Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-02-17, Page 2W 44A
willell 00MG FREE ;iis�it
—U-V4*n is IRVCe," nn$ my s Dean on
will PU )k cried, (IOU tvwrt Well for lkIppj.,I I Dodd's tF Pe0p10 OOLt 41OWU In 111,arw, In it h Jum, On4l "ara, jw ON
alWI You I You havo not only Kidn. y* pills. i saw we 1* 0 4, .1, 14111it
wrocked one lift'�, hut You hare (k%- on" He 'a Julstly Pill' IN said, to ligt"� ('410t $OR it PlItto for At It D C10018, CAK+
vlajulm &*Iejy, jq havW&W. Wsinr, and w*
8troyvd twO Others. dly Annie, you did Iveh. am I
For DO You know What Shall
that puy uticlq% (jod 01p 11 ZI tw wiow�
er s rime It rnad t 'at 'to Is Polliwllt, but never decorn tlozw. G"t whs "Weis
0 1 Im con- t-1119 'World Pm str'"dolis
nine t(Wther."
with his last brOstil tlia% he r It Doild's KJdney Pill$ ',,rie profit juuwt llu%o lit -vii lire- ahl dw W"% IT
roul(I YOU two have 110 w&s AsIted M
had killod Your The Vurod lialu Of JXldn*y Diavase, fiftat"rotim," val6l Jill experiellefill Now tufn fiat NOWAY, aind we;& a
Johnson ? "accoinplio(% tho man tender already knows tlint, una Declared Tbery, Did Be Done 91XV WW your W" OM &
Xx V 1. That ma, nil wolf 'in ('0111ILry all ChW iwundre& how
L'ff PrEp A fter 6fleftn' ca t"rotr. -In tj
'I'm death throu h my darling -9 go(),I,,,,,. I was IfIsDucturand Oth rModi- tho Itioit ahjil tillit
j of U1 ldragon's. a rieff clf-.em Sao raLli (Vuld 1K)"WIbly CUMV1 fine W80JON
anti b1c%,*13. 111 tl, n t your Man. Now, Ur all men IlvIlig, )0 P--tTjlNsfl for titat Inittly 1111111jill Us,
T ho Tw 0 Man. �n%. door 1104 - FOR ME DELICATP GIRL fur $0.) 1,(,l Xt It
perellanoe. I Nw.t kne, tj Lujidull, I,,L4,. :j. orn"No. fla,,(I, 's
In surprims. bilt, cominer- ties of the H IV ie capabill- —The publicatiull a boUilrof would IU)t (I(Wt ()%,(,jr $10 WOW
r1oft Ara!,* I a Tito 1411'reftl(mi "'Unto iu 1.tifl,i 41 t. (lurlottm, atillp. lteo.k_ It
Uhl% 'ur`0 I Jim talking Of
Huth. %VIli4- txl 11411181DIf In n moment. tow days ago, 11, tile I plate. To t., You have tried iron and
Ift*n so faint that I lf"HA1091tiet and Ignortmeo find wree'k- otilpe food only..
ks to
U 141 ].It (I in N, auqplcjpjlv,,, ho sald; ,but ed It- and tt wn-4 t snalo Trew; of thin and 111,11d afect0j. other tonics. But she keeps WNITELICHT WICK U.9
li"4,,hing on& ILIA hilsar: but Otivbr e c1t'e-4- Of the litatenient that
t at r. V arlism I)e:l "D'100 0144 rx-omlUlthm tire &imply TOPOPIT0, CAIN
tho 1110MY of tho f*74a ; but I had my ha, I 11K 0 - Iti ritre sherr
Wa4k"I through -r's sako., If, Of the City Hotel, IlmItI;w. pale and thin. Her sa'P�w
And it lVas NilWi. for his (Iflughtoe vxtoli It
W.jte and hen tie pf ra" to *40- 110wever, tita-L I am Owl' theory that more .11 elift(I by DD(ld's Kiducy Pill@, y
to hLu. r till %4mvd, it horriflett lulll.- 4jx)II8ibI41 for tile. Innil r(%- tlllw, * walp yet to be (11.8 t ha, n one for- 01 3 (1180118P tilat pvery other 11114 port, tilat would bo C)I(ep at complexion worries you. Pcr-
frOut nbait tt) nlnll , n1rt of it nmr- ronledy $20 Ulo txAtlo. 11jill I D*Ilt haps she has a httle hchille
fkVXiV0 YOU!." spoko to 3ffi (le covered there. he lia(l used, fallf,,,d t o inr
Tt y ou crew, thO Illeil u on t4lI)I4!td of Hot ruve
%pe to ueven re.
a It : fill(] wV! Lt8d wide lit.
at"' hen,linW over hink. I. I cough also. Her head aches;
"YOW fin% tho murderers not lie, w -fil)"ad cOrnment and dis- But $It) It PI-ito would in III ()
cried. tile ore Outti
t Into) the matter con anioro; antj cumjOn. -
re"Illt wjiii all offel. was Made by Tho Iliat)_).rIty 'citizeum agr(*d bumto 411:ols�r nd she cannot study. Give her
SWIVI to hv-4ir [no for tilt) 0A clalin to the offle that could put'-sibly
11141 INI), lor Ule nu -ion elt
wind I ]it nl 'tra" #-110 rePIJ- "He "YPS wore rIxe1 on vac.111ey. LS answered be concelvo(l, dy Agents
Vt the**% tw% nilne like 8till maxtering lllnlqWr. U(IIII(Intor of tilp. vornpitily. Thlilial that th'� cn4e Ivas r16t, a renwrka(ble eluding evory Lmagluable tiellency,
*1 V I et, V nway. "if tkIsImiring. 'Ind. an 97" 0210 for DO40i Kldlwy pill UvO Or foreign, it
t#K-Zwbt the Zt U, r "'3ur* tw Wnnt forward. tlmw ItO walke(l !`OkC 'Wanted i
V4 rillff"IX mino. nll,I I hks !ro' thy -offer they said, cure every cast) %v hichp of prcp i r(mi b.V tlH!
to W:twv us )Oin UN 1. turned and lookeq at M wam a liberal olle, it finedt and DW&t 'U
6 adellne. She %�,, wan accepted ),,usage fcv wl,Lcll Kidney Ivits gazing aftokv 111m. with Ithirl nnutl;(,r Year if freall (�ompjlny used.
tiv'% thun,
d#r q%%j.ry he cried. face wIV' forrued of from so
haj to P-110 as death. to 100
-Al" 41f theY are am fiTurig
ea Itil I I (I fteu Iml 1jew Aim
Afout at and twellonillir W` - 11111(h Trelawney. 80mo lew Pcrw)"H,' Ilowerer, doubted 911 MU, f,()r the lima I ler tile
iottier in ordpr tnor. n, I w ha t Hs projector. ven"dor find chief tI18 accuracy of tile re,)ort. number & The oil will f"d he.., Wasting 4 % err tairij ir,
I said. '40 not' think he 9i*fMt4`r the copit pro
t 11. Hag ain fnlb-. 0%vner, irge Im, rutL, an(l fulve riot aken lnt,, tie- ofterod. higi,
ev*s --ur qh#,Mt, t '_1 he 1)% - and py -,in, 11 bo low s to Inv r 11 nis- wero (!xpended' In TO settle tile qlI(%tjOII-_OlW0 for all,, ( body; the glycerine w1F sonthe urcrutkhtA
.4 * U I K161-4 I like nnie!' tj 'Aulno upoll tho Improve WO -Interviewe(l Ount whili inv so k to.
