Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-08-25, Page 1*&A"m" I. T' i t v p T • _ y �� - i 7 I I BANKofHAMILTON . -- L.UwMiluW. 1 47 AN cad Office, - -Hamilton.us . Capful psis up - - 1,600,000141$4V _ .• ead 8 esarre rand - - I ' • 1, 000, 000 . Total Assets - - 13,163,067or% .• . plt3 Board of Directors v . OL ggVI--34 , LUCKNOVP � ON TARO, FRIDAY, A U GUST 25th, 1999• N 1334. OLE z '.-y �g�I`` �"�teKlsKl L-►« Prra��lrKt �OLL 0• x, r' -mow loex 9TL�.�Eir. A. G. ltay�i, E E+'t 0t31 Jottx YEWCTtia. Geo, RoAclt A. T. W .� ova, ti. P. A. B. Ltcx, (Tomato) r� s �Ve, utssox, M, P. G. 1 • R. TIM.; �'�L' good satisfactim on dW- hrmc of the A Serious Affair • _ _illage And_ ViallitV N LOCA_ L ITEMS e Pres Province. _ � N E o d"4 3t - ___ At a threshing on the farm of Fin. A w ' O EA t a :z ' J. Tts.rB t.L. Paasentter trains leave Li:,.know !nation as la McLennan, con. 2, Huron, on —� Jot `i+'r �''*i^:= H. S. STis,Y. follows; - In the autumn of 1898, seven Y Eye Knocked Out Friday last, a quarrel took place -Mr, Frank Cain is visiting friends l' �g f "�'�•'r`'r. - - H. lis W.cT3o.r. Going South, ruin •North varieties of winter wheat were used for , in Detroit. • • A • �Ar b•'O a• m- 11.35 a. m the co-operative tests. These were �i18'` Carrie Mount, of West Wawa- between Kenneth McKenzie and Wm. Agencies 8 a, m, 4.20 nosh, had tl,e misfortune to have one McLeod, In the tussle McKenzie -The , rural schools opened on •,�slt►c� p. m divided into three sets with three Pe 1 f o set. (y Berlin I, = 3s p• m 11.10 m of her eyes knocked out while feeding threw his opponent, and it is said he Monday lI" AI Listowel Owen Sound p• varieties in ea --h set the Dawsons GOOD IDGEA l s eiN:Dtt;r40 u4 man, Man Lucknow P,wt EI ' D, W. HAYES. Agent ' the calves one day last week. The kicked McLeod in the abdomen. Since —�1i88 Fisher, l.hMalry Manitou, u�, Si>ancud Golden Chad' being used in all the seta 1 , of Kincardine, spent accident will not only deprive her of then McLeoi has been under medicalThis Corset ' a Splendid Delhi Milton Sonthamt,tuo as w basis by which the results of all P -Miss is town. attendance and grave fears were enter. manufacture In qh* h Eerfmt �sex►i�etowR Morden, Man. Toronto SIDLALL the varieties could be compared with the sight of the eye, but will be a -Fora cod trunk thea a to Orlin Grim•,by �iiagara 1ra1L Windham 1AIR &P source of ,,,uch Bufferin to the tient. tained of his recovery, but later g P, B • ' H one another. g Pa r __ reports indicate that he is im improving. Harry (Iallagber a. That is when putting up Jelly and f eedOm 18 t1teCUl> ed tr0 h •acmaq, Hamilton (Barton at) Uraagei+ille p g •`1.••tdr winaipeg, Man. Hamilton (East latae) The peat winter was ezce tions!! -Mr. James Perdu left on Moo- Preserves instead of covering with a the Sbort ten th sides, �►hllA thi Bankers, P y The Presbytery or M&Itland A Warning to Pathnzasters e' pit vers cr, the winter wheat crop :The regular September meeting of pay for the West. greased paper, rusk Paraffin wax, the form is pe rfeCt� retaill8d 'wu•�e� BaIT13Ei �oKitssPv�I)EY'f�+ : Pathmaetere in the various divisions and run over Lbe to of Lbe ell or ;rim► throu,rhout Ontario cons uentl the the Presb ter of Maitland is P 1 y N:at3uaal.Pzovincial Bank .►t England, (Ltd,) CK��W, - - ON7, e , e9 y Y y o post- in the townshipE,a should see to it that -Mr. Thos Little, of Dungannon, reserves. It cools instant! formic by the lowness at back and a'D ip - London. number of complete tests is not so poned till Sept, ..7th, at 10' a,m., to all weeds and thistles are cut this spent Sunday in town. P . R �• inai I E87ABLISHED 188, large as usual. Reports of successful• meet at Wingham. The change has • perfectly air -tight oove.ing, thus front. The upper section i3 a.i • aNLItIC I.S CURRUPVADx.YTS : ; conducted co-operative experiments been made in order to accommodate month. The pads is not are liable to -Kincardine held their civic boli- preventing mould. When esu wish Soft and pliable 55•} ich whe-r �. We d� a general banking busit,ea.• issue Y � Pe a fine of 410 if this is not attended to day on Monday last. to use the 'ell r•Pmove the covering of - •stk,� Fourth National Bank, New York. with winter wheat were received from Rey. Dr. Campbell, who will visit the ' 1 �iraftathmnghout Canada the United , during thij month of July, and any jelly mg taken lYlt}] tj1G' Gtller 5tr•p� Hanover Natianal Bank, Presbytery on that date in the interest ' -Mise McAuley, ;,f Godericb, ie wax with a knife, and save it a it States, We make collections on all ppooint•, seventy-two experimenters before the farmer is in danger of having the seed the user of Miss O1Cltr3 give It 8 Iu+,emwtional Tru►+t Co., Boston, includingd[ :—Western States, Manitoba and of the Century Fund. R McDonald. can be ut)d more than once. We will p BpE,Cia1 Va1t1d Marine Bank, Buffalo. the Yorth West Provinces, and all roller- 1Zth fact. at which time we started to blown onto his property can prosecute. Union ;`ati,inai