Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-10, Page 2MR
f, do
+ ture. to mo who- had mixed with few myself In the painful situation which LlNov"'s RELIGION. X2 KARRIIND IN A DAY. ISSUE No io 1899.
+++ beeldeis my doting mother &ml a sinall I then oocupicd? No, not for Cha'rles. i Matrimonial Scheme of Alexander the
I clrcL-% of old frietiU was somethiligaIl- tior for fifty thousand Cliarlese%,, my Not a Formal Christian But a Christ- CURED
$+ + mc*tt outixely now; and I received my toll -tale witscience frankly whispered. . like Man, Gisat.
, IfImt letwon. In it that evening. But I m-uB fright43kiled at that confos.- The Rev. Dr. Gcorgd P. Eckulan Tho novtvpaper reportCl*b of tbe time 0
F0 ne In + I I was thoroughly bloatte, and 011,u slon ; It seemed as though I bad never preached on Sunday lit St. 11aul's meth- Mr. F. H. Cole, Well-Kno'wn in of Alexander tire Great, ii,,W there AdViC6 tO
cliam'which I pohaeowd (at leabt I spoken so qpenly with my heart, before. udist L,,pLW 'the heav*
'Opal Church, NOW York, oil been any, would )lave had I
suppose * it is a charm. to such as ad- I Put thO thought away from me al- "Abraham I.Ancoln." Ile said. In part: Windsor, Rejoices& feet day's work of tJieLr 11TC8 in cov-
nuro it) was a very white skiti. I mcst by force. I callcd myself uugrate- that in earLy life Lilt- ering the intereRting events that
think I was a little vain of my skin. -ful, and unworthy of Ills love, arid In-' "We are. told marked the day Alexander was mar- Ives
'"Ppointment voln was a free thinker; that lie read ons
I bad always takm the utmost care wardly reiterated that, fit order to re- Volta ried., On that day, autheatteated ac.
+ tre and Tom Paine, and that lie counts tell ug., says the San kran-
+ of it, as well as of my complexion, pay the affection which had so long Because he Usod Doode Kidney PIUS There are three great reMC-
0 + and as I stocKI before- that glass that been mine's I would go through twice even w -rote a book a&4aiLing religion and Was Thoroughly and Peiman- (-iqw Examiner, no Jew than '-10,202
+++ evening, fastening the knots of blue' 118 much that wax disagreeable ns I which a.friend threw into the fire ently Cured of Rheum&ti8m- men and women were made I-itisbands 1 dies that every person with
+*�i.+++++++++++.[.+++++++++++++++ 1)octct's Kidney Pills AlvOlays Cure and wivetc Alexander had eAmquered
++ ribbons in my haIr And on my dreeA, had already encountered. prevent Its Injtirifig his career. Yet he I
+ Rheumatism. WCA I ungs, or with consump-
C umpt
+ mcgnized a Supreme -Bel arid tx- Dartuff', 01 Perslia, and lie felt that 11 itself, should un
I could not help remarking iny (9)o be Continued.) lieved. In an oiverrullng'ProIlf tio derstand
t tka s space, 11LOW- sniouth white neck anti arms, . arid v dence. He hasn t -felt thlit great achievement was impoort-
Windour, Feb. -7.-Wll() -tilt cnou0i tA) bo aignalized in a. con-
QMddocks. like 1111ge grcvu wouderIng, w1th a blush at myosvo DISEASE OPTHR SPINE. was not a formal ChriAlan, but a the 1prturing twinges of rheuinatism? , These remedies will cure
f0Qt6t*Pe were I'scarcely distingui&hablp from their coneelt, whether Charles. had for- Jrlet,id said of him that lie approached - pkmous wanner. Imagine the pride
by tbb entraice of 1 -broad leaves; the -eashew nutts," arid gotten flow much , lie wi-eLl to admire A MaladyThat Malt es Life Almost Un' more, nearly U) the real Christian life It is' Wafe to say that there are not of a conqueror who dw.idP_-; that lit about every case in its first
one hundred families 'in Canada Ili
a f-110 sPecluien of what, the "'Cawavw," with many Filglisil -,tll+.jn. rho will-tiows of. my roon) wert. than any nian.lic had ever seen. Hf- van be ma-urtired properly onlY by a stages ; arid many of those
I C2 1 14 11 1 which Rheumatism Ila -4 not been air twi,rbicAmin mrivicr jin(l taking in mar- I
PIFUUMV101w; abmove all, the orange- thrown wide open, and through the bearable Alicova C& y %7 was a mail who maniles-Vu the true more advancea. AL y
a . Africa ! easements came stealing Per How to Cure'llt, opirl t - of Chrib unwelcome visitor. riage, the like of which the world ced that arc
-OY44 but ullusu- There they stoo-4 by tons dn - d tweib- fume of a c4�nzr, smoke�t by someow, 6G.Whon. I ficar tile charge Altai Ltn.- This being the case, tile foll0wing has iiever knowm. themost advan
and blue, A'. t rOUS6 the glory of. aDuther the
ly tormea O'Cape f1l""L
for a wO=n of five -and- concluded. red IfTs. Frank MUawr4'of*MiLton,. N-'�S.,. coln was art Infidal my heart gp.ta hot staUment given for publication must Alexanflor hirvaelf married Statira, hopeless. Even these are
t10K such'treesas I luyid never dream,,,d AClaudo Hamilton, I [lave a deep arid abiding interest for tho daughter of the conquered king,
of. towering,twa arid twelve feet in deaing'under- tho -uvoked la'tk Lady who 1xx%ears 06 conf I nee within nio. If he was not a Christian . tjip great majority of Cana
recollection de wollderfullv relieved and life
ced WwUd Me Lit the cool- 'hlglit, witil luiurinut It' would make uflp feel like tearing my- dians. and derroed that 100 of U,# chief of- Yed.
aud wh14% k1ho was of_ boughs vv tieb by Iris name) in tho*-veranda .11010W. Every person who suffers from neem Khould be max-ried too I OU lad" tself greatly prolong
I;y uron, the gmund, aud foi a I aiuPPOW- th"t my tutpawking must 81111f away from the bon& of Orthodox Illieumatism, ivill rejuive to find a form the nobLefft Persian aiW bled- edies
-is txwit a suff re Istinnity.' Ile said that If b6 knew.
pok)gieo for tier delay leafy arbor of themselves -. whil..,t tit() have rather delayed Illy tc4let. for Ili h. ..e r from, spinal disense Chi # What are tliese rem
It a Y4) bom due knedicine that will positively cure It; oan f-tinflicw. In addition to this, 110 1 0
ry visitor. was Lvidt,1Lt1y .1 811(yrt time, .110 w.18 Joillej Ity 1,,18 and Attendatit complications. find to it T4 a church that find iiiscOI)ed over Its -it 10.000 of his Fresh air, -proper food and
to the I were lad -11. not'on1.y,,w1tb the Ora 'T , - thbroughly a Ili I perniftnently root it RUPulated th..
fruit, both gri�en and yellow, but wi It sisU-r, Mrs. Ra'nisoni. a.4 I lienrd I Y reporter ake recently gavu t1w par- ix)rtals thew work1% 'Tht4shalt love out 'of the System entirely. as it !I:ts ,01,11ors should inarry 10,000 Askitic
use or ber sight ill th-ck 6unctitv of tile orang,-,4bL0e,,sOn16- tile voleAN, who appeftz:etl to Ila thp Lord thy Ged with atl thy h It woman.
T.e ticalars of her cuiv. Slie sa!d: "As -11 'Par been showli thousan,
ig of tilues J)odd's
eCY PlUticu-ar ci my per. u...*. an ficWied' her - (irt4wing N46M mino with all thy � min(L with 401 - thJI When everything wap tiettled a vast SCOWS IMOL"
- -d whl'ItA- and waxvil-looIkil m-sul t, of tho 'trouble I t,,u f fered ter Kidney Pills do-�
dnee. They had commenemi to talk r"lly- artrengt1l, and thy neighbor as thys*lf.' pavillon wao orecteti, tbe pillars of
th-70"Wilig Cut its strong perfunie unt.. . to At A imes the pain wuuld Ix.- cold hicA to . h- Mr. F. 11. Cole, whose permanent re- of Cod -Liver Oil'With HYPV-
1�rowu& tok' you that th,-% clost air %va�s he&vy witli ti gevier, anti either bad forgotten the c4, arid vtould Jolfi A man who 4lence Ii in Detroit, Mich.. but wiw which were mix feet liWi. One hundred
in 11DZ here ?" she eLaid, no Went. proximity ef iny. apartment.- or nits- lily W at other tintes'It seemed ai!d 11mt. one who fovrId the work of Ig equally 'well known In Windsor. rorgvoua chambers adj,)ined tids for Be afraid of 0
-ned the' spotted tuusliti c.liculat*xf tho power of their V) af feet every * nerv.6 lit my bc4y, from 'Ji. -sus (IttrLst and sought -to do It among Ont. had been a great sufferer from the hundred noble bridegToumiI4, while phospkilts.
