Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-01-27, Page 2I- �,ff Clark of Rcoordw &nd Writu. _"U &VJV We" in 11TOT18 re.- icioule No 4 1899. qw1st at St. Gurlott's, whIch was L1"J6V.LU%J It J U U J11 JP The MaftachusettA smatm on Mr. M. J. McNamara hus twen POOPIC(l with honest folk-. We walk- Seizure of T'errltory. sworn III as UJerk of the Ilec -ordw mid FROM THE TRIGRAl at'& In, and, entering the kitchen, saw Mr. Iloar, III a speeell In tho United Writs, hi suocesslon t Mr. Gtorg!e my uncle In his s'lart-sleoves, rea:ding M. Leo, at Omgxx)de liall, Tormito. U Sam is a" S%W saw Cdd comm-ne W. Rowe, Of WoodStopk, tata Sella f L, by the light or a ti the other day, said: Mr. McNamara will Ktill continue to ai'd -f-MM4 matters or In candle. �anced at our fathers, who framed the- con- act as Chief Clark of tile Judgmt-rit 0 1 terest From all gvp thO bOok berore him ; it Was tile old tells. a Thrilling Story. 4 one of thlelf hwelsome Bible, with his owl, his wifos 1titution., were the wise8t builders of Deprtment. Ills apPoIntment Is n 7 EARN Vreiniums by "Ithis Your popular ono among the memlIers of t () y ou r friends U Silver Ahm�- the World, + and Annie'n, with the dates of mar- States the world has ye't seen. They tho profession. Inuss ThimbMS %& 10 cents each. + ria.ge and of birth, (at the fly -leaf. Protratd by Female Weakneim, Kid- had'ht4jthed Illst4r Ther art more duraWe than rime "'O 4Pnt'Pml, Imit'lle did siot took up. ney and Liver Troubles -Her Doctors aild had learned 80061 or sterling Tape U10"ure or liackage of nowdles Gave Her Tip to Die -Saved by 111int whire there is little clo.) tfl,,tt a M -Far s for ftafe-sa poll scre C4111h,bom eiree free wititewh thimble. Ei. ory lad), tPuy@ A 110or scholar, Ile was spelling hts Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Doctor WTO a C I C:4� ythrough chapter, and mutter- ++++** deMocracy cannot accemplish. it,van- as 11010111 &M BIAS 111104 tbeM. 140 NWWy why, Annie, Ile word.s aloud. But when r not kula over vas�al tates or subject Read us your MMe aud address wil.'It'd this Ile .111 0'It.. send the Wood and eatalocue w* will ben rrytng.,, lug thew Weary moiitlls tilat dreiv ricturor nd Rlx*)Le to 111m, Ile [towe., wll() J,. Knows I havo tk1sspd 6,11ce I -PVCP]ft Without bringill r*niluwa little, becaume I my tartied UP with -I vry.� pale as de,-lth. No. 00PS grocery storeat g the elemplits 'N IT@tp&id. imbles to 1W rf-t n rud 1� not felt ho' not take that froyn me I' with tho swc-at -standing III g at Dunda-9 iti:ihet, here, nd Of- death Into Its own blood. WEAK ME Mon. worneu. boys and cirlim are *elittrig tho re is- knowli to. and respected 1)y, 'Thp e6nstl Your doctor knows all, ra bout III the ItKIT ends-whynoty(pull Try us- In Heaven'a name bwjAls upon his wrinkled brow. tutional arguniolit, lor %% lien sold send us ly- It IS IND dreary her n, you a re . have pity., Ali. a "VY hirgo number of people III "lavery WAS ten timas as strong s foods and medicines. A%11) hUSPENSORY fln(i I, rt-Adyand our rnonty and we % i I I t-nd the prlulujou You YOU would lul "Who be t1mr?" he cried. 11 poditive means of cure. It wol-VA while ou -arlert. Mentiou im V*nd You are away so ynll TO me tilink- ill.of you The next timo you Boo hirn, I P argument Of the Senator from 4;ANALMAN NOVL . V co., jr,,weate. owt. ch but I will no What, don't You know the town, had a very narrow e4cape th sleeli. Leave drugs alone and try thiii inelliod Y bnse. " t- You would nover 'he liniti. forcing a Illugh. ­ from all untimely death, recently. Connecticut. The slave-maefer sa!d lie just ask him what he thinks of treatment -you will not regret 4t_ Vor n cov0ed my face , it is i, irugh ves for their goo11. The of short litne we will on of Vo -4-nd our vith my 11 Trelawner, anil % To our reporter, Who called on the 1)wned sla' Lv 110 f4ult of mine, ande ter." nale, your daugli- lady, nd asked for partIculars Senator propowfi to own natlan4 for reiridar $10 twit fq"y xuatranu,ml. The 1pili important NmUnew, wtyich bitterly. �kfter l hile !W , " I their good. . - . . 16'�- curt* Nervous W4%kne", It heu mitt iton. I'mil FOR SALE. 'k 'lie Ll baeo, Kkineyand Uvertroubles. " Ifugh lluio I the incident, Mrs. howe me nd raineil rq)eated, said understand, occul>Ies ground. me from - t'l'p drawing his ]land nervotL-ily crass his have had n experience "Tho power to conquer Alien peo. -scoirs IMIU10 ki6dred ailnu4ntm. Write now, The tl3e latt Slierin Multe". suck M. U. k 1'. known as"' Ashford,' 1[#Al IjIgmilwil. time; affairs are get- he 1111Y, aw'it bo: Why -lid as hill the lot of very few wo Plft and hOld-them In subjugation Is of Cod -Liver Oft with Hypo- winuta'm distance at L-1,viric euv and t4ft ted that, Unle.*; I do girl, be comfortell. poor little, '64e -Vollte upoll I men. rib 9110011 %Lmit Wesit, Turoll I have told ..you "If- hWilen like? Twelvo years (g my life were nowhere expressly granted or implied winuum of coutre of eity. Hoube two lztvi4o kly. I Shall bt. k the truth-yo,i, (Iftd not hear as necessary for the'acc phospIlites. We are willing ani Mansard ftluie roof. Uround, (Xinwn are not 'my wife! my -lam I made almost unendurable by, ' Fer omplishment it's �'only for a You C-'111 ever be that; th thouielit (xI at G�v�ll_ 1%1e`akIIe88.' togftber with Kid, Of th0' Purposes declared by tile' 0all- to trust in his an wer. nuarly th ris Lerm, in 1&W1;- garden and ort4 things are put Pa" in our 8tat- - e differ- d6vey, wi' your cou&in. -Wht brings Uey anti Liver ComplainU. --stittition. It is Nearly For twenty-five yettra doo- UoubtY L&xso. Can be @men any time.. tons is so. great that 'ee Ilown to he c will be a marriage with You would be my MY PhYsieians did alli tht-y evuld Ofte that ought not to 1w.exereist%d ljy tors have prescribod our ddrme. 