Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-02-10, Page 3f _'W �W 11111p9w -lip You intend buying BANK -OF HAMILTON Dress or any kuOKNOWO 80011 If yo FROM THE T FU GRAP r nx all automatic cutoff an(I wttj tl'W wator motor iii. tuotion. Your teeth tightly together and cover N111EI MOTOR W9S 9 FH�Ug .6 A more careful Insmgut curtain of your lips; ag PERISHED ON 9 6[9cia latterg of jnterg8t 101, of them with the From an 6 Ter ho Kqely motor 9hawed that the compress your Ups and put your band QNLI' A SPARK wax WAtl6nary axis was; liollow. withill SAYIN PLEASANT THINGS TO ALL over Your mouth and keep &Ull. It an destroy a city. 01a liti,11ow jilluft. wilk.11 was Qnl.V A genticmtn was passing along. 11' crow;ng a bridge in UermaLy, and a Orly a twince,, Statemelit Re hirmed by if dummy, the real axle rcyo VV *th Terrible I Tho Rhytiland is -Ishors. Ljt I. -el lved. over Miners Return 1 bdajxL Delewam. 1%vick's Ramson Bridge, Boston, on o end of whicl, ])Raged the belt 9, lad came along w1th a ciage of birds Who know., what ycaa uf which ran down thnough tbo hollow - I fur tale. The stranger said, "Haw terrtfic blizzar%l raged it, MunitObIL Stories Of SLIffering, This, Along With Good Deeds, Should Be the Life Objeoa of much tur those birds and the cage?" kill Wleduesday night. Post to the pullc-y underneath on T:ie. price was announced. thev pur- Rheumatism theend of tIJ0 ir6l' al"Ift deecril*A- Every Person --Jalmage Says it Is the Ideal Car= chase was made, and the firist thing -tre"48110P Gauthier cunfirme-d forty REPLY TO, T. BURTON KINRAI,D. This Inner axle, rLin by the belt, ACORE FROZEN TO DEATH, the strangtr did was to open the door my conic. cOnviets at the Kinvtou renitenti varriod tho hub of tile moto Wry. ' r, and rying Out of Christ's Command. Of the cage, 4nd the birds flew out I-kWUlti. 31assw. rt*lx?rt:' J. Rain%.ln caused the sarne to revolve wilellit intij the sunlight and the furest. Soin* 3Lr- J01111 JMue" Day., tile rather eI Brtlge. of thlj cIty', 8ftttI0. report: The sWanie - Cot- 0 ILI*' MIDRUTftl bar, died at the age whose u t, m, revolved, r ne who saw the purchase and the ut 93. uPpfttred In counectioll wltjj 11111t u, "'How'Dimple, yet this d0%iCL, line taffe CitY. Which arrived -from the. ilberatiull isaid, "What did you do Y.. brings forty miners that furra ..,Wof Charled U1.1 Ilk an bPPI) too mucli for Dome of'the beat "Or" $ to'da said the stmnger. The di*uu%or�' is roported or a larpe allwed expose of -tile Copper Itiver AixtricU Washington, Lk_ -.C., I.-L.b. 5. -Ill you have the was a captive myself once. and I eniati QW K ID., al experts in the comt rolu this springlialt. You feel velinut 1, te iron orp to t ley Motor searm tn Bost�n alkj eclianical ry., of wawgoon. lie tioreti) Alaska. W110 tell of the death of a discourse, Dr. Talmage shows how It right to find fault with a mechanic know 11ow good it Is to be free." Oil. to - aiy nothing of tho i�rov�d of , , 0 1 when lie does ill. Do you ever praise ye who rt -member hardships In earfly Now York Sunday P,lpeivf, 'anti wtio open.moutile(I I ymen. "rif OP IntlLers u the Valdes glacier is possible to hell) othem, who are a mechanic when he does well? Thu kyligth (if t I le WL0rId%3 ruilwayff. w"s accus0d In a statemcmt Issued Mr. Keely'* woul(t work off ilia I)y ff0ezIU9. 310st of the dead are no, under the pressint load of fatigue, Iffe but hare come beyond thoef, -4b MOM thatt 17 time" the eirculmfer- IaA Wght bj� T. Burtob Kinruiti, whIp pilillpigopily. selrew up Ilis knp`wn, anti it is probable'their bodies. B"llcourage the farmere. They oodie� hardships, sympathise with those & . tiranswit- - WO and ciare, -and responsibility. The text Into your stores, you mcia them In the aro Ill the -struggle! Free your - or. was eupp()sed to be t ter L little, and while the air Ilospitals, k1f tb10 carth at tile oquat' will niver be recovered. Theft are t ".0. sole pos I,%, ye ont: anotlier'a city markets, you ofitell ussoc.iate with Prho bubonic plagu.L. has bruken out, 8�16�t Of tbe late (IiUg' its Way to the motor Ono on each tilde of the `--f, fi-f,lp otheri; tu get free. Gover-i- wall f Ili them in the summer monthii. Offlee- '" -Alexander St(-pbens persisted in inventor's secret, of glacier. Which have many badly fr(j2ell buraens� and so fulfil ille lav%. of seekers go through the land and they or at Port Lcuis. isialA, of 11aurititis. .1 0 4 . power, lie would filld tile liroper patjeltts.� Besides,� scurvy hatt attacked stand on I)OIltical Platforms, and they having business matters brought t6 ven dijse ' It . r�,'PIY- chord. Then, prestit). away went number of easps havo L I tyreacli of Udtll, to -day uwtd*' Christ."' overcd. to Mr. Kinnad, in, willell Ile RtjjtW the en-ine. run by thiq ls.mjiiath t 'GlauY Qt.- tile Miners 'ill its' qeveral Eyery, mail Jor Iriniself: If there tell the farmers the story about the Ills be%Wde. There wajj' r)n the table The ogilvio Milling Cowpally,s ele. th, e ic horrible'Yorms. be room for only one more imssenger Independent life of a fariner, giving tiftition fur the pardon of a distin- vator kt Piers6n. Man.. was burned, j at ltx4p of theIrnud W1W negative attraktioji of tho' triune The following are knuivu. Lu, haVe In the - lifeboat, get 'ill yoursitIf. it flattery where they ought to givo. izu1shed criminal. the petiti6ij 8�gned I 1 0 1 C.Jkm6w , Witt' about 1.5W bushels of wilent. 'Partoll to'him withell't ffollvitai;on polar mtrmm."' Won lost: Cliiiiles Khro there 'fit. it burde hardly saw LL city until I was grown, by distinguished men. There w" ST. JAMPS OIL n. New York h to Uft,, you super- I sympathy. Independent of what*., I VP retlupdt, a&I'tjL' vise whi16 others shoulder' it. , Ybu be on a farm. I worked Blake. lxirri_st��r, ll,as tt he diacle'no pro- VitY *. D. P. Smith. Chiibago;- Ole -Mr. J(Aln P the 4191t. Wbile others are �he ciphers was brought up -ail about it. I I also wj that table a letter from a poor K NOW I on a farm and I know woman In the PE-nit6ntlary, writter, beP11 -IPPointed' MlsL- of secre�y' aW was unner no 13althvin. Wis.; -. Henderson, wiscon POlict' Magistrate of on the -6 rJght hand 'side--shothing in i -and jdgned by herself alone. IT PENILTRATFA jPuTf OUT. Calt. Georko 4&wcezey f Dying r- W. s. rurnbull, obligatRin to k�4 sil'unt. Mr.- Bridge 0 New Aork alld I tell You that there are no cla WRIES ^K) P*VZNTS NEO FOR DENG 9 Hoof -'Amollx.the maily,badly frozen Lniner.