIL flour or two on Salljigty medieluear hit%,(- Iwon ad%ertimed, I)ut we ?" M 'ad in ,he grand w4�ne, which Plillepat amiwraiico remarked: morilli4r& tradespeople are -'mean things ww% never forgotten by those who 11,1.11)Y, ykm juid I intist, opon ye, L'Olnk N%- Ruby re"pond. 0MO1141 7,000. 'llie first conjpany Alsi6 a larger pereentugme G! tile fairly never before lins the legiti,mate jilypi- not to extend her credit, say@ (in of Cod-Lisvr Oil imIA Hi tit -is Nall UVother." I. looking about to we whom sl went tO build the tomPle nd. mt up Well-to-do are C4UM1114r too adopt the f."all Uj gfxxi stauding wtuctioneif jillil exchatige. Every I Be Afrai k(! - � true worshipL The second coni. C Uis r' schoolgi.rl knows I 110 whole mawiLuji h.id been i hr(y-.vn 1I beg your 1wirdon." she rturncd. would (fare to ask. tom Of dining 'it U JjOt01 or rentaur. tx"nniended tlie tim- of any remedy the type o,f girl who would n4A be draughts but not of fresh sk. open to the gucstA, and evary one drf116 1xick...uld Dognewhat tinoyed But mlie did not fill,[I- it tliffi(tult to pany went to establish refornr. lt Oft Swiday n.iglit, wilen ,servants ftw these- tl!seastmi. t4lowlit ffti.gigy for the world. in .2'L I proclaimed it fast therc,_ tarrhoaxii, treatment Id unive 1' Eat nutritious food and 41149& fe: t f ree get him -it partner, for it had- been, ; Ezra "1611-ke themsefvtw tearm, and Ul;G ("Ll. C. rft- JDIlY and read V) " go halw " on to, wander w4erever be at, [its m.uiiwr of aponipr.'ating her; entcred upon hi work wit ally aejrn4)w"Jge,t to be th Y Vri, I"_ 'a nj alreitdy engaged for -the wbisl)eml about that tho, stranger 11 ranting 41tt"I has made it nwa*uary r(,r �lov e (mly twie all *ort& of flu,. yet who of ten plent of milk. Do not f et was the owner of a and .. prayer. Tile Journey wnjj Wirfo& to empi - by WhIeJi the disenowl, Imirts (d the rich coal mine a Oy ildditiolial wa I U.- ra ""9i"(­lt8 tO reimburse the one who th 0 rN The conaarvatory opened out f row tmadr1le." an .4angerrmla oniD, especialfy wit11 all aiml 03oks for e.Jxe koep at Kcott's Emulsion is . ndeed ! th d several oil wells, and'there were , Salida?. or head. thr(mt and I the dining -room. nd was I place of It it in a d1oappolutnient," P1014ty here who were willing to wink tile'treasure lie carrie(l. Ez r. t , re f and It. never Juts stood the whole expense because oldest, the most thoroughly bowEdering loveliness, :ind a Lw) of en!cL bliting Ilia lip vexationt Olt t1le reguJaJr at a salary vr1h.c1l. In too effect a per- ut his eccentricities. and, who really ailzed the danger, btit ile wen t for - PrOvidem for tile perfornuti manent and laAng oure. at the numue"t it was more oonvetil- mo.*ody, for- many sungsters baJ been It at the iutell�lgmice jin4 her nutn- - WO Of thlb tested and the h' heat en- want In aith. 'I'llo c,11jet 'Eult Or 1088 conspicuous to do no. 49 hung a.: bout. and Ulled the plae lie ; -1-Ait will you kLizdly a3low me 'to lty of dancing ith reform of xtra labor. in U" c;Lsej it �8 . Catarrhozone Outfit ommistIng of a nin girl will f-Inally raoet the obll- dorsed of all remedies for e him. while anything that Ruby Oor- Ezra iias the abollsh,ment of mix( stt,pul-Uted that so many ho 4, work lm8utifullY polished rubber inhaler. gatioij, w.th -be:r sweet stral' k"x at your Ail . but 8he will do so at her n&. ie hajidexi tnem to him, nx4 could don 'could do. was considered as above tuarriages with tilo Surrounding Oliall be required O -L Sanday. for vf lilc)i 0-"e end being adapted to mmml Inhaln- con von ience. weak throats, weak I ungs and A ittoor opened f rom the fast sMe reproach. -and it had been observed heathen. Tho couroo of the Israel. Wagos double those of 4 other for inhalation by the 100 fall to see tho look of raga that ordivary Vln... the consumption in all its stages. Of td0s. Lnd from it the sixice to I 11" that she. had shown him item WaA rulaft and ftrading h" " footed the bill" will suffer all is I isito Wo eyes as he read Waiter's marked at- be paid, 'or the ainotint mouth. dropper, and Ca"rrhozone nuf- sorts Of little Uiconveniences I*- t oo, all 4nqWst& nation. .'Po seek of him a right way of wages atipulated is a fletent for nix weelpl, 11m. Price $1.00 the (LaY-4 ktlljtll GrA f WW ;arga ailki elegant Prt: ' I hie had tentlon during the evening rranged to cause of the a a e $COT 60% N L. ChemmWu, IfWask. n can vas. .1"t tile, lie-ld of 0119 ILYL and for'us—That is, to commit themselvp 'Unusual dema d ni d Eta one . in been i:lclooed wit, of) that agAbi att-11 farth Edmund Carpenter adroitly managed 's cover ll labor required on Sunday. 'It all dru"ists, or direet by mail. UPOli her purse. hjtpr�de forbiddiag ah;e!q!t -4> other1l. those iti.s@uig u) ana rrt), jotild be Oto t-epure Ruby for the t4upper hour, to the.guldanco and Protection of di- lhdlvidua]IY and collectiveljr theleall- Send lov. lit stimps. to N. C. Polw)n her mentioning I -xi front tliv keen iiijklit. air. though' *she had hoped that no ProivWnua and implore Him w & Co.. MfLr. ('jl(.MLjqLR., suffers to Walter vi Ing Of 1160 workingman i4lid the d for dalliple mit- allegice XCIS ro- the makid a 6�� CORRECTING NEWSPAPER PROO". , JIM kCA Lit .1 11.11-41 tiry. tione. **I 11,41. mile give g of y fit. Tlox 514. Kii Ont. .ks Ryiby Juul told W�Iter. no bo to he her esoort; but 1 them- a prosper4Dus Journey. 71teir taborer Is toward __,.�r -ita W wod W 'Yet 1pet�jl pult lilt" aw thi%t, lie was be4ng -pleasantly Journey la ' y chiefly throtigh tAle de. (lay day of Ic.if 17he girl even th an almost lim- &n ZANY enterttint4l by Fier frien(L Flor live. sert, and the Aniblans'and &I ju tll y re _�Avr a P&Lper to bo QW building, and tho whole rower U140 ilitend t4o I*- A, dol.'niluent; I re but o We" income sh Id . be taught to NoLSuch ;�a yoti i%;ll g'i%e mo ji.lignix-r marl- liot CMt0lLt to have kt a (lay of rest Wb&t a Compliment Cost La Fayette know that she one of the fortu- Exempt From Urrors. 