11, (). lio, q3. Th. coust ru In. I haTe deceived you tuelly.; A-ullio and I exchanged 'looks, and, for me. but tll(3y coul(I not give me anybody -first. -bee' 1183 it Is I mmoral Emulsion for paleness, weak- A after a warning movltitent of tile either relief or etir6 be0allsa it is kic-red r e1goft �h ��;t,.MY_heart! is still yours, ness, nervous exhaustion, and Aft aslid till' They finally it, itself; second ex- Always buy y B Deelaration of or a -w InIpartauabb hlove' wid pro- eyebrows, 1 announced'to o that I could never In(ependefice. the gr loss in nosh. X14(lish f4horl, knd Aumican ere o. o . pressly eltkld In the - f 11 diseases that cause QlAVISACM 0"1x(&X Nkc ma a wa f roru It'g all 8ImPIe el -10491.1. , I was get better. eat expounder of ialile StIo-J, ling on flotin tills place; a bit homes -Ick, and At rwit 01ril.t. The BrttLqll etc,,1mIr W,� %ras going to rJUI "Then .1 the meaning of the A . ontatitu t loll; third,, Its croamy color and its PA It K Y what the it 1.3 affirnmIl lit jitimprous ItiRtanses leasant taste make it co- Uap&lin Pipree. fron, 0,%Vr when Aunte 'turne(I up; f tiope various proprietory medicines ­ that P and tingether. began to tr' I FA ek L In siome freer, You're glad ti Py contem iverpool, put ill at I1Ga1vtwt4)on for 0 we me, uncle ? I'M wer6 advertised porary. State -constitutl' peciall useful for thin and W16 JIM thep distille- &Mft I am to smyou!" In the papers, that it ig onS y v"90 'Of e0tt0a on f1re. shall dwell in would' do fbr Immoral and hilfit to'l).j px- doileate children. The tug 1 held ou my hand, and lie' g-ra-sped In ok a 906d erelsed I anybody. No dthor preparation of cod- FOR SALE ketive. witi, a crew of it.warmly. any 'bOttlev of One remedy and Vr 'r,, but my ease esident, you: "are lot liow "ght melL i-4 si da'Ys overqll� at- Van- "In him. Glad enough, I re 440UIL continually * I liver oil is like it Don't lose �%e , -lost lie' .1 cried: 'flu 11 '6 luire propar�y.ill the time and risk your health by 0gentaw auid ( 1,awford 1, Couver., an1 ij saitj to have L ekon! Wby. I gmw worge. 4)ropoqlV to act f&rIIIJIh#Wid,WAr*n&C, low n a- ML%isd lee as if You had been gawn One day I wau advised by .Thilipplues with dominion as a necesi takiulg soinathiug uuknown Aed mid Tius near Queen Charlotte se that! ierfect. Oil Id. 4'. Ity. I)fArojl, Sound. a year."!. Re added, seeing ny gazo riiend sary Incident; you are not to and VAIMM. JALke It A I t"ic JW ou regret tO try Dodtl's Kidney )wn and untriod. Keep in mind _.r_ r&0WW8 tram P2 to 1widt, are clow A 60 burdelleki with .400.00LI rest On tile 01)en bcok before 111J.111, "They will a loot of I -a nil there. You pt'ropoje now trymning ne* * � 11 7in Love i.- till wer cure you. I know, for equire dominion ail�i legislative t h a t SCOTT'S - EMULSION &11� will fm 'will I)ublic officials. e.()_,4tiI1g the, State , e reading a bit, iny 1ad, when: you they- saved MY -daughter's life, and to a has stood the test for a 001d 01) Ino'st favora0e tern,. -irld cOmO In': for I WerO restless like, and silo was worse thlin Pawer. and The MOST 6"'.000,000 francs t, year, Ilecording I repliod, till cou Idn't sleep. Your aunt's you Are.- HOtIlln ele-P. Where In the quarter of a century. )L V. P Ar to t1le F"tinlate of Le Tempa;. a -bed, Con.9titution Is tit ("Uri is kem Weat Of t You have pro- and sulind wP1, I wtWrant.,' " Well,'I took her adviee. I C grant of power to and all drugglom .e New York Stock Ex- broken my heart As -lie islooke I io c days a wonderful change for the overelgilty where you .have sc'41L I nx a ta ' 1P tt*0 eXrelse -a BOWNL, Chemists, Tormsto. k-1411190 Tuemlay losed the.page ner- no efty ? SCOTn for - $35.- vace for ever." ah Lf fearing that we should better had ocCurred. 1, felt myself you e of the BEST It Is W01" 11,00 TO 81 I lip. price ever 1111 Annie.' e re- ver the, we what portion Of.tho book he -had tite daily. my 11,I)PO. Pit lippine Isl lids 000- T;iiq the highest' growing strong 1%�Ioiepn rats the [Ig 'o will atone. All -11 - I a as all ;ejalblem. -01 Llook 011titiod 1,ft1k Will V b0c reading. returned. the 'dull, heavy, M 11 report fr I will dev ,V111le stOOPOd orer weary ache went olut of my 00111inlon and acqui?itloll you'take It' for the M g'"I"T INAILIVOrum for swi,11,141, Om WiU4Ilill'-t0lI Ote it Will and kissed film temderly; I back; 'dowil from THE UA'1 ES OF JIBRUSALNU. ?,4111016 etc'-, cudomid Ijy the g""I"t Idly C� wafth b:ilgall 1-4 to be .-in yoti not f4sr- 4W the terrible leaden weight pandence flail. Hicianib. t-wrixtialled for his I looked 111) with a faint ,;mile, and pat- from my. itick or Well 4011()uld 1-04-ure tb6 (len.c2,04 lWfOre lie War lx�e t0d lm -r - cheek,� legs. my'heada'cbes vanished, Year. 490 last December tile work' 't w"l "%e You Ifulatirfido- of dollars ju It'll. Hugh, niy �sleel) b0came, sound and- refreshing. lIieb&,Igp e t a. - Some Interitsting - Data Concorninig a lon rt 1. 'lly Of the Unitp(I'Atateg 9 11 Vattwr. arid Ujotlicn. aifi,luld ob- % "St igating P re�l pre oil. 4; oo'l-- Biblical Zxpression. wish -belitly, rfO-d'IY I m healthier, Ines- Callon Ilicharilsion. rectur of the 4ev e _y -you had never iert the mine." stronger finge Ilp _ &'i 1, : 0 to Congre�;'- III titat LEAST. MONEY W. It. 111ARIAWMTH. &)Ie Agent. Cronyn -Memorial Churt-h. London, lills I Why, uncle?" and better every wa.* than I hav sp;1ak not of fore-lble Untjer the alraiplees t)f tile W013111111,11 tven offered t!,(. Ne%V overseer be.a chap fro' W been for. twenty years. - annf xa tion.Av,en lise that is not t-6 be ChriRtinti ,,�.mlv-ranco tltil-ati, at the F-", but. rectorship O.f �,t. lit ZL lea; triought Of6 and under -our ecmia of Asbury Methdist Church yer4terday PfCftMANKNTL1,(.