Bank, Chicas 3;, tion:+ whether note or ac;uunt will have work up the summary results in order As the pathmasters in a great many —M�ri• At,. Brown and John soil you the wax at 25c a pound. We as a Corset that is comfortable I .i Detroit National Bank, Detroi , - t 1 Liberal Dodation have I►romp attenti�►n. divisions have not attended to this Fraser spent , y y e y tca� �'s!ir►osl Kahl: of Commerce, Kansa laity Mutes discdunted and farmer's sale note, Lo p ace the information t,efoce the At the band picnic at the Light bund• in Blyth.ou wilt esquire for and durable. Made in superior !,►ti N-.ttional hank of Commerce, St, Louis, cashed• wheat growers at as early a date as P R matter, the various councils should ._lyli� pickling and preserving Spiceb Sealer C-OutilleI bust boned W1 , House last week Mr. D. G. McBean, Sadie Sandy spout a few , I IW .t L; FN T i Ix V0:(TA&AL : We loan to farmers on doable or single not,* possible. It is interesting to know ' , so© that it ie done at once. days last week at Hemlock Oity. Rubbers, Bottling Wax Cocks, etc. spring at from one to twelvemonths time and at the popular merchant tailor of P ng steel, doubly Coverett The Bank of Toronto that these seventy-two good reports -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lawrence ALEX. Gr LOCgE .. reasonable sate r•i interest. Lochalsh generously donated Eve Fat etoelc club setDd tipped tU prevent Cottle p 6t JOHN.SPROAT, N'r-AammT, We loan small or !site amon„ts on second came froal no less than twenty-seven s nt Civic Holida in Godericb. ' ' ' • i; Sollars to the members of the Lucknow A meeting of a cub committee of the Pe y DRUGGIST , through, TO and bottoiri r-•---_ — _ _-- mertgagb on farms or other real estate seg:- countios and districts in Ontario, in- brass band. The boys rest! a re- Fat Stock Club was heldlast Thursday -bliss Emma McClueky paid a __ _ _ . LJCKNOW. • I unity�{_I and on first chattel mortgages on lire Essex in in the west Carleton Y greatly pp lace trimmed. LEGAL NttN and implements and arope. eluding evening in Malone s hotel to revise the visit to friends in London last, week. --- -- RI�J�' �I•a • ` in the east dated tics :�icBeath e kindnesx, and We have a lary;y amount of funds to advance , and Algoma in the north. prize list. There were present James -Mies Murdoch and Mies Me Full ranee Ot Yati$1 BARxIs' ,)n first mo p t should they ever pass Lochalsh the -A splendid 'line of trunks, Don- e , Victoril, , G Alt1tOW ,t YROUD., God rtgagesfrom 5 ercent. to 6 ,er Aa we sow about one million acres of y Millar, John Corkindale secretary, A. al of Lucknow, are the guests of Thelma, Jubilee V6IItllatcr les• 3��liciLurs, etc., Goderich, Ont. cent, The carr is graded acoordin to the will not fail to give Donald a rousing valise8 etc. (,hes at H. Gall her a. d+ c • t 1. T. t3.aiaow, t2• C. Wit. PsovDY00T. quality and sizr of the loan wheat in Ontario each autumn the „ ii W. °1 serenade. Tyson, and John I Hobson, p a$ Miss Millie Robertson. ' - _ We represent the leading. English and Cana. results ' of the winter wheat experi- They did a considerable -amount of -A large number left the Lucknow and 1899 Corsets. A. �[ALCOMSOY BARRISTER than Fire Insurance Companies fwd can ments conducted on the different — , -Mrs. Arthur Learo •d _ . , work but it will take another meeting station on Tuesday last for Manitoba � and Dtir,, effect insurance on all clams of r. , before the list is in shape. A prize of Learoyd, of Ottawa, and Mr. Walter s 4 It pft lata o p �perty is Dled at Holyrood p p -Mr. Richard Hu hes a of • few Solicitor CuaveTs►uces, etc., ( Stock or Mutual Cum niwt aa desired. g G- cr God•ritch). UfSs pa farms throughout the Province are of By the death of Mr. John Har, >er �- • R. � • a ` Camer m Holt & C►smdroa, Our office hours are fmm 10 a. m, n,, 1. 'i'. 3' to 4 i inestimable value to those interested in 1 $:.o is oliered by Mr. $chert Cunning- Learuyd of London are visiting their ,, •P•stair• In Allis's now slo•k, which took place at his residence, lot days in Sarnia with friends this week. ' ' 1 GEO A �SIDDA L wheat rowin ham for the best bullock in the parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Learoyd, at j •- MORRISON. BARRISTER. � t growing. �+, con. 7, on Wednesday last, the counties of Bruce and Huron. This -Mus Ova Vance, of Blyth, spent the Methodist parsonage. Ps ]E[ . 3 �Ii. iter, Coaamid.i nsr. Notary`. AGER, The following t ►ble gives the com- township of Kinloss has lost one of its liberal prize should draw competitors a few days this week with friends in - R DS •*mer,A �• MoD,ry t.l loan, Ovics uver Mooev s i _ paritive yield of straw and grain per oldest and most esteemed residents, from these counties. Mercury, Jock Adams, a one-time well ap-alai, Baster shop. , � � -- town. _ _ Deceased had resided there for over 45 _ __ a known teamster between LuokDOW acre of the varieties of winter wheat 31'.se Teas Maud Robertson and Goderich, was in town this �a 11hTU(hU0WJ�tUfi4f1 tested on seventy-two farms in 1899 . Years and was greatly respected, The The Late Dr, Garnier, visited friends in Clover Valley last LUCENOTO •c,. N MEDICAL per funeral takes place this (Friday)after- The many triends of the late Dr. week. Hs _ _ _ _ � aw tl r Gr�e r noon for the Kinloss cemetery, A � week and looked as young and hearty U , L k d as be did 20 v&rs since.