Be"Vath my biLdroom wbidow. ull t: V01ce8, th,�� U)p of my lwacl to my toea As for the 10,000 an outer cAmrt mis draughts but not of fresh air.
cre, alld Ul"Ice let tier eyeu veraixiab of which a Cape wisteria for I heard every, word - they said as inen, was truly a Christian man,- arid IthZinatism and Kidney -Disemw!.
rd Uyward axY gray straw and th" rell'trumpet-c r haid thoVgh I had be6u be- rcsult I ,was grently ieduced in b,- fins gone I to Heaven with tile He gave fair anti patient trial V) a lnelo3od, out&ide of which tableswere Eat nutritiatis foiod and drink
_.k&Vl0r. "Ito til-ty be liouie reepe side. them. ' After a few . commoriplai6e b-tret-Igth. uhd wno unable W stitrid ab ackles of four millions of slaves in "WielimatiNI'll qprmi(l for tire nrul'titude. E-tch pair Do not forget
"Ar tO-morrow, or ttu% next tIaligled gm,%vtiv,% a brilliant macaw ri,marks, Mrs. Itaiwont introduce ulx)it my feet lo;ig enixigh to htteud to number of -sa-calleJ had hwtt+i, and ranged tliemselveI8 tit plenty of milk.
was . wreamIng on hi:1 Perch at the :,It- Ila mo- Wit my mv houo4iold work. When"d6ing -any h liatldqP CVres," etc,.,, but not -one Of thein wmmleircles around the rgyal throne. that, Scott's Emulsion is the
La lmpOftsibio U> detormito; tit's of a little monkey. with, Which t%,V- work which requircit a. stand- g-dre him more tilan even tmnparary Of courw, tile priests oourd not marry oroughly
-USbi1'W%tk is survo iiot, to detai' Wive you Won Mis-S Vrey, yet. ef'. -amt number of coup:eo in the or -
M black nurom aj,.d Mrs. Vans�poin's chi ing jxatioii I had to provide myself A Snug Little Check. III . ell tile oldcst, the most th
dren were I)Iayil!g or,, the lawn; an Claude vvith a high chair asa mpam,of biup.- _' Tito largIest sum of mo�ey that lial Then -a friend urged film to give &nftry way, so Alexander the Great' testcd and the highest Cn-
he scareel.v expected the ,I tx,1.4. y breath -stapped waited tt Doj-Xii Kidney Pill' -j a trial. Ralf re- devii-of a very simple ceremony. all remedies for
all. the glaring suit waA,twav M as 1 4 e 'Which the doctor evem bL%cn diabursed from a private dorsed , of
T)ort. Th.,� nudicin
hear Ills answer; 'but it wits fit- gave his hand to Stat1ra and kissed
%VLn6t&n1eY' to arrive 80 1"9. 88 It Beenwd to my eye in-cocribcd for'nie dJ iu)t Wem'to af*-, 'b:tYlk in one cheque vin."inatc-A.from luctantly h.e dil sa, and-he,ha-i been
weak throats, weak lungs and
saki. with an attempt to 1114tit ltitile,%JV. C011CAL'Wril itself. thankful eter slatep. that h6:did 90. tier, Un example that all tile hridge-
foid, ine, more tha temporary relief Soiitli Af r4ca, It - rel)rcwnts no I vus consumption in all its stages.
Yes; I mot her - the hall'as I Ife used Nv,four b6Xv.-;, but that groom;4 followe(t
,er or rio, he could uot have Bpt tbe fai:9114.,alld �Xcltellle�lt citmo in. .81to Lq not at all like what front the lialn, imn was srddually thah - 95.338,650. It was fviaid by quantity iras iiufficient to cloan th-b 171iiii ended the veremouy. Then fol- a-4 $i o3. a!l 4drugrWs-
had widergoIne. adik-d to the hetit :tit )WIng weaker arid weak 'r. Fi ,roTT rsowNt--, t_;,eirists, Tomato.
h * k et, e liallv Qi& DiD Beern.' Diamoad Vining Com -
J: expected." tho liquida . torn of tho:Kim: tnint ouVrof Ills blood thoroughly, To. !owod the fesUral, which lhstuNi fire
4 )DUrneY." repl,e-I Mrs. lonelill,,.4�4. s4x)n overpowered my- med' z, - d(A.-tor 6 t -1. -sholifit Ixt ny 000000
li -sket, I h mggosted tha.
*'EverYthii.g must What did you expect ?" 4wy lie W sound and* well in every days, the gTnndeur of which has never
Ub-ntral Diamo"nd Cori 'it tKwin mivaled s1nee.
give LAtt0lis, and lulled me. almost itt'sen tu%-, Dr. Williams' Illnk'llills. arid act- hoil . e,,musvle, sitiew.,tuerve :tn!l
11 buait~. But tie L,& bure to itilyp to relw:sp. _Befon- I kl'w%V -0-ha Mrm. ItAnsom., sharply. ing,011 I" a1[Wh_-!3 I lwlgau to take th6m. when they Py, orga
4 Well't, half a country milit] - and purefiamped the latter c6m- ih 04� boly-thanks'it) Dolo's Kidney "I ddii't know You were 80 *A rca
lu a d'L-Y or two, 1"Id 1 AUP- conihvg' over me, the ment of the I htid oul'y tw.,Id a few- tx)zes� wtwn the TO CURE A COLD IN ONE IJAV. 1
ea n mia hilf all, (Ad maid, from. your deicrip- puny tn Ju.1y, 1889. Pills, -Lion t married you." "Did ycAi
"�190 to survive had censed t fill i -ig�)ny I Lad &:uf feimxl for. tit ntlis I*gaii eratioft. Would L 'lave be -en. " extend6d bl lot,! I,()wlbJy you have -gottoe
0 It y 0 1 tie %%
him." tion, Louisa." Do. ii Vii Kidney ilie only knf)wn Take Laxative fironto Quinine Ta ets. All foI
Itirstrils: th\slirill cry of the Aiqry be wlitAt. I hlid to � it tin te. aLnd I hcga,n fA reiai.ti ui' to Cum
Ilow cotild I descr! Y to, tit(- tinfortuhate 4-11erks -if tit(. oil- unfililing cure for Kidfiey Complaint Drul.Tlstm refuad the isioney if it failis when you!I Pro -
It w0rds were saLd ia,a WuC' 13111caw, my cars: tlr,- ch`ldren and strevoth. I.continued using the ertKL4 L:kt;k Of eountilig o4I't-tb`s tre. t5c. (4ald I Thim is w) sudden'
led ule to reWy never sLvn are' suld by- all druggists -it 50 Cent.�
-ir awn'rtity 41tterdallt-4 hail fa -deo 1"&,Ki after four years' c0urt*lkil)"
9 survived very well. witlicut -That's what I always tolti you for a Alv,rt time lorp-% arid -% aii again mpndolm suit,, Ilad fl 11 ur. L to.
them-' a box. six Ir),KeR $2.50, cir sent on Tragedy in the Ch-urch.
.from my Wght,avtll Vas a:44ict). �Wl In full, ossiession of my 11 V I A talkative friend 414" knv'
six Yeurd, pernape I may.- but voti 'were positive,you Intist - b(N p PAU I Alld if it were *d volIved solely o0on receipt or price' by the Dodil's Medi- Th, 11-000iore 1%ews 'Ys thilt III(A h.irin a enemy.
exv k" I woke up igaiii, th,-- sin -had clousltv- r igh t." 41treii&b.'and able to do my hoto6liold lork. calkablo of -couliting 100 citip -0 ba
_c Limited. Toronto.
VY dW not, Like, 4rably 1pnit. evelling I)rc4,zi, 'or 1, t See that I' was -fit -work. I hate ncver*enJoyed ly-tter -_�r miuuV_-, lie wo*'dh ve k3ligago au official IkLshop was it gwe-st
r oavcreigni p, . u a
Of MY' atuiwer. for ohe Was C#04 nl-d r'efrvWi'-g: the chUdrell h.-alth tlutu I am doiag at pre&-nt.", 1jr0lighout . t Frau Wagner'* at a dinner party in Baltimom.
71�thet qulekiy. , I wrong. now." to. work Inecimintly, U 11-1,
had di&ippr-ared from the-lawn�", 'an - 'Willianis' Pink Pills cure 1w.; 'lly th'. way", S:I;.d oil(- tif the,.
tiaturaily Mlclud,Nl '(',I! Well, I do. I think Uharles is a it 24 hours fo-r, - nearly JO dayg belote
3 ou r#.f4%rr,, I I I I - a wonian, "do you know tbat th(w. ar.
g t4k the littlelwatch ;it ni a u:4 - th-y ftiipply the bl(wd ivith its ?,--. PEFLR�'IATIC SHEEP DIP
ill, t-J!0%V. 1 11411, a Fit) It' U ap-
to nwet him; but per- AM% f#h,, commonly lucky I lifv�gjvlpg prolwrtios and. �.tmtigthvn Ito -oul I have M-inpleted his
artirg prt"-nt , / -!it it is dat! roui -to entA-r tilt
which -tit w1i
a th6r .4 abo, -ill -e
ough to fe.