110or 'Was U1, lie devot4NI tp dil nellig. t atx)ro Mr. Carponter'ki so- tan,4 werolikel to'attack Q)ORS. pure sim**' It was briliLintly lighte4l. alld Z viety wl,th wilat patlelli!0,6he c'ould. 1. "" ple-it IN their One day -At, L.amarflie's funeral in 13ari th that hape tier girl as- When the nianuat�r'la- 004 up 16 i. ,she obj-4-0,ct -- 1 w," akhni0d toO for pleasuring, for M�eillg the Night@ drapml in Warm. hri0it titles I Ile xuddealy became unusually lKind of P*Adlerw- Ezra had 'preacllp(l via a livery team (,or I 11 tile crowd took mit Cren. La Fayetto'f4 Must be c&Lreful of their ty1w a proof I& pull(A uy handoran y< rot oft(ill r waltz " U roug *' - as she is of er dollars. and or@ glettmixi UA evury corner and ina rWil in his attentions -so 111"V116.24% tror4t In God before the hea. 'fit t a rf- ceilill P ffeft - ULke . 1. In [.I( , so, A then rulers mxdlujn of a 5 -cent trolley trip or ltorww lim the mrms soldMer wf slid dempuU-IieA for oroeVons-0oube- hung i!i (04ama fnnti thv� g. 't. Iliat Ruby. kegaij to,L fee lid 110would not dish th"t Without show or any indicittion t4 rues to the odlAor or &wt"- i If fro,wncd s:!glitly. but*1wrote $or, I ex- onor'God bY* 11-wlic-olilig, and to meet their re. Wridnir home from the wfirvi&- and Of Patronage &he should alweiym dium. aomu- -tj*tnely uneomfortable -in Id.4 and the place was a jx%rfect bower� pre- itiking tho usual military ei4etrt. lip quiremenik-'a farge foroo of their co. dr,,w l,'.R wirriage to io oto meet Vin-eli to the 14tudar -a-r'U4*. and *I- II drille as slie had rt'-ijtj#*%,(L ati(I I with jui never neglect ally of bw4uty wh1e, t ono, be- .4entv. L had' represented Goop the -obkt,-t o Ii h Oblig'aticili.- uaytj Lip 'the proof cor' tom who IM. -My ev'dene'-M of enthudiantic love IChronicle. rw lxu,k her jtlst':�s W41, lAborers huiml a flufal semcma, f ine or- 0W -drid then* he Would drop hiij worhip, its supremely powerful, itnration. ' Tlic sjw-ne wan a I(YA out for nitstkes ju tile columne Etery -are kept III tile troiLdmill wtamp forward o front early Sitinday morning till late icha4ra wav-; otatiotwd to) diiivourse I ;O I . .1 . e fund word which betrayed W. as.having ille stroll 4Vrrlu%r one, anti a friend in rorerriha (Ailmi-tted to them. No eAwy, taAk !m th-P eittrane n1c otrains to , liew lu-h fa I ry ne, r. 11 vard' what all this was tendim ruO f ullowers. xest affet Sunday 111ght.* This ould naturally to It some wet-ka fterward Kitiol: Gold Was Fou"d t,or : I W E und did not deign t tp . a nd tion 1`4 w1i to# t rectIng of.errorm in i int. There arp ,no.tice him I-Ingliage from him wa very #;ejxirato6(J twelve' 0110 too Wondering wholl 'and illany blunderu e xwe t by a mdvagi� g,auce, wfi.ch 'Ji. to ti Where- thtw) nien and womeoll Who must Iwive been , very muc In the discovery of so %minfierful a PAWLble-hiliude" (;onlion handscone nd 1 sagrWvOle. ip brpeetar duty of being c"Ntod. minister, to the ft - 14terary avid Cram j Mad Wa: ter'& blood I.Lugle with 411- pletioed." La Fayette k)oked at h;m, rognedy aos Ne"illne-nerve-pain (,ure- lolutidpry "ately i'l lavt-n4ler vehet white di t* . onu��W' - lie whisperft], once. Wticti- ialls.of the ancral Veowl". -lilt). mum JOY111clilt of others for- it inoment in i4i,lenoe and thon ma . 0 No renwly ill the market affords Uk-grapli-x and of traiWatl4iii. blun- Lg �011- But he .%vas tQo h,ippy to . 00 the " first (Jay" lace. euiAl di.-%moin4t-.t: wbile her Ilus- I they, were daclaq "ether -he 11'ad W6 have here the paitAcular eairv, gvl.t their play with it widmoical smile: Yes, I was hue" ders 11teral and (it 11ting. tit whieb 11 I anythung to tro 101*01"Pt relief for toot uble -him loug takeil (-ailing her Ituby Ezr time. But employers of all siorts, cor- hache. neural- t ho L-11 uby's Fkresen&e,. and,Ae-iding Ler. of late, tot& of tlji� treagure , f t"". POrations and Individuals, very mucli of4ujed-iery much plejawid, gia and rheumatism. Itm action k, lieweafto-r. We all been gvnia; laosst th�Lt ho W3.4. ill hiS eVeU- t aroused her antagQljl8Rl__ minetuAryi. flaring .�coljimitte4l --tj r*' 14' -)re VKkeod- But I never w -w anytlihig more crampri, 001 ic, etc "llilly Lil tile IWN [*-op'e %vere, l anti 'more Of - the opinion that all -ft but, their acareity dr*�w of 'RubY. '(16 You know that you are k Of it to -God. he eornin.lited imply 'inarvel- 48 far t%tr fi-itmet' for 9, te gve.,himsej up'to.,the very It,#VeJYL work and no Play disagTees Witt their of my Itorow. my de%r friend imL 11119PIP thall, their' numimers. Mr. Rugged l4X) to -night? - That axen t1w vare t)f It to proper men, 'though emVoyeeg 118 Some -14 t1jew are humorou% enougli. kt'%l (luitP th Kell- elllijojMent of the-houir. lily ill your hair is wonderfully Wittkout (; , , tl*="?[ 11 big , neow -ruit, Und Mrs. 0`1 they would have' well -19 with' them. d. though the editor way tear him '411ugwes �Va_-4 --tinitly elegant in her �v u t to t ha ri k y(m f or nia k'. ng, We selves, �and It Is quite tile castom wit There- Is more Catarrh in this see- Lunacy 4n Scottand. f,,rom:_se . I 4A in v:l IF). Our, prayersshould-, AJ%j,aV uilr at itgqlt (j( tlwm. the Liublir 6 ordon. K h o the country than all other I' to come ear:y, G them 'tO allow %uring the week - a The 41st ann"I re rt of the (;ea- laugh'.1igly forg'�ve. witjlkeol-lar tosm:,41 'hi%r heitti, Mak1jig those b0 FeCOthiWit with (Air endea'm.. "day off,,. w1erp di"op put together, and until the Pral Boar (jf (;Omm 'Intl cuf(d I fee a-linkat as if I had come i,lito qu sil, , 0 work has Conern in Lun.; &r wli�rh T !111119 Petal -4 fjuivier,�' as. if. j6ddent we'ex I been and Take. for cia mple. F�%l 4 n Y unday. Posed too be 4ey for Scotlat4 be d0d(V;tied, a mit-brat , ge al am a in�a end(>'[V`ft1wi'tIl- No. a d lalughetl ligAt- -e P that whieh bek)tlgi to- ing for the yowir er 'r of- the .4,Lrup -"tly inaterLil rone, wh.