-Goderich p 'E p CE C TE 'ti' T YHYSI C'IAti' - --- ------ S t I a Barber R . `. # Y , - I -. • fuller obitur notice will upper neat scaler, iD uc now an the vicinity, -Mrs, Will Treleaven and three Sir, ASH D C , — D gar eon and accoucheur. 3dr (tone) (w'h d buy 3' will be 1 . - ever J. Sl iott'. grocerystore. Office hone THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO AHGIIB will Golder, Chaff., 1.3 22,5 week. gad t0 know that they can children are visiting friends in Wood- _12 PRICKLY ACCORDING To THE DICTATSS easilyobtain a ver interesting -We are sorry to learn that Mr. , .ora y w 1 `� a. m, ;from 2 so s p, m. and from Stewarts Champion..... 1.1 22,-1 Y K stack' Robert Raine of New York, and to 9 P. M. OF CONSCI1iNCZ wE PRIZE ABOVZ ALL Nearly Cut Off souvenir of him and at a ver low yr Lail Red Clawson...... -Messrs. Klein, Dixon,son of Mr. W. J. Raine who has Vo an and . iJ � MoD. GORDON. A.D.. C.3[. F.T.OTH)<8 LIBRRTIse Early Genesee Gianb....1.`' 21.3 r� ten year old boy, a son of John price. Mr. Murchison, the book• g y, son of Walks were in town Elliott of Wawanosb, met with an seller of '�ucknow, has some copies of been for some weeks, is not ilrpl�oving . . ` •v•r J rti,S., ., Physician, o Sunday. , DONT M.C.P.S.O Ph Sur- Imperial Amber... ,. , ..1,3 _0.4 accident on Monde 1� » y as rapidly . row 9 on, •ad Acconchenr. L`p•tair. in Wm. ,. y that nearly de- •tragedy entatled Prince Pedro p }' ae his friends would like• LnoYao�v, August 35th loss Bearded Winter Fife ....1.1 19.4 prived him of one foot. Mr, -Messrs Amby gad Gordon and is still ver low. 9 r lie >, now bl.kk. ResidenceRoss sts•et, . o Elliott written by the late Doctor, and which 1 kind Cameron. Murdoch do Co•s store - _ � Golden Drop.. , . , • , • • . ,1.0 16.2 was ariyin6 the mower, and stopped to can be obtained for the small 6 of Grund;, of Kincardine, spent Sunday �` Three of the foregoing varieties have get a whip, The boy handed him the or\�D in town, A DEAIAL• D ' The* coal oil can has claimed her cents. It rill not surprise t ose ,ons R08"T OUNNIKONAM. - a li,•a 1NSURANa[ . victim. A Mrs, Weitson of F rt, been used in the co-operative tests whip but did not succeed in getting who knew Dr. 'Garnier intimately 3' g -Before bu in a frank, call and Po over Ontario for each of the past six out of the way before the horses that be should be the author of such a see what you can get cheap at Harry Lucknow, Aug. 23rd, 1899. _ behind FIRS AND MARINE, near Berlin, Ont., has followed the years. The neat table gives the started. The boy's right, foot was work, the fact being that be had Gallagher's. To the Editor o! >'h� Ssntiael. GUELPH• caught by the mower near the instep, / eteaaea• a• tss example of the Cs►yttga boy, who wzi, average insults of the six years ex- and nearly severed from the 1 written man' plays and poems.: -Mr. Algia. Kole sad Misses Allis DeAR Ste,-Ae I have been made .- FRO R riments with each of these varieties � burned to death while trying to light Medical attendance was at once and Laura Roes went to Detroit on acquainted with the fact that there is f.I • 8001ETIEs a fire with coal oil by pouring it from at the Agricultural College and also secured, but the boy will haye a pain. Obituary. Saburday last• bele circulated in this vicinity, . .! • �1.� '! r /� (J 1l�/ throughout Ontario. ful foot for some time, Ono of the old settlers of West g y' u the can into the stove and she also -The bye -elections for the Ontario statement to the effect that I have - �, ,6 ,0.11,(,, teat• oat. tests - Wawanosb died on Friday of Inst Legislature will not likely Lake place given up all interest ip the Rhin �� �- �\ ,�� U C K N O W died a ,horrible, lingering g j death leav- Varietiee ay. .•s. •ay. G yrs. Fall Fairs in the person; of Mr. William Dunkeld • till October. business here, and that by so doing �' . � ,! LLodge �f thr behind seven cbildsen one a tiio• �• per ac. 1�. Per rte o ' Iiinlos9 branch Agricultural Society, of lot 14, con. at the good old age the vacant in Messrs. ' �- ��• ��" Ancient Order of Uawaoas Golden Chaff 47,.6 30. „ _ at Lucknow October 3rd and 4th, y + 4 ears. He had been - A large number left the station y Hay Bros.' � - L nijt/�d �orkmeo, months old babe. The use of coal oiltl (Ieoesee Giant., , 43.5 27,6 ' of near! y - Elevator will 1►e filled b one $. finell�►w� in theuO in a stove is always frau ht with Early -Red Red 1 - Northwestern, Win ham Se t. 19.20. ailing with rheumatism for some here on geturdgy morning on the ex y \ /� t4 Hat , n e Y g y C awsoo...43.0 ..7.6 g P r torsion to Detroit. Campbell, of this place. I now ask a teat and second danger to pour it on a tire from a can ONCLUSIONS western Fair, London, Sept. +-16, - years, but at last was confined to hisI small portion of your valuable space to I ♦ \� Monday ,venings of a bed for onlysome Len days. Born in -Mrs. A. G. Brown, -of Hamilton, . Y explain matters, a. at present I have , -- ` rich month r.t eight is to court disaster. 