*,* themselves but augmenting you. Alvicander Stepbens tiaid: "You think ;says: opposition- to that theory of, selfigh- Or People in this country who jja�:, that because! I havc been il.1 so many I are: Gbo. Poalowitz, New Yark.City . ness Paul a'dvanees in illy t 't the it harder and who more need your I times and got well I Nominations for tiio 11arlialuctitary I "In zWditiou t�u the evidence of fraud Sylvester Grog, St. Joseph. Mo.; Holell Gdspet theory: **Bear ye dtnipathy Ith" farmers. Independent i'nuw. but Yau are mistaken: I shal; 4hall get wel) bye -election in W(At Huroti will take Wilk -h I Raw in Mr. Keele�'d labora- Baldwin. Wis. an - 0 of what? of the curcl.1110 that stings not'iec(sver. Where le that letter by lug of The freezing of t1w, h1rjL-llq. jitthe' er's burdens, and s, I e law the Peach trees? ol the rust ill the t,kat woman in the Plat4a n Tuftd,.Iy, ]pf.j,. I Ith. arpi poll. tory, W 1111iL-Ittelphia, I . have aLwi CL16OLIS Case at the Toronto oth -fulfil i Feb. -list. r of -Christ." seen sinvo 31r. Keeley's deatir tilt- n4d son.' is penitentiary? I I , Particularly sad. -Tijoy Everybody Ila!,,' burdt-iis.' IS"o, etillies wheat? of the long Min with tht- rye think she has suffered enough. A MOdt iurportsuit pf tile Lt-%perimonts Civil Assizes Yes'te'rday. started ior t Idet," bufoil ketiing; ivell thry emne do down? ftWjj(bq of t&!ir maw"m.-ouw. Lirim. Chicago WoUIL"L.', Edueatioultj wu upon the 8 ulders Independent of tltq. grass- Lear as'l can tell she has no friends We mee from U11101i walltstile U bv Mr. Kinra i4l hipioolf.- Mr. towdrd tile Summit of the glavier. sometimn they. 9 hopper? of the locust? of We army Bring me, that paper that I may sign lic. tiome- down u on the Hill and 'head, sometimes they (:On)(. 34�1 W()r)n? of the potato bug? wil 1, vorwi- U 1. iiq)Law no tuvernmeilt jo P-eroru'&' ,, t,,tjl Mi Wis that W11001 "the 1101�v Smipturps" it KtnraJkl to 16und their feet.frozell. Both starrtmj doi�n upon Indepndesit tier pardon." A gentlemall stand!rig #ji-Atra ry uelwtius. I t paci I Paris t.44,- -1 self that plain eviqkitice of fraud cov- Of 'the drought that burfis tiacL Tit(, son gavo Ills the heart. -Lookiug. Ver any assembly. up; th#_- by_ thiiiking this too great a respon- ivit 1 4%- erLxj every experiment done tky 51r. father ktra har Ind hm 1M.0 dm1dcw fo,r Ili= A $600 VERDICT WAS RETURNED, Wrapping for his f they all -seem xello'lind brig and vest? Independent of tile cow with fur the tsick man, said, ."Gov- pa$ne" Of, N"U, Keeley, and ao we had Ocular deal Pet, and. aa a result y; but, each one'llas a bu the,hollow horn?, o&thc sheep with ernor. Vuu - dre very sick now; per- tjeil whother he %%-ill tiew- j"0j believe. York, "all bt6h appointcxI to htlLx*cjj onktrations cf tho tri ka, we could Torouto report jur,,%- ieturned it b�t I I - t Ile "FOU'S I egs wi��e f rozen I li it. tren, to the foot rot? or the pet horse with a -Peloutlet. _Uxi 1401e'Veth sm Itnu that tho lato Mr. f"* lift and some- Of t1leni have jno�e. (hail I D111910Y i nt thv' Joint 110t floubt the eWtoment. %-Cardlet ot'$600 �tji,d co.4ta la.4 light nlluilVw,� and lie was unable to pr , nail "I hIji hoof -9 I '"J"s "Ju had bett(r wait tEI to -mor- W -11t 4ue-110 that tMNU In bi(jd. Ulld oceed, th;, 'call AIN. Iaul proposes to split n4pendent of the row; you may f# -el strunger and you adj0%%*kj it nigiL comminim "I bavo beeu btwe4ced by people wilo lie bade his fattier good-bye, audcom by r#*�etvul to buy Kmicy tuotor rtovk. I)f.ljmt Ilim to"g-o Olt without hiw. Then take. part fif itlink! an4 I e Of tho old go�ernor flashed, avid If the nu-"nage He has meat I)y J esu.- -at Alto jV-.sjz4jR;. P'.1gaigwt Drs. up these burd�_ljs jnto fragmen(k, You Cold that frelmes outW winter graw! �jljay feel better." Tht-ii the eye of or int') h6 lwart ku4j bv 0 Ga"att,. H. B. ..utdOrsou - '1" 1111110: takt: Independent of Ili tffl4wbank out 64 lie W la A 4iu� arranwelumit,, thers who wished, tu unload g s,. Y ti()Wll ill tilt) snow to'div; 11 -art -f sald. (jlrLqt 111itil IlLsam &9uj y which lie must hi.... r a thp aram It w 10fiv andip.agatuw. jute, au VaCH 0111C 11-Ift taKe alai about.p. Putting lftol-k, illitil I flualt deettled ames WvIdson VUV 111CIXAy will proWbly ilever be recov' pendent of the cold weather We Itvhieh Outh.lig call dew t(l*t1le Yukon 4)%,i,r paxtf Nie t-Ijut 1 Was coming dagwously limr rc*;tiu"urant rex.L Tile father reached. Twelve.,Mile tho law Ot Christ. [stands 'thr"hing his numbed' fin his signature to that pardon, lie troy, j%-hjrj, 4-j6durat lWyowl the gra%t Or.' at '112 Y�7;k "trwt.. 11avitiox, e a 1 WITIt lk(- last wurd he t -ver wrote, affili.-Ijut iq 110t,expected to liv'e. -Appleton. m' aJlAJ 97N.PWO julli-r L*d rif-4mr as tjjt� .roadvalug and I urged -Mr. CC - rouj d 'Ili% body to kevp them 44kir, the liju(t Ujlj� to JC�t tile W1101414 40 (hiluagee for." unia-w- ror.1tubLuill, the 0augh- i fOr'then tile pen - fell from his pale and a4" roij em. I t Ix nKxpp Uj, I n go c#W 4 t6lp 'ry d KIColl Were tuejabom of ;tL*e of ppinfel Webster, was -dyidg after frozen te-ars and the- frozen feet?. in- 011. 4we 1110 "- , hf�. -go nd ful entry, -17 ijInL being frosted? Independent tof the rheumaic nd dying hand forever. it ful ta t f-% 11rim-, 11.-w f� X" cuttIng 'arl(l mut'lat'llg QIP Rn [M party. . lit conpitll " ts-ith long ess- -Th-c great after *. how beautiful that the licA, jn3,, gin(, �Wtjv tllre" n­ry tlian Ill Ills s4atelat-tit ir. IiIi-I sayst thwb6dy",of his Avife." .111r. E. r.'. B.. y pleAdfing ail fillportaUt easp ip, ttie depi-pd4vilt of *%.hat?' Ftincy farmery -,�,uo . .. (4*!4)r9(! POUI(Avitz, SylVeswr Grog, hn IN. P. Not cow. the co%t cf keepuIg Nni' A rolitipto'll 'for d court -room. oil )its way home ho have made their fortunes in th of life should be- spent ilita (.qnld4jUWi4j0Ll-,jnj"n, If no judg Y to' his th-ath.' r. Keely _aCjelvlantis, 80veral others, they started acr(*@ thi; opped w atiff Mr. T. 0. Robinetto repro.sc,,ntPd se of Ills daught' 'n hlp!ng, cle who had ino helper. Mr. tkula,.- assorted' that til. t)f ,I, at * the � -hoU" city, and go out in . the country to build WMt of Ms for t1he twlif-%er. Juklgied Morrisall, -NJ. Iv.. gLacier efirly Ili J)V(M�njbCr. Smit4i w I 'Eneourage,the troul�led by thoughts wVurdjW to) him wXV11m, f. @I Ij Davidson. as nhouSes with Aall tile modern Improve- ; - the recent- -nt* -weret foruitlitt. ibv which Ilis Wonder t1w first to frc.&, WC11t. hito -the sick'rooin. Him Id't- of rultaEe and reagsoclat be. cr t were lie Itory; as t ze 11,19 feet. After theY him me -lits, and inake farming it luxur' -.on. 10ncour- (-4AWkMW . lie M&.v t* ,,Itl�v fe �l fiil i-Xperituelit ilornied. liat L e*`Fatheri, why are, you -out, 0- jLy Y. ed as I -r ivithoirt. ti ut nved'any s0lce; but the yvo- ju%.4n(.set.nCe. ministratioil of tile yukon. '40 tht- ged bY thoughta of eternal pup"a IW uprir I al bp. iticiziug- thO Goverijini,tit's tile - ]lad cr"vwwd tile-,su"nlit and ivere go- ij, tNS 11 Ercourage the herds- ell- -y who get their'lliving ouf of the inam It is-relOrtcd. th.