(.pjrj) I. (.X- anti IN11w hinner o' godd.. P1 Ile Kidney Pills are the best merallity, that 'wt)tljd lw .e.'rinlitutl 1pr koldo a tie@.at ratrVe so JbIlIt'd t Well'entloWeil Crtoivii'i P�k thuore, th t I moncLy for ;O medicine' on e"ill for wV:Ih-, siekl afternoon. Madame Lnyyah Burakat WOiange lie Promrtio suffering women.--' The United States N iun t go down. gr&qlolt.l ehoe­lor 1wr subject The Oation (If flatclile FITS - firr -NO 111A or uervounnaw avy Department VYOU wish to ruiu lit4wil once Presideilt Sit-Kini dA). a ubr. mend to 11tive prepareil in a Wilnight. Naw tile ey whell lie oijoke the City." Among the many Interpet- rch j;X(v1,, v i wits uot thInkin eveli of, honor or of 9 poluts was tits throwing of 11glit 1'4.. f Of t reause and free U -oTer the linge place be wll-.s than cbver. LA GRIPPE KNOWN TO AN For orders for' the cruiser I'll iladelphla to procee(I to Samo. -410 by J. A. Plarta. i7m xot t ba ve itoilti. you W'tlio blue gallery &11 CENTS power, itigpirill,r and allu ro- . I .. e, Ne. I, is safe e% ring am re I'llon that sitatemont about, tho camel MoliLr"I Qtir Iwile due" ofteO to r(Predent ttie I'nited St. -,item 'dLvraced you to Come in, Rollie 01 t -h0nor pn(i power. ..fetjLJ.,w_LV.000 #J66M. hougir Described by Hippocrates himself 1xissing through the eye of thv upedle. Off But I -.1m I lways sid returneti, Disease ]Not the fill(Uthe, Afirerican pbople-Q!j tile it.- Seem@' that only two (%r throe of . ....................... lit and ir yoti., yi)u -notbing 'Yet Quite Understoud. nduring itm--k of rightc. sk Vilig found t, oliqueall. a Au ill beell tjoilp.-, the, -six or Seven gates,of. Jerusaleta to thow. brook that p alolli,- I'llS tilt- grip NWF'W Wr AIL to place whicli 01, to !et it be', lall.. poke"to tj�- 11111:1111F down? Who' hare routid. Inner opening o, -'a "' w-Mited very p.-ttie Is OW -11 tllf� e0de ? Whn Aafl thro' known tly ugh which men who aie 't .j .1 PON One Day X pi t n M, W Wr Targ!v abo, t It last neet, al:jI lie, 11.1111 down thp Prasit FREE Is W e 01, 114're alono in Lo - t. tok Id u ent ? may wmietlmea paw -after houri Id lit", 44 @I at Ili4vilg') aro ut)w 1),rkz. tIleY think t to --take* a Oaslt'looL; at, 'not agree ti.att the le",)n ci through which at leasit one poor r- efte " &W " seek 7"60, Oand *net]- I t t. Gur- un' befo tf)Put,fqJI:tII to & for 11 l, fj prettided I tile ur firse, hunolrftl Years, Iso till, t tile en Mel Ilfb 64" Psr of re 110 Voll"91 awa oft -exploded .4 been _c ir way-oll! I I Y1 says clatin tl' allil tile., rowdod. Sit* I' U010 01 44PS V. -W 6414#0" &&,d we It -f t 11111 6:1. - :L nname. it br*aks iny lo . know ttI, h I. " I -dawn't' la't it "Inert-ly * , : Those who bave wondered why the ps"Paw &bdwm Pre"amm 1".j ­! now to I*- piposetl tA., Illywil but I'ni,� fo;iril for ti" ero 4 -old." U a CGIVititilti"a nVP 41, falluee. and tilat' Dillonsells gaW was so called hwird Emwm reemomd talo the -,,I rt for ttlult Yr�u re. ili%.e A1141 fOre Madeline Graham. -lie kept me -Nlea,.t�r JarLre, 11141 t tpi ot fact 4UNPaSol lists inprica I.s. v) &-ame Tom #run& peftft a".." I -At a Prismier in those rooms for tiever I 1 d') 111DI)e 811141-, kn0i" )?,�glll tile twentieth 0,�n- that 'twas borauw� ' through Lt the a- luat 11 be donq�, i1e, ..Wlare - Vu lr,4)m- tjlf% iijuia. -,r- tury 41 mad the so" PrrVWA I" land , iere ikilli Iwgill, the. -enravans frdm th6 nity o! flimo lnt%%v :111, days; -but at -lat 1 nianaged to elvil I.,; lfil)pnerawn, �vji-) Was tidrll , . 1teelith." � m . us Child, t1litil make my esenpe. you kil JR. tilt)tl' I esift* tA6 pa" ow what sonW.*-fc#Ik 4fttVvn*t -like UjI.­ 9' YAr. 460 and 111- Wades naturall) 8sN1 int,i-) the elty, B*Ib* 40CU up C* rkufu at T v."ith you. I lolail liaPliened_ after that, flugli. I mAde %. Tfi i JIUX IN4.1L t L 011911 i.ts name otoo" with Jopph gate. A nd 14. was h gelitle 'hill t tO 1110. .mL — Ask ANIL AEL Alk it skri M -Y way to Falmouth, an,l ther,"vn ing 1101%r- it, Jilin falft- Wd . a I va riout perio&% Deafness canndt be Cured tIW'.StM.njrer'm ga"., Wiltell im oil thipL.Munin 1fter I. . . Mitt " 44 V.0 Ift-4 ow�eruekly my lo , rin t)f BY . loca I "appl ica south,-.81de; throuili It tha utranger %r 41eity 11141. 'Itarelt, 1011K us - they - eanvot when I wnX a'lnx)gt �, t. v-' tincle's ,jinq' C,L t, , I tkq� T'he EverlaRtLtig . - I cot 141, hardly, refra-id froul ' 111 -151() There I 011IT 0110 way to cure denf t. never tO be open&l until the (Ift"D wh4"I v011 ;kMlb I 1119, It you -find not disroverl-:1 q Med rf `r.. lv-" severe. 'Iiceor�l- reac'h the dWased portl4xi of the ear I , . _ gat" are at tile "1114low Chert. anX look Should finve die& 8 r. 8 1tv '' I Illysetf., but. I 04bught of' :the "s, ii -k . and - coming of 41w BO) *Iltb 9MV1t 1-itY' -'11141 t1lt W -*r IhP tlie f4olk t. V06sible u6n.4*4pieirces. and hpl�l w6re A 0:113 efeli-, )Y cOlistitutlohal remedies. ,Jr. XXXII u** f-onkpie Afterwa rl, twer tliek' liv*hdi.' lk,a f was is caust-41- by &V� illrl,-Ilned cob- A plila Record. IIA'b-e tile fiourki rtn1i , -0" arld GIRLS pl)yoloiallkii d:tiq)n.,fjf t1e. IllJU(14I,tkj lillil;g Of tllf- r!k* -11.7 darling. tili.; is The fteturn Home. By-lind-by illy Adlit f3.. . aliki liallicd it ,ill bre UP"a later Tube. -Wile. -I ills tube iti ill-- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAV.- You will forget. .14 t".Vether" af ter Irrencli it tilc. Selling out. UrV!Jv 1.4)11- , - Timig I i1a togt-their the uncio lained* You have' a rumloling tmund or Tukel,axalive f1roino4iiinint-Tablets. All Pateni Levev 11141n. with ll I Went off III Imperfcvt hearitig, tind'-when it Is el Collar tt) -tile allille. DrujWbit,, refund t fit! nionry if it f4jili, to 4,urt.. ts life awl gaieto, Is llar"tiv 11Y cousin retalle*l, to ot till It(, was 90"e. did Inv -IlInt Wi A IButtons orourAlumm ilgile Zf`d illV) 'Alki gril thou -ii it tirely clowd, tkIlaf w4t.ls the reijutt. (&lltj Morrier thrin that dripary place ivilere, - HIP III - little eloi". Tingering. 4-ur . . )e uIllem filp Inflammittlotrean bo taken which )*vmed the ignal for it wried frr,,qt runnd you like a."flower In X frre Iter tongue, rQr rlki departure 9""ma wst ..to urn Thimbles. tk%ert Unwortliv trivial of questions 14. S, �llilw for tlI­ world to Gettins Urowdod. sucil bea it tY. i n . themwelves, but which, to W 1.11'eall'ilg Qut hlld thim tIllw re-sit0red to Its nor. try ttb cigifije in wheil carefull return. dl,sPa y critIcjsNI,, were'Nll of TI ie 'ollf - nia ri s llil-Fid - to distilliLruildi'' it 'Mal conal'tion.1beitrii4g will lo. ; Official figuum just to 111t,111 MLow V oil &L.11.1 to% yotir massif 4,160 ja6 a vot. I %iisll 91guificant. neaning. Lost ill 'ston- too flill, Jut fmnl * 0 44 lj�'i r grij;a amite yon fitS OwIl trpublc4l I tilougilt.% wn all over filt.rorcd ll'brever. Nule cases fmt of that *tho popti.latiou of ever y Etiro- addre amdft&J VA latch ALIPtip1q. 'forward tke love'- You trulV. ish wen 9 lkil indignation, V heard till mu(b. 1�oom for co, ill 1111*11 ('1111o'd by Catat, 11, which Is' notell PMII cou'litry Xoes'on rellf"I ftwil aQ dearly: but I 11.1ve _,ujuell up.Al thP eliql-when t njecture.; .41 1 %va v .every (:4jiull, of it r till. incroasilig rap- f I lit-oll %%I$" -401f4L yet wl'O!o of (;eorge Ainple,, lw- ffow trx)k thing ng but'all Inflamed condition of Idly. and that during tho p.ewt t,(.n s they '110011 fin file- othi. k free I Try to be '-IllaiJIY� Was apparent.. mile, in',. -A cQuiliLr. Therl.'the tnucoua sill-famirs. . Years tirds lnerinnar) lial b3oll ,&.t tile PREMIUMs IvVatche4 Ringe, Viohngp MY experience of tile wo eall it,t1It% rld W.1w, pitiful to with,lu. w, ill � Ki To. 0110 11 11:141 red I k)I lit rv�. rate, of hearly 10 I a -longer. ths, re ' y oer cout. The means .141er knOwfg, ])lost. rudimentar VVa4; 4i W a Uill * tile twoplo are n(4 Accordeons, Air Gun Spring w namwit'tlle Gernian. entarrh. th&t.cannot I)p t.0 lacrellal n irerce4c*41 that. 4y.9pa.4p. allt, t, I afikf% rat&.). At, tile tx%- ith her character I(St. III- Itallal 4#t, the alvatoery VVI"I eat). ifferen Icall_lt-thp Ittl_%i 1; -lot, 1111V Cline of Deablemi, rau..w ily 14. n1a In ynu try next to' notijing of its viler L%tiv eml i -C fle I Skates, Hockey Skates, Manieure PawiOlVe.- still less of it!4 great crime -m. my coni"19-was"dup to 1'0 I"PrO ttack it 6A)IIIe!- -flall's ('atarrh Cure. for ginning of tile prpwilt , Mal I try That n.y 1111111.tn beilig VallilIg ()f 1, taliall fever and, r#4 ' I eee. I tur.y t lie f r '-t bubetokene.] t I,-! I")ulAtrbn of E,twopa 'Was put by L4)-- Set's and Others. 4.0 self e(mId k- capable of cotd- urgi-111t, bouineju itt -hanti. nish catarrh. J. & 175.000,*OQO,t 1, thilig" welit on m t hey ILa41 ,I(NW WOMIP4 treachery to,.1 wom . Th( .' I it IV flom -*4lIP'w)0n e.-Iffie Occurrence c)f iThi, IRLA abfiene*% became lie prowir;&l t4) 14)v#. . a natural voll(-Itl 08 ')2),000,(X)i% In 1800 It wall 290'. Sid -Ili re- Of In t other 4epidenlie, IS 11PI IN k imot,it Inc 4on—tt;lt I had bm,11 drawn t I ),I r- FafiWy Pills are the requent anq lll()pe Irolongml; but ii 0000X), a *11 lit 1890 It was 31550,000,. low. fqw 1�ellinc;rqb,z, Ittli!011.01. hew.q fir th(j., dible to inje: I had hea-rd cf *mch bv �hc tonnecti,'J With nnip, 'Anon that Ia.-,t -talk wiUr lllnl, things, but.they had peared to me� rlage. mar- ir collditlon , 0 1 000. I t is now 380000,000, and the r H0'WAnt" It Veptea., - I t. But r * n, or of'jlic� ' tho atmosplipre, but.. - presout rate orin- lad learnewi to with ififferoll ly%ays in the liatue 0 rcoulane. "You find better ha Mtn what tilit, Coa- 80tf'!1n1ztll'wcllt 'to Lolltiju;'I JA)r to crwml will m.ako I t 5.0W,ow Yle" upon tit r Just. and tK)re all witil- a9hast at tile record of RbO exel-almed. "'Tis diti011 is Or whAt may b:� that ki litlaY. Walking a[ ' I ri Itut bii doing: 1 0 Ong One of the '1900. 10 IVr cont. Increaso over What t I Ille wa,& Lhe burnt , In -the awid tale 0, contaminatio!n nobw knows. eets lie .1otIced.-a billd-he4ded chemi. It ivlfla III 1890. Western Novelty AgeAcy, he lovtll !1km too Well the candle, Iad! poiwljou8 h. sit r ti..1-t 110 anjazed-.1t nnie'.-4 extraordin- Wheit krinie sni(l gawin Infillence, whatever I ts, i-st standing tit his g1lop. 62 Tolixe 81 Areatle, TORONTO. !tm! aft*r all, thought. slw I.Ouij ary '1xitience llmler wroings a) Illon- across 9 n.ature, Iruay IX-. %ring -4 itti door, and to " 'ee. I - werp glad. th'irikkn' 'illy b!.tuw Ili,,, fur strou4. The- ' liali restorer.' But ton- or T1iimt)lt-,. t ra ti 13n, 11110 It*' had' a lly deserved no `ee lit be coml-xiny till -each othee: lZmater re - lerity t1lan the tile chemist; d(*w all that but humai: 9 Rile sliculd hall pitasp. can Ife had made lwr I i,i mitt " MUM'- 1111"bitter eiio illfbieneXI li� h041 Stoll mnlend. �9 took 'ce the. -new "ate', given her home 11 ift., lie g1lage, ugli fall- kept to herseri.,and nawt�would please t le IT&Umollials front 'gre.it r he, - y - a: ; r eren Irlirri't - '-I -, Pn who ha've u4ed It. inakes tile 1114011tilfier. - fi t for t1l,o but Annie only I I 'e'e 'but corning Whether 1.10t. eold h_,I 041100k hwanted." or temperate, t is IWT td) WPIUP to Jwr friend:s, �Mying -IA lie h betni to lie, I "Ne%�er Iiihiti, .IuIjt,­ frimi east, to, travel' il hair grow. in tr.