1. In the average yield of Rimer I4dusf ria! Fair, Toronto, AuR. 29th to the land of the heather deceased � the guest of Mrs. L. McIntosh, of � ,1. I 1 clock, Visiting Sept. 9th. r no desire nor intention whatever to wheat per acre, the Dawsons Golden - came to Canada about 40 years ago the lat con. Huron. SS11� t relkren cordially invited, Northwestern o o R P R y r � - Ohafi' stood hi est among Goderich Set 8, o ive n the rain businum, nor et � ?: S. \I�he.1,E:, 1�.L.Yccs, The Manitoba grain harvest bee $ g 11 varieties � p .moi•., and settled near Toronto, but ..7 years --Mr. Harvey Campbell, ulPalnier• have I had say intimation from � ]faster Workman. Recorder. -- _ _ _ 1,ufttested over Ontario in the Par 1,893 Asbfield and Wawanosh branch at ago he carne into West Waw•nceb, stun. spent a couple of days this week , , i un and it is estimated by Some• Pe P y Messrs. Hay Bros., that it was their ,i amon�q'J varieties in sac} of the years Dungannon, Oct. 11-i 2. where lie has been ever since, a with friend' in town. i i that as m+wy Els 8,000 farm heads + mentions to make a change at this � �. Qs Fe 164, 1'395 and 1896, and among 7 lIurori Township, Ripley, Sept '!6-2; , successful and respected resident. -Mie. Fred Robertson and son point. The 'n season beim sin t "� will be wanted from outside points to varieties in each of the years 1 ��►; , grain g a8 it P. 8, Lam Five years ago lie retired from active left on Tuesda last to visit friends in AV �. LVCRYOW L`bDGE Morris Branch, Blyth, Oct. 9 10, y close at hand and farmers will be �f take off the crop in the Prairie 1898 and 1899. „ Manitoba and Dakota. How InanV fair brows ar, NDEPF.. , Huron Central, O�aton, Seg t, lfl ..0, work and has since lived with his son , i ' T �TDE'!1T - • l In the coo r P `' Ale�tander. He was twice married marketing shortly, I would therefore marred b the ugly w inkji 1 Order ,�f Foresters Province. \ir. tier: t�, (igilvie, the pe alive experiments —Mrs. (Dr.) Bone and daugliter, ask my'farmer patrons and the public y � y ! for 1699 the Stewart's Champion. Kincardine, Oct, 10 I1. but, both wives re-decemod him and I Ballad a frOWII meetr in the Oddfellows' great miller figures that the Manitoba ' P P Temp C.` Hall oR the fourth Tue. Bearded Winter Fife, and Dawson's - - - two daughters and one son survive of Cheeley, are visiting friends in generally to weal al. each •tateme bs crop this year will reach 40 000 0('0 A MarveloL& Pump him. In religion, the late Aic Lucknow and Goderich. as being worthless and wit nt It oouies fc•ogi trying to hx the ey. . wd,10 da- of cath m nth, at P y Uolden Chaff came through the winter , Halt, T::3o �'cta:k.I Visiting hu• ,els such a pro as the Province g R . Dun. ►. 1 Mr. James B. Ga of this village, foundation. on a iven i P ' the best, and the Golden Drop the Y, a keld was a staunch Presbyterian, and -Mrs. (Re�•.t Walter Troleaveu, of Q point nt wad forcing them to Pry+. orsthren eo�iislly invited. You rfOem tasks for which P iia the inventor of ata entire! new y Teviotdale is visiting friends and Pe ch they an- .Cxae. PaTyoatt, W. A. Lswat.Yett. has never seen before. The question poorest. y in politica a strong Conservative and system of water um that D. EHIFF• iacapa.citabed f pump, promises relatives in this village, Chief Ranger. Recording `Jecrptary c, i,arve8titbg such a �'rcp is a serious 3. Thr. Early Red Clawson and to eclipse anything heretofore pro- it was greatly to his pleasure that he Imperial Amber were the first and the duced, and if our judgement is not at was able to cast his vote for 'Mr. -Mr. Harry Arming, of Kincar- . A I� • 0f CA 0. �� or.P,. taut if g.,od weather i� continued p Bearded Winter' Fife and at t' fault he has a "v ' bl „ Robert McLean. Rev Mr Fairbairn dine, spent Saturday and Sunday the HISTORIC (SRO S --� f th � h f . its` , � • or t, next t res or our weeks the ewer a errta a gold mine in • C OURT.SHLRWOOD, X O 50, LUCK• ' Olnampion were the last to mature in thin invention. It would be im os- conducted the funeral services at the guest of friends in town. , f Q00d 91=03 now. Mettsever.X first and third Mon- Manitou• farmer will, indeed tie a P To life Editor of the Sentinel : :V• . 1.899. sible for us to describe the mechanism !rouse and the grave. -Mise Maggie Campbell spent a bush ail we fit to our lace Spd day ►f c•'•'Cry n, >nth in the C►ran5 FIaII, fortunate man this year. of this wonderful um but it has — few days in Huron the guest of Miss DEAR SIR. -Several of your readers ' . , Visiting brethreu are cordially Invited. 4. Dawsons Golden Chari and the Pump, y g have within the our a will make the tabk m" • been subjected to several tests and all Football Match Bella "NIelatosb Huron. Past week or so 1 v� a- taro. NuaTEc 'ufEs, C. K., D. U. Yt:t.t., S !