*,Ie they wre- v fa� dow kee 1)rovf' 'is U) be rfor , oils last few years wall sup If Po�nt i.". awl adainty littlf* itf- ench, nted said PeL*t "m milou" by flLs Pe med l a.4 she rowr Incural4fe. For ba pere%het! i4ho%e the tfXJ un? Tilen otqkht vre-by His 80,1t wealft that' : what %vouW a 9TeA t- many years 1&J8, was imllcd FemlltlY am a I'arlia- ttlo.wared" `11iftend of a " ba ttip- wh�te hair. r&V1 g, durring one of thne, ch-ingo's; A I low me to retur' are for tht WhIch belong. -i to 'Him.. quarter of it century ago bavebeen doctors pronounced It a local dimease, -Mehtary Blue Book. The jiumWr f trarred" veterail. itua oulw-glut-iftly wbich, Rulty "t - "and ' he added, ."th!g*%kj'l be one- of- nieut. iR t he 6ompl I. 27. Vp.-.8efs of fine callm Otlt 'it I Ckt Subbbath fire lunat:eg in Sc6tland of wllicjl tile aTx)l og:" S t ttle, ;Ln4I pretty," Mr. Carlw-nter, thrtt houton- Ing I( aJk4i Pfe9cribed local romedies, and 0 he 'bo _*wt rred" 30d wh�eh sho hatt the ' ed-etter' even:11 my life"" niero of,evening primroses i favtWouSL # with ac- tills by constantly fal,ling to cure with had C091drance oil the wgirr'or for the fir&L wislwint. tir -%-p persuailt,41 1wr to linve rrangeti in Is a great 'Ot"4' metal made tfiere be, u ..n _,Om,. "A d of' m:. e, too.",Ruby esponjf-� additiou W your costume. But -I trilst thtA06k. tl:e j'k)Ilsh add a&sulliell tile recognize(l. condition local treatment, pronouncoxi It In. Ist o .,L lak"V nxx!prti Lwiou than she �d., j, of to- f January of the prewrit year 1110re 1ml-liful mistake ulad- III he an- -* upp t him with radiaot --that the languagc, of brightne-aw of jind' bovilum! 01 day -a verY Part of our ooel.-Il lire curable. Science ham proven catarrh Was 15,399, of which 7,233 were ma,ift nourweinent of a deith, wiliel, cAm- 11('eustogi*4! Uj wear it. `t-veerybody,.se'eRU% aq hjl)Lpy,.Iofl i I ts - ha r, dn�ss %% tha t Is not to 1* to be a constitutional disease, -old aft 8.166 feniales. Of the total lium- ntlet ta'your -its m4we Th.-;-(-. 1-t )) *11 r t'xpurgat&l. from- - 3 Otided "Fiends re 14,4itiestood to ae- m, &3, h ippy My8a1f." i. -i still 'f . acti-tio4pi li)4%t:tl* -of thi-s kith] Y DIOP41 h i0n or by t1wrefog-0 - requIrtv eonstit M were paiipors. and. 6,1W fwPt tills,'the Wily intimation." tIW sliall have to''thank you for on. % dtional IW I mad I You. r,e a�wIY4 happy, 1,�think*_,. ligqitoonllig Inp ft -.4't", tho 11T, I (% jtM(q1K the AgiAtt it 0V4% It W Hall'o Catarrh Cure, (it :0%V I*-forq- thv,1grr1%al of ny-7of hibr a lbf� of V 9 900d -sized minority of t1ke hese were malft and the roma!ji- f-311114 Out of one letter havIng led t I& st you always stl)pear it) be. for did njit know,,it; while nifivii art-lin initking, btrt o". PcWli! W:Illtml It Onjitted. 'nio only' manufaetuml by F. J. Cim-ney & CO., der!feniftles. Of the 2,345 to all nppnfl,,-ng reoult. Wr fro regarding ent inate . riji1q.are of sinall Toledo,.Ohlo, Im the only oonatitutional tw1vate (waft Somet'mos ,in the hall., at- Thank Y -01L Yers, I be'it-Vp I 3ilt %V11i'117- kgmorant till -119 to Ix- ,:One L9 to accopt thecoti. W 1011acy. 1.086 were mal"44 and I - w1wil the tYM im Pulled lymt to c-Air- tho fartl,er end of the long draw- fe i.. V"r,7 bright to tue gn�xit 'kj ti�p -Poi,iitil curf) on,the market. It -in taken in- fonai lem. vq r. . nent. I�rity. 44-11 Ille Avfiat it i.,4 o kiltiolt its inevit.-IbIt., alld 1011; vochatie Fort7-44ht luiuvves Wem r4m't all error the Iliw., lxmowe tratll�- -red smi T do'U4 kituioNt t6 keep it inoffensive teftally In dcwm from 10 deops to a niallith" 141119-1760111. Will flit] not revognize her. .1 I mt�,, she a nswt ling the loo 1111wiso for lie coln'luilly t)tA'g.tn ti) (yrm and ar-. 4ed .11 Imell a Vvily that t1w i"t h S041rht 1�ulpy, nd 3s t j: Ult" t o "tui�n rnligeJor upon ­110ftuon 'Trngeript: teasWml n 1. It aeto dimctly on ttw i4tate. iwd at the oxporjw� of tile lo) "SOlue ont, has comi- a t a. vo-i your. t 11 -ft f rst Rt-'Ite '14 wOrbe titan the Crut. ot.laN ry un- she h 14 ow -t bo,th Ivinds to'., h:m, loo ell) Lit- bomiuvt." 4a.v folf re.j.; -blood awl mucous surfacm or the for Itistaiwe, faablowiloia hour, r njntl unatU8ided ew of, Take UtUer'n Orw4o(mud jroii Cr.lphj% aw- �rhere two para - D iz; bewitching .and' i4 hojr tell. ('f)ml)nl,Y Ezrll 14*wryM tilo ayir"i. They offer cme hundreddol. �he i24 flit-ely (tn�swtl, .11141 Il)okN brtgh beauty. thit he'c4')'u1(j Ippi 1"-0- k inte.rm;iig", with exv4*41irigly but I jj( ta 1.1(. V. :%nd V10 uwd hi'Plelir-, lam for nny viuve It falls to vure. 1-4-nj Ytmj w(puld hAve niee.'Oar tills result. "A large. wht-1 not sist 0 impulse to el"Jap J11PIAL fil ji calmot ttlin U1414111 fill 111,9, tlit%*,r wilon Ai-itil the returillirg AF TER 20 YEARS for- vircularm and towtimonials. Vevolving i0ne hundr4-d Lim mintit,% know her. Warm" lingering d 110 lit k f , ; le X -of x, 110- 'n with . s -aifd bi F. J. Cheney Xo.. Ruby km -w, and her -,(,yf,&; twinkled. t1ren-4tireA_ - e3100ded In tile cAy. after a long and X.- y no shado�'v ever.dim the' Iigbt of ffjiid' reproite.1i leti�., to')k.1111,the tillm 1111t; * 4) 1#.N 10, 'o. BI&Ck Beadiod ftg. "L44 us go .11141 she sald, link. thrlt .th twelfth 01110m. Dfvejim�d was a prom - C11011 10 lwr rl k. day. Aliav;t- ;s tIje lqoltl by drugglarta, 75c. is - Illelit niemtwr (of tho )or,.jI tpmperfluep he W Iiaj*xed more 'fond1jr I nierely.orild I hoWd slicil as liot I a 1:d 811111`11J stmim.-not. far wUn bag is t�iajd to) tie arm in her -you LLPOn YOux IN'th f4 a John Nicholas Babcock, of'Shar- know you aro trifle a - Halln Family I'llis are 04- t"t. :. tile tin 8 t vare of, as, he' wh: r4ed her jot> t lc-.' 'tile, Uiver dgie of old ladyllood. According- an.l. jv�rhapq. you may have' p.1 a c 6. w. Cuphratest. 