-enty-fdur hours.!" i0yat's1vt% vraq ll.t, ." t4D west -ink) it eel., U4, sure lie ham Vall 911, .1r) ?10 db'id' iIn one, �Iivtri, fiald'the-Scot - The Only Safe Way to spe, and oil, 'is powibl'.. ."I a 16 not goinr ct U1.11 4r , tlle'tOP O' yer head a I)It � rull w.t. t lotv it I ) . ,, to r"OrP ti 61 X 1,1NIMENT will Hugh, I '?,tk my heart, at tl el -on .weeks. 11av 'rurri culate Ofre4l hiniso muph. And he b'ur'e 8erelt � I W14111 sta" f'r Useqf UP love me. I -M sure, till 3,i.qg y bo, I t4 " i � look'back the morli allil t4ee BUY THE SCRIP AND PAY FOR IT. )avvt." she .I)ut,, Pr6rcN I niore severe, than. othen..: (olle ye're te, I I ellin* the trutb.". *C';I1 "ingha Ill. $50 a"I upwards &eLt tu It W2. which f , no can be doubled witilin one year; %,,-c '11 I (" chemist.-retuined the bottli. to times, we ran do it alzaia it Our advice is acte 6!e' -stilled to 1"-t. Redruth ritnio Graham came between us.- YOU Ivan IiAtter far awziy' extewleol' over the bave done it X), I;rr ono 41ny -Ilirl tu!(j liep t1lat tho "Y# -)u HaY that You went througn a AM W -)n nX possible, I 1pf whole of F.11rope 'waa tLousand I allit) bleked" te 'er- duPOn 11owwedo "i expow.ie for rand lx)r,,' I ku it We buy low priced Railroad Shares ill wh1rh -she liv&I lj�jd.bOC4�- ceremony Of marrLlge?­ I maid. .,An- tae. to -thiuk out* tile, situation fo 'It anbtlier timn wIlpn it'rtli& .11 g thst we hAve imide infonntion upon. t t lip cot- verr 1`1 a tl I; but for kU nwarls.: that I, nie. I Wite Ttr myself. that I had co r ,�7s6pq,. 1111 w,_1 �-d over I -Ing. -London Vit Bit Me home. rell)r4ly coil 411arth rciom-i for her, -You are lit �all r hav0 -now of thOusand-s Who �ble In "Bucket Sl,op­ all Jut taken '%'e 1 & that felt in full force the awklvarduess,of, 110t TnI-%"I-a famil :Intl w -a lie "In tJl4 le y ;i_f4Y* 11, -flersi �Vornr 1,ojiders'-fur s;a i JvAv ing Stocks, both aro t -worsL kind of lottel-les: we know or .ttj theal %%-ith .11, %ight 0f',G(xI I a4u. u t, My posl�lon. Hosv W11.9 -1 to take f irm 110116 d d. exce -qktn.;- 01d..or yoin N4xw 11 Y. thousands more W60 are ever ready to invest in Kvirible spemi. -Pt* i I NW. � japer town lots Aunie' Was nittite eoa� Hugh, de -1Z, if It had beep a real ground ill Annies 11ame. alld ;yet keep Omit. Wh011 it, 1)roke out -In _LOlIj where the chances ure verv, remote e 4ent to (In as 1,4 mazriage, tie WoUld never dare to wed uth from my uncle. the 4iock to Ily and Olever kati nittell it al4learixl in -I #111gip, (1ft3_ Four Seasong. & Da*. usua 13rroundiuV, nilif.tho ,10W. t1le mulley il".est4ed is n"e" l'CCuV4:I*ed- and even 'when 111:0!� already shattered .Sy�telh I so oTer every Part of that A recently arrived Fre�ncllru:lll does ' ta-,Ae for splenfij 14V great vity tile property incmlase in value it Nv;ftboilt h wouitl dare liy- inuelf dreaded? From evlery poillt,.ol an,f.affeev,il lipwhrW fi, A Touchink Remmbrance. I is diffle tilt to t4ecure a cash ug a well,kn<N-n 1166t0f, establihh(j If it is railroa4 stock ydu can re!l it for spot caf-h at r llusb&W, wam dreary e no 1. -.� thing," I cried, fiercely. It Is well rielv; iudeed. the.proclamaiion of tile SDIIAL a railway Journoy purchaser. -On any time. AVe liave livet, twelre -ears M bu&lIess, in th 'S Con- -endwr for :1 00nApanlon. ` an. old gentleman Sel-'vative o14 Verniont Cit %- ()f 1;uI_1 ic"dingly. 010 wam rpmove4l ta the Y011- came -to we for there is yet truth %votWd b!� a ealamLt and a an- In Det "I"t One day thiR Iveek.to fit himsel I)artmimts in willell 'time. Ile shall doou jWtic,_! If fW da I. yet - I wim n, Gtit - for' a 10,19 �)urncy' to the West, I afterwartl - It muft be made.,for %nle-s. epidemic 6f I krip, in th() Ity,of Ntew wIUP ingtoi 114. we 'Can. itil-nifill lid bar JIVIIng-In the*Strand. reftiam to do go, I will tech -film twake, i'or ndeline�_7.' 'My *only vourse York, gal I U) III Sa"YS UV- B0614�n Trauseript. 'was c had been trying to make himseir references froin -Nutl0nal bank:3 au4 le " " vo twon .6t,a1uwqI by plaining W tte r I om 11IM6 comfortable witil tho aid of a adiug Citizens througliout VerY Httle hal)penal to me worth such a leeson that he will liev wils to I)rtx"d as cautiou.�Jy, :Is p(?g- qo�r of the cold. ­Dotl-t the State, wid we (10 UOt 6xpect aiiy pel8ou to deal with us unti., or 1114 0011% -eyed in. n letter,.f u .9 W)mewhat deflated Er cualilion.' 11ro- rot". ltu,�, Yo JLve COW lverAller In Fra 1) HOC." i-ald AnnW. coritiuuill again (fare to hold his hea Rible, first sourrdin at ' I Ilea 1. we prove our revonsibility and reiabilit g lie 9 d tip - be- 9 the maki actor in wl'ivli Was recelve(.1 hr a pqtIe4_lt asked. th- ' fuw*)r orley was glowing to 1AOw it r fore the war ld I 9 SaWsman Who waited Until.' that -clay when I tho drama and aa-ertaining what' lie of ' a ri em1neli-i - uptown Hugh. If tile truth mub-t be t0l*1, Inn had to may in Ill.,; owl, de I "Why. certainly, we� Illivo-ze bold UP for h!M- but flift aCtIOIL wa4 - ar- V Iron5j. KNOTT & CLOSSONO Ah.: I shall qo%er Le's fence. With That PJ)IdemLt- LiAted tjix.. weeks., * dostop. V111 E I and *eath:!r InaFrante." %van the by- tile exclamatifni: ,"Wt that day. tOrY,.Painful and terrible this view I detbrmined to t once v "trenlelY 'Revere -restiltin Af ter you haJ aB it was V) J.'efIrtith House. flu 9 -in* "but e do not have 'all ze f CHICAGO, Isankers &U41 llrelLers, t r&w. being draggeol nway by tjlcw b",ought nIP certain t.," 9dr. stoP! That cushion. con;Uiinism BOSTON. T -r., t -use of rellef rl(lmt3 Of! deatlL-7- ur ova- demawd wl(e-ij I)re' y A t� were true -and how could. r doubt an -1 C611tinued-eight. ,it 0 y Fien ­ �. I ath Life Am will')' aceuNefl Yoll of rd1krAer, I it Mo be Coniglaww.) IV broke -out of H stunne(I r.