•ails (Ienesee Giant possessed the riewed with inexpressible admiration and drive away the frown The trial of Dre f uz now in progress whe have seen it working pronounce Among the igtere.9tiag features of y P 8 strongest est straw and the Bearded ' . LOYAL ORANGE LODGE at Rennes is a � �rctzcle for od:+ :cn.l W' R it simply wonderful. It can be used � P -Airs. A. Gordon Brown and the beauties of the great Falls of the the Lucknow Brass Band's picnic at i` F R Cuter Fife the weakest straw in the in any well, no matter how deep, and the lake on Civic Holid-ty, was a daughter Marie, of Hamilton, were Niagara river. They have found . NO. s ::8, HU1.DS VIA LEGULAR. men. The peculiarities of I reach tests of this year. . for any purpose in which a flow of football snatch between the members the guests of Mr. A. MacPherson. themselves utterly unable to grasp its month! meetin p in th, Grange Hall -, yt ureter is required, such as fire magnitude, nor have the y court proceedings, q rad the French love . , Stewart's s Cham ion and, the -Mrs. Rev. Morrison of Toren- y' been very ' Caml•bell .trent, Luclnuw, ou tie set -one P �'' P protec• of the bead, and a picked team frim (Rev.) of Listowel, were much enlightened when told that 107 Turw}sy evenin3 of each sad curry saonth, of the thextric<<l displayed in the man Bearded Winter Fife produced the tion, sprinkling lawns, etc., and is so Lucknow, Paramount, and several to, and hire. , ' Degree night on the;. nd Tue�+day eveninit longest and the Golden Dro the simple and easy to work that a five other laces that were represented in the guests of Mrs. J. D. Nichol this million gallons of water fall every ser the witresse8 ive their testimost P P P week, minute over 1K feet sheer down. The THE • follow-in�, All vWtkag brethren c,niiall I in- R y' shortest straw in 1899. year old child can operate it. Mr. the game. The science and rules of Alf Matthie, who visited hit beholder viewing the scene from the JEWELER 4P .it••i w the merdnga. the Rua},inR cablegrams of the French (Gay has had the pump patented, and flys game were largely ignored, and -Mr' ' Suspension Bridge, from Table Sock, DavII) AacliEa, A. T. DAviyox. 6. In the.,co-operative experiments we understand he has already received home in ;his village for the past few „ Secretary W. M. correspondents, all` coptributn to give of each of the past six years, the '.)aw- a couple of offers from capitalists who when the ball war. elevated to such an , or from the deck of the Maid of the t+ p weeks re urned to I� ew Y ork on Sat- Mist" naturall Is O O spice to the proceedibgs. So tar not s son's Gulden Chaff was one of the are willing to purchase tho entire con- extent that the feet failed to reach it,) y asks himself where all & OPTICIAN, _ particle of evidence that would be least and the Early Genesee Giant was trol of the pump, the participants drawing from the ureas. this watrr comes from. He knows it V C K Y O W received in a British or an American one of the most affected by rust. . -- ---- --_ ___ -Mr.. ; D. D. Yule, Mr. William comes from the four upper great lakes MBrI'ld,�'e l,l(�8II88S I$8�led45 L Lodge No 11l liberties allowed ' thein under such Erie Huron Michigan and : • 7. to 1699 all varieties were ..:oraaye Blossoms circumstances in the rules that govern Yule Master Berb Yule went hig�► Superior. _ _ _ _ _--_�__-___.� Qeete every Friday evening at R clock in court has been adduced agaipst ties � Pte' But why are the not drained ? The their halt; ('ampbdll gtreet. All brethren Y baseball, endeavored t4 check the with this excursionists to Detroit on Y y ) , tical) free from smut which is nearly T11e.;dance of Mr. and Mrs queens?" I suppose that ave wish ► unfortunate prisoner. Malice -sod + cannot be drained below the level of �' 6 ' cordially invited. P always the case when no smut i9 down Frank Jury, on the 12th concession of ball in its homeward course. Such Saturday.; the fence around it must belong to • their outlets which are may feet above °8 Jo-►. S��,TT, P'. A- M.%LcoNsox, race prejudice have done their with wheat. West Wawanush, presented a a caeualitiea becoming frequent and -Mrs.'' Lawrence✓ with her sister, duke•'' i Noble Grand. Recerdes and Dreyfus steady unscathed in the c� y g gay << " the level of the falls. Then, he says, • , 8. The Stewarts Champion and scene on Wednesday evening last, fowls being executed &,a fart ss' Mrs. Acheson, of Goderich, are visit- why are they not drained to the level E. FAasDAY ODLUY. � • P when their daughter, Mfss Maud Jury, they were crc•ite�l, 11w game was ing Airs. L. T. Lawrence, of London, of their outlets ? Because they are fed ASRFLELD M OLO LICNT LODGE opinion of mankind in general what- Dawson's Golden Chaff produced the :_, . P was united in marriage to Mr. Alex, judiciousl_ycaile 1, :,ut cuwmenced again for a few weeks. by a corresponding 107 million gallons ` ever may be