7tit's *0111,d be Kj��ak A'llatural cbur-qP,to Tuirine from Sli. bot Lake, Released. ly th who are not quite ready to .1 TO CURB A GOLD IN ONX DAY met afIA-r 'twlult is tile lallellagtt of the- Didn't -Prove It. lie relved into Me category have a ask4,--ti, g� C(.0% etous talk like U fool, joshua.,, H:Iid fu!wtitute -%rrangelnftt. Ttie ever-une Take Laxatiive Rr"njo Quinine Tub - to Mrs. Ruggles nd ig It V 1,41'. d .1 2. AA'e eallip erl, A Ilt t e Wllrill; forma'l; intrefreed her, and % 116th tl da (%Wsed by Mrs. Hurix; "to bear you tell it folkA fill clUltelsine mpplants hagw carriad %II drilggie%n Wund tho jelAire I)Iosw)m. 119rrou,% Journey Money nferryo laug hover the *41,4% L f Aras e6inpleted: sifid0ther Kidney Troubles --f ld be thinkin' I asked you to oil the eltk)w. Mt4i �mve the hands If it, failg to cure. 25c. for :U nkitall't lusllfxt� ligill it w-311 sn :it the (.114- (if woo k! W. Grove'a Incident. tile quost'011s tY VPAirs of Sufferi ng--ReIpjj%t- ;it -0e 19AA Ifightl We t 11 ree daY6'_'That they rftt- Ust by Dof I d ,a K idney Pffis. vered w1th heads, e"!h- it nd b fo. ft - The flat-Aded lisp(. of the mrignattin- is on Y A marry me, and groodnc*s knows I I', Ine, tng i,,, co each box. sh-a Lva. ed that long.- Orr tIle %nd Rul.y 11,114) llall (10 justliceto t I 1;l1t IIP l0i'4-d her. 1")Ilt 4I..41L _f ind that imt fourth day the" never ran after you for a nAnute In the straiglit. slenir-r. white -robed 11oz, oted or kn1t4,&J strongly U4Cether. MG-NDAY. :t, - yet d -ire Upr yolirself.- treasureo Were we'-glied-a- Sharbot Lakc% oct,. A. -It %v.as Witt, M7 lifa." fi,gurp that' vanr'- Litting down the nd handed, lion 'of tile lig-i tkv, tlmw Nome. wor pris. 64 Well, I haln't sayin' you run ar- story.- Blit %he ec"A I't 61 Ig I I t v V.) 00, (-Wramli- wre^tll'L and varlods He sat iii i Ciline -or atid 11l1LgT1&fii*qit atairway a few rnotnwnts wan 11 and pur- -111'Wdy offWatl fig Lttern-,4 are dijq)la ed where the bag dj-.i Ilk ,Atf draw 4L r4',r tho tY,' V) f I oner releawd from unjust captivity ter nw-, Melinda," replied the old y �t I)r!esU or ve, temple. 71io returnr4d returne4 - J. N. Ba m8de of different Kinds of lopadic before her mdqter? jl�rt t4 0 lai(Av"; t. exlle4 offerM bilest-offer'Ing*' and that Mr. .1ce. man. "but that dou't pmve nuthin t* terdpr V)ne: Tlioii 114- dd-d. ocock, of thim 4)1. 'I'he itted nil-tilack bag bi far hiind- ShO WOrP 3 dre4w of g!IAU-nijig I ler heart 6. (vt r- . e realized lie wvtg 4 red-4re­ -at last nohow. I rwkon the trap never runs iod I w."I't to nok it great r^v 'the royAl I'll 0 _L the vomage ma(h- low, but fill- Il;n T-4 or Ezra.deI;-%-'r4A -Wi6ll 9(tmer anu more stylish. It is mount. 'Uerry k!.irkl(- n tA4). ni-d his w.-Od 1'. ven t119011911 Ile had-liplight IA� to.tho " .-Stratea, w-11-ile the f roin tlw F'o r ne' oine pre-. (711141vity of dipeanc after the moune, neither. but some. rich- ad if, gtin-mevil, silver tor imitation w#Mt.-Along. '114-r. .13:4.1 R114- kvop �eal Port*."ll nf.'"P C-OMPally 'nMAX" twenty years Iw been in, tjlt� how it 'rxiers to gatlipr IiUn in 'Just gi; L. oil in with somp tj it was. drwn u eiooe bout her, herm"i ff)r -tile k (101341M 4bf Uie dujigvOn of patn the samr. wfti, t ii -P neet r1rivs that pmw it, tjjab thrtKit. n,I fstenod with, a artring I w% ys, 11poll tile Flatilre 9 i0ditibnal ire ir h4v Which VK% �trr`,val 4if #�o by. Und other In rw.!. ra r fmpi -.,I r Is. fley Grip Vowdpru viirp. There was rv> ornam�-ttt ivVx)ut Iter Xet� 14'ilr' C .411P Were 111t.VVI fit. wor TIVII For twenty cuirN lif- had litniggli,I)g -to ewAije. in %-g4ij Puit, away 9— W4 Uid 11PIF yQu Vtko i.t off. The Milk Save that strng of pu-ar.-4, nd ont. 11 1:8 ey Mt., Vj TV:9 w " y I 11. -V There was no door eft untriett, fit) y "'my. l w,j,L ti. 11. 41 fv4,r aij Not (.ar(�fullY_eX:iLl1llc.4,. Kinall, t*autlful w1hitt- Iii th 'Llice they ctunl'- VP1;h the 616r.- it -I) lnf% the llext V jy"U%pt 'UnjjdL.ftjJ our 'Fitten-ot,. -%Vllttl L 4 iiay. 'ither day, .1 said the j-1nitApr 10vinglY bove ir,r foreneadamong 110 I! Id uAlle"'N d th h1lJ)Y_ sjjdj will Cxp c"i- Try -It. iold;oeopher, "it mon wuz tol4l to pa int It-AvP to tnk(% care, NOW "it Jai, HIM the masaw of her g0k-n hair; but had I)e -71 4,11.ek Vo re 1114 Ire ,sboijI'd bp Ca7.,VfjlI �tljnt is tishiliff him forever. 16 I .141 tho 8'ens i)r the, A dW41ed little-161l.rike of her he: - 11enr,Krs.-TIt'#4 is to twirtify that'l thww xUrpis milk-wbotte '1711, lif-It mbe wtA ximp�y exquisito frow top to t;MV, I I'd verl'tiable temp(, ()f in goir ,,, r Ig U." keep it Is a Im"LV011ir Pni-t in be-ing wittellful. We witillklill,'11ittl the key ly t4) 11me 1*4m- troutplcd with it 41tilie, I)ack diav tl how came down an, rou,,19 tto,-, whi:e upou her -bright f -we thero j 01AW r iged Ah1t ts I,# )r thuR IKW-ll stlell ji, Ilial"N for Wii ywirs ntlol for t4tr4-ii yar.,4 t4din pnintwwl I ligbt I)Iup. I d(mi-t . to . . . , . 4 to' give nepoillit of tile Wa restdAl such UT -der graco lie lw;7#. 114. covutcd d." %10 V Ile -never knevft Ttte. k�y that it r rea ize til.,It t 11trqI fle to me." Imjyrr)ve� ofir t 1q)ortull'i ties. Lave "hed t* Is n Winottles 4 y(mir blaw, tV poor painter. He h i x I big? ly V) slip Klidner 111.1fig. was the lovelkmt featum- of ront a "i ic r Than S V h-1.1 MPP(y*,7!t4-1,! I 'r hl to tell 41f th *A.V G-od I)ro*AWtX and am oth- "mvi UP th' milk we git in %t. I,ouiL­ W hit t spirit frcmm the upper .'W, I e be, hate Y%w, r t (j. I I fif r 1)(Xvf.d Kidiwy Itills wert, IrIveli tA Cured. I E INV world hve we said- firr mOVe 14�-r r, 11-P I*, "gift t-0 lop. for so 1 -141 -'We are never n they lulvc bmil 11le imimter key oARUY BLACKIFG brother, mop* -ting -her t the foot of to do. I "In 914114.V) seo ytpftl..