(l toming to -me %ritil suet, Sa assur ettry Morlk-y." inftl in that rooni it, w( -*km- tillf I- the r Lwtrtr of, the health' ko Time for Leeturinst, ntterly incapable or re- of truthful tears and protes- ORIGI,,l OF THE PENNY -0 . 19. it WAA, less im til some P11B* ta tions ? -Surely PQ8TA IWUC had happellekt, Then adeline would t,;r lktt�ack an I' low w montlis 11 r'. in W. of, t1l" -out' entarrh ?­Ilav: you t)f[j.II_ 'III C.,inip back to mcv. I sepated to never cotLsent to marry th author o� Convereat Ion Between Pcot man an(i Gi Cillmidation.' its 11koro. . pro rl racted flave you loronehUis? v 't41O have 11 gtne6- I 89, r;-fu,;;V opvprll I - aguin your reproachful guell In ischlef . Whatever happenea, Udto Reform in syst dutatIM M-tdo lt,too nX)St fata Brockovilie. 011t., h: ear aga l(x-)k- SIM I Of a0f oblisi , an 11941" fill vf, in the dmadful word. -i She Inuat know the truth without de- M Xympt-4)m" (if 4*0112111111). tteml wtwn ycmi left me.- 6ir grea t f .'I I 9` tho, severl, 01' 1110 dileftfie w-rien of IftAllrex on* ? Their keud'ror 4 fr#4- damisle tif lay ; ancl, all other means faUing, she r Itt wen 7411k1l, Pf!ho & ;)no JIM or y linlng, tr]U"gll mo.m j etf.. Vitni r1wPul". .%%'Illlt i,4 Catarrhosoll 01 Ze r r P! Ntit a 'llult. wapill ll(w ()Illtlllf.;It With 4,11alli IL"d face tO face' with the man wflo wa,4 Wheu the time colneg,, V OU sa I, 1. shouill hear it from -my own I,* Ye-,;, aY Yrm bf% am well able to answer A f ter he mut.h. tg!,, .Aout 1� -I 1.0 4-i I Ill.. harm loruaw. 'fill 414141r"'1104 R your to be her husband, I w' had Uttight. for,,. Profewoor N I 1.4 '4wII 4XIMi , for -elling dozell of our for dmfl&- as I shall answer fur ould w,ru her I olIer'of. yi ' gel VIPIU10 I np"*. ne-irriml by air Mrs mao to a opeclal jrU ()f tialgil. Di-lon the -is! In anti. fivOin-g4 tn4cl,6. f tile R-j1p, hW Tt"* trouble began iviti, y Of his unworthiness; not, ai, Ilia idy o r$mPIjt wa*' It n; I 1`011. sellillir 3 doren our IP%-er In w laurt!er hax [**m ikmp. it any . hoW that him 0 .,report: In sw,urs, film 14e WItt-revpr filr van fro.'at 1.14 your row cou ld lie fallff travel. tnf mn &C 3601--lemember thdt'' ever be; my gain, bu ly i7l the t46 oat' th" tile MfIlady wav mia not aftk r(Ls, Hugh. ure ry tra v#.;Iiillg tilt, 111,011 y4m . lilt ve No 11011f HOMO . 44 f-' lata I th t 8041". Thcap were the wo wL'411 tO save her from ut Willie - , ('qp "d c9GPIXIO�Lq, ant' DOC' y4itt t4l lot-Ileve t, ver left havin; been d ill Ik:', t h remedy Waff iXA10Ctefl. ght an -I aay 11VWY have ne, and dmrradatLon. If, after Englan' kZ10Wn, thbqgi I , t 11 Ilk" v,- alu.' *tell It. foo I�UVPed' IttILP rk I%V t4t(l tior a awl I think Uiev never Ivill until akaureql or tie truth, she stli. per- 1110rillng .:it F.'UffprmR Wix9t Ke", that U Igrntin t(I -% 114110(sil & U2.,Ptai, lIaqI(, ihaj on4y died theli .Xist4_41 In tile ull 11" - J1110t -th- '"t. *11t- refteviwl, �taur4ewjla 0 Ion, she would do mail vatwo.vj- 0iver. a J""tter. h -V tarkXIV dru6- U10 Other strium ('91., kinglotom (Wilt. 311d addre.-., at ruention so if" One PhYalclan In can IX -4-n' 01#�ft I f I I y - I hi- jinfl A.j. A.ill N4W ran enmKil to MA Altdininhigig for a lolig t it L'i JUAt tI1LLt ghould IjVe'0n_ with her eyew open, an(I 1-1 ibould letter was fi or thO ilillk(Tper . d %14JUn r, Vy thft.t - d"lirli'lle raw "V y till t %% o dozen of our to reltv Butt4an'. Is part o( mY Imnishinent to live on have (lone my duty. Sucn conttn- tLaughWr.'. slio BlInply a Bantle. tA -it' from- ltiie fertn y ho* Shp Thtfte you , g, thp j,p vp I ry mmIUljAIl#NI,- sell to rour'(riom, au gency, however, was 88P t bnw that 10V0 bftst iti all Scarcely po;wlble. postmaik. ramfully t :I, WPPk'JrPf*It- fil bvi.-I -Tur, will y(XI wkql?, LIC cuich. r by told '111d flwn- -iski-d worl,l droop anti &uffer (Ia. Long *after Annie haft mp both vitif-6 - ' y for the w 10* I'll 11,win ara. thii FrInICIIIIIIIII-1 �Wlll tako- a ortip of rvtlarn our rr oold everythizig jillf. . had IY Coll', Zo efMILraductl(Ill. aiki %% e MUC9 tinLt I haye done. to tell John am,�mn,t, -of ,r Bradetreet*41 on 71�Wa. wt Ity -Ulelr I , -ion, win'liir and Selling Weil. Hugh. I was stanned. as Rudd came ill and Joined tt� U(mitra4flet foil lilt t He 7cm: then suddenly doubtlmw prolonged Uq ah�pnee 19we'rexI. th . P :10(ritIll . 1`11)Orts fmiji t&i I do you iman ? %%ill, 6411in and ha Mas is fty YfAMIN loutif" wls;ip wttro Y("I put, All 1W ered Mywlf. and rushed. geream- we had much to sp r The girl Irof4mt,w, ir Iknowing that to t& liftie toor. v%-ith 'some wild each other. When r t0ld film th.t It I. ile�' ti, I*w di, up rJ"* willske.T U). nta ko, It Aftr(P114r, zo irater or A rittn iruaraset" A,ol, ju hAVV 4illd'vlgor. by o( mving you, and bringing )Papu Vr,'m iny intention tO return at once In Hurry I cann h fl,, to tuake It zo leraon to wake KfUNI fo r coil 0. .%ea r. -6t, J I I fix" j"I he 1*0 fit 11fild90s rI. W hlul"Im-r- rf4WiX*q i's It NOur 111-1 to migii,r to mako it Isprorb iroxi * frim k, Film I was metat tlm!�dwr to -*4t- "ur]Ott's with my cor-shi, lie 'If-tter. for it i4f frm Dell yq)u wkV. "Ifere*8 to 0-,l my'huaban,l. Wtwtfwr or not lie Wern(41 nstonL41ied, but. made no re- hAV4. not thp 11VIllf-y-, t(; p*. -I% ";t1tost it -ill w anything (A what Ilail mark ; 110T did Anale herself, tl: ftful YOU tilke) It youll taken ough ntueh posure." xrilkllf h0A"Jn*fJ 011 Call Sri don't know. I was tot_t mucl, that mile waR terrtfied at ,rhat Air. from now, fm Will h" ff prMIUM a tAW 1111YAlelf .W think of him. But Might cAfer aity o Ifill Overheard till, 4;0J11%erwi *th- -1 -ka, J44in -UM&WILre, was bk,ctfon. (,,a *wr, IA14 thqt en't Any, ehange W, Ith , a wi;d fit o(excitement all() terror LeaN-Ing them kri tlsL- "On l*tw0o11I tile lo(IotmilL 11101101 rlvjrns�rji woos oardi 00joirl ine thlo no Viol in a ild [Sow, an the 444d). 