Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-10-13, Page 2To all her Old Customers, and as many New Ones as desire to see the 1 test styles in everything to be found in a First-class MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Mrs. Smith has just returned from the Fall Openings in Winnipeg, Chicago and London, and is in a position to suit t le most fastidious. MRS. SMITH, - LUCKNOW. FRED GR(JNIJY lemellowwwwle • The hell rang lust t' time for r ; it'rltldine"-- 1,13.4011, Kiulays, wt4i no fur Mr. to take Hf ori: • a•.40 -* •g Gordy) ' t•uart heifer. Calved 1899. Got by .'►Lnrel ;u, "Lystra"._•_Vold to Mr. �lnier,, for $65• Non.. Such'',bull calf. Sold to m r AViii . Campbell, of Dungannon ,,, CV N DRAILWAY TRUK SYSTEM The treat Tourist tine of NORTHERN ONTARIO tate fam.lus HUNTING GRUt'`DS . - • The Sp •rtsm*J Paradise . . •'JSKOKA LAKES DISTRICT L NTS' I1.LE and LAKE ul'' BAYS e•::ORGIAN KAY MOON RIv-rR t1AGVETAR'AN 11.11Z1:Y SOUND r NETANt; 1114►1.:1N1► i'Jit►t'UNK 1:1.11►L'I:'1't�N Nh1K1'ff BAY e�la a 3•::. situstca on the Grand Trt�aY Systora I' UL part:,-iiwra, tie to rates, Our limitr+ and trait, 4t•: :. tar ;Northern 1►i:•trictr of t>a,tari•►. f :._ • - and' Huntiu.: Guides from all a+te•Dts.ti.T.I: l'. l►• !'ti,+trict P'a-rt•n t r Ag't • OXFORD DOWN LAMBS THE t NDE1:SIe.NEL t>1•'FEI:S Ful: •:are 1.' rem Latah•, :; one year uiel rains, ra;;it,lr f�,: r• sistr:.tion. Will be rd.] yea reasuirat,l,• :! tY.t :: ••, •n a few rw•e Iambs 1'.\U'. KEID. Belfast. P.t► TEACNER WANTED r1'tEAc•HEl; wAN'rE1► I•t ►ii s. No, 13, A-t.>le..l. Second o la.•s non Ili, fe:,,hioaat preferr-i. • Duties to coni L. Jan. .�til Pim). etreriellce and salary eypeoted. For inrthtr '•articulars apl,;y illi:fi M. !NT).SH. Lo••htl,•h P.O. FARC TO RENT .1 -- TO RENT, 1M ACRES, 1;EING THE rant halt o! lot _'"', eon. 1 +>, - t. •tenrhip r•t Wawaaosh. Silty a 'r'- c?tared, ale. • for Bale 50 cords of dry w. •,t3. The iri:l•r+trihrr will be in St. He:eas 'n the 1>ittlf ir.+t, i::.1 .ul•seplen't days t) meet apf•icant . WM. OWE, t i :!'; 'Whitby. bated.crd of Oct., 114:09. • COURT OF REVISION U1li(`E i, ha- b)' C��ttt t. • D..c « ....it rvi11 • t .L A!w hal.. , pursuant iii.-•(1►t=:iri., Voters' ( f G 1 -.. ).y• !f::• Hr a: • '.i ,1 !• !'ousts t'o;trt of tie tut ilt�• r 1i -:r •,t i the ToWushi It'll'. '-qt the 21.• •. V • :•t the E . (J1ltttrtlapf. 1-'.4, 'a ''f UcLc►brr fat 19 u',•.•n, k in the !.,rt.i non .. to hear and 1_ •t rn.int. tti•. •ev.•: -,' •: m1,:slats t Is giving up the Dry Goods business, and says that this is the time to purchase anything y 3 e you renlre. As he has now decided on going out of ,,g ;,i Jb .ss DRY GOODS, CLOTHING• HATS. -4 CAPS. t FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES. So that .o!1 and after 1�IONI)AY,., the 2:)th inst., he will open his Store tor the ''saIe of my pt.the above lines 'at cost and many other lines below cost.. You can -therefore be sura of the greatest bargains ever placed in your bands. articles sold -out will not be replaced. Now is. your Any time to uy. This Sale will continue during the whole Winter and pring. All Credit transactions will cease. This i3 t liAnce you wi:1 have such an o ortunit lie last PP , y offered you. Sur?, gad EQQi$ taken in exchange or C'a3lt )r same. paid laving the best e(luippsd buildings in Town for the ll�,lldling of c ft ,t Vn > > .r 1'n .ti, • ,.t a•t for �Itinr,f i c S er',• List 1v4Mi, ra•,itr (• • iYrtt ti'ltwan,►,th for E0. N. LAWRENCE e Grocerjes fiVAL Grai; Flour, Feed, Seeds Vegetab3, Etc.,Ile will continue in chat branch f track A Stock of Dry G000ds will be exchanged fed for a Stock A::per •rs t3:,vin.; !,tai a' th• t' •Ret are re•inirealyt• a!'►. r,.1t t?l,v ii•l ttu; aT, Place. , . ; Dated tLi.. :zZ., sj .,; tltlt. 1..fro. - *3F. M. CRVyTU , Clerk. FARM. FOR SALE 'DEIN., LOT 1,, t'ON 1,► XINl t►sH custaining I'$) acres. awl all in a *Nod #talc .:ait•ativn. 1 rye 1411:3 i3 Wel: 1rUced. Thera ii. in th.• 1'�enii+t•., q „7,)•d tw., . st ry krick hc.use 18 r 1, with frsn:e woodshed attached. A good frame barn .11 t t40, .with 10 foot ,►tpnr wall sad ekcellent stahl:•a with cement iloorine. Alan t concrete hoer . pen 46 A :IS feet, anti other outbuildings. Thstte is a sin Al orchard; also s .print ...reek and two es celient wells, Ttiere are l(l'.ac•re• of hardwood bosh. Tai, faun is ' itr;ated :s miles from. H•.lyro.•d and Kin:.•: ,n, and ',.( utiles from 'ft e water and I.a,•know- }'•,r particular', apply .n CDe.. prrnu„es or to Jam. PURNIIS, 11.13 -rood • P,O., Oat FARM FOR SALE OR RENT BEING. 1.OT 7, CON'. Tu JU NLOS5 leo tiered, of tail C!5.4 lanai . octaining a 1)cs Jwel.'a,'haase an•1 ► : r tlnerj rtleo a 414 orchard, Fur ff-trt•►ar r ; Arrtiouli►n apply t, • JOHN LITTLE, 1It,Iytoed P.0 FARM FOR SALE • - BEING SOUTit •' tCAlfrl'F.L.UI'' LOT 13 -con. 1;;, West wawarosh, containing 50 a:nett, more or less, 1 f tidies front Lucknow, •=perste hon.,.20 i 26, kitchen attached 16 i; barn 30 :t ;a►) with sti►Lle= attached Good • ri risen and the Ulu, is well water, fl, For Lather particulars appy t, • 1'R.ANK. Jt'1:Y, Lc, know P,O LEICESTER LAMBS THE iN'ER.IGN E 1FFIsale hall t rani 'a•nhs. {3 ,.,d o . Will be so..1 : ery eta+ :tab's if !:lir• n rrN►r,, alas ewe lambs. k.. G.1 UN T t SUN, Lucknow I.U.', 1 nt. COURT OF REVISION OTIC'E IS' HERItl;y tai THAT a ('(hurt will he Del.!,nr,u,aut to the tario V ,tarn• Li -t Act, /s9'.1, by His Honor be Judge of the ('minty (',ut of the County (Huron (in Agricnitnral Hall) at Dungannon n the lith day of October, 1•x;1!1 at 10 o'clock • bear and determine the seters; .,,mulatnte 1 errors and (►mi.sions in the . V, tees' List of he municipality of t.ebtield for, 1899. All aeons having l,u,unees at the Court are rjuired to atten•t at tb. aAi.l time and plat,.. Dated at Ashtrl,i this _0tII alar -of Septeni- •r, 1$10e, • ssorlisas, �''.• roc .! said Municipalit • RAND TRUNK s 3gM y raaitkagiring Day, OaSobar 1StA, '99 GLE I• IRST t'L.188 FARE F •r. I;,,=,ad Tri?•:• , ll.to Ticket. Yaiitl :, ,.red October. 1 •'i. .,i,. ' li'i.3 for return, Ic'::L'rat .:rleti:.:i�•1. oar • r ►h t t►bt•r. ret' 'een .i 1 .'..t o,,. ill taJa. also to art(? from Detroit andPinttrue, Fort ('•.ein;t.)., 1' Meeni.,s 8Iwino, rules, and tri stati••n.4- .•13 ('tetra! 'Vermont t, and incluiing f•ar'ic :n, also t,• But hem 1. k Kia alfa.