*� a re kept by 4 t I i * 1;, 9i sine PAACTICAL SURVEY. - -til< dO-Ytiu know -What ']lend ;t, Alld'you arn git I;lw-rty llf*,, an -1 .9toopinic to wind make in,(% 11Z of Bright'R - Dis- tIl! - ' tPpy___"' Hert. preparation Vzra was im in any wa with a wtprlqt of lovo � and . Pride 'he-cllis In dfficu!t. circumatanom .'He had to DIFeade, Dnqmy, Bladder anti Urinary it ke" the leatllt-r p;(jtt hIN Lrmw aromA hpr. wtii:4- 1ie ��azed TI) "To I Pe r"( P:'n re4. *we. Dlabeteb,' Rheum&0;m. Heart y to'firrther th uww of loure NeAtaftxAt od. That , Day oct. 19th, 1899 me tft-ilt-ve to t our vAluahW tile reaRtyll 'lot tllo Ching,- I - V-) tie Pist con Two Rt -vers. Robert Rcom. nd pliable. - u pon her. tend ivith. the' sc.orn end opposl- ComPlat"t'k- W011111LIn'S Weakness an*�f tjl�s critical Mo- tion of pagans and with the corrup-_ Blood - Dinorderv. If r. B.ttx-(x-k lui(j SINULE FIRST - CLASS FARE -110 st001 On tiPtOf-, P'ut up her ik,r's er r, shoirtly 111fter her hands to hifix AS tiolid'of his own peop-le. But hig heart known ho nitght have been. liberated ODS for the Boys. warlet I�pis n-1 ItLi" hifi� :4)d Iwr U), a the Ord-ir camp to -Billa n6� and tilell was moved, by- the Lord. FOR RWND TRIP 'No sp4tt ;it all. 11ot*%rt.- but very k yu, Jc4,k Ille condition lonO ago. bert", .8114. :;'t.4 then the' Ugure wjs-fin_ ot -Iffir of �oth Ilaby:on. 'where he, "But bOtter IL ru If tile power to do hard work is not substantial pi44-*- 'of huutaljitj�, who -hr!611t] ; V14�a turll.�.lig agaill V) 11 r ished, ind n tand th" put neyir.­ rw A talent, It in the blwt, possible sub- Tiokeiai valid Koing t �rt. 18th &nd 19th. - an -I an- 4*�4-wprt, lie a%ki4. for returti leftring de%tinatjon all or before oc&. In bubbling over with health tO Mr. fivedo -dud In Juda st4rred his auL the prov'ert), ate' tIulTI TWO Watches to.Tell Time By. V&lid I . . - M 'Mr. *Bab( -<X, -k 5i stituto for iU Thing@ dont turn up speecbes for that He- w�'A but young man of t .11ty- orra tef u I owapiK from f Vcipati,m iintil her very tor -m re R I" c h, i rd9on, wt Queell Victoria ham two beautir :Mrd. Bet W(V91 1411 OUM ionski Uanada. aim w take five whon the 'King XerxM by Ila- Clutchd-4 of Kidney Disen.se,at at 14P &nd froin liet roit and Port Iiurmi, Ft. rt Cow- tingI �ng to t ho-, s t r, i I -4 rad to f n (I ots, w':I'ytju kindly time. He little- goill Watches that are sup ul In t-fiLs worki ujitil wAnobody turns 0� Vour friend, Mr. Ru He tried to e P08- thow uA A pound of pluck Lq wortil ington it) Memiiix Spritwa. inejusive. al)d to 9- ntic6 -her -a%vay to the- imin's, 8ubti-tv, jssjl&l mnaLt-i" sho laughing xndtap- g.,eLs I , w3n, LIP ask II' the decree or-. ftYb*a to be 100 yeant old. They have a ton -of luck. Luck is an igni fatutis. W; -iii, top:4,1fl,e conservtory, but she' exciia�d et- dering t Statio, m oil Cewml Verniont in ug) to ly-r satiji-olip1wrc-i r4ot :n tinip th mg." he Jewa.to'be aaln. njlt "A f ter twenty Years (If pain cau"ed "liver dials, and are about the size You mnY follow It to ruin, but never and in4ludiug Burlington. abo to but nol r fr0a, litiffiflo, Black Po&. NjWam F&HA &wd 864' -saying he must speak with fiei God's providential His pec -b- 1,�v Gravel,and-otifer KOne Tntoble or a two-shillilig piece n to Mfe(%%w.--,TanvV A. Garfieltl. with the z:tv waltz that f!"It- It ( r wa only t tjo gh!d to do be b.0ther, and so she $u+eiis4mn Bridge. N bidding and tfi'oy sr ni-inaged to el.iLde' M , Nvtwd . V. If4r. in from t*-Yonll tlu- roriiwrvtory. x3a f(lu#nd 3fr I P -it th-it time was a xtrong Inil- P to mnke it kilown thaj blind M11,11'R watch, the -other is a For full fidormation. Tinie Table. Sleeptes 4 g -40a st; ding in corn while he wa C-Itibn too, on -6 interested in the pros- 14tvul, 1*0n e6nip tely-cur I one 9w) perfectly, and (k0P of Miller's Herilm, &ploly lo (,him jC. Ajorgmi (*I Ytxj m- vory !ovf,ly, er, wl :j; JP P4 b rPINut ter. Both t9 8(.fnf! wits 8 talking with bi�r- Perity of GO'8 Pe"O'p that Iriod "hd lx).� of MAd's-Kidney it" in perfect ump. Pap.%enrt-r A4rrvit. ii Jamtvatmet ivorti� &D 'fAr la- garnw-nwd Ln light,'" e1v ently watchirg th.! gly 6(,#. brother,' -Walter came tbp g. During Her '.%1ajf*tv'v w*(-aFr!ofij0lr will k,Pp Vie saW her broth'Pr, witli-another fond bOul h M with 'the m,xst ."I" have to t h e m.. '., betterj thin In otore for I1i8 chl:_ tIW--V-Yft'%rff I 1101,ve, s -pent hundro(Ig of favorite watch is tj large. pI.;ill healthy. SIU&rt t4MO SLAU0P. no partner f,w the nezt dran. . n L Babylon they hL f'- DWKSON, Didgrict Pa mwAser Agent. nuombex 11 he &iid, with wistful look. though they had home% of - thair oLwa. respectfully, to ere captives, but- witlx)4't any astirltz ro- gold 'me by an English maker. it His nce re8ted pprovingi; up n "Are You. engaged, .11bout twice as IaMe as all )r. "Oh, Robert, what harefiti-f-41 Cat- His g 11of - Your Mexican Sees Not a Busy Lot. Wry, and you a marg-h-ij mj' the you comp.'e. ;is t4y 'Miss Gordon V9 'rh-PY were -in touch witb IdWaters, "John Nicholase P-Aheock." dinary man'to watch. The G rea Itemedy. ten yprx:" thio ' in thfw� , - pproat-hed -she, glanced t hey; card hastily anti under.the ru.e of x pagnn kinic. Tlw bee of Mexico does not, im- H I RST'.S PA I N"TN1119 R rl I N A TO R fair' ­' retorted h"n, "In we e -111110t Wame him -if h,. "Nuimber *nineteen; tht Prove Oflell 1411'ring lio,ur-" As there rqp lob ly. 'tie romance . list- No, I 8 indi.D.Vef ;ll %veaving ;t I I, i next &. Lt. they would be a bl-e&%Ing to their FREN-10H WOMEN AND AGE. A Rare Chance Ls very little (xA(! wenther there, no Wolth 116 n .'L ain rioi engaged, and I! brethren In'JerumWilem they must'set, wc4ght Mr. Cordon oluoUil, itmilingly, htill in which thev Cf,, plcw,usly figured. willAnce ith yQu, . . DOCeAmitY exisU for laying In a win. "Where 7 with pleasure, their herts upon being loyal iter- Art 14 WFLZIO to Conce To cqftivjit*� a calm. h(qwiuj ripirit in gold, lof. tnnd:y regardhig her: , - % Mrs. 4' rdson. a[ ­Rvidences or ljo, in the use of puto trts store, of honey And the Imw IN, Rwgg:ts I" Ruby r,. R c h, ad vant&.of God and engage in'Ifis wor-1 Advancing Ag& Itlwrefore, very Lazy. '...