4+1 u , 4044 0 lwl.V� ou truat ase Ift'a�rwsdown tw)ndltlo�. autl timik six ACCOrdeon, A i r G u n. P t W, IstAft, . (Jold Ring or Ptir of VW c0tta9P- W girl. and he paid.1110 Th' tity. 4 Ar lung tO him aud Wd him 11,11. When 1xirtake of some simple refreshment, rirl blu r'stllfft '"I'LlaP U11111 -niorrow ? bdi4 of Milltw1m c()mlXA"d Iron 1411s. and-. fag Iteirig -Skates. InNI rig) --Vort4ilnly, Ur.Jo_ Uor aful ' ith wicli a calm, coH �rnze r it- th.q,n . "fin[ 111044amer ut ilbould -get- yon ra." d finUthed my tale, lie looked at walked down to interrIeTT Lord CMI-fillIC-41 wiletl thO IiAter wag now few it I' solicitor, -Ind fortunately found give4l adall Wfopk�,11 grpf.su Wit INOU'; to sell our .4 u theo".. an, %% Ar elm of the in 'Iorlc�. Deiah of a iramousi N "41C of (ht, light"t fy drove me ma(L him at home. I informe4f tilm that Vi, her. anti a4,,w)()n a #NJ Tlkimkjlo� 44t We tsk-h 9%. .%t_ domcatic eircumstanceq necemit,-tte(I PORtIn.Lfl had gone jjllj� j()Iql, Atr.Hil trea I 1*1.vffW bst Imd Dr7g. VWk-piray, dolet oppak (jr it. ur". A if a very bull job,' IIPL "aid; L110%%II. 'Aill 114)1 140 4,%t.l n v tji& Mr. lJo LIJU& & .1 --JL !ornblc that, that tbf% letter w 1" tir-P (,-hwkftl alml ary rntbn. (lm*t we wliat.1 rit nly return tO St. Gurl(At',@ for se 48 merely ,i tri� xmntry ran* u�dlllnlf C. Ituruprf. %vlm was decor- ei%4. tile Mille lWCniium.,,,, It' 4-4, ao, for and (he IA-vor Ieral daymi, and that in the event of Ffillurf-ff h-r4q In - by the lette Gerwiti, Emperor for aK a y#�a r fN 4� 'Then I w1,1 tell leave of ab- *1 "UDWITA* or Im- his refusing tO give nic Certain marks tpu thp -Avripper' tol(I ' fliLr dhotlagidube(I wervico Ito nurne mence, I shouhl simply tia-0w up the her all oi)e wished kn-( - I,., thim tj doring tile Fritneo-0erman iVar. wau 04, You C.Ul take we back to t. itutlotl. %V ..I fill - tile .4 t. I*JMW IN * .%*x and help me to prove that WiV. writing. aA . likeli up lip le Lumbei cut found dead at lier writing tablo at *# I.Wi to n&rlV, flontained, I saw he (lid not paper I NATIONAL WATCH & JEWELRY CO. em&n im innocent -as 1w is (;OIL low me. autl rather than do no, he 1VP art. too poor tbl!4 v I *Www of' JAA Lo oil? orystol Decantelb. Melling, LaIlcalter. _ on Doo. 218t. Mile 1. - U01 NPA WM., , making we wj,, In #lq1*f ul. y apment&I to my depature, poewgp A110 further, rbly Ikuminterd ('01 cr Aital IJ14JU14, ats tilo ltutilor, of =46fty NWial 4 66, TORONTO. -1 s w -)on n, ailol 4xAjtftIlll pronjime, however, to return and so ti ined ',Opt for wM* ad In fill oetorles Gur- fit ar U IM - . on the rranco-01rAWn -war. tile c tr he a*aid- ' In what raWity an powdble. etwresoonin,.r.­ brandy I'All"Lit. t'n r-ndP. U94 #it Vie* of lhiuor hro frimIuatIL 11AItI. Annie V*ndragon, c)r u me -m, we left ThW inrido.i)t fIlJI0UWW Init 1wre-al1w). "'" td) thtf ftitur-41nnur coftim pUff t t the W)j"In,fJ" k(�pt thinking untfl pogt, 'Ji"J* , ra witig rty,)W. y Gwendavey fn the country cart, John *)mptliing tip think r4starf�4' whimi the tray to itrollgli WIMIlat C Oddsr*4 FArly in the aftern(x your I' replied. Rudd driring, and I meated by Annie A girl (at hor EnlPhAtically the str0agest, illest eronc. ri-ffirIll' Tr r I" Of C4 11a4a n4ar"i frOM th" CA011111- tilde On reaching Torborne I wam IwCRMP the object''of tr WICA1, alld all round oti. Hmgh. I shall never f(PrVbt , hil# I I f'.. JI'. , a .04 10), eager to push on home at wan .thoroughly convine 0 kft III of Y. W" "kiliUM AW ever nee Ally- use'�Ul fotm Of power onoe, a n<f ] #J16 tht came into hIx eles. Ile C41, t1lat - 'a I)rf,q I,.( (PhIldrf-n. heiil U1 " . UJO One Milk a eow. tilut ever 14111CCil I)efore Prumewied in hiring at the inn t gig p(wUtl systeln tl,.Rt, pal sc4l , firig Year. all(l t4jp t!IY. mplied, " Oh, Carad ,a he Ikirtbe thp you, iadw I have. It to . ki Ine to Simple of cc)IIj1rUct�0l1 1311 f2fMeIL repi led, arwl a fasttrotting hGrw% So we salti boYQ alit] girin f,r � thp re If, arly r"Com rd. VrAt Liao flrvt don th 'to ow lifirle Jorli two (d ttle runs for houts will, J* , c3sy to 01XI210b eamaot do that, tweatime, yo,o F I d tir It my wife good-bye to our friend UP carrier, SDrt to trie-kery. 4, "d. - flf,�ce,pti for . -fftn'uarr Oinail'all Gallant V"Uvlu. G A whose wagon wl-)" waitilig for hi In fitArtibardt tins b0c COW a 410811" at tho Mama time... E Ittle Or* 110 ttention. indf,"I lie a very harmful ag"'KAt` $29,94-1.474. an lftFlngd ,& ',A your Increfta U"NUIlff vblu�- Sold on the most ,,us VJ1A% fil- wItO rePea Wd, Ulf- town, nd whose bustneAm would Ofle: ()v# r 41Jqt WN -k. v1plealu 'a He entiared - tile 111ritisth ejvilw lqwd trated booklet (let, y helwring tha t I bpa rd Ifa61 Ilinj next morning Falmouth- vice Ill I llic)re Iftl YOU. wtmid k" strong sarl, nd lamt 'Veaprer 4"t" "d all icurl Tho galltint ok Imalthy but having nnee begun. 1837 hr(mlillt 11trVI li�pft f I 01.7.6 r mint. IraWr eviolelltly aull liavis 'XXX1 ro'Mi4exi'llift, NORTHINY l4foz 00, LINITAD it waxtla, and, after nightfall, tii�ned rmr forward in pamphl to"* In UM DOM ted wiLat W44 nko III lor's ()nMpt%M,1 Iran Pilid. k.:ic I easy for him to continue. faea to 1he west. of unifi)rm Pt forin plan 01 ondh - wOre 26- 1 rn o1facbmi I,( k it, tim) way (if u4vw,� ENGINE 4 be repii*d. 'you are notmy 0 pContly lux 16 - , tilo Aft W#Wk. "figniiiat It ng journey; tra%-elllug plail was much oppo.,4'.41. but, lie 1111j. W eek. 48 in 1110 like, tWL1W 4utl il'(Av 16-M 4411-t nwro roflo,*d Wo 9 f YOU hadn't been a little Fool ",:'vrlY all night, at the rate of sevell r 4 O*k a Year ago. 0:,p III 1%7, Lod 6 &W&Y W!Lll alf") 4ArftftW%^ 441, IOWA& r M >re. f,,tithfulIT untiri 1gly, 1*9nd At tW!, penny rx),itage, ilyll. most �Iaybrenk. We said little on the tf,m wo1II(I enrich tile qv(* went threWh a marriage ay; � cour hearts were too full for a n im, rnmenj for rfvitifto. Unfraent our6g 0"pt ill (;Owa. " a n4i 'Peevixilne'Oft"" sight lafit-eonvineeti tho 114)1180 Of (to Id hiLre known it long n90-" w ekght miles an hour, we id ll(:Yt a0d 1;4 l,' ).