(,, 13hck ',.,• .. rt-.r.t 10,0a fl sspen.,i• •n Br We; N.Y. Fall particular'• frr.p, Agents Grsnd Pai:war System. M. ('. DICKSON, 11,P.A , T•►rt•nto. J. A. MACKENZIE Life and Marine I nsuranes, Int tstate and Loan Apeent iRVIR, ONTARIO. the London Mutual Fire mane. as, British America Insursace Co., trsl Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Life Insurance Co., alio agent vk•yrr,, friability Accident and sows Aiauran. v CompaIy of London, on all clswe a ,f pr•'perty proroph to. property 0013 or (-it-A.u..tud. Severs /grins for sale in township* of Greenock Kincardine, Huron, Ki ,'nets and Aah e eni,uut of mosey to. 1.,an At .; and t on t tat -civ m•)rtgage security. sirup c say business (lane in any of re Bare please call on or address J A. 31roYENZ.11, fjp.On • V. - W. C. JOHNTON Supp Shots. Oi' CitStOffitti•S Take Them. THEYCETTHEMFROMUS. Tip top Facilities, Tip top Variety. We Tip top iii Quality, wTip top'in Treatnl can BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. postivelyi gir•e.ti much, if not :more, in real values than any one in t:. Country- NO ountry e NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE, PALL UPON US. • SWPOZICO cratlinstainto • Furniture Dealers and Undertaker OVER 30;rE1Rs OF SUCCESS Se. JAS. Data at �«oA Y. ELAN THE ONLY RUPTURE SPECIALIST IN THE DOMINION 326 Weat Richmond Street P.A. Box 539, Toronto, Ont. THE LEADING, THE MOST SK1LLFUI., THE MOST PROGRESSIVE, THE MOST SUCCESSFUL, • AUTHORITY IN THE TREATMENT OF RUPTURE RUPTURE CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION Olga r< bed It will not St ever 0DO1c�. nor use woke of tansy salt a lora. of Hdruls tkoo oi.oloe tbem•eivee In the bawls r,f "gnome K•ter>i,t.,rs ba I �e known o the ism ori pl of h,unawanat-,ntl H.• who make* a sot m,, t most ccs to regarded e Ca STAL�ILY more e> ,suer .ltd b, s0Y* irey of one sot pert must -' laie- ppeerr ttcr ta••I.yin the_tr ne In of an RIC CAPABLE - then ,.ryone brill � pert!, vise t.r.,nbae.._ +TO! wASTTyG ?1IIP. AND Mt►NF:Y with thou' 'e tsar,, iron• is the Arc • ono whose kitriae, mode i snaha.l experience c hive t i,►aht hint JUt w AT i7► Do, and howderstaad ' to treat . but ,A ss Have en••ugh in thafecal rurh 11 jou evar in w daaartaing. sow is the best trine -"lemur Wang justify -10n in tags �4 some cNO ( /NE D& e►PO1rD : Do l,Qt be deterred from seekin m h^nK) 'r 1 to ow ton. hos Gabe beams df om l r :ilvice. b.,eiaur•� after having been trputod by u,any who faired 1 ink. a , '1, 1 or m,,> ,. Rt urged ]'Die tl the very tirciepousbnul•l •make (*.IR M.,as TlaIA!.. W� �.i briny to bear un a air drat m4 ee3er os,,and ekiri to Perfect scare, irrespective of any money ooei •wb,tz3 of flea user ail to bringce. their os my. knowledge and eipe,rienne will aceo,n d,rf,, knowing that the ra,wir•rl b s Asoo newer way able to chive pug r6wwd Melee tithe. THE PACT THAT VOU may not he AT wttb ones A D VICE Di FREE, acid this sloe properlyyvatattended to -Mould not keep you iron, fully a oh your h,.