Opp 11"t wordoi You filx4o just llo%v. Carrie Dean. and ask- frea k r COugh,, and the hyporhos-
I tooL Tile rast f3ther!" thp 64 Ires" reports Wero true. nol;for lawli
on, er, you e Flea ivas geiltly wrigua cmmt "What tio 411�ljtk to Out, %vould a e'sa re ed him If tile
1 kllo'v tIlat, Wh011 this sorrowful (lay eolicprn : thlo6g beloje 11 v d
h fit frunk mv 144t, ov, to ded alnly, they are true.# tho t-erm 7 P. itCS Will give new power and
list into in film must forg" leln-An. duty to y0ou to,, Yield up p(j,4WWs,j0n and befory
tN1 411uns i niot 9114� 41PtUt rat., -melt. Ur- K t lie old itrv* 101, stru, g. enotigli.
oat troa t. W I , "Id lie. WeIj. I wjll lllu&tnite. 9karo it it rer- Viqor to her nerves and -brain.
tlm% water.*!ooki" IOIV it ti qu owr tatilt, they have Its at tbey, t-thr rare f6h cAuglit In fit() Yel-ow The only Iwrfect V4 Hut I j
tk- - t 'wMi a Arugxl#�, cOn Was th
cl,wkstiy Paw but tlwtw W-10 Ile It will be happilwus 911 for Pros In tiorUiorn China. an(l evcr say you " cannot at t;ej
arrodaly, a ty �to Buffer so lulich. that I had -t4io hL-in-tau. *M81 (ja4wif 0!. W.1
df 10,141. :1 most needed to I concerned U, it; it
10urce of prosperl
of to Ile .,d k4f regmded aH
tentPlIft it*'l b W to know that, whet, I 18flou ('Ormq
Ihiq Offling take Cod-liver oil " until you
I put my. had Your ynilm 11114 of bi
thYl-that if to the who!e population. O'Wn 'to get, r0fef- Wdoetor great deLkVleY by nfLtIV0 eploUr(w
sald my kidneys wem afiectecl.
llktt%t He, "d as far a I know is [Ound havc t: -;cd Scote's Emulsion.
llud 130en Other thall, I am: I might' Allothpr faet remains to Ile, 'chroll- garO Me medicine. but It dlifult lip
f:lilltlY beating. find your 1OV0. And lmw, We bourght Redruth'H Ip where 'fst�P I" the world. N w it You will be obliged to cha lge
TIw text tljrlK Atanding ill tilt. we sa Y � good-bye, it,
-%hall leled.
'411' n:orv- nir, It b&-hVae hur holue. There my nulit MIPPOL00 that some W4VlltlIv gourinet Your r .%inion at on
'4tilragarillir "Olke day r met Njr., m. 4 c4e. Children
YJ*lf innn. ad to her 8110 gaged and nnip joltle(l in. (IwplIjFlLv. IlappIly .1 Wt'hod to tr0at 111H fri0n& to this es I �,. V
kimlly arnj%& at wo ag if in. won4jor., With U4 till. III duo seawn, Jay re"'tect, who, was cur8d of TC-dney partlr�ular (1141, Hie woul(I be0onx very fond
1`04ft t bob rof*- Inak-o It out my ha yuffy.
"W% oha to MONEY TO LEND#
mAke -Pex-Vil arraWinent4 for trans. Ond infants do not know
1 Aj Ou MAI not understan diod. Annie !Ived ou, and gtil, lives, a' advla6d me to try Fle portatl,,m in Unks Of (-Mlled %v a tr when it is added to their fc,od.
*Tliell y IMsealle bY Doddl J�Ijjuey Pill& 0 ?i "t-0
itim dunt
rro%vql it .'silo P"ile. gracious. womall. fall of ()rle
You (lid 00. on one nr tile paelfic m.til pV,nntery
nkistakon iu '"ell, I J'd take t r d(vies I was
H thfnkilig r th, _d lrE%I!ev"L', 0 1141 It Lq entirely poosibli? tjL11tene
on t,,b the rwk -In w0lilell and understand.. and I was Qrershawdowilig memory. and devote I
-i'my. but j Mid. gentl. "Or porhap,+_ th(Am. arut I did I
'CO -0 olv "a Ild men %If* A few ff0tXj loans "It lit mad, at
rrom then"" cltx%'P bys plot rap at you cam, to our chlAren. ilo b-jx 5". anti 41-00; all erugail16.
for nu—so made M0 I W_ mwl;
nl n'"noutil, dead body much hyh w little 1`141—they ara only filmt SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists,
W -wrnr*f* (4�rpi 1 - Tho last thne slip nian. I had ta 4
11in _rd ror ken three I
VV "PIO lay in tilo GROrve'Rodrath. he was n am complete, b=eo. aud I.V, V111. my aunt Y eared. Dodil'S fit jWgivis'.
is eve
V rf% memo_
'tre for you -11-to-do merchant, living In the far Milt, c the t1me th-0 consignment arrivea. I 11111— -
munlight. wltl, C a to 1, pas- K11ney lnehem 'Onf—wOulkl cO'4t hiM $100by an secutilies With gp I
anti bitterly Weeping. Ile Pdonnetely. "Evor iiince I can remem- /away weet. ured me. They are worth thelps wmid eall t111t a
r rig from 1', bor, ray he Thti4, t1l welght ha goid.- freak diih, form. M. J. M
Umelic'I tho Orink fown 1,119 110 b&-Ttq of calculataon for any
art, my wilole I Lf% t,,,L rough the g6Wn 8 of God. This owtainly settle* t6 wifttion. rPPast, no matter how clegant and
d In the Old h0me, able to, N
INV fate. tIII(, Y0UMjt Is not that .1 n d o n Oto p
1`4 ha'a I rema TEIR IuakilIK V1 WI trong a.9 it tg, My love, 11 ,Otlllng further CtL,a bq gW j, to
to I* drAwn tip, ftw GetwXvi UP agn in I 1rho LA time Of'need had' Dodf a elaborrte. I Ila(l in mig(l tile (jell.
Redruti, .111,1 U0 ul 11011. (jut f4jr ho or. refervilev.
and ever has been. help 1hoh Idney Pll!u cure Kidney Dise ' I
liniter'. ta it 41 1111t. liftif rc*ly o*an&hhg ar 13 L" mother is not proclo" elped. me. ' St. Garlpttla is nOW' A q pror as& -that ven-r-Ily rcvWnizea I)y people A Marriage ousto
no enough to purchase FS n, Said to Have Conie
TUY %144k4ine. with t%pw L)D not tUnk Wiat I jwl, g0j my dear wife ros !*III III r, t !MPPY. thriving.plare T of (1 crintinat nil famt Idlol1j; PrOw th* Orient.
SE011 tuggft.- .-finil The rcmn- 1()st, 80 selfish,' as to think thmt. tj to ldo'ize(f by tile simolp. ppome: wi hose, W110 require Dodd's Kidnoy tast4%. a not I I ULat my $10 c%. Thig e
t1w- ijwm t -b 1. 4y fortunate ditya,
V,r,so. Jr BIJIM14,r (Itlit,lb Wjn. le tho fulnew of q
Trell, K
I so% 4118tfillc" betweea us can InIll; enu get, them at all drug stored t Imate
be brikLqed Wj� the linsWr of for urty.cents . bux, six boxes L4 above. rat -pr t1lan bOlOw stuff rk-P ham Iwr#qj-jjjIf#I f(pr
Tbei4i %v&d rentir, agitated. over by your ho1renly pity. I nua a. the Mine. UIP inhrk."-New Orl Ilially - W a rutarn&4Z4 4111111d "thbR 1. n d. for minerat. [fit i r. all : you Lre
Ill rieft f ay. TI In "Am "le V.., 1 $2- . Or IXY sendf"g thp prl�o to the ou my life.- know what that DOWN Medlelne ro., j,IMI this Jupino 4,0111pollion
P.k i A. ted. Toronto. it cailm) front tlin F'"ILI.
betty Invan lsiowl.v alit 'if IFP-, . .-
t:91we , -71 It froin tile beginning.pq CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. rn. nAtums: I . 0 �,.,
Oil Oweyour MEN
it JL1141 TakellAxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All naasig A
E FINDS SISCRET P0 I)ruggists rofurid the money it it faiIJ4 to ure.
OK ET. mout by t I rf44 (Vf
#*J'2 n4w%v J�Darfwy Upiv, Ytxl 'k n(iw b HEALTHY, HAPPY GIRLS 1rI%ht-4*eV In th4- r#" t ' thf Poor Martyr IvIn- Yonder, M I 4oke, my.he4LI-1, WaS so stirrei'l 1
.1 IVA41 to YOU !00 va Ilse lie I WIF
whAt tl at, I ha -41; to turn my, face tiLde, rels,
I wend Llectvk Belt ani,
t t lie right." I t" llidt' the gathering te:&rs. But site Ult-i uthority ip'ror the bride. I
it, sit i H4, crept cl(lw to,lae 1, Ali c-Pid Jewigh rupt4ym 11rovideol that .51,16pens(wy.