�JbP frowns no gcmitlems, 411t. ask she 4topped besAe hiin, and Thanks," he "-Curned, Rheumalbisaj, quepri, Un IF uxe (I her (Uiinty %vhite-�Vltia f,-tn, of deight, nd-thOn i f: us4. ahip,only. Unlem they -n -ern separat- C4,wn Extract,or. It never Neuralgia, Lum6sgo. tepped oner It 64, (Woubtim true -that thp Ilarl. Makeo li w) -m Npo" oil the fl side 9d unto God thimy wou!d� be unable, poll and SCIAtlelk, Pwn in ibe 10 0N): bar fluntied cbeek.s. to WR unti! the a sinne in111ages ln(yre Rucce"111 tilan '.H- therefom ixtinlew. . t - relieves eep Minard i "Over yonde M1181c ah&uld tolend theIr failt*ring, compromising I f- DiMe"t in the gonae. nor I ift, r," he noddin,, begin. I bretobre. promptly. b ba I Side cm Engliab U90d In WalteseCourts. Back, zra eoru. first trac," of a0rancing Years. Doublo-Bre"ted Btrects. A pror_:nmation ha)t be�evn is%ued in brulSCL While F c;t TA frwo4l to 3,(.t ot with .1 C n Into a bettar,life. her sisters of an3; other nation the m I -IS ns, &fit bmp.lacent- smile, toward the lluby ]bad f4oTgotten, or had liot no'- Guarded trmatires. PrIJOK ?"r- &rot wheire h:s wife eat, lookingAhe ticed, Ahat nuonber. nineteen W,`18 a' ml.tted himseif.a.nd all Wit* film to By the Ilk] Of their conounimate rt MaAa announcing tljlt after fifteen Nothing I*tlef lot Picture of fluiet enj)3�ment. WIltz. It justly SUIU tht, expr-io-sin of her 414 _Q 'IrP Ond's heitd, %here (Ire4w im face ; I I DO Plu not think she -wotl:ol 1Ae Sbe did. nbot"often wa-It%except with jile, c anti' keoplag of God, he wrlyjkleu,- those telithle finger marks y4mrs the EngAsh Icinguage %%,III be ChiliL If,"" tbaii di,mity awl mm than , to dnce I" ldy fiends, or ' wilb pftdcnit in the arrangen3entu of time are- smoothed 'out success- eAl, u1jiew it is it wonderfully stead I' grace." gurvoi not. YoiLr brother sks-d nere er brother. for the kx;rney. -He'lald rej"nsibil- fully; the fat are makle vlen(k�r; one rpr -I feminine Jjea,d, is very It y substituted for'the Ita',ian in ll ihfel AFFLM Never failed to re to be tvrned by the bewildorin was something offensive to her KY upon men and whom God had ap- the tllln� have Pt courts In the Wand. Ile use of It!ll- lieve her for 'the first rme, buit rnther in the -thowht bonm covercxl. 9 im NWS it ho f being encircled In potntwd'to special service. He w as gray and scanty locks W.,ume llpem. array of beauty both In shapes and ian has been Of great Inoonv^nIencw to mOst &cote for rn, . light 4he'd rather !nok ca." the arms of straongers, and so she al- very accurate in his 41 to the EnjrA8h of Malta. during the l con less I ex- of thia later cm. Ruby a,%*d. As we �now, ing no lack of importance to th fall and winter of '99. Of & CCntllry. Sold by PecV41 w)lmething iou. fee' nclint,A to join u.sj­ moot ,alworys refuned, anti, eillings, allow- InglYthick, while t -heir color it# kop. garniture of the Outer garMCntAlfOr I"t quartet .thollgh from i abe bad already denied E be ti011al, and a.natural bloom in im- For the New %2;0 slifferent wmrvn: hii t r dmu,nd C -fir- PIJ'fXxl QP0n ow.red obitiem. Wh(n life for a quAirter. Miller 010AS all dealers &t 2S y Y OxnP(mind Iron Pill*. or ()VF�rwhelm(i%l b Ruh doe -s rather ft -L in' feel Uipir mopom1bility in c,iterying 91d are made. to buelnem; they are either I(nig r to I* "We'], to -tell the. trujtb, tho inti,,ic penter earlie in the owealng. i men Parted to the skin. In short, the lli(mqt part, t6o, there 1A no cents valancte nt thep outmet. arri y DeIves (To be look Young wit.liout a bottle. a grny_i­,�jjr#w, 13� but, I ab*tL:d be fl.11 at 903 if I tried Coti t . Inued.) (111 the work -of Gpd, they will the appearing to be .0 made -up, which Rhort: medium longthn tire not re- Iron in R j be,* . vFAoran, fairly takeb to do anyth*, Ynorp diligently, endehhvor to itiOnsuro ev�eryonc. cone th - ng at-theffi, Revv rang!ed T01PPrvent Cracking. use. od(w J@ vulgar. No- cognized. The F. V, Dalley Co., MY Weal away.". d uned too step it (tjjLt wiph lip to ll that - is requirea of th little Islam] of Elba, fonL4. (4.1w -It will rjot harir y6j. -AR u'arm. om- "'llem can fhiff be done suceftsfully, the bet of thf,f The gold and jollver vfwwis woro more, bratAA aA the teurporary bldi.ng gilaoe Umited, Fuggis-4 . in ENGLISR ARXY -BL AOXING sacred shice they were it is elatmodi except in Paris. saym, yf)u can t be FiSbas' 11ornpipe, nd the, like, whe' t" go I n to At 4 Why iiot use the best When jUst U of the great Napok%m, ham roe�mtly Tomillu P -lit. really. Y n It jorijUx-ti the It-ather n4 gLv the thousie qj ooq, wOMall's -luncheon in "gay h -'t ve I w�'A.Youger, but these ne%v"w,,ly.cj black filOirip. en your The �xjriley. P"ree"-la"t - spr ng a silver -haired, cheap ? conw- Into prominowtoo in a fiew way. taken mY hr(vtth way. of bpwin and ncrnping, anti couirt&sy- Their pathway lit Years agx) dopa0ts of tron were dim- $ mostly thrmigh dlesert wilds. bul coM61Y society woman, who had do YfXl Ulf WP C11lJLr1nillXIy, t4knight?" Ing are t much for me.' @ the coura .0 ENCTLIS11 ARMY BLACKING coverod mi t;j(- island, but'the Mines 11juilt yon. I Planned my ff Af A QURM011 &*gWjjARD. of robbers ',ruid mardererR Infested p: oded a It her 'convictions, ex- were never worked: Now, w here t1j"W myself." 111XIll t vris-d A p tile, way, naid the time teligtheneil Mbahll. 