-I t t lie ('44uluipi, soil. #fid'who th4t way h n:ajl the troughs of sin, to go fr=11 tk*th Ubt4U Ifff-I&W I' otased iron, ave to clothe it Ante of spiritual "tAj w a spir I'lver. Ca Imer" js"(x.i;ttivii. receilt. their families ar)d educate their chli- rback to Qie banquet at the faAher's itml 11fv. (lid I"rt, forni"T. is to und. paY thetr taxes and ineet I hometi�ad. Give ur Jones ill the Ma- ju #Itlw. im 4 . . MEMBERS- OF McKTNLEY S Commik9SION To PHILIPPINES. I How rvfttywo, aad allve untoi ALiska Packrs! I Ile Intereest bn mortgaged farmb- 'J'11 ke3- instr-ad Ajf the mllinor. Glve u C1101 i ("Arohation inpt�ad of Xaom�. cIL&IW 11L charac men titid, tetrifle istruggle. I - YOU t -W wl -4.1.1 ilki* Ills Ivieti"11 tvwaw ugh I' iv L 4cinand that co nd polit c -ijrx s a iat one uxmd, il�jjpointeid Trvi;s-urer lung asc.qju and lin: car cohig do'wn the hill rolled another fold ul) their g 2!-�- The hour about the car 'JP the hi'Al. They nearly- balanced Lq-Tht. %-holt- r4 Of tho C 'Cc jW nuv% efftion to tho late WM, of it fariner and substitute some f*Ach ther. And every murrer i, man that g"rm In U". fife 4A .;efful. wul Ift Tilt. Ptlkibi J)f %yord or comfort dra-ji from the fact flnd!� ;;fc- up-hiAl. ,.ught to'be helped -ill wurk. 7111mb avv�tkeuwg 0 Nathaniel Meyer d#-'.hotljtK-IlllLj thkth,�y- aro, free from city conven- hy, t1liose, ji�ho ilavt: pused the I t iullallities '&lid citf epiAemies anU -city heights a nmLnidnd to new lifo %irtiml t WWI mubsvrilm�tj tI0,000 juath to descending tu the wiUl Ihm eurly %.wm* ; it k" of boyhood is of my fA��-r burdens! tel"Ptatiolls. My most vivid' rt;inem- vdle- u:� bear ofte aifuther's #w1f qXl tjm% gju.�%. to, l)eMt0@(X)" non a very hat day front t A gentlumail 1h Engiund died *:eav- its fujiLaft �Jt % t It% f:aml tit aud seating himself A: 11g his I`A)rtune by will to two sons. door -sill be' as too Thu' tull that iitayod at home destroy- thUM' W"ItIJOUt 4-toornal life. an in va t-110 n:hbois-h-t4j. lhc vaus#_- lie TiSO dCWI 01i.L11 hC&r—j*pjTjtQuIly do", the 0,11tiff to 4zet -into the house. the jp'er- td. the father's will and pretended 24. oim 4,1 the t!kAl of 1dration 8treauling'flolil forehead and that the -brijther wilto Was absent was Hv riw,,jh frun, chin...jild. illy lil--other trying to dozLd and -buried. The absent brother "hering Hig m-ord,,, W;c1tat(! hit" with a cUp of cold aftcr a A%ile retumet? and *Claimed "as "JaPscdo %be 81lipowlit-rs lu�% iu3 ter which he.%vati vpi) faint to hold hl ` pale. or tilt; property. Judges and irrander fi-rpremwmi, I, r I nK tile 10 digu If T . I 'i Ifly hJu*�ors '-c to-linot crew -,4 f,)r their V_ tne Soil (if fitd., to us. -re to -be bribed to sa that A, Qat IN it f1jidii ijuvi tot i d nth ecturnet: brother �:tnd son was no tim, Alu it thi- �jiuitjcr; a little tIrvd,1 that's- ati; a '0 IT V V er -Once non at al; but only all impostcr. The tion ImwcT. e,7 that day 14 nd i1viijitlin Sir Matthew Hale, the to erect . 26. hatii lik Ut In e tafiking abinji. the pride of the Lngiish 'court room- and life "of 'U' fariner I see orwtual a0mve anid Creator n( lige. for. twenty 'years th, pride of Juris- h ip. no vit through the sbam. Farmers want not GW 6, thi-, I rightig"g-10.1 uN AN. tt* Origivai beilig -net,, heard t i 1A yolir flatterieli but your sympathies. prudt at tile cmtre of All CreatkX1. put e doctons. You -Encourage th raise was abovt to be practiced. He Dr. the doetoii when he brings you up from Off Ills official robe. He put on the t1"h 9i"n toG the �-<0-4eft bur Loml r ador at 'I garb of a miller. Me %vent tu'the vil- 41`4-kt- Of Uiwwlf iU Hi.* abaractA r 4,f in9U.Jill, denits that 4 ier- it wful crisis"of diseast., but do you I -as Tho. Sm, it, Hit. iu- age wbero that trial %N to take rnany has In tiny way interfer-d -wijh lqruis�- ths'. d(iictor when through skilful a itp(l .4 H RLES 1)EINDT. treatment (if the incipient st place. lie ciltered tilt: I b'AL ages of court room. NERAL. OTI Allseitue,' lie keeps you from sinking He somehow got enipaneled as one of 'v7. AUtIkA-ita' VP 4-XAX,UU' jUdgjjW-Ut �**c4w to writing, so -fully jury.'was that -Iii -to the, awful crisis? There Is a Mn. the Jurors. The bribe4s caine aroVnd. -He that ana the man gavt ten p'eces of go:d View ja tlip hamo that vrr4pugill v&�_ is wift) died suddenly ,great- dcAl, of cheali and heartiv4s wit I that - were tic. to.* be g, dowil the long Stretch tow;4rds -yer' ut doctors, but I notice -that, tile t" tht; WL"r I jurcors, but A this was ajid �liat a burial. j,,tld,.Z ,in 'strc.,gUl *gall The gfeat''lai% Ivelit Vaticia for tf") 10ca I tken wilT ilfe. work- -could.. go on. un Fety. Stil, 1098, t6 fall 11 UH. the,llt'-xt riodin-and wau Ili lid - it irertificatoo was a"( a flo0d of ' I)Qoijilt. who - t -off t1lat wit ,ire lit lit erruptef Ily,., A. stating."death .�t IdA Ile cou ki - kepi tip. no 'Jeal*, ,e tile OnIV a poor iniller,-the briber gave to tic ih tlm,- Slia' Nfain Tim Ionger. :saying, G. Bjuir wilt c,, t from tmtdral causet;." CorowrJolui_ herself, yet lirst to send for a -doctor when thrt. him only fl%'c lileCes f gold. A ver- ,441 % kAw of 11mul (k)verntuelit him, lie how �j uch is;'anything tbq-- * matter. There t. brought _4,u %varrailt. fur an.'inqu("t., told thom lie wjl.j do(jille(l, eveh if they inore 1-wautifu are di in rejecting - the (;Oj : 1,Kt. tiult jj#l. luar had givert Vintalizing liuip-s;cm kili"Aw Ills ('0011iiallious arbu"d liffiking only of me."* 011, t-) some carr f rot- than undertake- to t;ay -in rjghh� LWAZ lyiplowativ Juurual 6ayb thju* i)f day that doctors are really w" to h' Wt afteinvards witfidrow it. teliiltg our of this returiiL-d brother. IS111- Of tl-(,' CUlHPZ*11�V.. On tall is about to 1)rvtt%,, tu tile pow6rs' 1114 death bW that *ill invest ig�itlrAl vr.-ls try nLI w& ave tic) shal-e ILI the Inherit- aad abu*t- ninji, always 90L 111-111 alld that thj-'y w""t He 2nd, t4uA W- uLa*Vbr lie r ted his Iriend.' ten lie -la :19niFtSt I V4 Tli High up in (lie wull ut the One man has writte .-s* ta 11 L book entitIvil ance. "Hold! my lord." sid4 the mll- teettw., te s% s- Mr. -Xiniraide, to t kf t Tfork and y - ten'Pl#�' of ' Baalbec there a -v Ahre - -Evt.-ry Man His 0%p Doctor. Thu It lor. "Hold! o are nut all 4rgreed on upward-,* 4th. tilso kfl till and was won lulled '.tefn Ond to it'to cLj1pletiou. "E'uch things ail I Tile' day afto6r -tile de kj?t0 .1 last SIC"o by. S, weighing tu iUreq allthor ought t writ -c t MIl the l(A-0 Uvward 1AM =j � bp abo the t*adly 4 tones, vaell ane inore book thi verdict. These other� men hae lowo tu (jod ; 5t , t1lat it, 10lity over E;gyljt. oliV-�M-d Ilia how . to find tile thm,, r(*t- tnIls. They -were Ilftt:d up. by af.jtylt. ii-ntitled, 1%-(-ry Mail ITIS ou'u, un- r _111ILturlly Aed nie to- litype - for Klij*oz; antcA to lie down llh .1nery that is. now- amonk tile dertaker. -oh,- t(-Ij Wets ut gold in brIbery =Y bts (;_4 0014 J,US doewrm titiuidiug round thju bod-V0f and dio will-n-tho-trip -tvus almost- One., and I received ouly five." "Who valuable papers. aged_ it But'll pays malw at"n"Lumt for :"ecepteAl the offer of. 4ef Lg i my text -is tit "Physicians 111' colistant of unt 4�-ou! Where do you ciume from?,, at L or so twfore his death access Ul oild. 11 -is comradeb Pei 11lachinery,- by which thp. V*ster pain get' bard s*aid the judge (,n the bench. The re- van I Hiniwir t4LP lwttk. 