1119 ruunl t*Kan the tawk and 1, felt�t_he FAI, "Ewlts He" Flusband in His F) t F07 to MO P6tatOfts- SaIt and Science.
Iny arni Hide Wonev. -n a eldidiwa mail
jAntr(W.. 1 11 110 * , VUJV Z&AI
it Whet! t1te R)Uter%rhiell Y0u mutpleted. t011e.11 of hor flautt upa� me LaDguid Fron It
tO UY0 .. 1 410 not iblaint. yo 4 " Beeo It will klawww- kidqa)
th0p4ba raxiied i,, 1,19 VV' a atl u Ivr thinking 0j.Aill t fit! Iftild It oung man `irp4t, privilege of marrying the widlrw. IrOuble. rlicuisiat join. )4)t rjj!Ijt4,,,I niust havp Its littl while -ago. I %"@It tO U10 1`1111ous Ger. 1.t rernwo(j
i upuna nrugs. ,q)eelaj 0 dn,f dritgoll bj)re t it fit ill at onr4
whero t1w. nwil Ive f u that,- -it Apparent fitise, " "it u1ItU llfw br-other-in-law
1`41%. '%t t thought w) 00: but Hugh. f, fait i It. Platuralift
-I ptiva gatherls., o c a r- WILY flit -m- , Prof. Lorenz :Okell. 11V odw muld not inn rry agaiji.
:Ast It tji.%. lw�l fird-to h. Wavo fouild ine. will rhf. ;rOf r,' Dorenweno E i*rtri
take v..(rl. that r e'-1JI You "D? Go hii.4 .(Peliefl OeMed strang-el AnWier autilol"Itw nwilltaill, f-4 lift' ercw. UiY -tilt; tr(aill16, C DOI t 4 Truft Co..
W, 276 Queen W40t..
1; tic Ile Iea lie it in The Blood fis a V askeof the tljt�* latx)rlttor.r. tile t#tllqentFj t a n the groom. who rqVWaj4jW.6q UP ShOwed U) thp vigi. the thro
n e lways Aove4f You ital Element -it musi be
Ttw.n I rin4lbe I lcloked� film In i .6uto flever #kj Inuch ni Well o
P**Al 04, lei !�ft% TO -10 Rich and Re you know lily, wife,h It pretty work.
44*" InY linclo. 101-b at late for that.- peak of it: It enn-t Ig., (41 KOPt Put d on ly 11) mrt; w4sman and doesilpt dWIN "plendist P0101 to' bo 4�aMing off t),p Ill -,fig, URD It N
HO uv'&'Y fareweil!,, ill annotinve libr.-iry. Thtni tier 1110r. kin
MY -look. with let: This Wily Can Young Girls Att. (I I In r% a- tge&
Isulue- li'll, hour. allot tjlj� %v* forrr.
.19 bal*t ag-1, (�r th` ON -1111911, dear' Hugh. IL4tpn:, yoll utere.-q I it, life for It quarter FITS . (I at,, r Iwf-%0uWjfF
Y after am CLAY.4 Ws�
MY pocktatij. tG119"t-41"i with
diatIlko. ll Peffect. Health. Inoney.b;jI(s find L`fy Mail Was fairl
'at him. think .4 1 1 . . .4A.
drippii!4 %jill nir spirit 111"St lint(bil All, do ot IV, Unkind V# I , Pall4arril4witullt. Compound Iron PiliR. Ml Areb 'r"W, Pb S-*Nk i!-. %vi -row lif,* hall n-rought. 111g, of tile Unkind 44 you!" I fit(- Place for Illim(sy to for Lfc-aLlso and free 'i
CAm t1willf enctflt. murnoired. nod In 1he early In*th' to We by J. A. Harle. 1,,%82 Iffit] botle. IP4
I I %rf:l for.yoll th..,t die ft)l� yo., :,, c 1xink, an't if I draw it �out for 11 (1 keep III) tilf. library ex. 11110OUVOIL Cue. Nof.rp I)Gjne
d i4l 4fV. jrOu#qj lip my gather 'A
florftir. that V.- hrt,:I,. lloot) '-ve& 'rirl-no matter %0iat -n Terror vs. Ps4g.
t fied tr Pepmitlps wll:j*t,,4 jolt j�s acu , t1le, atmost , husball(Iry Of
rining t-birt, not know what I kn.o boult- station !it- lifP- P(so-uniary mean& To Delitist-What- do YOU w" n t, 11111m Wha"OV-4k Ime
falt Ompli6h firli
hL.0 - . fix At th im, I byrup ii a the vat
""141 Ile (!01`14' 90, perhapm 1 0 1 Wto 31AI aprerl hful to oll; ell
I!, V tillf lier a Joljg t1aij. lks. oWnding uround here all day for) failitaff re"lady. It flot 01
the *IVP loved anotber man. low fit) llixury wha 11
I --erfu I -it u, I I ever: frorn ptil, bj1 Y relievep the
ll -i thnt n"rey of the gea.1, tiv(% h 1.1-11i * - E .1 'a rty 0ut@Idp,I*ve got j
W :FIN a t MA er. Pittf,.Ap My In' Illy. a o
Ly tPfi Y(?U t4e - wjlOIP trutb ? In
FOU raean T4 Oried -fs wip, Inl'youl [enec �lv tdble iff restricted tooth. bo
i4filin #Ar ti-killd. "'% s-Ttortiat-0, numbering -
11111110# it I osnfe Plae� cnrrc!� 4,wAdl1-N.arjd kril-ft ton
bright t" U10- Thrice 191MIry to the wbcle "3,ajem.
_%re T"U ruth, t1i ing pa,,4-o as -will understand. 11 n lid' ()np
llkq ltftt* vitroks rody th, tile git-nv. WfIf Y table, Wagt.,w -Ily I'Mandy C-Urr
,k Y()U $COIng 't4) wore in Fkl(jrjL ki It Dentint-well, if ftelIP04, %%
�014 ronit t tlj(, WriPing in Cbo otolitach witi
Ibis I ; But, the, ro.v (fit),@ don t i4il i,wej.jUMeY,
t h JW Illea rt. God Ila's 11g, W Ak)rlty (if
If) great Ot J�Q't ou [fare it polled?
9"Incm 4nd n6 I'M Itir. we havo on Vv
a bletter man cot with I ova cent* a
'If . I - ` A 111 11- 14 1 I't,
Ha4l tr-q90, Wmare y Is t.lit" twentlo,4 Jll the pota to
,"non 114,4, wit,'I- Your deawts you. t 1,, Clip plie!Uy's 1114! at ftirtunate rmidi I very mnch Party Outeldc-It doil't If '
t-0111 IL't -4t regret that
wou!41 he Irillir in 111,9, Peril Of Your'own-I k -new for the' YU I* % ini t Dentit-Thon it t ,,v Ta ke cz' Y911111C girls throughotit' illf, Dt� Ito tato flay." fin R why 401)*t TOU Tre f'"t tillif that all, nly rt Fourv. tilifler. .