14 lie drivilm oroblem - emw"tly bfo - Du� t I lly Na,jx)Io(xi taIgnifwl ill solitary that poo4ible ALh!. it is IWOY- WI 11 M r r Z re t he Y" know, she r'emarked dur- ()tllelr- wj� jue to 'f(Mr uwmthm before -the pilgrims ing' Pau", 66 toe, gmat mw4tcrh and 'reliant, In, I , flow, - a general, I -Am the (mly 8 ILA machim Ruch a wine llttif) head; It know- -,it re too, h (,'III I reach wer* withiji their beiom NIKpgw I V 0 -in old-fashiori,,ml vlmtra. I cit. Their Woman at till I".1i set up arml juht what woqiI41 vilit it beat." h"re- dance .)I.,4 more pe6 a table whf) (toes not dye Lookod-:111ondid. Ix"folor" Nitprwr, inil I , un, pie t4i.an now deal with PrOgrAw TumOlt be 1414-Av, f(;r theti her hair 1`1 the whole LsIand ijq turned. touching caressingly the i Sure ou bo able tA) ,I,., Iti, gf, tilat. eMIT1130t Upon tW " She'w-ls with her intlMate's atid Eldkarivig a muste shop the cot1wr Illin) of Industry. !�ourshing. or:., 11w. for 2&r- Rolgoo , � pobile in company wits not mat up of trai*. ;I,ure. white' WY that restfxf i tier lVill YfAl dn(* it;-4n4l IM(I 1�ff "Vitt, perff0n; the cartlis nd "ten. L moldiern. They were the temporaries) Rnd felt (Jay. a Welmh miner. who had Iatoly tit equal w #ft oodbe, ha . r. xtican I Fohall, havo tAo open me ?­ he aged, she. cotild say '114) in mo-st llur- the w0uml and children w fia t, A�a I I ke d. come Into n comklerabl#- #,-nni of Ask for Kinard's &nd taie ao otbet --P'Or 8610 by &D Gr000m- th4- hall with ytAj." Ing manner. 'it's to th6m -Lttraet littile at. therefore the. Jounjoy gnufft�bo Thers Imme'diately e '' - *-'storm of protests and I()r send Itar for j-Ib_pcjaSe to (be R41ke" Wit tentl6n ; Isn't if there ishould be according too their strength. made row , genera. money, aAked the price of a grand :0-, 1% 016ell X., Ton"ilo. Ajmt)t* wo,OW CiiLll't, for I !tm Bless yx;ur heart, M184 Ituby ! I be. no yet -allghtex, which ended by everyone piano. Ho was t,old that It wris V50. To Clean Straw Its,ts. -Aid. demurely. Uonig4h a finoll I lievo it *ould do my ()I(I IMj4 goofl.- other moitils ,,it hilf � command by thrr`p w" ca,llge for tllaakWv ing, .1 ImIttIng th I at lie bought It. A fortulght after lie CVWT looklity. he or she used a �-tr:l %r hate which have kwt til .44 with unimation; ther, whiclitoo brilig I for thy hail departed from Babyloll' Oni40'. which ' had' t R,Ear'jt atfLined her cheek t the Ile r`PI; eir 0 1 341ded, witt 'is store under pop. hAving the sitriction and good wishes mcu'iar 4'restor- roturne4t for it music book, and Wip pristine freshness may easily be re- I I a glanc,6 from Walter to ular ob*0ervation *his b ativs AU113ties," bUL R's for dying shoMan asked him If the instrument tored to favor at home withimt the I rolftAy IN> whom ?" tier, "hot I 'hope yoll aln,t giting up usinema would of the king. the halr-that � ave satlafaction. nec"Nity of a trip to the Waviber. Oh. I h.-vt to prornie % any of your own pleamures to . ule.- 00=0 to a standstill. Was altogether a mis- Progressive Bakers y-fmng ­Nn� in(k)ed -7 r Happily he take I "Man," he said. "Imt you wouldnt, would (L%nee the that will bo.a plearq. In not reetricti 1) five evilts' worth of oxalle knight tha I especL But there comes a time, ala*! when know It now IsOM % f Irst ed In that r Quicker than the Quickest - It Just looks splc4ulid! avid Ln a pint of cold water, Lay Put up their URFAM sp Net with willi. if he would gTace ure for conmirk�r yourxelf en. He ca. art MY 0101 'ooman has [mrty ' 9"ged, If Yfm please. And now," t' nv for Instance# Introduce his IR tl'P waY tho t4lOnt, come* jr yoll use fal:3 and nature resumes her painted It 7eller the hat upon a - Rat Hurfve. and It Imvem the oven in with his premence- an4l in irn- entablishn-Lont to thousan(18 of peo. rights. Then the result of Parialan to mXV-11 'tile chest of drawers."- surub briskly with an old tooth thf.n. Rot* -rt. 1.140, for,rgOT that Mrs. Ic to W11ter. "I want to introdm* 4ft is veritably Spare Momento. or -; jo our guf%xt. and you in,18t y(*1 Vj a eharming friend of niinp,. for pie titrough 'the ENGLISH APoXY BLACEINO ghilstly. uddenly nall brush. Rinse well wit4l (.01 (I XZ!eL cOlu mns Of one t here is a co, " Hhopw hour the 6ourtesy (it, I musib keq) you busy tJjI.*4 wl,dely circulated .16 1381-", s It w.ere, of the water to remove every wt or the evening.". 180110 of Ruch n No labor to product,% a p(1VS11 Superstructure, when the akin no long- X i narai # Liniment the Lum be rman's r rl ti nd 1#*I him awity and prf*ented an tjqiiqtw(nthy llnwffpapDr like V1 t WQ pler,l,m 3, er yie,'118 LOtreatment nd the bloom straw, and lay It out Iji t asking her." this a o nvid, which would otlierwi,ye, (,at the DDY�S him to ilm Florenco Partridge, and he brigh You "uKKA0 she known how?" One, 11TI-I ll:tvtlLg thus 1trOUR"I the .xnd*b:e@cjles show plainly their p- sunlight to dr, taking cam t4 wtill (;onkn a-4vlo, w1th twinkle of her Nister, Annie—two bright, pr0tty pidn't W&It Book L"rning. P.Ie3tlon on the withered cuticle., Wby He Btcpped. fun in hiA oyf*' girls. whom he W-rurcwl for followl ffiter�At of the p1blIc 110 May - o(mnt k(et) it ill A flat 000411tion. Feu. --a nd K villten the false hair only accentuates lf()W fnr back nri the fnni ly trov It will CT_ thon, Ruby.* having per. c", gettilIg their trade walking in it flay fjj�141 otie the 9 very- P-wy to, Itlic for"W(t t fluty. tripped away 'tft4,rn-oon with tier husband, I.,11(ly -Dolt of age In the face and the 'I A lie traco his 1ilj(4Ige,?, Miller'o Ct*llpnj"W Irtill 1,111S. -)III UO n. I inWIPIDL- toll, w1th Wtirwick notic(xi bone8 Of the nerk show In n "To the t1iinj limi).** BREAD Mr Rugglew. a (1011164 for 50 domM by and by Itable eAres intent. bright Ix.)y of ug"y I %vant f,'?hlDn under the ropes (4 Jewels. WIlY ']*(I lie mt4q) tipere ftp-� � d bv Ph 10 or no hekAng h im father load the Therefore, begin to grow old beto Him irrelit-grfvtt-grAn4-if.ktli(,r wao The Longes TmIley yLosd. -ank ths 40rcheatrtb tij play ClIAPTER XIX. "dsism* harvest. Does not your boy at. it is too :ate. re 1`J-1aAhitmft0d ciontrak-fl8*10ro an " t I me du in NOW Collars. twid school ?,, was Lady Warwick's Keep young tnd daniglinK fml It.