Idea lie was clever en' point 1 1. ra. , d by the* tim li(l
Ju" us Woll Von oluml-I ll>o d. -a r nioth-r lurd iTo t0- hiw ncst in thib ixay% That's tile not- weak- nvrvt*."AlldtTasys duL-, to.vithlpr flat] finiallod It(. wouhl- have, a lkile
haid 06
tho mattor. for utow ori Tyte*r. I f* uy,.d 1hit I had I -0i (-f IIII-w-, rairies are sperdilir coircd hy. What Is that, ma4ftni ?1` th, and SHEEP DIPI
MUst not expect to! slev,,wirg for tlhr4,e l'!(mr` not4l Vint i� vaT?ta6,t,` of- being rVii eldest #;Oil, :V11d by. * Itia sid6,� if the k4iins, were super -
a lgl'
Ia. th JL4:6 Of Ahb; me4clne. I-Rold by all bisliop.'with g^-itt d g iit.y, str. lu!!I�
wiLt to" England., 1, think '01o's t Impoof%il one i;bbvo'thP other, iie&rily' il) . g Ii-Ims-If up lit I)is cliair. The on' reniedy diat "Will
with lier alwayIs. Arid no1%V_ wail Ax ofelock. y
- rIrs or &-tit 1�y mail rymit-pal4l, at
st wonvati I'vo evez% been.". -d -a r
-ol.say there are times �wlwii it is il;i)--
'(A' w�ll like ps rb .$;!.-.0 mven intles-hikil. or'somiD 8.000 feet'
w bu 4iown, to -`4till I Iny Uut N -W awalz-�- positively cure Sheep Scab.
di -c It'.1in'st wolliall You,v%- e%er Fi4vil! -I lw�x. or six liox r by% bigber than, M(yunt, Everest, tho it
P. world.... Jf- Ing
-W day anything at Wh"ch lind appi-amil with suriw'i. -and highest juotintait; ill thi sh- replied.
l4t4'-111Vg to th I hum 4 If tile illa-C 4�xelaim# It destroys tile patches of livi
ously what.. nonwnLW .0440
you'ro tdlk Co., DrncUville, Ofit I I
placmi aide by 1;i(l0:tlie.v- would tivike
'lit tO' MJV. "LlbOln abOUt I t t h hilp 41 t I ii� bi rtto 4)u_qv 4v ti,�)rr, :I -that canni)t [*%'y #uti-d,the bi.%hipil- bacteria relieves the pain and irrita
I:tg, Ulatitli-!' 1Vhy,..thero art- dozells,
a, long- lx%lt ext0fiding for, 71 itifleK
Yv 13PA baea made in th - frult,,-ard tl'
vit tltp'r(l- full 'BradstnmVe An Trod4L
ape Tow it fairee t it I . w * . .. . I -T, . - i I 11ray eXplain. madam." tion heals the -sores and makes the
or m -I.. 1',InTIL - would turnAlie f4 -ale -_ nt Rft A
I felt too sore upon, tu-ri if thf� carring- with 'Mrs. of � girls Ili ld site, "it isxvilell thvro i.;
t. arid di't not think I couid sor w#*,u!,d tv' time' eron for-, tile Mins 'Grey!" Nlild spring �',.veaVier leiids to chi-ek ovi.r 40, tons. , Ilrolxtljly -no Itne skin %0iole and souni. Persiatic
gh -I'vo tieter nwS tkicin ti tnntle bpeitiise of-thp effpvt' "A C.11,11oa In-the.reading desk. K.Kull
-6tild obj 4
t calmlY. I Stiereforo de-, d -cm f -)r dinver.. � tliL@ sum being% 'ill-- LN, 1 Whop ill Sheep Dip is in%aluable for relievin,
[lever mben a i9kiii that- wouldn't lco or) t1ti- Colder, '.i.veathPr.* lq'need'. wwtpd, 1or Ilis, and bi-ing ix -r- lit 11i ' " pulpit. witen
his ck-rgy. tlw choir ig niur- --fiea� lice,
Welitky"ing it tQ a future F -oin wh Irv- Lr�, I r&d h tienefit tile animal of all Verm'n
But wheti. &'Wr the iapoe of rnt1rf- %lew of th, A vepue drivv' whict yel io%v Ij(vfi47o hers. - I - UNed to' think #-A to stuiui 1. t tetail'. ''t a mittfXV to. live 41pon- the intere4t. fo I III; N�l I I
you fair,. LouWt. thi !. ha!" I. �,Ioutrvtvl re0ortif it ffiir.* d-I'llig th,, zinthem iind the 4organist
-4t*-n t, by ta ticks, insects etc., and curing all skin
thcu,Kli at the rate of. 3' Iyar cent.j ;'tit rying 1A) dr(owti tit- eltair."
16 rp�urm4l 101,11.1 Ila 4 - for X r s
I Ttie -laugh %Va4 too muc 0� ner4i, t1w. lumber trktli- normal anil 650 %rou iseases.
1,1119-roora, &ad found the not Yal"y . i".-4ta fo I ki it -:wotild have beeir pru- -�ts-for spring, lai-orable., Torou. Id y1eld 'it IvEiorWtual income A. h -arty Inith wetit the rpund t,f di
-ally. Woman to War textil �s firin. Ur- table at "4d THE PICKHARD T RENFREW U, Linuted,
the lwe_-Ae." of ino-i" th-i,; n'f- w w�er_,r& N-JIOrn I sa -in.* I.-Ahin a year -t -Lo don.
11AVILUXI by difficult, for, to r-V1')urt-;'Vanftdi8t1f of 4)Vor C160.000 tile* Ushcq4's eXponW.
-1 e I ' Tit Bit&- -nowleAgrA that -at melt a ti-mv
iWUWr and aiAter-s-la-law. sonwthirg i f al!jF r4 ot 4 d -;,nif- -quietly. but Canadiaii refined. tignr is (lull on It h- neL
'h*at - the great cmaposer. b- ex)uld weil Iningine it disagreea,lolo ItAn A. %touff% ill.r. 0est -
c0nlo to 1upch at 1. . -borg, MrFvt
1. 0 A -slit) Altriuxi upog, tier 'bir-other like a farge, Infilort-i of Am rica1v ' rofhwd. Tilt- wiltow of
Durrxvn of hair ilit-94'(furwk -Vt 0111 v Cl.. , f i "4% n 11`011111 91,1-C . I I a . - - -
tv 1 0 .4- - + -v,. -# lw� 11.1% -
A. 40 It- - 1 #1
I ury. rissan witpilm hae ar & -the it 11MI'lep ichard Avaguer, is lying ugut .4 till
'lie is 6,75 years Put.
felt even more dtffide-,t n vancing Qn fu4iIttow.lrtJ t1r, houm., hq�_ wish nor. e.`tre for.your' of new d0i0s.1nit retaliatory iltitipe' 0 * ly. ill. ill N ienna. 1, S
ne bei(V*. #11.14, in Which I vvWd Pot belie0p voym-IT, olAffloh oil my - skin. If I 'chose, W have burt the Cnnadiaii grain trade. 'Old, and cauilit told. lit, journeying it: Puzzled Rim.
waA a st,. -lit L�ld lady. I*, n0stako-n. A,tall f. masru tar fig� I demea It m Ifalifax. report:� th'e' rattle - export
pie!f by usink, paint * anti to. that'city from Shall ell.
-4 nlN�tirlg of womert'is cluto in
Ito hor twirried datightoer- U"**. driewp(I lit 1pow4k-r, I might appear as P, i 'as trade unprc-�i table',. but that mining At
allo*anea for tt,.#- dif.em-nee Wh7ch Ivecame wilth, -t I -Lod to h-, aetive. Victo i- AltVS 1JN1%,NIPN.1J1 j: tt!6,, Rpe . itz Whiel, 54t His Halr*o" -nk.ers toi(i or a
911 Miss Gmy." 14. expm r % +ree, 11altle olle (of the fq)(
Do you . me;,a it - to: Say -if! I artiN IJ111Y SUL 'and . ;rl f -lie haf! known enrlr in life and
-Sao wa,@ gayly alld 1hrnw,,i 41a-ru!i.wlVAncrc*.s tilt% .4!1V` port4 th�� j)bblfig ArMfe -qui
Lillatiti-lit a,kv,i rtje at L`w.1@-r Oto hifluelic(I 4of .1 Pli 1
tly drt%aed, ..111 lier :pahtts anti powders?" diitri, Vrito liv.0 died Insane. Aft; -r the funeral
a shot -belt ard )Ft dpinfintl'from tile miiiin� c t fs�,' _.,oy
Ipping trado is good, -p for .i If+ iliat-, We e1,o%V%r" -will w0tit t�lje 64stutild remarked that lit-' "did
&W arins wero al- l'1;U"d tll-' w-'Ils-t- nrld h-1911 IV-4-ts WhiCh -Cre�lulously. The Alaskan idi ifie- or, V o!!e W-0 kot pho c
with - rt-Jkm bl ed energy and stoie .111 tiot wo why Mary Anti should have
ered bY - tho amount of -reni-h,id topth,vktipe."Fersoniv )iT,u "I'm guro ot,it- I saw her I I r liv. but rate;i are ly-ing -cut. nadiAll A I- people 110, i t.