L -I I oy I Gw,* Y()u I (1h, Dot offs And w) the, aplendi(I ?
did get r hi
if] t6 for 'u, and 11-4 1 'pr W
m rs. 1 1110119, Ikl% *ay 'it' Swltzer "I'd the Great; Gerfau.
h1t my ft: Us but--- t"r OU, but I prilyed to, lon. They oir Party Outaide.-Why. tflpn
'bit ')f ow(- tile r 0 thl ,*It it
frink.-aft.-i the tAild it rqr
.48 J with it t0gether
my 1K)t-UO" and salt;
zn6l 14.4 kxt that, it' H rmtoec-d you Valpktat
returned. b0f ore #;i red V&wor6,._iI his litudenu, Did You Ever E
Y Our 1-%,4 _. li,4%t. - ; I`% * lined lamine
Ivor* Pl" hefW41 VU*I'a_,4 uld IlAve helped to nlp, I jr I
-twro hittere4t unpniy. (XIM Iny Mt ll�sart b!ahL to r epntA' t) till! tj(')t W-ack. a nd.
i'19 eafttt :Ifter
ell a Mo. Wight. e.xe %"t -ll wisP "Ofiversatiful. do lit tvorr�-. Taku
i %NwAblack tra+s(I It fjr anoLljPr,.hjt Xr"! flinner it
M01t. - 111it flow ;,:it You, ant) Nk Y(Al to tit) that merely.'to go itp, #4
t it i inake appyour . .11?. MiVer's vollipouliql done. I ile. (;6d wnl# rs'
njr, uo-,rp undtitleb. incl You yo eft'lle I%-fek IS exhatisting'. if it . (to woititt nt iiim fit a
r Is eoij.
bar an froin And now 61141 -tile j) dow% for n olown It cjjll"4. till ;t tolli 1:#..i turn hwa.k from ille?. Will will YO, Aultol If(, V41 roprietoir jjol,I it,'to.
wnt, oxi-1:1 them that ttiey rp ';(.)M;' uliknown Intill. ,%low Muse for thi Rash Act.
n,e the otip thil You refuse do Cr
1;C remaining that ca,, fan, n (d Uln -Any cause 1)@06
it flow
t I. tic her'. nitlke� fift lti that ? found (or tha&
t UOVELe .11fidenrie You fn' -18 they Ilive to(). I'l 'ood-, With two n;ee twall- lufferlug I ejj suleide 'et?- lskOd tile reporter.
we flow' Micred to hi
ti is low I'1.qtc#a In Yolrr low. t I., foltip.1- tip Iin V011101 glikolly lei unit%i pOwj%rf tit I It solif X)d anewe
upon Me, restoring topple Robert togs. that mile
%n.: I " %%*f% einclined to think '
-it �-. "'#.U- I wa-19 too rn"Ch. T11 rwi tlie pO!k-emjj
turn!- )."rP My (Ipb, to Ilinl. I)Iit jkmion 'raine Awil of- ti it:
'41*0 he 14 e0tiler an4 trpnlbl* sobbing Dr.. tweause
itj"4 %. ... Two
114 will* permit siuc I I "an 1 fir
him' MP b6 of mrviep to lrlg- I took MY dArling to f eotir.i,�,
-'rkX.hj Willialus' Pink Pills, 0 -1 'had t�) i*urt-41 tir j)ipllt,jI thought E
% MY heart. fj.)r%'Palo .11fple VrN so ;tll lily wire eruge a[wr 8`11" 10oked like the picture of lipr
* , Illp!p,it: doetors
?R4 r, ` I I Xiollif to giat Thus i takft o r(wtor6 Ilealth, LIS;I. "M Printed next afternoon."
oP:IAN that L Uligh and, ah early gra 14'on r and pilm tald it sa'rvetl In,) joist,
ttillp peoplf�
ve ke. right.. I
the ly to follow.
e, thelt. and Kinard's Liniment Reberem Veuvt�gj&
-4 wwt V) 1W. tilUtIOS& (,f 11,1441 OWIY Caine %litig-ollish.
walkeLl jil was pretty llumbl�
t, did not stir. re -111 po
hbQthe "C"totl Of MfidelLirle . Iarl t4jok half. of tile i;Py.
to c ha d twou. W Looking bfieL- t it, all 110 ,TlW ben6fit W mone Nj) h0me s4hould lx� Ittiout Oit..
kl-rik#- an o7rsrt j,p W fullo'w.thr� usip ri`0161 MY ockeu (-fired froin v'
It !,is% her gentlo eye" fi]jed on me. 'air* (#f 80 ')]any yearq, It ()f Dr. Wil-Ijains- pink' Pills. In eaw olit-ii truly. Without n jyrtittvt f eontraetioil )t nju%_ No Reciprocity.
'XT. Hundr*ds Are Now in Use
rned an Of tills klud is ampi LIXISIE ffivillg elit fry r4t i.q&,
tr%. . n" blere011W thing, un- tile "-Then 80me.tail6r, #-1 4 - , I an W r, rpa I y illugtrittpd,by
(*('me. Va del I ne rrie(: : 111141 -ViSlon.try; btit raising my following test; warrio I f 1*�' ninti on 8s
Tro a re MOnial from Aliss no doubt, bel"ran to 0?It eartk
y I)a IN. "tot Wallte(l here.,9 eYt*4 froill th Ida, 'Bookman,
Ut 1. 110. 0
Paper w1jereon. tIw%Q_ Of -Niarkevillt-. Orjt.� r"*'4s boslill '!Why ?"
c-11 think I a re wri . ttfm,,*l 1W tflo 3,1ft 1 B ill jDonts. And Its, Fire only required once in I wo -ant-ed 06kniall says. --I
t gi%.*va ine' tone,.� Was filagtt-r of my holidd. roda dowil. t",vil vitil ,in, t,lli& Fol eircular write
I true., Whon uell Plenaure to acknowiv-41ge tile liol and could waken Ul) ill torning And lot ldm
ryift ' %
-MI19 its. -.t*-r h4-ro 7%vqawIlPy. tiltit it is
I t if, fturpriio. T# jots. A -tile M0011_ ni t0II me all about
"b" trutila I ha I ivi;sl rig lbiejonp Mr#"k`p out both r p :knowli-dge that 1 I I bwau,the h-t(wr-or lily jXf6, I benerit j it GRripqRf
her liriti t,) ine 1_tIlat it 0 erived from tjjj. 'us' 11W With., the i"Uffel-1119-i Witt) the grip, but. wile iny Lauls, Piuk Pills. %I� mom -t 1 L'i of Dr. will, had ""r Alnrop or tlw, 10"ing geliture. 'Of` . r-�Orviah Bkoletons In Dem&nd he g(it rit t lie
r -Then sud. la�qt ealtil Willi COmpletoly
baAf. W) b' r jan 80 ePlIt' le4 in'that" littif
that it ?ll#Lrllt Ij.,tv# lwlpn .:tuw%! 4)y denly the w1iole �40.K Ong will I Alow'n ee A P(.,ckpt. 11y wife NjOOtj it oluip Thei battjo Of Ontlul.
!csu I tudo 41a � . meaning of her atti- -ter Willing. dea tIl'-Abind at- I 'bet -a rue w.� w(.0 k I * co, for. soine 't, M:1 11 has, H111171111t0n, Ont.
PtLrt scareely. Jvtfrau�ely affectj
4 he W 114,1:1 hands' UPOU me, 3"(Ftaking her. 'win lk neromm Mt. ske'" it igmart CL 'INVIlliar mnr-
W nlY . tiarlin? the room. %,�as very roman and waq OiIW thinkin.
goir hlg��Iaas etofL4 irre flow it
tO my IxvlOrn- lie no aPPPtiU'-, nd gradually One day 8114D Raid she aso line in* the sikeletn
3.141 trit. I trouble, .tid with 3 krf".' ttrs:% her '41 Palls, hall borrLsll 9kcil ifinard's Liniment Cures B
by and n(N wer just,41"li until I was mere t,.)Wn w1t I h Wonders or thq
liniz 41Y
Pale. anti trf%mNing, 31wwor. ile wa L ,k markets of V&r lNortb.
to Make a few ImIrellases. Clpftl Loolidoll tk%alc VeiVed strange- e,
ne or, ho Just a s 9b1% was. % rs
wOr4l, kn w cet a PenchPfl th3t morn.
DOrrillicH make the
niaves ovvr tht, Paper. allo kae Wafts eart. dizz*nem and FAYS that tll(. Illy w)" III the KlOixUlte."