•ti,}a or Oki ,fit - may pion very valuable is your name. -Bead �a rag meed two oent stomp hr a valuable circular with fuller information, (,refills and Do you suffer fromn�, Varicose Viens9 . If 80 consult Specialist and have them successfully treated. My rupture is improving since ender your care". -JOHN COCHRANI «' inghagr, Ont. The instrument 1 obtained from you for a satisfactory "-DI:, A. J. IRWrv, « ingham Ont. hu been very "Your treatment of my rupture is better than I had anticipated. I feel proud that we have in our fair Canada a professional gentleman who had made a itndy of rupture and can releive the human race frorn a great amo,,nt of ii,lhr,ring.__HII;NRY I•'INr;H, Harrietsvilli,, f)nt. WINCNAM NNS N • 4. KINCARDINE POIIT ELGIN PAISLEY QUEEN'S MOTEL ROYAL HOTEL QUEEN'S HOTEL HANNA HOTEL OCT. 25 OCT. 26 OCT. 28.28 OCT. 30 , : } a 4641111111111. We can t only extend to you new Dress an invitation to comet Beauties. Printers' dna see �he�a story.theirInk cannot We willhowever;no � tell know say this. ifthe newest, mot you would must see thistip roved Suitln� atterr� assortment. Some patterns, . you kinds and their�All wool TWEEDS in Gray and , p�� Black, and ' Green and Grey Checks. All Wool, lioru�• t - -----� Box Cloths, ` ane't row Liar • .' 42 inches wide. Cut any length. Spun 5uitings, in Clothi;, in Nov $luea� Hro�.r1K • , Yawn,. Price r' and Greys. Suit endo of 6 slit. Pe yard 50c mixes and plaids. _ - No t� 'o pieces rlliL•e. Prict•per yd./ �r The verynewest � • .�. • _ All Wool Maple Leaf 1 Wool Kersey - ` PTweeds. A I: •.� . •- ., Lid ht easy Swtinll,, •air• -. •• in til! and Fawns. Price vary nobhy thing kr suitin s in thing as seen in �M �:•" Very ,tv114,i g .1 , . :1 Five yard grids only. Pric►.. small checks, Green and Fawn, and New • york, f'•1 per: and ... f1 y ti small Red and Black effects., 1 n Hix Lit ' Suit lengths, at b t i Greys, Browns &Fawn ,y l 1 1 I.\ • . yard ends. Price per yard 75c Nice shades. blood tlu>rlit��. 54 yards only.' Price per yard.. . $1 25 inches wide. In 5 Fart! mut • - only.. Price per ,aid . U�C ► QOo, (kir. ' 4 G. Co., r IJUCkUOW ___ . -4b4.4111tft iQAUT[JMNN�JELTIESA RE HERE.,. By Leaps AND „ Bounds Ile Bales •f McCZgY'S THEY HAVE WON THE HEARTS OF ALL WHO USE THEM SO WELL THAT THEY SPEAR ONLY IN THEIR PRAISE -- IFamous Active Range s. 11.kvE Welt►•:A ED They are Handsome. An Ornament to any Kitch E n To see is to admire. To admire is to desire. To desire is to Buyer. Sold Only By T. Ltwrence, LUCkiwie Fazz�,ja ovo Depot. M. CORRIGANS' is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROYISIOW I have in stock the following : tpples iilscking Black Lead Blue Batting Powders Barlry, potBeath Brick Beane' Br(►(,ms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Confectionery' Canned Goods Cocoa Ch colate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Coo anut • Dates Dried Apple Extracts Fier 'Fish, &maid Flab, dried • I(hrlotine Gingers 1.1foney I(••pe lInk Inttlgo� aLicorice l.ilne.Juic Lemons Lampe Lard Matches Mince teat Meal Macaroni, b(1ltard Meats, mimed Magnesia A•1 Flour always •n hand. :Nut.1:cgl Oil, Aral Oil, ',wee; Oil, castor. Oranges Oat Meal Pails Yells Pipes Pickle Pearllae Peas, c ea 4 Pepper, h Raisins : ' IRice 0,•.