I 1 11, i, . , 1.1 il - -upply ol, liftrogi,-in, toggther 'for to his know
dh.-,,, wore, but tur- b: -mg W,)ru7,g frorn niv ro'cutUN-it --ck* this- morning thr6uglk . her bank eWaring;; ample & took crazy. lefte she
Which tu-. I. I vfuw tt t 1111-4- and nf I t r .1 `1 VI, I N V1*1,Ti)%. with. all livetimulAticm -of IlIftituA af-
than that Bite 1xinted vvry irtl writc-h-A this fig-iro, mulslin jlr*es8. *No Skin could tw -so a gaiii of 21 1��,-r vent. laist wpck 4ver hal not-1wer.; olit (of that kitchell for
t ri jV i h1i i g : ct * rta i I i t1la t i t coU Iti - N - I previous w.-ek and of ter the f at-, I i i of farm -yard manure
after 'ali. I not as Ac�t artificiall. 1) i.� . :I d . t 11,1%, 'thirty. yrar,4.','
arly exerti( & k - whitt- that. w. col thu V; per 04 a foull.
oth r thwi my but more 1pert Aly. Oil Such
0, any traces o*f tLe 6-ficacy Charl-t;, rett;nwd, ec-itt. over liqt iear- Btimittos�
aximum 7
datioll im, tZlis tile supposed III,
was suppowed ti_� ka vp (IL%- as ll;.s 44e:I4 waiAl he might do, that i'm &�Trj� for poot Miiis'Grey," ltib for� la,4 week number 39.. again5t 20 31illt*-r'ts Powdert4, Co- medi-
lhn% of IttlWAIII - grt-itly
bw front receivint: wo a 11,ght. in.eVad of 4.11 the. u"*-)rroiv. ansivered, Coolly. " I'm afraid x116'11 tile providus. week. 4--) -ifi. tile' cotre- 4;f eiii" for children.
exte.11ded, aiAd hithe:rto undre7imt
wof St -1 in -pondiniz week- it year ago. -SO , n
HiT urimarried AS 01,11 111.1, 11 apprCiaeltoxI ne�tre'r.V,) t 116 find %er coamwties i't I lid and pro-
-ro ar. - laDme g I r Ls 11-tW. ar.d �ra;,�,* d hi -i lwatl. ray - evr-. tl1ij hot climatt.. glie,11 I* 'eleping 18.97. 1 in I.S496 ahl- 44 it] 191ort. yiel4h4 Nwome INAli possible . -ell New Form of an Old Question.
ber, we h. w liable. I linte from tlnr.� to t inie w,
overblowu ultfiti;p rcd)uhled. Tber.- wnp "y tears during dinner time, if ItSo' you w1sh W marry my daugh-
perluipti. aiel I-oi- ts which have fairly sat my hair
# I; tIL-' 101-1-ILT41 ti -W I 10111d"Vird- i"At h -1 1- IF f% A Onod Thing Full of -Comfort. 1. 1 1 1. d�_
6 %F-. V A %J t IkDuts ta J IT7 'tA%.Z P.MP . 44 W I&A I.An as 4.41' V
Oil on
hat I fonn4l- to bL" t!.0*'J18ual ;oictur*d th� in, tl!e hair Rind ejes% a k Quar vou tio-wt Wileve nit%, Tire old Dom' -H&M 6n JP&s Kda. -e of Jiumus Yes,
inion.of Canada, reach- lablv tliwlos.eil a big remen
lbta I with a"' ing hir t(:yward northerit, coldpr elifnes,- well tieAwl led witb 14108phatAl. Vor Allis ftWell. can *pDu brupport, her'In that
cl(. girls %vtm> -Iia-1 LN,,e.i -reared darlicr pt�rlialxs tit#-)* u. -.ed Itahmbm 'Allpalli.L11 Av"111411 expucts to W.
4 1 P 'f ot hive lit o3c.tio:(_% r. "tmt you"IV fInd-that, .1 111
ty,) 114-: 1 -at f4-rth- mxt 1�#- d-1 li, -lovem the:,rho'Ums con-oltioli of Wfenew to "left - Fhe Ila@
e Cape. They. %vtTe. :it all , " Go'. has a niix-ell )op+.tion, bnt*.t,'very logN-Itell ir*shf, bving topAl 44illlrof thVt
:ini ii -.flit. nevertli4less." poopie-'.'. From Ita4 set-, th- alwitys bpeu aceuptodried?"
affable k! tt**r Wia%ifw W7 .;,4.11 :d'tt- hardy race, ol 11110---pliatV Seems I)erftxtly Vrell
W Ii It W111 110t, Of IIIUOI COW
taiiad,uaf doUbtIs Z6-; t4p 11' , I
me, which V:t-Ir cn<)t!;er was M Miy," he nns- tlempitt- to the pr,! -,Put time it * hals. 'hand. Ile inumt-Ix-reareful, however.i-viot ati.11ytf�.J. I tI.,o nk)t "(nv how far tit(,
She remi v it %%-4,uld h.&Ve tx en all diepf-llvil -,when KQAlucIv'*- - to me R I -imp 6r tl14!-p,Il(x,;plIatk my hell); Init ftud's Liniment for sal"vervw6ert Always bu
IVIII me much in th4 oursuiid a course of iIongervative got- - to'drhw hh,* d (64ng fb,� y
wer"], -I)i-V-fly an; then - tilt- (tin- Km, f foore
tbat her e14est 'daughter i:wl 311S. L'.1111§0111's -ch:d :raji eertafa it. 14 the,c.overd re&T,
(I they 'rose to r4ain to 1he. an-:
'1'-M-ong count!ed, nit rum. -til, iviiiet, Iraq won-ror 11--r-itij in iir th,� - %,%-If 'can cont Xllrifl.11t�iy to.tho-Tilour-is. Price.
Ut thnvitieR,, who. will flne -the -liusb JU_
inrin-, aj.
se or ni9qt Briti4h possi-4idions-at
looking me well over. its slit-: fr-C)m Ah i hcux- uitt) 16.4 6heap at the
-pritwr than 6) an otherl- alopll(
ted a formal kim up(N -my eal!td h'ill --uncle." the fifixwe, awl I had, to ffTho- y "My *w-ifu tulA e to btly a
'er. nly Indignition :it whai I had mlra.ti6ii nw] reqp-ct.' it' 1-i a 'domill- ard give Ilia prOPertY tO Iris wit'- Uieref0re have -1116 IlCA9i%.'tti')1i In re- 4s Aff-tie wortil.?,
Anti after the firut dalliVr- 1TV40)'I'Llig with a -M I Whn -art. Alban-Inir 'ittarrii(me lie
tit stur,ly. %nglo-SaVons '.
hear(f. awl to run dowh (luti-kly to iOTI ' Of commenabig art'iminetU-ite appliea-'
nmd aft in"Luiry.-as to. what joiorV 4 haz14-0 I 13 -T :'�)Jn tbein in the dining-roorn. tjirittv, FreTich. -.-io clo!V)I 11ve tUAars."
Y cOhne"tel bolind to pro."Oldt, V� wiff! with food. Mon of - f i -v e I i tiR4 I rml weigl i t (.-f Thomas. it!
Wiriatan- h -a:d of lily arrival.. L li"U ifed t-4�p 1 116111('. ifi k 'with 111hol ('reat -Scot 160
royage ';ho "Karl ot Is It with tile. ;nited States. that it plot.h.,g and In fepilIg
seents t $uite per acre - to it I.] rotatzou
CHAPTER 'III. se"N a&1 CIP%C g, Irrespec robbe.ry; (':in hi- t:ilk'.!'
bad made, was over. they all c(-' - v a :1-4 xvi-Jej-pme him. Without lou tQ, he almost par air(] pftrcel his Ftatlon 4nd A nd ca rinot re. r Uve o Al's
(if It,,An,,I the pA( ecui bombgellf'-, flutm. h -%j to tin fU:IV "s -
,i to one another and thwwo4-, at 4!3- disks-vulvd hair 4yr t )Plf' u
lin, rps:,. %vith luy licturt I had overheIard Mrs. 11tall. farlr money fo.r lipnw-l.f or vircum4tances, andu I
&&e nevM as though I had� 1�ved d, 'ati1Z.! lUUC *'I'll take him."
bk 011R., I %%.Ili
0 or hini lov her l.-O)or. 11ivo ecurcti thAt tfit-4-1.0unq0tion W.
ofitics and *populatio of t I. ft I
them for years, or wits of 1%, and my.cy4 st-verflowing witlif Io%( SL.conv�ers:riticu- with her, brother rce I , .9 quIte
th�*. 10 ty of ruivetIng Claude -%part from p 11+ `b ot oilv N! remunerative in ittq-lf,. And get,
t im�portuuce to -dientand atiy I r.m JiULO�kly., Kinard's
t4ntd lloieal - 1-401 'felt -very i -I therp are other- thinzi'which hoW t,f thr, NIM' rd N 1%ilered , but.empAry a 4.