10 ll'is 1 4 (1i"Juinatj . , ing tlkp ke him -mov- tile MaUA0 t4w, be tige 8011 of w#i I) try the Imej:eall Government to )Rper4 mecured for thefimt hicm., - He ONAested against 1)4iu iitr . -hearted!" ' Do they? that Ho Inay re pa S action, W said; aAd iisked for . !_ 9 �,' liadl v and the ht*�avl'r tonnag -if inost c0ebrated surgeun of . the tho Cuban army, and wUl tirde. - Bkiftdlo fter* buft(Ile wa.% un- rr(aCll feCt,..Lnd at IaSt gut _Wm hAL 4urd6i is to) e la i t;P&llS.L_ "IL ain from WestmInqter th&t. M� tua,%- jut 4jIjjj* the'r -authori - I b -lifted froni the v�.iush- A generaUou stood in- a clinical de- hkli; my nme Is Matthew Hale, lord kl*ughuthize wiLli tjw�w, kjut tAi&t winutely'eininitied. Nit ljo tY, WhIc I llfk� declilled Vitldez.* HL -i witiijg tjjo�, feet ed Iwzirt (A the hutpan 'rafe. What liartment of aliv of the New' 6_ -rot ppea' .1 t4O show. Ne then calle - Irem, &).badly frozen YLwk %f JusUce of'Alhe kinire bench. Offff uitia, knuvv am -'raginen-t 4 upun Inspec- t-jutt t1ley mid I most -heed tow',' lo,arii ip.- th,: medical collejes. jhe Studelits gather- 'of that. jilacc, t1Ou Villaln!" And so 3rd, that thus HO W&Y reaolj aud 4 -if red., ary manu fcull'uff w1wil Ifis b0Ots'%vcrc "YOu- chit Nei " bYWP8th' script -in t!le ill tOr StOpl'Oli to rrest tile �Ioctors. cut wa timpally 4)f t tAiuch their hcart4 t ha t 110. nia.v N ','I ed tet ers, ptpof. sileets ()f , juatte lie [lad after, Mid in tein da�s lie was dead. tie 'Ila4it* kf ht- -ation oil little,child. Th%.- Yt)U119 Maft got Ws lap-* of a diary. unfin but -tile illslice t it) �-0011 pirit ot,helpf"Illie!:. (-d ill th�- amphitheater to it very, t6u ,Djustice was balked. and s the tht) -North merican Effief_;urao t1le Pailfful ovur ultim. tely Llppl. 0 -erp for tile - I it superior style of g9od4. tell Old , " "Gentlemen, ex - I ill -M lyloom-, lio id Was nleinher of Uje MaAllat urgeon said: Company w' Pa that- thoy %r.Ew bavc tan It b2- Abk,- too nuiko htotMnont for th4­r riphl ooro's PUr-j"o ef ritirforuilng n t1jtOppy.. ing Compalli. Of New'York, a G was ;);,' fur. anot�er that Sir Matthew Th )ook.. " Keely-.altd His If ho hav-.e' with -his derks; cu-soiille if I'retire: thest-, surgeons cau .0 amc-4 L04, tesitif n� adorned the sho* win.dow-4 - anf] the do this aq well as' I can, and as I ge Ha)e took uff his robe ."d put on the T4o z")ort gck�lig t were found ill. -,aboind lCxI Ulat,t3le, (kAir- aritt learc*' a widoN�- fam1h, i t 7VWlit4P"-_1f %vt- t44kC. J#3bkjF' he round of the a Itors licid refutied to j Rhel grb of,a miller, And so Christ took u revelhtion. 900w JD.aA -nit that ciiyl veA,. tori'Nimc�nt his taste. lie �older, it gives me inore and mort. dis- -Sia-viour, WP 1111"Y Underwtand the wa� lwe*s that Pare !6 ill- I*xr heRItI1' 11jisf, It fi-Y authority for iVhat they have ..E- g6od business Io�ality, Ile *tress to see pain.". - off his robe of rpy-alty and p 4'arrangi-d betwee.11 -tile ntl that-*Lkr. _;IWersutt wore Tho third Ulan .6f partly t4) great- iiu. cess Ph3 attfil�o. tof'our hutioavity, and in that i; rein I 4g&j "st (jad lia4i loso hiis - - �c ; if lie ave -sicians have so itially hurdship.4. 1 we brirW von(itnutultift up�pv our fact. 'TI,(" FMICIL, Hl-iit uf tho Keely Motor Cwhpany' lifO ivab u 1Wn6r namixi brillla'nt- projipects for the tuturo r woll our eternal portion. lockswith is 1 Iri.-,ky a --i a and' wyw-lf that on to emitijitie'the post-*niortein Hendei-son, so many Interr4ption 4he), have . so are the sons of God! Joint .0m -mail �'09!lisa -II'this. 13c. not -af am glad N(.#"- we , 20th., 189-S, fi disguise I, r GQWO h own twu 16. l6qUaCictls U4 ever. addrt-ss thf- .when tho restauratit-keoj*r tind ob-.' raid,. that noyances. _k, so iiially ail - Tobe :urx iri t4s. ta town in 1%'LWMlhin- .. He _becbme arrolgant and I)Ufreo many eiicouraements, '*All doors o1w-n -We went off' from home sure MR ACTI C.LL IS L R Iwtwght agjillst ing lli�' Tiew',q. Mrs. Kc+l. Y'R . eo UnSel, ba eftused out :, with- 00 , P&rtY, but, was- j -uP- by;. your approval' 13 e f or"o Igbt to them. They are enough. put wof got back in time to 10. Icome to T flad. 1461tChed t. all vtl"d turs to sow 111)' -ti fle;!:F AcCus&tkAj% W n -cover t4i tl-%' to :01 to f rozeft b _going 10�rsoli wl sidii and to cot. L w( man- rveeive our eternal inheritance. A 11 com in Ittle children shout nd '�_-000 ddmages fo� tilf. lvjI(-.IjUg. ()f Ahortly After Vir's grui-illwit. -whille ded-;.and tell him th.1t his lwice*4 are or- 1101111ASt Jt*'Ub W10M the 3ewit.1, court nd. $tummit Of 06. glacier. Ile - deci XvIien thi'_-y oee them coming down the J! Chew bure our burden, surely we Dr. .01UT�-Itt myore- th"'It. 116 Iva@ 11 road,' an the aged, recognisilw tile I laboratori. Mr.* Kid-, Ilis (;nJy '110W WAIN W turn. Wlc.4. bitant and that his* ftoods are a 'All to bear each other'F bur- eo n mark tlL-, two fundarmultai tbrnet1-.& rprd.ct 't t 1), j4 raiih, first #-vidence of*. t to att+.nd tile wonial); %vilo frife"rior . quality, :step, look up aiid ay. LN)ic r I t motl%t4i 44 the 1wrarc4tion Of HILIJ, 1 a f ter h6'jeft, tile arty bliz- and that his s hat M. Wlirn lie zird x*ept ()jer. t I --.v They stand betweew wIl;Cll ex)MP 4,11t Ste"Wer and ttrtaUti. Ist rrand. Till that -monierit:-our clellfi- W -glacier, - ob"to6r- -1 windo -gave prin-niso Zif , far ttt:r', 'our fail;. revicJie tllf.' IIOUPID *I'(,' MIN (10ad. and ating all trtliis thivgs' than., lie 'foull4i Inside. the grae. figbtim; back th 44 enet, in Mr.,. Keelly's -fritegrity nd from 'no, %ppt-rent ­I)j. John aAd -uiaking 4arel., th(! re "I thP lyr(49Mw (of tile �gwjbpei ltihtovy, 411.14 firill .,3 an� ible. 11o'prcibabjy. I -isight of tbf-. day it' TL_- Tu-st it' Ills offendbg againjo their 4r wav i which yot( sa'- trool)s of disorder that come up fronj 0.3t his 'tra rds to tluit their -uncampnient by the urubrticulArly Iffielir f�abijatl encOuraging w6i -Pon hJu .. �r I inerk:1taut TNDAY SCHr positi(m of Canada With ro-gar., ha: morteva 61'aaitnt4ori, -and I their' and per Abote 'will 46'some crank, niftk! 4)r: fe- us' the I doe- -.*MA in ill& majullestaU011 Post ishL%cl. t: wile (or _GeorgqD Ip0,,jIowitz,, ur tilt) 31A No one hears tiuch tliallk-t; c laws; thp wt It,, 11�1- 11cre-traq-a view .061061t,. t"t!-U, JLLa t, tbI,- pu �jjlat ho anJ&4is-(OlIpngue -.:iiaIv, who , will, cotjlq,!._i"t.j ter Iiears- They are eyetj to. thp bliltil. fin 'fortN t1to At 11-11i4q, lj;,b I.Vrilont frati. ffecting. hQWv%er, utily tn milling le'w'- York.* and depreirl4to'everythifig, ri they al -v feet, to the is fiNT111IRKATIONAL LAMON -140. V11. UtMwlf. as tlie &mm of God, offesid. unf, machiije. lld llot vitiati' Puff I ti:ts rrivi'd. ng,'.so [a r - gone. W he husbLind Ivals tile fouWtmMm'y�L. awl 419 "gal"'t their dFistbe t1W4J`1t4rY- 'T Imt tllc-re Whell -tile), !srrlv'd r -ttr Im badly strewn -with the benedletifm if tl*f,_,, . 