-r- tf*.0141 village till it 'tram al- - Moam that tile hisfs#ft fit 79 A. 1). 1W ied. - bwa uft I much. �plk ; but I now am] gain I r0al bleming t" All f the t4twen's subjeeto. gal"s loug faces questiod NJ D�Y cousin about thp_past, I"& Has the orv&tftt awnrAll. %Ve 'Ve this fine -25, Aecording'11Y. In 1840, it grmi.towt IIIJI111111 rAlufall IV I I. t Chain and After the and A.veq7 piece of Information 1110,111arried yor, .-Tbe III -qq% wrfeetly con- ital sh ed me more and more that cided that letters weigilillg ot 11,11at th, kty)wln aaeuM it, IS f.,braellinalwo NO MONEY REQUIRED Mom than halt all ourleo 811()uIll. be y 11. Id to 49 a prear.lic-Is "lloukj NJ.'t 111114. It- &am l.h � am cl "a 1&"W%swere no (�9.1 em 0 r g P ruth dawrvf d no mercy. Ali ata to 600 Inebm Stem Wind them axw Qpd that 1� Sent for a ppriny. and penny I*gt. th4�% Of 'atired Nat- fOr 10P0 fw*L at ton r1a. axv 1, too, implicated the W OtamPol boaring an image (4 the ur"',R We0t restorer" whil f 00 0M occa4on 2 1.2 8e114l Four Ikt- ILE, U rd e re an RAinoon In the Infamois dirk% &Iki w@AN*IIj O pes"Dils in 41P f'('d g(xxI Man, In d()Ing his 0 d gn Oil In thO Kh"n to rtuik na mill Ae's ruin. Well. Im had QUeen's fiend were ordered v) be lighten 1118 audiell �0 In II t to pit- (bvery 24 I" for.fiv@ In 1845 4 We 0" R 110avy Mickel-Platod Our millionaires 11411V Of film guilt--terri- UW41. ce (k*d a sha flaylL H "I our kresnium Stem Set Watch. Starr, win nu! ( rIttr hall been dretichetl I thel Penny Pootage- alld a reproacb, NO 11110.ry fe- d rind Sten -I So from a millton any up*to find unexpectedly: nd NY11tent wan a(Topted In Ainprica. W Ry In pathUe Yet Ono Lq not inciln4ql witil a Oft 01f min In 26 houroo qui,ed. ,I,, ilut. L, -U I icina comfort, at lenst, t Sir Rowland Hill recelvml Inaily ter who w1th th" Scotch rninl& and i"MM L'Wltjl .1() Inebeff- III 44-1,1 11molls y()Ur American MOvolliont, it,: a dLlBt- Thesip Icirttuiew aro in In Ithough he wii ni)t tile 11 '911' 111011,01`8 da rowardn for ilia tra ri # On ()bwr%,Lng Ills better half unm" looff0i of time. Isimids, return the twoor case, guaranteed; a rohabl* likely to increaaD aa timo .19% the businew, lip. had to earliest, xIIcce@@fiJ laborm for p (I'Ally enjoying a 1)I11WIll nap tit Y, &n.1 we send and durable till-le-ko I tal What h rrgnrdpd thf, reform. t4w the *Alch, 1welmid. oper. for Sol I illg Tho places and HP died at tile a nl()Kt ,J,(jqTJeFlt life for .a quarter. A Itellulne t lie 'n um bdr'n t dewrred his fate. ge of $j3 PArt f)f Ilia d1smurne, 1it, t 11114. 24 I'mckagen Of OLI rajwlian milli(marien are a% I jin waA not up, some. Years, and is buriNI in WeRtminstor Umt wa loud enough t., I a olhou Irnn, I "01, suarnmetd, r MAGIC WIRE In the cottage lor A hhey. - I'll I IftdPIPh ia Tinif-w. Avaken, lot SOLDER &L 10cperPtikekage. Solder "Iowa: # ("lly the sleepers in the, C 11111141 Mention w% p"r window. hurell, but I Montreal has fourteen m in the churchy, 111131 Olitnumly-t- 111"141 wh�:n Writing. Merida 014 kinds Of tinwsro, brans, 1ped Annie "d as well, cried: Toronto ham soveateen. "'"r" Liuilllsnt Cuss Diphthen-'L '68wKne Suflan! I didna marry ye for Hamilton haa three. who walk- or wpaltj,6 Idn, y LEVPR G"V*r, *Lc-, Vv'Lflout the use Of acid, Wa.1kea-ville has two iri tho direction of the I cp girl w1p) dtdnt% marry o ha(I nalle. And I C u rod BUTTON r"in Or soldering iron. lAadm has One elln afford W wear t1w wh01 Ye for yer beautY-that Co.. COWA is in ve I c0l1gregation can 913e. And To 20 Adelaide �St. I. nio %ve - paus n., Krell t dAn TAM Swnd Your isamit. on& Ril at ". 9P rude. . -, U Ye Me na grace. I hae made a Fat I r Stay Toronto, ont. %'^'It 10 &all solder, and we will n@W I Ike 91 Wlk&g" Swrie b" ritne whatever hap. r 44 I)emmi,ng it p MERING po'"'O'K btatuw U"ki yGo VW I haa one. barlgain '11i ye, Indged.., L ham mo. ----------------- Addrepm %end the 11v^tq.b. "It h Chain i, this from yiur Th;! Averng.-) Mall IS WiNp d. I Kkqt Paid. . %%'hcn gold wwA the m"03F ad we % i I I Q10bec WW four. wilte, and for his eanse IlIvAlt two-thirds; of his tillic 1-Y Emprew FrWerfek, of The Linton Ortliophunic hwUtuta, 'Victcwta, B. C.. has one. nrt -*ry vantioup. 0!)PIlt If, Imagin who LR saki -W bo sufferwe (iermaa� 'Br11x*VlJJ14. mid. ?.9 tion to that en f rom t ft". - "m Winslow,* 800thin Syrup is a 'lad .d. u UWablilthed IM 104y Zidot;W. fail 1 14C reTnedy. Itnoton mover 9 S. Johm NIU, has one. If a Mail Ilan any kink In hlR cha Pm-nk)1tU- I'llm arrivea at NU30.. Ifer'i Of eiter coun * The roPresentative irlitt,itation from pain but Invign Fly relieves ths child Ar This winnipm, 31 W06 inweml- Alas I I(: I IMMUNWO try for the cilre of evory form of bowebt, correou &pw ml,es the OtOrn4ch and watch mce`l"d Lhe 'brim the Par&, kxk1bkj"; &W the li,ff &U.- Ma t acter It will Show UP In the %ra Alalppty Is -1 9UWt at tile Hotel (I A'-"ve "4"k The OUJF sichool requj _ity, alld Iri%,68 tons wId edal aud Diph"na. at the WwWeg 08lumbian bw awwl -Lea4m AdvMtker. nnthint Or 611"Iffle'll park of Card& Y I . 'a AncLal.; s WftfTe she haa Pngagerl F?Igh ty fei Uaw - rijW no enemy to the whcle oyatem. U vil.1 Addrftg: rOOM 1110t1i AW11. &I warm. inxt&aytl cure sTiping 1, the a _W Prftur It Twenty to stanwh and wind %a unknown Schooner ha,4 gono to doni Pieces off Point Reyes, Crtl., nd the E NOVELTY CO TORONTO# ONTO pwhal,fllty Ix that all hands were lost. IJAN L �or is 011r. "M 0