U:tlnl:toti alrain it kinit a.4 I traverseill c0l Il'twure oitartUons.p Liniment Cures Buruik. eta
er tice. 1, for my 1xirt. fe-el- lwV4 J�Usimase. und nict lilni� k1i tit! "lominlon ther- a4 Osewhere. Of-cwirs'iI,' from lecture bt-fore. tile
ha th v r4atrease ou my w,,l v tO t110 flin- (Actige ft)r. t1w w i h- tv (E x trIP - t
801110 sort, of expla-nation iiiatt#ld hali. t -1144t tlliIim; feeling in the r! 'go r .4 )r titis climate -there i -. _dk-f4rcf- binii. Soutbam- Farnirra' ('110s, by -Fr,arik XV!wrt,
- t -XC': 111.14 4J. _< - to affect tit;! general lidalth (�f -rk-.ultur InstrueWr.) trim- lier own bonn--t there are bcul-ep.
betuglat Rhineber, lia-1, In.:v great iuf�asurt-, sutsided. I much WMR;, Ag al The MOST"
r% - - w': r - I
Walt twas due. from" iio,utt, In my di',ghz, ;,s I thrt ul m.11- Pri W th It lit, I'viAl w; Intentiop Of (JIM- the people, atill tit'(! inf�rmitiei, w1liell- �Abtixwi. Dragg'st, -wood- lick- a0pr wonuz�ns hon
otV; Illo- 8- RTThs Fadhon's Fancleol.
connect:01A ga, hi,i w V;,111%ril and art, 'nt*cnmpnfi.Ied.*by paiil-.q and, :iches.
iloAni tinin ago
z my unfbrtuna�e m,InVike", stbek.- says:-' --S'6mf� t Im., romm 'fade blowly
first- aiii tJ1.tty4,u-I.aV#- � .. - I . - in -,o -Of . p I no 110
resolvin. woul I be th( I f.elt tx) t�rate ar mit ro!qPf,vtS It .* Wire pproulfil(m] a 1-listony-ir Uj.try .111 are great'fav- of the BEST
ful fAx film, tt,)r hiw retl- Pompadour detrignis
ak, and the next shrinkingr I %V;tS excitkilleni o! d nd-for.Vikltig my part. a gaInat nouyrvr-41.*typ1�, thf- elim.10- lKing etilder ler's 41ldney and Bladder lllitij4, 'nn,l tit tile new.spring 041tonw.' away *he Lutruired
cene(Y. a Or poetically.
LiVe III v
as I thought (4 wilatt rl.*� f ; I I af ter "tilqln�r' t-w''o' fioxLw Ile tha n
In mywl f t;ut rw(Xh!-r disappi-ohital-1.11 hi.;. stst4br, that, U sho�til I It Lve to, ell thait , elsj:wltere, but . hore � a8 -ttiwL ta tall " W4 4 1." repl:ed tile bald-headed young
iLow . j., Handkerek Left* are the L I
Wd rhyseilf- deprived where St. 3aeo,11'14 (W. 'nW for my- advief. lit Ane with the rounit-cornerc-J -vogue. niail ide ears, "wlieri you think
roaseillzuetice of sucah a pro was ii, -�.tf,rc- for itiv. 4 harles 'did 114 41. hited - to f " * V 401. ItA)14 ITIP with W for the
t,Lg might to. Uvan W 1178 1 e 11111- prot-N-tion. + Ile was. the (jnly joil -(Pf itR ow I i;
1;r*,&i tiv, V) liti brvas'f, nor imprlitt a or lir I the cure orAthell watftq or.plato ffilk, tuck(A Wya- it over ites till for tile l".i. It'14 more
lie 'lint] lt&'A', alujost 'P veryth !tilt It(.
n was- served, and we P."&Wd Mxi f.f. ive!e-jwo. on.niv lips. a's 11' Led one Of the Hamilton.; t frid yet seen mattsmi, Luniliagg, ' . Iltbit- f"Jilon, are the -late" caprice eo'
$ZQ, c4u I d, f-. I y I i Lq, I kitndq .,to; 'hut. had. rie %'Pr mfortable to have them fade iivay
the dining room. Mrs. I.-nnsoin 01XIxetcd han "U1, tilo):, Oil flie -mintrait of - wbpm I thought I could 'ma ke a roi It 14- cortabily '.A %"11 64tabl"eld fodnt a, lorm Variv. than to go off all of a s'uthlo-i, like n
her morther sat' together at t. e . I, IYU11119 give_ IIIIII such -good 'be the -fad o( %he Vmr, -
itis strO..0 llal:d t -i',' �jjti 1:1 m-n-tt ani my licart warm A toward fatt tl1at it N0 donlifif I over tit - .0 . )Iajilki #;th-aw will
1 0`1 efff' res -tiffs %ris you III LIFI, . I
or] a wlis- 110ne (."in underst-aKet sa-ve n'ta t1h nol eradletic. [Lour lit �Iie millinery world as soon LEAST MOND
of the table, carryin._ a - 111M aff compla.1 Isir. euri� n,
I c tif f riom, hi I� * hr UL.." TV -lid. Hirn rn QWAf 11!Irch tho -A
converwiswri with each 16 wr tn'--Ug I t1le i4l .7 0 1 1 � IVIVA Laq; V-WPLLAL
)k wshic!i b(-a'nud iIi- h tion.' it, 1,+ not it new. -tfiltifg, fol� the
I - . Cures While You. Ri4athe. Once in a
of which appeared to rc4er t� f.let, %'vlis- 114)" olw- 4>f codile,�q; ot dt ml,46rtune to lie swidenly 4�ast Into t-anadiall.. D )hit! btit-'hag'heen used The intempersion (if yhiliustuyies Its
Wf� if I m*ht jw!tz" from t ht' tile 4"*)m of -a. f;tmliy which has- no -''It 'L4 so Hinipl" n-1141 sb ec"rViin 111i a gorgoous hino%atidn In friany ail-
i,asurt% YQtl rux .;)r4t- *AS. NVO! -.1de I 'S.-I'tisInctlon* iand griehi
hy hs appart-rit, welt-ome for them. When I first en-' ver' embroldertes anti I: iem. Life -Time L m
4ty looks which I erco,uiti,rc-1 " It, io alan.' ri'ij - 43, knowli, t14P ftit -action, aq nffld, yot.elellnwa 11.8 by
I ti I happoned to, turn my tere, 1. the -`411ning-rbom at* 111i ineberg, flinct..tatirrhozone W #kn absolute V,
yeu (L) Viat I �84. twst houF!-holil remedy Ifkir,p.lin; ti tit] ure For. wedr witk tihift w.tisits, skirts Oml
I I tt openr4l to me full of men. There was oT �:piatn I buick taffeta with a bril- 00 YOU WAXT o"E?