the verdict of his judges, plumpest and the Imperial Amber and Rosa, of this village. The nuptial under Qdewh;bur Rules, The players ever minute on the average.) While who being army men are naturally y y Y P y _Miss! Lou Campbell left oo y ( Tie harvest in this ricitnity will ba a F A the Earl Red Clawson the moll .knot was tied b the Rev. John now :i . tr�K ftp and might overshadow- larger streams make up a great portion Alonda Toronto, where she has nearly finished this week, ,k (} �, C prejudiced. shrunken grain in this years testa: Learoyd in the presence of a large i„g ciKhb, the ball was soon rolling of this amount, a great number of M ✓ 9. The Stewarts 'Champion and number of friends of the contracting again. The band boys had the good secured a situation in T. Eaton & Co. s Mr. Steel Hunters spent a con le of artier and the members of little rivers creeks and rivulets in- Pe P :. CS MILZS EVERYTHU&SDAYNIGHT Dawson's Golden Chaff were the a►o9t P t, ie Luck- departmental stores. clu in the :�ine Mile river which days at the �'iagara Falls and (Talo IThe regulations ruses by the Ontario fortune to score, and short! after g or beforg the full moon, in the popular varieties and the (Golden Dropnow Brass Band. The ceremony was y -fir. J A. Boyd on Monday last flows through our own Sepoy 'town, last week • another shot pas%ed the picked team's Moo c ale Hall, Have,ock street, . Uevernmem snaking it imperative that was the least popular variety with the performed on the lawn in front of the ,, removed his household furniture from contribute no unimportant share of - of pop y flags making a score of to 0 in the po A bold robbery web perpetrated at !. D. NICHOt, Haar Data, logs cut on Crown timber limits be experimenters in 1899, residence, and as the bridal party Belfast to Exeter where the fimil the water required to keep the cataract the residenae of Mr. J. F. Andrew Worahir,ful Master. Secretary came out of the house, the Band played former's favor. The victory was ' Y of Niagara in play and to drive the •� ' P' ` greeted witti a voile of cheers, that will reside in fature. � l2th con., last Friday morning. The .� manufactured in the Province, has 10. During the past seven years, the anis Laurie. The bridesmaid was R Y wheels of the great power houses on >t @0@0@F* recalled to memory the terrible war- -Dir. holly Livingstone left on thief first went into the cellar and gi��ea the Ontario shipowners a share Dawson's Golden Ohaf� has been an Miss Andrew, of Ashfield and the y both the Canadian and American helped himself to satisfy the era ' " s of the trade carrying the lumber. exceedingly popular variety with the groom was supported by Mr. Frank whoop of the Indians that sent the Thursday for his home in Listowel. eider. y vinRe I I; t K �, t► w y g farmers whb have been conductin Johnston, of this village. The hand- air of that section in former days. There ars others besides the tennis of the inner man. He gaimW an on L Council, Cap- The rafting of the logs to which the g some bride was the recipient y "Little drops of carter, trance i ' e 4 a►lian Order of these co-operative experiments through- of many --- - - team who will miss Livy." Little grains of sand me Mr. Andrews bedroom �'ho•en Friead,�. etnbarRo� applies from the Georgian out Ontario. beautiful and costly !,resents, and after THE LATE MBS. JOHN (icIlB801Q ° througt, the kitchen, pantry and erecta !+.sena 3rd -The liviliest place in the village Make the mighty ocean i. Ii�ay across to points in Michigan has the Hearty congratulations of all . dinin room. Ho took Mr. Andrews 1Nitwlay succi DISTRIBUTION OF SEED FOR TSBTING , at resent is Mr. William Geddes And a pleasant land. ' dining room, - a, o`�Y,► so of each, month, inn now teen stopped, and the ,Vichigan PURPOSES. bountifpresentul the eats sat down to a sop The late, lamented 'firs. John Gib- cooper shop, where some 200 apple Some of our townspeople may have pants and pilfered the pockets and - _ ding supper. The hose death way announced in PE p' y P took I16 in ouli and all other valubles. Oddtor* s rdWlt lumbermen are corupe.led to have their The following two sets of winter Sentinel extends its best wishes to Mr, barrels are being made daily, stood on the summit of Queenstoa , Visitor* co y R these columns a short time ago, was „ Suspicious characters, travelling -Came to the remises of W, b Hei hts wnd viewed the landsca P R invited. logy sawn in Osnada. `o ves3els were wheat varieties wil. be sent tree, b and Mrs. Roes. one of the ioneerg of the Chilliwauk P � o er. The words of the poet may ug y, should be arrest- . P Holmes on or about 13th August, two ¢' thro h then county, s I 1►, P.�TTYB�I�, necessary in towing the logs across mail in one-half pound lots of each -- valley, having arrived here in the K have Dome into their minds, '� ed and made to give an account of Recorder• variety, to farmers applying for them Apple svaporazor. early seventies. She was born in male turkeys. Owner may have same except tugs, and under the United hissers. Jo nt and Ls lot are iaak- Rochester, New York state, in the by proving property and paying there be a spot of such supreme beauty themAe•vea. who will carefully test the three kinds ' y anywhere?" Added to the beauty of A tratup, giving his name as John C. T. U.