't. ed, vilough gUudC._;',froni ho- W -if. the i MZOU. He returned (xl* tllc- (-ott4;(yl- "_fit Out a falnily for a dim3ourse of I. Lliew, �-Ifly 40tl aopod %V41JI"Fill -i%*hdm t ll( -Y IfAve befriended. IPRB. 1Z IBM. tjl-- Hin deepoft LLature anO riviclihips 11r. KeOl , V einployed.- tItcLr vinit Mud 4lie-work bel t-O'aaY-' C-Iml f One day-jhevo a dreft4ful (-n, V:o Dr. Lowis, j�wAhout'buying t cent's worili. will I In Wyoming, . Uol0rado. Un. tiLd -exiimin' of w. 11- boding in our house. All hop.� work Wilt% Life in and cd Him Iritah anti Waho w"jp' if? C"JullectUlli wit.11 31r. go., If 1W IRS en are jiil'.-; eu;tc- efl the.,.heart; 0%) �.thln , grpa ter tnerebant .&-- a'groc(.,F tberi*- I full V". not1wr by J. J.. Smith, nd' oun-1 AJiat tllerp wtw no trag* part both. Tb6t, '1141 iq *in' daneer. some one-- before night -whip Will krone. Tile doctor- catne nd triving U( the nature W ro., an(ll Sopth Dakota has ' just lieurt (it: Df !W- fig 1119 life fyoni blooI_pjDIS coine four adopt a dir"-tf-r t -f rwisp, wjjLo,�lj the. eorioner On1l into iiis .."tablihinenf, and 11j"44t (10* that day. - The children InK - ilway J14% isle Autb�"). j is t4h�, torul aN cor"*_XAjAjW W t1w tab_ 'their toys nd all walktA oll tip -low &,,ncw -wration (if Ups FaUier -lit-to Jvl thf- e,1tf-;n- nr'dPnth.- aj�o of Now yo this arld'take' of - that and taste, ,tzls : I r.. and oi taking 4-o-wil d Ahen In ay' ste In . -A Iwil. A. I�on " h. tei:rrupted, anti wv.s a, bin cksrW t1j.'"a tl'� Viljdez for evety(hing' else, in that % w ind at tile. least sound said: Tiim atxl of till's, I" jmrtk�ulkr. as twingi&W 14. 'Rambok1t. Sen., P. nMh0tI6.n con1l nat procc&I t I me: He - fit.-Wied. a rdag ;Il th,* rofits of. -nythin Ilow loudly tho clock did tl(.I,. Jvruwilew. -itll it "wrt" 'tationary a'xLi Which 1-6-' heg th a liv 'A N)Iklind woral admiu- Itpkl tho h "n nd (4 'the M11141 1julo tf tile n_i0tor*.witlj i eoronf!r 1L.V1 -w1thdrqWn thp� .tlftPler early In tile wtnWr, drawing May jpumhase-buy ling -threq, al Iq .1i how the banister creaked, though we I lermans. -JetuN. llien, t1je dp"I, Sinvett rd'ainjAify ?varwuit before the w�itneffg- -knew while.he L eating one.cirang,�!­ tried to keel) it so still. That night 1tqX _01.j 'Lr th I i rr. a. .6f, Of I& death UkAnmentary. -- ConnertluF I`ink�* fa' warr.ruit f4jir the il;C11"ut gakAxjtIj_ t li�.- Uskoit"i (J"re;j t4 ms e rst aud w s t and fere_the-'! night .(of the day when 'jN the dctor staYeld all,night. - it, h#-nr distinctly Th; fti-rw..ir(lic -ref i1sed -to te. Xro uriinoiwn, f6r he was jiloue. , -, (,till- ' work. in qopoWtion 1,0 a de" Sai th A frariiework find no-aPparent�-colf- Vprave that merefiftnt; I,(,, will UVC centrated "11 �his :ukill upon the ur- 1 Th" 1IN'ling of tho noblenrim" wm in Aia rest. G(A's Cwatb%. and CPW'v wu*- tilk"PaTS' 111kvP-1 *ith tit , e� eirgine... bey9nd servi. A Dr.r kjrl4j(' wli6 arriied '.bad:debt ferer. At last -the restlessness of the making it. 1114)ear -m lt1w laut Fc"mdW event ill tile first #Of Accumtht D I Cdttag'c- CRY say - tha t many ot which . bo lia-ve to big -fit His cretttoioti, nnt differ4puldi -rare: a-bad*debt made 1j)- 'some dlitit'" I ifig aij _smpport for. Ab'e 8thtionary. 11"ri; ( ulterer subsided into- a calm. YtMir of fwm' niinistr. The next ho;ir P1 the eye. f tatt's tCsttW0nY,- ah4l statc,41 that, 'all P"ished,Jik0'Swve"---'T1wy 4re ull- Who has a.ha or., axbi which, pas.%Cd tlirctigla Lim, organ q of the'b(x1y * m1glit, be d4r- abin to. giv Moved away fron'll' fhe neligh - qIumber, and the doctor looked up thrlt4t f1jontIM %I -e kWl%- 0. Tilt) Ineu start- borh6od. 'without, g!ving any hint 'of id: * "Tho crisis 1,3 about.. Thip brijW& us agaill to the 41110atinn of I ill t1i" hub, of wetm without th alid sniiled and sa -jx-)ft hu%e J**,Ll I e 'b-xly being mu -.1. Ing out* t� (". .111 pairs U.V, post6 aud Of 6111191Y wi never the place' of -destination. Before t -up 'with 1417 Ptimoi%vr. Iteld Uilis 1). 28. tllr,,m.N al%.nv kL Ittelitioirl f the (lilladifill fal-% box. a hol'14jiv ere. Pgat." When propped (kA twkx. By indolence waj� A if -ht of the day � v�hen you bal.d. lit- (hp easy chair. she sat. 4i'ui*r4 "at -xterdibg down thrU11911 tIlP.4loor board of . -,'f C% -Ind "Utoll till Apirii :jtlj. c row_ 11. n tu, rt lows ill. the: T h IR' is t h,6 L tip' first -1jews f roni; ili, tered encouraging words -to the' I -r.; the south Wind tried to blox� a Mn rell T��io- fi"t fvilprr witit earf-ful investigation.' Und.pr Uff(%'t, ftntinc that. tlipre W8 8, L ('0pper 'nirer 00 17. Je8us-answoml t4witu.-Thibi is 49-Allst w(,N* U-I"el rji, ula-4 n -it,ard tI)e -CE'44ills: foijr chant.. there will be -le&f Into the faded cbec.k, find., itom 1h1gfwgt, *,jprqqM&iu0 Ili (kx! tb- fIfy.-r, 1"weei 9100U= untry me, womall ho lausit regular defetixe of His w-riong witli tile, heart. hildren brought tlowers-th(.' oile a 4)f of n witwed storeroom beneath, a* The then -wont 'tf.),-tIle'jury w bb -4 rfre.apd --wy -h.- e Divifu% work Lq alwnyk Cd Ule h, he4n od' haii lost her, puree, she' left it t -re charactopr and nAm b red clover top; the other a vlolet from 0ttawa, always kept lock# -(L %Vas'found running brDuX t In the , vcrdlrt mtA ted, fter DESTINY AND'VTj2%'V. ill the store. shei brought it.there, -lie tile lawn -to he I&io (jf tbe ronvaleR_ 'w1wro to lim- ion tilat "s an"r- 141k] 11110A Twrfcct kind. alla-aralait.11- f)UrR' deltheratior. found in %he geffliels.- ful 1"-r* on t1te pay through tho timbers supporting thp a. rO41p16 f 11 did'not tuke it' away, she knows ft is a hiet ! � -A-3 . .. cent. and Bertha stood o Ckniclit'. 114, ftawweml tile churaan flrw)r ail iron Ault With II, Milli pulley A Bostonian Wit RelieVes JjjMs&jrQ`- -there you to -Ina V. I&Yuki tak-4- hib VI -Mi as a -;aered Racy erqn!, t old I brtmiker, and t -forf j Trent -alley Cate R, 'and k4 inother's hail% and we' were ellarCP to do his boa at it. ant) 31r. Roberts .,ail- chair - with a brush sm " 16. that lie *-as zaj ­Vwr on the oil it. Ille I)Ujl(%V and tho hole in.thc:� ra ocithing her ;�'W a collnfflmentar3� i f bere isinuer out. jo.,- f1fx)-r were directly 'un&.r thi! lKAjf)-*v h might ridt' 7111!� Father's loVe eMtred up*i th, ti; 0 m WOMAN KILL A RL. thQit you vish to ill rne t llguimt Otxj. iLwtoad (of 'Is going t(j follow tLe (.X- Deft) ek "Ign jwst 44 tbe erWine. rite "tolt that inerchant wIll h came back to our house. ur, Ille adpqu&%c mid illfiglit, I Inplo rof ear that 9mv And ar we 11-'ather worketil hitherfAt —He ()j#jm.4 of n IT- I ron shaft to tho 1­4hoots, Her Husbai a Ousek-eeper yllow-Ing- origispil. .111;1 liniqlif. style of - goods'of WhIelli'lit- hais I:trg,. helped the old country doctor into his 'd by prrticall tfimrraii- W lio lulide, ma-actdiol, and vuve the OW, wall. At Its nn -011 i�as n� Tou Times an E apes. till. suPPjJV - iq going out . of fa. 14%.