Way. Tho, youri&6-t 4- as for tb.-- fir,41t` for . caVAryli. .'hronclatl�#j �rr .1
t ill sui,pry rtor t1is- cure 'of. *inrir-ailmi-zjtt;. sacii 1
til- -'r mY uld Mr. Ilitral.ton; pf Row.nwnit, in taut finLili will almost atuount to in
Amelia aal! Carol�no,__b as throat. anof titherAhroat 10,1 n;W1 he utiderrigued NILdicille Co., of betruit..Nl ieL
Ala, .y- .4 were f III ly rn'L�ed Up imis t Ift Pw.1- over, ll�A -pay hi,; rospfvts to. me. Mr. prailui. Brit Burn%.-:�.4-Ajs ,fw 4
41AW* germs. eiUwd>t live S. A.. have now olpettrA offiec:� in C.Anada,
ry. w*tne4_1 frictilly , dL'To"ed *-4)1114 i
ikan.-�om, thoulit, t rui. look! fitr man. a- c1iialate nial
PH, -trrhozone Lit- inlialed,'nnil It to intrw1we their (&men% Dr. A111ma's kidne)
y- alarmod me;*yot I vpntii;u--d it 0 b.�o-,:", I lin, bu"nesi. 1&i- p trtn,:r,._'M Ost Catarrk .0"not bo'Cured
artf me. and ralli&I me, arratl r. ttt, -tintr-4. clialigeh h4'. it "1 .4, t It L. I Wit' jt,t. en selds. of If you will F-illiply 2-cild your i)wu cir KPL WfaIdo"twW011111 %yrup to a never
c I (,u - , iijif f wp0ratmi Wherever air' n Yoij,
10 lotill4l %rho took upom.lilUlxv to k-ri!)Trn -remeily ror.s-RI-enes I)rg&tll e, I.,
the want of appet1toem whic.1i I proa I s.." W� y 11 -fit know %V le') If s find _it 4.4 t %% frieuds. PbOtogral-h we will "od )"ou an ciflarged failing rwnedy. It aot w relievow the child
Oei4 A1, t &
h -i t1va ? .1 re you not-g!ad to, 4vi itie rw; rest. 0, T Coupes :,' Vortmi V42�11)eautifulj�, 9,)tkfl up. and five buxw fivei pain but invigorattt% We etom , a i
yed, vatiliot rellf.h.-the wilt iff 1,11,1. dim-luo. am h
yoll . Can bel -U i jo gxwm I of Dr. Alli!aon'.# Ki4ne!r "Ruds" post paid. fur bow-elt., curreats aw*4k&. suid 'VC4- toile a uid
a provi, le :tile c6nile.- part of th-4-en., ne."N'. aq-1 rep
Aw- ever tatt&I 'matrl-
t i.i I' tertr%lzim'ant; tho- I)uteh ov0ween Mr. ' I t, r W. now on Its..Mission lid news. evnvincip�.y.6 q tve..* wl-Il --,owtituLioaai 6&.2s. Don't Send Any Money witil .1elve ei4vrc.% to tfie wticie 4ri4tc-ni. lit Viu Asia",
I twlievc-1 affi nfra:drth;-t of 6yie'. K :atarrh 'is a '1)14K -d cor t
7 ('11 )r0ple Ifl(l , 1, r ' I,u req
y excl:1in"I -Im- saV_'h,: lietrut-1,� - ";inil.,. tfh6ust4i last. not loamt, ' -the Cnitailiati I' ordt-r UP c Ure It -itra- szHpiu n the P�tmilach mti wiyid
mfort, to y#)J,
. ; ., * Henri prcji-till a, trial.bottle of CAtzirr.. dLwase, 11,11d ill 1portrait and Kidrtey Budo. Write a m!r and nt-iwal
he, I a pla fe, es. , 1lall% I mi
to of pro- H tad'ton, "who., with 1he ex- r-W4t3I-acIleA*Wnd pa ii came on baock of photo n,id mail it tn %I.,. colic, . o;htw%. &wvt fpil w vroct;r it I'wru,7
A't t1vtt mon vit.%vh�6t I tort at h fig hozolle fillif -till
am %ur,6 Y"I watt -41 for -nn explarintloii of b'.sV01?- of lii�.f Johi-boota anol-sltoot% will '4-0 Well. -to remember.'. t likt riter tree, Writp at. ( nep "lust takt- 1.11twiml rviu,�di tive er)�- it t.ottle
bY, tO N .4".- Polrw)n jCb'., X ingRtod,, On Catarrh Cure is tiik#,Yi inWritally. to nd Aldress. Dr. Allison's Kidney Bud Ned. Co..
ame ti
JS only Vompa*-41 of of 'Mri, 1:tt 14- vhiV Ing app-tiatus, was. in the t-4tabli0h.ect rco.4th on.' ft tile Mft'"- and
duct, 6!v -4oru'.� acts dimctly on. tlu! bltxxi. Windgior, 4 it
-itinuo%l- 1wigbift. a.% him 'tf-r ctife,, &A -paiii. . -111 tile. fitate Alilter*i Wortu.11owder's 'cure ali 19urfac4v;. Bull a 0 L'Atarth Cure is not a P. S. -Do we do a, we say? A, k auv bauk in the
hr the ltumi- Ao whon I incountered 1%ltMANFNTLV C1,11ED Ill -
dr, -n-. w1mv find b*:iI :itotn Im -Ivtee,l, all tht.gentle' it still United StsteG. Plme- Thl- grand ojer is doue to
wif4h to try the. b!4,ori. a W. ki G at Ners e fteo-
010-m-moutli;d aqwaUttor fit contlanp.i.A.9 T),� 1l.te.preferrVil reniekI.V.I'.ailnv,nt4 orAilifdr' 91'e. 'iluack wcdieine..ItI %van pmwribcA by torcr. 1-0, fln,-or tie
as un- I er- dre-ft f as the en I ike in, 4vardn Dr. AlliIIA)II'A hidney "IN,6" tind to put r,,We�,
tion-- peachtR pre7 t!if, lut-rxiew, ezefainiet: arel to: w, nw]: tfiP*.Pt-o' le Of -tile -botuinion will - - -, -�77--. .. - ' - - i lit this coun- them in every Canwliau liowe. Scud NoW! FITS &fterfirvit dky'i u.,r. tc
rf% . t4l1r%4 ivem, ovenlresso. A la,Ixsez-aller p one -of the txwt physl0ans -ch or-reet. hi
it ntigar-a mixtil iutrn 'by Its ase th* ftlue of ba.ving, A Pix.Soldter. 'try ftir yeam a ar,l - 931 A r P
"Wil't. istar here, ufi�� (laude'! ashloo. at
-style . Was evitiently' the f. nd is a rt gu 1. Wt!k Kidney "Iludr," are. a standard retuedy for Wftk Pii., ft �r t rvmUpe &ad" $2 u W
Now. Ccrn1% wit,, uvj; I I . eongt and a " nifortrw A .1ajotiles, a per tvxyn- that ii w)l-, sciliption. It is con-11N)wd of tile tlebt 116n. Delicate Wotnen. itnd flloodle-�% Oirls. Prioe vde by J. #j. Hfty%p_ 1,,w* Not
r yw knbw want yo%" . I antly,on h. X10 'I ro I 44r"
Cnpe. -Town; a6d, as the attim was p. I �,&
it o,i my recoln- mn(ft sterl ing, merit. giganW statfire' and (.-nor., AA-micts know.n..combilled with tJle S cent- per box.
CLaltullp! '.A.A the name left the rorzxh,,#;o' -the convers-ttion, which best
.011141"A RPH. 'I felt RH thOUgh .1 tl-'td -In.-:Vao of hein nvide* general, as 1116its strength rectintly !iad tile b'duor lolcm d purif icri% Incting dimctiy oil tim-
To tt.XXlg!1t mi-qx AN X.I.R.,&Y GHOST. !ror. In . uco
It fir -4-n- turneAl * to a4toone. lit a ifloment vourtfwy called ror, -w-aa, amongst the of'tknitg' presented to: t I i ei Ellipt i ussurtne-es. q'he perfect c-tnubtita- 0 < 4CC*<*<C �c
reopilrNi mur - miritalto I luut made, -tn,l- thO hs- - ness men. at I coaf inell to the I %;
ttu bu&J MrsterloUs AppartUous ProaUred by a Ile -,;a the Vor! of, tho tw-o Ingvdients Is. what t1, 1, 1,,- W 11TCR. lth ahallift"Chamn.
were most in-
atrim,,ny," n ter- , w FREE
toplog In Which fnr *ailing 2
1 "XI f V*lli 1% 1 had beea gafilt3t WE GIVE d-wn 4A)PP8C On&MW-
Third Ilegiineni of Nagoya 116141 Ar. - produl" sach w(aiderful n -sults in e-ur-
tcrz in, v oic%_% If rorn �Setvntlflc Apparatus. focal or a i&4
my jvitlt�- Spret4etl. Mra. Itansom* luid brologlit Ift- ; Lacked lirvtf 0011M klutuy
elillfited., ill D�cesallej. 141g, Catarili. f4w V t' outch &n4 riard for selling 5 d AL Mo" ANUdret
er iz,:I.4ter Amali-i Ixtek to dinner -vto, covere-od,,.with pl4t-i)Io- -lap�. a10 is I'tow, -22,-,years of Ilge.. Imt.
with "Iraw*.nc WyeA�lf frotij 111i 14t rger h with 6 01).k Ire% no %* risk W ri ke and we tbe 14g4em Paw
V1 Pont] hor, an'l they With rhyw4f were, the c�yaziides*. 'calcium . tungsta%,., zinc, Sul.,: paid, wiLb (mr big Prmewium
W.tlf a s4tid&-rl brAl'.0. I 1`14-M t14. flio-muscutar xtripukth.:-is so * gri-it I F. J. CO., prop�k., bell tke Puttom W
at 1:er Only fetualep; present. As I entered the phato �and i tum lbo"?. and we omd wawh, fvw Qf e1i eA4rre. Us.