�,at tw ;njiglit h..Ir" #ffA, p r0tt'Ll"led and ecHtfronted �UrOPO. One Of tile prin-
'In't .0. 'ut, tcijtw the PM As it. of the It 411P %vitilted L k
alone -druth 811bif t to pall) a
w -w ntpt .4 Ill. -W) t MoNt done*, Owin, - nly ta if. hea(hielles. wflj
I IIII't tr atmf:ot -119 a.od* got up *3 he got rich �l I Iny a I from t ' %jolent Fitlinning I Wt -
rt-j9*41 bins J!'I -L t4�.'161 �qf - t- -hers- y. -,u f Love WO doetors, 1,)ut noitli6ir was' ket Tho expe bono mar- flut .11 "11111 who Sax% Ilint lilt
:16VIO % "0140118 evor put qn, tir
It Ideal" tilixt I hfQund t WO is ' - ILM or
4;+-,. t re , v. ruisi t V the. first flLwh: 111.y llt.w joy 1. 11, til IN , wit v e. and I a Proadway.'.e hen ry, bu
01410 Yotir bY lifitill-4. meltiq1t; anol to bew-fit nj �_Mnarx)rtfti t io, I
thid brave mail !" tljpr(% aid lie WA -14
find Went on if, ar. 'and am it, jv; t tile type or rzkolnio-,
r le4 1. 1,. is'
_('11APTER X.X.Vj,j1' rumt [forgot tile -sorrow in my about seven -montim. _er0wd0d I had to jefil n (1 .1 Dervish 111111,09
he6r4y*_? Olt Jai-' ofa tighter*..;' "'ho luvinning of tile home. Bat IvIlts orl Having 8, UP. bu t to cover shoulti
If een Williams' Pink rakioll-looktnIr young ro.11 :tnq! wurfd tho.! ant! jc,,(.nptl tile t141ultt4'0 my reco OW q1tickly, that ex'
Ruprcme niomont of mniended, d6termined, to try 9R%.O her his sent. Curiln: Vienna and Paris perise dillightpr frolip
116� woan-1 with lift- fojlowcvl rny , j t tiLem- -90fOrQ,_I finished tht* Farm' thi) 11 -t ve W�,_ ren rw tor
y - I tollr�W the M
POOr ulmle acrohw ecolhd an Ol-Vasionfil e0tirse
Uduct4jr. 1111111" of Ge of
1&-*: In da rh tanding them before jr.,y tienth I t, fl box I,begftn, to lm�rove.'and hy tilp Itad-1 -begijil to. f4' ('ouirkountl fr
tfilizvo-I and Joylull- in t my.s*61f fo�,) Ritchener's vict1mg.
Ipwaipl. J.q T Ilav- timil. V Ila I Mble for wille oil Pills.
rfqwb t r -happy.,, Vight boxes lvtlt.� tolLotiagPe 1"It sit
t te to i.'knt 'ith love. on mine, well m!gllt (bX 1 Thlb
'he be-'iut;fU1Jac*k'turr, 0 ha - taken
ery of axnn A ed, ra (t- every
It lie procurpil 0.19 ver I find been, all(i haff cept, the - ro'll in that W Ont CureE Dandraff rovkvilte ppat, (;omp�,
AVC'il! &Iw rjj�'r 't fsehoetj IL rude �ervt v
%; galn(vJ L. lwjunds in. weigilt. 'am t**n grante(i 4
am t h" stretcher, ofte Tifien -a Ily hae
n dI didn't d' _'xemptloq from t.;Ixatloll
ery r,f tils took, place- In til Jrra tVf u for 11
D fit lovv": f at. Dr. beenuso get at it. No P3 1JY the ElizabotiltAown Council on the
Iv11w,_ anti tho (lea( -1 P RICO for the old. UU-11,ugw nd niachinpry
It her elear. L-ovd H I. Swallow, the, -i n't'
botly Ir9m, laid u s'liftvp (lotle. fol-�'ru
"�?Inlportfnff 111M it, lit.i, :irin, A nd get 3
ow to die. [reel On IhP.. -4116 -opeueol her g Seeretary of U it V% ore if 0 till(
tl,rown 0ghtl over 1;, 9 Fe� tifift testimony ill th e Ell I Prol.l't mary fO." the e-irrying on of pe:,'t Ma"U.
lypu It, a elook I - pu rg, n tj th -
to be- maRtbappy ; for. I f1fdo the I 110P6 that 94*11" the etmductor 4 -nickel fbr her #my ent Union facturt on
full VrP,1;rIjt rd-.: j,ow pi teot ('Ierlt
t he 'May benestit, sOnjqn ot1l
"rihh-, gray erl er' girl 'oiu fare.., Wbat do, yot, thin in th. London n
liair.; but oil a nt I ng* .48 1 was.- k Church Of I` rill nd "In the tW311dlip.
1"'d's l9ureff 'face get in It" mad 1:
tow tea r, I f mal f t The MOST
III faInwo I tent so ab&Ol"tjg, 'L"e ref 1. un- V For nerve ? PhIce for it there Lq simply
think - I- hath _t flu no*Y foor f!", l0wor That n4ot and t 11 L" filmd OrP Pftlu� and blpodk�ju I
'a &h#4 _�Ir I I kc a +1n � I ni. -omfort like to t h L*j wo walcf, girls' ij:*I:Vfi no
'111041w r i jibgld Ma rket prl ()I',I curate. He Imu It in not t *itIj linilvi 41: slowl'y I Unit,wiirde fou After workin 4tialities, Vve
I r,of Madc- brigilt active''and' strong Fare! I'a r,c, coadue. g for a MkIst also have the mall.
watch; -,t hint i1i'unkn6wn fate.' the rtwn. earr ilig t1fp b3- Dr. Willi., marter of c age.ment of theru.-Itoc.1jef oucau I(,.
fleft no littl4l, nnxity to. fol ppr cent. 1prw t e
lllh� Pink 11 lis tll:ln, Ij tor mhi, till!Vng lae'on tllr� shoulder Ilan at the date or or.
L wokniq - W hich w-,� hi -I anv' y lination. His-, *-'I lue decr�a 4 of the BET
r ')Mf%'()f' the -rOtlllg glfrlR b0ga
--ith *Qrmw W110 %, (ithqr ManallL . e,
viel't hen, Oo-I to vie 81111MY nPart-broken. po that. tbei I#- n The s4ituire-rIgge'd 8hil) ix apt tu
h14% w0fre gall al ot $
jwavr man. George Rectruth. Livid witj T I bo hint into tll#..eott -daughterij Cnter;ng to titter. en If Ills PhYsleal forceses annuallY, *-bec")Tw a wreck-tanglo ill
e wo.mappli(xxi are jifr4m d" not de. Tho m Watorni, for the
xtljened 'aad Ifi, him -a nft-k(.l for tertorate. Tlipro
PyllParlisq] to %V1101r, 4,4% pain lot)ked at, her who ut w 1190. und - i I ,
PRO 1:o-fruth U-711PI, Came to ao thp jaxt, V Over _p5o,000
i V tored %orat. a re C*tt 411.0rant, Allowledgr
V16 Vory f#'at1j%r �; theii._ Klaneir.- rourni at ftd or_� ()01 t1lo uw (4: tills 0116 maij. kl�-ing OF`rgy for 14.000 livings, cyne. 6.1lough to discor(w
Rd gr�)iips surroun" t h� W1111 -f the>' were thlix (W.Cuplb making, toui(!. RW re. 'I don't cold whivij can 0111y Ito balf ef Isra, t tlw faults of otil-
isn't. Bett n. -.a hd in.v havirig priv.1te means. Perpons 41 console paid. at 50�-. blind to their own.