*e noticed not that (lit w4orketh cal that day ; still rul- 1irxU and wribet, despiwd Him Ht thf.. nPirro. Tlw -Governor has from tern i i g ti tatioV shioti. rund the gthe;re Ivill e some -ene i�ho will conii. broken, or the horse stiff in jh otifirr TArcetly beneah thi.,;. lilit jIK4V%*mbh all the YqtAwr'&A pjMf0-&kpQ6, (kill FPO SS -40(41 by tit#) Lo�Kifj. ii1to: the 'stofv and pay a bill knees. cind we QIJ realljSd f U19- Mst-ttiniV19 .111 thingb; wading C III . JUXt atwwv Vie gTound f ]our . of the.j Greenl"'s 'if filount; or t tic first I MuInalliU4. alld ix-rfonab all His witfirkp. lie 0 t lit. elet-tif Pll� of .1 on% entif) room. a nd sljowc-r w(mrketjl. 0 'Ills 1111 Protest, saying he. has paid it before time in our life what0doetors wore another iron' shaft, - ralnt� (44 1, of Itbe poro nf1W 'Croni4tittitiofir for tli#- Put*. the -reOelpt lias been 160t.- worth., Encourage them. It IwIl. ill 01"t lxx)l. through the ijjgf_q. littw or I'UiWb fft)IU th- Itto mako I, t11 rou t Ife wa 11. a! itighted lit (WLo filld qulck�#4,d Iyi-ttgn Hq. wJil It 1-i likely thi-A ort!s Car6- w., witi, pulley. i�ac Pilot fotjr time-ni awl twday Xtt I Wn M I lei a w ay' co btm t encourage that . inerchant, .-not 4ear_ Entourage Itfie lauryers;. They are A was *Oy Mrs. Lizzie fur, whose tbo bnntr They' as iTGdCe__--jjy Ilix VW 9911110 b)' 3wen,linr, it" rO 'is - Ing. that lie. xtilj bt-cuim(! arrogant or Aten* cheated -out of their few. and 18. The rm, (*tablisil ifig all MvhlCh fitted over ant) exactly �iikba Ili7kd ill twery c ho Uffun have to breathe the villain- iition 41irlisk haA w) jdMt4fjW 1jilnuelf 11fiattl4d Aand, n' PUfted Ull.' f,(;r 'there' before ud. Henry- Provenell girl. 4,oiuneetkd.t1w_.�*# two ull( 11. (_;ojnj; W(,,R keeping flouse. Th6- 1-1ror'plichias wevo 9vtWr havo- -ft nr night ellough'unpleasunt, t c6urt r' tityr,0 1 r projffwti. nurk lif P �1i my air or "l—Him "_O" luadt' irto the onmil rear job. ,riio llcwttl fer -tho fillug's oftw ous Owns. mild they, so 1`011W. ' 111A**) will not br ell its h9641 njid Ml, vif room. inogtly filled mrrited two years got. The jius- '(-%It atootir to keel) him fronj becomliiF volol- .0 1,, llftcil have to bear pondero wi th old 11ink, htl the door. of willell sibility, and they Ijave to maintain It9I1t0UcxI 11Y 010 1%4Prd tof TO A VOIDA. DIVOlken SUIT tecently..Zigaged NlLss Cii.x' 1101JI0 (1hrlStfah With plethorovl)f Irralse. W (ItaAw-ritUad' by it. I(PrIas tAo Him it in bir Rini uji qw<jWul, _)U in their profession .1 t I Hit 1.111kol' tll(' bmich. reason -was rnLqkf corsideia4ty horo tkrtt ()f 111H -lioiiF4ekePWr. aud,.Mrij. t all.tilt, Mwt haji Ew:OuriWe nCVV8Paj'k,r nivii. If Wheu malk-e tO WLV#,� tu makp a] I %-q., Irovftebia, WA to w -t a ppcv, W judwe, t 0011 InIM10. romb. there was icvoveror W110 had lm,*u vdilily. seekilig * am] for our 1jurplus knew hqx%� many annoyances t L -e d-Ignity of that calling which was JUX16('4t at the lwtr will b" I uivilt are all oil],- t1w romlAs"In Settle Their Differences Oiutof a recon-. bey (le"1111. 71W. filuki resurm,Lim a �, "' � �vc'_Wur-t hav61 If you, underi honored br the fact that and judlg bena* a. box ant) an nilclotil hj)rpad C Nutirni With, lier husband. '.had threat. 1h&T'0 a, market p ac&_.an(I , we've stood that their the Only r u k,, 1. out #.inbe floor rt.-trnpi d6or. This trap to kill 66 girl. Mrj;.,P got &r har(ftan most elaboiate'article' is �Gometlifie#3 Inan allowed to stand on Mount Sinai tb" PrOcvm mmuiuenopd im Ilia b,.(vwj_ omnid over the Illhaft,i iirhi�h �Ziffm. tterit to,her , hi roreqeh.1a. The heatheyj -'IrMY—fer thq 'Job Ilunk out because there is such a gr0at beside the Lord waz Moises. t1he law- Verily—lli truth. Ti r r.- thrmWb the li�lmnd's Ilouw this Of f ree W, Ill t1le Peft"Qful paths' preksUre. on. the columns. and that yer. and that the Bible speak of Smi, oran -do 110WIjig oE H A-' Mg lainn for iw and for our swiv.itif I. wall. Iff-ro, it found fternocifi With a 44-calib M., A speech. is ex-. ChriSt as the 'advcate. law -If -tie too that thc, Shaft c01lnvct41d ivttii a Small Wl lit"'(ject" re revolver. nust IiP led-- accurate report (if Encourage but He A Brat n - newildning KIZ-Up. t,?. fltlk-tly ssttl,- 1"r4l" i,4 k1lowli oilly: from he"s v0latyle an light ayto h1A Wt cWly worAwd I ik - God. their I"f9#rertr#-,q ulm wa ter niotor cd - perm I I t r -c onotr will lie Perted although the uterance be so. lawyers in their Profession of trans- was working w'itll,(;(X1, with His aid, wil OU what It ir," mild fllv� Mother of MrH. Pro. a4l. , Thii only 4 -ay to keep , Ilim Indift-Inct, the (1194�ottrse- is 'oiw long cendeqt imporiance—a profess'an bon- purpow.—Pulou. dr, tlie rulcuLaftg barWr. "I'V* be= a, the water WIn. PupplIc"I by a 1( -wad. vonel la. gave to the: pollcia a,4 -'the' downs ter:fjll 111in UjA `.With. -lead — stenographic guest -and that the* d- ored by having on the bench "a Chief is t1W ullkml between tilt - pipe 'in m the outside 'of !1'attighter. Afro. Fuse' a -n I.Lrmy fer -finds �ou aslwp de doIng some protty taij f comin fro ive r1loppr. rhi.,4 agreetuent gotter havity night'which us cc StOrY nd at the bar a Rufus Fatltr :t"41 "Ith :*XI that it ij# i1n. on a problem that requ cr%,,, the, bfilldIng. E.yUmdlng from� tills. pays, 6fir. 9 two 4all-li t Ile Tliep-, I tjj that'lie'r, 11, %V.IljyUM at the' be awake, and jilt daught"r sj0d t1lat she that t ey Choate. tc j4 . W e ..the house tloRg witil Mo, ground belw*eenn IV Wa rr rUoUir.w. -L sniftil rubber tube C,)..,t to leav; 4'"o _u ari,., , unietlini�s Pomibl#- for It. wsw found at by attacillug a rub* wl:tf) etay. o i IC to bring of our great brain mftnu Vp 111f, her hu I b to tda tube th Ut. Miso, Vb.N-'rc;plIed ti" them b1min,'s tvheeli lie schools—o6cu A,V, r, Encourage the teaclicrs *n our pub "et of "I" -Sun'tf) fftudY aAd tbOught, I read tv a rap". lat 901 anu 6- _4j, Injin 11is jown P,"Per Qv other d,%y of & oung m" thuir educatiolt iid water mo- ot.. Mrs. 11rovenclita* then 411,114 , tO Net their ixyro &ou I q r tortes: slekeed at the, ofte.0 wiro h I)orly 1)atlon arduous and irrtv%%-vUvt. cq t1w. Father'si will. V%IX) lawirb"I toto mstrium3r JVr tor coul bv-staAed by pr,-sdjmg , tho'. ree. f Ompenatc-d. In all the cities 0 , men, -Who want 20. 