a num,
-r k!&V� of V6 fiat], at tier - of "ckieml'
6tIV id burleT my. r thlat lie estif chrry. sk fiNd plecc* (oil Tolt*a. 0. soldbuttammurnit.6le Ulwaicommimimif
-nno pu-,0ed ftba- ; V I - rot)m I could tint lielp glapclng.�at.- ra, Ps I t.11,6' property it TOR 04E he the fimt to Cold Amd yotir niLatme
my. hawfi4o Clatula 11amil" 10"M.9110"- Iris ibutilders "Ind elimb up it .111ou-Ilt .14oki 11�* drutk rts, pricfp, 7-7c.
v H" -k And ar'ms. which show, of - be.,60mift "Junlillous gis nAY'S RK
rue. This i till M4. 'bIU4' 14attl) ain when horsew---.&r!, kot a.,v40ijt1;' 11all.4 Votmly Pills are th-� lo -4. wo r
10 -(1 t ("41 to reewqoire me. un(wr o
ly -low(A. all III, ;NJ Jtk)Vp 'I tlW)[i1'J1 Q %6;0404 baogiDo LEVER BUIrTON GO_ToFiohT0, 01VT
"Pete4t myself to 11 Irw Gr# -y. Pray tl(pnt let this (m- ft. entken' rays, a'fact w)iieli- - admits of
r wm N #N01citatiOlt dreaw n w"
currenc:% aiuWy yo.0 it Ititz-4 a ft � L - - o the clei�er theatrIcal -application de-. it; A Now Wav
sfwmed to tithilk tJl4l% t '_.11Guq1$14 arnin :ind nix-ka as Rubene n1enR rht.I0nK WHI I niforilks tire
ural mli-takl-, th(fflgh aii :iwkward awl AnLakla's 'pink tarlat4t' picted -III, ttib accompanyiI4, I nashita iegularly' recrive:s t
I I natfa-
far. for- they turn- wcAil- f. ha ve- loved to pAiit-and com- tion,Teproduced from tho .8cloritirle. in .. a tit, to order. John," she said, softly, -I have 1 7
CAW. No one need know -4 but our- paring 1khf-m- with a thrill of oatisfac- . - I I _- - . .1 -A;., 4 . -
i4t;ml (16ickly. - ftl,�l concluded to do without a new hat
ln'the face of 'American.
h tton,,'with my own. So, Scroiiulh cared I)y COM- difid 'send for mother with the mone*
(_W I -n in picture) tilts
*f a partY %ville .40b -what havr�k on lat 113TO a rurii mt-ifortunie, gueb� as tile dig- ? A- olner,(not 04110%
i . pou nd Iran Pills.
',the itilcl't 1*[Orfx- I do4io ?". I exclailituNi. feeling, in Vid taxte my future fit'nilly bad �on6plved vis -a -via to A i4eleton,, tI latter, -if- -it won", take much money 6D pay The Only Safe
1p] been. t1mr(, tier qxpeuses here." Way to Sli-cculate
C. I U e 4-4 VI. T it lika -tiloU 11 eyh1hIf"I ln'Ahn ilivio+ n4f n
I v horror v, InJV 1-1111 1 8 "Is ILIR Mul Aulay PAXA-1114 VT"97 V4 I& a %X Ing jit mght, ;
There -.vrr# L -di enough to I tr uMp1 My dear." lie cri0d. excitedlY. bui Int butur ANU rAT OR IT. sw awi
Awl We' prlo,*. ati if'l had committed. a bfeIitch fool I in a c ir Wing hidden from the apectators by Madaift. sall thu leadot of tho'best old us call Ige doublVd wifiiin olic, year; we bave,ddiie "it 4 t1p,,ii-IIIIii
had of, time eum,A-an're ", only In ftsel f tain, whoat. the Illusion 10, Citizem" Leaguo, I h4ve:rome to In* "thp Idea of your wearing that
Jal)(10, (lift 4 fit lwot)6-0 which ti -O amoulit . I utterly -a. black r cur
ILA could n-mcAY uftimpart=t, 4bat - for which I * was oxhlbithd on tire stqp. c Back of tire* form 'you that we have just ty-pe.hed bonnet andther day Is too horrible times. w6ran -do it Itz" ill if our advice is . Aed itprm
i& very. for me to endure. and I'll never en. it: We buy low priccd Railroad Shares t�� %It have iwide** informistion j, on.
neither entitr6d to feel - p6le Indlvi- 'Alnpr ld-a Vuhmkortf coil, together your,husband by mUtake
t that we Nothing v(IIry drowiful. I -hope", lie flually, - nor I to reftLvo prAlsbe from We know of thousinds who dabble in silops R11.1 1,
atutwe-red. i4miling. I could 1lear lie The bereaved woquin covere.1 -her ter tilts house again. till you , get n n -
face with tor hands. anil began " Ao new oue.", ing Stocks, both are the worst kind of lotteries; we L-
Jece, an,, ecrn64A. although I dared not lift lily. now of,
Xx 9w)n a e nride my appearanee -The w e amilavi *.a liprizelf winnra im�hf% a,
11's. "After - ail,. remeniner cit y to invcst in paper ttiwn lots
..;d Whole eirtiI.Ing the whole party wit, down to dItine-r.
tll.%t I IK'i la i I W_" 0 ly 3' "There,.- thef'o I" the. best witere the cliances are ver remote for increasIe in value. and
your" , 014 Mr. HamiltQn, having shaken my citizen
rribly. tl:er-- :s went on, "don't cry; it'll come out Now to Toonr 0hoLuce.
Ilu-t tht. fact. th4v I. was demtLned usuallv the money investe( ir, D('Vflr recovered, ana ev(,.n wilen
t to get' the �Vilvxte Talk w4tli Young Men- Ls the property doe's increase in vahle it is diffirult to secure & cash
to h4nd In formal sort 0 f all right -yet. We oXpec
-le amiltoll i*ht
110CA. to NMI b�vtrma the wife of Chat �a H manner, took no. further notice of right man before n aste language, rks
a b69k irrtttwi lit ch. purch. ser. J f it is railroad stock you can sell it for spot cash at
a Young had 110 powof V-) oterconto my ahame me; Mr. ItansoTq nevor even a,4keil at
4riving it descripti-m of yoting meii any. titn(�. We fiave bpen-twelve years in btisinejW in. -this con.
ro. flani- at tt10 thought that I- had mistiliken. for an introductPq9,**,%1r'. Gioldlng en -01 Yinudo Linmient Relievei Neuralgic'' froni illfau;6y, -tl,4n syniptomf4 of.youth- -valive old Vermont Citir of Burlington. arid we -Cah furnish
mliell of and wx twarly Mbraced a stranger tereil Inton, conversation, which wa,, 4 fill errors, and direutions of a simple set I
wit- for h im. I would tLot lixttni to nor far Wo famillar to suit'my taste, His Weau Way. hothe cure, endorsed by the greatest refei-ences from National 1�anks and lcadin;,, citizens throughout
look -at nor tqx-*a th pect jwl so,, to 4eid' with us until.
k - to Cla, ude a ga I it without walting for one.: an k. e hyWlans. It ia a young. man's friend. the State, and we do not e
Henry If you find &Ade Qv and rc!'Ialilltv.
we pr
inw,"llt. but gToping uiy way'up the stairway. Dutch overseer, without' preto-nding,. For the next few days we are offer- ove our responsibili
it C that IrIL4,e. did hp Well., what was
I i v! crving ilsvntly an I went. [lit] myself to speak, 4aced at Vae w,) fixedly and Ing the , remaInder of thi,4 et0litfon at KNOTT &.CLOSSON
f - Aftere-In thAt to wound -your fco6llngs. I
a, a lk(l Ill tIU1# IVeeVAPH 0A MY room. It . was contIntiously acrOss the tab)� that' half price, 50c. Write at once if you PdVs&4XW YORK.
YO IL Hird. (1110AGO. 1%oS&kP1'A 661141 ItrokerS.
wd-11 for mo that I had not t dresio- lie -ilulte put' me out df countenance. would meure this ofter.-W. -RI , irto v
aiiIa.. If #,41 for diiiner. olse I might have %at .3-fri, Ransom and Amatia'chatted to ",-It was tfie,-W way he "1d It, vrortJf. -sole agent, Durkl; FaVe, Ont. WIM HosTON. .1wir.
-r this fresh liumilia- g' almo4t ignoring my presence, a.. He+e- didn't- ask - m ---me
Wng'af ter and brooded or( etber, If I'd- made It. � He -lip. said., - Dart.
the Jim. "Ile t!on Unti I I h2, I rfntkr&l un- anti it was only Claude. who.0taking Wg. d -did 'y Emina"' 76111wed Suit.
V, 1 4r% nt W appiar at tho Lble. Aj4 I -t h44 seat by my iddeau(l devoting him--. 0111- perpetrate. this
V1, i I
1%V it
a I . _sd
139,4 PIT us tie exertion' depeiwl� seff to My wants, a 'peared to re- cake.?"' At a certain rojral function lit E'llg-
; mwtr in- iraL however, t p land thi�v Qumi had, cw=sion to lit-
166-- sint on unpacking my dInmr-dro44 wid member that Uwas a mtranger and.