• Rice Flour tsyto Harmon Sardines MenI�edns yngar 'Syrup. People must HaYroceries Soda Soaps Starch Strawberries canoe 8ulpher• Tapioca Totnat( es canned Teas Tobaccoes (Vermicelli Visegar.' t Wsehboartl• !Washing Crysta t Wuodenwar(• Kiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea set„ Water Setts ('ream Bette Berry Setts Toilet ,Sett. The areas question is where to . We keepthe qualities, to be had. We don't a �e°D'beet sell theta at a very close margin pretend to loll theta below cost, we do Black, Green and Japan aro unequalled in quality andrices. will save from to 10 eent.a per pound if you buy from us i P You peddler's. Compare quality and price,*, osteal of tea We have a find assortment cf dinner settlt tea, Leri an cheap. Call, examine them and 1 Q toilet R'e0 prices. All kinda of flour and feed jkepb constantly on .hand. Goo delivered to any part of the town, • B. MoCLU O.AB.E3 (3-ROC)33}a$ 41,1111.1111111111 116111,,1 Owing to the very rapid and extenlsive advances ., vauce>g in the !i Raw Steel and Iron materials, the Companies. have raised the Stove J1ta,tlutaeturin; . " price of all sizes and'kinds of Stoves. As a consequence � Q the Lot;a! Dealers are unable to !k elli1/4 replenish their stocks further tha•n l! they were fa -tut -tate �,h to have booked. It is therefor( obvious buy early will purchase. from stockbvlolls those who and will do better than those bought at a low price, � who buy from stock received � at the new price. ,I Now for ac� largeanti well arranged selection Of Cook r . Stoves and floaters, at a rice witty j poorest yet in style to suit the ri In the Tango off the chest. GO TO..- THE O_ THE POPULAR IJ.R9WARE, 11 LUCKNOW WE HAVE JUST R;�- -- -- -- CEIVED FOR HE ■ . TAYLOR - DEPARTNI SVT a Large Assortment SAILORS, and all the weg Ttnlellt ROUGH •1�.I;FII.�, nest shapes in FELTS, also Quills r and Trimmings of all lauds. Now is the tithe to leave ' Wins Foul• (►I•dAt•Q. C 024) WICAlitenti. We have the largest and best stock of F we ever offered in Coats' Caurs Duffs, &c. Give us a call. rtes, C'apel•etti•S, ago WfVI1 GONNELL,.' The Hui Leads -them 11 F O R Family Groceries?& • LUCKNOW' el Card 11' Canned GOods FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOUR, FEED:AND! ALL KINDS 10F! SEEOS:'t FEW TEAS A Specialty. 7HE LARGEST STOCK, THE ClIOIC'EST GOODS ANDS THE - SS*? r Att OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all parts of jtheitown, JOHN - LLIOTT That Touches The Spo14 M"LEOi) ;S SYSTEM OF Not ut,i y advertising Furniture, I wish to sli.t.•erely. tl►ar,l; the general I ptit,lic for thele Fast liberal patronage 1 and the large busing, I have dome Lucknow for t he 1►111t 25 gives the the assurance that the slic ktioa-s I am doing what is riglitpwithh there. 1 pay spot cash for all niv goods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest beet assorted stock of ParIor, 8ed & Dining Hoom Sefs :n Town. Chair of all kind Spring Bed Mattree S c t' ,. $ Baca, Parlor gad Estonian Tabic. In fact everything to be found ill a FIRST CLASS F RNITURE WARE ROOM, and :Always at Foch_ ltottonl Prices RENOVATOR A Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or writo direct t„ 3, M. MCZ,food, Cornwell, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow .••.,rte .11,Davison, THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER To PATENT kW lin mai be secured by our aid. Address, TME PATENT RECORD, •s11*.., rd, . • 4 e' e • 0 • • r { n