L by:w. iq, tho t 1"M Must b-3 Inji(I LO speak like ber-,W111te a.4, luatbip, aLjfl nbr 6ix boxefj for 50. *by, a"
w h" w"A drnwn i;afply flinix ux. ho sll(j! Xpoke` t(,) trying or �eqt post,' [left] h too most
ever, tho r(4A. i4t�x,.j j.,4, te by.
ofur- hat. Trelawno -L,wurd with You liftly" like julte .$:. ....well. ou cou.1d I �S ta to' LEAST MONEY
;41 tearlh%w, she -one w.11 * A p tv" 1 n g lAvo,koocked me'
4"1 In hickening U#r- ('(1 110 this once reaoll -11,411. ber"t Ode , 11, feather. Vity of TOINIO,
fix wbich I "Jilt Th4-m :111 %110 Dr. 11-11ii (k)%Irn- wim -
t, , her Rrorkvillis, 'opt.
forow-r pa rt, and let I'm PI)en it weight of &jojhrs un(ler til Outr
with thP' w. thlinilor-r; The gli-to FOR SALE
.44,r ing nd tnKether!" Vf0IeIjt,j)jhY8IeaI Wow. young tI10' r:lki8IL-l4noking rno j_ Qlpney pankea oath
quakln* -ir(Atn-1 tilt-, tho But when ive ivent fel to I,.- w 110* ha d tinit A heaut ful 1,wo V
11 gn I n I U-4; tK-1 oealong my ulwfc lyl*ng a-4.1 0 Setst U0"d1;- C0%to%*crrr1V'-'�) in Urst-cLaro,
Walked Qlbrt ditiltinee tip stal WUND F0R'SBN9E given III@ he in tit ar firm Tw nn%&Al Or Rith PttdaU. FroportIOHMIU,
t II04pr iny t'to my w1fP moved UP closer and of -F.
r a IZU140. me J. Clio A CO.. delag, bum pleft idition. ha" 110 room for it
d. 161:01rillg, with -Vadeline U white Ilai'(fecr an ugl look. and t1lo ebil. In the rity %'Pry little u*ed
lVing vie xjZnr,!. �by my j#jjp, HUY arr P00VIA and --Big Wor a Soera (Illetor rahg tile. tx%ll-. to, efrawn 11Pward- 1%'h#*Tl we were ot�t of ear. a n9w, film d -the Of Ptit, it church. %%, 'It - take M) for an
I g face hall(I.4 f0f+ Have an -Affinity. top to� , ed on lit" breast, fllj %%-ll(,jp Ido and
On tj,#. brittforyl, p;UjrCWM (-f all houl thpre, he ivned and #�-OUPow`qt IIN thin' Var, and Imit meafor TOledO County auji
4. ihat @aid f Irm j a" ('00 feder
-t4-' a moniont tjo, e x Pri "Ion It had n will Mimi Life lNuilding. Torowo. A
jo� flis -euiitrol wIls now On" of InYsWrio Big -WOMIS are. groot t fit vori W()Uld hnvn -�goj. off. Do P`Ily the Hum Of ONE 1jUNj)RF,,lP
rf". t; be- big" ill no bd LLARIS for Cacti- and every caw,
I xtrallger kx)king at tilm nu i r PLOP 10 W'* ho a,m tea with US V41ce, Mile kljL.f
The ma.11 wito) jjtt dthtil ae'[!i" 'f .'Of 0tUarrh that cannot, be rured b
in lilr no%-t;r..IjaiP iij., rt,
to jilt#) the- Obw"I'ving hL4 manner, would anti. her tejifrn But n Wj y W,
t %%i-ry extingtibstivel, - agn It floed 16,fearn ani
-a. a Sly itunt .
%V*18 III p rey tA j, 4 1 ,too, I fre�ly, 41W IPta hJ8 light i4hino, arouli4l "I Pulled ut or heeUm' Of Hal P8 Chtarrh Cure.
but ering of n. FRANI-: j. CjUF
W VIC this fih� IVATC11.
neighbors anil r)N-kt,t right W`16re 0'r P.40 FREE w46 f4w se4iiiis 2 d"7011 #0jd4
nirprtiflet] pride afty. pa4ls WE 61
At"It Passion. and
I dg -r strit ngprs %vitil w1ilim ho p6d. 0&r4- stroterivot fit hav" so paid ny fore.-.NeVV'r W U -"r Wiar hutteft at 10, , , . fe tn.v promence. 41�,lr w'Ltcb ALd ruard for se;Lins 3 d,#,L N&o
hands "I mix XUZ;4sl t 11 j.q oihav sniff, Illy humb "4-wOr'n tO I)of*r(% MO f from in happy n' 00M46 1cor)Ulct, IN York pot I it
of W
opy w _V lotting it Deeem x4r, A. D. rou r'ull wo ruk %Vrw, and we sent, tk* IjUU00s, Paw
r*t Voice. 11 a I Inet4w)r fallower of fall fr Sell the ftuLto
'"PrI1119 It"'t trfinblirz. OwtirX,of upon 1, Fll�bbp perfect I
Y Trlawn0y. alway.,j hased.'me.- au' jj. Pai, with our bg Isremillm Ii&L
There [seal) t"M "140ney. an I we "nd watch.
ly fallfilien who.
Worni 'for a I I gem N-Otary DA sold bu
01D it ni6,11 Pair- n(sd tho. orn- gettier 1',ttlis h011w-. anq he neeer ;w, en Pu bi I(-. am im yOur 11414 Und your nar and a&
tra tigc-m
Wiklly ,tnfj ands fr*(xi knows, I retur nt. "Forty Years )y 1118 leaTitewl lipoL Neightx>r4. u A. W. GLEASON-, FOR OME
oy f u I Iy 11", wv" W U01urfturmble Uheraicowmfga,
111i may h&vO a: diotionary Is W0111 to
ment! I. en n am now wily sea of' A)IIjoullnef fill I I' rrIj Cure [a taken inter LEVE 113U
ve '1641 they may not 49 -8 Ca ta
1141W1 nw*. rlisirtht kts.-4inK -no in tlw,.i 'you flif, angry look, or CeU44 worti. JR, -Vio polwilbillit,101. hett n I clailll ftew"M this
PtUrV At rny reapp@i� %;
is x1l veJ 'MY l'ift'. Tirp allo hurn W tx, arc, that they er r4villt' than f R
xawn w1lerp. gang too. t (IOIL't boiller to lQok , a. and lictO dlrc4--tly on tilt, TTO N CO., To oto h To, 0
fbilt all Other
-r- rOuArt for George pa" befOrP my cousin, over wl,r) for in and mu"OLP, surfaces f, tho sstem. -----------
LIP,their dictionary, dU190 Ilt it', dose a nly jan, waft f(yr faintmm. 0btAIWvI N)mo inal
rec4cwered frorn ht ign 7w it, for tier 'the quic, laugh at Ir wine fri orrect. th-e troiib,'(.. d for t(wti onial8. f
4PY And had bron helpos eoln irig to ee 'fP, anq &, pense. I t I - m roe.
d by it very J. r-HENE11 & Co Toletlo, 0.
"Itil of Why 14hojlld� I COM111011 A*VI .8old by DruggimU
t I!p Inm Up te) t 110 ookAd t 1,1m. btlt made, no re- Unger 40, Suppose thaVIo:%g worits lire more, *mb*r 11111
14 Ifo in Oer tfils Wild %nt w, B000n
ddroming 11ji(jellne. wenfw wIlie!, slicea ShOU141 be. eUt iff the
Mr --,4 knfvb. wLij jIly nm t ' 10110wNi It'? Thne w-TVod hot.
0 GlIderstand. then.
fly shoula 11turn to other Ule Sam" w)rt pf'pmpl(, on Witf, 'aPpmro of IMIteel 'than VIP short on -o -jut "all "'arpilly Pills are the Imfit.
nt lyin ()n thO Oritfornt.. C. eath have high oolorg anx, M".V A, gu&*,t The Toast as Offered. GIVEN
otir engagement ii at an en(i %. OW Nvo ta Ir- -should &,ty *41other Ile At . revent- d'
-time flaff to upsn L- or "Cis; PrOve the Fityle of th�l 01.