- The regular monthly States coasting law, Csnadian %easels in the sets which the c in extensive improvements to their ear 1830. Her scents ami rutin 8 , we mc4cio}}tc .,t the Women . Chri•trao y hoose, and will g P y ( P emigrating slier ee. the landscape stretched out before F, Ueau was arrested in Palownwn ` Temperance Uni'►n will be held every second could not afterwards help in carrying report the results after harvest next new apple evaporator building in the to that state short] after their mar- -The name of Dr. Landerkin M.Y. IL_ f village, and aro also putting y ' you like a panorama are its historic on Saturday last by Then. Gundry, gig - w•dneeday„ e,.wh month in the Odd Fellows The seed will be sent out in the p tin in the riage, which to,k place in the North y associations. In the territory before Goderich stud he is now in Goderich s '�'' $,tt, Lucknow, at 3 p.m. !kiss. J. BKTAJI, the manufactured lumber from one year, , g T of Hanover, id favorably memioaed Pre:+Ident: Mea, S. 1".Aa•ER. Cor.yecretary American rt to another. One re. order in which the: applications are latest and must improved machinery of Ireland). Which place she lived in for the seat in the Senate trade vacaDO you were the old forts Geon a and p° g jail awaiting his trial. - received as long as the supply lasts. for handling the apples, so that when till about three )earsi P old, removing by the death of W. E. Sanford, of Niagara. At the foot of the hill is the _• an•!t is that now Canadian vessels are the season opens they will be able to with her parents to Hilton Oottntj, ' Ilamilton. cenotaph marking the spot where the c'ltlBlaiE D E �T T I T —Walkerton baseball boys -went to gallant Brock fell on the 13th of Oct., • - conveying the yawn timber to the �� 1' sE•i• 2 use up all the aFples that can be Oat., where she lived till her marria e Dayvson s Golden . Dawson's Golden R Most of the farwem about here have roduce.i in this section. The ex I Kincardine on Saturday laY to la a l81 G. A. NEWTON, numerous p►arta on the American side. Chaff Chaff P Y poor- to Mr, -John Gibson in the year 1848 Y Q P Y ` • flon"r gr*dllate in ,irntistr , T,�roua� - Early Genesee (_!fent Diamond Grit to commence operations at the evapor- again moving to the 10th apo, of Ash- game with the toam of that town. Other places of historic interest are Pot their fol: wheat threshed sod amt ator on Se tember the 6th and about field Huron County in the"year 1853 The home boys were defeated by a Chippewa and Lundy'kUne. At the of their oat% cut, whiaAi are an et - 11 llental I�.,t1eY•' aoJ UocL►r of ental Sur- P , fiery, TnronLn aivessit A.1 nuKlern ,lane Z3iIRTEB >IYHI:AT Early Red Clawson (told Ooia t fifty employees will be required to where tl,fy resided for 24 years, finally score of 14 to 15. former in the summer of 1614 the oellent crop" uwat places. . ►f o;.erat,un and catehrinem in workmanship. Each person wishing ne of these k the evaporator runn' • • -1 British were forced to retreat, At the 1 Utflfce in Allin's "ick, apataht! Results of Tents Made by Ontario Prunning to its moving to Cbilliwack British CpIN1. • tr Thomas Lawrence met with Quite •number of ar teeian wells ' Farmers. sets should apply as early as possible, full capacity. They want 30,000 bia, in 1877, pa' y later on Jul 25th 1814 was fought i into! :�.ocident one da last week, Y � have been sank around here • Wad. � nom .'-Witt �iait &il,ley ever] Thun+day pnentioning which set he fres; and bushels of apples, for which the hi hect paces the most bloody battle of the war. [Shackleton , '' _ g sed was the mother of thirteen t letting a large plank fall upon iiia , ooe 9 'fret deep; A (,ul P - the grain wit}, instructions for testin rices will �e aid in cash, and as all children, all of whom with the exoe , Part of that battle took place in • bert l -- Eighty Varieties of winter wheat K, P P foot .which oonfined him to the house two, cue 8:. and the other 88 fef 6 p' church yard in -which the Dominion deep ; W m. Kiser, one 86 feet deeps--•-• - J. A. MAcKENZIE have been brown rn the Experimental and the blank form on which to report, apples will be bought by weight, they tion of one daughter, live to mourn her for a few days. � �` g (Government have since erected a W J. Finlay, one 9? feet deep; T. M. • ' .'