1'atlltr kW60111 tile 011—Chriatt luarrTU191311041"w0ther's atg 1111t wlint th(� furtlii-r t­riwi bu Ili and would gt6p wheq thr, p",. drew it. ruvol-ver,and fired -tour, shots, only 'yeller niggers, ' an, romplimerit y when there cutnes fit of economy on pmvt all takilig (4A. ia COX trep—but bled allatW was rcdcased. PrIdii waterr motor 1xidy. t hey'l I ujon bo up W 4-*? VO newspaper ret tile i,art-oI officials, the first thing to _,)()M thp SM. I ha v 1-1 in the inw 7) but loved Im tua I ro W wa � for #qgvWa I da yv, f Ig h"Otter havo. an'army -for the JoU III ia.. ' then rettirlitwl t6.her UrIUK kKlt W11fit rt*Ltj0fi that itow In Uie laborntory of Mr. ]Kin- tod * heatlitni to report,.a burial; the next day to et dQ Is always to cut down teattlers" on Qg #-,V�rtki3 left -t IL#- I:lp.k-. raiife,' in B(mAm. "rhe rubber tubing lind Tim- pom bujilkh TIOW -Port a pugilistic eneoqnter; mW salaries. To take forty 6r fffty boys 4of Ilim (_'ILr1&tiajl . peaco 4�" whose -parent-.9 suppo Mo lourixw, o t-0 himwxlf a414 tilt- fawtl� hu where 'ht- ha - I was found . lso to extend . between. %V011 frow Place rta-vlace by sudden' U43 PtAll, tJi#-rt- marAud Into. Now. for tn%Unce ius& MIN. U - vht-i awl -welit lo 015, I yr his the ivalld nd eelJing f roci the water wk-reate theut like they do ut -vir.- tioll whih, is lilable-to take plao--e rjy -5 and keep the Parents from find- Perfect fell"w"hill Ind 11111 clOU. drn i, I I I I�poi@; youua R&D gettl1mg In-jrrw U) 110 ing out their mistake; to taki, '),IrR. Fdjulinff Motor to point under the (Cec-ly A'N IMPORTANT POSTiWit cc down 'in Car6liny, day In our -great J6urn&jijjtje � -c-ut b- an tu-10 endqwrmq%ut. Ili,,, all IPT. IV Imn0 wo 11 , fft-eP-UXA4)er'P AOP-OWther would njku ang, 16M, nien nd boys. lishments; prcearlous bucom ig expectat,ou of Mot6r, t hell up through the srtatlon 011lptyhea4 aild fi I It; to meet tile thkigdi- Iii4tpi 11t)tIling. bi,4 (fither IiL-4 own sm &Dj b" ptep swtrev-to lite ary p(ot of tW mgIno torWn. The bsent 511i3dod Jimt t(T eiervato. 111c. -gitandard parent.-; who thi t I I Anth6i of mure and more Peecarlous—if you III- nk -BesW1 t bintUng Pcwt or socket Into Lost Parse, .-Pliller- derstood it, You would be inore s I- flfteen years of and so -4-N a V. in ta 6 OP: VIM - The AfulaTs .6( tho their children at d8t0r aW &uCbUW ji W Ill It unim ftould lk) blessed witi, h1(ql tile MI (of th) wirp wap In- :Pwia hain't got 110 @NM at all; vathet1c.'-, Be affabW when you jj�j-e ljulrht to be. mathematicians and me. int, udoo Ity Of 31r. ' ter, 011gagod upou u. -They Wahter rulo VieIr place tll,(-.In- 11 . 0 taphysicians and to 21. riiimoth UP the ik-adtitid lyrotlktv. 10141 111iptevuWther WOukito connectewl the inotor Yrunch wri t an ex to -be sharpened o*n their rhetoricians; any f&TrbW-1et us say a ew—WsL 'the attentioit 1( \,(.IV profouno acleatific work rang for hio -Selv —I' -rindstone. scUss in your nd work stl0cf-1,813fully that* great tuffing (juiejW4 v1d0' the trwummfttc�f. P'Urther In- let. He th08 Mt (10*M and w ea -shudder, at their gati! Welvo T in inachine, tile modern sc4hool - ibe 1'(-rk rfwt1g. i t Im re.-ve4iled the fmt that, 'v. rDte tier 'kill 'em off lit droveL toma what the'nineteenth century. would be system. COIDO Ulo bUY'N graumdfather Mid v*p **Ktndly sien souie one to ko lima pow r W for �thf- 1.1.4t t4kerct I er I le I without the newspaper, and give en - 11Y IR44 lKover it had INW11 brOther, aJld 11, wtep-nwt1wr would be V C R tj JA koratory Ce rebt ling small, .4,nd ter clevato Is & Very arduous work. Encourage (k)qw Ul Itt (XUK two in t411P bOY's 044TN104ir an4 "S"ad- %ikane, Wits lv-Tort- s of. -1 ft dIf* arrmt OLO COOL She Imil stolen m couraging words to all who- are engA jg- ra, el TaqXnItttnjr wire, ex. y 00 tandard of the rneo. They're- W) them bY the usefulness and the ever- by EIIJWi, in tAl motber. VrI11-b vroull eambe hr to bp KtVtt firwAly.11 Purw." ThL;? lie d1recWd. 1:6 tile Chief ed In this intei*nt. 'from Abci chief of lastingnegs and the magnitude of t4w (% the Isoll (ft ance, of Poll...e. The valet ppRared, and, bF*Dtted* lit � their pride t1lat ef 00 editorial de0artW - down to 1he ut K i ngwi x i i. She waw Allss .1 allko In exterrial appear. nt sar(.I)tn i of ao- her 660 dx%*hW's stop a onuich- frui ont- w.,w bolloW, tho othiL-r solid, their Oceupation, and when 7()ur, 2Lo) beWir married to the WE of %er of tils. jja Peter to finish ImPth were known, tll�r'd likely ask boY that throws the mbrning or e niel 1010 '1110th. *aR cwntloned, abou the. size ol -,kcmf up something"IyIng u mr G 'C ") 103 WhIlle walting for hIj*ra- chilldren (10 w 11, c0inPliment the in- . # wri,ting. pu kud (L her gtp-dauIrlitor's ljuab%nd. dm. n. 0"nullent to JeRT0 -m all Ing newspaper Into yod' of the ShujlaU=it4!-j0 vn)uj4l. wait MPU110'r 1111''tire Nf!w 'I knItting ne-oll-f-, anti wi*b ronne�t_ As lie tor the note, he 1.110 110athen Ill their blind- wfndow. r hasernent structor, praiso tht, teat -her. thank tif ber hwob-16d' so der the table. aoethe'edueator. 11--intJr- I'M14 of Ing tip-( that M�1410 it imposolble to Jqall: "Alon I neft now-, 'bow e0w1l to stock ail(] Encourage rnechitnics E iv. Tlie Je" did uot, doubt Otr, and Ilift jrWp_m0th8jr 64M bt. :' tP11 wht-li wao liollow trill whiell was Pur, hero 6 your purge;. They %vill PCOUMSe all invalidl 63 telling tbQt P-Od IlRd jwvror too raigo tile 1`114 fathe-r-O titep-xts'or. -w use by W-44 T)f etofie;. but we'll elevate tho htjjnj the ruost hrlatifill Olid 'XI-PPt hV catting (-)r trying to I found it un ler tile table." Plumb the pipes, or they will k I them how many you -n b f.jint),ju -jfrj.N" 'MO of t hel r race. or they willa;u; the same ailinentr, wh. got well. ltft a 1141 MA -0i that Ho linn the Pjame t1wpr tic naturally beri)ure Ili* (&tWg women tit. 11ric , I "Ali, I have know (Wnd Jews lKire 'exprewly jiffIrmg blow thTf)ugli them. Just Ill time; Igivo njo th I o note, 10"n t TWylto gotter mine the ceillngs, 111ftr`r lug MO 0"-woOlAr's wtep-00- Jean.". heir - lefi9ms. in a iniglity Ilit- dowti the carpets. or they will , grain and not by telling them of their I 10WVr 0 fftep-fatlier nd We fnther ae(I Txitl, two vrintpr.4 "A dwlicate-, an exact c()PY -it, ex- H,- hurriedly - added tho 't`kwtmrlVt: ter whocil The vo gotter tile doors, or they fashion th� slinken cYc, or asking them wliether 22. Isither judgotli flu twPtlmvr w0utd thfin b1p h1v auda% fkjttj� fler beavlt%* -fill's 14 it is Ignamiellp L"ovel u ic. wardrobe. Tic not among 'thoq, who go attractiro" hays� alway,4 Vwnal appPar,ume, was found of. tile "I. bave fo4ir.1 my purse; il4i r Mito Men'n noble -rul(%. I the color of their cheek is really hec. With(Alt tilt, �k)n, I)U& (plily %Nit # WWT(., gottor trend lem in tj u(I never wife's &;tPp-vhildrftj. I)Om 1111p rnpr eouppicuolim lit 010 social riffle. IfIltat TMIrfecteAl tramini1tter. the eary to mm,l anymie," an I li-inded the say anything to a -mechanic ex- tiv. cl. illentioning cas and 4.1cimov afto has. goilytil allot atipTideff. gradual pprrectica of years of xi.- mj4Nl%'0 to th valet,snying. 11*liver Wr kc*p (yur ten4pers c.00l Lad cept to find fault. If he has done a that Style of dis es in which througli RAR11. ii. 1G.—IIIIIII. lip hurt.