Miller's. Vortli Powt vuee f itR In name Ili commemoration of
idea, a scribe her
)vect nd reti- rtvbin1rI'wyo&-1f in it *am NuffICL-Itt dL* a guest, an -I called f or w- litti
�_Ny unhappy thought#; to attention at their hands. children. tile event. Her Majmty-wlto was JXe
W)nglit; tr�act waicl, witil ('11gull wid
wet" jyrpvell� my dev(Atng any more- tearsi As soon aj4 the dinner was. conclui accotopanied by tile Prtnccw Deatrice THIS it 11
ever (1tam FRY.F: for sellbig -P dozeii of our
thelD Ing L -Old tn tho o4tuation Ja wideli I had placed 0. the.- men commenced ta - istuoke, An Odd Zpitaph -lia%,Iijg written '-Uctorla," was fol- IPver Collar Butiani. 10
I dowt) out -
i moved Ili the* ver. 1()wcxl by tile Princem, w1lo, of courtie, Col lak flu I t on 1i
a r inyw-lf. Sli(xr-Uy af ter .1 liatl'regained the ladie, to %b A vorrmixxident of tV6 Buffalo Nod ff
UX) awla. Here. as Wfore. Tn�.hostesi 4.Ud Commercial isays lie cvpied thb fdJ- hoicrilm-A her name, "'Beatrice." No-
be,V609 my roomA heard tho carrLage coil- her sister app:jaiIed to have sa tuany With tho Other necemary a-p-parattw lowing t1cing thiji t1to wife of a Mayor AV110
JP' rpic do tly in- vrltllg Ur!�. Itanom home roll up the, for., producing tile X ra 3 *8. fteleton' - (pialtit epitupli from a tomfi,; Nil MONEY HOW
reniaindeir tofiles of muttial intere.-it t9 stmlc� bra cliurchyard at S01itli-'C1tre;, Was prer�eilt, inwrily4l heT1 name
'%)u r I ArVI knew that Vic 0 P;
'r Ila Yoe; aVPTIUC that � felt- myself do trop, Und af. and theL other objects inten(kA .'t' b.Q. Ilia." L
4htty to cil my tinfe, must bro devoted �o mak- conte luminous , York8hire, Eng. : - , . , .1 -_ "'iff) 111), 11, tbe I ke
tile ter a little while I roae from my � are sprinklod with zinc lit '31emory of Thomas fUld Ann'* �111(t ndfirt-so # � I it ly
y eyes. Ing inytod renfly to n".t her. Sulphide. Now, when tho lightH. are , . ThQro is 'no, age it wiliell it -16 W) thi-ptim-rarw1we. mill w11,1 306
the tea I have- i6aki nothing In thess pages 44t, and wand0red away from tho turned out &M the X rays turn&ron Stretcher. �,ul two doyen of otir IA-vvr
ould I hJA house down some of -the leafy ave- That Ann loved Tom was very true llilix)rtaht to keep up the general
7.ti urder r"latir6 to my perwnial appe; rance.-, s -by which. we svere tjurroiinded�; tile (liner becomes Invimible, whilo a Col lar Hu i ton The4o. ) Oki
tw safe tko n u e Perhaps you'll may what"it that ni trom 12L The lwat CM1 Sell lot your tri(xid,, 40
411 dose b-cau-40 I -believe t1lat no woman see he air %vas delicion.31k cool by that ghostly visitor appears, while a 14.1te, Whoer to you. remedy for titis i's 3 -filler's Conilwund 1"0 C;101- 1% lie', all are wid .1,
11 W 1wrwif aii othero we lit -Ir ; iulde,l to T. a glum and Ek candlo shine in onipty you are remember tilts-
M"b ; In any flowerR which closed Iron Pilbi�
V,U 'A was ti, That Toni loved Ann; Vwaa that made rourn twur int"vey Rtid we IbW
AM -IL which. wi-ro I too, 4&to tyult I day had fllta'CO like glow-worniii. Tito hande %,ill sond you at timullful of
f rw)n to ? during the he&t of the blim. Stein Winding ,nit se ,
Iffetty. I #41mid lay myseir open to are simply gloves. al%o covered with lilt
sh le ld P -A- ill -nature ttw chargWof vfmcoit; or, tlirLt I w ' operierl their g(irgeous blowoms to tht. zinc sulphide, ail(] faAtened to long "Tell me honestly." saiti tli.,! novel Watch whil ad
tk'awa.'Ir as' -e4pning breeze; strangq birds hopped freader to tile tiovel wrltpr; "61 yotl Chami.
the priku) which al" acro+,; the p%th I traversed, or look. Oticks ver see a woniall who . stoifil alid al woth eiv-11 yet
arid tile plain. U> that of morved by confe(Jeratea, inamis 1jaimait. On= Daudnt P
hp mo%lavvft e mility. It wa^ n(A likely that I veour tit rition guaroutire-
.. . I tapped the fJt)()r Impatiently -with her'. S"od ftor ewne )'rar. ply
me VII-AyAn thm lit a drive, hu ed shyly at me froin neighboring "W -
Better re*snits follow firom the use
lwl arrived at the age of twenty- branches; strange fruits hung In- top for Heveral ItionivIntm. as you de.
and brixed to be, 44 - I He Promised.
aft,ernoon by wy.. tltrf-o w[Vmt hearing diver. rypin cluntera, from almost every tree. AW of Miller's Compimud. Iron Pills than In her heurt, love and duty strove !;cr1N- Yes." was the thoughttul If yoll lin-fer wecall Ifive you fiJ. a lorewitim wmd
090;4E am," Hu'ut"he r. myw.lf, or adopting I saw was caleulateit to attract'and- from any otf,iers. for maxteTy, and dut won, Tr -PI), (lit] once.,. I. Who wa,4 Violin and Bow. an AceorNle(m, Air Gut, Goltlk,
V918t pleaswi me. I had ,No mail shall
please tne.- but I' ha(I no hPArt to no- w:f me," 8110, Vx- " She wag a clog danver."- Ring. or Pair of Skates.*
-it my flatterer* even tice anything; out of might of ' thf, George (in desp�101 must be 'an claimed. with taiffpsed eyes and quiv. Taku care"what yo), say Wfore a-
Njon'tru"I - I have littlo doubt veranda and ants, Ifflot. I don't seem. to be able. to ering llpi, "who doom not promise in(- w0l, 'an cannot tell wlio 111.1y b&
Tiii"(1 ti() take A,ut of witat I hoard.I Ata unfriendly of!vup, any sultable location. Mabel- that it lie is evor Pr("leint ol tile � you
my rebellious tear -i would come steai. filld IxIiind It.-Saadl.
nmpftlllp%� thought 'nor" ing down my cheekissi I thought.of (tenoerly)--Nover mind, George. If United Statos he will uso Ilia influence
py. fib - I to have battleohips chrinten4A with
gmwalltY Of how I haO anticipated my arrival w(ymt comes to worst you call becolitie We al -o wart tartiom to sell our
nY O`wR 900d amongst tile Harniltons, anti how a diplomatist. water!" Tofwy .44-arf Pius. at i,�c v&eli. eknd
willingly hAv" grievougly I hail by. -en disappointed 11ow (lid It liappen tilat Miss Slit- Such waN the 'ardor of hN passion, vd I give you R wAtzh and chaiii for
that Algernon hmitatod not it nmp. t-olliwg Lldowii. Thlbh ip not a mai
d6l riot lx*4- It they ha, 1 not wished me to marry i�l(*Wn. refu-.R;-(l to infirry the* youlig metit. Relieve hoamcness immediattly. distinond. atthou.::, it li" all the
Which Pre- Chn rlex,--l"or were detprmined to Ket rlergyman?" "WIly, when lie pro- "I promise!" he cripAl, mud fell upon brilliaucy of the r,4%1 foone. and it
riowledging th-ir faces and steel their hearts posed to lier, ske, bQing a little (leaf, "I recomme, A to public speak. requir,, a an P,%rwrt t., detawt i lie (lifremnow. The w-
kneem.-Dotrott .1oumal. You uIll find quick dell0TV
"the ro, or ag-titurt me, iv%y had they not said ro, ttiought he was aRkIng her to gut)o em'�-REV. C 11. Cimrix, Now ToriL
m t a society. f."t v or i te, T!,^ cenuine 1,fts aw
911 her tmlore I t Im late? Could I hart. scribe to the organ hind. So she -told The oth to no For"RIMIle on eve NATIONAL WATCH "AND JEWELRY
1164- Of her dreamed of tit 11pch oppositlun on film Elie had promised hp.r monpy to Oren If It does freq ry
I "a- uell t I.V. a p1w r i it Signature Vf o box.
some othe
wrtft I wer. nave placed r mialon." a drew suitt TORONTO. X ILL b