V411w lik" a Air th ornamen
lot r row* rerd tho roamt rare or we t the sho anirwered. aga In. IL" to "PITI Are tho kiml of ylle-ap 11 inner
krWIt hy "-4 -%1410 Inff tfook hi -1 h. Very well.' wbo don't 1X%. - A 14cco) Of tilo back there were presen AWAY
You know a)# VH ILPT gill, frut always --com' %;alrdoll miloul4l go to and bellv ol th ree f Ign t t
ef 1fjfPk^: u; o i nt4l rjy - Menco." Thew. _4_ wilom the
tlmeanx tf) me -ruin, pme Is 4to not live but Lort, 01* WjOm-rS, Rrfuelet,, rfti V hey (10 - I I dt To-iigutt must MR yor wu4hed '"Ut t-O& PC#7& Tea Saft,
1111Y and 1im. The. d. but pplystor drIfIkIng - to (10 Itonor by 0 1
CAmcluslon. tA b r - t very, the their healtil. tie G"w6er Sea, aa,vt,
t bN 0 -vv- hps (L-graeo . but I am not going to bo iue&CII P"Non'
A, 1XVtIon, a tlw et
146 t lie re V4,4 whi"'over tho ineiritable. T T110 rt-%ulta ro Tew -Se1s, La,
141 arl-! roll" lld 46 1 drinking, they, cuted the t0aA-ln lister to ajl. &
"on the nooding of the InNt-eful Of eating ant I IY fir
An t') a t lk) 1, congratnInto you,- 110 adre"n"' 'a ni I the (jeath 0( jolln ,I ro In ratio witil tjj hastrismelt.% ana ot
46 Pa rtAt ko of refresluw, n skill uwvl, Lot tilo forea ex to
diffirill they havo , henj t1l., "The llealtli Of tile three pre. fwi O'd Cw owires � - I
sintly. 94 The are --extrt, 11
vver, miNtaki
woll tho took place quietly tho In t diel
h My In Tho l*_A4I d
br, fRellPA110V -say they* qe�at (;Onsuls"' 'MP t(mut-I'Mister, flow.
kv - . w't married Madellime Graham Peridod.
Ilux it carioum Nmilo; -you IlnT0 Pendra- PUVPJ4 of all f14411 ar Wn-
u'9 t1w wOnf, . rose a nd
Inw-I wint "to vvitioqjor it) 411. whither vr In lon- steatt 9 1 CINDIED CRUSHED
ttIrlux],84 if tfogo. but Ma e brd of dying at laqt, "they tkeenfie.- tbk,,. Icate.- alld (444ir. "nounce4i: Thp ,ord Nf,l Y now
rpnw(f. COUP togethpr; The tirength, of thn lie.-Iltil of the :,- b= aNdAmbossnar fit.
Ca n vrm frwgj%-,� lw hen it W" or drinks
roll . l"I '"t imPrmXivo cry, inte over.wt, 8pent a brier U)o 81tort our language lit III A per cent. milmlIV4
ativ Worgl6s a broad. in
r i#-. 1. haunch (g ftwe
w0rdn---� It lef ly Mo losyll:1. carvM Altion jyj fftZroju.,� at loor
lk like, One Apt-hir niorn- 1), kifti
r" arm
"There iij f tl()Wll tO t I it X)nlp NOv1 Your Chalice! N-11*4 us ytqjr 1-4-aw
CA Jul pa Ion and it you wrt, isinfleva, I read. w 0 11ro whkmi tLse A fei"� TRArrn furl..
V10 P44 1(1 end Vilte talk- 1"I" IlAv4' tr� (,,rgivo - Ljlg' AN mitt with Jay bride in n (lerirati011-, and peopl. rroni the bro, f;PrI
1.1'4tPn. L&I. A:Ifi I'll $#:I It chance yet, or, h0tel by the Lakv of If
-41, Ills Ilofi-f 411D jO, f lkbal in tho Tline-9 in any 41rqw f)f lf.nu_vlt J11, witil youlig illej., 1`1 Jfit nnoulu,empnt thlit 1(X% -k IKK)k ivrltwl :6
sigh that he still bo four friona. it f*,jlm bther. Tho affectation �r using -.r n Kil,ing In 111911JI91. Us. try.ft
a0& ftft. 'A I. -U OW
salt lailwor o d(W-riptioll L.'"Wr. ft -W &$"I v,.-
rW IN a rary silly One. yt W. -Invor of wonderfull. e Out caullosw owes
that U.4hoijld r be nd' 11ttlo PePlmr nd Of young mt
Iny hea r t witt, in our convpMtio. 1.
*4 "Wmlent eve outirprise and ffpot Uft us
MV rare again Yooir wifo; only ons� woman living! pa "I' It wa an dvertimetuQ'It (it the !)aIr" to G rej t MID Wo symptoms of r aw 1*4&* Y% -m
2#jAL. appronehing jjaIj4 uu t -b Any .,5FrWjrVW
Al an il"a Volift wo I's
TIS , of simple _10.8"
t higo a *right to that title, intiv] to your rutt* fish w h011ilD eure. en 09V of II*. 'Aro� nlMt 1)-�- (1111 errore
n, luction or gc4. bat' flabit 'PaMlY learnt, Itn(l (4rte carving C 9 tZlof directiou
Leme go tj "Oum'- t3t- Crinvall. forming it Wrlotw flaw it) till) flakeo- cwt, d("wfld by tilp gre:1 t 6
Imr., Short time all Other -roill rallk, to plee(vt by &a
hur thnt v orp till tile Milling wl*' finO Character: ph ljlno It is l young Ina 11
101111 lwlff rolt, V) Ina ke coin pri n jlft(j it IR UTo _W4
ly- alIM3,11(ts!" 3aill I Into - 11(juldation-, trait in IKs tjlj�y - I -Or the next few (lays we
'lot a lovablp' Plonty (,of roolu IlMn (rtf-liff
I UK* it now - t1lat e. 1 0 I)I&V' tire 0-ferilla TAX It ALL
George Redrdth OTer. 110, 7earntvi. fail to you," 114t an. 'WaAl t, raine(I t"r t 11" In Ita vicinity; iL grQAt man eflitV tile renialmler or UJI.- Thia
my UneiP'il liPs If- rank :t I` Little or no cow. nll"IlPM &1`0 tIlllf4 p .7. 11 at 114111' irice. rjot, b) a n4l the it- weretf eoldly. revented,
gpirit to# whrim re vnii Intinication hail paR Tho #jjrIOIn Orle(b If rou Write at
.4making ?00 betweem the. A- PAUPXTUAL 9T'U' of lwf should be W. Wot, ifecur'U118 offer Agmcy
are YCM thero-, my Dy. Lit thin slices, a Portio *of tho 11 ElirinlWort1l, A110 -1gent. PAjrk'R
I�Ouxins, but when tile ermh came, PPrpiDtual study of I. a on t.
I Irej rat an(I th0 tenderloin MI,, uppot- 2J@ 21 "ID NNOTnD,)N.
"Of Annio P#-ndrago;n,. 'tho P(x)r gin with m full "Onse"t and IC Pa.- UMAL IWKV CL a
that yo fa I rly, wo.h1wi r, &C no , I Pach pinto.- ' Gml 110usekeepilIg. jZ on . . - -_ - =_ --
wiloso heart ynyl havo nearly hrf) 83,mpthy. ha(l writtm) to ber aunt. 611714 -Andrew Lang, "cn Not VVhOI oronte, ont,
vir it, mint Inir. "orge offrring ljor a consitie
lrab:e portion of fa ly Wiltnted
--for m Y Sa k f).- lrly bl CallM rea(U
YPA h0r fortune for GeOrX0 ROdruth's use admission that t1lo newspap But th� iffurd's "Your portrait n-ija
"t flow'n your iAeiuj 1116 faco darkenm whil" h4 lip,; and benefit". era coin Lillim"At or 11416 A VA 4 , falltfr4)
.1nol ;L,4un. Thin offer find beeii ro. rvwner(q
flYinor, istire 0""11911, and forin I The next thing we hear(. w" PO lr'% but I told the artist to Pint
convulwvel mand Per tuai F4tud.v ,shows
tooir forgi "flow kind You arp. llow kjolleitou" that mother and w)n were living to. I"v No PostponeluGnt C&Uxed. 0i"ashioned frock on it 010 1 mmld
for moral welfare! It is very good Xother in LondDri large fl -11 '"tellOct'llal want-'tiley fill. , A e<)p1vict fit a a an ancesWr."