� Department of the Ontario Agriticul_ will be furnished fees of cost to his can be delivered at tris evaporator loss; fifty-two rand children and five -Mr, and Mrs. Holt acrd Mi and 1T1re. Life and !Marine Insurance, address until the supply of grain for either• in bulk or ba s. Alla leg y g Mrs. AI'eo who }lave been a �endin monument in memory of the •lain. Shackleton one 9U feet Wm. Real Estate and Loan A enc tural College for at least five years in g pp great grand children. One brother 1 l g Near by is the grave of the heroine, ' ' succession a distribution is exhausted. should be assorted according to size and sitter live in this Province Mr. a couple of weeks with their many Laura Seeord. The tint interment Draper, one 93 feet deep, and Thos. I BERVIQ, ON fARIO. , and the power to withstand and unlit before being R ' the cold weather, strength of straw, All communications should be ad- quality g brought to John Graham, of Chilliwack, and Mrs, friends in Lucknow, left on Friday made in this battle ground cemetery Blake, one 107 feet deep. There am Agent for thy 1, .n•h►n 3f ,tt,ut 1•'irr Insr,r amount of rush yield of grain weight dressed to the evapo:ator. Messrs. Joynt and Thos. B.irtlett, of RoseJale. Deceased last for their home in New York, was that of John Burch, Esq., who also a number of windmills put up fior 16 aae1 (,.►, t.ritiwh America Insurance i,,).. ' LA for are an enterprising �} Partners, 6etncrat Mutual 1''ite Insurance t • ,., .per me+suced bushel, etc., of each CJ.:�.LArrc, Experimentalist y p sing firm and was a member of the Mothodiet church -The Orange excursion to Sarnia depared this lite March 7th, 1797, pumping. 11 ' sad the C'mumia Life Insurance Cu., aim) agent variety have b -,en carefully determined Agricultural College, their large works here will not only for over fifty years. Many of those and Detcait on Saturday last was Another grave of interest is that of a Mise Jean Howlet wtw taught salivad for the Employers Liability Accident an.! g R ' materially help the village, but will who lived in her community, will long g Y Pa e9 g t Gumantea Amurancw Company „f London, each year. The results of these prat- Guel b Aug.17th 1899. lar el trnnized r uicin twelve grand daughter of the greet Sir Wm. is this section for some time, and !eh Y here a • P ' B also be a source of considerable revenue remember the deeds of love and kind- Johnston whose history is told b � 1 �gtso�i. tical Heid experiments at the College � coaches to accommodate the excursion- year ago, has been visiting hese I I saran• on all classes of property pr►mptio form the basis for the selection of a few I to the farmers in thio section, who nese she was alws s willitito beet,ow utA• Set enty-:rix tickets were sold at Parkman, for a week. She returned bas•,) so attended to. -The official I3asrd of the Win�;hana will find a read and profitable sale especially so in the ti®e of sickness' the I,uekc ow station for the ezanrFioo, It is to be Loped that no Canadian Wr►dnFsday of last west. of the very Wat kinds for testing on y P F erm P�P•*t'sr►1.1 ur eccbangerl. �3evera the farms throughout the Province. Methodist Church have unanimously for all their fruit that cannot be used Her grief-stricken husband though' p� C y- school bo or girl is as accent of the + choice Ur:a+ fd,r sale in townships of Greenock, B decided to increase the salary of their A -A special meeting of the Presby- Y Q Mist Barbara Blare left last week Br�,o•, Kincardine, lfuron, Kinimm and Ash- The co-operative ex riments of the for barrelling, rain firrtt also controls twelve ears her senior, livev aloe ter of Maitland will be held in Knox history of the War of 1812 and the to visit friends in I>eWoit, � minister, R,er, Mr. Hobbs, faom X800 y � y battle of Lundy's Lane as were some It is proposed to bane a gird - the evaporating factories in both with his children, to mourn the lose of church, Ripley, on Monday, August p posed `are 6e1►1, past few yeses show that those $1,000 per year, half do>tien American ladies 1 beard in , . a - A latter ajn ►out ,f cLa"mosey o gag at :, sal varieties which have Riven the best - Teeswater and Walkerton, and we one who was a devoted wife a loving 28th at 1 p.m., for the purpose of con- party at Mr. J. Ors&r • Obis I 6I pwr cent ��n tirK claw m�,rt,rage ►re�•usitr. avers a results in t}ie ex erimeaty -The next annual meeting of the hoe R , sidering the resignation of P.*v, Colin a discussion close by the batte monu- Tbnr: da evening,io ooBMsl� wild Parties wiwhinic soy l,u,rivaw done in any of R p g p to see them do a profitable mother, and a kind friend and nei b- record t Ontario Grand Lodge Independent season's business, l3cin our a les R Sinclair of the pastoral charge of meat, "Who w„►' Laura ? y) tko ayorr lig plcaw call,,n oraddreed condncted at the College for five years Order of Oddfellowe will bo held in to the e a K y pp bora-Lhilli%vaek Progress. Deceased � What did she do'" "I wonder in the church and �abbaLb school. R Knox ct� inch Ripley, and Knox M r and M rs. P. Sherwuod an yigif V, J .1. 3IrcKL�iLIL, I3ervi �In is succession have nearly alway$ gi%.en Hamilton, Y porator on and after wits a sister to Mrs. James Webster, church, tiervis. - J01IN MACNAiie, what part of the cemetery al, the September otb. oou. 14, Ashfield. gtaves of Brock and Wolfe apd the ins tiffs sitter and family injDttebhuh , . Clerk. . t t , t ,+. • , _ ,+ . ..