- PlillmikliplItA It#rVM, ------------ 66-rvt�atwly mild Improrement., till- at w -o; It Is Impnt.nt.1, ter Job well, tell him It is splendidlydope. telling then-, ease ended fatally, or (k" llot rulto us by tho were rigtit TUS BUICIDIC THEORY. TPe olevato the standard of the raco. The book is well bound. the door is Mee how badly they look. of q."qjtk1jj, Imt Tired Of the J". Iu1flIcat,,- 1LranwWtWr exactly rmom- RA tbev went bacilt to hu writing. Tho onwalmj juarch of destIny 110 well rful words are inore soothing hY vorostant, and er in W*11 than chlural. MOre stimulating than ILigger crowd enji stay. Tile Atiglo- swung. the work Is grandly acco Itr4 mato. but uprjkn opening it grained. the chandeff N1#NIiaUPr--4_)O1U- Coni. He who Duritig the last Afgluxn wur Lbe fal- Roderick McKenzie's IDeaut Not Yet ttip Chladid platex and tll() rewn-itors ASLBJGP. SINOB LA87' W BE K, Saxon race luumt glt it'tl tbreoaquaro plished. Be. not among those empllp-' cog"1c" more rs. army. Tile dirttne4w of th fghati 101 Cleare(t Up. wfwe lacktng. tonic than bitte Ily all unjust judg- towing joke wat. earreut through the InatmAl ivan r00- inpl a day. IVIDIl take theIr latltIs� �Lers who never say anything 'a 0$Ir 3dativ an Inv-alld has reco vered tumt., nd dkA for sinners, -ib He A iRemidont of York BUIlu Has Not ell thru' whog" offig.j. it will IN. t.0 judV, th, prore-rbial, and It ii said that oil rmhol wilow-'r depowltril 0.8.v*: the h,r (flaphraxm Atr(fthed acrow the anti make 'em work, iid th %vo employes except to 1;vvear al ulrll the Influe&e of cheerful sur. djournment of tj�a 'lUxlerick McKen. fliviruig It vertlMlly itiujtvro Awakened 81noe Saturday. bout "Hoorny!" all.' thus L tl�em. , 0 omatiloLi Gen. Roberta onecordered owif 7ye inquemt IajA Monjay, ejenjug no `xtight oompartrup"t,;. not be afraid you will make that Ine- Encuurage all btarting judgulf4it (sommitte(I ail too bot, Washed. Aar,*w. witb tU he The long Mr. Willinqu Enright, ollo of tile very. zrPa(l th' goVel far -an' we,u chall-ic bo - puffed up -and arrogant he in lifo by t1h-, Twv soldiem wery told of f for th(L [tit. tII0 IjttIpbnlh ra4m 100-000 men ter figilt it)lli 3*oursclf becomill *' Judk_-tal functkml ii, .111 itm old re%identm of York illij, Wilo. in Will again want to be tweit 9 reiiiiii1beellt. Es- parts anti tlw,r light Upoli the juyosts-ry, b41% rml tt-u% Ailk" Of t1w) apliere. and Which kePt their gwampN, t4p lie ,Lt nigilt Working4pron or in shir witIl taW61 Od tWerch tmrpove.- They eotripjwl 16c lormoner In t , tile -junglps ,Vitt, 0 a ontsill - Moro nearly (IPPO"Ite in t sleeves, .( r ants. by t0jing these '"rth. embriwing without mpparptit mlif Jr- exhibitirm before Young1merchants when You got your [wtv"I't and wrubbed him for two Jiuure w1W Th - #.-*r,)n- tranvaitter egu- po tbeir fover-ri-Iden the night comes of that dAY first . mOr8l, WP] futuri- mt'-offl(�o for many 3-tm-rno hato IkVII dsinnm, all, tjj4p, w. You pralse lilm there will be customer. and how you sat be judg"w"ta i fortkildable brushes and soft an the PO"Iti(m* Of tile resouitar, upoin Bee% '()'*' 10-0')0 lawsuit brought against hilil becawic fklY 14 th-tt X-KO-uzie %va%0 not mur. (It'Plicate trruxmitter work- ill, :1 gtntjL- Of Somnolebte vince the Ustio from wounds or llolorn crnmps, U80 '011L' Th(ni they tbrew dowra tt*ir twadlow -md, and that nettlipr did he dle it f last. week. lie ling U()t b(3en in M)ma,(, blow*, lit, did not finish his work ps soon ws hind the counter e4tlng your lundheon work of quickonig.;mvit11 which also in do A In a fifte thread t1irough a sluall ('11(f 0 th' I with 0" eye on the door. Establish- HI) Ila* bmxi entrusted. riquirtw vuelf diiiiWuxt and went too their 4-aptale. nt It" t"Up" 1tll(l 2111CU d jpwMl far lie Promised It, forgetful of the fs�et 11, ll 11 t is it. awn 4W 1111en in that of HU14 ttw% diapkragru. got)(11 health for w) Ed lawyers. encouragc Young lawyPra Work of Jildging. -WhIwInw. they replisti. -we lao, histural tbinth. The toily i crene Nra" PlAt" el"MPINI In the ceiftre at l4aurtIny Itio; lit linvOn t beell to that his wife had bcvn sick -and t* 1)), telling of tile time when %-uu broke 23. That ill BY turning the.kno6 '110 Chamli fr nigh o t. 4) _I t i., t 11 "0 YO&M, it wakm-, of Ills children have died dOwn In your flrst. speech. Esttibllsh- ium adiould ljolwj, tho vj-axjj(�d that .%.f glon dial) for twq APWd br� thrown back.; will probably away 'lit hiq -pre. ids" (I ist to think of tlw fever. and he,ha.44 had a felon on, 0 C, , nu Oil DA theY honor the Vather 11(jurs. but it is It i.4 1low knr)wn fA,r vertain thas tho dlapkAragni e 'gilt bY'Alle doctors, that he, no fWI #Carllet , "t-KPItizie's finau-ial eunditiot wurd oir forward. IDy M11noc a - (Id Mlnleterk; of the g sp I I u I Irn% tIng tile saw (MID fiiin wIll sond out 11niter of the right lialld, Denounced -101' 11,1111DY re one God. f,)f good. x.ftor scrul, )*oung Ininigleris by merelful examin- It J6101116 to' hing film. air, two hours till ou two$ of the hot. and that rpeent In- mc*,Dr and the real tranamItter by 1114111100 10.000 quarts of beer) of how perhaps beftuse the paint ation of thtological candidatos. , not 'lot divim%, Uma U) lionor Hhb tliva% arlwa a - dly V1 is so very (!IifQ fit to dmp off, wast fisatim-ntis had turned odt tin Th- MPAnA Of the "vyllow wire, then turn- Ing aroun(i with a. profundlty another %uit Sir Iletir Wfoll sPrcnd tll(,- 906MI far nii NvIde. faint In color. not reognisingthe fact walki U) love and trtwt 11im gig I, 8ariour, Y CalLU)bell-Bannerinan luas Id wr1t6 you Inorf%, hiit I linvo got that the malbanic himself has I on at14 overwhelm I ngnesg of manner as wou All .4idjovirri#0 inquest will nA lly, held for 'tie tlw% kncib in tho proper direction. practically n8silwftl tile leadf!rnlilpof Id - lesd us % Way from God. two or thri-i- w"ks yet. an.1 in the tho (141TAU it little "dato" tit *it t of riot lKw-'*—Tjd-HitsI. 119M wcrald lv-o thrownMr- f% ut of the, right ingrediell(S. 0101191i YOU were one of tho eternal 110nor and vrorship of tbp gen the Liberal party In Engliin4l, ind V~tlmp thl- offleern who havo had w&rd. the Air rorend throwh tho try J4 hang a nt)Wr pollticifln tAj It tM and that lie fild 11ot ilil(I jbIlt tile #1, 11. Doptors c-stablished, by tell. 1wifrior and wj)rMhIp (�jr wire Ing t0 90t it I" W)MO m)rt 'of 4. A _ LCYPIL ik. the CM113, doulA tho CAw in han11 frill work irm tho, ;t"j and down thrc4igh Itst rarionq con- so I Will elbw t tIMO; or scolded at �ft Rhape for t1w 11b )Otter o the because he 1119 Young doctors hp irsellf 24. Lftaretii my (,,,Ymlnr meeting V -IMS to h&Te lamed a horso by Ur W you you - wtX%j_j%,jtjj tile world w1w4re t1ifte are ,hoft ularell Of deStAlly and the War trp ()ne(l mlstook fte meades for scarla- 91ilrftiftl OP Gbott- Attewl om I Ulan women. 7%e male "t ja "Kilful' shoeing, when tile horse hiL.4 tilla. And If You'havr,. nothing to say VA Oil Ule 1, jetion (if months. b1td spavin or ringbnne or that is dominlon of Qe kWIrr encour 91U9- 0, MW VU0 mmm' femAlew by IMON,