`—Cie rein tiff W it I kmw rt,� the C*V(MiflK. all4l 1 A alts and a Souvenir. v.hjt rming as long as p("Ihle, - but' do Dealer. If. A. High Itild S. S. Angu% Since the days of high 8 PertiJlent flumtiOn. 'ma'am, lie ijcg Dotrolt, Mich., w ih h I kni,w jitt Tho f-4 ra-dance, Which flail I" to,cks and wait for efforts In til -.It �lrection Will GDjDy it." , I cvllrm them. im no end to the don't go oftenor th,an I can help, to h-kyC (xmiNetell added W thO list for Mr. Ruggle", var. you become Pulnfu% Try to realize that Onk and Ivory. riinpenwnts for a new eletrir rqxl(j W Of cou raw. I will 410, -anytinx henefit. w"nR at length toty. Several -of the fasht(miable wo. M10 mmart boy, g hn its beailties and attractions from ToWdo, 0114o, to Buffalo, N. Y_ Mid I C10111 want to IuLv#! hLm spoil. "Henrietta," sald Mr. Meekvni. 410 will be the 1011go. wish." Mr. (k*kn - returnoly; itriff Rijhy led her frb9oftl. with it pretty Wil at NeWPOrt 'this year - lin ve been a8 oil an youth d ct M.I(i or it. h@ air of trisimpli. Seen In the morning 'Vith (lark linpn "I wittl book learming. I mean to iol TrAleve In all UIIA t4lik- Ujpj)ljt a kinil In tile world a610111- With It IrraTt! tpn- V) th4,- 11441(i of tilp, 'to grow old as igra - Tht, first hale -tion w,lich collar" and cravats on inke it farmer of him. cef"IlY as pom1ble., %vo,innn's be"Ing an Ivy atid hj,r hus- of t,lw hyslAum. from-Tokxio. &O n. 'hill t1vie. "You tpught, roont. White) oihirt Now, h In since to grow o'd Is Inevitble. Nor fn)"' inkPurlUe,hound w have a long. long life (A . ha I opi n eon, wallits, Inntead of the reverse. :t"IjjLs Pldeslt brother went 14*1ilar tooigehool bilild'14 betng the oak to) whfiRn title which hN oil froni ttreques, h&ftpljr1#r of the "&kad Robert Giordrin followp4l witil M rPQ(jjP under ing. 4 q ?" WrIly. WIA W- running by DW -ember lgt UMW b8eu 80 long tb� fad. Thew collar .4 nd lie got above loadin a hay F*rs*t Bu far—Why, w1lat,ij cart an4l, of cxmrw rg the er ;Ong ,no. he -m made noth- Woo reupec ts.,' I re 1. n wrKP1*rm and lwfoep ny Ruby. for you ftm alwaybi ,#,i 119 R t0ion P-ame Wftltdr with MiNN anti xtol!ks are ,of dark red. I)rown in a tter ? Hit vo you 1)(3en In I e lip, someth Ing for A "bekainly; In and it 18 expected t1wit tile el ti I WVil4forpaniplefof th" PIPaAliro offoth nlllr� Partridge and so on down tire, or bluo linen of the ve -I ra.�Jway "Well, no do 1. 'Me Oak furnislips wIll be In operation by tlw middle Of ry flnemt flual. lnguut-""V�blt hAs beK)O1neO1fhLMf" are 'vier: t? Se"R, (1, lou rgla r er jitches) Lhe aupp(x-t and the Ivy Rimply clings June next year. it P and arO Madf� lVtt jiskr4l Am j Me Twnt to. kiss her wftiv on th,4 101hy aqvpr�forgot that (lance. jqhe �y over top, h the little turn. Lady' Warwick in concern. —0h, n(4 but I broke Into a house and 9PU more and more voilspi(WIlg THE E. K EDDY COO lips aguin. and then w#mt i, j,tt$. Just as the white collars "Why, he went to South Africa where a woman w , n4l fOrget how, the moment are. Thy are made a a1ting up wait- til site lqav(% the oak c to KWW duty. the band-.0truek up the live --with a tie itt. It"d got it mcretaryahip," wall the lea r on t o r A comp a n qy musi ;119 f(Yr her lkliNtmiA. itrid she nidstook Aght. B - B. B. Walter asAe eariy, ato ho ' twr V. tached of the name material, which avornful reply, "but -John here In a ;ne for.h1in. P"Ie knOw the oak -,s tlipry had athu beC111120 in,4tant!y fireff AR crowwl over behln(l and tied 10mart Ind—he'll be of 8001111PWIlerp bilt t.hey don't #SOL& MANU4r9CTURF.jM sm. throw In , oil - Bright, Black and' Brilliant Shine proilni,sed; notbmx wouI4 bavf, ill with e w)me use think tha' duaed him to forego thFy ,!.4Mr9 hert intt. Ili.4 wll(,Ilo front n a nnall bow. These new (.01. the farm, he wilw# The difference between a politici.in he aniounts too much. Don't inistakr Hull, QLN"a. Rn,hr and "lire b(forn -hini. 101"' And-RVwks are the lat4wt thi and a sttesman In that the politi- me, Henrietta; I'm not comp'alning Is what of firot quadrijkL Lrpt "tep It 0"t Ing clan is content with notoriety, wbil(. Yet it 4" "in hard luck." ft..t him with a amito ap#1 tog thPm." while the with tho here, -and ?�et off & white morning Miller's lVorm Powders are tile l9vt 1118016b" aw ^ffeftelft In all the principa. he I fins, work - W4L im t to per an n lee I he atatesman Isn't satisfied with a ny. INGLISE ARMY BLACEIN CT 4MM SM Wwnsl o. 0anods. njjjl!%J n h1w daneinz laxative medicine for children, ve an suger. 'ifn thing ',ess than reputation. h , p9evi,41, jjjljj wUI give You. Try iL .,4b.e passal bim her tablet,% Itfter a n F401A � d0AA nOt thrie. n domp of KM winalow*9 rmnlient. and he r..., jjuirgles fluthft—UY dailgliter-H vo!oe lion. David Mills wait hanqueto(I i, MIller'S syrup to a shm" wrote hi.4 f-Giluig Dfw%mod ti, been a' -pro. t1w Calgary har, In(] P. . g"qxt exr*tlme to Me. Via- Mr. Edward Licht y Worm Pr,wdeV`R Did you Milinjt IVMedy. IL against the first quadrills.. -enhelm, Vioe spoke oii the 'elebrftte the fourth?' �franWn but h on the Memo& 4" "P 14P Viumic and the (litility It will r-ijr =nofftly In r UM P ne -h k1td 011ie bal ,td u [e J d k h k 9i ing ler bi a ROK co E yl wi" dwn ht4l P-4 Itor (who bas been 116tenIng to It for Kys4em. n Who.!, #' isident and ont, of tho din- staked Maud. =� lire@ t4so sad "May I beg ano0w I,,, been tAlIght t4P taks- A U. . fisherman hns been arrested "yes,' nswerea .-Itegg bowe.a, onrrectmU ty k6d- in her ait. hour)—And can you dr)- not-Iltng Banque Vi, Iv IsLi riv, at ir. Vr% G. Bell Ims enera7 t the whcge nygt,em. wo &huoo Oren t froM our for % ? Pop- Wontmi,' and admitted at Skibbreen, Ireland, for fishing In- ll*td, "T'd I promlm*4 to be a 408tant.11 oure griping im the leno@& to hall. nVial side the limit. to him 00lic NI 01 llwk, 410D tau W powears -4re ova Lt a bottle do -ftV MIA 4r 4 A a 9