w(mltt h' hung Intl. Vor. (ir Y Evell Freneh pPnRI settle. -
f dild I tiat. killf4l the acknowledge. to offer to pro- Ing an that ha(I' clowly follow t1k) advPxtIeemenfs`nOwada.vP meat,
:11 motlierm death, a come newn (or the have all Untp. wIIO MIN undergoing a life
,Ipmate, bwjt 'must . Ile Rea* 4r) froll
no, with it lip n event which fiW _ctu,,,,, to marry Potind Villig, only 0 M
ftnr##A us for In a ny vict- r a female coh. AtN for 60 doomseq. A n - ttlo To , such mar lagp
.fj htit 1% 114-n fw4itely doellno Your kind OfflOP MY darling with no little ollrtm6s minds. to say nothing o _8 10f.1 Wind
"'.,4 rpvt-n Ili" Pendragon ipt nothing to me. [am f(�rj f U0 tra ell. Tile governor of 0 Of Atmosphere Dust. ONEY REQUIRED
0 rvith -.anw- from iny NIM R4XtrUth had refusod to b-aring ct auch (If- necurrell ttg'Of.eOlnmon Cot VMU
tartol in hdrror. If#- gentleman. I believe; #1110 0 her nleef%, whoin t4hr unjustly anounalmouts. upt 0117 offerml no objections. but tbp. Atil"P11(hric
Oanil, If ronring that I wrp,114, t tlift i a dR. .1 not Ile e0l Pr(x'e('(kW to crom-exilmine the -"t P,%rt In tile econo"U of away. Take care"' criegi. "I'tter Ong I*P"onsible for till tilk Illisfortune: look "ust Pla-TO IIII Inax)rt-
Mst her at Your peril- prhooner.
word agal had fallon -pon her son. bOAVerer digngr(,vahle 'a tu r(, we givs a li*avy 44ickoIll-Platod
I do not mk You now V) acknowleag" #*I1`ow0d MY darlirig the newspapers VarbaMe use of JpUrs. You not -ldualt4 at tIjo tj1W of ItH
tIt may Ixt to III- to Watch. Ste
ly porpr little Ia.%. IlAfot ovit I'Ar-it is too IftW for that; an(loven y(W." lie said. in Francs, (11,
we forthwith determined to )our- 80alo (1f the in furs an. An(I I It illay float III the atmosp I Patifillig. Arnericall n1 Wind and Stftn SeLp
ev rliff bprant tdv�, inine, n"y flOwn to Cornwall. Thim it hilp- rathipr Ktartling this winter. 1ri. tirj. Yonr wirt, Oro s f
and I It It could b0- f think sht) is better petion) that, about 11 week later, wp tIV!r skirL, w. n In Uid does in water. Wxl eneb hlOveniitnt, in: a dust-
lilm wl' hringing her trotihio ItAl 14h" Is, tha sho could over bemine, arrive n r ttlij t in Oft Imck blown by tile tww, andJ he malof quinjIlat 11101rftclow4y uni" to IL man like you. whe Then may trav(sl t1to "Poo' '"66- guaranteed a -ellable
st ic Idea - yoll., Puuids of MUes b ' U_
laff Ho But she I'd sacred, and I forbid ready te' *'pit At thP operit Lit No, YOU Must produce pri�o :�'fo`lrfl Win a,fighting 24 11ackageg Of our MAGIC WIRE
rW ninrdpring fou n of d% nin lo ajul MY aunt re ul()akfi ftre aniong tht! flillta "t 1 'Dust (k�,elinf, t4) marry lmnd durable Lirrie-k-eeper, for selling
v York. PA -al wife, III deitd" f that our Oil U10 eartli. n 1828, de-
Hen. where lip OlT&III09ma belonging to African Mends 811 kinds of tinvvapse, braisfig,
Tberj ho istaggered haek "All I waq going to jjay w. n. Annie, who wan k-e(l anxiolisly at tiff refriona, JIM
,-Iffor . turned, still rotalnlnlr 111.4 Reif poRMA. Intonded to remal lnfcadn as a lining. Airs. SIcKn w0uld-be groo tee" I he found SOLDIER at, IOCP*r Package. Soldor
a light I^A". jjXllt allif hat Poon tr) utter her name. you rOce.ive us at tho old cottage. I then aktn-4 have alw) I"n nlade lip in that Thero wn;, a
rgt%-o IjA41, -M I "Yoll mistakA my meaning.,, here- aMV�rtairjed that, Redruth find %vaYe Minbined tho air cof Berlin the
Illy left England for Ame "'ith Chiffon lid satill r1rov(K.-tiro too the bride MOO Of , pres_
Tworn t)fpy -8 In the air of ow.
aving the village 110 had w)ught her the In dY- fni-nier wl the'Pralrifo or Americo. n rimoria from rOsin or soldring inon.
MY Informant, told me Rtitborit I)ns In. Finally 110 sftld: lwtugal fragments of I VV 11riout tile lic-0 Of act
aro not equaLm. I (keply I that before t&, tfg-r Skin from its Place on d can prove t fin t In
tJlP vvry (9" 4 t1w -r e f%)Pvat4,Y
not VIA earth -owrpapil tc):�Xlve grot what lum-occurreo--i acknow- Out tO say farewell. "00r as a rug to Uw, dgnity- of de
a fem- flow to tjjjv fk)agh, You 11ko It better; but from or t IedjjV* mY own 1011Y-mY own guilt, InIne w -rap, u -bile mrs. Anthony Drexei Send Four notnit. oil a
iin. and fit went ()fbr—
rockm twinw. That wa.,j h^w thlil asked for �V forgiveric.-gs. I1nd,1 for. rind Ible alftff Of sabls, Alll tllp BROWN93-- lost -card. sukul, th4j I yon
iing-he won% o,pr It " Ob Hugh," aho erlea. "he ca rrieg a remarka " 1 Was m0lit liere for killlmc -44
tirna forth wro are rinthing v) Pitch XtTP 111m, with all n wh;ch a jp.%vp , bride aecet(stj Ill. w"t to "it "Old0r. and "V Will send ibe 24 jmwka&*
bon t I didn't mr-rin tn ;kIll other. acar
I hin I wifthnd I -Pearson's Weekly. 0"t-rwid %Vhenpoldsenl the money and we wt
T%,heffrt. I think. t, u W� I,, Ivit b4tandlnw. riot
George." crle(l my flar- takon me n'lth Illm lis 'hjjj wito". OnO of the now --old 11 8end the with Chain and-Charpil, #kll
(;w.)rgt t t. The faFihJon of tm I
,wm* dona Ilk-- a r1adi w0uld linve iiiarra Lq the voice,
1 44 If
&?Wj tkw� nelt marrilng Init in (ImAir. "HAv" Youi no heart V0u (Ild not wish It fas oIlk T -n #rX. 110)ert Davis, RcIleve P&Id.
marning STImW" go. but blame ronrw4f fT 11h" shook her hend nadl been Popular of late. �011nt,Y. Ind.,
t lwr rrm Of Martin BRONONIA Aff Thio4
tIl0'qrIP haq jadt tht thr w&wh r0ccired tho Priga
Y Light' hr volve. which site ro- IN 0a t,, Aledal and Diploma. it the,%%, Me"I tit 1 -he Parin Fxhibition I he Itich
Flugh. Aftor wha travels 2oo,000 Miles In ollo
second of time. 10st four Cure courtis orld's ('0111inblan 211)"Ition. Addrev: an &WAN
t"11e-m a4R'o bv r0ft"On Of Parnlysiq nf TROONES"or n -Ind cola,
0 roca 1040 -fa boxes only- I a" TORONTO
Y C069- ONT.
A Anoth
C ell FB
W40" 'Dove
t4 Yt&3e "(I
Use h r CA
tion with eir TrrM If I n 5nnecr aerLIY wlthcmt 1.
th . I U P 16"ritor %ratem of an !tOld Of the wh,n# fie t
1* "Pprationa. liable in (jamag Ur" a In hIq M'Urltry hold of ' ""u t I rwr 1jqKf' tbor a 04 'a". -9 " at"N no. fif -b, 9 rt n Y; III ths, r(
OR. the Xamb P Inav be gon)e
e hem back. or, if you
-ard this land is put Put. of' honor
mercy tou MiffaPpropi-lated . : a (" w`aq unnVollinfilo
corn. The full tid' trust fundic Vialin tj
()f (lud's Wh(l hn%-e
b4ck by tho-ce great dykes Of dishonest ly Involv ;'� thern I P. . I that 011:11'aCterillop
hR%-e 96 hor)eles
t1tern haa, that YOU Cann^*
PUP A ny fun witb
n"esip thO whole thlnr, to enlra
a f(,rtu,3e.jbu
ow I UV mwnw.
..4liw are wj 0)(1 they if&%-@
a �
.1. it i